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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

Hope I'm not mixing up fanon with canon here, but what I recall is that they have some expertise in opposing the Fallen, which is a villain group, and at least sometimes they participate in Endbringer defense -- so they certainly don't avoid combat.

Don't recall anything about them doing non-combat aid missions, but if they did, then I'd expect Mannequin to target those people directly.
They have a special dislike for the Fallen due to those assholes being Endbringer Cultists.
There was something about having special expertise in Master/Stranger situations due to always having to deal with the aftermath of Valefor. But I'm not sure if that's canon or imported wholesale into my brain from Amelia.
After rereading Slayer Anderson's CYOA SI I've got this scene for a fic that won't get out of my head.

Basically the CYOA SI decides their only goal is fuck with Cauldron so they secretly talk Scion into killing himself then uses one of their world breaking powers to create a projection that simulates him. Later on during the fight in Canberra the SI, while appearing as a glowing silver woman, oneshots Ziz.The SI then has the Scion projection fly up to them where they stroke its cheek then declaring their name is Eden while looking directly at the Triumvirate.

I just think the heart attacks the Triumvirate and the rest of Cauldron would have in response would be hilarious to see.
Until they actually have hearts after the encroaching stress and escalation makes their job performance gradually tank and get people killed by the hundreds and then thousands.

Basically Troll lightly. If Jack slash would do it it's probably the unfunny.
I've added a worm section to my jumpchain build.
Idea for an AltPower!Taylor fic.

Basically Taylor has a variation of Jamie Maddox's (X-men) power, when struck with sufficient force, she splits into multiple people.

The variation is that she can only split s total of seven times and the number of clones created in a single split is dependant on how hard she's hit, a regular punch would create one clone whereas a blow from a brute or endbringer can create up to seven. In addition to that, each clone embodies one of the seven deadly sins and is created with a power of it's own.

Taylor (a.k.a Sin): The original, Taylor is a Trump whose power allows her to create up to seven distorted clones of herself when she's hit with sufficent force, the damage can come from an outside source or be self-inflicted, Taylor is not hurt at all by this but she will start taking damage once all seven clones are created. (So one punch from Lung wouldn't hurt snd creat seven clones but a follow up blow would splatter her)

All clones are identical in appearance to Taylor, including all clothes and equipment she has during the split, but each has it's own habits and mannerisms pertaining to their sin. When killed or sufficiently damaged, clones return to Taylor and cannot be recreated for up to a day depending on the severity of the damage.

Pride: The embodimet of Taylor's confidence, Pride is incredibly self assured, arrogant and boastful. Pride is a thinker whose power provides her with the knowledge to come out ahead in all situations, so long as Pride aims to be the best at any immediate matter, her power will provide a solution. (Think weaker mix of Contessa and Uber.)

Lust: The embodiment of Taylor's love, Lust is quite kind and amorous, she is also prone to making innuendos and propsitioning others. Lust is a Master/Stranger with the power to make others temporarily fall in love with her and do her bidding, her power requires direct eye contact to activate, lasts for a maximum of 12 hours and when released from her power, her targets will forget everything about her that occured in the interveing time. (Weaker mix of Heartbreaker and Imp)

Envy: The embodiment of Taylor's jealousy, Envy is extremely jealous of others, petty and has an avaricious nature only surpassed by Greeds. Envy is a Striker/Trump/Thinker that is able to temporarily steal powers with a touch, Envy is provided knowledge on how to use stolen powers but can only hold one power at a time and stolen powers return to their owners after an hour.

Greed: The embodiment of Taylor's avarice, Greed has no set personality of her own but instead seems to emulate the other clones depending on the situation. Greed is a Tinker capable of recreating any device that has already been made by someone else, recreated inventons work exactly the same as the original but only work if Greed or the original Taylor are the one's using it.

Gluttony: The embodiment of Taylor's hunger, Gluttony is always starving and will eat anything she can get her hands on. Gluttony is a Breaker/Changer that is able to eat any substance at all and change parts or the entirety of her body into that substance, this only applies to things she has eaten within the last hour.

Wrath: The embodiment of Taylor's anger, Wrath is pretty much a berserker with Brute 5(can be higher) level strength, durability and regeneration. Once created, Wrath will lash out at anyone Taylor considers an enemy and seek to destroy them.

Sloth: The embodiment of Taylor's laziness, Sloth is quite lazy and finds it too troublesome to even move without a reason, this doesnt stop her from doing everything she can to protect Taylor. Sloth is a Shaker that can create a bubble of laziness around her, anyone other than Taylor and the other clones that enters this bubble will find themselves quickly losing energy until they fall asleep.

Well, there's my idea, tell me what you think. I tried to make the power(s) as usable and balanced as possible without making them too OP. Excluding Wrath and Taylor with stored clones, everyone is as squishy as a regular human and there are many ways their powers can be worked around.

I also took the endgame into account and so both Lust and Envy could be used to take out Scion, even Sloth could ot but it would take far too long for Scion to lose even a percent of his energy.

Gluttony or Pride are also capable of handling the endbringers, Gluttony by continually consuming and damaging the endbringer to gain their level of durability and Pride by simply being provided a guide to Flechette and perfect aim.
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Sounds potentially interesting, though hugely OP.

Any one of those powers would be a fine parahuman power on its own and someone having all of them would make them one of the strongest parahumans in the world. Think about it:

Wrath: solid brute with regen that even if you kill will come back again.

Envy: this is closest to Glaist U???? (how the hell is that spelt?)

Greed: like dragon but not an AI.

Pride: anything described as like contessa is op

even gluttony could be very very strong in certain situations : what's that? a piece of endbringer flesh? thanks! now I'm invincible Imma go eat behemoth.

Now none of that is to say that OP Taylor can't be fun. I'd have thought the plot would mainly be about Taylor trying (and failing) to controll the crazy versions of herself.
Sounds potentially interesting, though hugely OP.

Any one of those powers would be a fine parahuman power on its own and someone having all of them would make them one of the strongest parahumans in the world. Think about it:

Wrath: solid brute with regen that even if you kill will come back again.

Envy: this is closest to Glaist U???? (how the hell is that spelt?)

Greed: like dragon but not an AI.

Pride: anything described as like contessa is op

even gluttony could be very very strong in certain situations : what's that? a piece of endbringer flesh? thanks! now I'm invincible Imma go eat behemoth.

Now none of that is to say that OP Taylor can't be fun. I'd have thought the plot would mainly be about Taylor trying (and failing) to controll the crazy versions of herself.

It definitely has the potential to be OP unless proper limits are set by the author. If I was to write it, I would emphasize the issues Taylor has keeping her identity secret, due to the nature of her power all it would take is a shove from her bullies and she's outed.

And like you said, Taylor trying to control the others would be a big issue, even during combat. Wrath would rip the bullies apart if it ever appeared in school, Lust would try to seduce everyone, Gluttony would eat everything in sight, Envy, Pride and Greed would probably get her labeled a villain by stealing or hurting other. Even with the perfect power for an alibi, she cant trust them to work on their own and her power doesn't keep tabs on them over distances.

As for powers being too OP:

Wrath: a solid brute but she's also more like a rampaging animal than a trained fighter, easy to take down with armor piercing rounds, sustained fire or powers. Also the regen shouldn't be too powerful, nothing on Lung's level but enough that she heals faster over time, which would mean less of a cool down if she's killed or grievously injured.

Envy: she can only hold one power at a time and that only lasts for an hour, not even close to the Fairy Queen's level. As far as Trumps go she would be on the lower end due to the Striker requirement.

Greed: Definitely powerful but at the same time there is a requirement for parts and supplies that Taylor wouldn't be able to meet unless she joins the PRT or steals them. Especially since only she and Taylor can use her inventions, not even one of the other clones.

Pride: The ability works like Contessa's for sure but definitely not as strong, it only provides solutions to an immediate problem so she cant use it to plan ahead and she cant just gain random knowledge or skills from it, only stuff relevant to a legitimate problem.

Gluttony: Definitely has a chance to be OP but can also be taken down easily, she still has the proportions of a regular human so she cant eat anything too big and the harder the item, the longer it takes her to chew it and swallow (not too long though, something like an endbringer fragment would only take 5 mins at most), She also cant just eat a piece of endbringer and take them down, their unique physiology means she'd have to eat a layer, get as deep as she can and eat another layer to increase her durability, even this would only work if she could make her way down to the core and that would require knowing where it is first.

Lust: Needs eye contact, PRT already protects eyes due to threats like Valefor so not many she can get once info on that limit spreads.

Sloth: Lazy as hell unless Taylor is in danger, just stay outside her range and attack from there.
My rules for a good protagonist power is that the core concept needs to be simple enough that the reader can wrap their head around it very quickly but has enough neuances that they can still learn more about it or its appications well into the story. It also needs to be flexible enough to get the protagonist through her challenges in interesting ways but not too flexible or good that it seems to always

The clones power fails this by being way to complex. The initial idea of making clones when hit works fine but giving them all distinct powers and personalities means you are going to give 8 times the screentime to her to get her right characterization down and her powers give her 8 completely separate toolsets to deal with problems which makes clever solutions hard and makes it easy to create plot holes due to the author forgetting a power when it would be useful.

The 7 deadly sins theme is way to supernatural/religious and based too much on human culture to make sense as a shard power.

I would recommend simplifying it Taylor spawns clones in the way you described and has one or two simple powers shared with the clones(low end brute/blaster or other conceptually simple power) that scale inversely to the current number of clones out there such that it is diluted amounts the Taylors. There would be a maximum number of clones that are allowed at once such that making new ones beyond that point makes old ones vanish. If you really like the idea of the clones causing Taylor trouble maybe they have Taylor's personality filtered through a lens of her mindstate at the moment the clone was created without much concern for long term consequences. So if Taylor was pissed as hell they are going to want to fight, if she is scared they will run, if she is turned on they will flirt, ect.

This version doesn't make you juggle a lot of powers nor does it give you an entire cast of chaotic stupid Taylors to keep track of. It also seems like something a shard would come up with.
My rules for a good protagonist power is that the core concept needs to be simple enough that the reader can wrap their head around it very quickly but has enough neuances that they can still learn more about it or its appications well into the story. It also needs to be flexible enough to get the protagonist through her challenges in interesting ways but not too flexible or good that it seems to always

The clones power fails this by being way to complex. The initial idea of making clones when hit works fine but giving them all distinct powers and personalities means you are going to give 8 times the screentime to her to get her right characterization down and her powers give her 8 completely separate toolsets to deal with problems which makes clever solutions hard and makes it easy to create plot holes due to the author forgetting a power when it would be useful.

The 7 deadly sins theme is way to supernatural/religious and based too much on human culture to make sense as a shard power.

I would recommend simplifying it Taylor spawns clones in the way you described and has one or two simple powers shared with the clones(low end brute/blaster or other conceptually simple power) that scale inversely to the current number of clones out there such that it is diluted amounts the Taylors. There would be a maximum number of clones that are allowed at once such that making new ones beyond that point makes old ones vanish. If you really like the idea of the clones causing Taylor trouble maybe they have Taylor's personality filtered through a lens of her mindstate at the moment the clone was created without much concern for long term consequences. So if Taylor was pissed as hell they are going to want to fight, if she is scared they will run, if she is turned on they will flirt, ect.

This version doesn't make you juggle a lot of powers nor does it give you an entire cast of chaotic stupid Taylors to keep track of. It also seems like something a shard would come up with.

It can definitely be simplified for easier story telling, this was just an idea I got from another fic I was reading and wanted to cross it with the Homunculi from FMA.

As for the sins portion, that can be based on Taylor's mindset at the time of her trigger, either from a fragmenting mind as she slowly goes insane in the locker or from something her mother had her read ages ago which she remembered while trapped and considering the way no one is helping her.
For the sins theme I'd go with something much more aproximate but still end up named after it like base emotions that kinda match with each sin, something like:

Anger => wrath

love => lust

sadness => sloth

happyness => glutony

confidence => pride

envy/jealousy => envy

????? => greed

As for how OP the powers are I wasn't saying they were the most op powers we've ever seen I was saying that each of the clones is an above average parahuman in their own right, making Taylor's power something like 8x as powerful as most: not really Eidolon but still very very strong.
<Jack Slash comes out to the rest of the Slaughterhouse 9. They disband soon after and Jack never builds up her reputation again.

(Probably more because Jack had this dream for so long yet didn't do anything about it than because the people around her discriminate against transwomen, but quite possibly including that too)
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Does anyone recall, was there anything left of Cauldron after the end of the final battle? Was Contessa or Doctor Mother still alive, and were there any powers in a vial left that might find their way into the population?
I believe that Zion crashed most of the base and destroyed the vials. But it should be easy to say that he missed one or two, or that someone found a case of sold vials (like how the Merchants found some. Or the Travellers).
Does anyone recall, was there anything left of Cauldron after the end of the final battle? Was Contessa or Doctor Mother still alive, and were there any powers in a vial left that might find their way into the population?

Contessa, Numberman, his clones, and a Manton clone were left, IIRC.

As for vials, Zion destroyed most of them and Eden's corpse so no more could be produced. However, any off site vials could have conceivably survived.

Additionally, Cauldron started handing them out by the literal crate full to anyone who would take one and fight Zion.
Rather than being rescued by Sophia, Emma is rescued by someone in New Wave. She reacts to the attack about like she did in canon, but now her father can actually do something about it, as he works in the same law firm as Carol Dallon, and can thus ask her for help. As a result, first Emma, and then Taylor, become friends with one or more of the New Wave kids - possibly, Emma starts dating Shielder, who might be the one who saved her.

Possibly, Emma and Taylor have a simo-trigger when an Endbringer hits Brockton Bay (Taylor has Queen Administrator, while Emma has a bud from either Taylor, or whichever New Wave member Emma is closest to, but either way, their powers influence each other, as that seems to happen with simultaneous triggers).

Alternatively, they might trigger under different circumstances, and it might or might not be simultaneous, but either way, they will both be quite different people, by that point in their lives, than they were in canon.

One thought that I had was that one or both trigger while the Undersiders are robbing a bank, either because of an especially unpleasant new recruit, or due to having an especially shitty week leading up to it. Another is that they manage to get caught in a cape fight, with or without New Wave or the Undersiders, but either way, multiple parahumans are in range when they trigger, which IIRC has the potential to lead to Trump powers.

Fairly sure that QA would need an active host (Taylor or Danny are most likely) before she would start spawning buds.

Anyway, it could be very interesting.
Rather than being rescued by Sophia, Emma is rescued by someone in New Wave. She reacts to the attack about like she did in canon, but now her father can actually do something about it, as he works in the same law firm as Carol Dallon, and can thus ask her for help. As a result, first Emma, and then Taylor, become friends with one or more of the New Wave kids - possibly, Emma starts dating Shielder, who might be the one who saved her.

Possibly, Emma and Taylor have a simo-trigger when an Endbringer hits Brockton Bay (Taylor has Queen Administrator, while Emma has a bud from either Taylor, or whichever New Wave member Emma is closest to, but either way, their powers influence each other, as that seems to happen with simultaneous triggers).

Alternatively, they might trigger under different circumstances, and it might or might not be simultaneous, but either way, they will both be quite different people, by that point in their lives, than they were in canon.

One thought that I had was that one or both trigger while the Undersiders are robbing a bank, either because of an especially unpleasant new recruit, or due to having an especially shitty week leading up to it. Another is that they manage to get caught in a cape fight, with or without New Wave or the Undersiders, but either way, multiple parahumans are in range when they trigger, which IIRC has the potential to lead to Trump powers.

Make it a Skitter/Pan as well as Emma/Shield story and they are at the bank with Amy when the Undersiders hit it. QA pings off the surroundings and gives bug control and enhancement like a master/Bitch combo. Emma pings and gets Shaper bud that pings off Regent and TT to give Neuro-remote control tinker. She adds a implant to Taylor and when Amy makes relay bugs to them giving even greater range as the relay bugs can have their own discreet area.
I updated my story time thread with a new worm one shot for those who are interested. Link is here.

Enduring Soul- in which Taylor gains touch based Dynakinesis.

I used a worm prompt generator the VereorNox posted for the idea. Here it is.

So me and a few people in the parahumans chat did this, after I was inspired by a similar thing for Harry Potter, it's basically a quick prompt generator to make butterflies! Unless you roll everything the same as Canon, of course :p Basically, no matter what you roll, you try to make it work. Doesn't matter if Taylor with a Trump power decides to join the Nazis after she fought Hookwolf.

[] Roll 1 - Who is bullying Taylor?

Sophia, Emma, Madison
Sophia and Emma
Emma and Madison
Sophia and Emma
Sophia and Madison

[] Roll 2 - With what kind of power does Taylor trigger? (Trigger has to be adjusted *abandoned locker.jpg*)
Roll 1d14

Roll again, 2d12 - choose the two ratings.

[] Roll 3 - Which villain does Taylor encounter on her first night?

Uber & Leet
The Undersiders

[] Roll 4 - If she fights them, from who does she get help in case she can't handle it?

The Undersiders
Shadow Stalker
Choose any Protectorate hero or BB Villain
Any Ward

[] Roll 5 - Which Protectorate or PRT team is first on the scene, if they didn't help already?

Assault and Battery
Miss Militia
Vista and Gallant
Aegis and Kid Win
Roll twice, take both results

[] Roll 6 - Which group does Taylor join?

The group that saved her/If not: the group that she fought
The Merchants
The Empire
The Undersiders
New Wave
Taylor with a video game themed power, this time in the way of turn based rpgs. Not just another The Gamer crossover though.

Basically Taylors power acts like a classic rpg game, she doesnt need to sleep or eat, she gets stronger from using better gear and winning fights, plus she heals from food and rest.

What really makes her tough is the turn based combat system. As long as she hasnt attacked, defended, used an item or run Taylor is invinceble, this effect temporarily wears off when she acts but returns after her opponent(s) have acted. While it might seem OP, there are a couple weaknesses to her power:

If her opponent is faster or stronger, they could kill her while shes vulnerable.
If she faces a group of opponents, she is vulnerable until they have all had a chance to attack her.
Untitled Worm/NWoD crossover, by kamenhero25
A little beginning to a Worm/NWoD crossover.


I stared out over the shattered iron husks of the Boat Graveyard. The cold January wind blew over the bay, sending my hair flying behind me. At least, I think it was cold. It was supposed to be in January. I pulled her hood up, more to keep my hair in check than to ward off a chill, and started walking. No one came here in the winter, or at least they found shelter somewhere in one of the abandoned buildings or warehouses, or even one of the wrecks beached well enough to get in without going through the water. I stopped at the shoreline. Dad would kill me for being out here. Four days in the hospital getting over the locker. They'd wanted to keep me longer, psych evaluations, dealing with the trauma. I'd refused.

I'd been unconscious when they found me apparently. Out from a near-fatal case of blood poisoning when the janitor decided to clock out early and I'd been left in the locker overnight.

'Near' fatal. Funny.

Dad had bargained me to seeing a therapist, but unless the school forked over more settlement money we weren't going to be able to afford the cost of more than a session or two. The doctors had eventually let me go without further checks, but they kept suggesting that trauma isn't so easy to get over.

If only they knew.

I took a deep breath, embracing the silence and the dead feeling of the Graveyard. I closed my eyes and dropped my hood again, letting the cold air surge around me. Then I extended myself, letting the cold air become part of me. Or maybe I became part of the cold air. I couldn't tell sometimes. I felt my senses extend around me. Only twenty meters or so. But it was enough. I could tell I was alone. Or as alone as I could be anymore.

"Are you satisfied?"

She didn't answer me. I wasn't surprised. She didn't speak much. I could hear words now and then, a whisper or a plea, but usually it was feeling. As I embraced the emptiness, I felt calm from her and a little acceptance. We were alone. We'd always be alone. But that was okay. We were always together.

"Ready to go home?"

A cool sense of isolation settled into my chest. As far as I could tell, it was her way of saying yes.


I turned and walked away from the shore, letting the cold wind rush around me again.
Not a big fan of NWoD (I much prefer CWoD), so I'm not sure what's going on, there. Looks interesting, though.
Not a big fan of NWoD (I much prefer CWoD), so I'm not sure what's going on, there. Looks interesting, though.

Idea popped up in NSFW, but it's SFW so I posted in both.

Basic concept, Taylor is a Sin-Eater from the Geist line.

I'll assume people won't know what that is. Basically Taylor's merged with a spirit that embodies a concept of death (in this case loneliness or abandonment) in order to save her own life in the locker. I have a character sheet and everything (it helps my thought process).

Name: Taylor Hebert
Concept: Wannabe Superhero
Geist: The Weeping Daughter
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Pride
Archetype: Reaper
Threshold: The Silent


Intelligence: 3
Wits: 2
Resolves: 3

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3

Presence: 1
Manipulation: 3
Composure: 2


Academics: 3
Computers: 2
Investigation: 2
Occult: 2
Science: 2

Athletics: 2
Stealth: 2

Empathy: 2
Persuasion: 2
Subterfuge: 3

Literature (Academics)
Excuses (Subterfuge)
Remaining Unnoticed (Stealth)


Haunt (Utility) 1
Haunt (Fluidity) 2
Haunt (Residue) 1


Health: 8
Willpower: 5
Initiative: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 9

Psyche: 2
Synergy: 7
Plasm: 7

Cold Wind

Boneyard: 1
Caul: 2


Haunt: An abandoned tanker in the Boat Graveyard, not exactly easy to access without using her powers to reach it, but it has a strong supernatural resonance and can provide Plasm in a pinch.

Geist: Taylor's Geist is an ancient spirit called the Weeping Daughter. It is a geist of abandonment that's form resembles a skinny peasant girl between the ages of 8 and 10 clothed in a tattered dress. She had a reputation for only bonding with children and teens, most of who died from some form of neglect or severe loss. The stories tell of her bonding with the daughter of a merchant in Victorian England when her governess lost her husband and neglected her duties for a week. She turned up alive anyway, talking about her new imaginary friend. Another story tells of a girl whose parents made it big in stocks in the 20s and seemed to forget all about her to flaunt their new wealth. She got lonelier and lonelier until she tried to end it all. She showed up fine the next morning, muttering about a little girl that wouldn't let her go.
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So im working on an Idea that I first mentioned in the NSFW thread. Anyone free to go over the my notes and bounce some ideas back and forth?

Here is a quick Idea what im working on.

1, Taylor is half succubus.
2, Magic users are a thing.
3, Taylor will be an independant hero.
4, Magical creatures are a thing.

The story will have adult themes but there will not be any explicit sex. Think AMG meets Dresden files in Worm.

My main focus will be on my Worm:MTMTE fic so this wont update as fast.
Does anyone have a physical description for Labyrinth?
Worm fic idea: Taylor with the power to weponize concepts.

Basically, she can turn concepts into physical objects with different effects. E.x: Victory into a sword that never loses against anything, death into a gun that can kill anything, gravity into a hammer that crushes everything... etc.

Lots of different ways this can go and lots of different ways for each concept to be perceived and used. You can even have it so that the object the concept is turned into affects what it does. E.x: Gravity hammer crushes things, gravity gun makes them float.
An altpower is not a premise, and a premise is not a plot. And that's barely even an altpower, what with its complete lack of rigorous definitions of just what she could actually do.
Worm fic idea: Taylor with the power to weponize concepts.

Basically, she can turn concepts into physical objects with different effects. E.x: Victory into a sword that never loses against anything, death into a gun that can kill anything, gravity into a hammer that crushes everything... etc.

Lots of different ways this can go and lots of different ways for each concept to be perceived and used. You can even have it so that the object the concept is turned into affects what it does. E.x: Gravity hammer crushes things, gravity gun makes them float.
This is a bit too magicy and flexible to be a worm power. Maybe make it more like a Dauntless Othala merger where she empowers objects using one of a list of concepts she has to work with but only one object can have an specific concept at any given time and they manifest differently in each object.

She would carry a variety of equipment with her and fighting would involve her bouncing concepts between equipment as the situation demands.

As for what concepts to give her I would suggest they be concepts that are more physical than abstract and general rather than specific. So no victory, or death, but Force, Durability, Motion, Perception and Change may be a good set. The goal would be to make it flexible enough for clever solutions but not so flexible that she doesn't need to be clever as she always has the perfect power. Similarly it would want to be strong enough that it can be applied to most situations but weak enough that most situations still require effort and risk.

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