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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

Updated my story thread With A Simple Thief. In which reincarnate as Madison and things snowball from there.

Here is a link.

A Simple Thief

It's a CYOA using the version 3 of that one if you were wondering. People probably would care about that and what not.

I must purge this crack idea from my head.

The Slaughterhouse 9 gets confronted/replaced with this other band of murderhappy killers:

There, now my brain can stop pointing out who matches up with who, and I can stop being disturbed at my brain.
For Hate's Sake, by volantredx
Filling a plot idea that I've had for a long time.

For Hate's Sake

Emma checked her watch again. Her contact still had a few minutes to show up. Still Emma was nervous. It had been the first time in days since she left the house and she couldn't help but feel this might be a trick. It wouldn't be the first time.
Ever since she ruined her life. Skitter, or Weaver, or whatever Taylor was calling herself. It didn't change anything. She was still weak, no matter what she wanted to pretend. To much of a coward to do her own dirty work. No she just got gussied up and got to go on TV and tell people her little sob story. Every appearance she did meant new hate mail, or phone calls, or people in her school giving her looks. Emma couldn't take it anymore, especially when she saw what it was doing to everyone else. She almost ended it herself, took the easy way out, but then she got the offer. It almost seemed to good to be true, and normally she would have said that it was for certain, but after all the rumours recently Emma would have believed anything. She checked her watch again. It was time.

Suddenly she became aware of someone watching her. No one else should be out this late though. Normally she'd be scared of attention this late at night, but even months after Skitter left town no one dared to commit crimes in her territory. Turning to look she noticed the figure make a gesture, the signal that they decided. So this was her contact.

Making the sign with her hands to prove who she was, the figure walked up to her.
Under the light of the street lamp above them Emma could finally get a good look at her contact. She was tall, and well dressed, her features made her seem Mediterranean, and she was younger than Emma would have thought.

"You're Miss Smith?" Emma asked nervously.

"I am," came the reply. "You're Emma Barnes."

It wasn't a question but Emma nodded anyway. Her nervous feeling had only grown since the woman had appeared. Something about her set off alarms in Emma's head, but she had come too far to stop now.

"Good, then let's get down to business. You wish to become something more than you are, something far stronger. I know your history so I can guess at your motive. Still I wish to hear you say it, and answer honestly. I will know if you lie and if you do I will leave and you will never find me again."

Emma swallowed heavily. With a shuddering breath she answered, "I want to kill Skitter. I want to make her pay."

"Word is she's a hero now. The last best hope for the heroes to exist. Why would you want to kill someone like that?"

"I know what people say but I don't care. She ruined everything. I want to hurt her. I want revenge."

Miss Smith was quiet for a long time, and Emma was terrified that she had said something wrong, but then the woman smiled. "Good," reaching into her coat the woman pulled out a small vial of fluid. "Normally a vial of this level and power would cost 8 figures, and would come with some hefty strings. For you it's a gift, on the condition that you fulfil your dream."


"You're not the only one that wants revenge." Miss Smith's eyes turned away, looking up at the city's skyline. "Skitter took away the one person I've ever loved in this world. I can not take what I want in return, there are far too many repercussions, but I can aid others. For her sake I give you the power you want. For our sakes I hope you succeed."
With that Miss Smith handed Emma the vial. "Drink it all at once. You will feel some discomfort, but when it is over you will feel the strength you need."

Emma looked down at the vial, it felt far heavier than something that small should have been. She turn back to thank the other woman but she had vanished. There was no going back, Emma knew. Drawing a deep breath she opened the vial and swallowed the contents. Suddenly her world blurred and her blood felt like fire. She fell to her knees and then Emma Barnes changed.

So yeah, I don't have plans for it after this, but if anyone wants to use it go right ahead.

I'm confused as to the context, and also as to who Miss Smith is supposed to be. Mediterranean + "took away the one person I've ever loved" (+ your shipping proclivities :p) + access to high-level Cauldron vials sounds kind of like Contessa, but if Contessa wants someone dead under whatever circumstances she doesn't need to fuck around with proxies. (Unless this is the Path...but I can't think giving Emma a random power is the quickest Path to killing Taylor.)
Here's a list of the people Taylor has killed miss Smith could be referring to.

I'm confused as to the context, and also as to who Miss Smith is supposed to be. Mediterranean + "took away the one person I've ever loved" (+ your shipping proclivities :p) + access to high-level Cauldron vials sounds kind of like Contessa, but if Contessa wants someone dead under whatever circumstances she doesn't need to fuck around with proxies. (Unless this is the Path...but I can't think giving Emma a random power is the quickest Path to killing Taylor.)
Not sure if I'm thinking about this correctly, but it might be something like...
- Official action against Skitter is prohibited.
- She can't use a Path against Skitter for the same reason: honoring that prohibition.
- New triggers are invisible to her Path.
- She still has discretion with regards to handing out Cauldron powers.
- Thus, her main means of revenge would be to empower people who were already motivated in such a direction.

Not too contrived, I hope.

I'm confused as to the context, and also as to who Miss Smith is supposed to be. Mediterranean + "took away the one person I've ever loved" (+ your shipping proclivities :p) + access to high-level Cauldron vials sounds kind of like Contessa, but if Contessa wants someone dead under whatever circumstances she doesn't need to fuck around with proxies. (Unless this is the Path...but I can't think giving Emma a random power is the quickest Path to killing Taylor.)
It is Contessa, and she totally could kill Taylor in seconds. The issue is that doing so would almost certainly expose Cauldron even more and make their other goals almost impossible. Word would get out. However if instead someone with a grudge, a perfect Trigger environment, and no other options were to try, who would connect it to Cauldron? Also she needs to do so in a way that doesn't tip off the others in Cauldron itself.
It is Contessa, and she totally could kill Taylor in seconds. The issue is that doing so would almost certainly expose Cauldron even more and make their other goals almost impossible. Word would get out. However if instead someone with a grudge, a perfect Trigger environment, and no other options were to try, who would connect it to Cauldron? Also she needs to do so in a way that doesn't tip off the others in Cauldron itself.
Why would Contessa be unable to kill Taylor without harming Cauldron's interest. She has path to victory. She can easily set up a proxy death or arrange for her to die during one of her ops, or any other covert method. It isn't like Cauldron is even close to being Taylor's only enemy especially when the PRT is filled with Cauldrons customers that owe favors. Contessa can give her powers whatever qualifiers she wants.

Giving Emma a Cauldron Vial is frankly one of the assassination methods most likely to fail and most likely to be tracked back to them considering the strong likelihood of a physical mutation due to Emma being fucked in the head.

The idea is very interesting but I think you should rethink the person making the deal. Cauldron has lost track of vials before so this could be an imposter. Or maybe make it one of the Cauldron agents that aren't supposed to be giving out vials and are acting against orders.
Filling a plot idea that I've had for a long time.

For Hate's Sake

Emma checked her watch again. Her contact still had a few minutes to show up. Still Emma was nervous. It had been the first time in days since she left the house and she couldn't help but feel this might be a trick. It wouldn't be the first time.
Ever since she ruined her life. Skitter, or Weaver, or whatever Taylor was calling herself. It didn't change anything. She was still weak, no matter what she wanted to pretend. To much of a coward to do her own dirty work. No she just got gussied up and got to go on TV and tell people her little sob story. Every appearance she did meant new hate mail, or phone calls, or people in her school giving her looks. Emma couldn't take it anymore, especially when she saw what it was doing to everyone else. She almost ended it herself, took the easy way out, but then she got the offer. It almost seemed to good to be true, and normally she would have said that it was for certain, but after all the rumours recently Emma would have believed anything. She checked her watch again. It was time.

Suddenly she became aware of someone watching her. No one else should be out this late though. Normally she'd be scared of attention this late at night, but even months after Skitter left town no one dared to commit crimes in her territory. Turning to look she noticed the figure make a gesture, the signal that they decided. So this was her contact.

Making the sign with her hands to prove who she was, the figure walked up to her.
Under the light of the street lamp above them Emma could finally get a good look at her contact. She was tall, and well dressed, her features made her seem Mediterranean, and she was younger than Emma would have thought.

"You're Miss Smith?" Emma asked nervously.

"I am," came the reply. "You're Emma Barnes."

It wasn't a question but Emma nodded anyway. Her nervous feeling had only grown since the woman had appeared. Something about her set off alarms in Emma's head, but she had come too far to stop now.

"Good, then let's get down to business. You wish to become something more than you are, something far stronger. I know your history so I can guess at your motive. Still I wish to hear you say it, and answer honestly. I will know if you lie and if you do I will leave and you will never find me again."

Emma swallowed heavily. With a shuddering breath she answered, "I want to kill Skitter. I want to make her pay."

"Word is she's a hero now. The last best hope for the heroes to exist. Why would you want to kill someone like that?"

"I know what people say but I don't care. She ruined everything. I want to hurt her. I want revenge."

Miss Smith was quiet for a long time, and Emma was terrified that she had said something wrong, but then the woman smiled. "Good," reaching into her coat the woman pulled out a small vial of fluid. "Normally a vial of this level and power would cost 8 figures, and would come with some hefty strings. For you it's a gift, on the condition that you fulfil your dream."


"You're not the only one that wants revenge." Miss Smith's eyes turned away, looking up at the city's skyline. "Skitter took away the one person I've ever loved in this world. I can not take what I want in return, there are far too many repercussions, but I can aid others. For her sake I give you the power you want. For our sakes I hope you succeed."
With that Miss Smith handed Emma the vial. "Drink it all at once. You will feel some discomfort, but when it is over you will feel the strength you need."

Emma looked down at the vial, it felt far heavier than something that small should have been. She turn back to thank the other woman but she had vanished. There was no going back, Emma knew. Drawing a deep breath she opened the vial and swallowed the contents. Suddenly her world blurred and her blood felt like fire. She fell to her knees and then Emma Barnes changed.

So yeah, I don't have plans for it after this, but if anyone wants to use it go right ahead.

And then Skitter dies and the world is killed by Scion. Not because of jack slash setting him off, but because Taylor was his waifu.

Sorry, late cross post.
Yeah...I can't see Contessa doing this. If she wants Skitter dead, under any combination of circumstances and for any set of possible outcomes, she can make it happen, and if she doesn't want Cauldron implicated/herself discovered/Doc Mom finding out, they won't. Throwing a Cauldron vial at Emma is just an overly convoluted and unnecessarily precog-fogged bad attempt at doing something she'd be far more likely just to handle herself. (The Path may well lead through using a proxy, but it almost assuredly won't be newly!Cauldron'd!Emma.)
Why would Contessa be unable to kill Taylor without harming Cauldron's interest. She has path to victory. She can easily set up a proxy death or arrange for her to die during one of her ops, or any other covert method. It isn't like Cauldron is even close to being Taylor's only enemy especially when the PRT is filled with Cauldrons customers that owe favors. Contessa can give her powers whatever qualifiers she wants.
Path to hurting Skitter the way she hurt me: Step 50 contact Emma Barnes.

You got to remember this is the first time Contessa has felt heartbreak like this. She's not going to be thinking real clear. She wants Taylor to suffer, and Emma is the one person on the planet that would have the resolve to never stop trying. Taylor will never be able to reason with Emma. Sure Contessa could kill Taylor in a million different ways, and likely would try should Emma turn out to be a bust, but the thing is killing Taylor anonymously, painlessly, and in a way Taylor dies without ever knowing why isn't satisfying to her.
Path to hurting Skitter the way she hurt me: Step 50 contact Emma Barnes.
Hmm. So Emma kills Brian, Danny, or both (or possibly Lisa, Vicky, or Amy, depending on how AU this is), fails to kill Skitter (Contessa is still alive), and ends up in an even worse position than she was before Contessa contacted her.

Sad how well it fits Worm, no?
Path to hurting Skitter the way she hurt me: Step 50 contact Emma Barnes.
Emma: "This is it, Taylor! Cauldron told me that using this power will instantly kill the person who cares about you the most!"

Taylor: "No, don't do-- wait, who would that even be?"

Emma explodes messily.

Taylor: "Shit. This is going to need dry cleaning."
Anyone free to beta a snip for a potential story I might write?
Here is the snip I was working on. I still need to iron out the details for the story but I already have enough for a couple of short chapters.
I haven't decided if I will post the story itself here or in the NSFW section, I spoke to a mod and they said its find but i'm not sure about later chapters. Either way, it wont be appearing on SB.

No name yet.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did I bring it to school? I should have known Emma and her friends would find it. My locker wasn't safe, I knew that but I just couldn't put the stupid thing down.

I paced up and down the girls bathroom while I tried to control the panic. I'd brought the book to school with me today, I'd hoped to find some time to read it during lunch but now Emma had it.

Having a book to read was nothing unusual for me. Ever since Emma had turned on me, along with most of the school, I didn't have much else to do but read. The problem was the subject of the book.

When I'd picked it up, I just thought it was a generic Science fiction story and the synopsis on the back had been interesting enough for me to buy it. What the cover didn't mention was aside from the interesting characters and battles to save the galaxy was steamy, toe curling sex scenes between the lead and her lover. Dad nearly walked in on me twice!

It's not like I could just go home. They would only be waiting for me when I finally returned!

I need to calm down, I moved to the sink and tried washing my face. Panicking wouldn't help any. Putting my glasses back on, I looked at myself in the mirror.
Tall, stick thin with a too wide mouth. The most feminine thing about me was my hair and even then, stress was starting to take its toll. I'd been forced to shorten it a bit after someone singed it.

In a fit of anger, I punched the mirror in front of me. The mirror cracked and pain shot up my arm. Blood was already starting to run between my fingers, I quickly turned the tap on and stuck my hand under the water.

I let out a small hiss and started trying to clean the wound, still cursing Emma and my life. Oddly, I felt better. Actually, I felt good. Really, really good.

As Lita deftly sutured the wound with practiced movements,
London bit her lip, holding back the moans of ecstasy.

A passage from the book came to mind and I giggled slightly. Either I was suddenly a masochist or adrenalin was making me giddy.

The feeling of warmth was starting to spread through my body, pooling between my legs. More passages came to mind, mixing with the pain, anger and frustration. I should be panicking, something was clearly wrong with me but it just felt so good.

As the heat built between my legs, I grabbed the sink for support. Thats when I saw the markings on the back of my hands. They looked like scales and as I watched, I could see them growing more visible. The skin around them paleing to a grey colour. What is this?

I screwed my eyes shut and tried to block out the warmth. I had to stop, What if someone came through the door? I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning.

The warmth shifted and I could feel my chest pressing against my clothes. the shifting cloth sending sparks of electricity through my body. My clothes were starting to pinch and pull in places, the feeling only pushed me further.

My back twitched and I heard the sound of tearing cloth. I was nearing my limit, everything felt wrong but so good and the fire in my body was drowning out everything but the delicious feelings in my core that was edging ever closer. The world went white.

The release hit with all the force of a bomb and I struggled to stay standing, the sink was the only thing keeping me standing.

By the time I could think straight, I was still breathing heavily and everything felt different. My clothes were pinching me and I could feel a draft across my torso. Slowly, I opened my eyes and gasped at what I saw.

I'm huge!

The girl looking back at me was part Barbie doll, part fitness instructor with some lizard thrown in. I slowly moved my eyes downwards as I studied my reflection.

My skin was pale, bordering on grey but with a healthy shine. The colour made my now red eyes stand out and there was a glowing ring in each eye.
I had horns on the sides of my head. They curled forward and down so the point was level with my mouth. There were dark scales on my forehead, the same colour as my horns, that ran down the the bridge of my nose where they came to a point. I had more following the line of my jaw, touching my cheek and running down my neck.

When I brought my hand up to touch them, they felt smooth and soft, yielding like skin. there were more on my hands, starting just before my knuckles and running up my arms.

That brought my attention to the other changes. My figure had filled out drastically and I could see faint traces of muscle when I moved. My shirt and bra were nothing but rags, but it wasn't my chest that had destroyed them. It was my wings.

Bat-like and the same unnatural black colour my hair had gone, they didn't look big enough to hold my weight but I suspected I still fly anyway. Turning to look at them revealed another change. I had a tail!

It started at the base of my spine and reached to just past my calf's.

"Fuck!" I muttered. Even my voice was different, I sounded more like mum.

I lost track of time staring at myself in the mirror and the sound of shouting outside broke me out of my thoughts and kicked my brain into gear. I was standing topless in the middle of the school looking like something from a fantasy game! My blush nearly covered my entire torso.

I needed to get home, My pants were tight but they would survive. My hoodie was on the floor near my bag…-yea...not happening,- there was no way I was getting that on my wings and boobs.

Maybe If I covered my face I could just run for it? Get to the roof and see if I could fly? No one one recognise me… I gave myself another glance in the mirror before giving up on that idea.

My face had changed but not that much, I was still recognisable -even if no one would be looking at my face- Maybe I could…I tried moving my wings. Maybe they would be flexible enough for me to wrap them round my body. It would help I could look like- Whoa!

My wings stretched round my body, taking on a shadowy appearance as they did so. As they moved, my body shifted and I found myself look like I did this morning. I'm a shapeshifter?

This had potential. the only thing missing were my glasses. I frowned when I realised I hadn't even noticed their loss. I found them sitting in the sink and quickly put them back on. Thankfully, everything was just as clear with them as it now was without.

Could I make myself look like other people? I focused and my body shifted. Emma stared back at me from the mirror. A small part of me noted that I was now bigger than her. Emma smiled, now this had potential. I could even use this to get my book back.

I was just deciding on a plan when the door opened.

"Emma?" the girl asked, "I thought you were with Sophia?" She was one of the interchangeable people that followed Emma everywhere these days.

"Oh...um" I struggled to cover my surprise or even remember her name. In the end, I shrugged, "canteen food, what can you do?"

"Ugh, Tell me about it," she said as locked herself in one of the stalls.

Not wanting to hang around, I grabbed my bag and gave the stall a quick glance. I shifted back to normal and walked outside. I soon abandoned my plans to recover my book, there was a strong draft in the corridor and I realised that my shirt was only an illusion.

Blushing, I quickly made my way outside. I needed to get home. school shut for winter break after today, that gave me two weeks to find some new clothes and possibly tell Dad about this.

Not wanting to risk someone bumping into me on the bus I decided to jog home. Despite being mid-winter, I barely noticed the temperature.
I was barely halfway home when I realised something. I could shapeshift, I barely felt the cold and I wasn't even winded from the run. I had powers, I was a cape! I couldn't help but laugh.

Dad's truck was on the drive when I got home, the docks must have shut early for the holidays. I tried to not make too much noise when I opened the back door but Dad was sitting at the kitchen table with some paperwork.

He looked up as I came in, "Taylor, what are you doing home?" He said in surprise.

I quickly, racked my brain for an excuse but before I could, he frowned.

"Taylor, why are you wearing a glamor?"

Here is the snip I was working on. I still need to iron out the details for the story but I already have enough for a couple of short chapters.
I haven't decided if I will post the story itself here or in the NSFW section, I spoke to a mod and they said its find but i'm not sure about later chapters. Either way, it wont be appearing on SB.

No name yet.

Depends on if you are actually going to write out and describe lewd scenes, or just hint at it happening or that something happened.

If it's the former, that goes to the NSFW section, if it's the latter it can stay in the SFW section.

But meh, I don't know.

I never read the damn rules on forums.


Incidentally, I might have gotten former and latter mixed up. But you get what I mean anyway. Probably.
Depends on if you are actually going to write out and describe lewd scenes, or just hint at it happening or that something happened.

If it's the former, that goes to the NSFW section, if it's the latter it can stay in the SFW section.

But meh, I don't know.

I never read the damn rules on forums.


Incidentally, I might have gotten former and latter mixed up. But you get what I mean anyway. Probably.

I wont be writting any real lewd stuff. There will be jokes/innuendo and It will be clear whats happening off screen. But there will be some rather frank discussions later.

Edit: If anyone is intrested. Here is the images I used as a ref for Taylors scales/tail/colouring.
The body and face don't quite match up but its the best I could do with the character creator.



Last edited:
Well, it's interesting, and something I'd like to see more of.

It's amusing that her power makes her horny, I guess, but since this isn't SB.com, it should be fine, as long as you don't go explicit outside the NSFW section.
Well, it's interesting, and something I'd like to see more of.

It's amusing that her power makes her horny, I guess, but since this isn't SB.com, it should be fine, as long as you don't go explicit outside the NSFW section.
And if you plan to you can just either post it there or request it to be moved if you changed your mind.
I wont be writting any real lewd stuff. There will be jokes/innuendo and It will be clear whats happening off screen. But there will be some rather frank discussions later.

Edit: If anyone is intrested. Here is the images I used as a ref for Taylors scales/tail/colouring.
The body and face don't quite match up but its the best I could do with the character creator.




Interesting, though I have no idea where that is from.
It's amusing that her power makes her horny, I guess, but since this isn't SB.com, it should be fine, as long as you don't go explicit outside the NSFW section.

Thats actually the remains of the original idea.

Originally, the idea was very nsfw but as I worked on the idea i dumped most of the nsfw stuff. in the end I kept her 'trigger' as it it still worked for the story and I could completely avoid the locker.

Interesting, though I have no idea where that is from.

As sunspark said, The screen shots are taken from ff14. However, Taylor's power isn't. It was just a cool design that came to me when I was writting the snip.
I know the saying "Bringing the best out of you", but this is bullshit.

"No, powers is bullshit, but I'm just the best of your looks." The person in front of me replied.

I watched as she posed in front of the mirror I had, naked as she appeared without any clothing. She had no blemishes that could be seen; smooth and silky hair that you only see in commercials, and her body was filled like how I imagined Venus would be if we had real life goddesses.

I glanced down at my own unattractive body and grimaced.

"Don't worry too much about it!" She - or rather, this perfectly airbrushed and touched-up version of myself said. I've noticed that we could read each other's minds and feelings automatically so it's near impossible to not know what each other is feeling or thinking. "I'm made up from the best of you - which means that you can look like this too if you put all your efforts in being good looking!"

Ten minutes ago, I was looking at a mirror and looking at my woefully inadequate assets, sighing at how I looked and wishing that I could look more glamorous. It was then that II felt an itch in my head, telling me that I could look that way.

I haven't told anyone, but ever since I've returned from the hospital I've had some strange thoughts whenever I wanted to do something. This is the first time I've actually acted on those impressions, and when she popped into existence beside me, I was very much surprised.

I've tried to pop out another one of me, but it seems like I can only create one 'best of me' at a time - but I wonder how I can send this me back to where-ever she came from. She looked at me and grinned while shrugging. "I dunno. Stop wanting to be me?"

"Ung." I grunted as I looked at her perfect (naked) figure. "This might take a while..."

Basically she triggered with the power to 'become the best X possible". They share senses and can read each other's thoughts, but they would have different priorities depending on what they're best at. The other always go away when Taylor stops thinking that she wants to become (like) that person.
Updated story thread with Queen of Ghosts- In which I reincarnate as Taylor. And people start haunting me. Assholes.

Here is the Link
Are there any crossovers with The Darkness video games or comics? I could see a bit of fun coming from having those goblin things running about. Also you know, tentacles.

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