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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

Okay, silly OPM based idea here that actually could work with Worm...

When Annette died, Danny triggered. His power was based on his own feelings of inadequacy at being unable to protect the people he loves....

So he gained the ability to become strong. Very strong. He didn't become strong at first, but his natural peek was removed. He basically was blessed with the potential for Infiniate Gainz. Every workout would show strong results, a boost in power and strength that would only become stronger over time... this was coupled with a mild stranger ability that made him, well, generally forgettable and easy to miss.

Realizing the nature of his power he began an intense daily workout from one of his old fitness books of 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and 10km run every day...

In the years since her death he's been actually working as an independent hero on the side... not a very active one, true, but he's basically been doing his best to give the Dockworker's Union some heavy duty backup. When the gangs show up, he shows up and beats the shit out of them, the and because he's making his best effort to really not attract much attention, for fear of the union getting attacked, and a stark terror that he might end up bringing it home and threaten the one thing that really matters to him, his stranger ability kicked in and they never really realize they got their asses kicked by a balding man in a track suit and not one of the other gangs...

Which leads to him having a second trigger when he finds out that despite his efforts to keep the neighborhood clean... his daughter still was attacked. The shock causes his powers to go haywire and he looses his hair from the emotional stress... his gainz, no longer being a linear progression are now exponential and in addition, he gained a breaker/shaker ability that allows him to use insane degrees of power without destroying himself or those around him...

With the end result being that by the time Taylor first goes out to fight Lung, he's somewhat on his wits end... while he was very strong before, easily a mid level brute due to the fact that his body seemed to always get stronger and tougher inch by inch... now his strength was starting to hit the business end of the J-curve.

This of course takes his existing depression and drives it almost to the level of an existential crisis. Despite his power, he couldn't protect that what was most precious to him. He's too strong to use his powers against even the gangs to the point that even the mild thrill he got out of protecting his own. And he can't even just wipe that smile off Alan Barns and Principle Blackwells faces without reducing them to rapidly expanding clouds of vicera... on the low end. It makes him feel weak and impotent.... he keeps trying, keeps pushing, because in the end he really wants to help people but... Being Danny is Suffering.

Now with that established, the question is...why does Taylor realize her old man is a cape too?

Before her first run? After? Or hell, when Leviathan shows up?

I could see it. Realizing that a fucking Kaiju is about to show up, he needs to deal with it in person... so he ends up pulling together a crude costume... a funky yellow Track Suit he still doesn't understand why he bought it, a pair of red rain boots, a pair of red rubber gloves, a belt that honestly used to be one of Annettes, and a cape that to be frank, was off the Alexandria costume Taylor wore for Halloween when she was 12...

He forgets to use a mask but his stranger ability makes it so people don't really recognize him very well. He's just some bald guy in a crude and stupid costume. Except for one... the one person who'd never forget his face. Taylor.

She sees her father, dressed like an idiot... stand up to the Endbringer. And then... he punches it... as hard as he can...

And... well.. this happens.
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About the above...

This could actually explain his failure as a rep too... Passive "who's that guy again" Stranger powers don't work well when you're trying to convince people to do shit. :p

Who knew? :D

Would be really funny if about 3/4 of Armsmaster's captures over the past 3 years were him arresting the various villains Danny beat the shit out of during his daily Patrols/Jogs... ;)

Gotta figure out a way to incorporate the "Hero for Fun" aspect though...
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Possible classifications for One Punch Danny

Brute 12
(His strength is high enough that it has denied all attempts at measurement. Low end estimates are in the multiple-megatons. He's also able durable to survive his own strength.)
Breaker 6
(His powers allow him to limit the collateral damage of his blows to a point. It also introduced a strange Manton limitation with his punches, where individuals he punches are "only" reduced to an explosive font of gore rather than undergoing spontaneous nuclear fusion as could be expected from being hit by a fist moving at relativistic velocities.)
Mover 10
(He's able to move and react at speeds that would make it possible for him to dodge his own blows, giving him an estimated high fractional C reaction time. He's able to make at least partial use of his speed due to his Breaker abilities.)
Shaker 10
(His stronger punches are powerful enough that missed blows can cause a wide angled force of destruction. Oddly Manton limited, these effects do not do direct damage living beings, but can cause massive damage to the surrounding environment, including geographic rearrangement and modification of global weather patterns.)
Stranger 4:
(He projects a field that makes him seem bland and utterly forgettable to the point that he was active as a hero for several years without even being noticed.)
Would there be any other OPM character crosses. I read one worm OPM story on SB where Dragon was a female Genos.
Possible classifications for One Punch Danny

Brute 12
(His strength is high enough that it has denied all attempts at measurement. Low end estimates are in the multiple-megatons. He's also able durable to survive his own strength.)
Breaker 6
(His powers allow him to limit the collateral damage of his blows to a point. It also introduced a strange Manton limitation with his punches, where individuals he punches are "only" reduced to an explosive font of gore rather than undergoing spontaneous nuclear fusion as could be expected from being hit by a fist moving at relativistic velocities.)
Mover 10
(He's able to move and react at speeds that would make it possible for him to dodge his own blows, giving him an estimated high fractional C reaction time. He's able to make at least partial use of his speed due to his Breaker abilities.)
Shaker 10
(His stronger punches are powerful enough that missed blows can cause a wide angled force of destruction. Oddly Manton limited, these effects do not do direct damage living beings, but can cause massive damage to the surrounding environment, including geographic rearrangement and modification of global weather patterns.)
Stranger 4:
(He projects a field that makes him seem bland and utterly forgettable to the point that he was active as a hero for several years without even being noticed.)
That's literally not what Breaker powers are, what you described there was some kind of Shaker power most likely but that's not actually a Breaker. It requires more than just not following normal physics to get a Breaker rating, all powers don't follow normal physics after all. A breaker power requires an altered state of being, which is kinda stupid but the canon explanation for them does have them being closer to Changer powers than anything else, not just ones that blatantly screw with physics, that's all of them really.

Also, you described something that isn't actually any more impressive than Alexandria for the Brute rating. Multi megaton strength at minimum with no observed upper cap and durability to withstand that? That's Alexandria yeah, the Mover rating is probably accurate, no flight and lowered turning ability limit them a bit but still that's their most impressive attribute.

Interestingly what's happened done here would have their Brute rating being below their Shaker and Mover ratings most likely, the massive range of the Shaker rating and Worm being significantly more generous on long distance capable Mover powers while fairly harsh on high rated Brute powers would lead to that. Overall, they're basically a much, much faster version of Alexandria that is much more capable of causing collateral damage, but in a direct competition of strength? They're both incalculably strong to anything short of Scion probably, Scion could probably find a power which can do it, also stilling is still broken and naturally leads to them being boned just as much as anyone else, your atoms not being atoms anymore does that. In an arm wrestle or something I'd give it to Saitama most likely, but that's power interaction as Alexandria's seems much worse for immovability and not actually a product of strength so much as Saitama's power just being more versatile and a product of how much mass they can move, although neither really has anything resembling strength at their level, normal physics in how strength should work broke down a long time ago.

Note all that goes out the window if we count the anti-feats like Saitama being hurt by angry cats or failing to catch an insect, that lowers their mover and brute ratings down to like 3-4 max.

For the actual idea? The idea is partially self conflicting (if there was no way to exert at all without turning people into clouds they'd be unable to live normally) and the idea of what happens and the premise are just wrong within the rules of Worm which by the premise the power follows.

The idea of Danny being a cape that doesn't get out much due to being super powerful and basically retired and secret in the first place and Taylor finding out sounds like it could be interesting, although I've only seen it attempted once before and that turned out poorly. It was even more OP than Saitama though, basically had him as Khepri with a range measured in kilometres iirc.
Would there be any other OPM character crosses. I read one worm OPM story on SB where Dragon was a female Genos.
Honestly, from what I know of OMP, Genos sounds like the more intresting chara.

But then, if you're going to use his abilities, you might as well go with cyborgs from any other franchise. Ghost in the shell, Deus Ex:HR would make for good crosses.
That's literally not what Breaker powers are, what you described there was some kind of Shaker power most likely but that's not actually a Breaker. It requires more than just not following normal physics to get a Breaker rating, all powers don't follow normal physics after all. A breaker power requires an altered state of being, which is kinda stupid but the canon explanation for them does have them being closer to Changer powers than anything else, not just ones that blatantly screw with physics, that's all of them really.

Fair enough.

Also, you described something that isn't actually any more impressive than Alexandria for the Brute rating. Multi megaton strength at minimum with no observed upper cap and durability to withstand that? That's Alexandria yeah, the Mover rating is probably accurate, no flight and lowered turning ability limit them a bit but still that's their most impressive attribute.

Yeah. No. ... Alexandria doesn't do nuclear level punches.

Interestingly what's happened done here would have their Brute rating being below their Shaker and Mover ratings most likely, the massive range of the Shaker rating and Worm being significantly more generous on long distance capable Mover powers while fairly harsh on high rated Brute powers would lead to that. Overall, they're basically a much, much faster version of Alexandria that is much more capable of causing collateral damage, but in a direct competition of strength? They're both incalculably strong to anything short of Scion probably, Scion could probably find a power which can do it, also stilling is still broken and naturally leads to them being boned just as much as anyone else, your atoms not being atoms anymore does that. In an arm wrestle or something I'd give it to Saitama most likely, but that's power interaction as Alexandria's seems much worse for immovability and not actually a product of strength so much as Saitama's power just being more versatile and a product of how much mass they can move, although neither really has anything resembling strength at their level, normal physics in how strength should work broke down a long time ago.

Alexandria is insanely strong, but she doesn't casually punch with the force of a high yield nuclear weapon.

Note all that goes out the window if we count the anti-feats like Saitama being hurt by angry cats or failing to catch an insect, that lowers their mover and brute ratings down to like 3-4 max.

They're called gags. Because its a comedy series, and only among vs debating morons does one attempt at comedy outweigh the rest of a fucking series.

For the actual idea? The idea is partially self conflicting (if there was no way to exert at all without turning people into clouds they'd be unable to live normally) and the idea of what happens and the premise are just wrong within the rules of Worm which by the premise the power follows.

How so? Standard World of Cardboard problems.

And how does it break the rules of Worm?
Honestly, from what I know of OMP, Genos sounds like the more intresting chara.

But then, if you're going to use his abilities, you might as well go with cyborgs from any other franchise. Ghost in the shell, Deus Ex:HR would make for good crosses.

Genos is easily possible in OPM... just have a Tinker who specializes in cybernetics find a young man who survived, say, the 9 or an Endbringer attack... and he rebuilds him as a combat cyborg so he can become a hero.
Alexandria is insanely strong, but she doesn't casually punch with the force of a high yield nuclear weapon.
And your punches somehow causing explosions isn't a Brute power, touch range explosion inducement is going to be either Striker for the touch range or very possibly Shaker for the giant explosions bit. Alexandria does have literal multi megaton strength, as in the capability to lift multiple megatons of mass or oppose that much force at least. That's a Brute power, explosions are not. Brute is strength/regen/durability type powers, and for you to punch "hard enough" to cause explosions you'll be needing to punch fast with the actual force being mostly secondary pretty much, and it's going to kill tons nearby due to the radiation and whatnot from having nuclear level punches. Saitama doesn't have those side effects, ergo the power is basically the ability to make stuff explode or fly apart by punching them.
They're called gags. Because its a comedy series, and only among vs debating morons does one attempt at comedy outweigh the rest of a fucking series.
Nah, they're worthless of vs forums and the like for exactly that reason. The primary arguments on those for Saitama are either for or against the infinite power circlejerk that inevitably crops up there, the "one punch anything" one that is contradicted by canon. They did take multiple punches sometimes after all, that's the entire reason why the consecutive punches variants of his attacks exists, when one punch wouldn't cut it. It's more useful when discussing them as a character within a story as it helps establish how they should be treated with the low things.
How so? Standard World of Cardboard problems.
No, the World of Cardboard problem ala animated Superman is a problem about not being able to go all out which makes it fundamentally distinct from the uncontrolled strength problem where they break stuff like doors or injure people due to not being able to properly control immense super strength. You described the latter rather than the former, in the former it'd purely be a mental issue as they can perfectly control their strength, "he can't even just wipe that smile off Alan Barns and Principle Blackwells faces without reducing them to rapidly expanding clouds of vicera... on the low end" very heavily implies it's an issue with their ability to control their strength. Otherwise they could do it without those poor effects, as they can't that means they can't lower their strength enough to punch someone with the strength of a normal human which implies serious strength control issues rather than just mental issues over wanting to not hold back.
And how does it break the rules of Worm?
A power like that would've never been handed out, totally doesn't fit how powers seem to work in Worm, screws with stuff at too wide a scale too much to be worth the energy upkeep to fake, the stranger addon makes no sense at all really, the scaling aspect is incredibly bizarre for Worm powers.

But really as I said? While technically yes a shard should be able to grant that power it never would, too many issues and the power should run out of energy far too quickly to be effective for any type of long term data collecting.
Actually, considering the fact that the X-Com 2 psi-ability Null Lance ignores all forms of armor, passes through objects, and only damages living things, it might be able to do damage directly to the core, similar to the way Flachette or Shadow Stalker might have been actually able to get an Endbringer kill if they where very very lucky.

While this may be true, they're also ignoring the truly ludicrous amount of HP they have. You may have something that can actually deal damage to the only thing that matters on them, but said thing also has at bare minimum the same overall mass as a continent, if not more likely a planet or solar system.

Until you also develop something that can deal damage on a galactic scale, EB kills remain a pipe dream and wishful thinking even if you can bypass their equally ridiculous armor.

To be honest... there is also the fact that Endbringer aren't "living things".... they just play at it... so erm... Null Lance would kind of fail.
A power like that would've never been handed out, totally doesn't fit how powers seem to work in Worm, screws with stuff at too wide a scale too much to be worth the energy upkeep to fake, the stranger addon makes no sense at all really, the scaling aspect is incredibly bizarre for Worm powers.

But really as I said? While technically yes a shard should be able to grant that power it never would, too many issues and the power should run out of energy far too quickly to be effective for any type of long term data collecting.
You're doing that thing again, where you jump down the throat of someone who wants to treat Worm's canon as a suggestion rather than an ironclad ruleset. You did it to CoaDS, you're doing it here, and you'd probably do it to the great Worm 1621 the moment you finish reading. Stop that.
And your punches somehow causing explosions isn't a Brute power, touch range explosion inducement is going to be either Striker for the touch range or very possibly Shaker for the giant explosions bit.

So I mixed up on the classifications.

Alexandria does have literal multi megaton strength, as in the capability to lift multiple megatons of mass or oppose that much force at least.

Now you're just being obtuse. Saitama/One Punch Danny would have strength that would be on the low end multi-megaton as in multiple megatons of TNT. As in Nuclear Weapon. As in his fist is a relativistic Kinetic Kill Vehicle.

That's a Brute power, explosions are not.

Get a strong enough brute and his fists would cause explosions. It's how Physics works. The oddity with Saitama/OPD would be the fact that he doesn't vaporize a city every time he swings his fist with feeling.

Brute is strength/regen/durability type powers, and for you to punch "hard enough" to cause explosions you'll be needing to punch fast with the actual force being mostly secondary pretty much, and it's going to kill tons nearby due to the radiation and whatnot from having nuclear level punches.

He's a Brute. Deal with it.

Saitama doesn't have those side effects, ergo the power is basically the ability to make stuff explode or fly apart by punching them.

Saitama vaporizes mountains when he punches them and is from a comic book universe... and his collateral damage when he swings his fist is extreme.

Nah, they're worthless of vs forums and the like for exactly that reason. The primary arguments on those for Saitama are either for or against the infinite power circlejerk that inevitably crops up there, the "one punch anything" one that is contradicted by canon.

Except its not. The limitation is effort.

They did take multiple punches sometimes after all, that's the entire reason why the consecutive punches variants of his attacks exists, when one punch wouldn't cut it. It's more useful when discussing them as a character within a story as it helps establish how they should be treated with the low things.
consecutive punches exist when he wants to reduce something into paint without hitting any harder due to collateral damage.

No, the World of Cardboard problem ala animated Superman is a problem about not being able to go all out which makes it fundamentally distinct from the uncontrolled strength problem where they break stuff like doors or injure people due to not being able to properly control immense super strength. You described the latter rather than the former, in the former it'd purely be a mental issue as they can perfectly control their strength, "he can't even just wipe that smile off Alan Barns and Principle Blackwells faces without reducing them to rapidly expanding clouds of vicera... on the low end" very heavily implies it's an issue with their ability to control their strength. Otherwise they could do it without those poor effects, as they can't that means they can't lower their strength enough to punch someone with the strength of a normal human which implies serious strength control issues rather than just mental issues over wanting to not hold back.

That wasn't a control issue. That was a satisfaction issue.

He'd basically have to gently and carefully love tap both of them to the point that the control he'd have to exert to not kill them would cancel out the momentary satisfaction of decking them. Controlling that level of strength in a fight isn't easy.

A power like that would've never been handed out, totally doesn't fit how powers seem to work in Worm, screws with stuff at too wide a scale too much to be worth the energy upkeep to fake, the stranger addon makes no sense at all really, the scaling aspect is incredibly bizarre for Worm powers.

But really as I said? While technically yes a shard should be able to grant that power it never would, too many issues and the power should run out of energy far too quickly to be effective for any type of long term data collecting.

Why you hate fun?

You're doing that thing again, where you jump down the throat of someone who wants to treat Worm's canon as a suggestion rather than an ironclad ruleset. You did it to CoaDS, you're doing it here, and you'd probably do it to the great Worm 1621 the moment you finish reading. Stop that.

He basically likes to chose one series and ignore all else. Fuck, he loves to shit on OPM canon whenever possible.
So I have a sort of outline for We're All Mad Here worked out. At least for the first part. Then some general ideas for the story to move on from there. Would people be down to help with so critiquing and the like?
Cross posting some Omake since I'm fairly proud of them and they can be considered standalone from the story to an extent.

The original premise was Taylor is Yog Sothoth, Omake is of an After The End Scenario where reality got nuked and Taylor only kept Lisa around after the end while she tries to remake reality after she accidentally the omniniverse.

Taylor looked up from what she was doing as she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey Taylor, You mind helping me out with something," Lisa's face was somewhere between concerned and frustrated, "I found this weird tattoo on my nape this morning and I can't get a good enough look for my power to tell me what it is."

With a sigh the "younger" girl put down the model she was using to plan out how physics would work again when she finally stopped getting detracted from remaking existence.

"Lisa. No, I'm too busy to keep doing this."

"Oh come on, I just need you to hold a mirror for a sec so I can see it."

Taylor shook her head, "No Lisa, trust me you are better off not knowing."

Lisa grinned back, "That's what you always say, and everything's worked out so far."

Her grin faltered at the flat look her friend was giving her, she was even considering heeding that warning when the other girl drooped in defeat before standing up.

"Fine," And with that the two were standing in a bathroom facing a mirror. Taylor readied the hand mirror as Lisa lifted her hair, "But I swear I'll be pissed if you kill yourself in existential horror again."

"I promise I wo- Wait WHAT!?" Before the foxlike girl realize her mistake it was too late, the hair lifted and she caught a glimpse of the mirror. On her neck was symbols, alien glyphs that hurt her mind to try and witness, but while her mind was cringing another part of her performed it's function.

Label, numbers, brand. Part of a series. Not the original. You are not Lisa.

Lisa screamed.

Taylor looked down on her convulsing friend, "Oh for Christ sake now I gotta make a new one."

Well, She thought to herself trying to be optimistic as she banished mind broken husk to oblivion, Maybe Lisa #10033 will be the one to learn that curiosity killed the cat.

The two girls walked along the beach as the sun shone over head. The brunette, the taller of the pair, leading her companion by the hand down the sandy stretch while the blonde admired the scenery. Lisa was practically walking on sunshine in giddiness, finally able to be somewhere real again, she let her friend guide her so that she could just bask in glow of sunlight and feel the breeze and smell the air. Taylor on the other hand was just glad her idea of holding hands had worked as Lisa had yet to wander off and get herself killed.

"This is beautiful Taylor," Lisa's voice was full of sincerity.

Taylor for her part just nodded keeping her gaze fixed towards the goal, the one location she had planned to take Lisa to from the start.

"Yes, I'm honestly surprised I managed to get this much done so fast with all the distractions."

Lisa pouted for a moment before a smirk crawled up her face.

Taylor halted as she felt two arms wrap around her from behind in a warm embrace.

"Seriously you need to lighten up girl," Lisa teased, "You've done nothing but obsess over this little project of yours for who knows how long, why not enjoy it?"

"Creating all reality ex nihilo and shaping every facet of it into what you see it as tends to make it hard to appreciate the beauty of it," Taylor felt the hug tighten, "But fine I guess you" It tightened again, "we can fool around on the beach later, right now I require your assistance."

"As you request M'lady," Lisa relented and released the girl offering a stage bow even as Taylor passed her by, snagging her hand and twining fingers. Just to be sure the mischievous blond didn't try to sneak off. Lisa smiled as her friend hurriedly led them to their destination, she knew that Taylor could easily just will them there if she wanted, and in truth could have had them arrive there from the start. Lisa took another look at the beautiful setting that her friend had let her enjoy for so long. It really was the small things.

Taylor did not pout when when she felt Lisa ruffle her hair affectionately with a coo. She was an Elder Goddess, a creature beyond any beings comprehension besides her own, the unmaker and creator of the universe. It was beneath her to pout. No, she frowned. And she was most definitely not adorable no mater what lies the blond was spouting. She did allow herself a small amount of gratitude when they neared their destination she did not outwardly express. Even so her friend seemed to pick up on something.

"So what'd you need from me boss?" Genuine curiosity entered her tone. She was genuinely stumped on what she could actually offer the girl before her besides her presence.

"Your thoughts," Was the bland reply, "You see, I haven't quite finished with remaking everything yet. I've run into a bit of a... snag."

The girl hesitated on the last part before raising her arm to gesture to the expanse around them.

"As you can see I was able to create the landscape, even the foliage. But when it came to more... animated life I found it was harder to piece it together and still have it work," It seemed to almost pain her to admit her own inadequacies but she could not overcome and remove flaws by ignoring them, "As it turned out it's easier to copy and improve than to make from scratch..."

As if timed to that vague statement a group of four people strolled out from beyond a rock outcropping on the path ahead of them. Lisa felt her jaw drop and her mind freeze at the sight.

"A-are those..."

Taylor nodded, "I only had two examples to work with, though if I had predicted this I might have at least stored away a few others."

Lisa just watched as the two older clones of the two girls walked past them followed by two younger versions of themselves.

No not clones, She noticed, subtle differences in genetics and biology. Matches likeness with 97.942% accuracy. Sexually dimorphic with Original as base for Females and [REDACTED] as base for males.

"Thats..." horrifyingly creepy She didn't say, instead she swallowed the lump in her throat, "So every person on earth is a clone of us?"

"Well it's just a village for now, which is up ahead by the way" Taylor offered, "And they're more like decedents actually..."

At that Lisa actually panicked. "Oh god Taylor don't tell me... That's... There's no way that can be sustainable!"

"Well it did seem so at first but a few thousand generations in and it seems most of the detrimental traits disappeared."

Before Lisa could respond the two had passed the outcropping that hid the village from casual observation. It was primitive, ramshackle shacks randomly scattered through a clearing. Everywhere men, women, and children gathered each wearing either her or her friend's faces depending on the gender. If that had been it then she could have been okay. Sure it was creepy, and uncanny, but so was Taylor at times and she love her. She could have simply shuddered, buried it deep down, and complimented her friend then spend the next few hours trying to repress the ever loving hell out of her day.

But no, there was one last thing in that village, the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Oh dear sweet Jesus what is that thing!?" It was a pointless question, even without her powers she had a decent idea what it could have been. Now she just had far to many details about it than she would have ever liked.

Taylor blinked in confusion. She pointed at the abomination, "Lisa, that's a cow."

"It has my face!"

The statement wasn't entirely true, that would have been preferable to the fresh hell that was before her. What the creature was could only be in the most loosest sense equated to a cow when looked at in any lighting. The shaped, the muscles and skeletons that formed the base, matched but that was not the problem. It did not look like a cow, it looked like a cow... who had stretched the tanned skin of a certain blonde over itself to wear it like an ill fit Lisa-suit.

"Like I said I only had a two data points to use."

Lisa didn't care she was too busy starting at her own mutated face.

It's expression change. It has moods. Empathic, Knows I'm afraid. Sentient. Sapient.

She desperately turned her gaze fighting the urge to vomit. But every which way she looked she saw more horrors. Black haired small birdman creatures eating a deformed thing so ravaged she only saw gore and blonde hair, An elderly version of herself scratching a small half animal hybrid of herself on her lap as it made obscene sounds. Two creatures that she could only assume were dog analogues of her and Taylor based on size... Oh god!

"Ah the miracle of life," Came her friends deadpan response.

Lisa just fell to her knees. It was odd she didn't know weather to laugh at the absurdity or cry at the horror, it had only just occurred to her she could do both. She wasn't sure how long it was before every giggle and every sob had been removed, she only knew she felt empty. She sat there on the ground.

"Lis?" Taylor prodded gently. When she got no response she did so again. After the third time she was starting to worry she'd need to bring out another replacement. That would be sad, she'd actually started to get attached to this iteration of her friend as she'd actually last far longer than the average Lisa.

She stifled her urge to sigh in relief when she felt Lisa grab her wrist. It seemed Lisa #17545 would have to wait another day to be born. She blinked as Lisa mumbled something.


"Make them go away Taylor." The girl looked up to her with wide begging eyes.

"The Animals or-"

"Both!" Lisa shouted. She didn't care at the moment if it upset her friend, she just knew that it she had to look at another one of... Them She didn't think she'd beable to remain sane, "Get rid of them!"

Her friend looked upset at first, hurt. Before she turning to resignation. She nodded.

And then the screaming started. Lisa could only watch in horror as doppelgangers died in the most nightmarish of fashions. Melting, decaying, disintegrating. The old, young, children babes.... Screams, cries, begging, cursing... Even when all were gone and the only proof left that there was life was the fizzing gore that rapidly evaporated she still heard the screams.

Taylor looked down at her maddened friend as she screamed and clawed at herself, she felt an odd mixture of disappointment and irritation. She'd gone through so much effort to make that, then she trashed it for the girl only for her to still have a mental breakdown. With a sigh the girl took a step forward.

Taylor halted as she felt two arms wrap around her from behind in a warm embrace.

"Seriously you need to lighten up girl," Lisa #17545 teased, "You've done nothing but obsess over this little project of yours for who knows how long, why not enjoy it?"

She was surprised when her friend turned back around and hugged her too. It was an oddity she had yet to crack, that on the very rare occasion her friend would completely break her stoic behavior to reciprocate her affection openly. She smiled and patted the girls back and waited the couple minutes she knew it would take before she let go.

"...Yes, that sounds... Agreeable," Taylor offered once she broke the embrace, "It appears the project I wished to show you isn't quite ready."

"In that case let's go for a quick dip." She made it a couple steps before being jerked back by the lead weight known as Taylor doing her very best impression of Immovable object as she stared out at the sea. Lisa was about to ask what was wrong before the spell was broken with Taylor's nod as she walked forward to match her friend.

"That was close," She muttered, "Almost forgot to remove the fish."

Lisa just ignored her friend as she gave another one of her power stumping nonsequitors.
Cross posting some Omake since I'm fairly proud of them and they can be considered standalone from the story to an extent.

The original premise was Taylor is Yog Sothoth, Omake is of an After The End Scenario where reality got nuked and Taylor only kept Lisa around after the end while she tries to remake reality after she accidentally the omniniverse.
Heh, I remember these, and the fic they were posted for, good times. I think that was one of the few stories were Coil was technically a good guy toward the end wasn't it?
Crossposted on SB and SV, What if the ancient Gods and Goddesses of classical mythology were discovered to be the first Parahumans?
Crossposted on SB and SV, What if the ancient Gods and Goddesses of classical mythology were discovered to be the first Parahumans?
Such a thing would only come into play if parahumans had been around for a very long time. So either they will just shrug and think it makes sense or there will be a wave at discovery parahumans are not a thing that popped up in the last 30 years from nowhere. But unless it actually brings to light either meta knowledge about the series or some story revolves around it with new twists being thrown in that aren't in canon it will change nothing.
Crossposted on SB and SV, What if the ancient Gods and Goddesses of classical mythology were discovered to be the first Parahumans?

It wouldn't really add anything to Worm given the setting's premise.

But if you want a supers setting where mythological creatures and gods were (more or less) real people... I know where to look.
Taylor can 'play' MtG cards and the effects/creatures come into being.

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