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Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

" It alive! Alive!! "

Great chapter! Love this concept and hope you can write/post more soon x3
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Glad to see this again, I just reread it and was wondering - are Taylor's memories in Oddessy's memory banks? and if so could the crew look up things there ?
By the time Odessy is a thing General Jack O'neill is stuck in Washington DC being tortured by paperwork.
Jack there's no time to ex-
I'm in. Let me grab my uniform.
Wait i didn't even fi-
There's no time to explain! Let's go!
[3 weeks later]
Daniel: Why does her hero costume need aviators? She is a Starship.
Jack in his own aviators: You just wouldn't understand.

Edit: I adore crack fics that are played completely straight. Like there is something about a completely off the wall situation that get the "This is actually happening, and has pros/cons" treatment, that I love.
So, I'm loving this fic, but I have one question...where is Landry? He seems to have not been mentioned at all, I can understand Teal'c being removed from the ship, but Landry not being present seems to imply he's already died of old age, making this a considerably more aged SG-1 than I've been imagining.
I can't wait for the inevitable Lung Fight. Where she just shows him how ridiculously outclassed he is. He is fighting with his all, and she is barely putting in any effort.
Oh man, this is old, isn't it? But here goes. Never too late to fix typos.

However, the inhabitants of teat ship tried to bring back a person.

teat -> the ?

The people on board Taylor were silent. They'd noticed her plight, through the sensor screens. The four members of the premier team of intergalactic explorers, each battle-hardened warriors and seasoned negotiators, looked to each other in silent dares to be the first one to breach the topic.

I'm reminded that we're talking about a group that includes US special forces. Killing it, optionally with fire, is an option. They're also career military - familiarity with paperwork, and the workings of bureaucracy is a given.
Then she turned around and strode right out of the school into the chilly night. Or… supposedly chilly. That's what her sensors said. It didn't feel cold to her. She wasn't sure if that was her shields protecting her or arm aspect of her new existence, but she didn't really care. It was nice.

You're a space ship. A deep space space ship. You need to be operational with damage, IE "comfortable", in everything from like 2.7 Kelvin (-270C, -455F), up to ~400 K. The range from the coldest point on Earth to the highest is like 1/3rd of that.

"Sam, mind making an expected thrust calculations change? I just accidentally'd the sound barrier before I managed to throttle up more than another thousandth. I can't really do that next to other capes, most won't be able to survive."

As a note, reaction thrusters alone should be sufficient for flight in human form. You know, the ones for things like fine tuning your course by a few meters? RCS?
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