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Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

Vote Tally : Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 9 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 250-271]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
Task: Path
[X][Path] Actual Twins.
No. of Votes: 19
[X] HammeredApple
[X] abyssmal_kismet
[X] Aerrow
[X] Arbitbit39
[X] Argentis
[X] bobbya1
[X] Demetric
[X] Dragolord19d
[X] Fonteius
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] LokKi
[X] MahoGuy
[X] Mikers99
[X] Minion #Q
[X] Prama
[X] Rock_on_5002
[X] Silverbladestar
[X] Tangin
[X] Zakara
[X][Path] Flower and Dragon.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Dragolord19d
[X] Argentis
[X][Path] Dark Giant.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Harpy81

Total No. of Voters: 20

So yeah, let's go get us some lolis.

EDIT (forgot to answer):
also can Luz Lunar activate in other moons?

Who knows? You'll have to try and see...
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[X][Path] Badass Children.

I want to see how crazy things get when Mizuiro is actually interacting with the plot rather than just fucking his milf harem and throwing pipe bombs at Aizen.
Larva 1.17 - How to kick ass and befriend children
Ugh, this chapter. Had to cut it short because I was writing myself into a corner. Scene changes are really convenient to avoid it, but I hate the feeling of losing that comes with using them this way. At least the vote at the end is interesting?
[X][Path] Actual Twins.

Let me tell you, getting your lifeline cut when you're about to get back to safety isn't only frustrating. It's also humiliating. Because suddenly you're midair without flight capabilities and have to scramble not to faceplant on the ground.

Fortunately I don't have much time to reflect on that, because that's when a terrified scream cuts the air.

Now, if I was smarter, I would've kept my wits and tried to apply some logic the situation, maybe make sure I take a look at the environment before doing something rash too. But we've already determined I have a bleeding heart that'll get me killed one of these days, and that scream sounded really desperate.

... If someone asks, I'll blame general Hollow Idiocy somehow creeping on me.

Anyway, that's how I end up rushing blindly into a worn down side alley and charging past a black haired girl to tackle a rather big and hairy Hollow I didn't bother looking at closely.

I'd like to say the surprise attack caught him out of balance and I quickly finished the fight before it could even start. That's not what happened though. The fucker was barely faced by my surprise attack, and swiftly turned around for a brutal counterattack that left a caterpillar-shaped indentation on a wall.

I'd also like to say I had the presence of mind to tell the black haired young girl (and the young blonde I hadn't seen before) to keep their distance but don't run away. There was a lot of other Hollows around, and I had the distinct feeling a human child would rate as 'snack' in even the weakest Hollow prey/predator scale.

Instead, I barely managed to grunt something that vaguely sounded like 'Run!' before another caterpillar-shaped indentation appeared on the street, this time in the floor. I'm obviously not winning this easy, nor going to look cool while doing so. All this manhandling is making me rather dizzy too.

Sick of this, I extend my Punto Veneno, forcing the brute to finally release me.

Unfortunately, he does so by trying to launch me through the only wall still intact. And when I manage to soften the blow and just stick into it instead, I get a fistful of lightning and thunder on the face for my efforts. Because I'm fighting an Electric-Type Hollow, apparently.

A crocodile-faced, monkey-bodied, electric-eel-hearted Hollow, now that I stop and look. That's a thing. And will soon be a thing with sticky thread all over it's ugly face, Disparo Demora!

… Dodged.

Why you! Disparo Demora!

Dodged again. And this time he zapped in return. Gah, those things hurt! Out of all the times to find a hollow both fast enough to dodge my attacks and cautious enough to bother doing so, why did it had to be now?

The ragged breathings behind me tell me the girls had enough presence of mind to reunite and huddle behind cover, but were either unwilling or incapable of getting away. That… seriously limits my defensive options. Anything I dodge will go straight at them, and I'm not sure how sturdy their cover will prove against Hollow general bullshittery.

At least I don't have to worry about it dodging my attacks. There's only trash down the alley. Literally. Which is good, because I don't seem capable of clipping him with my threads. Which means I'll turn him into a pincushion instead. Eat hair-darts ugly face, Punto Veneno!!

That… at least hits. Against the hairy black arms protecting its face. To no appreciable effect. A quick Disparo Demora on the meanwhile brings a solid piece of debris I use to block the next lightning bolt, but they get disintegrated in the process. Damnit!

Why don't you try this for a size!

Punto Veneno! - Stop blocking!- Disparo Demora! -Heh, that dodge was clumsy, I got you now- Punto Veneno! -Yes, block again, will you? Take this!- Disparo Demora (Multishot!)

Twin silk threads fly onwards, trajectory slightly impossible courtesy of Thread Manipulation and, as I see the irritatingly nimble hollow try to get away, I know the monkey-crock won't be able to dodge this time.

One of the threads goes for its face, and he barely manages to dodge it twisting in an impossible angle, but the other one tags its leg and really, that's all I need. A solid tug has him crashing onto the ground and before he can stand up again all the missed threads still lying around come to life and pounce on him from everywhere, finally pinning him down.

Oh, Thread Manipulation, how I love you.

Chupavidas finishes the job, but takes longer than expected to finish. This guy wasn't your regular everyday idiot. An outlier, a powerhorse way ahead of the curve. Still and idiot, but more. Super Idiot sounds like an appropriate name.

"Uh, Um…" Oh, right, the kids are still here. And one of them seems brave enough to approach me. That takes guts, I'm kinda scary. "Thank you very much Mister Caterpillar."

"I'm a girl!" Turning towards the impudent child, I find out it's the blonde one. And that she's bowing down in front of a dumpster with a bright smile on her face that's kinda blinding. "And I'm here!"

"Yuzu!" The other girl, the dark haired one, half-whines half-scolds. At least she has the decency to shoot an apologetic look my way. "I'm sorry about my sister, Miss Caterpillar. She can't really see spirits, you see."

"That's..." Kinda depressing, actually. So normal humans can't even see me? "That's fine. Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, just scratches." Then she frowns, finally noticing the obvious. "What was that thing? What are you? What's going on?"

Ho boy, you don't ask the easy questions, do you? How do I even explain what am I without making her panic?

"I'm not sure what's going on, but we're not here by choice." I evade. "That probably won't matter too much to the others though. Most of my kind are, well… mindless hungry animals. Or sadistic hungry animals if they're actually smart."

Nailed it.

"And what about you? Who are you?"


Now that I think about it, what do I name myself? It never seemed important before… But I can't go around being called Miss Caterpillar forever. Names are supposed to be important, but this isn't the time for deep introspection, so I grab the first thing that crosses my mind and run with it.

Skitter. There's some conflicting feelings about this name, but you can almost taste de familiarity. This is no doubt a name you have used before, even if it leaves a bitter aftertaste. In spite of everything else, Skitter is a name you can work with.
Weaver. This is a good name, but using it makes you feel like a faker. Naming yourself after what you want to be, instead of what you really are. In spite of your best efforts, you still have no clue how to properly weave, after all.
Khepri. No. Just… No. You can't. Not this. Not now. Not gain. Not ever. STOP IT!!
T***** *****T. Ugh… your head hurts just trying to think about it.
Kiddo. Such a warm heartache…
Let the kids name you. You might live to regret it...
Write in. I'm honestly curious what might crop up here.

[X][Name] Skitter.
[X][Name] Weaver.

[X][Name] Khepri.
[X][Name] T***** *****T.

[X][Name] Kiddo.
[X][Name] Let the kids name you.
[X][Name] Write in.

You've drained the stuffing out of the monkey-croc! You earn 1728300 EE!!
Power Level Up! You're now level 49!!
Kinda forgot to give you EE for this fight. Tehee~
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[X][Name] Weaver

I considered suggesting a silk name, but then realized, silk is a product of hers, and can be used to name skills. Also, Weaver is more along the lines of what Taylor's acting like then anything else.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the Twins mentioning Weaver/Taylor's actions plays out here. The understanding there's at least one Hollow around that is definitely not acting monstrous might peak Uruhara's interest if he manages to get a picture of her.
[X][Name] Zion Scion.
[X][Name] Skitter. If the first is a no go.

But my first choice has to be Khepri. If that was an option to be take.
[X][Name] Little Owl
[X][Name] Let the kids name you.
[X] Actias Luna

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