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Chapter 121: Cultural Exchange Part 3
Chapter 121: Cultural Exchange Part 3

Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 3rd, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and we thought you could help us deal with this. From the Etherian side, so to speak."

"So, you've got a scumbag trying to blackmail you into Adora healing him, and you want me to help you without making Glimmer lose her temper or Adora trying to act innocent?" Catra cocked her head to the side as she looked at Sam and Daniel.

"Err, yes." Daniel blushed a little. Had he really expected she wouldn't figure out why they were coming to her with this instead of to Adora - the Supreme Commander of the Alliance - or Glimmer, Queen of Bright Moon and member of the Alliance Command Council or whatever they called it this week? Catra didn't even have a formal rank in the Alliance.

"Well, that was a good decision." Catra nodded in approval. Judging by the faint smile on Sam's face, that had been her idea, then. "But what do you want done about him?"

"We're working on uncovering the leak," Sam explained.

"And you can't just arrest the guy and interrogate him until he spills his source because that's illegal on Earth, right?" Catra shook her head. Sometimes, she wondered how Earth countries could function with all that red tape. On the other hand, if someone had been able to restrict her more reckless decisions, back in the Horde… Bah. That was the past.

"Yes." Sha're sighed a little as she nodded.

"Err, there are good reasons for that," Daniel said.

"I know, my love, but they are also inconvenient at a time like this."

Catra could agree with that. "Well, I guess we can't really have him disappear on Etheria, either."

Daniel gasped a little. "No, we can't!"

Catra had been joking, anyway. Mostly. A little trip, and he could become 'lost' in the Whispering Woods. If he was as over-confident as some of his roles, no one would question that he wanted to brave the woods alone. But people would wonder why he had been allowed to enter the woods alone and question the competency of the Princess Alliance. Or suspect foul play - Earth media were all about such plots, and from what Catra had learned about Earth's history, their governments were worse. But that wasn't the point here, anyway.

"We just need you to ensure he doesn't cause any trouble," Sam said, "while we handle the Earth part of this."

Catra nodded. "Especially if he wants to cause trouble. Which he would if he suspects something."

"We're hoping he won't," Sam said.

"That's why you came to me." Catra nodded. Slowly. And took a deep breath. They meant well. They just hadn't thought it through. They hadn't considered how this would look from another point of view. Namely, hers. "Yeah, that's a solid plan. Simple goal, clear reason. There's only one problem with it."

"Oh?" Daniel looked surprised. Sam's eyes widened as well. And Sha're was frowning.

"You want me to lie to my friends. To Adora." Her love.

"Ah." Daniel blinked. "Oh."

Sam winced.

And Sha're glanced at Daniel, then met Catra's eyes.

"That's…" Daniel started to say, but Sha're interrupted him. "We're sorry. We should have realised what we were asking of you, but we didn't." She bowed her head for a moment.

Catra let her breath out. "Yeah, it's…" It wasn't OK, but it hadn't been deliberate. "I understand your line of thinking." But to suggest she should betray Adora, hurt her like that… She clenched her teeth at the thought. Never again. She'd rather die.

All three winced at that, and Catra felt a pang of guilt. They still had a pretty serious problem to solve, and their reasons for suggesting to keep this from Adora - and Glimmer, and the others - were not entirely stupid. What Catra had heard of the mission to the Enchanted Grotto didn't fill her with much confidence in the Princess Alliance's capability to conduct undercover operations.

Sighing once more, she said: "So, we'll have to plan this carefully - with the others. And if Her Sparkliness blows her top, I'm not going to intervene."

"That's fair," Sha're said. The other two grimaced.

"Let's hope the Asgard haven't frustrated Glimmer too much today," Catra said as she got up.

"Oh? Are things not going well?" Daniel asked, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"They haven't threatened war yet," Catra told him. "But they have very different views, and, apparently, they think as little of our art and stuff as we think of theirs." Which was to be expected if the Asgard enjoyed the things Loki had shown them.

"Oh." Daniel frowned for a moment. "Have you tried to show them artwork comparable to the Norse culture's works? They influenced that culture, after all, and so they might enjoy similar art."

Catra snorted. "Yes. But the Asgard apparently thought sea shanties were parodies of their epics." To be fair, Sea Hawk singing them probably hadn't helped. The man had a good voice, but he was just too passionate about it. And turning every second shanty into a love song for Mermista hadn't helped.

Daniel winced again. "And what about rune carvings?"

Catra sighed once more. "Castaspella said most Etherian runes were related to magic and that it wasn't a good idea to try out new runes without proper precautions. The Asgard disagreed. Last I heard, they were still 'discussing' things when you called for me."

"Ah. Well, we didn't hear any explosions on the way in…"

Catra laughed at the weak joke. "Anyway, let's go and see if we can get Adora and Glimmer. If all goes well, they'll probably be happy to be called away."


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, December 3rd, 1999 (Earth Time)

General Smith had been up to no good. Jack O'Neill was sure of that. And serious no-good stuff, not just the usual things a four-star general did to get promoted if they hadn't saved the world from evil alien body-snatching snakes a few times and were friends with magical princesses who had a huge fleet of spaceships with big honking guns.

Jack leaned back in his seat and dropped the report he had been trying to read on his desk.

The problem was finding enough proof of said no-good stuff. Well, that was one problem. The other problem was finding out what Smith wanted. Why would a four-star general send a bloody Hollywood actor to blackmail Jack? It didn't make much sense. Smith didn't have a reputation for gossiping or drinking, so while it wasn't impossible that he had let slip something classified to a civilian friend at a mixer, it was very unlikely. Smith also wasn't stupid - he would know that Jack wouldn't let some arrogant actor push him around. And he would be aware that, especially now that the United States finally were officially at war, said arrogant actor could end up arrested in a heartbeat.

It wouldn't stick, though. The bastard had used a cover story that was bullshit but just plausible enough to get out of prison as soon as a decent lawyer was brought in. Or, if that didn't work fast enough, the press got a story about the evil Alliance trying to send an actor who had found out too much to a gulag. Which the public would take as proof that the Alliance was keeping magic that made you young again for themselves.

And that would be a catastrophe. Everyone with money and influence would try to get this, and most of them would not baulk at anything to be young again. Even worse, those without influence or money would riot. The First Contact riots had been bad enough, but this would put the worst anti-magic riots in the Middle East to shame. And if the Russians and the Chinese leaders decided that they wanted access to this…

The Alliance would be hard-pressed to handle all of this without the war against the snakes and the current issues with the Asgard.

Was that what Smith was counting on? That Jack would rather ask Adora to heal a puffed-up actor than risk such a catastrophe? But Smith would also know that Jack wouldn't let this go. And neither would the princesses. Was Smith trusting the threat of revealing the healing effects to keep him safe from retaliation? That would be short-sighted. And stupid. Such a threat would have to be neutralised. Not to mention that Jack didn't think the idiot actor would be able to keep quiet once people noticed. No, that scumbag would tell his trusted friends - or people he wanted to impress or get favours off. Or the latest starlet in his bed.

And even if Smith were stupid enough to trust such a scheme, what was he getting out of this? Jack couldn't see how this whole thing benefitted Smith. If they gave in to the blackmail to keep the secret, then that would mean the odds of anyone else getting Adora's healing would be even lower. If Smith wanted to have a young body again, it would have been better to do the blackmail directly. Hell, if he skipped the blackmail and just asked Adora directly, maybe added some sob story about being in pain, she might have healed him anyway.

So, what was Smith's goal? Was he being blackmailed by someone? Had he had some affair with a starlet, courtesy of his 'friend', and now it turned out that his friend had some demands to keep it a secret from Smith's wife? But would Smith go that far? Not for an affair, Jack thought. That sort of stuff still damaged your career, but they were at war now, which meant standards were looser - and Jack wasn't going to dwell on what might mean with regards to other rules that he wouldn't break anyway - and Smith was a decent officer and would know similar secrets of politicians and fellow officers. Enough to keep his post, though it might cost him a future promotion.

So, if Smith was being blackmailed, it had to be something more serious. And it would have a Hollywood connection. Drugs? They regularly tested for that - when you had to check for snake possession or weird alien stuff, scanning for drugs at the same time was just routine. So, if Smith had a secret, it had to be something more serious.

Which brought Jack back to his main problem: Finding out what Smith was hiding. And who was helping the bastard. Maybe he should do some field work himself, check out the man's home… No. He snorted at his own foolishness. If he got caught breaking into Smith's house, not even Adora's influence could save him from getting cashiered or worse. He had made too many enemies to escape such a blunder, both in politics and the general staff. Too many would be happy to see him gone.

He blinked.

Maybe that was Smith's goal.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 3rd, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and so we would like you to act as if nothing is wrong while we investigate further."

Adora took a deep breath after Sam finished her explanation. So, in the middle of the Asgard visit, they were facing another crisis. This was….

"We've got a scumbag trying to blackmail the Alliance, and we're supposed to do nothing about it?" Glimmer blurted out as she stood, both palms pressed on the table.

…infuriating, yes. "We can't just do nothing," she agreed with her friend, looking at Daniel, Sha're and Sam.

"We're not expecting you to do nothing," Daniel told her - wincing a little. "But until we know what's going on, we don't want to let the, ah, suspects, get spooked - we want them to think their plan is working."

"And Melog and I are going to help find out what's behind this blackmail," Catra added.

Melog glowed briefly in a smattering of colours.

Right. Sam had mentioned that as well. Adora nodded.

"Why you?" Glimmer asked with narrowed eyes.

Catra grinned. "Because we're unlikely to lose our temper and blow up this operation."

Adora winced, already knowing Glimemr wouldn't like that. Especially not when she was already angry.

"Says the woman whose mood can be spotted on Melog!" Glimmer spat, as expected.

Melog did flicker red for a moment before switching back, Adora noticed.

"Not too many people know that," Catra said. She cocked her head to the side, listening to her friend. "And Melog won't be visible often."

Adora bit her lower lip. That was one potential problem handled. "But if you leave, the Asgard will wonder why," she added before Glimmer could say something else to continue the argument.

Catra shrugged. "So? Let them. We're fighting a war. They can't expect us to focus everything on them."

"Well, they could - we don't know much about their culture and customs," Daniel pointed out. "But they have to be aware that both Etheira and Earth have different customs."

"If they want to take offence, they will take offence anyway," Sha're added. "Whether at this or at any other excuse."

That would ruin the entire plan of earning their trust. But if they were not willing to be open-minded, then the plan had been doomed from the start. Still… Adora shook her head. One problem at a time, she reminded herself of the old lesson from cadet training. If she tried to do everything at once, she wouldn't succeed at anything. "So… you'll go to Earth for a while?" she asked Catra.

Her lover shrugged. "I can return through the Stargate anytime I want. But we'll probably need some time to find out what's behind this."

So, they would be separated for a time. Again. Alone. Adora briefly pressed her lips together. She was better than that. And Catra and Melog were needed on Earth, less so on Etheria right now, while Adora had to be here to handle the Asgard's visit. They could do this. It wouldn't be too long, anyway. Either they would find the culprit quickly, or the Asgard visit would end, and Adora would spend more time on Earth in the Alliance Headquarters. At least until the cultural exchange with Earth started. Though if Adora was on Earth, then that would be a good reason not to heal that traitorous actor…

She nodded. "Alright. Anything else?"

Glimmer frowned at her. Had she expected Adora to veto this plan? What was the alternative? Risk having everyone on Earth think she could turn back old age? It was bad enough that so many wanted her to heal them, they were willing to riot. Adora suppressed a shudder when she remembered Paris.

"I can't believe they'd do that," Bow spoke up. "I love that show!"

"They're an actor," Cara told him with a scoff. "They are just playing a role. You can't trust them."

Was she talking about all actors or this one in particular? Or was she talking about Double Trouble? The spy's actions hadn't really left a good impression on, well, anyone, but Catra carried a particular grudge. Adora could understand it, of course.

She wished things were different, though. It was too bad that they couldn't trust Double Trouble. They would be perfect for such a mission. But letting them loose on Earth? That would be a disaster. If they were lucky, Double Trouble would finish the job before going off on their own to cause chaos, but they wouldn't be able to resist stirring up trouble.

And they wouldn't care that Etheria was in the middle of a war or that the situation on Earth could break out in riots or worse with just a slight provocation.

"Well, they're a good actor," Bow defended himself.

"But not a good person," Adora said.

"As far as we know," Daniel cautioned.

Even Sha're rolled her eyes at him at that, Adora saw.

He flushed a little. "I am just pointing out that we don't know what is behind this yet. We shouldn't judge people without all the information."

He was right about that, but things were not looking good for the man, in Adora's opinion.


Above the Pentagon, Washington D.C., United States of America, December 3rd, 1999

"So, you have checked the 'suspect's' offices in the Alliance headquarters already, and found nothing suspect? That's suspicious."

Samantha Carter nodded at Catra's question and ignored the wording. If her friend wanted to make fun of the correct terms for an investigation, then that was fine as long as it didn't hinder the investigation. "He has not been working in Brussels for long, and he seems not to have made many friends amongst the general staff of the other Alliance members." Something unfortunately quite common for many American officers, as Sam had also found out. It apparently wasn't just because the Stargate had been kept a secret from the other countries, either - many NATO members had long memories. But that was a problem for another day.

"Yeah. He certainly has no friends in our ranks. Acquaintances yes - he did good work on the PZ-921 offensive - but he wasn't really friendly. Juliet thought he might have issues with magic." Catra shrugged and shifted in the copilot seat of the General's stealth shuttle.

Or women, Sam thought with a slight frown. From what information she had gathered, General Smith had never shown open misogyny - he wouldn't have kept his position, much less have been integrated into the Alliance command structure if he had - but he hadn't spoken up for female officers either. Or had had any trouble with the more open misogynist officers in the force. Of course, he might just have had issues with General Juliet's style. The commander of Bright Moon's forces liked to wear her armour when on duty. Which included a cape.

But that was irrelevant right now. They were not investigating Smith's views on women but his potential crimes. "If he is doing anything illegal, it's unlikely he'll do it in his office."

"Which you have bugged already." Her friend grinned.

"Appropriate measures have been taken," Sam confirmed. "We're tracking his electronic communication as well." Including all cell phones used at his home, in case he was using burner phones.

"And you think it won't be enough, or we wouldn't be here." Catra nodded at Melog, who was sitting on the floor next to her seat.

"We haven't found any electronic trace of General Smith being in contact with our primary suspect. So, it was likely done face to face or through an intermediary."

"Like we do things on Etheria." Catra flashed her fangs, and her tail swished, then she turned to frown at Melog. "That was different! That was just regular communication during the war."

A moment later, she frowned again. "It was an undercover operation as part of the war. And that was in the Horde."

It seemed that Melog was disagreeing with her claim. And being pedantic about it - or facetious. Not being able to directly communicate with Melog was a bit frustrating, but it was merely a nuisance. And Sam couldn't really expect Catra to serve as a translator for every quip the other cat made.

The General would, though. And he would probably find it incredibly amusing to banter with Melog through Catra.

She pushed the thought away. "Anyway, I'll continue to monitor his electronic communications."

"And we'll spy on him in person." Catra nodded. "And if we don't find anything, we'll go after the actor."

The man was currently under observation by some of the General's 'acquaintances' who owed him a favour or two, as he had called it. "If you turn up nothing here," Sam told Catra.

"If we don't find anything, we can poke him and see how he reacts." Catra cocked her head to the side, and her ears perked up. "Melog can't read minds, but he can detect emotions. Should give us some clue." Suddenly, she frowned at her friend. "I don't always annoy everyone, so if he is annoyed, that's still a clue!"

Sam couldn't help snorting at that. It was a bit like seeing the General and Daniel banter during a mission.


Washington D.C., United States of America, December 3rd, 1999

Smith lived in a pretty nice house, in Catra's opinion. It was on the outskirts of Washington, but that was a nice area in America. You wouldn't catch General Juliet living in the countryside instead of in the palace. Or any of Mermista's admirals. But the United States didn't have a palace - the White House came closest, but anyone could see it wasn't a palace; it was much too small to house a court.

No one inside.

She nodded at Melog. That was what the shuttle's scanners had shown them, but it was always good to double-check intel.

"Good," she whispered. "Now, let's take a closer look at his home." She didn't expect to find anything incriminating, but if you could do recon in person, you did it. It would help with finding the best approach to observing the general's home life.

And she was curious how the man lived. She had only visited one Earth general's home before, and Jack hadn't been a general at the time.

Breaking into the man's home was easy. Not suspiciously easy - they had magitech tools to fool his security system, and Catra had been sneaking into restricted areas all the time as a cadet - but she would have expected a bit more from someone apparently trying to blackmail the Alliance. Or taking a shot at a personal friend of She-Ra, if Jack was right.

"Looks a bit… drab," she commented once they were both inside. "Nothing too personal."


Melog stared at a couple of pictures on the sideboard next to the couch.

"Those are the same pictures he has on his desk." In fact, the living room left a similar impression as the man's office. Tidy. Neat. Like the barracks before an inspection.

Catra wasn't sure what that said about the man, but it was something.


Above the Pentagon, Washington D.C., United States of America, December 3rd, 1999

Smith is a … workaholic is the Earth term, Catra thought. It was past eight, and he was still in his office in the Pentagon. Which was a weird structure, in her opinion; until the shield generator had been installed after the United States joined the Alliance, it hadn't had any protection from air or orbital attacks. Why would you put most of your military leadership into an easily identifiable and destroyable building? And in the same region as the not-palace of your supreme leader? Sure, they had the bunker where they had first placed the Stargate, but most of the people running the military were in Washington.

Of course, the people in the bunker might be enough to keep the armed forces going just fine, but if that was the case, why would they need the Pentagon in the first place?

Well, they had shield generators now, so the point was probably moot, but she made a note to ask Jack about it anyway. At the least, his answer would be entertaining.

Much more entertaining than tracking Smith. She sighed and stretched her arms over her head, then shifted a bit in the shuttle's seat. "No change?"


Melog was sprawled out on the backrests of the two seas behind her in a very comfy position. She would also have to try that when she wasn't nominally on pilot duty. And they weren't in the middle of an operation.

"You know, with all those millions of soldiers, I would have expected you to have more spies available," she commented, twisting her head a bit to look at Sam, who had installed herself at the comm console in the back. Which, Catra noted, fit her gear perfectly. Jack must have had that installed just for her, but whether he had done so intentionally or not was another question that should have an entertaining answer. Or reaction.

"Smith is a four-star general. We cannot be sure how much influence he has in the various government agencies, so using American assets to investigate him increases the risk that he will become aware of it," Sam replied without taking her eyes off the screen in front of her.

The man would be expecting an investigation anyway since his acting stooge had made contact with SG-1, though it was a fair point. "And so you came to us."


Not to any of America's allied nations. No, Jack trusted Catra and her friends more than anyone else amongst his contacts to handle this crisis. Well, they were his friends, so that was normal. Still, it said something about Earth that…

A beep from the scanner interrupted her thoughts. Smith was moving! Catra twisted and grabbed the shuttle controls, tracking Smith's icon on the holoprojection display in front of her.

Smith was moving through the Pentagon towards the exit. His usual exit, close to his car.

"No change in his routine," Sam reported.

"Yeah," Catra replied.

She checked the sensors in case another shuttle, or one of the old choppers, but those were growing scarce here, was arriving, but the sky was clear. Grinning, she accelerated a bit and started following Smith once he got in his car. "Fancy a car chase?"

"We are invisible to him."

No challenge.

"Spoilports." She chuckled. Still, they had to be pretty close for Melog to sense the man's emotions so she could at least practice some nap-of-the-earth flying. Which would be more fun if the Americans didn't have all those flimsy powerlines crossing the airspace.

Still, she managed to avoid them all - it wasn't hard with how slow those ground cars here were going.


"Oh?" That was new. "Smith is expecting something," she said for Sam's benefit.

"There's nothing on his schedule," Sam replied.

"He might have planned a romantic evening with his wife." He certainly should, in Catra's opinion, for how much time he was spending at work and not with her.

She felt Melog's amusement clearly. Her friend didn't think Smith would either.

"You did not see any preparations for such an event in his home or office," Sam said.

"You can plan a romantic evening without any of that," Catra pointed out. She had done so herself plenty of times. Though Sam was more like Adora, who couldn't plan anything without at least a whiteboard and three different pens to draw on it.

Anticipation grows.

"Oh! He's growing more excited!" Catra reported.

"He's still driving along the highway," Sam said. "But he's slowing down a little. A few miles, tops."

Catra frowned. There was nothing down there, and the traffic looked normal, so… Wait! There was a truckstop, or whatever those things were called. A big parking lot with a cheap diner. But Smith wasn't driving off the highway - he drove past the exit. And accelerated again to his usual speed.


"He was checking the parking lot," Catra said. "And whatever he expected wasn't there. Or whomever."

"He didn't call or mail anyone about a meeting here," Sam added.

Catra grinned. "Someone's trying to be clever." But not clever enough for them.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, December 4th, 1999

"If anyone asks, we are inspecting a potential site for the Alliance base on the Moon," Jack O'Neill said as he entered his stealth shuttle.

"We are supposed to do the Moon survey in two days, sir." Carter frowned at him.

"So we've decided to reschedule because something else came up." Jack grinned - she was always a little peeved when her schedule was changed. "It's even true. And it's not as if we're the actual surveyors, anyway. We're just checking to see if we like the locations."

"So, you've got the final word?" Catra asked. She was sprawled all over the pilot seat in a position that would break Jack's spine if he attempted it. "I wasn't aware we're building a special forces base on your Moon."

"We aren't. It's supposed to host an early warning system and secondary fleet base."

"Why would the Alliance need either?" Catra frowned. "We've got the spy bot network covering the entire system - and the area beyond it - and you've got plenty of secondary bases."

"It's mostly to lay claim to the Moon, I assume." Jack shrugged. "Or prevent that someone else lays claim to it. Like the United Nations."

"OK." Catra nodded.

Her reaction made sense, of course. Others might have commented that the Moon belonged to all of Earth, but Catra came from a planet where Bright Moon laid claim to three moons. Or she just didn't care. Jack was betting on the latter.

"Anyway," he said, "it's mostly Carter who's involved since she's supposed to build the sensors used there. But guarding the station might be part of my command's job - they're still sorting that out - and doing that will allow me to send my folks out on patrols on the moon, which will be good training, so we're involved as well." And they were friends with Princess of Power She-Ra, Supreme Commander of the Alliance, and while Jack wouldn't really abuse that - unless some idiot picked a truly awful place - others would, and the officers responsible for planning this were playing it safe.

Damn, he was starting to think like a politician instead of a soldier! Jack shook his head.

"Sir, if we're supposed to use the survey as a cover, then they will expect us to actually do the survey."

He made a dismissive gesture with his hand. "Just pick a location you like."

"But there are several important factors that will influence this choice," she protested.

"And I am sure that you've already considered them all." He flushed her a grin.

She actually blushed a little in return. "Yes, but strictly based on the data I had already - I haven't surveyed the actual locations myself."

"Just check the best location, and if it's good enough, pick it. We've got the technology to build a base anywhere anyway. We've got more important things to do."

"Not every decision has to be planned out like a night assault with green troops," Catra commented.

Jack nodded in agreement.

Carter obviously disagreed, but she was in the minority here. Not that this was a democracy, anyway.

He clapped his hands together, then took control of the shuttle from the co-pilot seat. "So, let's head to orbit and go over what we found out about Smith's dead drop!"

"Well, sir," Carter began as Jack took the shuttle up, "we've run the records we recovered from the diner through the Space Lab's main computer, but we didn't get any suspicious matches. Whoever General Smith might be exchanging messages with probably paid in cash. We've analysed the data from a traffic control camera next, and we've placed advanced sensors in the area, and we have a potential hit there, sir."

Jack refrained from commenting on whether or not Carter had acquired this data legally. They couldn't risk Smith or one of the man's unknown backers catching wind of their investigation. That was a good excuse, at least. "A potential hit?" He checked their course and the sensors, then looked over his shoulder at her screen. It showed a particular car. "The FBI?"

"Yes, sir."


Potential Base Site, Moon, Solar System, December 4th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"So, he's in contact with an FBI spook. Special Agent Wilkinson. Hank Wilkinson."

No one chuckled at Jack O'Neill's Bond impression. Catra probably didn't get the reference, and Carter was staring at her screen, trying to do a complete survey on the sly, but Daniel…

…was gazing at his wife.

Jack cleared his throat. "Focus, people! This whole thing just became a bit more complicated!"

"I would say so," Daniel replied. "It's one thing to investigate a general, it's another to investigate the FBI."

"Why?" Catra asked. "As you told me, you don't have the official authority to do either."

"Ah, well… the FBI is in charge of counter-espionage," Daniel said.

"So is the Alliance Joint Military Intelligence. And they have better stuff," Catra retorted. "Or did you funnel Alliance gear to your local organisations?"

Jack wouldn't be surprised if such a thing had happened, under the table or disguised as 'testing potential uses' or whatever excuse the gang around Kinsey could come up with, but he would have expected that to go to the NID.

"We would have detected any non-registered piece of advanced technology in use in the USA as long as it depended on Naquadah or used hyperspace fields or waves," Carter commented. "They cannot detect this shuttle."

Which was one reason Jack had wanted a stealth shuttle as his private shuttle. No way to track his movements should he have to alter his filed flight path.

"But we'd still be spying on the FBI. That's…"

"...perfectly fine, Daniel," Jack interrupted his friend. "We're going to get to the bottom of this one way or the other. Besides, if there's corruption in the FBI, we best find out as soon as possible." And success generally meant forgiveness, as long as you didn't break too many rules or laws. Or made the wrong people look stupid.

"So, we bug the FBI?" Catra asked.

"Not quite," Jack said. "Or not yet."

"We'll use standard electronic information gathering."

"You can call it hacking, Carter." Jack grinned at her.

"It's not limited to accessing FBI computer systems. We're also going to use advanced sensors to track key suspects."

"So, hacking and stalking." He nodded. "We need to find out if there's a rat in the FBI or if they are used as stooges."

"Stooges?" Catra frowned. "Like in those old movies?"

"Patsies," Daniel explained. "Being used as unwitting tools of the real culprit."

"Ah." Catra nodded, then nodded again at Melog. "Right, shouldn't be too hard - if we can check the suspects' reaction."

"Which brings us back to Hank Wilkinson," Jack said. "Not quite first of his class, but not bad either - you don't make Special Agent if you're stupid or lazy. Good career so far, but he's fallen a bit behind on promotions. Good in the field but 'untested as a leader', according to his file." That could mean he either wasn't good with people - unlikely based on the cases he had solved - or he had stepped on the wrong superior's toes. Or he had simply been in the way of someone's protege. Jack knew how office politics worked. And based on what they knew so far, Wilkinson didn't. He didn't have a patron and didn't know where the right bodies were buried. He seemed to be the stereotypical honest detective in a not-so-honest organisation. Seemed. "I wonder if he's a stooge or player," Jack said.

"We'll find out," Catra said. "Once you put us down on the planet again." She cocked her head at the other cat. "Yes, it's getting late. Tomorrow, then."

By then, they should have a better picture of the situation in the FBI. He looked at Carter. "Carter?"

"A few more minutes, sir," she said without looking up from her screen. "The preliminary scans are done, but a geological survey takes a bit more time."

"Wouldn't want our base to vanish into some sinkhole we missed, yes," Jack said, nodding.

"Given the moon's geology, there is no danger of sinkholes - and we would spot such an anomaly in the early stages of building," Carter replied. "Even if we don't use Tok'ra tunnelling techniques."

"Which we are supposed to use," he reminded her. "To preserve the Moon's environment or something."

"And for camouflage. Like the First Ones did with Alpha," Catra commented. "Too bad you can't completely hide its existence from your people."

Jack sighed. The crazies were already spreading conspiracy theories about secret alien moonbases. This actual hidden base wouldn't help. Too many politicians had access to the Alliance's budget numbers. At least the Ancients' little mad scientist base was still classified somewhat. If people started fearing that they would be turned into animals…

"Apart from the concerns the United Nations have voiced, several groups are protesting the militarisation of the Moon," Daniel said. "And there are concerns about the effects it might have on Earth's magic, given the importance of the moon in myths. To be fair, we don't know much about that."

"It didn't affect Etherian magic," Catra said.

"But Earth magic is different," Daniel retorted. "We don't know if that's the case here as well."

"And it could affect Etherian magic without you being aware of it - the research base has been on the moon since before your kingdoms were founded," Sha're pointed out, "so without older records, you cannot know if there are any differences."

That was a good point, but as long as things worked, Jack was okay with not caring about the details of magic. It was bad enough that even without the Chinese being in the Alliance or having a realistic chance of joining the Alliance, some people wanted Feng Shui consultants to approve of every planned construction.

What was next, sacrificing goats to bless new ships? Jack was almost glad about some good, old-fashioned corruption plot to deal with instead of that nonsense.

Chapter 122: Cultural Exchange Part 4
Chapter 122: Cultural Exchange Part 4

Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 4th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and it's with great pleasure that I am here, announcing a performance of one of the Asgard's greatest epics, the 'Lost Sons of Vanir', a recording loaned to us by our guests from Asgard."

Adora clapped encouragingly when Glimmer nodded at Thor, Freyr and Penegal, who were sitting next to Adora in the first row of the theatre. She leaned over and whispered: "Thank you again for allowing this."

Thor smiled at her. "When you told us that your only examples of our culture were from Loki's private collection, we had to show you the real culture of Asgard. Even as a child, that rogue had no taste."

Adora kept smiling and nodded. She agreed with Thor's judgement of Loki's taste, but saying so would feel like talking about Loki behind his back. "We've been looking forward to this." Especially after the visit to Ketro and Jesa's farm. The Asgard had overwhelmed the farmers about the magitech they used to till the land with questions that would have been better addressed to the actual creators of the various tools. And she best not think about the Asgard's opinion on using draft animals and magitech together.

But that was over now, and the next day, the Asgard would visit Mystacor, where they could satisfy their curiosity about magitech. That should put them in a good mood, Adora hoped. And make them more receptive to Etheria's culture.

Meanwhile, Glimmer had stepped down from the stage and retook her seat in the front row, next to Bow and Adora, as the lights dimmed and the audience quietened down.

Once the theatre was mostly silent and dark, the stage was suddenly illuminated by a dim blueish glow, which turned into a holoprojection of an Asgard. According to Thor, it was a famous performer, Baldr. A famous dead performer, Adora reminded herself, wincing at how embarrassing it had been when she had asked the Asgard if he would like to visit and perform himself.

Then the holographic projection started to speak, and Adora sat straighter. This was it - genuine Asgard culture. Mainstream culture, as Daniel would say.

"In ages past, when faced with dire news, the Asgard were united, and yet…"

Baldr sounded as if he were half-dead already. Adora pressed her lips together - this was something Catra would have said - and forced herself to focus on the performance.


"...and so the Vanir left, never to be seen again."

Adora smiled and clapped her hands as the holographic projection on the stage bowed their head. She was genuinely happy - that the performance was now over. If the recordings Loki had given them of the Asgard epics had been bad, then this - Thor's favourite epic, apparently - was worse. The delivery had been just… 'Wooden' would be a compliment. If Jack were here, he'd be making jokes about robot performers. And if the performer had been a bot, Entrapta would have offered to repair it.

But, she noted with a side glance, the Asgard had liked the performance. At least, they looked moved. Especially Thor.

"If we show another such epic, we'll have a rebellion on our hands. Or a lynching," Glimmer whispered.

It was hyperbole, of course. But Adora was glad Catra was on Earth. Her lover wouldn't have been able to keep her tongue in check, Adora was sure.

At least Glimmer was clapping her hands as well, if not very enthusiastically. Only Bow and his Dads showed genuine enthusiasm in the front row, from what Adora could tell.

"That was fascinating!" George said.

"Oh, yes!" Lance was beaming. "It is so very interesting to see a truly alien culture - it seems that humans share similar cultural traits, possibly influenced by our shared First Ones heritage, though we'd have to research this more thoroughly, which would explain why Earth media are so popular on Etheria, while Asgard culture does not resonate nearly as well with us."

"Well, I found the story very interesting - a tribe of Asgard, lost in the galaxy," Bow said.

"From a historical point of view, of course, the story is interesting, but the performance itself utterly failed to entertain humans," Lance retorted. "A quick look at the audience proves that, especially given the circumstances."

"I see," Thor said.

Adora winced while Lance grimaced. Bow's dad was honest, but he probably shouldn't have said that out loud in the presence of their guests.

Though she couldn't really say that he was wrong. On any point.


Above the J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington D.C., United States of America, December 4th, 1999

"This would be much easier if we simply monitored the FBI's electronic communication," Samantha Carter pointed out. It would also, if you stretched definitions, be covered by the mandate of the Alliance. Of course, no one would believe that they actually feared a Goa'uld plot in this case, but it would be hard to disprove it. She turned her seat to look at the General.

"Yep, but we can't." He grinned. "They're using a dead drop - I doubt they'll be using electronic communications for anything juicy."

Sam pressed her lips together as she nodded. That was a logical deduction. She still didn't like it.

"Well, at least we can bug their offices while we're infiltrating their hideout," Catra commented. "So, you don't have to do that at a later date."

"I don't expect bugging the FBI offices will be necessary after this," Sam retorted. It would also be hideously illegal.

Catra somehow managed to shrug while sprawled over the co-pilot seat's armrest. "If there's one traitor, there could be more. Besides, they're your spy hunters, so they're an obvious target for infiltration."

"Most spies would consider the FBI an obvious organisation to avoid," Sam said.

Catra snorted. "Not the good spies. They would know that they'd be safest pretending to hunt spies - they would be aware of any investigations."

Sam glanced at the General. He was the closest they had to an expert in such undercover operations.

He frowned a little. "Well, it would be a bold strategy but also a high-risk one. Surrounding yourself with people trained to spot spies is not a safe tactic. Could have a great payoff, but the odds of surviving it for long aren't good. Of course, sometimes you don't need to survive undercover for long. But getting inside would be very hard since any new recruit would be vetted."

"By possibly corrupt people. Once you have a foot in the door…" Catra shrugged again. "But it's your decision. Unless it's Goa'uld-related."

"We can't determine whether something is related to a Goa'uld plot without investigating," Sam retorted.

Catra grinned. "Then I guess mission Bug-the-FBI is on."

"Yeah, the logic is flawless," the General said.

Sam didn't roll her eyes at Catra and him. But she huffed under her breath as she turned back to her computer. She really didn't like breaking the law so blatantly. Hacking a computer was just… collecting data. It was a kind of unorthodox research, from a certain point of view.

She blinked. She probably had watched Star Wars too often. Teal'c was to blame for that.

In any case, if this operation failed, she probably would have to emigrate to Etheria. As would the General. Of course, that would also mean that the UCMJ wouldn't apply to them any more, and… She shut down that annoying thought. She was better than that!

"So, how's the hacking of the FBI security going?" Catra asked, craning her neck to look at Sam upside down.

"You shouldn't have any problem bypassing their security system," Sam replied. Not with the advanced technology at their disposal. And with Melog's illusion power, that could effectively render the two cats invisible. No challenge, as Melog supposedly said.

"Yeah. But do you have anything else?" Catra didn't change her position. Sam felt her back hurt just looking at her twisted form.

"Not at this point." Nothing that her preliminary search had flagged. Of course, she might have missed something, but that was why she was running a much more thorough - and slower - search of the FBI data centre she had hacked.

But if Smith and Wilkinson were as careful as they had shown to be so far, this wouldn't get them any actionable intel. At most, Sam was hoping for clues and hints at what Wilkinson was doing - she already knew he wasn't running an official investigation that required contact with Smith; Smith didn't appear in the databanks at all.

And neither did anything connected to Kinsey or the NID so far. That was disappointing but hardly unexpected. They wouldn't have been half as dangerous if they had been incompetent, and their influence on the US government agencies would have only grown after the President had relied on their support to push through crucial policies to secure the Alliance with Etheria.

"Well, let's see what we can find out, then!" Catra got up from her seat with a fluid grace that Sam couldn't have pulled off in her best form, and Melog joined her.

Sam checked the scanner one last time. No sign of any improved security that she wasn't already aware of and had neutralised. Then she nodded. "Go!"

Catra grinned, then turned to her companion. "You heard her!"

Moments later, they faded from view - no, Sam corrected herself; an illusion of an empty shuttle interior covered them. Melog was showing off - they would have to create a different illusion for the building's roof. And for the rappelling down.

Still, they knew what they were doing. "Clear," she announced,

"Gotcha!" The general replied.

A moment later, the ramp was lowered, and Sam barely heard feet - and claws - on the metal surface before the shuttle's system informed her that they had jumped off.

"You know, seeing this makes the CIA look a little less stupid for trying their ESP experiments in the 70s," the General commented. "I wonder if they found a way to make it work this time, with magic returned."

Sam made a noncommittal noise and focused on her screen before he could find a way to make her hack the CIA to search for such programs.

She was sure that they were running more than one, anyway. As would be any other intel agency. Even the FBI, actually.

She frowned. That was the only threat she could imagine to this operation. But they hadn't found any hint of such a program being run here in Washington - all such research was supposed to be conducted in Quantico.


J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington D.C., United States of America, December 4th, 1999

Catra slid down the rappelling rope and landed lightly on her feet on the roof of the FBI headquarters. Melog didn't bother with the rope at all and simply jumped down the few metres from the shuttle ramp.

"Show off," she whispered and felt their amusement and some smugness in return.

The light's hue showed that they were inside an illusion of an empty roof right now. And above a half-empty building - it was Saturday, and most people didn't work on Saturday or Sunday. At least if they were working for the FBI.

Catra was glad of that - it made her mission easier. Usually, with a building that size, she'd sneak through the air vents - using the hallways and taking out whoever you met before they could sound the alarm was not possible since there could be no sign of their intrusion at all. But with Melog's help, they could just go down the facade and break through a window. No one would see them.

No challenge.

"The challenge is finding proof," she whispered. Any proof useful for stopping this plot.

She peered over the edge of the roof. "Coast's clear."

Melog moved the illusion - Catra could tell from the way the light just changed a little bit in her sight - while she fastened the rope to the roof. She could hear Entrpata's voice in her kind as she used the self-adhesive option of the rope: 'It's the new and improved self-dissolving climbing rope mark II - this one won't dissolve spontaneously; well, it didn't so far in testing without the correct catalyst - and you can use a different catalysator to make it self-adhesive! Either the rope or the material you attach it to will break before the adhesive!' Jack had ordered a cargo container's worth of the rope for his troops. But his expression when Catra had asked what the troops would get up to with the adhesive rope in their spare time…

Focus on the mission, she told herself as she slid over the roof's edge and down the facade. She reached Wilkinson's office in no time and perched on the windowsill while she peered inside. There he was, shuffling papers on his desk. Which was placed so she couldn't see what he was reading from her point of view.

Well, they already knew he was competent. And a workaholic. No partner, no kids, and distant parents - which was a point in his favour, said parents being part of a rather bigoted community according to their research, while Wilkinson himself hadn't visited a church unless it had been for a wedding or a funeral ever since he had left his home town.

Waiting. Busywork.

Oh? Catra's ears perked up. That was interesting. Busywork on a Saturday? And waiting for something or someone? Time to get to work! They weren't here to spy through windows; any drone could have done that.

She quickly climbed up and then over to the next office, resisting the urge to use her claws. Leaving suits and gauges in the facade would be a clear sign she had been there.

This office was empty, as expected, and she quickly had the security disabled and the window opened. Bracing herself, she held out her arms and whispered 'Ready" through her comm.


A few moments later, Melog came down the rope, changing forms into a slinkier form before reverting back once they could jump off and into the office.

Catra used the catalysator pen to dissolve the rope before closing the windows, watching for a moment while the rope seemed to fade from view, turning into smoke that blew away in the light breeze.


Yeah, the desk was messy. But it was not very interesting - the files belonged to some boring financial case or something. Nothing related to their investigation. They had checked beforehand.

They had picked this office since it was next to Wilkinson's - and because the owner was messy. Which meant they would be very unlikely to notice a few well-hidden changes to their office walls.

She pulled a set of tools out of her belt and started to drill, or 'etch' according to Entrapta, who had made them - through the wall. Silent even to her ears, there was no way Wilkinson would hear that. And since the hole wouldn't go all through, he couldn't spot it either.

A few minutes later, she slid the bug into the hole, plugging it with a battery that would last years and some plaster. "Done!"


Oh? Perfect timing, then! Catra would have hated to wait for hours for whatever Wilkinson was expecting to turn up. Almost as much as she would have hated to sit through an Asgard Epic. Poor Adora.

She grinned and switched her communicator to the bug's frequency. Not even regular Alliance scanners would detect that both Entrapta and Sam had assured her, and since they had created said scanners, they would know.

She heard someone knock on the door, followed by Wilkinson snapping: "Come in!"



A female voice. They and Wilkinson sounded… familiar. But not too friendly.

The door closed. Footsteps. Lighter ones than Wilkinson's.

"You know the brass still isn't convinced we're ready for work. We're still training. And experimenting."

"Consider this training, then."

"I'm saying that I don't have any experience with this. Not a little - none, Wilkinson."

"You already told me that."

"Just clarifying it again."

Wilkinson snorted, but it didn't sound as if he was actually amused. "You don't need to cover your ass with me. The brass isn't convinced your work can be used in court. And they won't be convinced until the Supreme Court approves it. But I won't need this for evidence. All I need is additional security."

Catra heard the woman snort. "I'd say you're paranoid, but… this isn't for your official case, is it?"

"Safer if you don't know. It might damage your career if you knew and were caught."

"Then I'll find something else. In case you missed it, anyone with a talent for magic is currently headhunted by everyone. I could be making the big bucks in no time, Wilkinson."

"And yet, you stayed with the FBI."

Catra hissed. A sorceress? And Wilkinson wanted her for 'security'?

They hadn't planned for that!


Definitely a problem, yes. If she could spot illusions… Catra pressed her lips together. They didn't know much about Earth magic - no one did. But two things had been observed so far. Earth magic often dealt with 'spirits' and similar beings or things conjured to do something, like the Wild Hunt. And all the myths about guardian and vengeance spirits. And the other thing was subtle stuff, like curses that brought you bad luck or sickness. Either possibility was bad news.

"Because they won't expect me to fight aliens with my mind."

Wilkinson snorted again. "But they could probably offer better training."

"Not according to what I heard."

"And what did you hear?"

"That the aliens have no idea about what magic we can do, and so can't train us any better than anyone else."

Catra frowned. The Alliance really needed to get their act together and start training sorceresses.

"Well, it's your career. Your decision," Wilkinson said. "I'm just a special agent on a case."

"On an unofficial case where you fear magical interference. Did you go through the X-Files?"

X-Files? Catra frowned. She would have to look those up. This sounded important.

"No. I'm investigating a case of corruption."

Or not, Catra corrected herself.

"And you think magic is involved, or you wouldn't have called me. No - you want additional security. You think someone might use magic to interfere with your investigation!" After a moment, Paris continued: "Oh, don't make such a face! Anyone could have deduced that!"

"It's safer if you don't know the details. I just need some way to keep magic off me."

"'Keep magic off you'? That's a big thing, Wilkinson. Ever since the first news of killing spirits, everyone wants a way to stop them. But no one knows how to do it."

"No one?" Wilkinson sounded sceptical.

"It's hard to test things. We've got several potential ways to block curses, but we don't know anyone who can curse people to test it."

"I'm volunteering. Can't hurt to try, at least."

Paris scoffed. "Oh, you sweet summer child - it very well can hurt. That much we know."

"I trust you."

"I always knew you were an idiot."

Catra snorted softly. She knew that tone. Those two had history.

After another moment of silence, Wilkinson asked: "So, what can the best witch of the FBI do against magic?"

"I'm not a witch. I am a thaumaturgist."

"That's what they're going with?"

"They hope it won't piss off the crazies as much as 'witch' would since it also has religious connotations."

Wilkinson scoffed. "As someone raised by such crazies, trust me when I tell you it won't help."

"I know. But our boss thinks he can have a magic division without the religious right frothing at the mouth about satanic government spooks. Even though we've recruited a priest recently."

"Really? A priest?" Wilkinson laughed.

"An exorcist. As a consultant."

"I'm starting to have doubts about this…"

"He's actually very nice. And he knows a lot that might turn out to be working now that we have magic back."

Wilkinson scoffed. "Don't come crying if he tries to burn you at the stake."

"Oh, stop it! The Pope himself has said that magic was God's creation, so it's not inherently evil. Any good Catholic knows that now."

Wilkinson scoffed again. "So, what can you do for me? Pray for my soul?"

"Do you want my help or not? I can do something more productive on a Saturday than listen to you regurgitate your childhood trauma."

"Sorry." Wilkinson didn't sound sorry. "I need whatever magic you can do."

"And what I can do depends on what we're facing. You mentioned 'interference'. What kind of threat are we talking about? Curses? Spirits?"

Catra cocked her head.

After a second, Wilkinson answered: "I don't know exactly. Any kind is possible."

"Any kind?" Paris sounded annoyed. "Don't give me that bullshit. I know you. You wouldn't have called me if you didn't have something more concrete."

A sigh followed. "I'm investigating a corruption case with an Etherian connection."


Catra suppressed a snort. Well, they already knew that, but it was nice to have confirmation.

"Yeah. So… anything is possible if I get too close. I could trip over a vine and break my neck. Or freeze to death in my bedroom."

"What the hell are you investigating? That sounds like…"

"Yeah. Corruption at the highest level. I've got an informant in the army, and the things he told me…"

"The Etherians all have diplomatic immunity. What do you think you can do?"

"The Etherians might have diplomatic immunity, but their business partners on Earth don't. And those are profiting from the corruption."

"Shit. You really meant the highest levels."

"I told you it would have been better if you didn't know. If you want to back out…"

"You know me better than that."

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

Catra heard Paris take a deep breath. "Alright. Let's start with basic charms of protection against curses. We haven't been able to test them, but we've got the wording confirmed from different sources - thanks to Father Ryan, actually. So… just relax and let me work."

That sounded like an excellent opportunity to exfiltrate to Catra. Get back to the shuttle while the FBI sorceress was busy casting whatever on Wilkinson.

She turned to look at Melog and nodded. "Time to move."



Above Washington D.C., United States of America, December 4th, 1999

"So, my office is now protected against magic?"

"It's supposed to be protected against evil magic as the ancient Romans considered it. We haven't actually been able to test that since we don't have anyone who can do evil magic."

"You don't?"

"We're the FBI, Wilkinson. Not the CIA."

"Point. And I guess you don't want to ask them for help testing this since that would give away that the FBI is building up a magic division."


"So much for the spirit of cooperation in the face of a shared enemy."

"That didn't work with the USSR, so why would it work with aliens?"

"Right. Anyway, thank you for doing this for me."

"We don't know if what I did is actually working. I did something - I can feel it lingering - but I can't promise it will protect you against Etherian magic."

"It's better than nothing."

"You still know how to make a woman feel appreciated, Wilkinson."

Jack O'Neill snorted. He wished the two FBI spooks would talk about the unofficial investigation Wilkinson was apparently running, but at least their banter was entertaining - and offered insight into the FBI's magic program.

"You know, I thought the whole 'our real enemies are the other American intelligence agencies' was just a TV thing," Catra commented from behind him.

He checked the autopilot - still set on automatic evasion should a plane or shuttle approach - and then headed back to Carter's station. "It's the capitalist way - a healthy competition keeps everyone sharp."

"Having your intel organisations run secret programs without oversight or control doesn't sound healthy to me," Catra retorted.

"It's healthy for certain people," Jack said. "For their bank account and influence, at least."

"That sounds like that corruption the guy was talking about."


Catra rolled her eyes. And Carter was staring a bit too intently at her laptop - even though Jack's shuttle had a holoprojector; it was great for briefings, and Jack was looking forward to movie nights once Hollywood got the hang of actual 3D-movies. Or someone started making games for it. But the FBI agents were still talking.

"So, who are you investigating?"

"Paris! You don't want to get involved in this any more than you are already, trust me."

"I'm already involved too much. You know that the kind of people you were talking about won't really stop with you if things go wrong. And if they find out about you, they'll find out about me as well."

Jack grinned. That was exactly what they were hoping for! "Yeah, Wilkinson, tell her everything about your investigation!" he muttered. "Leave nothing out!"

Catra snorted at that, and he heard Carter chuckle briefly, but he was focused on the two FBI spooks.

Wilkinson sighed. "Alright. I've got a source in the Alliance high command who stumbled upon hints of corruption. Misuse of military assets for private gain, nepotism, illegal operations, both authorised and unauthorised, smuggling and trading favours."

Business as usual, in other words, Jack thought with another snort. But he had thought they had done a decent job keeping that stuff down to trivial levels.

"A source?"

"Yes. An old friend of the old director. They contacted me."

"And asked you to investigate this on your own time?"

"That was my decision."

"And no one who knew you could have ever predicted that, right, Wilkinson?"

"Still my decision."

"It's your career."

"Damn right."

"So, you're investigating corrupt generals and magical princesses."


"And I thought becoming an FBI Thaumaturgist was weird."

"I've investigated Saudi princes and princesses before."

"And that investigation was shut down by the government."

"This one won't."

"And what makes you think that, Wilkinson?"

"The government stepped on too many toes to get into the Alliance. People went along with it because they had to, but they didn't like it. All the new laws, the constitutional amendment, magic and gay marriage… A lot of people are waiting for a chance to strike back."

"I didn't take you for a bigot, Wilkinson."

"I'm not a bigot. What people do in their own bedrooms is their business. And I don't give a damn about the Bible. But I am not blind to the fact that many people do have issues with all the changes that were forced on us."

"And you want to use them? You know how that usually turns out."

"All I want is criminals brought to justice, Paris. And justice is blind."

"And that's the corniest line I've heard in months," Jack commented. "And I work with magical princesses."

"I'll tell Adora you said that," Catra said.

"Do it. I am sure she can need the laughs." The Asgard were proving to be frustrating guests, as Jack had heard.

"Whatever. So, what are you investigating?"

"Smuggling. Earth media are the hottest thing in Etheria, and that means merchandise brings more money than drugs. And Earth is crazy for anything magical."

"But the only way to transfer goods is through the Stargate - or by spaceship, but a trip to Etheria takes weeks."

"Exactly. But if you control the Stargate and the fleet, that's not a problem. And guess who managed to get a personal stealth shuttle for private use? The former second-in-command of Stargate Command!"

Jack blinked. "They think I am smuggling movie merchandise in my shuttle? They think I am corrupt?"

"Well, we're currently using your 'private' shuttle." Catra shrugged at Jack's glare. "The other generals are probably just jealous they can't use a stealth shuttle to make money."

"I am not using the shuttle to make money!" Jack spat.

But some people would think he was.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 4th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"It seems Asgard and Etherian culture is more different than we expected."

Adora pressed her lips together and reminded herself that honesty was the best policy before she nodded. Thor was right, anyway. "I fear so."

"I wouldn't say that," Bow said. "Etheria has a very diverse culture. Of course, fundamental aspects are shared by every kingdom, but every kingdom has unique cultural expressions and styles. We just haven't found the kingdoms whose people like Asgard epics. I mean, really like - it's not that they are disliked or anything, really!"

He meant well, but he wasn't a good liar - his smile looked as forced as it had when they had visited his dads for the first time, Adora noticed.

And Thor hadn't been there, but he must have noticed something since he tilted his head slightly and stared at Bow with an expression that would likely have included raised eyebrows if Asgard had them. "And yet, according to what we were told, Earth media is 'all the rage' across Etheria. It seems your planet's cultures share this as well."

"Well…" Bow winced.

"We can't be sure that everyone thinks your finest epics are boring until we've got enough data to make such a conclusion!" Entrapta cut in. "Our sample size is not large enough, and the people present today were not chosen at random either, so this is not representative."

Freyr made a snorting sound. "Correct me if I am wrong, but I assume that you picked people you thought would favour us."

"We did?" Entrapta looked at Glimmer, then at Adora.

Adora winced. "Yes, we did." She reminded herself again that honesty was the best policy. "We wouldn't pick people who disliked the Asgard."

"Oh? I thought you might have hoped that if even people who were prejudiced against Asgard were won over, it would have made a great impression." Entrapta nodded. "But even so, we need a larger sample size to draw sufficiently solid conclusions from this. It's not like we have data from past samples to extrapolate from - we're breaking new ground here!"

"And," Freyr went on with a kind of smile, "the reason you invited us to visit your planet wasn't to make your people like our epics but to show us your civilisation and build trust."

Well, he was right, but it would have been a great help if Etherians liked Asgard culture. Adora smiled anyway.

"Well, at least this shows that we're honest," Bow said.

Thor frowned at him. "It has to be weighed against, and judged in light of, the circumstances of your involvement with Loki."

Adora winced again. If they had been honest with the Asgard from the start… But that would have meant breaking their deal with Loki. In hindsight, they should have looked into the whole matter a bit more before making a deal, but… If people needed help, and you could help them, you helped them.

"Anyway," Glimmer spoke up, "thank you for your performance. We learned something about each other."

"Yes, we did." Freyr nodded again.

"And tomorrow, we'll visit the Scorpion Kingdom so you can see a completely different culture!" Entrapta said. "I'm sure you'll like it!"

Adora nodded in agreement even though she wasn't so sure any more.


Fifteen minutes later, she entered her room, sighing.

"I guess the performance went over as expected."

Catra! Adora beamed at her lover and quickly moved to the bed on which Catra was lounging. "You're back!"


"You didn't tell me!"

"I didn't want to disturb your diplomatic event. And I arrived only fifteen minutes ago."

"Ah." But she had had enough time to change into her sleepwear.

"You can set me down now, by the way."

"Mhh." Adora held her a bit tighter and took a deep breath with her face pressed against Catra's cheek. And she had taken a shower as well - Adora could smell the shampoo.

"If I have to wriggle out of your arms, your dress might not survive."

Adora was briefly tempted to let her do it. Losing her clothes sounded very attractive right now, with her lover in her arms. But that would be a waste - Glimmer's tailor had worked hard on this dress.

So she released Catra and sat down on the bed. "Yes, things didn't go as we hoped. No one liked the epic."

"Nice to hear Bright Moon's population has good taste."

Adora snorted - weakly - at that, then sighed again. "They know we find them boring."

"They're not dumb."

"How did your day go?"

"Oh, Melog and I had a successful mission. We found out that a rogue FBI agent is investigating Jack for corruption based on General Smith's information."

Adora blinked. "What?"


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 5th, 1999

"...and they honestly think you're corrupt?"

Adora sounded incredulous, Samantha Carter noted. Her friend looked like she wanted to pace, but even the General's large office felt a little crowded right now, with 'SG-1 Plus' as he liked to call their old team and Sha're, and the 'Best Friends Squad' and Entrapta present. At least they hadn't tried to get Emily inside - the bot was guarding the parking lot right now. However, Entrapta had assured everyone that she was listening in through her sensor tool.

Sam had already mentally prepared a response to the General's inevitable request to harden his office's anti-eavesdropping protection after that revelation.

"Well, we don't know if Smith honestly thinks I am corrupt," the General replied. "But Wilkinson sure does - unless he's such a good actor, he should replace Mr Blackmail on the next big-ticket movie. But if he were any good at acting, he wouldn't have been sidelined in the FBI and treated like a rogue agent."

"But why?" Adora shook her head. "That doesn't make sense. You haven't done anything."

"And nothing was planted on you," Catra added. "Or in your home. Or as your home."

"How do you plant a home on someone?" Entrapta asked.

"You register them as the owner," Catra explained.

"Oh! Did someone hack your government databases and add your name to some properties?" Entrapta leaned forward. "That would be possible, I think, if they don't check with the owner."

That was a possibility, Sam had to admit. Not something as blatant as adding the General's name, but if someone used a shell company or two and built up a convincing set of layers that made it look as if it was meant to hide the actual owner… It was a common way to cheat on taxes. She would have to look into that.

The General frowned - he would have come to the same conclusion. "If this is a frame-up, then they could have done this. And if they pointed the IRS as well as the FBI at it…"

"Oh! That would be great!" Entrapta beamed, and Sam blinked for a moment. Why would her friend think that? "The lack of a central registry for all land ownership in your country is a bit bothersome - you should really organise such a database, you know, it would be so much more efficient - because we would have to hack so many places, but if the IRS is involved, we can just hack their computers!"

Ah. Sam suppressed another sigh. Her friend's logic was… Well, it wasn't as if Entrapta was wrong, but she tended to see any problem as a technical challenge and ignored the ethical and legal aspects. Or the political dimension.

"Hacking the IRS?" The General raised his eyebrows and glanced at Sam.

"I believe there are alternatives to such a course of action, sir," she told him. Not very efficient ones, though.

"Really?" Entrapta frowned a little.

"Well, we don't know if whoever is behind this would go that far," Daniel said. "Or if they have the resources for that. Although if Kinsey is involved…"

Sha're frowned. "If your rival is moving against you, why would he bother with such a ploy? He would know he needs to kill you to be safe from retaliation as long as you have the backing of the Princess Alliance, and your friends won't be fooled by this plot. If he has to kill you anyway, this plot will only serve as a warning for you to prepare for an assassination attempt, negating any usefulness it might have as a distraction."


Sam reminded herself that Sha're had, as a helpless passenger while her body had been controlled by Amaunet, been a witness to politics in the highest sphere of the Goa'uld Empire. Obviously, this had left an impression similar to Teal'c's experiences as Aphophis's First Prime.

"Ah, yeah, that sounds like something Kinsey might think," the General said, looking a bit surprised himself at Sha're's thoughts, "but he probably would be wary of the possible consequences if I get killed and he was involved."

"But wouldn't he also be wary of the consequences of framing you for corruption?" Sha're retorted.

"Yes, he would," the General agreed. "Which is why I don't think that's the NIDs work. It just looks a bit too… amateurish to me. They tend to hide their tracks a bit better when they do stuff like this. Unless they set off Smith and let him do the work without realising that he's being manipulated."

"But without fake evidence, Wilkinson won't find anything," Adora said with a frown. "So, why would he do this?"

Sam smiled a little. Her Etherian friends weren't naive, but they had a different view of how things were run.

"Ah, it's not as if there's nothing suspicious if you look at it from the right - or wrong - angle," Daniel said, pushing his glasses up.

"Definitely the wrong angle, Daniel," the General cut in.

"What?" the Etherians were staring at Daniel, then at the General.

"Ah…" Daniel blushed a little. "From the point of view of someone who would abuse their position for personal gain, or someone who is used to dealing with such people, Jack would look suspicious. Not just because he managed to get a Stealth Shuttle for personal use."

"I need it for work," the General retorted. "If I had to go through the Space Force every time I needed one, I'd never get anything done. And it's owned by the Alliance, not me."

Sam refrained from pointing out that he also used the Shuttle as a personal craft when it wasn't used by his command.

"And why shouldn't you have a personal Stealth Shuttle if you wanted one?" Entrapta asked. "It would be a gift from your friends, namely us! And refusing gifts from your friends would be rude!"

The rest of the Etherians looked as if they agreed, with the possible exception of Catra, Sam noted.

"Ah… accepting gifts is actually a bit of a problem for many people in positions of authority or power." Daniel smiled weakly. "Or, well, it should be - and with good reason. Because accepting a gift often implies an obligation to reciprocate, and that could be problematic if they, ah, returned the favour, abusing their power."

"Then you punish them if they do that. Problem solved," Glimmer said. "Why would you punish someone for accepting a gift if there's no actual corruption?"

"It's also, ah, about the appearance of corruption," Daniel said. "If people think you are corrupt, their trust in you and your organisation tends to weaken."

"Wouldn't they trust their princess to check? Or is this another problem with democracy?" Entrapta asked.

Yes, their Etherian friends saw things quite differently, Sam reminded herself as Daniel continued to explain the way corruption worked on Earth. They didn't quite understand how people could think the General was corrupt just because he used a shuttle for private purposes.

Chapter 123: Cultural Exchange Part 5
Chapter 123: Cultural Exchange Part 5

Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 5th, 1999

"...and we need to counter these accusations. This cannot stand!"

Catra snorted when Glimmer hit the table with her fist to emphasise her words. She was taking this hard, but then, she had been quite concerned about her own reputation, back during the Horde War. Back before - and after - Queen Angella had… sacrificed herself to save the world. From Catra's folly.

She pressed her lips together and tried to ignore the guilt she felt as the others continued to talk.

"They aren't accusations - not in the formal sense. It's just rumours," Daniel said.

"Then we need to counter those rumours!" Glimmer spat.

"Yes!" Adora agreed.

"Why? Let them talk. Soldiers complain about their leaders all the time," Sha're said. "What can they do? You're the Supreme Commander, Adora. Unless you turn against Jack, there is nothing Smith or anyone can do."

"Ah, that's not exactly how this works, dear," Daniel said. "Adora isn't supposed to abuse her power and protect criminals."

"I am not a criminal, Daniel."

"Well, of course not. I'm just saying Adora can't order the Alliance around like that if you were a criminal."

"I think that means you aren't supposed to do that," Catra commented, grinning at her lover. "You totally could do it, and Priest and the entire Third Fleet would follow you." And that was the backbone of the Alliance at the moment.

Adora scowled at her. "I'm not going to abuse my position!" Then she blinked and smiled at Jack. "Not that protecting you from such accusations would be abusing my position since you haven't done anything wrong!"

"Nothing that not everyone else did as well," Catra added.

Everyone frowned at her. "What do you mean?" Glimmer asked. Rather sharply, in Catra's opinion.

"Using the shuttle nominally attached to his command for private purposes," Catra replied. "Apparently, you're not supposed to do that."

"Why not?" Glimmer asked. "He's in charge of the Special Operations Command. He can use the shuttle as he pleases."

"It's more efficient that way," Entrapta added. "Of course, we could give you another shuttle, but then at least one of them would always be standing around and not used since you can't use two of them at the same time. Of course, it would be a spare shuttle for emergencies…"

"Ah, I don't think adding another shuttle for Jack's personal use would help with battling the rumours of corruption," Daniel said. With a glance at Jack, he added: "Sorry."

"Don't worry, one shuttle is enough for me." Jack grinned widely.

Catra snorted, but not everyone found Jack's joke funny - Sam glared at him.

"Wait! You're not supposed to use your equipment?" Adora asked.

"They're not meant for private use," Sam told her. "Although there are exceptions for personal vehicles."

"And a shuttle is a vehicle!" Jack grinned again, but not for long. "Anyway, everyone hops on an Air Force plane if they can - it saves time and money. And if you're a pilot, you also take any stick time you can get. But not everyone has a shuttle they can use for that."

"General Naird was quite unhappy that his command wasn't assigned a shuttle," Sam added.

"And he wasn't the only one, I bet," Jack said. "They're jealous."

"So, should we hand them shuttles as well?" Entrapta asked. "It would set our projected production back a bit, but if that will solve our problem, we can do it!"

"I fear, at this point, it would be seen as an attempted bribe," Sam objected.

"Yeah," Jack agreed. "Once they start talking about how you shouldn't use a shuttle like that, they can't go back and get one of their own - well, they could, but it would make them the next target."

"Then what can we do?" Adora asked.

"What can Wilkinson do?" Bow asked. "He's in Washington, and Jack's usually here or in Germany. Or in Etheria."

"He can snoop around in Washington and ask all my fellow generals," Jack said. "And he can hop on a plane and travel to Europe as well."

And just dealing with the spy wasn't on the table, Catra knew.

"But he wouldn't have any authority in Europe - or outside the USA in general," Daniel pointed out.

"This isn't an authorised investigation, so he doesn't have any authority to begin with," Jack said.

"Ah, right." Daniel winced. "Still, that means he is limited in what he can do."

"Never underestimate a lone wolf. Whether it's an assassin or a spook." Jack bared his teeth.

Catra nodded. A single spy like Double Trouble could cause a lot of harm.

"So, what can we do?" Daniel asked.

"We could try to speak to him?" Entrapta suggested. "Explain the situation?"

"That would make him even more suspicious; I know the type," Jack said. "He'll already suspect foul play - you've heard him. He probably thinks I'll ask some old Black Ops contacts to silence him."

"Or us," Catra added. She grinned. "But if he suspects foul play, what if he finds something worse than corruption? An attempt to frame a brave hero?"

Jack blinked. "You want to set him on Smith?"

Catra nodded. "We can set up Smith. Give him a taste of his own medicine."

"Yeah, we could. It won't be easy, but we could do that."

"But what if Smith is honestly mistaken?" Adora asked.

"I doubt that," Jack said.

"But we can check that first, I think," Bow said. "Well, you can - we still have to deal with the Asgard."

"Don't remind me," Glimmer muttered.

Catra grinned. She could do something interesting and avoid something boring - perfect.


Above the Pentagon, Washington D.C., United States of America, December 5th, 1999

This is a waste of time, Jack O'Neill thought as he leaned back in his seat in his stealth shuttle. Smith was a four-star general - you didn't reach that rank by being naive. Or by being so honest and by the book, you couldn't tolerate the usual rules-bending by the brass. Smith's own command would have sabotaged him if he had been that kind of hardass because no one wanted to serve under such a commander.

So, Smith had to know what he was doing. But the Etherians would need more than that to use slightly less-than-honest means to deal with him. Well, most of them - Jack was sure that Catra would be fine with framing Smith for any crime. But they didn't have to go that far, anyway - Smith must have some skeletons in his closet; they only needed to find them.

But still… Jack couldn't help feeling that he was missing something. Smith wasn't dumb. Did he really expect a drummed-up charge of misuse of a service vehicle - which everyone did to some degree - to bring down Jack? Smith was aware that Jack was a close friend of Adora and the other Etherians. Too close to be hurt by such accusations - especially since the Etherians considered using his shuttle for anything perfectly fine and dandy. Hell, the government was counting on Jack and the rest of SG-1 to use their friendship to influence the Etherians, and that cut both ways.

No, even if Jack were corrupt - and he wasn't - this wouldn't be enough to get him cashiered. They needed him too much. Not just because he was friends with Princesses, of course, but also because he had the most experience fighting the snakes. And he was good at it.

So, why was Smith sending a rogue FBI agent after Jack? What did he hope to gain from this? Was he actually counting on the disgruntled conservatives and religious nutcases to push the government into dropping Jack? The government had made it clear that it valued the Alliance far more than what influence those people had left. Even with the presidential election coming up next year, no candidate - none with a serious chance at getting a nomination in either party, at least - was campaigning on a platform that would piss off the Etherians.

Wilkinson was right that a lot of people were unhappy with the changes the Alliance with Etheria brought to the United States, but the country was in the middle of a war, and that meant people were closing ranks and rallying around the flag.

He glanced over his shoulder. "Anything?"

Carter shook her head. "No, sir. Smith hasn't left his office or called anyone since you last asked."

Which had been… fifteen minutes ago. That explained why she looked a little annoyed.

"Alright." He suppressed a sigh. Maybe he should take a nap - Catra and Melog were sleeping in their seats. In such weird positions, Jack's back hurt just from looking at them. They really were like cats in that regard.

But he couldn't sleep. He was missing something, he knew that. Why was Smith doing this? And what was he hoping to gain? A promotion? He was already a four-star general, and even - or especially - if he managed to get Jack cashiered, he wouldn't get a promotion out of it. He would have pissed off the government too much with his meddling. Unless he thought his involvement would remain a secret.

Did he? Jack frowned. Wilkinson might keep the secret. But Wilkinson alone wouldn't be enough to hurt Jack. That would need a lot of influence. So, others would have to get involved. And Smith would have to move very carefully to benefit from this. Too much caution and others would take over. Too little, and he would be sacrificed to appease the Etherians while someone else got promoted.

Would Smith really risk that? He didn't strike Jack as reckless - quite the opposite, actually. Not a coward, but quite a bit more cautious than Jack or the Etherians. Anger or desperation might change that, but envy or spite?

No, there was something else. Someone else was involved. Which, Jack admitted to himself with a grin, means that this isn't a waste of time.

If only Smith would copy Wilkinson and invite a co-conspirator over. Or start monologuing in his office! But it seemed Smith didn't want to cooperate with this investigation.

Well, Jack already knew the guy wasn't an idiot. Then again, Smith was picking a fight with Jack and his friends, and that was a really dumb move.

Something Jack was looking forward to demonstrating.


Factory Complex, Scorpion Kingdom, Etheria, December 5th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and these are our bot factories. They used to produce bots for the war, then we - well, Entrapta and Hordak - repurposed them for agricultural bots, but now they're producing war bots again. And spy bots." Scorpia pointed with her pincers at a massive and - to Adora, at least - familiar factory complex.

Sure, they had prettied it up - and, more importantly, cleaned it up; it wasn't leaking acid into the water any more, and they had better filters for the exhaust pipes, as Entrapta had explained - but underneath that, it was still the same factory Adora and Catra had climbed as cadets. She could see the very spot they used to watch the Fright Zone from here. Ah… She was smiling widely, she realised, and quickly schooled her features. This was a diplomatic event!

"You switched from agricultural equipment to arms?" Thor asked. "How did that impact your food production?"

"Not at all," Scorpia replied. "Well, not much - Perfuma worked on the plants we use so they produce more for less work." She beamed at Perfuma, who blushed a little, Adora noticed.

"I only changed the rate at which they absorbed sunlight and the efficiency of their chlorophyll. And I made them a bit more resistant to pests - not too much, or that would have meant they couldn't be cooked in the traditional way," Perfuma explained.

"Well, we could have just used them to produce Horde rations, but those factories were dismantled entirely," Scorpia said. "I kind of miss them, from time to time."

Adora stared at her friend. She missed the Horde rations? After tasting real food? Unbelievable!

Glimmer looked like she was feeling sick, and Bow grimaced. Perfuma, though, smiled at her lover.

"You ended your capability to produce rations for your soldiers?" Thor sounded incredulous as well. "In the middle of a war?"

"We did that before we knew about the Goa'uld. And only once we had better food to disperse," Perfuma said, sounding defensive.

"And if we tried to feed those rations to our soldiers, they'd probably revolt!" Scorpia chuckled. "Anyway, that's about it for our kingdom's factories. We mostly rely on Horde designs for weapons, though Entrapta has improved the models since the war."

"Oh, yes!" Entrapta piped up. "I had so many ideas I couldn't try out during the war because Hordak said the loss of production would be worse than the gain of capability, but with the war over, I could implement them. Some of them, at least. And now, they can be field tested!"

Adora winced a bit at the enthusiasm her friend showed at this prospect. She knew Entrapta didn't think that the war against the Goa'uld was a good thing - well, defeating them and liberating their slaves was a very good thing - but the way she talked made her sound like she did.

But the Asgard didn't seem to react to that as they looked at the factories.

"You make heavy use of bots, then?" Thor asked.

"Oh, yes," Scorpia said. "Bots can be repaired and replaced - most of them," she added with a glance at Emily, "while people can't."

The Asard exchanged glances. "But you also field artificial intelligences." Penegal cocked his head. "What do they think of this?" He wasn't looking at Emily directly but glanced in her direction.

Emily beeped.

"Emily knows that we need to free the slaves of the Goa'uld," Entrapta translated. "And she also knows we can replace the dumb bots."

"So, they are willing to risk their existence for the war?" Penegal asked.

"Yes?" Entrapta looked puzzled.

"Everyone is aware of the need to defeat the Goauld," Perfuma said. "Though we won't force people to fight them if they don't want to. But we learned harsh lessons during the Horde War." She looked at the factory complex. "And we're going to do things better in this war. We won't make the same mistakes."

If Catra were here, she'd say that they were going to make all-new mistakes. But she wasn't. Adora cleared her throat in the sudden silence. "Anyway, this is where most of the weapon production on Etheria happens," she said. "We've adapted the former Horde factories." And staffed them with former Horde soldiers.

"And you're showing us your key weapon factories?" Thor turned his head a bit to glance at the factories again.

"Yes?" Entrapta looked confused again. "Why wouldn't we?"

"It's not as if we have something to hide here," Scorpia added.

"Aha." Thor didn't seem very impressed, though. Well, the backbone of Etheria's military in this war were the Horde fleets, and those were built and maintained in space, which the Asgard would know.

Freyr, who hadn't said much so far, suddenly addressed Perfuma. "You mentioned adapting the plants you grow for food. As I understand, you used magic for it. How exactly did you do that?"

Perfuma perked up. "Oh, let me show you!" She spread her hands, and vines grew out of the ground, quickly sprouting colourful fruits. "I altered the fruits, for example, to be more efficient and less appealing to the birds that usually eat them, so we need fewer people to tend to them. Then I spread the plants." She smiled. "I also altered the colour of the fruits, but that was just for variety." As she spoke, the fruits changed colours back and forth.

The Asgard were staring. At the plants and at Perfuma.

"Genetic manipulation on such a level…"

"And at that speed!"

"Without any tools at all. Pure magic."

Adora wasn't quite sure if their reaction was a good thing or not.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 5th, 1999

I might be getting a bit too comfortable with this, Samantha Carter thought as she ran another search algorithm on files she officially didn't have access to but could easily download with a bit of effort that could barely be called hacking. Being involved, and in a significant position, with building the Alliance computer network had its perks.

But the General was correct - too much about this case didn't make enough sense to dismiss the possibility of an outside element influencing or manipulating Smith. And since Adora had signed off on the investigation, it was legal anyway. Only technically, though, and only because of the Etherians' influence on the Alliance regulations - NATO regulations wouldn't have allowed such interference on the Supreme Commander's say so. And whether that authorised her to break into civilian databanks without a warrant by a judge was unclear.

She didn't expect much from this particular data analysis, anyway. Smith hadn't been very active in Brussels. The man had done a stint at NATO headquarters, but it hadn't been anything more than another mark in his file to push his career at the Pentagon. And when he got his new post with the Alliance, he hadn't even bothered with getting a flat in Brussels despite having an office here.

With someone else, that might have been explained by caring too much about his home and family in Washington D.C. to bother setting up a new home here, but Smith wasn't spending enough time with his family. Sam wouldn't call him a workaholic, but only because the man still didn't work quite as much as she did, and she wasn't a workaholic either; she merely had a sound sense of priorities.

On the other hand, she would have expected Smith to focus on his career in the Alliance. He should have realised that the most important decisions were being made here, not in the Pentagon or Washington.

Shaking her head at the inconsistencies, she checked the computer. Almost done. And Catra had already finished bugging Smith's office here. Sam didn't expect much from that either, but you had to cover all bases in such an investigation. Literally, in some cases. At least Smith had been posted to the Pentagon for the last few years, or they would have had to investigate even more places. If Sam had to root through another inefficiently organised computer system just to…

A beep interrupted her thoughts. Her algorithm had flagged something… no. It was from the stealth bot monitoring Wilkinson. The man was moving.

"What's happening?" Catra walked over. Apparently, the noise had caught her interest.

"Wilkinson is leaving his office," Sam told her.

"With Paris?"

"No. He seems to be alone. He might be going for a lunch." According to his filed expenses, the man liked to eat out.

"Hm. Good idea. It's lunchtime there - and dinner time here."

Sam raised her eyebrows at her. Catra thought about eating while their suspect was moving?

The other woman flashed her a wide grin. "Do you want something as well?"

"Are you going to Noordzee again?" Sam asked.

"Of course!"

The place didn't have a constant menu, but they always had fresh seafood. And trying to get Catra to go somewhere else was an exercise in futility. And often frustration. "Get me a sandwich."

"Alright." Catra got up and left their office.

Sam checked her computer again. Wilkinson was still driving. He had passed his favourite diner already. She quickly ran a short check on his expenses. There wasn't another restaurant in that direction that he had frequented in the last year. She brought up Smith's data. No, nothing there either - and Smith hadn't left the Pentagon.

A few minutes later, she watched Wilkinson's car park next to an old Italian restaurant. If the General were here, he'd make a joke about the mob, but this didn't have to mean anything. Odds were, the food wasn't even authentic Italian.

The stealth bot flew a bit down to get a better line of sight into the restaurant. Wilkinson didn't take a table at a window - he was headed to the back. If he entered a private room… No, he sat down at the bar, gesturing to the bartender.

The bot's sensors were good but not good enough to listen in from that distance. But the mirror behind the bar meant Wilkinson's face was visible.

Sam wasn't a lip-reader, but she had a program for that. A few clicks got it up and running on the feed from the bot.

"… Pastrami?"

"Yes. And a coke."

Well, that wasn't a very important conversation. Sam shook her head with a smile.

Then another man sat down at the bar, next to Wilkinson. And they looked at each other in the mirror, Sam noticed. She ran a search for a match for his face while he ordered a sandwich as well.

"What do you have for me?"

"You're being used."

"Tell me something new."

"Your source has contacts with us."

"Again, tell me something new."

"The kind of contacts that involve the kind of business you hate."

"Is he involved?"

"Hard to say. But someone's covering up whatever he is involved in."

"Can you uncover it?"

"Not without risking more trouble than this is worth."

"I see."

Sam frowned. What did that mean? Were they talking about the General? Or Smith? Smith was Wilkinson's source, wasn't he?

Her laptop beeped again. She had a match for the other man. Oh. Kevin Miller. CIA.

Things got just a little bit more complicated.


Langley, Virginia, United States of America, December 5th, 1999

A whole building full of spies! Catra grinned as she studied the CIA headquarters on her screen. "I can't believe that's just one of your spy agencies."

"We're a big country," Jack replied.

"And you spy on everyone. Even yourselves."

"As this mission demonstrates, we got reasons for that."

She snorted at that without taking her eyes off the target. "Now, this is a challenge."

"The FBI wasn't?"

"They're not really spies," she told him. "They're cops who also hunt spies. But the CIA? All spies. And it takes a spy to hunt a spy."

"I think the FBI disagrees."

"Of course they would. But we infiltrated their headquarters easily. This, though…?"

"We do not need to infiltrate their headquarters," Sam commented from her seat. "We just need access to their data."

"For which we need to sneak into the building." Catra grinned again.


"Melog agrees," she added.

"The FBI has a magic program. The CIA undoubtedly has one as well," Sam pointed out. "You will have to deal with this."

Of course, they would. But they weren't facing experienced sorceresses. Hell, the FBI witch hadn't even known what her spells would do. The CIA ones would be a bit better - they would probably not shy away from testing their spells against evil magic, according to everything Catra had heard about the CIA - but they were still beginners. And Catra had spent years fighting princesses and sorceresses trained at Mystacor while Melog was, well, Melog. "We can do this." All they had to do was to sneak in and get into Miller's office and his computer.

"Don't get caught," Jack said. He sounded as if he wanted to sneak in as well.

"I won't."

"Scans still show no advanced technology," Sam reported.

"And that's suspicious," Jack repeated himself. "If anyone should have managed to get some of the good stuff for themselves, it's the CIA."

"They would be aware that we can detect such technology, sir."

"Won't stop them."

They had gone over his before. Catra shook her head. "Let's go. It's almost midnight here." Not that that bothered her - she could nap whenever she wanted on this mission - but close to midnight on a Sunday meant the building would have the least number of spies in it.


She grinned and walked to the shuttle's back, followed by Melog. Just hovering over the building and rappelling down, like they had done with the FBI, was out. The CIA had improved the security on their roof - and on their office windows. Not with advanced technology, and not with magic, according to Melog, but the sensors they had were annoying enough. Unlike the FBI, the CIA had not ignored how they had broken into Iran's prisons. Or the CIA was just more concerned about their own allies breaking into their building than the FBI.

It didn't matter. They were using another way into the building anyway.


Catra nodded. "Melog has the illusion up. Drop the ramp."

The ramp started to lower with a very faint hissing sound, and Catra sniffed the air. Langley wasn't as bad as the Fright Zone had been, but it was bad enough. And the sewers - or storm drains, as Sam called them - would be worse.

She pulled a mask on as she stepped out of the shuttle, then quickly rushed over to the grate covering a shaft leading down.


"Yeah, I know."

But she had smelt worse. The Horde hadn't really bothered with environmental regulations. She grabbed the grate and easily lifted it up. A moment later, Melog, changed into a slinkier form, sneaked past her and vanished down the shaft.


She followed, closing the grate behind her. With the mask, she could ignore the smell of rotting matter. She would still need a long shower after this - the smell would linger otherwise, and to imagine her fur having even a hint of this…

She shuddered as she quickly followed Melog, back in catform, down the tunnel. A few sensors were easily fooled by illusions, and the sensors covering the exits were not a challenge either if you were used to dealing with Horde and Alliance security. The CIA apparently hadn't gotten around to covering the underground areas as well as they had covered the roof and windows.

And now they were inside the complex. Not yet inside the target building, but close enough. And past the guards who might or might not have been sorceresses and their dogs.

She recalled the layout of the place and quickly made her way over to the building Miller was working in. The security there was a bit trickier, but Sam had her back. All Catra had to do was climb a wall until she could stick a device to the sensor covering the entrance, and Sam would hack the whole system.

Easy. They just had to…

Catra froze for a moment, her ears swivelling as she caught steps headed their way. So close to the last patrol? It seemed the CIA took care to have their guards actually patrol at random.


And they had a dog with them! Catra hissed under her breath. "Come on!" she whispered, then quickly climbed the wall again, with Melog hanging on her shoulders.

From a windowsill on the second floor, still covered by an illusion, she watched while a guard with a damn dog walked past on the ground below. The animal even seemed to catch her scent, but a quick illusion of a squirrel dashing past distracted the dog and made the handler curse.

By the time the patrol had gone to the next building - actually random patrol patterns were a pain to deal with - Sam had dealt with the security, and Catra and Melog slipped into the building with no one the wiser.

But halfway to Miller's office, her hackles rose. Someone - no, something - was nearby. She could hear faint steps. Very faint steps. And she felt the temperature drop a little.


The CIA seemed to be a bit more ahead of the FBI than Catra had thought.

"Back!" she hissed - even though Melog would already know what she was doing - and whirled around, quickly darting past two closed doors to the corner behind them. Rounding it, she glanced at the rows of doors there, ears twitching. She hadn't heard anything on the way past them, so they should be empty. But if whoever - or whatever - was coming had a magical way to check through doors, they would be spotted anyway. Risk it?


She nodded, and they kept running. She had to remind herself to keep her claws sheathed, so she didn't make any sound - or leave scratches and gouges on the floor. It was much easier to run all out with her claws digging into the ground.

Another corner. She remembered the layout. Stairs to the right, lift to the left. And around the next corner was a little nook with a window that was too small to keep the stench of cigarette smoke from lingering and seeping into the plaster.

But it was big enough for Catra, and Sam had dealt with the sensors covering the windows at the source. She opened it, hopped on the windowsill, then turned around. "Go on!"

Melog flowed past her, changing shape to avoid jostling her, while she fixed a small thread to the window's frame. A moment later, she jumped, grabbing the edge of the roof above them, then pulled the window closed with thread.

Normally, she would have slid onto the roof, but the sensors there were still working. So she had to wait, hanging from the roof, until the coast was clear again.

Melog changed shape again, this time into a snake.

Hold you.

She didn't need his help. Hanging from a branch had been standard training - and punishment - back as a cadet; she could do this all day long. Almost. She slid onto their back anyway.

Magic close.

She shouldn't be doing this, but…

Scoffing, she bent down until she could spy through the window. She heard the steps clearly, coming closer, but there was nothing. Then she felt a cold shiver run down her spine - and saw the small window fog over slightly.

A moment later, she had pulled herself up.


"Earth magic," she whispered. "That's not a human patrol."

The CIA had summoned a spirit or something to patrol their headquarters.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 6th, 1999

"...and then we waited a bit longer and went back inside. Miller's office is bugged, and Sam is already hacking his data."

Jack O'Neill nodded. Catra might make a point of slouching so much that she looked as if she'd flow off her seat any moment, but her report was concise and to the point - as good or better than he was used to from his own people. And she didn't make him feel guilty for involving them in a slightly illegal mission. "So, the CIA got ahead of the FBI. Probably recruited outside talent."

"To guard their headquarters?" Catra shook her head. "That doesn't sound like a good idea."

"The spooks aren't nearly as smart as they think they are," Jack agreed. That didn't mean they were dumb, of course, even if some were. But recruiting sources and turning spies was one thing, trusting the security of your headquarters to some hired help was another. And God help the spooks if they tried to get some leverage on a sorceress while they were still hurting for magical assets.

"And they're competing with the Alliance for recruitment," Catra added.

"That, too." Jack nodded again. The Alliance needed every sorceress they could get. And while not every sorceress who would get hired by the CIA would be a good fit for the Alliance, Jack knew that the overlap between the requirements for his command and the CIA was considerable.

"So, gonna squeal on them? I bet they kept their magic program hidden from your government." Catra grinned. "Sam would have found it otherwise."

Jack made a noncommittal noise. Of course, Carter would have found it, but admitting even in private that you thought your Second-in-Command hacked the government wasn't something you made a habit of. "Well, I'll think about it. We would have to explain how we found out about the CIA's spooky spirit program." Oh, damn - he missed an opportunity to make a spooky spook joke. Well, Carter wasn't here, so he could use the line on her later. Although it was early morning here in Brussels already, and he had stayed up the entire night…


"And the CIA might have kept it off the official records, but I bet the NID knows about it. And that means Kinsey knows about it. And since the man is so tight with the president…"

"Ah, yes. Democracy at work." Catra nodded with a sage expression that was obviously faked.

Jack snorted in return. "Anyway, we need to…"

A beep on his computer interrupted him.

"Huh?" That wasn't a mail announcement. That was… an alert from Carter. "Someone's hacking into Smith's computer. Someone else, I mean."

"Oh?" Catra cocked her head, then grinned.

She probably thought this was getting more interesting. Well, she wasn't wrong. But Jack would prefer things to get boring instead.


A few coffees - Navy style, but Jack would bite his tongue off before acknowledging that to anyone - later, he was talking to Carter and trying to act as if he had any clue what the stuff on her screen meant. "So, what do you have for us?"

"I'm tracking the intruder. They have tried to obfuscate their location, but their tools, while good, are no match for ours."

"Ah." That was… good. Jack stifled a yawn and took another sip from his coffee. "Any idea who they are?"

"This cannot be said with any certainty at this point, sir."

He grinned. "So, you have a pretty good guess."

For a moment, her mouth twisted into the hint of a pout. "They are using exploits that have been fixed in the Alliance systems and are scheduled to be fixed in the Pentagon systems next week. Highly-classified ones."

"Ah. Definitely the NID, then." Wilkinson didn't have that kind of resources.

"Or any other agency or person with access to this information," Carter pointed out.

He shrugged, then finished his cup of coffee. "And how many of them would hack a general's computer in the Pentagon? That's illegal!"

She frowned at that. Right. Right, they were doing it as well. "The CIA?"

He snorted as he nodded. "Good point. But I still say it's the NID."

She tilted her head in what he knew was cautious agreement.

"So!" he went on, putting his cup down on her desk. "The NID is snooping around. Did you find out what they were looking for?"

"They downloaded the entire content of his private computer, sir."

And Smith was too smart to keep anything classified there, which the NID would know. They weren't going for military secrets, then. Of course, with Kinsey having the president's trust, they didn't need to break the law for that. "Blackmail?"

"It would have been unsuccessful then."

Carter hadn't found anything in Smith's files either. Although, sometimes, innocent information turned into compromising material when combined with something else. He blinked as he had another thought. "Did they plant anything?"

"No, sir."

He caught the unspoken 'I would have noticed and told you that already, sir' clearly despite the late or early hour. "Right."

Her computer decided that the slightly awkward silence that followed was the perfect moment to announce something. The numbers that appeared on the screen meant garbage to Jack, but Carter perked up. "Oh! The trace went through. The hacker is located at…" Her fingers flew over the keyboard, and a map appeared. "...here."

He could read maps in his sleep. "Washington D.C. Not Kinsey's address, though?"

"No, sir. Redirecting the spy bot for a close look."

Right. If they'd had such bots during the Cold War… Real-time recon on demand, without risking anyone, was a game changer. A few minutes later, they were looking at a house so average and devoid of anything unique, it almost seemed to stick out even in its boring suburban neighbourhood.

"I think we found a NID safehouse," Jack said.

"If this is a NID operation, sir. We haven't confirmed that yet."

"No, we haven't." He grinned. "But I'm betting a month's supply of jello that I'm right."

"I'm not taking that bet," Carter replied. She waited just a moment before adding: "I have no interest in jello."

He snorted, then had to stifle another yawn. "Anyway, go to bed now. We've got a long day ahead of us. And it's a Monday to boot."

"Technically, it's already Monday here, sir."

His chuckle turned into a yawn, and he could feel her raised eyebrows on him without having to look at her.

Damn, the Navy pukes couldn't even brew their coffee right any more. No wonder their ship-building program was lagging behind the Limeys' so much.


Alliance Base Lübtheen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, December 6th, 1999

"Good morning, General!"

Jack O'Neill narrowed his eyes at Lt. Brown's dig. It was past noon, but he had gone to bed at half past six in the morning, and only if you counted napping in a shuttle flying on autopilot. But saying anything would acknowledge a hit. So he nodded at his aide. "Good morning, Brown. Anything urgent?" His communicator would have woken him up if anything had come up, but old habits died slowly.

"Senator Kinsey called, sir."

Jack tensed. Kinsey? "He did? What was it about?"

"He didn't say, sir. Just that it was important but that he could wait until you were in the office."

Jack silently cursed. The NID hacking last night, and now Kinsey was calling him? The timing wasn't suspicious, it was obvious!

And he had a bad feeling about it.

Chapter 124: Cultural Exchange Part 6
Chapter 124: Cultural Exchange Part 6

Royal Palace, Kingdom of Salineas, Etheria, December 6th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"Ugh. Giving a demonstration like a trained pet. This is so annoying."

"But think of the opportunity to impress guests from another planet, my love! Another planet that's not Earth, I mean! Anyway, I've prepared a medley of my best sea shanties for this occasion, which will be the perfect accompaniment for your performance!"

"Don't try to steal the spotlight!"

"I would never do that to you, my love!"

Adora couldn't help sighing a little as she watched Mermista and Sea Hawk.

"I don't know why she keeps this up; no one believes her act, anyway," Glimmer muttered next to her. "She loves to show off."

Adora wasn't quite sure about that. Mermista was a bit grumpy at times. And she had a temper - like the sea, Sea Hawk had said once. And that this was one of the countless reasons he loved her and had never given up courting her.

Which was quite romantic, actually. But they were on a schedule. "I think we should proceed with the demonstration of your power," she told Mermista. "Sea Hawk can present his shanties after dinner."

"Oh, yes - when everyone's fed and content!" Sea Hawk nodded with a smile.

And Mermista shrugged, which counted as agreement as well.

"Let's go join our guests, then," Glimmer said.

"Our guests? We're in my kingdom."

"You know what I mean."


Adora briefly, very briefly, rolled her eyes - it wasn't fair to be annoyed at her friends; this visit was proving to be more stressful than expected, and the whole plot against Jack on Earth wasn't helping. Nor that Catra was so busy with it. She hadn't come back until the morning, shortly before Adora had to get ready for the visit to Salineas, and so they hadn't been able to do much else but kiss and hug.

And then Catra had gone to bed, and Adora had gone to Salienas. Fortunately, they had taken the scenic route in a shuttle, flying at low altitude over the sea, and so the Asgard's reaction to seeing sailing ships plying the ocean's trade routes had not been overheard by Mermista. For a diplomatic delegation from an old species, the Asgard could be rather blunt. Adora didn't think there was anything wrong with using magic and sails together. Or magitech and sails. Weren't the Asgard supposed to be very traditional?

They stepped out of the palace and onto the mole sheltering the private harbour of the queen of Salineas, where the Asgard were waiting with the others.

"...and I had plans for the Horde frigates as well, to make them fly instead of float, but Hordak reminded me that if we wanted flying transport and warships, we might as well go all the way and make spaceships - only, we had a fleet already, and if I constructed a new ship for us, Darla might get jealous," Entrapta explained, hair and arms waving around.

"You won't design new ships because your old ones might get jealous?" Thor sounded doubtful - and a little bit shocked - in Adora's opinion.

"Well… she was abandoned and buried in the Crimson Waste for so long, I don't want her to worry that we would replace her - which we would never do! I can keep her upgraded so she can match any modern ship. Well, any modern ship we know, and in her class. She wouldn't be able to match a battleship, would she?"

"With enough of a technological advantage, yes, she would," Hordak said.

"Oh, right."

It looked like they would have to keep an eye on Entrapta again so she wouldn't neglect either crucial projects or her health so she could build more upgrades for Darla, Adora noted. But that could wait until this visit was over. "Sorry for the wait," she told the group. "Something came up."

"Yeah, yeah," Mermista added, nodding at their guests. "So, you're interested in my magic."

"Yes, we are," Freyr replied.

They were here so the Asgard could enjoy Salineas's culture. Adora almost said something about it, but Mermista had already turned away and was facing the sea.

"So, take a good look." She raised her trident, then gestured with it, and a huge wave suddenly rose from the sea. Higher than the masts of the ships in the main harbour. That was… more than Adora had expected. She knew Mermista could do this, but her friend rarely did that outside emergencies.

"Someone prepared for this," Glimmer mumbled. "And she acts as if she didn't want to show off?"

"Ah, my love - the Queen of the Seven Seas!" Sea Hawk put a hand over his heart and raised his chin as the wave slowly moved closer, then turned around its own axis, barely missing the mole.

Mermista grinned, then jumped into the sea, startling the Asgard - and even more when she emerged, her legs having turned into a fishtail, and rode the wave all across the harbour, then out to the sea.

"Telekinetic control over liquid on such a scale!"

"And the ability to manipulate her own body to transform into a hybrid life form!"

Well, the Asgard were impressed, Adora told herself.

"Now we just have to make sure Sea Hawk's shanties won't mortally insult the Asgard, and this trip wasn't a waste," Glimmer commented while they watched Mermista show off more of her powers.

Adora nodded, though she didn't think that was likely. Not after sitting through their best epic before. Sea Hawk was a master performer compared to that.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 6th, 1999

Being healed by She-Ra when she was channelling the magic of an entire planet wasn't quite a rejuvenation treatment, but it came close. Samantha Carter had felt a lot younger ever since that moment on Saqarra. Although, as she was reminded today again, feeling younger didn't mean she was actually twenty again. At the age of twenty, she had been able to work through the night without feeling it in the morning.

Or, she amended her thoughts as she stepped out of the shuttle that had brought her to Stargate Command, maybe she hadn't been old enough to realise that her efficiency had been affected by lack of sleep. It wasn't as if most of the tests at the Air Force Academy had been too challenging.

"Major Carter." General Hammond himself was there in the hangar, greeting her. "We're happy you found the time to come."

Was that a trace of resentment? And if so, was it aimed at her or at the fact that he was stuck at Stargate Command and hadn't been transferred to Alliance headquarters? Sam couldn't tell. "Of course, I'd make the time, sir," she answered, stifling a yawn. She'd had almost five hours of sleep, she reminded herself - she shouldn't be so tired.

"Well, I am glad it's not my command that's keeping you awake until the morning any more," General Hammond flashed her a wry smile.

She returned the smile. Of course, he'd see through her act - he knew her almost as well as the General did. "Needs must," she said. "But I don't make a habit of it."

The General would have made a joke about Sam only doing it every second night, but Hammond merely nodded. "Anyway, we're glad you came. Dr Gregorovich tried his best, but he couldn't solve the issue with the Stargate central computer program."

Sam frowned. She had documented the code and written a user and maintenance manual for the entire system before she had transferred to the Alliance - precisely because she wouldn't have the time to run back to Stargate Command to solve every issue that cropped up. Or shouldn't have the time - the Stargate was crucial for the Alliance, so fixing any issues with it took priority even over the latest problem. She wouldn't have left the General face Kinsey by himself, otherwise. But, still! Iwan could read English perfectly fine, his accent notwithstanding! "And what about the other scientists?"

"They couldn't solve the issue either." General Hammond nodded at the guard at the lift, who stood at attention as they entered. "To their great chagrin, as General Petit put it."

She eyed the general with slightly narrowed eyes. Was that a pun? Or was she imagining things? She focused on the task at hand. "So, none have found the reason why dialling an address suddenly takes longer than it should? Did anyone look for a mechanical defect yet?"

"Yes. The gate itself is not affected."

Of course, they would have checked that. Still, Sam had to ask - sometimes, people overlooked the most simple cause for a problem. She nodded. "So, not a hardware problem."

"Not as far as we know."

Oh. General Hammond was being a bit too… bland. Sam narrowed her eyes again. "Did Iwan ask for my assistance?"

"Yes, he did. General Sidorov and General Li wanted him to keep trying, but he insisted that he had tried everything to fix it."

That sly Russian - a quarter Welsh - scientist! Sam was pretty sure he knew far more about what was wrong with the Stargate Command computer than he had let on. And he wanted her to find it. And that meant this wasn't a computer problem.

This was a security problem. And a political problem.

"I'm a scientist," she muttered under her breath.

"Pardon?" General Hammond turned to look at her right when the doors opened.

"Nothing, sir."

Just an overdose of politics, she heard the General comment in the back of her mind.


Gate Area, Near Bright Moon, Etheria, December 6th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Catra smiled as she approached the Stargate. It was afternoon, and she had spent the entire day in bed while everyone else was dealing with the Asgard. And with the grumpy water princess. Sure, Catra had worked through the night before, but that had been while infiltrating a spy headquarters and hunting traitors - interesting, not boring. Or annoying.

And now, it was time to head back to Earth and check up on the plot against Jack. And avoid more paperwork.

Work waiting.

She snorted, tilting her head to raise her eyebrows at Melog. "It's not the same."


She snorted again. "It's not." If it was interesting, it wasn't really work. Earth had a saying about that.

Melog radiated some smugness in return.

The guards at the Stargate didn't even twitch; they were used to them communicating like that. The officer in charge nodded at her while the Stargate started to rise. "To Earth?"

Where else would she be going? She had been doing that trip every day for a while now. She nodded instead of pointing that out; better to stick to procedure than to let the gate crew get used to anticipating any requests. That could really mess up things in the worst moments.

The Stargate started spinning a few moments later, followed by the vortex extending and collapsing. Catra suppressed the slight unease she felt as she approached the stabilised wormhole. If there was a mistake, or sabotage, she would end up splattered against the iris at Stargate command at lightspeed or something. She had to trust that this wouldn't happen. Had to trust the people at Stargate Command. And all the stories she had heard from Jack and the others made that a bit difficult. All those crises…

Well, they hadn't messed up in that way. Not so far. She nodded at the guards and stepped through.

A disturbing but also thrilling moment later, Melog and Catra stepped into Stargate Command on Earth. "Hi, everyone!" She waved with a grin - but narrowed her eyes when she spotted Sam in the control room, bent over the console there, with the Russian scientists next to her and Hammond and the Russian general hovering a bit behind.

"I think something's not right here," she muttered. Sam wasn't assigned to Stargate Command any more. And she had better things to do, many more, than helping out her old command - unless she was urgently needed here for another crisis.

Yes. Problem, Melog agreed.

"Then let's see what the problem is - and what we can do about it," she said. Turning to the Gate guards, she added: "We're going to meet Major Carter." She flashed her fangs to make sure the men knew this wasn't a request.

A minute later, they entered the command room. "Hi, Sam! Hello, General Hammond. Dr Gregorovich. Everyone else."

They were expecting her. "Catra." Hammond nodded at her. "Melog."

"Miss Catra! Melog! Welcome to humble abode!" Gregorovich smiled at her.

Sidorov, of course, glared. The man didn't like to be lumped in with everyone else. Which was why Catra had done it.

"So, what's wrong this time?" she asked, hopping up to sit on the console next to Sam's.

"We're dealing with a computer problem," Sam explained. "The core unit doesn't perform to spec."

"Da! Half as fast as it should be," Gregorovich added.

"It isn't quite that bad," Sam corrected him. "But it's still a noticeable drop in performance."

"Someone messed with your code?" Catra asked. It would have been stupid, but people were stupid. Even the smart ones. Or especially the smart ones. Many of them just couldn't let things be as long as they worked. If someone had tried to improve the computer and messed up…

"The core programs are working fine. We're checking the subroutines now, then the peripherals."

Catra wasn't a computer expert - Entrapta and Bow handled that stuff - but she had kept up with the basics when she had led the Horde. If they were checking every part of the system… "No documented changes, I guess."

"No." Sam frowned.

"And no one admitted extra work." Gregorovich shook his head. "Not even after we say that no gulag waiting for them for mistake."

Catra snorted, though it might not be a joke. Or a mistake. Sidorov hadn't commented yet, she noticed. The Russian was glaring at everyone, especially Gregorovich, though.

And wasn't that interesting? She grinned.

Then her ears twitched when Sam's computer beeped. She knew that kind of alert - it had found something.

Sam dropped all pretence that she had been paying attention to their talk and focused on her screen. "Ah! The peripherals have undocumented activity showing." Her fingers flew over the keyboard. Another beep. Different tone. "And there just was an attempt to access my computer."

"A hacker?" Hammond asked.

"More like a virus, sir." Sam looked up with a grim expression. "Someone infected the Stargate computers with malware."

Catra hissed under her breath. Sabotage. Or spying. Or both. If that virus had gotten to the controls for the iris in mid-transit… She glanced at Sidorov. He was tense, but everyone was.


Catra bared her teeth in a grin. Infecting the Stargate computers wasn't easy. Sam and Entrapta had done the security; the core computer and its peripherals weren't connected to the outside. So, it had to be an inside job.

And Catra was sure she knew who was responsible.

Hammond was still cursing under his breath. "Can you remove the virus?"

"Yes, sir. But it will take a while. And we should shut down the Stargate until we've purged the systems."

"Da. Better safe than sorry, right?"

Catra nodded in agreement. "And we need to find the traitor behind this," she added.

Sidorov tensed up even more.


Capitol, Washington D.C., United States of America, Earth, December 6th, 1999

"Thank you for coming to see me on such a short notice, General O'Neill. Even for a Senator, getting a flight on short notice so close to the Holidays would have been a hassle, and some things shouldn't be trusted to a phone call."

Jack O'Neill was pretty sure that Kinsey was lying. The first clue was that the man was talking. But Jack was also sure that Kinsey wouldn't have any problems getting a flight, even if it were Christmas Eve. "It was no trouble," he replied, leaning back in his seat.

"Ah, yes - I heard about your personal shuttle." Kinsey smiled almost wistfully. "It's remarkably convenient. I don't think even the President has a shuttle at his disposal like that."

Jack narrowed his eyes at the man as his polite smile faded. "It's assigned to my command. When it's not needed for combat missions or training, it serves as transportation." He managed to close his mouth before he added a comment about Kinsey's office being much nicer than his own. Even if it was true - the scumbag probably had lots of equally corrupt visitors to cater to.

"Of course. I'm sure all the i's are dotted, and the t's are crossed." Kinsey's smile wasn't as patronising as it usually was when the guy thought he had the upper hand, but he couldn't hide his attitude completely.

Jack nodded. "Of course. I've got nothing to hide." He made a point of glancing around the senator's office.

Kinsey was unfazed. "Of course not. Although in politics, appearances matter as much - or more - than facts." He put his elbows on his desk and laced his fingers

Jack shrugged. "You would know. I'm a soldier, not a politician."

"Isn't there a saying that war was just the continuation of politics by other means?" Kinsey asked.

"Clausewitz." His exact quote was a bit different, but that was the gist. "But he didn't mean for soldiers to make politics." Well, maybe he had meant that - there was the old joke about Prussia being an army with a state, which had some grounding in facts.

"You're a member of Alliance High Command, General. At your rank, you are involved in politics whether you admit it or not." Kinsey's smile grew a few teeth. "And, seeing how close you are to the Supreme Commander of the Alliance and key leaders of the senior member in the Alliance, I would say you are doing very well."

And I bet you're envious, Jack thought. He didn't say that, though, but snorted instead. "That's not politics, senator. We're friends."

"And friends help each other."

Oh, for… Jack clenched his teeth for a moment. "What are you insinuating, Senator?"

Kinsey's smile grew just a smidgen. "As I said, appearances matter in politics. You appear to be rising beyond the reach of many of your peers, General, thanks to your friendship with the Etherians."

Jack slightly tilted his head to the side. "My peers, who cultivated the friendships of American politicians to advance their careers?" Such as yourself?

"Precisely." Kinsey's smile didn't falter. "Unfortunately, some of your peers are not quite as skilled in politics as they thought they were and are misjudging their situation."

Jack frowned. "Misjudging their situation?"

Kinsey nodded. "They - and, unfortunately, a number of my esteemed colleagues in Congress - don't seem to understand our Etherian allies, and their actions reflect that."

Jack nodded, wishing the man would get to the point.

Kinsey leaned back. "They act as if the princesses were American politicians, beholden to public opinion and certain standards."

Jack snorted again. "They should attend a lecture or two of Daniel about that topic. He loves talking about the differences between Earth and Etheria."

"Oh, yes. Dr Jackson's lessons were very insightful. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues tend to listen to lobbyists more than to scientists." Kinsey sighed. "Many are also too conservative to adapt to changes, even drastic, fundamental changes. But I digress."

Yes, you do, Jack thought. You didn't call me here to vent about your colleagues.

Kinsey leaned forward. "They don't get that Etherians consider politics a personal affair. And they don't get that the Etherians won't throw a friend to the wolves to maintain appearances because they don't have to care about appearances - at least not as far as the public is concerned."

So that was why Kinsey hadn't moved against him, Jack realised. A great deal made sense now. "Are you talking about General Smith?"

Kinsey nodded, his expression shifting to show satisfaction. "Of course. You've been aware of his attempts to slander you as corrupt for some time now."

Kinsey made it sound as if Jack kept tabs on all potential 'rivals' or something. Like Kinsey surely did. Jack shrugged in response. "Not in any detail."

"You are too modest, General. I know you've been investigating him and his contacts." Kinsey smiled, showing all his teeth. "And so have I."

And now came the offer. Jack tilted his head. "Ah."

"Yes." Kinsey nodded in that smarmy, self-satisfied manner of his. "Smith thinks that if you look like you're abusing your position, you will be relieved of your post. He's wrong, of course - even if you were abusing your position for personal gain, your friends wouldn't care. That's just how leaders in absolute monarchies act, after all. Something anyone with experiences with dictatorships on Earth should have been aware of, of course."

Jack glared at the scumbag. "Are you really comparing Adora and the other princesses to dictators, Senator?"

Kinsey nodded. "They effectively are dictators, General. Absolute monarchs. Friendly, idealistic and, as far as it looks like, benevolent ones, but they aren't beholden to anyone and not bound by any law but, possibly, outside pressure. Pressure which not even a united Earth could bring to bear at the moment."

That was… not as completely wrong as Jack would like. It was still not right, though. "And yet they are more trustworthy than anyone on Earth," he retorted. "They'll keep their word even if it costs them." As their issues with the Asgard proved.

Kinsey shrugged. "You're not exactly unbiased, General. But as long as the interests of Earth and Etheria align, I doubt that the princesses' honour will be put to the test, so to speak."

Jack pressed his lips together. As if Kinsey knew anything about honour! "I doubt that you called me to Washington just to talk about our allies'."

"Not just to talk about our allies, no." Kinsey smiled again. "But your relationship with the Etherians features a great deal in many talks at the highest level, General. And that means you are a person of great interest and importance to our government."

Something you no doubt hate, Jack thought - but he nodded slowly. No point in denying the obvious.

"Should anything happen to you, the repercussions would be grave and unpredictable. And that means many people keep tabs on you."

Jack snorted. "Like the NID."

"Amongst others." Kinsey didn't quite shrug but tilted his head to the side for a moment. "Not just American groups, of course - our NATO allies are aware of your influence as well, and so are Russia and China, especially with their access to Stargate Command's records. Even redacted, they reveal quite a lot about you."

"Only good things, I hope." Jack flashed a grin at Kinsey.

Kinsey's smile twisted for a moment. "That's a matter of opinion. The insights those records allow into your characters are a two-edged sword, so to speak. In more ways than one, actually - you have a history of doing what you think is right, sometimes to the point of insubordination. While your results speak for themselves, that is not a trait everyone considers admirable in a soldier, much less someone with your personal influence on the highest level of politics."

"Mindless obedience is not a trait encouraged in the US Armed Forces," Jack retorted. "That's the Goa'uld way."

"Soldiers acting independently of, or even against the will of the civilian government is not the American way either, General."

Oh, that was rich! "Neither is having secret services running out of control," Jack snapped.

Kinsey smiled in return. "Like having a team investigate General Smith and various civilians?"

Jack clenched his teeth. Can't lose my temper, he reminded himself. "Investigating potential alien infiltrations falls under the mandate of the Alliance."

Kinsey laughed. "Oh, I have no doubt that you ensured your private investigation was authorised by the Supreme Commander. But we both know what you did - and why, General."

You think you know, Jack thought. "What do you want?"

Kinsey leaned back, smiling in that self-satisfied way as if he had just won something. "I want you to be more careful, General."

"What?" What did he mean?

"As I've said before, you are a very important person. With the possible exception of Major Carter, no one else in the Alliance, or on Earth, is as close to the leading Etherian princesses as you are. And most of them are very young, barely out of their teens. Idealistic. Passionate. And absolute monarchs in control of the most powerful member of the Alliance. Who could tell how they would react should anything happen to you?"

Was that a threat? Jack narrowed his eyes. "They're veterans. They fought in a decades-long war. They know the risks." Or should, though She-Ra's ability to heal anyone would skew that.

"Oh, yes. Combat isn't what I - and others, including the president - are worried about. No, it's attacks of a different nature against you, General."

"Like Smith, you mean."

Another smug grin. "Exactly. Appearances matter, General," Kinsey repeated himself. "If you are seen as corrupt, as abusing your position for personal gain - or to sabotage potential rivals - and the Supreme Commander of the Alliance makes it clear that you will not suffer any consequences, how will that look to the public? And to your peers in the Armed Forces?" He shook his head. "It would undermine the support for the Alliance and even the war. Not fatally, of course. Not in the middle of a war for our lives. But it will strain our relations with the Etherians and the public's trust in our soldiers, our allies and our government. And that will affect the war."

And probably your plans, Jack thought. "Unless such detractors were revealed to be corrupt themselves."

Kinsey chuckled. "Indeed, General. Whether they actually are corrupt or not, should they be perceived as such, the whole affair would look very different, wouldn't it? And that's where we come in."

Ah. Jack forced himself not to snarl at him. "You want the NID to handle this."

"What I want is you and your friends to stop meddling in this and focus on the war. The NID is already handling this. You're a very capable officer, General, but this is not your area of expertise. And the more you meddle, the harder you make it for us to handle this and keep your reputation clean."

Jack wanted to deck the bastard. Smash his grinning teeth in. "You've been handling this for a while, have you?" he spat. That would explain why Smith thought he had the support to pull this off. And probably how the damn actor got involved. And Wilkinson… had probably been on the NID's list as a useful crusader for justice or something, perfect for this kind of plot.

Kinsey smiled. "It pays to be proactive in this business. You do your job, General, and we do ours. Everybody wins."

Until those jobs collided with each other, Jack thought. Or Kinsey would attempt to use this as leverage. But he hadn't, so far. If Jack pushed the issue, things would go as Kinsey had mentioned, only worse. And while Jack was tempted to stick it to Kinsey anyway, it wasn't worth it. Not now.



Royal Palace, Kingdom of Snows, Etheria, December 6th, 1999 (Earth Time)

The ice skating show was great, in Adora's opinion - she was clapping with a wide smile when the skaters - or would they be dancers? - showed up at the end to bow to the audience after dazzling them with jumps and stunts, performed to live music, for an hour.

"Encore!" Bow yelled. "Encore!"

"Huh?" Glimmer looked as confused as Adora felt.

"That's what they yell on Earth when they want another song at a concert," he explained.

"And do you think they know that?" Glimmer asked.

"Ah…" Bow winced. "I didn't think of that."


Adora glanced around. Indeed, no one seemed to have caught Bow's meaning in the audience - and the cast of the show left the stage - or rink to applause without performing another scene.

Sighing, she glanced at the Asgard - the show had been so captivating that she had almost forgotten about them.

They had their heads stuck together and were talking. Had the show fascinated them as well? Adora hoped that was the case. Sea Hawk's shanties hadn't, unfortunately. "So, what do you think?" she asked.

"The ice that covered the stage," Freyr said. "Princess Frosta couldn't have produced so much water out of the air; we would have felt the effects. She must have magically created the water."

"Uh… yes?" Adora tilted her head and tried not to look confused.

"How long will it last?" Penegal asked.

"Normally, until it melts?" That was how it had been when Frosta had fought in the war. "But since we're here in the Kingdom of Snows, it won't melt unless someone heats the ice," she added.

"By 'melting', do you mean ice turning into water or disappearing?" Freyr sounded very intently for such a simple question.

"Frosta's Ice turns into water," Glimmer told him. "It's magically created, but otherwise works as normal ice."

"So, she creates matter - water - out of nothing?" Thor shook his head.

"Yes?" Adora answered him anyway.

"But… that means…" Freyr seemed concerned. "You're creating matter from magic. How does that affect the planet over time?"

Adora frowned. That was a good question, actually. Constantly adding water to Etheria over time would probably affect the climate. On the other hand… "I don't think Frosta creates enough ice to affect the entire world," she said.

"But if her successor inherits her power, and if her predecessors had the same power…" Freyr trailed off.

"The whole line would only be a thousand years old," Glimmer said. "That was when the First Ones created the powers."

The Asgard quickly nodded, but Adora was sure they would try to calculate the total amount of water Frosta and the other princesses of the Kingdom of Snows had created since the founding of the line.

She blinked, then sighed a second time. Once more, the Asgard had been focusing on the magic used in and for the show, not on the performance of the artists. "What did you think of the show?" she asked, already suspecting the answer.

"It was rather interesting," Freyr said, but Adora didn't think he sounded honest.

"It was a little light on magic and magitech. I thought this was a core part of your culture," Penegal commented.

Thor nodded. "And it was a little hard to follow the plot."

"And when the performers moved to the back, it was hard to see what they were doing," Penegal added.

"Yes." Freyr nodded. "If you could play the recording as it's being recorded on a big screen, that would probably make it easier to watch the performance."

"It wasn't recorded." Frosta had arrived, and Adora winced - she must have been too distracted to notice the princess's approach. If Catra were here, she would tease her mercilessly about it.

"It wasn't recorded?" Thor looked surprised.

"This was a royal performance in your honour," Frosta explained. "Recording it would have been rude."

"So… the only recording of this performance are our memories?" Freyr shook his head.

"Exactly," Frosta said.

"But you aren't… You will all die one day. And the memory - the memories - will be lost. Your heirs will never know this performance." Penegal looked at them. "Don't you think this is a great loss?"

Bow looked a little torn about it, but Frosta shook her head without showing any doubts. "No. My successor will make their own memories."

"That's part of our culture," Glimmer added. "Not everything is recorded for prosperity."

"But you'll lose so much…" Thor sounded as if this was the weirdest thing he had ever heard during this visit.

"And we won't get weighed down by it," Micah cut in. "We won't have to live up to our predecessors. Our performances won't be compared to those of the distant past. That's rather liberating, I think."

The Asgard didn't look as if they'd agreed, but Adora understood what he meant. And so did the others, judging by the way they smiled at Micah.

Though Adora didn't really feel like smiling - the more of Etheria they showed to the Asgard, the deeper the rift seemed to grow. And the Asgard only seemed to be interested in finding out more about magic and magitech.

She blinked. They really only seemed to care about magic. Much more than they cared about the deal with Loki, even.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 6th, 1999

The full Stargate Command Council had been assembled before Samantha Carter had finished her examination of the last peripherals of the system. Of course, she had expected that - any commander in charge of a military installation would come running if told that their computer systems had been infiltrated.

But it did affect her attempts to complete her scans. General Hammond, of course, knew better than to bother her. And General Haig had merely asked for a short explanation and then let her work, but General Petit had offered both questions and suggestions that were neither new nor helpful and only showed that he wasn't a trained IT specialist. And Sidorov and Li…

"Are you absolutely certain that the system was hacked? After you were reassigned, other specialists took over maintenance. They might have changes you mistook for unauthorised alterations," Li asked. Or suggested - after a few similar questions, his tone and manner had subtly shifted and now implied that Sam should 'carefully consider' this. At least in her impression.

"I can safely discard that possibility, General," she replied.

"Who's to say that you didn't plant those programs yourself? To frame others or sabotage the Stargate program now that you aren't in full control of its systems any more?" Sidorov glared at her, then at General Hammond. "I know NATO is just waiting for a pretext to take over Earth's gateway to the stars!" he blustered.

"Really? Is that the best you could come up with?" Catra burst out laughing before Sam could think of a response that would let her call the Russian a paranoid liar while remaining within the bounds of proper conduct for an officer.

Sidorov rounded on her. "And what are you doing here? This does not concern aliens! This is a highly secret matter for the United Nations Security Council's appointed task force!"

"I'm here because I was passing through when I heard that the facility we use for crucial Alliance tasks was compromised," Catra retorted with a wide grin that showed her fangs. "So, I'm here to find out what happened - and who did try to sabotage the Stargate."

"This is none of your business!" Sidorov snapped. "You do not have any authority here! And neither do you!" he added with a glance at Sam. "Who let an outsider access our computers, anyway?"

"I specifically called Major Carter because of performance issues with our systems which she, as the one most familiar with our computers, would be most likely to solve," General Hammond spoke up. "You were aware of that, General."

"Da!" Iwan nodded. "It was my recommendation - Sam is best specialist for computers here we know."

Judging by the glare Sidorov sent at him, Sam expected Iwan to ask for asylum in the West - or on Etheria - after this so he didn't end up in a gulag. There weren't supposed to be any gulags left in Russia, but Russia also wasn't supposed to bug Stargate Command's system, and while Sam hadn't proof of the latter, she was sure that Sidorov was involved - and Li as well.

And she really doubted that either of the two Generals had done this on their own initiative. The real question was why they had done it.

She pondered this while her programs worked on analysing the code of the last group of peripherals and Catra needled Sidorov. From what she could tell, the programs she had discovered monitored all traffic, both data and Stargate traffic. But Russia and China already had access to Stargate Command's records. They had access to the Stargate as well. They could track any Alliance movement already.

But the Alliance, through the U.N. Security Council, controlled the Stargate. And that must rankle Russia and China. And half the world's nations that had issues with the Etherians, the West or both, she added. Still, what was the point of this software? They already had access to Stargate Command's systems.

She frowned and ran a few more checks while the scan continued. Yes, the programs monitored the data traffic, but that shouldn't lead to performance issues. And wouldn't have necessitated such a complete infiltration of the systems. No, the reason the performance had suffered was that the program effectively ran the entire system, all peripherals, anything connected, through a subsystem of its own. Merely monitoring the data wouldn't be enough of a reason for that, nor for the risks they had taken.

No. She pressed her lips together. Whoever had done this wanted to manipulate the system. But to what point? It wasn't as if they could hide using the Stargate from the Alliance. Not when three-fifths of Stargate Command was staffed by the militaries of allied nations.

Or could they?

Sam ignored Sidorov's yelling in the background - Catra had made him lose his temper entirely - and focused on the subverted systems. If you could manipulate the security system and the database, you would be, in theory, able to manipulate the system so you could sneak strangers through the Stargate by placing trusted people in key positions.

But because of such threats, the Alliance ensured that no matter what, someone trusted kept eyes on the Stargate at all times. And Russia and China already had the opportunity to sneak spies or diplomats on missions by listing them as military personnel; it wasn't as if the Alliance could dispute such claims. So, this was pointless.

Unless, Sam realised with a sinking feeling, some of the trusted staff on Stargate Command had been suborned by Russia or China. Or both.

Chapter 125: Spy Games Part 1
Chapter 125: Spy Games Part 1

Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 6th, 1999


Catra wouldn't say that she hated spies. They had their uses. All other things equal, the side with the better information won a war. Sometimes, even if things weren't equal. And spies were usually the only way to get the kind of information your scouts and recon missions couldn't get. But spies also worked by earning and then betraying the trust of their targets. Sometimes, that just meant wearing the enemy uniform to sneak into a base. But sometimes, that meant working for the enemy, rising through the ranks, becoming friends with them - and then stabbing them in the back. Occasionally, that kind of betrayal included turning people against their friends. And hurting people just for the heck of it.

She clenched her teeth and forced the memories of that last talk with Double Trouble away. Then she noticed how everyone was glancing at her. Sidorov was looking a bit pale. Oh - Catra's claws were out. And had torn through the edge of the console she was sitting on. She hadn't noticed. That was embarrassing. But also useful.

She flashed her fangs. "So, we don't just have to deal with a spy, but with a potential saboteur. Or an assassin."

"That's a ridiculous accusation!" Sidorov bellowed. "Even if this were a spy program - it could just be a program to monitor the system for faults."

"Bugs, not faults." Gregorovich corrected him. "Mistakes in programs are called bugs in English. Colloquial English."

"Whatever!" the Russian snarled. "There is no assassination!"

"But there could be!" Sam cut in. "If the iris is closed after the wormhole has stabilised and the clearance codes have been sent, the result would be fatal for anyone stepping through the gate. And if the system is thoroughly compromised, the Stargate could be forced to dial to another location than the desired one, leaving a team stranded - or worse."

"But that would be obvious since we could still see the symbols as the chevrons lock," Haig objected.

Sam blinked. "Yes, but that would require someone to check the address visually."

Catra snorted - Sam didn't say it, but Catra had a feeling that few of the current people working at the Stargate were that familiar with the symbols.

Hammond frowned. "We will have to adjust our procedures." Then he shook his head. "But that can wait until we have exposed everything behind this. We need to know who has so completely penetrated our computers - and how."

Well, the answer to the first question was crystal clear: Sidorov and Li were behind that. Probably on orders from their leaders. The answer to the second question was probably something simple, like giving orders to a Russian or Chinese soldier working on or with the computer.


Catra nodded. But while Melog confirmed it for her - and for the Princess Alliance - their Earth allies would want more proof before they would accuse Russia and China of betraying them. Politics at work. "Well, I'm sure Sam will be able to tell us how this was done."

"I'm going through the logs. They will have hidden their manipulations, but there are ways to check for traces. Inconsistencies, buffers that were incompletely cleared, small variables…" Sam was talking without looking up, eyes focused on her screen. "We'll also have to pull the hardware to check."

Catra smiled - and glanced at Li and Sidorov. Next to the snarling Sidorov, Li looked stoic, but she spotted how tense he was. And both of them were glancing around. Checking the guards.

But Hammond had already called SG-3 to the gate and control room; Catra recognised several members of that team from their operation against Seth's compound. And there were British soldiers as well, so the half a dozen Chinese guards next to the Stargate were outnumbered. That should deter any stupidity on the traitors' part.


If she had been running this spy operation, she would have prepared a backup plan or two. A few distractions ready to be triggered, or something more serious. And she wasn't vain enough to think no one else could have the same idea.

She hopped off the slightly damaged console and walked over to Hammond. "Did you scan for explosives?" she asked in a low voice.

"Every day," he replied.

She nodded. Good. One less worry.

Not too worried.

And that made her worry. If the threat of being exposed didn't worry either of the two traitors, then they must have something planned.

But what? A scapegoat? Maybe they had a subordinate ready to take the blame for this? But that would make them look incompetent. And no one would believe it - not after their reaction to the discovery; both of them had all but outright tried to make Sam say she had made a mistake. The only way they could have looked more guilty would have been by bragging about it.

Or was that their plan? Were they ready to be the scapegoats for their rulers? Catra was sure Sidorov hadn't thought of this himself. The Russian reminded her of a few Force Captains she had known; no initiative at all, just strict adherence to orders no matter how stupid or costly - unless their own lives were in danger.

"If your claim that someone managed to penetrate the Stargate Command computer systems is true, then that would be a grievous failure of the computer security - a system you developed!" Sidorov glared at Sam.

Li nodded. "Indeed. We were assured that the security of the systems was impenetrable."

They were changing tacks, Catra realised. She glanced at Melog.

Less nervous.

"We said it was the most secure system we had developed," Hammond corrected the general.

"And now you claim it was defeated thoroughly?" Sidorov sneered.

"The best technical security cannot prevent an inside job," Sam retorted.

"Inside job?" The Russian blinked.

"Betrayal by the people with the clearance to operate the system," Sam said.

"Yes!" Gregorovich nodded. "KGB was very good at that."

He sounded almost proud - he was a better actor than Catra had thought. Or there was more to this. Both Li and Sidorov had tensed up again, she noticed. So, probably not a frame job, as Jack called it, but a turncoat.

"I'm currently analysing the access logs - and comparing them to the various other logs," Sam said. "Any discrepancy should show up soon."

"Other logs?" Sidorov frowned again. Catra wondered briefly if he ever smiled or simply shifted between frowning, scowling, sneering and glaring.

"There are more logs than the main one," Sam said.

"Da. Is like backup for important data so mistake - or sabotage - not wipe all work." Gregorovich nodded. "And what is unknown cannot be sabotaged. Good KGB rule, da?"


Well, Catra could tell that herself. Gregorovich was as blunt as ever. But was he trying to cut ties to Russia, or was that a ploy? If it was an act, it was a bit too blatant, too obvious. On the other hand, that might be what they wanted the Alliance to think…

Maybe I've been thinking a bit too much about spies, Catra thought. I'm sounding like Jack in my head.

Sam's computer beeped again, and she looked at the screen. Catra couldn't see the screen from her spot, but she could see Sam's expression change from surprise to shock.

"What did you find?" Sidorov said.

"I'll have to verify that," Sam replied without looking at the Russian.

Catra didn't need to look at the screen to know it wasn't good news. Still, she needed more information, so she slid around the console and peered over Sam's shoulder at the screen. The screen was full of rows and tables of code and numbers, but that put her face next to Sam's, and Catra whispered: "Who was it?"

"Siler's access codes," Sam replied without moving her lips.

Oh. That was one of the veterans from Stargate Command - Catra had seen him often in the control room back in the mountain. Had they managed to turn him?

"They must have used his codes somehow… Cross-checking the timestamps with the security recordings," Sam went on.

It couldn't be magical compulsion: the Stargate had sorceresses on duty to watch for that.

The computer beeped again. "File not found?" Catra asked.

"What?" Hammond joined them.

"Someone deleted the security recordings of the suspicious access times, sir," Sam reported.

"Suspicious access codes?" Hammond growled more than he asked.

"I am crosschecking their whereabouts during the times in question, sir. But without recordings, we can't prove their innocence."


Yeah. So, that was going according to plan.

"There are more ways than security recordings to prove someone's innocence," Haig commented.

"But they take time to gather," Petit retorted. "And people trust recordings more than testimonies."

That, Catra agreed with. She wouldn't trust the word of any Russian or Chinese right now. But they would say the same about the Alliance.

Was that their plan? Discredit the entire Alliance staff? But what would they gain from that? The United States, France and Britain could always outvote the Russians and Chinese. So, what was the point of this?

She glanced at Melog, but her friend didn't have an answer either.

Then Haig spoke up: "In any case, we'll have to suspend Gate travel until further notice - we cannot risk travelling with compromised security."

Catra froze. She was stuck on Earth? Away from Adora?

She was going to kill those spies!


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, December 6th, 1999

"...and the Stargate has been closed?" Jack O'Neill asked.

"Until we are certain that the system is free of any unauthorised programs, yes, sir."

The consequences of that… He closed his eyes for a moment. "And here I thought my day was bad enough already." He glanced at Catra, who was staring out the window of his office, unsheathing and sheathing her claws, while Melog was sprawled at her feet like an actual cat. That explained her bad mood, at least. "So, someone tried to frame Siler? And by someone, I mean the Russians and the Chinese."

"We have no proof of their involvement, sir," Carter replied. "But yes, someone used Sergeant Siler's access codes." With a frown, she added: "He has been restricted to the base until we can prove he wasn't present during the times the software was manipulated."

"An idea how long that will take?"

"No, sir. The base entrance logs have been tampered with, so they have been compromised and cannot be used to exculpate him. And the secondary logs we're piecing together are not as detailed with regard to individuals as they should be."

"That's not your fault, Major," he told her. "As I understood, those secondary logs are the only thing that will allow us to sort out the entire affair because the Russians didn't know about them."

"Not by design, sir. Those logs are the result of imperfect system architecture resulting in unplanned accumulation of data."

Always the perfectionist. He almost snorted, but that would have been inappropriate. "Well, I'm sure you'll crack this, Major." And the spooks could handle the rest of the investigation - that was basically police work anyway.

"We should just grab Li and Sidorov and make them talk," Catra muttered.

Jack softly whistled. Someone was madder than he had thought. "I don't think the government - governments - would be happy about that. You're not supposed to do that." No matter how much you wanted to teach certain individuals a lesson. "At least not to generals from countries with nukes." The rules were a bit fuzzier about people from countries without nukes. Or had been during Jack's time in that sort of business.

Catra scoffed. "We've got a fleet in orbit. Who cares about nukes that won't reach their targets?"

Jack shook his head. "There are other weapons of mass destruction. The Russians are sneaky." And if the Alliance fleet was used against Russia or China - hell, just actually threatening to use it against a country on Earth, instead of implying that by having ships in orbit, would make many Alliance countries uncomfortable as well.

Catra scoffed again. "We can't let them get away with this."

"We won't," Jack promised. "But we have to be smart about this." If Hammond heard me right now, he'd probably laugh out loud, he thought. "I knew I shouldn't have accepted the promotion," he muttered.

"Sir!" Carter was frowning at him. Couldn't hide anything from her.

"Just an idle thought, Major. Anyway, is there any good news?"

"Iwan has been very helpful," Carter replied. "I am sure he suspected something like this as soon as he noticed the system's performance issues."

Jack slowly nodded and tried not to clench his teeth. 'Iwan' was too damn helpful and too damn friendly in his opinion. And that was based on perfectly rational arguments and wasn't related to Carter being on a first-name base with the half-limey half-Russian scientist! "Can we trust him?"

She frowned at him. "If he was involved, he could probably have prevented the investigation - at the very least, he could have taken steps to avoid my involvement. Instead, he suggested calling me."

"It wouldn't be the first time that the Russians would go to great lengths to insert a spy," Jack pointed out. "If we think Gregorovich burned his bridges with the Russians and take him in, he'd get access to advanced technology research." Entrapta would not suspect a thing, and Carter might not be objective, either. And the Russians would gladly sacrifice a dozen generals to get their hands on the latest Alliance gear or plans. Without such technology, their army was obsolete. The same went for the Chinese, of course.

Carter didn't look convinced. She turned to Catra - and Melog. "Is Iwan a traitor?"

Catra tilted her head to the side, listening to Melog's thoughts or whatever for a moment, Jack knew. "Melog can't actually read thoughts. Gregorovich was nervous, but everyone was nervous," she said. "And he found it funny," she added after a second.

"Funny?" Carter looked surprised.

"Well, he's a Russian; they have a pretty dark sense of humour - if they have one at all," Jack commented.

"Ah." Carter nodded. "I can see that. But he has opposed General Sidorov, and publicly at that."

And Hammond and the others could only do so much. Jack sighed. "I'll see if we can find a spot for him in a safe-ish Alliance program." Somewhere not too close to Carter's crucial research. Maybe set him to analyse Goa'uld entertainment devices. Although the Russians might be able to get valuable information and technology out of that as well. "And we'll have to inform the spooks about this, of course."

Though he suspected that the Alliance spooks had contingency plans for such a situation already. It was the kind of thing they did.

"And what can we do?" Catra asked. "I don't want to sit around and do nothing."

That was a good question. Jack didn't like waiting either.


Royal Palace, Kingdom of Dryl, Etheria, December 6th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and this is my lab - well, one of my labs since there's also the Spacelab near Earth, though that's mine and Sam's, and I also work in Alpha, the research base, but Glimmer owns the moon there, and Alpha, the bot, answers to Adora, so it doesn't really count I think - I'm not sure, the whole ownership thing is a bit confusing - and my lab in the Fright Zone wasn't destroyed, but I usually only go there if I need to do some work on the factories in the Scorpion Kingdom, and I didn't actually ask Scorpia if she claimed it or not, but this, this here is my first lab! I built my first bots here! And I restored First Ones bots here, too. Unfortunately, almost all of them were destroyed when they were infected by a First Ones computer virus that altered their control matrices and made them attack everyone, and I didn't have the time yet to rebuild most of them, but I still have them in a storage room if you want to see them!"

Adora winced a little at Entrapta's enthusiastic explanation. Some of the details her friend got into would probably not go over well with the Asgard.

"Your bots went out of control following a mishap with technology from the Gate Builders?" Freyr asked a bit sharply.

"Yeah? That's what I said, didn't I?" Entrapta nodded. "It later also infected She-Ra's sword and took over more First Ones tech. For a computer virus, it was really impressive."

"And dangerous," Glimmer added in a flat voice. "Extremely dangerous."

"Have you kept a sample of this technology?" Penegal asked.

"We had to destroy the disc it was installed on to stop the infected bots and other pieces of technology," Entrapta replied with a pout. "I am actually not sure if it was a, technically, a computer virus since it took over tech but it didn't make copies of itself - it was limited to the data carrier it was found on, and given the way it acted - it showed some more advanced decision-making ability - it might have been a sort of bot instead. Technically." She perked up. "I could attempt to reverse-engineer a bot that did that, actually. Since it wouldn't be able to make copies of itself, it wouldn't be self-replicating, which is banned according to Sam, but if we could make it take over Goa'uld tech, that would be useful, wouldn't it?"

"We don't want a bot-virus that can take over technology," Adora firmly said.

"We don't?"

"No. It's too dangerous," she explained.

"Well, if it were limited to Naquadah-base technology… Although if that included bombs, or if it learned how to combine bombs and Naquadah…" Entrapta trailed off, scrunching her nose as she pondered what Adora suspected were terrible things.

The three Asgard were looking very uncomfortable, she noticed.

"Yes. Such technology shouldn't be developed. As our own war proves, the consequences could be dire - they could threaten the entire galaxy," Thor said.

"Well, the First Ones did it," Entrapta countered. "And the galaxy is still around."

"The Gate Builders view of what they considered safe technology is not something anyone should emulate," Freyr said.

"Yes," Glimmer agreed in a clipped voice. "They also built the Heart of Etheria."

"Oh, right." Entrapta nodded. "I forgot about that for a moment - that did threaten a piece of the Galaxy. And did remove magic from the sector. They were really careless there."

"Did you preserve this 'Heart of Etheria' as well?" Penegal asked.

"No. We destroyed it," Adora told him.

"So, that's a piece of magitech you can't study," Glimmer added with a slightly toothy smile. "And it's not a part of our culture, either."

Adora pressed her lips together. Her friend wasn't too subtle about her opinion of the Asgard's obvious interest in magitech and equally obvious disinterest in Etherian culture. Except for the Etherian safety culture in research, Adora added to herself. Or lack thereof, in the Asgard's view. At least Glimmer hadn't openly called them spies. Not yet.

"Anyway," she spoke up to change the topic, "Dryl is the leading kingdom for non-magitech technology on Etheria. So…"

A signal from her communicator interrupted her - a priority signal. It must be an emergency! She thumbed the thing. "Adora."

The voice of a clone answered. "Supreme Commander, We have received a priority transmission from your consort over the spy bot network from Earth. Due to a computer virus, the Stargate has been shut down until further notice."

She gasped. What? Shut down? Catra! Adora's love was stuck on Earth! But she was safe - she better be safe - and this affected the entire Alliance. Adora was its Supreme Commander and had her duty. "A computer virus infected the Stargate?" she snapped.

"Apparently, it infected the Earth-based computer system controlling the Stargate," the Clone replied.

Adora relaxed a little.

Then she noticed how everyone, especially the Asgard, was staring at her.

"The Stargate on Earth was infected by a virus?" Freyr sounded shocked.

"Really?" Entrapta sounded intrigued.

Adora winced. She should have worded her question a bit better, given the circumstances. "No. Well, not the Stargate itself…" she started to explain.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 7th, 1999

Samantha Carter had worked under bad conditions before. On board a Ha'tak, hacking computers to sabotage the entire ship, with Jaffa warriors gunning for her team. Or under direct fire. Cleaning up Stargate Command's computers wasn't quite as dangerous. But she couldn't help feeling on edge anyway as she worked - everything she had discovered so far pointed at an inside job, and while the clues they had implicated Russia and China, that didn't mean everyone else was trustworthy. Almost anyone here could be a traitor, and that made her glad that Catra and Melog were around in case someone got desperate enough to escalate from spying to assassination.

Of course, it was also concerning that she still hadn't found out how exactly they had bypassed all the security protecting the computers. Even if they had had official access, there had been measures in place to prevent the suborning of the entire system. And, as she rooted through the databanks and caches, too often tempted to just condemn the entire machine and replace it with a factory-fresh piece, she found more and more clues that didn't quite fit the assumption that this was a HUMINT infiltration job by the successors of the KGB with Chinese support.

The programs planted in the system to sift through the data and manipulate it were easy to understand, following established principles and using bits and pieces from known sources combined with some usually clever original work. Slightly challenging, but nothing she would consider extraordinary. But the routines that dealt with the interface to the Stargate itself? They were too advanced, and they worked too smoothly with the alien technology. She remembered how much work it had taken her to get the whole system to work, and while she didn't want to sound arrogant, she was one of the most experienced programmers in this area.

Even with the manual and notes she had left, it should have taken a Russian or Chinese programmer longer to subvert the entire system to this degree. Understand, yes - that was the point of the documentation. But to program alternative solutions to hers that wouldn't show up on regular system scans and checks? That was essentially duplicating her work from scratch - and in less time than it had taken her.

She glanced at Iwan, who was running additional checks on a cleared peripheral. Wouldn't he have known about such an individual? She could believe, based on everything she had heard, that the Soviets might have been paranoid enough to keep their research compartmentalised even though that might slow down or cripple some projects, but could Russia have continued such a policy and achieved such results anyway? And would they have worked with China, risking to expose themselves anyway, after taking such extreme measures?

If the alternative was seeing their country, or countries, becoming powerless and irrelevant as the Alliance advanced far beyond them? Probably. The arrival of the Etherians had shaken the entire world to the core and rendered most militaries obsolete.

So, this could be the work of some secret Russian research project. One that had been conveniently easy to adapt to the Stargate project. Too conveniently, actually.

She started another scan, then leaned back. "Hey, Iwan."


"Do you know if yours was the only storage for alien technology?"

She could see him tense for a moment.

"You think this was done using alien technology?" Catra, of course, had heard her - and apparently had deduced Sam's hypothesis straight away. She shifted on her seat as well, still lounging, but Sam knew her well enough that she didn't have to glance at the colour-changing Melog to tell that Catra was ready to jump into action now. Catra's tail was swishing, and her ears were twitching.

But the really interesting reaction was Iwan's. He stopped typing on his keyboard and glanced at the closed door before answering: "Well, there were rumours. But there are always rumours. Would be stupid to separate research, no synergy, no helping each other, da? But then, Russia has history of doing stupid things with very important - or dangerous - things."

That didn't confirm her hypothesis, but neither did it disprove it.

"Wouldn't your scanner have found another hoard of alien technology?" Catra asked.

"Only if it used Naquadah," Sam replied. "Not every alien technology depends on Naquadah." Etheria or the Horde's didn't.

"But the Goa'uld's tech does," Catra pointed out.

"The technology they adapted," Sam corrected her. "They might have studied other alien technology as well." Some of the Goa'uld, at least.

"And you think that the Russians or the Chinese found such technology and kept it hidden?" Catra frowned.

"Russia found Goa'uld technology and kept it hidden," Iwan said. "Keeping secrets from everyone, even themselves, is Russian way."

"If they had access to unknown alien technology, it would explain how they managed to subvert our security so thoroughly," Sam said.

Catra looked a little doubtful, but she nodded and slowly started to grin. "Great!"

"Great?" Iwan sounded as surprised - and wary - as Sam felt.

Catra bared her fangs. "It means we have to find out if your idea is true. And that means we have to go spying!"

Sam winced, but a part of her relished the idea. Turning the tables on whoever had done this to Sam's systems was quite appealing.


Earth Orbit, Solar System, December 7th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and Sam is sure that the programs used against Stargate Command were based on alien technology because they interface so easily with the Stargate." Catra shrugged. "According to her, the parts that interface with Earth-based programs are 'too clunky' to be made by the same people."

"Oh." On the screen in Catra's cabin on the flagship of the Earth Guard Task Force, Adora frowned in that cute way of hers, with her eyes losing focus for a moment while she pondered this. "So, whoever did this had contact with another species? Or found some relics of theirs and analysed them?"

"Yes." Catra nodded. "And we'll find out who did it - and what technology they hid."

Adora bit her lower lip. "And you want to take the technology."

Catra shrugged again, smiling. Adora knew her so well. "Of course. It was used against Stargate Command - and against the Alliance as a result - so it's a legitimate target. No matter what Russia and China try to claim." Like when Russia tried to claim that only unsecured advanced technology fell under the Security Council's confiscation order and that they would 'donate' the secured technology they had - which was now proven to be a lie. Almost proven.

Adora nodded. "Yes. We can't let such an attack go, or they'll try again."

They would try again anyway, in Catra's opinion. They had no choice if they wanted to remain a military power. Well, unless they found another source of technology, or an ally, out there in the galaxy on one of the Stargate Command's exploration missions. Of course, the odds… Catra's eyes widened. "They might be in contact with another species," she said.


"Sam thought - and Gregorovich hinted at it - that Russia recovered old advanced technology that the Goa'uld had collected back before the rebellion and kept that when they handed over the DHS and other stuff," Catra explained. "But what if they managed to hide contact with another species? If they can take over the computers, they could also fool other security and smuggle in any gear."

"Or a visitor acting as an advisor," Adora said. "We're monitoring traffic for Naquadah because that reveals Goa'uld even inside a host, but if they are in contact with an alien species that doesn't use Naquadah, that would be useless."

Catra sighed as she bared her teeth. "And, like every damn Horde soldier, the guards won't really look for that kind of deception - not if they think the scanners will spot any attempted invasion or infiltration by snakes." This was worse than Catra had thought. "We should just bomb them from orbit."

"Yes," Adora nodded, then blinked and gasped. "What? NO!"

Catra chuckled. "Relax. I'm joking."

"Don't joke about that on a ship of the Third Fleet! Priest could take you seriously!" Adora scolded.

"Priest knows better than that," Catra objected. "He should know, at least." You never knew with religious zealots. If he thought Catra being Adora's consort meant she acted on She-Ra's authority… Priest wouldn't try such a ploy unless he thought it would serve his goals, but that wasn't really reassuring either.

Adora sighed. "You know how he is."

"Yes." Priest had learned far too much from religious leaders on Earth. And the wrong lessons. "But I'm not going to make such jokes where he or his men can hear me."

"Good." Adora sighed. "I should be with you."

Well, Catra wasn't going to disagree with that. "It's all the fault of the Russians. And the Chinese."

"Yes. But we need proof before we can move against them."

"We'll get you proof. Jack's working on that." Catra grinned. "He's mad as hell about this." Jack probably still felt as if he was a member of Stargate Command - and there were a lot of his friends serving there.

But Adora didn't grin in return - she frowned. No, she was concerned.

Catra rolled her eyes. "We're going to be fine." She was no princess, but she could take whatever Earth could throw at her. And chew it up and spit it back out.

"But they're now using their magic…"

"Yes. But we'll manage. Ghosts and everything." Catra hoped so, at least. "Jack's working on that." Jack had said he had a plan to do something about that.

"Jack is?" Adora didn't look reassured. "He doesn't like magic."

"Yes. So, he's very motivated to do something about any magic that could be used against him." Catra could understand the feeling. In the Horde, they had been fighting princesses with decades of experience with basically bots and rifles. They would have given everything for a princess of their own.

Adora was still frowning. Damn. She was probably feeling guilty about not being on Earth - and worried about Catra and the others here.

"We're going to be ok," Catra told her, smiling softly. "And I'll be back home soon."

Adora slowly nodded. "It's not the same without you. It feels… empty. Luna misses you as well."

A part of Catra was glad to hear that she was so important for her love. But a bigger part felt guilty for not being with Adora.

But she didn't say anything about either. Instead, she nodded.

And hoped she would be back with Adora soon. Being separated again… No, she wasn't going there.


Pentagon, Washington D.C., United States of America, Earth, December 8th, 1999

Jack O'Neill had been tempted to hold this meeting in orbit, on board his shuttle, or perhaps a frigate, but given everything that had gone on in the last few days, that would likely have backfired. Less 'be part of the greatest endeavour humanity has ever done before' and more 'watch me show off my private shuttle'. At least with this particular person.

So he straightened and got up, smiling broadly when his visitor arrived. "Good morning, Special Agent Paris."

"General O'Neill." She didn't look like it was a good morning. She looked like she expected a squad of Jaffa warriors to jump out of the filing cabinet and charge her screaming. Of course, with the scandal around Smith breaking - Kinsey had pulled out all the stops; the press was crying for blood - and her involvement in the investigation, she probably had good reason to be wary despite Wilkinson turning against Smith. Or because of that.

Well, he had worked with worse. "Please have a seat."

She sat down with a brief nod, all business-like. Well, that matched what they knew about her.

"Coffee?" Jack gestured at the coffee maker in the corner of his (temporary) office. "It's not Navy coffee, but actually good, I promise."

Paris turned to glance at the pot. "Did you import an Italian coffee maker for your office?"

He didn't wince at the implied accusation. Instead, he grinned. "No need for that. The Pentagon contracted for them a year ago for the general staff. Couldn't stand to be shown up by Alliance headquarters, I guess."

"Fitting." Her smile was tight and thin. "I'll pass, thank you."

He shrugged and took a sip from his own cup. "So, you're probably wondering why you're here."

"I assume you're trying to recruit me for your army, General."

"Not quite." He grinned again. "Though if you feel like volunteering, we'd take you in in a heartbeat, of course. We need every talented sorceress we can get."

"I am a thaumaturgist, not a sorceress."

"Sorceress is the correct term for anyone with the talent to work magic in the form of spells instead of having a magical power," he told her. Smiling, he added: "That's what the leader of Mystacore told me, and as the foremost experts in magic from Etheria, I'll take their word over a feeble attempt by the FBI to placate Bible-thumping politicians."

She snorted, then looked a little surprised, probably as much at her own reaction as at his comment. "The other agents call us witches."

Jack had already known that, but telling her he had been spying on them wouldn't go over well. "That's not the same, as far as I know." Castaspella hadn't gone into detail about the difference, and Jack hadn't asked at the time. "But you'd have to ask the expert herself."

"Are you trying to sell me on attending magic school in Etheria?" She snorted, but Jack thought she hid some interest there.

"I wish!" He shook his head, trying not to grin at her surprise. "They're still sorting out a training program. It seems Earth has unique magic, and they're not sure that training people like you as if you were Etherians is a good idea." Unless, of course, you passed the 'Ancient' test. Then they wanted you very badly.

"I would have expected such an important question to have been settled by now."

"Me too." He sighed. "But that's bureaucracy for you." And politics.

She nodded again, still sitting straight and tense, as if she were facing a court-martial - or an internal investigation, in her position. Hell, she probably was facing one by the FBI. "So, if you don't want to recruit me…"

"Oh, as I said, we'd love to have you!" he cut in.

"...then why did you invite me to this talk? And put enough pressure on my boss to make him order me to attend?"

"I didn't actually put any pressure on your boss," Jack corrected her. "I guess he feels like playing nice with us because the government wasn't too happy about his creative ways to get a secret sorceress training program going." Not as unhappy as they had been about the CIA program, of course. At least publicly.

"It was all covered by current regulations," Paris retorted.

"Yeah." Jack nodded. "All perfectly legal."

She scowled at him in return. "Like your shuttle."

"Exactly." He pondered mentioning Paris's own private investigation with Wilkinson, but that would feel like blackmail.

"So, will you tell me why you called me?" She was glaring at him now. Time to dial back the snark.

Jack nodded. "Sure. We want you to help us hunt a spy."


"We've got a spy problem. And we'd like the FBI to help us hunt down the spy - just like you're supposed to do, right? It's an international affair, so the FBI can't take the investigation over, sorry."

"You want my help?" She looked suspicious. Not unlike Daniel when Jack praised his books or something.

"You're the best sorceress the FBI has." Which wasn't as impressive as it sounded, but no small feat either.

"You could call in an army of princesses and sorceresses from Etheria. Why do you want me?"

They couldn't actually call in an army from Etheria right now, what with the Stargate down. But that was a military secret. "They don't have your training as an FBI agent. And we can't depend on them for everything." Not forever.

She slowly nodded. "And you fear magic is involved."

"Well… we don't know for sure, but it's a distinct possibility." He shrugged. "Better safe than sorry, and if we can get a trained investigator at the same time…?"

She snorted again. "I'll agree to help you under one condition."


"You get Wilkinson on board as well."

Jack blinked. He hadn't expected that. But he should have, he realised, recalling how Paris and Wilkinson had acted. They were certainly closer friends than they admitted. And her loyalty was a point in her favour. "Sure - if he wants to."

"He will." And now she sounded like Carter when she wasn't going to budge no matter what Jack said.

He chuckled. "I'll take your word for it. Welcome to the team!"

Chapter 126: Spy Games Part 2
Chapter 126: Spy Games Part 2

Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 9th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"They're just here to learn more about magic and magitech. They don't care about our culture at all. We should send them home!"

Adora winced while she watched Glimmer pace and complain - or rant - in her office. "We invited them," she reminded her friend.

Glimmer scoffed. "So we can rescind the invitation. We don't have to let spies stay."

"Unless they're at Princess Prom," Bow pointed out, then grimaced when Glimmer glared at him. "Just saying."

"We aren't at Princess Prom!" Glimmer shook her head and kept pacing.

Adora bit her lower lip for a moment, then asked: "Well, can you really call them spies if all they do is ask questions of their hosts?" It wasn't really fair to call the Asgard spies, in her opinion. They were giving them tours, after all.

"Are we sure that they are just asking questions?" Glimmer asked back.

"Well… we've got them under permanent surveillance," Entrapta spoke up. She was still working on her multitool, though, and her hair tendrils were typing on a keyboard next to her. "Although that's to keep them safe from any attacks, and to prevent Double Trouble from copying them, as you told me. But! It also means we can be sure that they aren't sneaking out of their quarters at night to break into our data banks. Unless, of course, they managed to fool our security."

"Could they have done this?" Adora asked. First, the Stargate Command computer got taken over, and now this?

"Well… It's possible. In theory. Nothing is impossible, after all." Entrapta smiled as she nodded. "So, yes, they could have done this. That's simple logic."

Adora suppressed a sigh, and even Glimmer looked taken aback for a moment. "Uh, is it likely that they could have done such a thing?"

"Wellll…" Entrpata scrunched her nose. "That's a different question. We don't know everything about their technology, especially their computer technology. I've taken scans of their sensors on Cimmeria, but I don't think that was their best work. And Horde Prime used their technology for his systems, but he had a long time to develop it further, so we can't judge Asgard technology based on Horde technology. Still, there are similarities. Also, since they're fighting bots, they probably have good computer security, so they should also be good at penetrating computer security - you can't have one without the other, you know? You wouldn't be able to test your security measures without having the skill to penetrate it. And as Loki told us, a lot of their technology is heavily automated, especially their ships, so that's another point for them being good at computers - you can't have good bots, and automation is just another term for having bots do the works, without good computer technology. Control matrices with the required complexity for bots, even if they aren't self-learning ones, need good computers. On the other hand, Loki didn't seem to have better computer technology than we do. Then again, he is kind of banned from their research, so he wouldn't have access to their best systems. On the other hand, since Horde technology is based on Asgard technology, the similarities would make it a bit easier to hack a computer than if it were a truly alien system - which is why I so want to take a look at the programs Sam found. Imagine the data we could get from an alien system! Anyway! We don't have enough data to tell what the Asgard could do."

Adora blinked. That had been a lot of words for basically 'we don't know'.

"So, we have to assume the worst," Glimmer said.

"No!" Adora shook her head. "We can't assume the worst of others!"

"Unless we're defining security procedures. At least Hordak said that," Entrapta added. "You need to prepare for the worst mistake you can think of because someone will do that."

Ah, yes. 'Kyle-proofing' was what Catra called it.

"Whatever. We still have to face facts: We can't earn the Asgard's trust by showing them our culture. We're too different from each other," Glimmer said.

"Well, I think just making the attempt has helped us. Showed our good will." Bow smiled.

Adora's smile was a little forced. She didn't want to be a downer, but in her impression, the Asgard's experiences on Etheria so far had hurt their trust in the Alliance as much as they had helped it. At least as much.

"If they dislike our culture as much as dislike theirs, we might have been insulting them for the entire visit so far," Glimmer pointed out. "At least they have been more polite about that than some of us."

Adora winced again, and Bow blushed a little. Lance and George had been enthusiastic about the Asgard but also a bit too honest.

"But back to our security: Entrapta, we need you to double-check our systems. Just in case," Glimmer said. "And we'll have to get more guards, in case our sensors are compromised. Can't fool people the same way you can fool a bot."

"Unless you're Double Trouble," Bow said.

Entrapta nodded. "Or unless you use optical illusions backed with sound. That would fool both people and bots, as long as the bots don't have other sensors. That's why I always build my bots with multi-sensory scanners!"

Glimmer ignored both and looked at Adora. "And we need to decide what to do with the Asgard. It's pointless to show them more of our culture. We need to do something else."

Adora nodded. The question was: What could they do? She had an idea, or at least the start of one, but the others wouldn't like it. Still, they had to do something. And they were her friends. They would hate her for suggesting it.

She cleared her throat. "I had an idea about that…"


Adora checked her appearance in the mirror, turning her head left and right to get a different angle. She looked presentable and nodded to herself. For a moment, she expected a dry comment about vanity, or a sappy one about being beautiful from every angle, but Catra was stuck on Earth, and her friends here were…

"I still think this is a bad idea."

"We all agreed it was the best idea we had."

"That doesn't make it a good idea."

"Well, that depends on how you define a good idea. Is there an objective or relative good? Or a minimum value you have to reach?"

…still not done with the discussion they had had for an hour. Even though, as Bow had pointed out, they had all agreed that Adora's idea was the best they had. Which wasn't very flattering since it was the only idea they had, not counting Glimmer's muttered wish to deport all Asgard. Or make them sit through a medley of Sea Hawk's worst shanties.

It was kind of weird how the Asgard seemed to annoy Glimmer so much. They hadn't actually done anything to her except for scorning Etherian culture and being curious about magic. Not unlike Catra having made some scathing comments about Bright Moon's traditions, and Entrapta still having some issues with boundaries when she was fascinated by something.

On the other hand, dealing with the Asgard's continuing lack of trust was frustrating. Adora and her friends only wanted to help them! And they would help them, one way or another!

Nodding again, she turned to the others. "Let's go before it's too late to visit them."

"Why would it be too late to visit them? Oh, is that about bedtime? If we want to be sure that they aren't asleep yet, we can call ahead! Although if they didn't set their comm on silent, we'd wake them up that way. Oh. That would kind of explain why people were always awake when I called, wouldn't it?"

This isn't the time to ask Entrapta for an explanation, Adora told herself. Besides, she could guess what happened. And she could imagine Catra's reaction if Entrapta ever called them when they were asleep.

She chuckled at that thought as she walked to the door. "Let's go!"

"But what if they are asleep?" Entrapta asked.

"They aren't. We have them under surveillance," Glimmer replied.

"Isn't that violating their privacy? Even if it is for their own good?" Entrapta cocked her head to the side.

"It's a security measure." Glimmer scowled a little, Adora noticed.

"Oh. It's for our own good, then?"

"It's to ensure that nothing happens to them or us while they are our guests," Bow explained.


At least by the time they reached the guest quarters - which weren't the guest quarters that had been used as cells for prisoners in the past - Entrapta was focusing on her tool again, and Glimmer and Bow were busy keeping her from walking into walls.

If the Asgard saw us right now, they would lose even more trust, Adora thought. But she forced herself to smile and knocked on the door.

Penegal opened the door. "Yes?"

"Hi!" Adora beamed at him. "Can we come in? We have something important to discuss."

"Something to discuss outside a formal meeting," Glimmer added.

"Oh. And what would that be?" Penegal looked wary, in Adora's opinion.

"Magic and magitech," she replied.

"Please come in!"

Adora didn't have to glance over her shoulder to know that Glimmer was giving her the 'told you so' look, even though everyone knew that the Asgard were fascinated by Etherian magic.

Freyr and Thor were sitting on the couch in the living room of their suite, the one sized for their height, and had overheard them - both were staring at Adora and her friends intently.

"You want to talk about your magic? Off the record?" Freyr asked when everyone had sat down.

"We want to talk about it informally, not off the record," Glimmer corrected him.


"Without all the, ah, trappings of a formal diplomatic meeting," Adora explained. "Just a straight talk."

"Ah." Freyr nodded.

"It's kind of obvious that you're not really interested in our culture," Glimmer started. "And that you're very interested in our magic."

"Which is part of our culture," Bow added.

"Yes." Thor sounded a bit… snobby? Or maybe Adora was imagining it. It was hard to read the Asgard.

"You are very interested in magic, but the Asgard can't actually use magic," Glimmer went on. "Loki told us that," she added.

"He would," Thor said.

"Even if he hadn't told us, the fact he didn't ask to be taught magic would have kind of given that away." Adora shrugged. "Not completely, but we would have noticed."

"So, we're wondering why you're so interested in magic," Glimmer continued. "Are you planning to attempt to use magic to fix your genome?"

"It is doubtful that magic could fix it," Freyr said. "Or you would have suggested it already. Right?"

Adora was sure that she didn't imagine the challenge in that question. "We haven't suggested it so far because you seem to have issues with altering your species's genes," she told him. "And if magic can fix your genetic degradation, you would be altered."

"Like reset to an earlier version, if you were a program," Entrapta not so helpfully added. "Probably at a point magic considered 'healthy' - if it works. Which is kinda doubtful since healing magic doesn't change people's species. It does fix genetic disorders, though - we found that out when Adora healed so many people in India. But magic won't fix a Jaffa's genetically engineered missing immune system, even though that is clearly not healthy. But! Those are just theories. We won't know for sure unless Adora tries healing you. So, do you want to try that?" She beamed at the Asgard.

Who were now looking decidedly uncomfortable.

"You talk as if magic possesses a will of its own," Freyr said.

Glimmer frowned. "Well, it does? Magic chose She-Ra, for example. You know that."

The Asgard looked at each other. "We thought this was a… cultural assumption," Freyr said.

"You thought we made that up?" Adora blinked.

"It sounded like a religious belief," Thor replied. "Not a scientific fact."

"It is proven by science." Entrapta nodded. "We have the empirical data and records to prove it. Well, mostly - the records are a bit iffy, being so old. But that's just one example. There are others. Mostly on Mystacore, though. Or in their archives."

The Asgard looked at each other.

"We would like to visit Mystacore," Penegal said.

"Ah." Adora winced. "We can ask them." Again, she added silently.

"If you ask them to let them do the magic healing experiment on you, I am sure they'll invite you!" Entrapta tried to help.

Adora winced again. Technically, this was exactly what she had been thinking of - offering the Asgard magical healing and information about magic. But the way it was shaping up wasn't how she had hoped this would go.


Pentagon, Washington D.C., United States of America, Earth, December 9th, 1999

"You want me to help you hunt down a suspected alien spy in Russia."

Wilkinson looked wary, Samantha Carter thought. Not very eager to be part of this - though she had expected that, given what they knew about the man. He was a lone wolf, not really a team player. Or, she corrected herself, not a good team player unless he was leading the team.

And this team already had a leader.

"Or China - we're not sure yet." The General grinned. "So, you might get a lot of frequent flyer miles out of this."

Of course, making a roundabout joke about the exact thing he had almost been framed for was exactly what the General would do. Sam suppressed a sigh while Daniel whispered to Sha're, probably explaining what frequent flyer programs were. Catra chuckled, but that was no surprise.

Wilkinson, though, frowned, and Paris rolled her eyes. "I didn't know you had a background in military intelligence, General O'Neill," he said.

"I am a man of many talents." The General shrugged. "Though you're right that I wasn't formally part of military intelligence."

"Your record was heavily redacted."

"Yes." Another grin that showed a bit too many teeth.

Sam wanted to roll her eyes as well. This was posturing, and they had a job to do. "We have no conclusive proof that alien technology was used to infiltrate Stargate Command's systems, but the data we have is quite convincing."

"And Russia and China are the main suspects," Catra cut in. "They have the motive for it and shouldn't have the means."

That earned her a frown from Wilkinson. The man probably loathed pop culture's portrayal of his work. Sam certainly didn't like how most scientists were portrayed in TV shows. Especially most female scientists. Or most female soldiers. That the Etherians seemed to like Earth media despite this common bias… She forced herself to focus on the task at hand and spoke up again: "I've analysed the code of the programs we found, and it contains parts that are too original to be deduced from existing Earth-based tools as well. Combined with the smooth integration of the program with the Stargate technology, the most obvious explanation is that they used alien technology."

Wilkinson kept frowning, but he didn't question her conclusion.

"The question is," the General went on, "did they find some alien relics left on Earth thousands of years ago and kept them secret while they analysed the technology? Or are they in contact with an unknown alien species, and that's where they got the tech from?"

"How would they have kept such contact secret from the rest of Stargate Command if they didn't have the technology that allowed them to infiltrate the system yet?" Wilkinson asked.

"Good question!" The General smiled. "If they got the tech during their first contact, they could have used it after their team returned. That way, they could have kept the next trips a secret. It wouldn't have taken much, anyway, to hide such a contact - they could easily travel to one planet and then dial to another from there, with no one the wiser back home. But they would need more control over the system to smuggle things through the gate. Or people."

"And that's what you are afraid of: a covert alien invasion."

"Concerned, not afraid," the General corrected him. "Any invasion would have to deal with the guard fleet in orbit before making headway. And our anti-body snatching protocols are pretty good - we don't just rely on Carter and Entrapta's magic scanner."

Sha're tensed at that, Sam saw, and Daniel took her hand and held it.

"That seems a bit careless," Wilkinson said. "They managed to hide their infiltration of Stargate Command from the Alliance, didn't they?"

"Not successfully," Catra said. "And they had a big advantage since they were working from the inside."

"I don't think we should dismiss the possibility that we became complacent, though," Daniel commented. "We might have relied a bit too much on established technology and procedures. Even, or especially, since they were working so well." He smiled apologetically at Sam.

But her friend was right - the system should have been protected against such an attempt. It was embarrassing - especially for her; she had been responsible for most of the computer security until her transfer to the Alliance.

"When did this happen?"

"Three months ago at the earliest," the General said. "That's when the programs were inserted. But if they had contact with aliens, it could have happened at any time since they started sending teams through the gate, but probably not too much before that unless they got really lucky and then rushed things. Which doesn't fit either Russia or China."

"Both governments must be under immense pressure," Daniel pointed out. "With NATO building spaceships, they might have felt compelled to take considerable risks to keep up and so moved without the expected caution."

"Or they were manipulated by aliens," Sha're said. "The desperate are easy victims for such ploys."

"Yes." The general nodded. "In any case, handling Russia and China isn't our problem; that's for the politicians. Our job is to catch a bunch of spies. So, now let's talk about how we're going to do that!"


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 9th, 1999

Catra was, once again, very glad that the new Stargate Command location included integrated hangars for shuttles. Just walking over the tarmac - which was covered in snow - would have been a hassle in what was, apparently, 'not even close to a blizzard' according to the Canadians but looked very much like a snowstorm to her.

"This makes me miss Washington in the winter," Paris commented to Wilkinson behind her.

"We're not going to stay here for long," he replied. "Just examining the crime scene."

That seemed a bit optimistic to Catra. She glanced at Melog.


So, Wilkinson believed this? She snorted. "Don't jinx it," she said, looking over her shoulder.

"I don't believe in superstition," he replied.

"Like you didn't believe in magic?" Catra retorted, flashing her fangs for a moment.

He frowned at her in return, then glanced at Paris.

"We didn't cover 'jinxing' in the course," the sorceress told him. "But there are theories that common 'superstition' such as this might have a base in reality - or shape reality now that magic was returned."

Wilkinson seemed surprised. And definitely not pleased. "Why am I only hearing this now?"

"It's just a theory," Paris replied. "There are dozens like it. We're still trying to figure out how magic works on Earth. A lot of what we knew once has been distorted during the last thousand years." She glanced at Catra.

Catra shrugged. That wasn't her fault, for once. "Yeah, the First Ones messed up a lot of planets when they redirected their magic."

"Except for Etheria," Paris said.

"Only because they were stopped before they could use all that magic to blow up Etheria to power a superweapon to take out their enemies." Catra smiled grimly. "And their superweapon was still active and ready to fire when we took it out."

"I never heard about those details," Paris echoed Wilkinson's earlier complaint.

Catra shrugged again. "It's classified information."

"And you're telling us?" Wilkinson glared at her. Was he mad that he had been told a secret and didn't have to find it out himself?

"You've got the clearance for such stuff now," Jack cut in, walking down the ramp behind them, followed by Sam, Daniel and Sha're. "Can't investigate Stargate Command without it."

"I don't remember signing anything to that extent," Wilkinson complained. "Or being informed of it."

Jack shrugged. "I've just told you now."


"...perfectly fine in the Alliance," Catra interrupted Wilkinson. For a 'loose cannon', the man cared too much about everyone else following what he thought was proper procedure. At least in her opinion.

Thinks special.

Well, he wasn't alone with that.

Jack clapped his hands together as the special forces they had fetched from Germany on the way here joined them. "Folks! You know your job, so let's get to it! Fan out, we'll meet up again at dinner time!"

And that was her clue. Catra nodded and started walking toward the lift leading down to the main part of the base. The one for people, not the huge one for cargo.

Safe, Melog commented as they approached the guards - French ones - there.

That was good to know. Keeping the team safe was part of her job, after all - you couldn't trust anyone in Stargate Command right now. Not when they might have been compromised. Or manipulated by aliens.

It wasn't a long trip - unlike at Cheyenne Mountain - and Catra's ears caught Isa whispering and Campbell about not liking being so 'hemmed in'. She snorted - the cabin was large enough for scorpion-people, so it was probably just soldiers complaining about everything.

General Hammond was waiting for them when the doors opened. "General O'Neill."

"General Hammond."


Well, Catra could see that. And it was understandable, what with two-fifths of the people on base potential traitors.

"We've brought more help in. Special Agents Paris and Wilkinson, FBI." Jack nodded at them. Special agents, General Hammond."

The three exchanged polite greetings.

"Russia and China have lodged a formal protest against the Alliance investigation," Hammond told them as they walked towards the gate and control rooms.

"So we were told," Jack replied.

"Generals Sidirov and Li also pointed out that the main suspect was Sergeant Siler, a member of the US armed forces, not one of their people."

Catra snorted at that. As if anyone would believe that!

"Clearing him will take a bit more time," Jack said. "But we're working on it."

Well, they were working on investigating and exposing the Russians and Chinese, but it should work out the same. Eventually. But that wasn't really a concern for Catra.

At their destination, Sam split off to check the gate computers, Jack went on to meet with the rest of the Command Council and Catra, followed by Wilkinson and Paris, headed into the gate room.

They had to be sure that the gate was safe before proceeding. And it looked safe - Iris closed, American and British guards present, sorceress on duty.

"A satyr?" she heard Wilkinson mutter behind her.

Right, the man probably hadn't seen goat-people before.

"It's a goat-woman," Paris corrected him. "Not a satyr."

"Looks like a satyr to me. Hooves and horns."

The woman saluted as they approached her. "Commander Catra." She didn't show any resentment or seemed ill at ease, so she probably wasn't a Princess Alliance veteran. "Kira," she introduced herself.

Catra returned the salute, noting that the name matched her tag on her Earth-style uniform - without boots, of course. "These are Special Agent Paris, an Earth sorceress, and Special Agent Wilkinson."

Kira perked up as she extended her hand for Paris to shake. "An Earth sorceress! I've heard a lot about your magic!"

"We're still figuring it out," Paris replied with an apologetic smile.

"She's the best of her class," Wilkinson commented.

That earned him a frown from Paris, but Kira looked even more interested.

Catra would have to keep an eye on them - it wouldn't do for their sorceresses to be distracted by a magic discussion right now.

But the gate room looked safe. For now, at least. And Paris and Wilkinson were staring at the Stargate. Right, they hadn't seen it before. Not in person, Catra reminded herself. When you travelled through the gate almost daily, it quickly stopped being extraordinary.

"It's fascinating, right? To think this device, and without any magic, allows us to travel from one end of the galaxy to another… It's marvellous!" Kira, apparently, hadn't used the Stargate often enough.

"It's hard to believe," Wilkinson replied.

"Doubting Thomas," Paris muttered under her breath.

"Two years ago, this was science fiction," he shot back.

"No, two years ago, it was real, just a secret."

That made Wilkinson pause for a moment. Then he nodded. "You're right."

"Of course I am."

Catra narrowed her eyes slightly at the exchange. So, Wilkinson was one of those people. Well, best to put him to work, then.


Yeah, Sidorov and Li are guilty as hell, Jack O'Neill thought as he tuned out the loud protestations from the Russian general and the more polite but still fake 'concerns' of his Chinese colleague. Or co-traitor, even though Daniel would probably tell him that it wasn't a real word.

And Carter would probably mention that it was not treason according to the legal definition. But Jack didn't care - if you stabbed your fellow soldiers in the back, you were a traitor. The Russians and Chinese had joined Stargate Command. Their soldiers had been treated as Stargate Command members like everyone else - Jack had trained them. Hell, Jack and his team had risked their lives to save them when things had gone wrong.

And in return, those bastards had sneaked some alien spyware into the base's computers and done who-knew-whatever-else.

Ah, Li had finished 'helpfully' 'reminding' them once more that all the evidence pointed at Sergeant Siler being the culprit, and Sidorov seemed to have run out of steam for now. Time to end this charade. "Your concerns have been noted," Jack told them in his best diplomatic voice - and with his toothiest grin. "And they will be given the attention they deserve while we, in accordance with the decision of the Stargate Command Council, keep investigating the matter."

"Your sham of an investigation! It's clear that you are trying to cover for your people!" Sidirov hadn't run out of steam.

"I must agree - this seems like a highly biased affair." Li shook his head. "And the timing, so close to the scandal involving another of your generals, seems a bit too convenient."

The bastard didn't just go there, did he? Jack swallowed his first response and shrugged as casually as he could manage. "Noted. Do you have anything new to add?" He waited a moment. "Didn't think so." Turning to Hammond and the rest of the Command Council, he added: "So, we're going to continue our investigation." Carter and the others should already be at work.

He left the room, nodding to Campbell and Isa to follow him - Jack wouldn't put it past the Russians or Chinese to try something drastic, whether or not they were under the influence of unknown aliens, and while he knew he was good, having help at hand never hurt. Especially if part of the help was the closest you could get to a walking tank without getting a bot.

His next stop was the gate room. Carter was busy at the main console, as expected - they had to clear the gate for operation as fast as possible. And the soldiers assigned to her were standing close by. But he couldn't see the others.

He walked over. "How's it going, Carter?"

"Slowly, sir," she replied. "We have to be very careful not to miss anything."

Jack clearly heard the 'again' despite Carter not saying it. She was still blaming herself for this, was she? "I trust you to handle it." That sounded a little corny, didn't it? He cleared his throat. "So, where are the others?"

"Catra took them to check the labs and talk to Iwan, sir."

"Ah. I'll head down there myself then." Wilkinson meeting Iwan the Too-Friendly? Jack had to see that!


Getting to the labs didn't take him long - but it took him through two manned checkpoints, one of them with both Chinese and French soldiers, and you'd have to be blind and deaf to miss the tension. Jack would have preferred to remove all Russian and Chinese troops from key parts of Stargate Command, but the Alliance Command Council had disagreed. Well, if things ended with people shooting each other, he knew who would be to blame.

He knocked and entered the lab without waiting for an answer.

"...and this is another weird alien device. Lots of those in the galaxy, da? And all different weird. Oh, hello, General O'Neill." Gregorovich smiled at Jack, apparently not at all unhappy about the interruption.

"I see," Wilkinson said, then turned to glance at Jack.

"It's not magical," Paris added before nodding at him as well. "General."

"We're checking out alien relics," Catra told him. "No luck so far, though."

"I don't recognise any of them," Sha're added. Daniel just muttered something without looking up from staring at a stone table on a side table.

"Would be embarrassing for me if I missed suspicious alien programming technology under own nose." Iwan smiled in that annoying manner of his.

Embarrassing and incriminating. Jack nodded and took a step closer to check what they were doing. "Are those new relics?"

"Recovered by various teams during last few months," Iwan confirmed. "But all under lock and key."

Jack managed not to snort. If Iwan was compromised, then that wouldn't mean a thing since he was working with the relics. He glanced at Wilkinson. The spook had realised that as well, judging by how he stared at the Russian.

Or he didn't like the Columbo act Iwan had going on. Either way, it seemed things were OK here.

Which meant he could go and conduct his own interview. Once he found his target, of course.

Which took a bit longer than expected, even taking the disrupted schedule into account. It seemed that the dear Lieutenant Lenkova was not in her quarters or the training area. According to the log, she was outside.

Which meant Jack also had to go outside. In the middle of December. In damn Newfoundland. And no matter what Daniel and Carter liked to say about the local climate being warmer than in continental Canada and Catra's comments about the place having nothing on Greenland or the Kingdom of Snows, it was still below freezing. "I'm getting too old for this," he muttered when he slipped a parka on in his shuttle.

"Sir?" Campbell asked.

"Nothing." Jack shook his head. He was tempted to tell Campbell and Isa that they didn't have to come with him, but that would be stupid. You couldn't trust anyone from Russia right now. Besides, they had gone through arctic training, so this should be easy for them.

And it wasn't as if they had to trek through the wilderness to find the Lieutenant. Due to having been a Go'auld host, she still had traces of Naquadah in her body - enough for Carter and Entrapta's magic scanner to find her. The magic scanner in Jack's shuttle, of course - he didn't quite trust the base's sensors right now, even though Carter had reported that the sensor net matched the scanner's results. Jack knew the Russians were too experienced at this sort of thing to give the game away by having the sensors permanently ignore their people.

Still, Lenkova was at the very edge of the base area, in the most remote of the training areas, and the ploughs were focusing on more important areas, so Jack and his escort had to hike quite a bit through deep snow and in the middle of heavy snowfall.

"Reminds me of the expedition to the north," Isa commented behind him.

"Oh?" Campbell sounded interested. Anything to distract yourself from the cold, Jack guessed.

"Yeah. We went there to look for some First Ones tech."

"In the Kingdom of Snows?"

"No, not quite that far north. But it was cold enough to feel it even through our uniforms. That was back in the Horde."

"Ah. Was it as cold as here?"

"Colder, I think. But we forgot about that when the Alliance - the Princess Alliance - attacked. Blew up the entire forward base we had built. Not our finest hour."

Campbell made an agreeing sound.

"Didn't even have special training - we just got basic instructions for arctic operations and then we were sent up north. Some had to watch the lessons in the transports."


"Yeah. The Horde was often like that - some stuff you trained every day even though you could do it in your sleep, and some did, and other stuff was rushed like hell." Isa snorted.

"No wonder you lost the war."

"Heh! We were still more organised than the Alliance!"

"Really? That's hard to believe. The Etherian units we've met were well-trained."

"That's because the entire Horde leadership switched sides."

Not quite how Jack had heard it. Technically true, but if the grunts were talking about the Horde War like this, he had to nip that in the bud. "The Horde was organised differently," he said without looking over his shoulder, "because they were preparing to fight a different war than the one the Princess Alliance fought."

"Yes, sir!" Campbell replied with the familiar reflex of a grunt caught by their commander.

"But we were fighting the same war!" Isa protested.

Jack grinned even though they couldn't see it. "And that was the problem for the Horde."


For a moment, the two soldiers behind him fell silent, and then they turned a corner and reached the training area. Where, as Jack could see, Lenkova wasn't training unless it was some Russian kind of 'meditation while standing' thing he wasn't familiar with. But he would place good odds on her just staring at the sea.

"Lieutenant Lenkova."

She jerked, whirling around, then froze as she spotted him. "General O'Neill?"

"In the flesh." He couldn't see her face very well at this distance, and with her all wrapped in winter clothes, but he thought she sounded surprised - and guilty. "I wanted to talk to you."

Even in the thick winter uniform, he could tell that she was tensing up. Of course, soldiers usually did that when they were faced with a general taking an interest in them, doubly so for female soldiers, but… Jack had a feeling that there was more to this.

He signalled to Isa and Campbell to hang back a little and walked up to Lenkova. "Taking in the sights? The snow is really great this time of the year." If he squinted, he could see the shore through the falling snow. Barely.

She hesitated for a moment, then replied: "It's better than Siberia in the winter."

"So I've heard." Despite any rumours to the contrary, he had never operated in Siberia, much less during the winter.

Lekova looked at him with narrowed eyes but didn't say anything.

"So, how's life at the new base?" Jack asked. "Feeling nostalgic yet?" He didn't wait for her to reply and went on: "It wasn't really a consideration when they picked the new location for the Stargate, but Cheyenne Mountain had at least a decent town nearby. One used to the big base. It'll take some time until you have a decent selection of bars here. Well, not without a shuttle ride or at least a personal plough."

She didn't snort at his joke. "Yes."

"It won't take too long, tough - people know what a money-maker a bar near a base is. Especially in the middle of nowhere."


Another short, terse reply. With the snow, and the heavy clothing and hood, he couldn't see too much of Lenkova's face, but what he saw told him enough. She was too tense. "So, how have missions been?"

She hesitated a fraction of a second, then bit out: "Good."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows, though she probably couldn't see that. "According to the reports I read, it was just boring routine stuff. Trips to known worlds."

"Boring is good sometimes."

He nodded, acknowledging the point. Lenkova would know that very well after her ordeal. On the other hand, she hadn't struck him as wanting to withdraw to safe duties, back before he had transferred to the Alliance. "It isn't boring any more, though, is it?"

She stayed silent for another second. "No, General."

"Quite a mess at the base."

"Yes, General."

"The entire security system compromised… Anyone could have been using the Stargate without Earth knowing about it." He shook his head. "If the snakes know about this…"

Even in the breeze, he heard her draw in a sharp breath. For a moment, he felt guilty for pushing her buttons like this. But he was sure that she knew something about the whole affair, something crucial given her position - and this threatened Earth and the entire Alliance. And she was a Russian spook.

Belatedly, she replied: "The snakes couldn't pass through the scanners. Not even I can pass through them without them detecting the… remains inside my body."

He shrugged again. "The snakes are just one species out there. There are lots more, and many of them are quite nasty. And sneaky."

She flinched at that. "You would know that better than me, General," she said in a clipped tone.

Ah! Had she actually met other aliens? And hid it from the official records? Should he push her for more? She still sounded as if she felt guilty to him - and with her background, she should be able to hide that. Unless that was what she wanted him to think so she could feed him misinformation.

But to what point? He snorted softly. Time to push on. "Have you met them?"

She froze for a moment. "Who?" she asked.

"The aliens whose programs were used to hack our computers."

"Aliens hacked the Stargate computers?" She tried to appear confused or surprised but didn't pull off either.

"Yep." Jack nodded. "And you already knew that."

She straightened a little, lifting her chin. It was as good as a confession.

He kept looking at her without saying a word. Were those tears in her eyes? If they were, was it just the cold?

After half a minute, she sighed, and her shoulders slumped as she looked away. "I suspected about the hacking," she said in a low voice that he almost missed in the breeze. "We were told not to worry about being discovered."

He nodded even though she wasn't looking at him.

"I wasn't there when we first met them, but I was told afterwards. When it was my team's turn to meet them."


"They call themselves the Eurondans."

Chapter 127: Spy Games Part 3
Chapter 127: Spy Games Part 3

Mystacor, Etheria, December 10th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Adora's idea had been a bad idea. Or had had bad timing, at the least. They just found out that the Russians and Chinese were in contact with unknown aliens - or alien humans; Jack had said that according to Lenkova, they looked and acted human - and Adora and her friends were still going to Mystacore with Asgard.

But Adora knew that even if they had rescheduled the visit - which would have required them to explain to the Asgard why, though that wouldn't have been too bad since they already knew that the computers of Earth's Stargate had been hacked - it wouldn't change that Adora was stuck on Etheria and couldn't travel to Earth. Couldn't do anything about the problem there. Couldn't be with Catra…

"And we've arrived!" Bow announced from the front of their shuttle.

"We have? I don't see anything," Penegal said, peering through the cockpit's windows. "Just an empty cliffside."

"Mystacore is magically hidden. If we want to enter it, we have to do it here," Glimmer said and opened the ramp in the back.

"Ah." Freyr nodded.

Adora had half-expected them to challenge this - ask why they couldn't land directly in the city. Like most humans would have. But the Asgard just accepted it. Or, she couldn't help thinking, they were too polite to voice such questions.

Once everyone was outside, Bow used his tablet to lock up the shuttle, then had it enter stealth mode.

"Mystacore doesn't use the same method to hide, does it?" Penegal asked.

"No. Mystacore is using magical means," Glimmer told him. "The shuttles use magitech."

"Technically, all magitech is a sort of 'magical means'," Bow added. "But traditionally, if it doesn't use any physical tool - like spellcasting - or only glyphs, runes and similar tools, it's called magic. Anything more complicated is called magitech."

Glimmer rolled her eyes, probably annoyed at the interruption, but the Asgard nodded. "So, it's merely a case of traditional yet arbitrary definitions for the same thing?"

"Well, you could say that, yes," Bow said. "But you'd have to ask a sorceress about it - I'm a tech-master."

"Who also can build and use magitech," Thor pointed out.

"Anyone can build magitech if they have access to the right magical resources and know what they are doing," Bow replied with a smile.

Glimmer snorted, and Adora agreed with her friend's sentiment - Bow was too modest; it took a lot of talent and effort to learn how to build magitech, even more to develop it.

"And how would one get access to such resources?" Freyr asked.

"That would be a question best asked to Castaspella," Glimmer replied before Bow could say anything. "And we should hurry - the flying mountain has arrived."

Adora blinked - she had missed that. The sky and the air in front of them, and below the ledge, looked as empty as always, with just a few clouds obscuring part of the view of the ground. Then again, she wasn't a trained sorceress, unlike Glimmer. "Let's go, then," she said.

"Yes. Just follow me." Glimmer stepped to the edge, then jumped off.

The Asgard didn't react to that either - they walked up to the edge themselves just in time to see Glimmer rise, standing on a floating mini-island.

"It's perfectly safe," Bow told them, then stepped on it himself.

"I would say that I assume you wouldn't use it if it weren't safe," Freyr said rather dryly, "but your culture's safety standards have been demonstrated not to match Asgard's."

But despite his words, all three Asgard followed Bow and Glimmer on the island.

Adora smiled at that as she jumped on it as well. Maybe this wasn't going to be a waste of time.

The floating island - it looked far more like an island than a mountain, in her opinion - didn't take long to take them to Mystacor.

Still, it was long enough for Penegal to cock his head at Glimmer and ask: "How are you controlling it?"

"Magic," she replied.

"Yes, I assume that is the case, but are you controlling it with mental commands? Or are you using magic on it to steer it?"

"Both." Glimmer's smile looked a little toothy. But before anyone could answer, the island trembled a little, and then Mystacor appeared before them - they had passed through the barrier hiding the kingdom.

And that sight seemed to shut up the Asgard. At least until they had made landfall where Castaspella and the other leaders of the kingdom were waiting for them.

"Welcome to Mystacor," Castaspella greeted them, slightly bowing her head. "Be welcome and at peace while you are here."

"Thank you," Freyr said.

Adora blinked. That was… "She didn't greet us like that when we visited," she whispered to Glimmer while the Asgard mirrored Castaspella's bow.

"You were there to relax, not as part of a state visit," Glimmer whispered back.

"Ah." That made sense. It still felt weird, especially since Castaspella had met the Agsard before. But no one else seemed to feel like that. Adora blamed her Horde upbringing. If Catra were here, she would at least joke about it.

Castaspella introduced the other sorceresses with her, then led the Asgard on a tour through Mystacor - and, since they were with their visitors, that meant Adora and her friends received the tour as well.

"And here's the Library of the Elements - a relic from an early attempt to categorise magic powers. The theory behind it was disproven after royal lines developed powers that could not be linked to one of the elements, but the library was kept out of tradition." Castaspella gestured at an old-looking building connected by a path lined with pillars to the main entrance.

"And even expanded," Glimmer added.

Bow smiled. "If you don't find anything in the central library, this is your next stop."

"I don't understand… you do not have centralised access to your databanks?" Penegal asked.

"No," Castaspella said. "It's a matter of security. If anyone would gain access to such a centralised databank, they would have access to all our knowledge. As it is, an intruder would have to physically remove a memory crystal to steal the knowledge contained in it, which would take time and a lot more effort than copying a databank."

"But… that means your research will be slowed down as well. If you have to physically search through your data…" Pegenal sounded as if he couldn't believe anyone would have such a system.

"Yes. But while that may seem like a drawback, and often is, sometimes, slowing down a research project can be beneficial."

"Not every research project should have been started," one of the older sorceresses stated. "And none should be rushed. Often, a pause can grant someone insight that would have been missed if they had been able to work without rest."

"Whether that's the researcher - or those who take care of the library, and of Mystacor as a whole," a man with few strands of white hair left on his head added.

Adora winced. They meant Shadow Weaver. Or Light Spinner, as she had been known here before her… last experiment. She wondered what the sorceresses here thought of her. But this wasn't the time to ask such questions - they were here for the Asgard, she told herself with guilty relief.

"It sounds inefficient."

"It's also traditional," Glimmer added with a smile too wide to be honest.

Judging by the way Freyr frowned briefly, the Asgard hadn't missed that.

And neither had Castaspella, who narrowed her eyes at Glimmer before tilting her head and smiling at their guests. "You also have to understand that research here is a personal affair. Our people decide which idea to research without answering to anyone."

"Magic shouldn't be treated as a resource," the older sorceress, whose name Adora still couldn't remember, added. "Nor should magic be treated as if it were a machine."

"And if one were to do that, what would be the consequences?" Freyr asked.

"If you do not respect magic, if you reach too far, or be too greedy or too ambitious, and you might suffer a fate worse than death," the man said. "Magic… is like a dangerous but beautiful, immensely powerful creature."

That sounded… well, like Sea Hawk talked about the sea. Or Mermista, when he had drunk a bit too much. At least, Scorpia claimed that.

And Adora didn't miss the soft snort from Glimmer at hearing this.

But the Asgard nodded. "I see," Penegal said. "So, it's more akin to taming a beast than building a tool - or growing a plant?"

"A not entirely incorrect comparison," Castaspella agreed.

"Is that the case for all magic, or is this a particular aspect of Etheria's magic?" Freyr asked.

"As far as we know - although our knowledge of other planets' magic is still very limited - it's the same for everyone," Castaspella told him. "At least, Earth's magical traditions, or the myths based on them, often contain similar warnings of hubris and its consequences."

Once more, the Asgard exchanged a glance. "And yet, you use magitech," Penegal pointed out.

"Magitech is not magic as we do here," Castaspella said.

"Magitech's magic is… very limited. Constrained," the man said.

"Dead," the older woman added.

"Not dead, I wouldn't say that. But… so limited and bound, it cannot adapt and grow anymore. Cannot live," he retorted.

"If you cannot live, you die," the woman said with a smirk.

"Eventually. I would say that magitech keeps the magic in the moment between life and death. Symbolically, at least."

"Oh, no - they won't stop now," Glimmer muttered.

"Symbolically? We've heard that Earth's magic is centred on symbols," Penegal said. "And that it affects magic."

"Oh, yes!"

"Not at all!"

The others glared at each other.

"So, this is in dispute?" Thor asked.

"Amongst some," Castaspella said. "But some of us do not believe that either excludes the other."

"And there we go," Glimmer whispered. She glanced to Adora, then her eyes widened. "Oh, no!"

Adora turned to the side and saw Bow frowning deeply. Her friend took a step forward. "As a user and creator of magitech, I have to disagree with the claim that magitech abuses magic. That is a very narrow and biased view, based on concepts that are still mere hypotheses, not facts as some claim."

"They might as well be facts!"

"That's not how it works!"

Adora's smile felt frozen on her face as everyone but Glimmer and herself started to debate. Or dispute - it was hard to tell, given how passionate most were. Even the Asgard.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 10th, 1999

"So, according to Lieutenant Lenkova, she has met the Eurondans twice so far under cover of doing routine exploration missions, both times escorting diplomats from Russia and China?" Samantha Carter repeated the General's statement out of ingrained habit - and tried not to feel grimly satisfied, or even vindicated, about the fact that Lenkova had been revealed to have betrayed Stargate Command. Or Earth, depending on your definition.

"Yep." The General nodded.

"Diplomats?" Daniel frowned. "They cannot have been high-ranking diplomats; the Russians and the Chinese might have fooled the electronic system and tampered with the records to make them appear as common soldiers or scientists, but I think we would have recognised anyone with influence in either government on sight."

"I think you might overestimate the intel we have on Russia and China, Daniel," the General told him with a slightly rueful grin. "We kind of cut back on the spying we did in the Cold War when Russia collapsed, and with the chaotic mess Russia was left in after the soviet union collapsed, it's a bit hard to keep track of who's actually in power."

"But… their president…" Daniel frowned.

"...will be replaced at the end of the year, in three weeks, by his elected successor - at least that's the official party line," the General interrupted him. "And from what we know, he's been a figurehead ever since the Etherians arrived, maybe even longer. We don't know yet how much actual power his successor has or will have." He shrugged. "Judging from his background, he could have been the power behind the throne for a while or just a puppet for others."

"Gotta love spies," Catra muttered.

"So much for the CIA," Wilkinson commented. "Can't even find out who rules Russia." The FBI agent looked a bit lost but trying to hide it, in Sam's impression.

Paris, on the other hand, didn't even try to hide that she thought this was above her head.

"I'm not sure the Russians know who rules them at the moment." The General snorted. "Anyway, what is clear is that whoever is running things has control over the faction of their military and spy services that run the Russian side here at Stargate Command. Enough to insert trusted agents into their teams here to do some diplomacy for them under the table. And if what Lenkova said about a resource trade being set up is true, they have the backing of at least some of the rich guys currently controlling the Russian economy."

"What about the Chinese?" Daniel asked.

"Their current leader seems to be entrenched, but that could be a facade so that the Chinese people won't worry about instability - or question their leaders. They are good at concealing power struggles from us either way," the General replied. "Last I heard, the CIA analysts are hit and miss with them."

"For someone who doesn't like politics, you know quite a lot about it," Daniel commented with a grin.

The General scowled at him for the little dig.

"You can't run a war without politics," Catra said. "So, basically, the Russians want to trade resources for technology? Do we know what kind of technology we're talking about?"

"Advanced military and medical technology," the General told her. "But Lenkova claimed not to know how advanced."

Either the Russian 'diplomats' were playing it close to their chest, or Lenkova was lying. Sam pressed her lips together. She couldn't let her… emotions about the Russian officer influence her thoughts about the matter at hand. Lenkova had come clean about the Russian - and Chinese - plans; lying about this wouldn't really serve a purpose.

"Advanced enough to take over our - I mean, Stargate Command's - computers," Daniel said.

Sam frowned a little. That had been her responsibility, and she had let them down.


"But not too advanced," Sha're pointed out. "If they had technology equal to ours, or even the Goa'uld, they wouldn't need anything that Russia or China could provide that they couldn't get themselves. If it were a Goa'uld, they might need Naquadah, but we know that Earth has no deposits."

"The Russians and Chinese might be trying to swindle them. Wouldn't put it past either," the General said.

"That would be extremely short-sighted," Sha're said. "Like an inexperienced Goauld. Although they might count on any retaliation for such a deception dragging the Alliance into the conflict."

"Wouldn't put that past either country either."

"It's also possible that their technology requires resources that are scarce on their planet but not on Earth," Sam said. "Although I can't think of anything that wouldn't be found on other planets either."

"Well, whatever the answer turns out to be, we're going to find out," the General said. "We can't let the Russians and Chinese jeopardise Earth's safety by making shady secret deals with unknown aliens."

"You said that according to Lenkova, the Eurondans were humans." Wilkinson frowned.

The General grinned. "They looked human. That doesn't mean anything."

"And, as the Etherians and others prove, merely sharing human genes and origins does not mean we are culturally close enough not to count as aliens," Daniel added. "We cannot reduce this to a biological question, or we might be working from faulty assumptions that lead to potentially catastrophically wrong conclusions."

That was correct, but not the General's point. Sam didn't say that, though. Instead, she brought up a few files on her computer. "I've prepared an overview of the planets where Lenkova met with the Eurondans, sir. We might find more clues at those locations."

"Once we can use the Stargate again," the General said. "Until then, this will have to be a local investigation."

Wilkinson straightened at that, Sam noted.

The General bared his teeth. "It's time to show our 'trusted partners' from Russia and China that they're not the only ones able to play spy games."



Catra smiled at Melog's notice and quickly slid around the corner, then dashed forward to the closest door on the right side of the hallway. It was locked, but the override Sam had put together took care of that with the push of a button, and a second later, she was inside the quarters of the Russian's latest 'scientist', Piotr Novikov - an assumed name, of course.

He was asleep, as expected at this time of the night, snoring slightly. She studied him for a few seconds, watching his chest rise and fall and listening to his breathing. If he was faking it, he would be a great actor. Of course, he was probably a spook, or a former spook… Whatever, she could take him.

She looked around. The room was very neat, very organised - almost sterile. The only personal item she could see was a family picture on the side table. She pulled out her camera and took a few images for analysis, then started going through the man's belongings. According to Jack, it was unlikely that a spook would have incriminating data on them - unless they had reached an agreement to be ratified by whoever was in charge in Russia. Or it was data stolen from the aliens. But that would likely have been moved to Russia already - the last suspicious mission had been a few days before this whole mess had started and Stargate Command had been locked down.

And she found nothing. No scraps hidden in the man's gear. No electronic data, according to Sam's scanner. No…

She narrowed her eyes at a suspiciously scratched corner in the locker. Sure, that could have been from boots thrown into the locker without cleaning them beforehand; she had seen that happen back in her cadet days. But she had also learned how to hide stuff in your locker.

It was easy to slip the tip of a claw under the panel's corner there and work it loose. And behind it was a small cylinder. She didn't recognise it, but it looked quite advanced. And it hadn't shown up on the scanner.

As the humans said: Paydirt!


Five minutes later, she was back in the lab Sam had appropriated, watching her friend study the device.

"It's a sort of data storage. I'm working on how to access it."

"Good." Jack nodded. "He grinned. "Either the Russians aren't as efficient as they used to be, or our spy here kept a copy of the alien data for himself, or for someone else pulling his strings. Anyway, if you can copy the data before our Russian spook wakes up, we can slip it back in, and he'll have no idea we found it."

"I'll try my best, sir. But I can't promise success. This is an alien device with unknown protocols. Though we have samples of their programs, so that should provide us with an advantage."

"Oh, a data storage device!" Entrapta piped up from the screen in the corner. "Neat!" A moment later, she added: "I'll help!" And another moment later: "Yes, that will help us!"

Even with the signal routed through the closest Stargate to Earth in reach of the spy bot network - and only as long that one was open to Etheria - the signal lag to Etheria was still a few seconds long. But that shouldn't be an issue when it came to decrypting. Unlike remote construction or lab work. Or so Entrapta had explained.

Entrapta beamed. "Let's hope this will be easier than the alien cube!"

Right. The thing they had found on their trip to Earth. Which they hadn't managed to decrypt yet. Of course, as far as Catra heard, it wasn't a priority for either Sam or Entrapta, but still - not the most encouraging remark. Then again, Entrapta didn't mean it like that.

"And what do we do if you can't encrypt it until the suspect wakes up?" Paris asked. "Put it back?"

"We don't want to tip them off that we're onto them," Jack said. "We can get the thing tomorrow night again."

Sam tensed at that, Catra saw. She would be working all night to decrypt the device. Well, that was her decision. And the sooner they got more intel about those Eurondans, the better.

She pushed off the table she had been leaning against. "So, let's hit our next target." She looked at Wilkinson.

"We could make a copy, I think," Entrapta chimed in late, interrupting Wilkinson before he could say anything. "A duplicate of the device that looks exactly like it."

"Let's focus on cracking the device," Jack said before looking at Wilkinson.

"Wang Zhen," Wilkinson said with a slight frown. "Which is like a Chinese John Smith. According to the official documentation, he's got a doctorate in anthropology, but his publishing history is rather suspect and not available online."

"Probably majored in propaganda at their spy academy," Jack commented.

"Ok!" Entrapta cut in.

"I don't think they call it…" Daniel trailed off and pouted at the grinning man.

Wilkinson cleared his throat. "He's sharing his room with Captain Li Wei, a legitimate veteran soldier of the People's Liberation Army, so infiltrating his quarters will be more difficult."

Catra snorted. More difficult didn't mean actually difficult. She glanced at Melog. In a pinch, their illusions could probably let her search the room while both were awake.


She smiled. "We'll be right back."

Jack nodded. "Don't stay out too late."

She snorted at that as she vanished under Melog's illusion. As if!


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 11th, 1999

"We've done it, sir. Copied the data on the device in a readable form."

Carter had worked through the night. Just as Jack O'Neill had known she would. But as he had also known, she had managed to crack the alien data thing they had taken from the Russians. He still felt guilty for not stopping her and making her get some sleep, but that was the price an officer had to pay for doing what was necessary. Like he had done when he had talked to Lenkova, playing on her obvious guilt to make her crack.

Forcing the guilt away, he downed the last of his latest cup of coffee and got up from the seat where he had not quite been napping for half the night. "Yes?"

"We've done it!" Entrapta chimed in, late due to communication lag.

"Good." Catra stretched, yawning and looking rested as if she had slept in a bed and not curled up with Melog on a blanket on the ground. She probably felt the same either way, Jack suspected with a bit of envy; the woman was more cat than you'd suspect upon first meeting her. "Can I take it back then?" Cocking her head, she added: "Novikov is still asleep. Won't take long. Unless you want to tamper with the data on it beforehand."

Jack shook his head. "Take it back. We've got him under surveillance now and can replace it later if we want to." When they were more rested. Trying to be clever and do stunts like this wasn't a good idea when you were operating on a few hours of sleep and a lot of coffee. Unless you absolutely had to, which wasn't the case here.

She nodded, grabbed the thing and vanished from view. Melog was showing off his illusion power again.

Jack waited, cocking his head and trying to hear the door opening and closing. He missed it, though, when Entrapta exclaimed behind him: "Oh, did you see this? It's a neural interface! Non-invasive! And it probably won't fry the brain if you use it too much, either!"

They were going through the data already? He snorted. Of course they were! Carter would claim that it was a necessary check to ensure they had cracked the encryption, but he knew she wouldn't be able to resist the lure of new technology.

"Yes," Carter said. "Used to remote control drones, as far as I can tell." She looked up from her laptop - or what had been her laptop; Jack wasn't sure what she had turned it into with her tinkering - and nodded at him. "It's more advanced than our own drone technology. The data compression for the sensor feeds surpasses anything we have."

That wasn't good news. "More advanced than Ancient technology?"

Carter frowned. "Not across the band, at least, from what I can tell, sir. They are using radio, not faster than light communication, to transmit data, for example."

That was some good news, at least.

"Oh, did you see the way they do data compression?" Entrapta asked. "That's so clever! But we would have to restructure our entire computer core and crystal matrices to take advantage of it, I think… Oh, you did see it! We really need to do something about the lag."

"We'll have a meeting later today, when we're all rested, so don't geek out too much over this and get some sleep," Jack said with a grin, then made a point of yawning.

"Yes, sir." Carter had the grace to blush a little, which made her look cute, not that Jack would ever say so.

He blinked. He shouldn't be thinking that, either - he must be more tired than he had thought. "Anyway, get some sleep. It's just data, not some bomb. Is it?" Better safe than sorry.

"No, sir, it's not a bomb or a carrier for biological or chemical weapons."

He nodded. "Then we don't have a reason to wake up the others for a meeting right now. Let's get some real sleep."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh! That's a nice drone - it's a fighter drone! And it has energy weapons of a new design! Bulkier than bot blaster cannons, though. And it's not space capable…" Entrapta trailed off, and Carter's eyes darted back to her laptop.

Shaking his head, Jack turned away. What he didn't see, he didn't have to do anything about.

He left the room just in time to spot Catra and Melog fading into view before him. "Done?" he asked.

Catra nodded, flashing her fangs in a grin. "Of course. He slept through it."

Melog was looking smug like a cat that got the canary.

"Good." Jack nodded and stifled a yawn. "Meeting at… eleven," he added. That would give Carter six hours of sleep or so.

Catra eyed the lab door. "I'll send them to bed in a while."

That worked as well. Jack nodded again. "Good work."

"Of course." She grinned and walked into the lab, and Jack headed to his temporary quarters. It was past time to get some sleep. Even with his magically healed body, he wasn't twenty any more.


Mystacor, Etheria, December 11th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Adora should be happy. Her plan was working out nicely. Everyone - almost everyone - was talking with each other. Connecting. Freely discussing important matters.

"Magic can actually heal genetic conditions. She-Ra proved that when she healed people in India," an older sorceress said.

"That was a special occasion - she had to channel Earth's magic as it returned to the planet."

But the way they were talking about her as if she wasn't present… Even Castaspella seemed to be too caught up in the discussion to realise that Adora was right here while they were discussing what she had done.

"I still say that we should call it undoing a blockade. It's not as if she had to actually send the magic back; she just had to free it." The older man shook his head, the thin remains of his hair moving back and forth.

"That works out the same," the woman retorted.

"Not quite. The general result might be very similar, but how it is achieved is distinctly different. Blowing a dam isn't the same task as carrying water up a slope to fill a river."

"Of course, you'd use water metaphors to make a point!"

"Just because I am from Salineas originally doesn't mean using this metaphor is wrong - water is a great metaphor for magic."

"Can we get back to magic healing genetic conditions?" Penegal asked.

"Oh, sure. Anyway, the healing won't turn you back into an older form of your species. Even if your older form was, ah, healthier," the sorceress went on.

But the older man - Adora really needed to learn his name, but asking at this point would be embarrassing - disagreed. "We don't exactly know that."

"Humans evolved from far sturdier species."

"But magic might not consider them healthier."

"I think it's a question of whether the recipient of the healing would consider an older form healthier."

"That's not how healing works. Magic knows." Castaspella cut in.

"Etherian magic, maybe. But Earth magic works differently," a fourth sorceress added.

Castaspella frowned. "The only differences that have been proven so far is how magic is used, not that magic works differently on Earth."

"But you can't exclude the possibility, can you?" Penegal leaned forward a little.

"We haven't conducted enough experiments to determine the truth of the matter," Castaspeall told him.

"That's because we don't have enough examples to investigate. Magic hasn't been returned to enough different planets yet."

That sounded like they blamed Adora for that. But you couldn't just restore magic to a planet at a whim; that was dangerous. And some people might react badly to that - though, so far, the only example was Earth. She cleared her throat.

But Glimmer was quicker: "Restoring magic to a planet has to be carefully planned. We don't want our enemies to profit from it."

"Even if their oppressed slaves could benefit from magic returning?" the older sorceress asked.

"They could use magic to fight for their freedom!"

"Or they would be fooled into thinking magic was a gift from the Goa'uld." Glimmer scoffed.

That was a good point.

"So…" Bow smiled. "Back to magic healing?"

"Yes. Your magic wouldn't recognise our genome's degradation as a defect to be cured?" Penegal sounded as if he couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Bow nodded. "We've checked Alpha's archives - you can't use magic to 'heal' a genetically engineered person from the genetic engineering."

"That seems like an odd limit," Freyr commented.

Glimmer shrugged. "Well, it's not technically impossible. You could, in theory, create a spell to do that by not relying on magic guiding its power but by doing it yourself. But that would require immense research and experimenting, and the complexities of trying to alter someone genetically…" She winced.

"So, in theory, someone could create a spell that halts our genetic degradation?" Thor spoke up.

"In theory, yes," Castaspella said. "But I don't know anyone who could even come close to achieving such a task. And to make it work on any Asgad, and not just on a specific individual… That's even more challenging."

Which was apparently sorceress-speak for 'impossible'.

"If the task is too difficult, can it be broken down into smaller tasks?" Freyr asked.

"That is also theoretically possible. But in practice, trying to combine two different spells is more complex than creating such a spell from the ground up since every spell is created individually and personally," Castaspella said.

"On Etheria," Penegal said.

"Yes." Castaspella nodded at him. "It might be different on another planet."

The Asgard exchanged glances. Adora wasn't quite sure what they were thinking - they couldn't cast spells themselves, after all.

"So, magitech can reproduce healing magic. And spells can be created for specific tasks. Combine both…" Penegal trailed off.

"...and we might be able to construct a magitech device that halts and even reverse our genetic degradation," Freyr finished for him.

"Oh!" The older sorceress perked up. "That's even more daring!"

"And even if you found trained sorceresses and magitech crafters willing to work with you on this, it would still take you a long, long time. Decades would be my guess - without a guarantee of success to begin with."

The Asgard didn't seem to consider this a problem, Adora noticed.

They are so weird, she couldn't help thinking. But the sorceresses were weird as well. So, was it really surprising that they had finally found people on Etheria that the Asgard seemed to understand and got along with?


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 11th, 1999

Samantha Carter had slept for five hours. It could have been six, but that would have required ignoring the data Entrapta and Sam had decrypted. And that would have meant she couldn't present a proper report.

At least, that was what she told herself when she hid a yawn as she set up her laptop in the briefing room the General had commandeered at Stargate Command for their team. And guarded by the special forces team he had taken with him. A sensible precaution given the scope of this… affair. Even more so after what Entrapta and Sam had discovered. Some prizes were worth a nigh-unthinkable escalation, and this prize was…

She took a deep breath as she straightened and faced the others in the room - the General, Daniel, Sha're, Catra, and Melog, all of them looking attentive. And Wilkinson and Paris, both looking as if they were not sure if they really should be here. Or wanted to be here. Well, they were here. Unlike Teal'c, who was dealing with some of the Jaffa prisoners, now that Adora couldn't visit them on short notice.

Sam nodded. "We've fully decrypted the data storage cylinder we recovered. Entrapta is currently briefing the Alliance leadership on Etheria." If Hordak had let her, at least - the former warlord had been quite firm about the need to sleep when he had cut short their data analysis this morning.

Wilkinson looked around. "And…" He cleared his throat. "What about the Alliance leadership on Earth?"

The General didn't quite smirk, but his smile was far too open to be genuine. "We'll brief High Command once we know what exactly we are facing. And Adora or Glimmer can brief the politicians."

Wilkinson and Paris exchanged a glance at that, and Sam once more had the impression that they would rather be elsewhere right now, having just realised what kind of clearance they had. They were likely imagining how harsh the punishment, should they leak any of this, would be.

But that wasn't any of her concern. She straightened. "First, the data contains descriptions and documentation of Eurondan technology and its uses, but not the schematics and documentation necessary to build or reverse-engineer any of it." The data had given both Sam and Entrapta some ideas of possible research avenues to pursue, but so had, at least in Entrapta's case, watching some Earth SciFi shows.

"Specs, not plans." The General nodded. "Advertisement."

"Bait," Catra added with a snort. "For the Russians and the Chinese."

Sam agreed with the assessment. The cylinder's content was structured like a presentation, even including combat footage, though likely carefully edited.

"So, what kind of technology are we talking about here?" the General asked. "How does it compare to ours?"

"It's generally more advanced than Earth's native technology," Sam replied. "Provided the information is factual, the weapon technology significantly surpasses whatever the Russian and Chinese can produce on every level. Advanced aircraft with energy-based weapons, neural interfaces that allow remote control of said aircraft, communication efficient and secure enough to handle combat, and energy shields that can withstand extensive bombardment. Medical technologies, including cloning and stasis pods. Drugs that rapidly accelerate healing."

The General whistled. "But no spaceships with big honking guns?"

"We've found nothing of the sort in the data available to us," Sam replied. "Generally, the data didn't contain any description or presentation of advanced technology necessary for faster-than-light travel or communication, nor space travel in general. And no magitech as far as we can tell," she added. "Though that is based on our experience with Etherian and Ancient magitech, so it's possible that some of the technology presented uses magitech based on a different magical tradition."

"Would magitech be possible in the first place without Adora restoring magic to their planets?" Daniel asked.

"They could have had relics from the time before the First Ones stole magic," Catra said. "But it's not really likely. Probably."

"And it doesn't really matter," the General said. "As long as it works for them, it would work for the Russians."

That might not be completely correct, but Sam wasn't an expert, and this wasn't the place to discuss magitech. "Compared to Horde technology, the Eurondans have advanced communication protocols. Their neural interfaces are also beyond current Horde technology." Horde Prime had been able to take control of any clone at a moment's notice, beating even what Sam had seen from the Eurondans, but that knowledge had died with him, and the Clones seemed happy to let it stay dead. Sam could understand the feeling - she wouldn't want to pursue a technology that was designed to take over her body and replace her own consciousness with someone else, either. Though she would if she had to develop a defence against it.

But that was neither here nor there right now. "The medical technology seems at least comparable, maybe superior, whereas the cloning technology and stasis pod are harder to judge; the documentation is a little scant there. All in all, Eurondan technology is generally not as advanced as Horde technology except for the aforementioned areas."

"But current NATO technology is left in the dust by this stuff." The General shook his head. "And having it would make the Russians and the Chinese a lot more powerful on Earth. They'd still lose in a standup fight, but if they started passing out such goodies to insurgents and other patsies, as they used to in the Cold War, things could turn ugly. Just the threat of that would give them a lot more influence in politics."

"And it would greatly boost their own research. Even more so if combined with access to technology recovered by Stargate Command," Sam added.

The General nodded. "Yep. They'll do anything to get this. The question is: What are the Eurondans asking for in exchange? Just raw materials, as Lenkova said was being talked about?"

"There was nothing about that in the data, sir," Sam told him. She would have included that in her briefing otherwise.


Catra suddenly tensed, cocking her head at the door. "There's another question," she said, showing her teeth. "What will the Russians and Chinese do if they suspect we know or might find out about their dealings? Because Lenkova is telling the guards out there that she needs to talk to Jack at once. And Melog says she's feeling both scared and guilty. Very much so."

The General muttered a curse under his breath.

Sam wanted to as well.

Chapter 128: Spy Games Part 4
Chapter 128: Spy Games Part 4

Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 11th, 1999

Catra watched Jack tense. Then he sighed and said: "Figures. Anyone wanna bet that this isn't good news?"

She snorted. Of course, it wasn't going to be good news. Lenkova had messed up - messed up more, to be precise.

Before anyone else could say anything, the door was opened, and Campbell peered inside, straightening when he saw Jack. "Sir? Lieutenant Lenkova says she has to speak to you urgently."

"Send her in," Jack told him.

Catra looked the woman over when Lenkova entered. She wasn't carrying a weapon - at least, Catra couldn't spot one. And she looked nervous - even glancing over her shoulder as the door closed behind her. "Is this room safe?"

"It's safe and supposed to be soundproof," Jack said. With a glance at Catra, he added: "Though no soundproofing is ever perfect."

She grinned at him. Her ears were better than the insulation here. Having a bit of warning from Melog helped, of course - she had to listen carefully to catch anything.

Lenkova looked at the others in the room, frowning at Wilkinson and Paris.

Catra lazily waved at her and flashed her fangs. She tried not to show how tense she was. If Lenkova was feeling like this, things must be worse than Catra had expected. And since she had expected the worst…

"So, what's the emergency?" Jack asked.

Lenova straightened. "Sir, I have betrayed you."

Catra shifted on her seat. Lenkova was close enough for her to reach with one leap. And she wasn't armoured - a few swipes with Catra's claws, and she'd be dead.

Jack, though, didn't blink. Nor did he draw a weapon, unlike Sha're, who was aiming a zat straight at Lenkova.

"Where did you get that?" Catra heard Daniel whisper.

"Your Etherian friends," Sha're replied.

"So, how exactly did you betray me? Personally, not the thing about making contact with an unknown alien species," Jack said.

Lenkova straightened, assuming what they called 'parade rest' on Earth. "After I… informed you about my country's actions, I told Vlad… Sergeant Popov about it. About me informing you. He… disapproved."

Popov was the other Goa'uld survivor from Lenkova's team, Catra knew.

"Thought he'd join you, did you?" Jack asked in a soft voice.

Lenkova noded curtly. "Yes, sir. I was wrong."

"And now the Russians know we know." Jack sighed. "So much for surveillance."

Sam was typing furiously on her laptop. "Sergeant Popov met with Major Baburin on the training fields."

"Which we hadn't bugged," Jack said.

"You bugged the base?" For a moment, it seemed as if Lenkova's surprise replaced her guilt.

"Of course we did. Learned that from the KGB," Jack told her with a toothy grin that made the woman blush - probably with embarrassment; Catra wasn't sure. "Did he know about the bugs? Or suspect it? Or was he just trying to find the major right away?" He shrugged before anyone could say anything else. "Anyway, what makes you think this was a betrayal?"

"Because they'll try to kill you, General."

Oh. Catra's eyes widened. So did Jack's. Daniel had his mouth open but wasn't saying anything. Sam looked like she wished she had a death ray powered by the Heart of Etheria at hand. And Sha're looked even more annoyed with Lenkova.

"That would be a murder attempt!" Wilkinson blurted out, then blushed when everyone, Paris and Lenkova included, stared at him. "They wouldn't dare to attack an American general in an Alliance base, would they?" he added. "That would be insane!"

"So is trying to make a deal with an alien species behind the back of the rest of Earth," Jack said. "Didn't stop them."

"Wasn't that what we were trying to do before we met the Etherians?" Daniel asked. "Make a deal, I mean."

Jack frowned at him. "Not the point, Daniel!"

Despite the situation, Catra snickered.

"They won't openly attack you - they will try to assassinate you," Lenkova said.

"Make it look like an accident?" Jack sounded perfectly calm. "Or make it a demonstration?"

Catra snorted. "Everyone would know they did it," she said.

Jack pouted at her. "I made a lot of enemies!"

"Jack!" Daniel protested.


"That's not something to be proud of!"

"It is if it's the right sort of enemies," Jack retorted.

Catra also snickered at that. Daniel pouted, and Sam sighed softly under her breath. The others - well, except for Sha're - looked confused. Especially Lenkova. "Do you not think this is a serious threat, General?" she asked.

"Oh, I do," Jack replied, flashing his teeth. "I very much do so."

Catra grinned. It looked like she'd be able to teach the bastards responsible for stranding her on Earth a lesson, and sooner than she had thought she would.

Good, Melog thought at her.


So, the Russians planned to assassinate him? Jack O'Neill bared his teeth. He wouldn't tempt Murphy by saying, 'Let them try!' but he couldn't help feeling almost glad about this - it meant that the Russians were desperate. Of course, they must have been desperate in the first place to attempt their takeover of Stargate Command. Or stupid, but the Russians Jack knew from the Cold War weren't stupid, and as far as he could tell, the old KGB spooks were calling quite a few shots in Russia. Probably literally as well.

Lenkova, though, still looked like he had just laughed in her face when she had been trying to warn him - and risking pretty much her life for it. Jack almost winced and forced himself to nod at her with a warm smile. "We're not going to underestimate them, Lieutenant. But we'll be ready for them."

"But…" Lenkova glanced at the others. "They have at least a dozen trained former KGB members here."

Including Lenkova. Jack didn't say that. Instead, he nodded. "Yes. But we've got advanced technology and magic. And we've got an edge in experience."

"Yes," Catra said, flashing her fangs. "They won't know what hit them."

Paris looked a little… spooked. Or embarrassed, Jack noted. "I'm not actually that experienced," she said.

"Neither are the sorceresses the Russians could use against us - if they have any," Catra told her.

"And we have Kira here as support," Daniel added.

"Ah." Paris looked reassured.

"Of course, Kira is guarding the Stargate," Catra said. "So, once we leave the base, you're our sorceress."

Paris didn't look reassured any more.

"You'll do fine," Wilkinson told her. But he didn't really sound convincing to Jack. And, judging by the frown on her face, Paris agreed with him.

"Why would we leave the base?" Daniel asked.

"Because once we've dealt with whatever assassins and spies they have here," Jack explained, "we'll go after the one in charge of this plot. And that's not Sidorov." Not unless the man was a much better actor than anyone else Jack knew. And a much better spy.

"You want to go to Russia?" Lenkova blurted out.

"Or China. Or both. Depends on what we find out," Jack said. He shrugged.

"You're planning to use yourself as bait, aren't you, sir?"

Jack almost winced at Carter's frown. Right, he should have expected that. "You heard the Lieutenant. They're coming after me, so I can hardly avoid being bait." He shrugged again.

Carter's scowl deepened. "You could move back to the Alliance base - or into orbit - until we finish our investigation."

While you risk your own life? Jack gave her a look, and she had the grace to blush slightly.

Catra snorted, and Daniel sighed. "You know Jack," he said, then blinked. "I mean… I didn't mean… Ah…"

Jack's laugh cut him off. "Anyway, we've got people gunning for me. And you can bet they have all the old tools of the KGB at hand."

"So, be wary of umbrellas," Wilkinson said with a forced grin.

"Those were actually Bulgarian," Jack told him. A spook should know better.

Wilkinson frowned. "I know."

"But we cannot assume that they are limited to those tools and methods," Carter pointed out, still focused on Jack. They might have received some advanced tools from the Eurondans."

Jack nodded. Officially, or through an under-the-table deal - or just from trade between a few grunts. Soldiers always made such deals.

"And they might have some alien relics that they didn't reveal," Daniel added. "They might not have used such to take over the base's computers, but that doesn't mean they have nothing useful in an assassination."

"If it's a tool known to the Goa'uld, I'll be able to spot it," Sha're said.

Right. She had been trapped as a helpless spectator in her own body when it was taken over by Apophis's queen - she probably had seen more assassination plans and attempts than everyone else in the base together, Jack reminded himself. She wasn't the young woman he had met during the trip to Abydos any more. He nodded again. "Good. Now, everyone, stay sharp - we'll continue our work, but we'll have to ensure we don't endanger others." Jack didn't think the Russians would shy away from collateral damage as long as it saved them from the consequences of their plots.

"We're continuously scanning for explosives, both conventional and advanced, sir," Carter said. "Also biological and chemical threats, though those scans are less dependable."

"Less dependable?" Daniel asked.

"Binary poisons are hard to detect. And bioweapons might be mistaken for normal organisms depending on how advanced they are," Carter explained.

Well, Jack hoped that the Russians were not as crazy as to use WMDs against a joint base on Canadian soil. That would… not end well at all for them no matter how it played out. "And that's why I am going to explore the area around the base," he said, "while you root out the last of the alien malware." He rolled his eyes at Daniel's open surprise - Carter hid hers much better - and added: "I do keep up with the times, Daniel."

"Of course!"

"Whatever!" Catra cut in. "Let's hash out who goes with whom. We have a general and a major to guard."



Mystacor, Etheria, December 11th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and yes, in theory, you could probably merge a 'gene scanner' with a magitech device that casts a healing spell and rig it so it uses input from the scanner to guide the spell. But you'd have to develop everything from the ground up - we don't have that kind of magitech device at the moment, nor do we know a healing spell that can affect genetics," Castaspella said.

Adora managed not to sigh out loud. They were still at it! Hours later! And she had thought Alliance meetings were bad!

"But magic can affect genetic conditions," Freyr said.

"She-Ra's magic, when channelling a planet's magic, can," Castaspella retorted. "That's a magic power, like a princess' power, not a spell - at least as far as we know. We haven't really analysed her power that deeply."

"We did come up with a variety of hypotheses, but we couldn't test any of them yet," the balding older man cut in with a frown aimed at Adora.

Adora met his frown. "We're in the middle of a war. Restoring a planet's magic just to run an experiment - on my power - has to wait."

"But it wouldn't take long at all!" the man all but whined. "And it would allow us to form a theory about this crucial aspect of Etherian magic! This could unleash a new age of research!"

"Unless your hypothesis ends up disproven," the oldest sorceress pointed out.

"Then we develop another hypothesis based on the new data!"

It was more than a little eerie how similar to Entrapta the man just sounded.

"And then we test it again," another sorceress chimed in.

Adora pressed her lips together so she wouldn't snap at the sorceresses that she wasn't at their beck and call. That would have been rude. But then, so were they.

"Are you honestly planning to replicate She-Ra's magic?" Glimmer asked with raised eyebrows.

"Duplicate the effects, at best," the man told her. "Replicating magic powers has proven impossible even in cases where the magic power in question seems to conform to the basic principles of spell-based magic since the underlying mechanics are completely different, but the effects often can be approximated with some research."

"A lot of research," the older sorceress added.

"Wait!" Adora refrained from raising her hand as if she were in a cadet training lesson. "If you can't duplicate my power because it's too different from spells, then why would you need to analyse it?"

"Oh, we wouldn't need to analyse it for the project," the man told her with a cheerful smile. "But analysing She-Ra's magic would greatly enhance our general knowledge and understanding of magic!"

Adora glanced around and saw that all sorceresses present were nodding in agreement with him. This was…

"Princesses aren't research subjects!" Glimmer snapped with a scowl.

"Is this a social norm, or are there factual reasons for this restriction?" Penegal asked. "Because it doesn't seem logical to restrict magic research in that manner."

"As I understand it, technically, princesses were research subjects of the Gate Builders - the First Ones - to start," Freyr added.

Once more, the sorceresses nodded, and Glimmer's scowl deepened. "Princesses are sovereigns. You ask for our help; you don't expect it unless you're a subject of the princess in question," she said.

"So… would you help us?" the man asked.

Castaspella frowned at him. "Drogan!"

That was his name! Adora made a mental note.

"What? I'm just asking."

"We shouldn't forget that She-Ra's magic isn't the result of the First Ones' experiments but predates their arrival," Bow pointed out. "There was a She-Ra on Etheria before there were other princesses."

"We don't know if there were no other princesses," the older sorceress disagreed. "There are no records in the First Ones' research base, but we know that there were sorceresses back then, so we cannot exclude the possibility that there were magic-users that used similar principles as today's princesses."

"That's your pet hypothesis. You don't have any proof for it," Drogan said.

"Just because you like to think that sorceresses were rulers back before the royal lines were established doesn't mean you can dismiss my theory without any evidence!"

"It's a hypothesis!"

"And it's irrelevant for the project we're discussing here," Castaspella said. "Creating a magitech device to stop and possibly reverse the genetic degradation of the Asgard doesn't need either." She nodded at Bow. "But you do make a good point. We do need to determine if the effects of She-Ra's healing magic can be duplicated by spells."

You're talking as if this is a done deal, Adora thought. But, seeing how the sorceresses and the Asgard acted, it probably was as good as a done deal. Everyone seemed enthusiastic, which was, of course, understandable in the case of the Asgard, but the sorceresses of Mystacor were also very invested in the idea. Even Bow.

She looked at Glimmer. Her friend probably had realised the same thing since she was frowning in the same way she usually did when Entrapta started talking a bit too enthusiastically about some new project.

Still, it was nice to see that the Asgard had finally found common ground with at least part of Etheria.

"This will be a long undertaking, though," Castaspella went on. "We're breaking entirely new ground here. It is unclear if this will result in success."

"We're aware of that," Freyr said. "But it's the best opportunity to save our species that we've discovered."

"And if it works, we won't have to deal with Loki's scheme," Thor added.

He sounded as if that was almost as important as saving the Asgard in the first place.

And that wasn't nice, in Adora's opinion.

She blinked. They would have to tell Loki about this, and she had no idea how he would react.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 11th, 1999

The General was using himself as bait. Typical. Samantha Carter should have expected it. She had known he'd do it as soon as Lenkova had mentioned the threat of assassination, but the possibility had been clear from the moment she had discovered that Stargate Command had been hacked. It was his style. He might claim it was just leading from the front - she had to remember to call it 'Princess style' to his face next time he did so - but he was not merely leading from the front; he was deliberately exposing himself to draw fire. And he was doing it outside the base proper so that collateral damage would be minimal.

She hoped that the Russians weren't actually as insane as attempting to assassinate a US General, a high-ranking officer in the Alliance forces and personal friend of Etheria's most powerful leaders. Or that, if they were, they did so in a rushed and ill-prepared manner that was easily foiled, at least.

But she couldn't dwell on this - she had a job to do. She had to root out the remnants of the programs infesting the base's computers. They needed the Stargate operational again to transfer people to and from Etheria and other planets. Moving their only ship-mounted Stargate from its current position near the expected area of operations back to Earth would take weeks and significantly reduce the strategic mobility of the Alliance's 'princess squads' and command assets. And special forces, she added after a moment.

Fortunately, she wasn't doing this alone. Entrapta's help was limited since she could only work through remotes, but that didn't affect programming tasks that much. And they were making steady progress. Most peripherals were clear now, their memory scrubbed clean and reformatted or physically replaced where possible before the software was restored from clean backups. The main computer was a bit more complex, but it could be safely taken offline, and all memory purged as well. More or less safely.

The real problem was the security system. Taking it offline would render the base very vulnerable for the duration. And even isolating the different components and scrubbing them one by one would lower the efficiency of the security system as a whole since it was built with the synergy of all elements in mind. Until they had replaced all parts, they would have two partial security systems working simultaneously using different components - and they couldn't be connected or risk reinfection of the clean components. The resulting decrease in efficiency would be significant enough, in Sam's estimation, that a skilled and experienced operator might be able to exploit this to infiltrate critical areas of the base to conduct sabotage - or an assassination. Especially if they were already inside the base, like the Russian and Chinese agents posing as soldiers.

Of course, that would require those agents to know which subsystems were inoperational at any moment, and it wasn't as if Sam and Entrapta would announce their carefully planned schedule, but with the system already compromised, it was not impossible that the Russians and Chinese had the level of access this would require. Sam would only be able to tell after she could analyse all the programs on both the mirrored caches and the removed memory banks, at which point it would be moot one way or the other. And it wouldn't even take that to simply observe their progress and then estimate when they would be about halfway done - probably at the most vulnerable point of the entire operation.

To safely purge the security system, they had to install a temporary replacement. And that would take unacceptably long, as the General had made clear when Sam had mentioned it. Which left the only alternative - except gambling that the Russians and Chinese wouldn't risk doing exactly what Lenkova had warned the General about - trusting guards and other ad-hoc measures to take up the slack.

Sam didn't like it. But the General did. He was actually hoping that the Russians would attempt something - would try to assassinate him! - and expose themselves in the process.

She gritted her teeth at his foolish risk-taking - he was a general now, not a colonel any more, and no matter what Etherian princesses did, generals weren't supposed to 'lead from the front' like this. Hadn't been supposed to since the 19th century!

But she was wasting time, crucial time, again. She had a main computer to purge of all spyware. They had removed the memory banks completely already, but the caches and internal memory of the core remained. Sam would prefer to replace the entire core, but General Hammond had blanched at the cost of the replacement, and even the General had agreed.

Of course, he had agreed by stating that he trusted Sam to clean up the core, she reminded herself, smiling softly for a moment before frowning at her foolishness and focusing again on the task in front of her.

"Anyone want a sandwich?" Catra's voice interrupted her. "The tuna sandwiches are mine, but I got pastrami, cucumber, eggsalad and some 'croque monsieur', which is French for 'cheese sandwich' as far as I can tell."

Sam was about to ignore Cara - who should be guarding the General, not her, no matter what the General thought - but the woman held a plate entirely too close to Sam's face, and the scent of fresh bread and cheese hit her nose and made her stomach remind her that she hadn't eaten in a while.

Which Catra must have been aware of, judging by her smug smile when Sam grabbed a sandwich. Damn her.

"So, how's it going?" Catra asked, munching on a tuna sandwich as she sat down on the table next to Sam's temporary desk, tail and legs dangling.

"As projected," Sam replied.

"That bad, huh?" Catra grinned.

"It's going well," Entrapta chimed in, lagging again.

Catra nodded. "Jack's outside, 'inspecting' the snow still. I don't think…"

Sam looked up. Catra had gone tense, and her ears were twitching as she cocked her head to the door.

No, to Melog, who had gotten up from where they had been sprawled on the floor.

Something was up, and Sam was sure it wasn't anything good.



Yeah, no shit, Catra thought, her ears twitching as she listened to the discussion outside the room between a Chinese scientist and the guards stationed there. The man was claiming that he needed access to the computer for his research, and he was acting as if he wasn't aware of the current tension between the Chinese and Russian contingents and the rest of Stargate Command, but his 'absent-minded, research-focused' manner felt very suspicious.

But he was alone and facing not just a fire team from SG-3 but a team of Jack's special forces as well, and she couldn't really hear anyone else nearby, so even if he was a spy or assassin, what was he planning to do when outnumbered like that? Against alert guards? Even for a princess, that could be tricky.


The man was hurting? "What?" Catra muttered under her breath.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Huh?" Daniel looked up from the book he had been reading, but Sha're had already drawn her zat.

"Trouble?" Wilkinson asked, putting his hand on his gun, like Paris.

"Yes," Catra replied. "But not sure what kind. One Chinese 'scientist' is arguing with the soldiers outside, and he's hurting…" How? And why?

"What's going on?" Entrapta asked, lagging.

Catra ignored her friend - Entrapta's question was answered already.

Others hurting now!

Melog's urgent message came a moment before Catra heard the groans - and the falling bodies. What the… Her eyes widened while she was moving towards the door. "Poison!"

"Poison? We haven't cleared the sensors for…" Sam trailed off. "They must have taken them over! But my scanner should have detected it!"

"Poison gas?" Daniel blurted out.

"Prolly," Catra replied. None of the soldiers outside had managed to get a shot off, so that was some nasty gas.

She was at the door now. It should be airtight, but…

"Gas is more efficient than poisoning the food and drinks unless you are after a single target," Sha're said, joining her.

Catra heard a series of unfamiliar but identical noises outside. "He's shooting the soldiers," she snapped.

"Poison?" Entrapta's gasp was drowned out by the sound of an alarm going off inside the entire base - Sam's work, no doubt. Chemical attack warning, Catra realised.

"That means the door is next," Sha're said in a clipped voice. "And the gas is still outside."

"I shut down the climate controls, but if they sabotaged the system…" Sam trailed off. "The core rooms are compartmentalised, but the main part of the base…" She started typing on the console but drew back after a second. "They shut down the controls!"

"Would they attack the base with gas?" Daniel sounded shocked. "I mean, the entire base?"

"No sign of that," Sam reported, fingers flying over her keyboard.

No hurting outside.

With the alerts still sounding, it was hard to follow the action outside. Catra couldn't track the spy's steps any more. But she knew what he was doing. "Back away from the door!" she snapped, moving to the side.

A moment later, an explosion shattered the door, and Catra's ears rang. She had to stop herself from leaping through the smoking hole - there was gas outside. Coming inside.

Then she felt a breeze from behind - and heard Paris chanting shakily.

Magic wind.

Catra grinned, baring her fangs. That was quick thinking! She looked at Melog. "Do your thing!"

Melog cocked their head to the side for a moment, then Catra saw the room change, people vanishing, replaced by figures writhing on the floor as her friend's illusion took hold.

"Overpressure! Keep the gas out!" Entrapta yelled on the screen. "Reverse flow on the climate controls!"

Oh. Catra's friend hadn't noticed what was going on - this was bad.

But they couldn't stop. Catra loudly groaned, faking pain. The others chimed in, some more, some less convincing.

And then a figure stepped through the fading smoke, holding an unknown weapon in one hand and an alien cylinder in the other.

Sha're's zat dropped him before he could do anything, and Catra quickly secured him - holding her breath just in case. She couldn't hear any hissing noise, so there was no gas being released here, but better safe than sorry.

"No! Get up! Help! Hel… Oh!" Entrapta's frantic, desperate voice trailed off as Melog's illusion faded again.

"It was an illusion," Sam explained. "But the gas is real."

"And I'm not sure how much longer Paris can keep her magic breeze going," Wilkinson commented.

Catra glanced at the FBI sorceress. She looked like she was struggling. Severely struggling.

"We have to get out of here!" Catra yelled. But that would take them through the invisible poison cloud outside.

"I'm clearing the ventilation," Sam said. "The filters cannot be circumvented by remote controls. But I cannot predict if they will work on the gas used. My scanner didn't detect it."

Damn. Catra gritted her teeth. They were trapped inside the room. And Paris wouldn't last much longer.

"Can you build protection gear?" Entrapta asked.

"And I can't raise the General on the radio!" Sam added.

That was bad news, but Catra couldn't really afford to worry about Jack right now.

They had to find a way out of this death trap!

Wait! The assassin - he wasn't wearing a gas mask or a suit. He must have been immunised to the gas - partially, at least. He had been hurting. So, that wouldn't help them either. But… "Can you track the gas with your scanner?"

"I'll need to tweak it, but if I enhance it, it should be able to detect any particles." Sam was already fiddling with her scanner.

"Can you fix the door? With the desk? And using a sealant?" Entrapta suggested, still lagging.

"Done!" Sam announced. "Tracking unknown particles…" She drew hissing breath. "The entire hallway outside is filled with the gas. The other hallways are clear."

No choice. "Use your magic to push the gas into a corner in the hallway," Catra told Paris. "So we can get to the door."

"Can you do it?" Wilkinson asked.

She has to, Catra thought. Or they were done for.

Shakingly, Paris nodded.


Training Grounds, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 11th, 1999

As soon as he heard the alert, Jack O'Neill reached for his gas mask, reflexes reaching back to boot camp taking over. Chemical Attack! Gas! Mask on!

But he wasn't carrying a gas mask! He wasn't even carrying his full field kit!

Before he could do more than curse, Isa almost slapped him in the face with a mask. "Sir!"

The sergeant had already masked up - as had Campbell. Jack had picked his people well.

So, instead of making a comment about always having known that a desk job would be his death, he slipped the mask on. "Thank you. I somehow doubt that this is a drill."

"Yes, sir." Isa wasn't looking at him. The huge woman had her machine gun shouldered and was scanning for threats together with her partner.

Jack quickly glanced around, but he couldn't spot anything or anyone, and his radio was quiet - jammed? He pulled his communicator out. "Carter?"

"Under attack, sir. Chemical."

Jack drew a sharp breath as he felt his stomach clench. Then rage filled him. If the Russians had gassed Carter - and the base - he'd nuke their country from orbit! Priest would do it, anyway - Catra was with Carter, and killing Her Holyness's Holy Consort or whatever would certainly earn divine retribution!

No! He was better than that. And personally hunting down everyone responsible for this would be far more satisfying, anyway. "Sitrep."

"We're temporarily containing the gas and are moving to a safe area of the base," Carter reported.

Jack let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. They were safe. Safeish.

"There were casualties, though. The guards assigned to us were shot."

Damn. Jack looked at his two guards - now the only survivors of the squad he had taken with him. "Gas attack inside the base. Someone shot Brandis and his team."

The masks hid their expressions, but he could see them tense.

"We've captured the attacker."

Only one attacker? But they had been using gas. Still… Jack would have to review procedures. "Keep me informed. We're returning to base."

"Yes, sir. Passing into a secure area now."

Good. Jack glanced at Isa and Campbell again. "We're going back. Stay sharp. If they attacked the others, they won't be planning to let us be." The Russians would have to be complete fools if they thought they could get away with killing Jack's team without taking him out as well. Of course, the Russians would have to be complete fools to believe they could get away with this attack at all.

This has the scent of a hasty, improvised operation, Jack thought as they started to walk back towards the main entrance to Stargate Command's compound. Someone must have panicked when we started unravelling their plot.

That was both good and bad news. They had to expect anything now, even insane attempts at taking the entire base. Jack froze for a moment. Would the Russians start a war over this? He didn't think so, but he wouldn't have thought they'd use a chemical weapon in Stargate Command, either. Hell, that was already risking a war. So was what he was about to do, but he didn't see any way around it.

Switching channels, he contacted the task force guarding Earth's orbit. "O'Neill here. We're under attack by unknown forces, suspected to be Russian and Chinese in origin. Prepare to repel any military attacks against Alliance countries."

"Yes, General!"

If Jack was wrong, he might have just sunk his career. And possibly started a war. Well, he could always emigrate to Etheria. There was bound to be a nice spot in the mountains somewhere there with room for a hut and a lake for fishing.

Snorting, he pushed the thought away and focused on the area ahead of them. Survival first, future later. The roads and the main paths were clear of snow, but the rest of the area was covered with it. That meant anyone trying to attack or ambush them was either limited in where they moved or had to deal with leaving tracks.

But the Russians had experience with that. Canada wasn't Siberia, but snow was snow. Mostly. And while they were inside the base area, few people were outside at this time, so an assassin wouldn't have to dodge - or deal with - too many people. There were patrols, of course, but they were focused on keeping threats away, not hunting down assassins inside the base. Still, an assassin wouldn't want to get too close to the perimeter. That limited the approaches they could take.

"Watch the small ridge ahead," Jack called out. "Good ambush spot."

"Yes, sir." Isa twisted her upper body a bit and aimed her machine gun at it.

Campbell moved to cover the other side, where a field was currently serving as a snow dumping spot. A decent spot to set up crossfire, but you'd have to climb the mound of snow and expose yourself. Or you'd have to burrow through it…

"Stop!" Jack snapped, dropping to the ground and quickly moving behind a heavy chest full of snow-clearing gear stashed nearby. Using binocs with a gas mask on was annoying but not impossible. And it beat discovering an ambush by walking into it.

He scanned the piled-up snow. This was a hasty attack - they wouldn't have had time to prepare much, if at all. And they would have been under pressure not to miss Jack and his team before they returned to base. So… He studied the upper parts of the mound, hoping that whoever was out there wasn't lining up a shot at him right now. The snow was riddled with sticks and darker stones, which didn't help. But Jack knew someone was there. He just had to find them.

There! That wasn't a stick - that was a barrel! AK-style!

Jack bared his teeth. "Sniper nest. Ten yards to the left from the top of the mound. Isa."

"Got it," Isa replied as she and Campbell switched sectors.

A moment later, she started firing, the machine gun's bursts ripping through the snow. Even densely packed, you needed a lot of snow to stop a heavy machine gun - and Isa was an excellent shot.

"Contact ridge!" Campbell yelled. He was already firing.

Jack ducked down and made a note to start carrying something heavier than a pistol. He still shot back at what looked like two people with assault rifles but didn't think he hit either. Not before Campbell and Isa, who swung her gun around, cut both down.

Almost literally, in her case. No need to check for survivors there.

By the time the first patrol - a squad from SG-3 - arrived a few minutes later, they had found the sniper in the mound as well. A burst from Isa had gone through his torso, showering the snow tunnel he had dug with blood and gore, but the head was intact enough to identify Sergeant Popov.

Damn. Lenkova would blame herself for this. Even if it wasn't her fault at all - she had done the right thing.

His communicator announced an incoming call. "O'Neill!" he snapped, looking around.

"Stand by for Her Divine Highness," a clone told him.

Oh. Of course, Priest would have informed Adora. And, of course, Adora would be calling him at once. From Etheria. With all the delay in communication that caused.


"Jack." Adora sounded very tense. "What's going on? Catra said they were safe, but she had Russians to fight. And Priest is asking for permission to prepare an orbital bombardment."

Oh! "It's not like that!" Jack replied. "Russians and Chinese attacked us in Stargate Command, so I asked him to be ready to deal with attacks on the Alliance by either country. Just in case."

Seconds passed.

"Good. They have firing solutions ready for every Russian and Chinese military installation they know of."

Jack was pretty sure they had firing solutions for any known military installation on Earth, including the Alliance bases. But that was just standard procedure. "We're sorting this out here," he told her.

"Get the Stargate open again. I need to come to Earth as soon as possible."

Jack knew better than to argue that. And with Priest sounding so trigger-happy, the sooner they could get Adora to Earth, the better. "Will do."

He left the patrol to deal with the rest and hurried back to the base. He had to check up on his team. And the Russians and Chinese needed to be dealt with.

But when they reached the entrance to the base proper, he could see that things were already, if not in hand, then getting done. A squad of Chinese soldiers - disarmed - was led out of the base under armed guard.

"What's the status of the base?" Jack barked. Stargate Command wasn't under Alliance command, but he was the one with the direct line to the spaceships in orbit with the big honking spaceguns, and members of the Alliance had been killed with a chemical weapon, so he doubted that anyone would try to pull rank on him.

The French Lieutenant straightened. "We're securing the prisoners in a 'angar without direct access to the base, General," he replied in slightly accented English.

"Is the Stargate secure?" Jack asked. The Chinese looked… not mulish but stoic, despite not being dressed for the outside. He couldn't see any wounds or other signs of having fought amongst them or the French soldiers, either.

"Yes, General." The Lieutenant nodded. "The Chinese surrendered without a fight when General Haig ordered them to. The Russians… resisted and had to be subdued."

Jack nodded. He would have to ask Hammond for more information. "Carry on."

"Yes, General."

They stepped into the lift, and Jack used his communicator again. "Carter, we're coming down. Had a little scuffle with Russians trying to stop us. Status?"

"We're in the control centre, sir." Carter sounded relieved. "General Haig ordered the Russian and Chinese troops to lay down their arms and surrender. General Li complied. General Sidorov ordered his soldiers to resist before General Haig stunned him. Some are still holding out in their barracks."

"Not for long, I hope."

"I don't expect them to, sir. Catra and Melog are assisting Stargate Command with securing the base."

"Copy that." Good. It seemed things were under control. At least inside Stargate Command.

The lift arrived, and Isa moved in front of Jack before the doors opened. He didn't argue with her either. Never give an order you know won't be obeyed.

But the hallways were secure - a British squad was covering all doors.

Inside the control centre, Carter was busy at her computer, with Daniel and Sha're standing a bit to the side, whispering to each other, and Wilkinson hovering near Paris, who was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall, looking like she had just ran a marathon or two.

That… "Don't tell me that they also attacked you with magic!" Jack blurted out.

"No, Jack," Daniel replied. "But Agent Paris had to use a lot of magic to contain the gas so we could pass through safely."

Paris nodded weakly. "It drained me more than expected."

"It was enough to save us all," Sha're said.

She had saved his team? Jack would have to make sure she joined his command. Or at least the Alliance.

But first, he reminded himself as he turned towards Hammond, he had to sort out this mess. Preferably without starting a war, but he wasn't particularly picky about that right now.

Chapter 129: Spy Games Part 5
Chapter 129: Spy Games Part 5

Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 12th, 1999

Adora could barely keep from running down the ramp when she arrived on Earth. Finally! After hours of doing nothing while Sam and Entrapta worked on the Stargate computers, worrying while she waited for the all-clear… But she was the Supreme Commander of the Alliance. She couldn't rush into this like some worried girl.

Jack was there, as were Generals Haig and Hammond, and Isa and… Sergeant Campbell, and that was Kira in the background.

"Supreme Commander." Jack saluted her, followed by the other generals.

She returned the salute.

Before she could say anything, Entapta arrived behind her and rushed down the ramp - and past them. "Hi, everyone! Bye, everyone - I'll be in Sam's lab!" And then she was out the door, leaving everyone else blinking.

"Good to have you back," Jack said with a grin as he lowered his hand.

"Good to be back. Glimmer was held up but will join us in a while." Once she and Bow had explained things to Loki. Adora glanced around. Where was Catra? She hadn't been hurt while taking down the last Russians, Adora knew that, but why wasn't she here? She wouldn't care about proper procedure, either… "So, what did you find out about the attack?"

Jack didn't mention that his latest report had been sent an hour ago and nodded. "We're still interrogating the prisoners. Sidorov is staying silent, as is Li, and most of everyone else is claiming to have merely followed orders."

She snorted at that. "And the assassin you caught alive?"

"Under guard in the infirmary."

Was that where Catra was? Standing guard so the prisoner wouldn't be murdered to silence him?

Jack shrugged and went on: "It looks like he was using some alien drugs to keep the alien gas he was also using from harming him too much. But when Sha're stunned him, he couldn't use the drug any more, and…

"I can heal him," Adora said. "I can heal all wounded."

"That would be appreciated," General Haig said.

Right. This was Stargate Command, not an Alliance base. Adora had been a bit rude by talking to Jack, hadn't she? "It's the least I can do," she told him. She glanced around. They were almost at the door leading out of the gate room, and she couldn't see any sign of Catra. "Let's head to the infirmary first, then. No need to let our wounded suffer any longer."

"This way," Hammond said, gesturing down the hallway.

"Are the Russians and Chinese leaders still claiming that this was done by rogue soldiers?" Adora asked.

"That's their story, and they're sticking to it. For now," Jack replied. "Li hasn't refuted that - he commented that a scheme to smuggle alien goods through the gate would have made him and Sidorov a fortune."

Hammond scoffed at that.

Adora frowned as well. "And Sidorov is staying silent?"

"Probably waiting for orders from Russia," Jack said. "The whole attack smells rushed and improvised. Never a good combination."

Hammond coughed loudly, and Jack pouted at him.

"We can count ourselves lucky that they apparently lacked proper planning and support," Haig said. "Albeit, I assume that they had contingency plans worked out in advance."

"Which Carter and the others wrecked when they started poking around, I bet:" Jack grinned.

Adora nodded - Sam and Entrapta rooting through the compromised computer memory banks would have likely spoilt some plans.

They reached the infirmary. No Catra in sight, but Melog was curled up in front of a room with two guards next to the door. They looked at her, yawned and curled up again.

So, Catra was fine. But still missing.

Adora quickly healed the wounded - about a dozen, ranging from lightly hurt to having caught a few bullets - then headed to the room where the assassin was held.

Two more guards stood to each side of the bed there, and the prisoner was tied down as well. He looked pretty bad - he had tubes running into his mouth and nose, and his skin had a greyish tone.

"Can't have him suicide, should he wake up," Jack said. "But he's stable as far as we can tell. The Doc says they're still analysing the poison gas, but a lot of it broke down already."

She nodded and healed the man. He remained asleep, or so it seemed - but she caught him tense just a bit. "We know you're awake," she said.

He didn't react. Ah, well… She glanced at Jack. "We can start interrogating him."

"I'll inform our specialist."

Their specialist? Did he mean Wilkinson? Probably.

"We've prepared a meeting room," Hammond said. "Unless you have to travel to Brussels immediately."

Without Catra? Adora almost snapped at him. She managed to nod. "No, we've got a few things to discuss."

And a cat to find. She was getting worried again. Even though Melog would have shown if Catra was hurt. Or in danger. But she couldn't help…

"Hey, Adora."

Adora whirled. There, leaning against the wall outside the infirmary, was Catra! Smirking like… well, her.


"Yeah. Finally made it back here, huh? About…"

"Catra!" Adora's hug cut off her lover's next words. And then her kiss cut off any protests.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 12th, 1999

Samatha Carter cleared her throat as she stepped up to the big holographic screen in the meeting room the Alliance had taken over inside Stargate Command. "Supreme Commander. General. Commander." She nodded at Adora, the General and Glimmer, then at the others present. "We've finished our preliminary analysis of the recovered alien technology." Very preliminary. She wished she was better prepared for this - between the need to clear the base's computers and ensure there were no boobytraps left by saboteurs so they could reopen the Stargate, she hadn't had a lot of time to examine the alien technology they had secured. That wasn't long enough to draw solid conclusions.

Although Entrapta had joined her as soon as they had opened the wormhole again, followed later by Bow, and between them, they had managed at least to get a decent overview of the various pieces. And realise how close we had come to dying, she added in her mind - Entrapta hadn't reacted particularly well to that. Not after having seen her friends dying from the poison gas and communication lag preventing her from realising it was one of Melog's illusions for several seconds. Catra hadn't taken that well - she hadn't realised how her plan would look to Entrapta.

But sorting that out could wait. She had a briefing to do. She pressed a key on her laptop, and the projection of a small cylinder appeared on the screen, slowly rotating around itself. "This is the container that carried the poison gas used against us by Qiang Lee." They hadn't yet found out whether the assassin they had captured was Dr Quiang Lee, a young astrophysicist who had published several works or a soldier impersonating him - the man had refused to answer any questions, last Sam heard. "It is shielded from any conventional sensors we know on Earth, though not from magic or Ancient sensors," she explained.

"Then how could they smuggle it into the base?" Glimmer asked, frowning deeply.

"Because the compound contained inside the cylinder is not poisonous until it reacts with human biochemistry. It's like a binary poison where one component is a part of the human body. The poison so produced acts like a standard poison, but since it is generated upon contact, our scanners didn't pick it up until it started taking effect. And even then, the scanner focused on the poison created, not the compound in the air." Even the magic scanner had been fooled by this, which Sam suspected was accidental, but they couldn't rule out that the Eurondans used magic themselves.

"Which we have corrected now!" Entrapa chimed in. "And we've adjusted the scanner to show any unknown particles - though that will make it probably overly sensitive to many harmless substances on alien planets, so… We might have to be careful about that."

"We'll get false alerts for a while," the General summed up.

"Yes, sir. We suggest that a dedicated crew of technicians and scientists is part of any force landing on a new planet to speed up such adjustments," Sam told him.

"Making the scanner adjust to that automatically is kinda difficult," Entrapta said with a pout. "We'd have to give it the same databanks and sensor capability Alpha has, and that would make it hard to fit into a portable scanner. Though for a fleet action, we could have a special ship with a lab on board to analyse any such data transmitted from the surface!"

"A science vessel in the fleet?" The General snorted. "I guess Star Trek will be vindicated."

Sam narrowed her eyes at him - slightly. "It is the same concept of having scientists as part of an exploration team." That had been her own position in SG-1!

"Right." He looked a little sheepish for a moment before nodding at her.

"The poison is a neural agent attacking the central nervous system of anyone exposed to it. The effect is debilitatingly painful but would take quite some time to kill a victim."

The others in the room looked shocked or grim at the news - and with cause. It was a very cruel way to kill someone. It was almost a mercy that Lee had killed the teams he had used the gas against. Almost.

The General nodded again. "That's the gas. And the gun?"

"It's a direct energy weapon of unknown make," Sam told him as the gun appeared on the screen. "Definitely alien in origin. The gun's velocity is relatively slow, but it can damage both organic and inorganic targets and has a stun setting."

"Like a zat?" Catra asked.

"It follows a similar concept, but it works differently," Sam corrected her. "It causes direct physical or stun damage."

"And it didn't show up on our scanner either?" The General raised his eyebrows.

"The power source was not powerful enough to show up on the general scan," Sam explained.

That had the General snort. "Figures it was something like that."

Sam could see the irony, but they had lost two squads to this weapon and the gas. "We also secured this." She showed another, smaller cylinder. "It's a medical device - it works similar to an autoinjector. We first assumed that the substance was an antidote for the poison, but it's actually a medical compound that very quickly heals the body once administered. Quickly enough that Lee didn't succumb to the gas even though he was exposed to it for a length of time."

"But it hurt him," Catra said, "Melog felt it."

"Yes." Sam nodded. Lee must have been suffering horrible pain throughout the fight.

The General frowned. "That does sound like he was improvising. If he had prepared this beforehand, he probably would have had an antidote ready. And how much of that stuff was the assassin carrying?"

"Half a dozen injectors, sir," Sam replied.

The General looked at her, then at the others. "That wasn't an assassination attempt. He wanted hostages."

That was a likely conclusion, indeed.

"Hostages?" Adora scowled.

"Me." Catra hissed. "To use against you."

"It would make the whole attempt to take over the base a little less insane," the General went on, looking at Catra and Adora. "Still not sane, but if they thought taking you hostage would stay your hand…" He shrugged.

Sam nodded. Everyone knew that the Etherians treated politics as a personal affair. If the Chinese - and the Russians, since they had been working together - thought that meant they would value friends above everything else… Well, they weren't entirely wrong, but they would have completely miscalculated how the Etherians would respond to such a ploy.

And, Sam added with a slight wince when she saw Adora, Catra and the other Etherians' expressions, they might end up finding out exactly how wrong they had been - and how right.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, December 13th, 1999

Usually, meetings in the Alliance Headquarters were dominated by the military. This time, there were far fewer military uniforms visible than usual, Catra noticed. Instead, more people wore suits. And humans insisted that these weren't civilian uniforms even though every Earth ruler seemed to be wearing them!

She snorted as she sat down next to Adora. Not every ruler was attending, but the most important ones were here - the ones from Britain, France, Germany, the United States and Canada, though the last one's importance was questionable, according to Jack. Still, the Stargate was on their soil. Or surrounded by their soil, depending on how you interpreted the international treaty covering it. Catra wasn't a lawyer, but if you lost the right to rule a piece of your land and other kingdoms had free access to it and could station what troops they wanted there, it wasn't your land any more, was it?

Not that it mattered. This would be decided by the leaders of the Alliance, and that only because Adora was, again, being a goody-two-shoes about the rules.

"Alright," Adora spoke up. "You've all received the preliminary report about the attacks on Stargate Command. Do you have any questions?"

She looked formidable, all serious and angry, and Catra felt a shiver run down her spine. Her love.

Most of the people present shook their heads, and after a moment, Adora went on: "We've lost four Alliance soldiers killed in action. Stargate Command lost ten soldiers killed in action and fifteen wounded. No civilians were hurt or killed during the chemical attack."

"An attack with an alien gas weapon," the Canadian Prime Minister said. "That is a war crime. They attacked us."

"Russia and China are claiming this was the result of actions taken by officers going rogue," the German Bundeskanzler said. "Given the current state of relations with the United Nations, disproving that claim could prove tricky."

"What you mean is that too many countries in the United Nations are ruled by bigots and dictators who fear and resent the Alliance and would never rule in our favour no matter what proof we have," Glimmer said with a slight sneer.

Catra wasn't the only one who snorted at that.

The German nodded, apparently not fazed. "Exactly. Even if Russia and China didn't have veto powers, the odds of achieving support by the United Nations for our response are not good."

"We don't need their support," Glimmer retorted. "We can destroy the Russian and Chinese military from orbit without trouble."

Catra saw the other rulers tense at that. They must have known that, though - the Alliance knew what Horde frigates could do and how good the Alliance scanners were. Their military was planning to use orbital fire support for planetary invasions, even!

"But if we do this, other countries might be driven to similarly desperate actions," the German Bundeskanzler said. "They would remember the intervention in Iran as well. Can we afford such 'distractions' during wartime?"

"And even part of the public in our own countries might not react favourably to what they might see as a disproportionate retaliation," the British Prime Minister pointed out.

Catra overheard the British Admiral muttering something about "another General Belgrano", but she had no idea what he meant.

"We were attacked with chemical weapons! Our soldiers were murdered!" the Canadian Prime Minister retorted. "I doubt that anyone sane will dispute that this requires a reaction."

"The problem is that the whole attack was so insane, many people won't believe that Russia or China could do this," the British Prime Minister said. "And, as the report states, the whole attack seemed to have been an improvised and panicked reaction to the discovery of their takeover of the Stargate Command main computer." He looked around, "Can we really dismiss the possibility that this was decided and executed by officers acting on their own?"

"Russia and China are still responsible for their forces. If they cannot control them, then that's on them," the French Président said.

The US President looked a little doubtful. "We cannot actually tell if the trade deals with the aliens were authorised by the Russian president, much less the escalation to attempted assassination. He will be replaced at the end of the month, and by all accounts, he has not been in control of his government for quite some time, with oligarchs instead struggling for power in the wake of First Contact. What the new president will do is anyone's guess."

"China has no such excuse," the Canadian Prime Minister retorted. "And the attack with chemical weapons was done by a Chinese agent posing as a scientist."

"They are saying that this is proof that the man is a rogue spy and criminal," the Bundeskanzler cut in.

"We have had reports about internal struggles from China, but nothing concrete," the US President said. "But it is unlikely that they were so compromised that rogue elements could infiltrate their troops and scientists at Stargate Command."

Catra nodded in agreement. That was nonsense. Even if a number of countries would claim to believe it.

"But why would they do something so insane?" the Bundeskanzler asked. "They must have known that even if they had taken hostages, they wouldn't have gotten away with it - and if they had made any demands, they would have had to abandon the claim that this wasn't done on the orders of their governments."

"They're paranoid and desperate," Jack spoke up. "The Russians have convinced themselves for decades that NATO wants to attack them. I doubt the Chinese have forgotten the Korean War. And now their military has been rendered obsolete - they know that; don't think they haven't spies in places - and they know what they would do in our place. So, even an insane plan might look better to them than their current situation."

Catra pressed her lips together. She knew about risking everything on a slim chance of victory instead of accepting defeat. She had almost destroyed Etheria as a result. But that didn't excuse it - or her own actions.

"That doesn't excuse their actions," Adora said, repeating Catra's thought.

"And they cannot be allowed to get away with this, or they'll try the same thing again - and so will everyone else," Glimmer added.

"No matter if they're actually guilty or not," Jack said.

"The buck stops with them," the US President added. He seemed to agree with Jack, even if Catra didn't get the reference.

"So," Adora spoke up. "What do you suggest we do?"

Several of the people present tensed up again, Catra noted.


Jack O'Neill raised his eyebrows a little at the wording. 'Suggest' - Adora didn't make it sound as if she was humouring the politicians present, but he had no doubt that if she didn't like a suggestion, she'd ignore it.

The question was: Were the politicians aware of that? They should; the President had had a lot of briefings from Jack and his team about the Etherians, and Jack was sure that the other leaders had been briefed by their people. And they had been working with the Princesses for over a year now. But the Etherians hadn't really thrown their power around as they could have, and Adora and her friends had been primarily working with the military staff, not the civilian leaders.

"First, we need to know if we have proof that this was an organised attack by Russia and China," the Bundeskanzler said. "Our response has to take into account how much support we have amongst our allies and the public. There's also the question of how NATO is handling this."

Glimmer rolled her eyes. Probably barely holding back a cynical comment about the free press, Jack thought. Or daytime TV.

Catra leaned forward. "The assassin isn't talking. If you want proof, we need to go and capture the Russian and Chinese leadership and see if they talk."

The Bundeskanzler drew back, and his eyes widened at that.

"That would not be received well by many other countries," the French Président said. "Especially not in Africa, Asia and Central America."

"You mean primarily the countries where the former colonial powers continued to topple governments they didn't like?" Daniel asked. "Including the United States."

"Yes." The French Président nodded with a slight smile.

Jack snorted. You could almost admire the way the French shamelessly owned up to it. The President, on the other hand, was wincing, and the British Prime Minister looked like he had bitten into a lemon. He half-expected the Canadians and Germans to claim they weren't involved in any of that, but neither did.

"The Stargate was attacked with a chemical weapon," the Canadian Prime Minister repeated himself instead. "Soldiers of Stargate Command but also Alliance soldiers died as a result. And it was done by Russians and Chinese using technology and weapons from an unknown alien power. I think this will speak for itself, at least in our countries."

"If we present it like that, focus on the brave soldiers uncovering the infiltration and fighting off the insidious attack…" The President nodded. "The media will like it. It's almost a Pearl Harbour moment."

Jack pressed his lips together. Those had been his people who had died, both Special Operations Command and SG-3. They hadn't died for the optics of this. But saying so wouldn't help things right now. Even if he really wanted to.

"So, that covers the support from your people," Glimmer said, not quite rolling her eyes to make sure everyone understood what she thought about the whole thing. "But what do you suggest we should do?"

"What do you suggest?" the Bundeskanzler asked. For a moment, he looked as if he was surprised by his own question, in Jack's impression. It was a fair question, though, even if it would have been sassy coming from someone else - like Jack.

"We need to ensure that they will not launch another such attack against us," Glimmer replied. "We don't know if they have more of the poison gas and the other alien technology the assassin used."

"They wouldn't dare, would they?" The Bundeskanzler said. "Their excuses are already threadbare thin. Another attack with either poison gas or alien technology would be a clear act of war - against the entire Alliance and NATO.."

That was debatable, as far as Jack understood the issue. The Alliance was aimed against the Goa'uld, not other countries on Earth; the Princesses had made it clear that they didn't want to be dragged into internal conflicts on Earth. But Alliance soldiers had been attacked, and aliens were - directly or indirectly - involved, and that made it Alliance business. Of course, an attack against a NATO country could trigger Article Five.

"If they are as desperate - and paranoid - as Jack said, then what do they have to lose?" Catra shrugged. "If they expect us to crush them, we might as well do it before they cobble together another attack. Nukes and gas we can stop, but what if they have biological weapons?"

That was a horrible possibility. Jack had seen the data about Ancient bioweapons. If the Russians and Chinese had something comparable…

"If they had that capability, I'd expect them to threaten us with it," the British Prime Minister said. "At least through diplomatic channels."

"They might not think it would be worth losing the element of surprise in case the Etherians are willing to sacrifice Earth to destroy them," the French Président retorted.

Adora and her friends gasped. "We would never do that!" she blurted out.

Glimmer nodded emphatically. "It would be a betrayal of everything the Alliance stands for!"

Jack grimaced. "We know that. But the Russians and Chinese would do it in your place." At least their leaders, as far as Russia had a leader at the moment. Which was another can of worms - if the Russian leadership was dysfunctional… "Whatever we do, we need to know what technology the Russians and Chinese have at their disposal," he said.

Everyone agreed to that. "But the prisoners aren't talking," Adora said. "The most they say, some of them, is that they were following orders and defending themselves. And as long as they don't talk even Kira's Truth spells won't really help."

There was a solution for getting people to talk, Jack knew, but it wasn't a solution the Etherians would condone. And since they needed their sorceresses for the truth spells, the solution was off the table.

Which was a relief - Jack really didn't want to torture prisoners. And letting others do it wasn't any better - worse, actually.

But that didn't change the fact that they needed more information. He could only hope that his people working on it would come up with something.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 13th, 1999

"Da, following orders is Russian way. If you follow orders of superior, you do no wrong even if you do wrong. Unless, of course, superior or superior's superior disagrees."

Iwan was a good scientist and had quite the charm - Samantha Carter might even consider him a friend, if not a close friend - but his English was really annoying. Doubly so since she was certain that he could speak far better English yet chose to talk like this. The man not only read all relevant science publications in English, he published in them!

"But the Russian government disavowed their actions," Special Agent Wilkinson pointed out. "If they don't want to be tried as criminals - and for capital crimes - they should cooperate."

"They have family in Russia, da?" Iwan shook his head. "They betray Russia, family suffer."

"What about your family?" Special Agent Paris asked. "You've been cooperating."

Iwan shrugged. "No family left. No family I care for, at least."

Sam couldn't tell if he really didn't care or was trying to hide something. For all his boisterous manners, which were often quite stereotypical Russian, as Daniel had pointed out to her in private, the man had a good poker face. That wasn't surprising, of course, since he had grown up in the USSR and had been involved in top-secret research.

"I still can't believe all of them would take the fall." Wilkinson shook his head. "There's always someone who turns."

"Did you offer bribes?" Iwan asked.

Wilkinson frowned at him. "Offering bribes? That would invalidate their testimony!"

"We can point out that cooperation will get them leniency, but we aren't authorised to offer actual deals," Paris added.

Oh. Sam winced. As did Iwan, she noted. "You're following FBI rules and regulations," she said.

"Of course," Wilkinson said.

"This is an Alliance investigation," Sam pointed out. "You don't answer to the FBI here but to the Alliance. To Alliance High Command," she emphasised.

"The legal procedures are the same, at least as far as fundamentals are concerned," Wilkinson retorted. "You can't bribe a witness, and we aren't authorised to offer deals."

Iwan cocked his head, acting as if he was confused. "Legal procedures? This is military and political matter. Result important."

"We're not in Russia!" Wilkinson snapped. "We have a working judicial system! People have rights!"

Sam grimaced. She shouldn't be handling this - she was a scientist, not a lawyer. Or a politician. But the General and the others were meeting with the Alliance leaders. And while the exact chain of command was a little vague, the General had left her in charge here. "We're investigating an attack on the Alliance and Stargate Command," she said. "Our priority is to find out what happened and who is responsible. Whether or not that intel is applicable in a court of law is of secondary importance."

Wilkinson stared at her as if she had threatened to shoot him in the back. "What?"

"Princesses and Generals not care about procedures," Iwan said. "They want results for military and politics."

"You might as well torture the prisoners then!" Wilkinson spat.

"Torture doesn't work," Paris cut in.

"It work for Russia."

"We aren't Russia!" Wilkinson glared at Iwan.

Combining torture with a truth spell would likely work, Sam knew. As long as the victim still knew truth from lies, the spell would detect any falsehood they knowingly said - and they would say something to stop the torture. But that wasn't an option. "The Alliance doesn't torture people," she said. If Wilkinson had met the Princesses for longer than a brief greeting, he would know that.

"Da. Alliance very good about that." Iwan grinned.

"But deals and bribes are allowed," Sam went on. "And Kira can check for lies. Whether or not that would invalidate any testimony is irrelevant."

"Even if it means a war criminal escapes justice?" Wilkinson retorted. "Over a dozen people died because of this attack!"

Sam was tempted to mention Hordak. And Catra. She didn't, though. Instead, she said: "Do you think any of our prisoners were the masterminds behind the attack?"

Wilkinson frowned at her. "Sidorov was in charge of the Russian troops. Li commanded the Chinese contingent. We don't have any records of them contacting their superiors in their home countries."

Absence of evidence wasn't evidence of absence, though. "They could have had orders for such a contingency," Sam pointed out. "But do you really think the soldiers we captured acted independently?"

Wilkinson didn't answer that, but his expression said enough. "We still have no authorisation to offer any plea deals. Or other deals."

"You have it now," Sam told him. "I'll ask Adora to make it an order. In writing."

Both special agents seemed surprised at that.

"Alliance way, this is," Iwan told them. "Princesses are honest like that."

"They aren't naive," Sam added. "But they take their responsibilities as leaders seriously. They won't sacrifice people under their command to save themselves. Or to follow procedures."

Judging by the glances Wilkinson and Paris exchanged, they weren't used to that in the FBI.

To be fair, Sam had not been used to that in the Air Force either. Not until she had started serving at Stargate Command under the General and General Hammond, at least.

She looked at the two agents. "Get them to talk. We need to know who to go after in Russia and China." She smiled at the way Wilkinson and Paris's eyes widened at that. "This is a political and military matter. Not a matter of jurisdiction."

"Da!" Iwan nodded. "Like Iran."


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 14th, 1999

"So, the Chinese government claims that this was all your doing and that your government has had no knowledge about the contact with the Eudondans or the attack on Alliance personnel?"

Wilkinson sounded rather frustrated. Catra could emphasise.

The Chinese general slowly nodded with a polite smile that was just so slightly smug that Catra wanted to slash the mirror glass separating her from the interrogation room and rip it off his face.

"You're not fooling anyone," Wilkinson said, shaking his head. "We know you're lying."

"I have told you no lie," Li retorted.

"True," Kira said next to Catra.

It didn't mean anything, though. Li hadn't actually said anything substantial during the interrogation. Of course, as a member of the Stargate Command Council, Li had been aware of magical truth spells - it wouldn't have made sense to send sorceresses from Etheria to help guard the Stargate and not inform the people in charge of what they could do.

In hindsight, using truth spells on the people in charge would have made more sense, at least in Catra's opinion.

Wilkinson looked even more frustrated on hearing Kira's report through the bud in his ear. "What was the plan, anyway? Take us all hostages?" he snapped.

"Not you. Just the friends of She-Ra," Li replied.

"True." Kira sounded as surprised as Catra felt - was Li suddenly breaking his silence?

Wilkinson's eyes had widened, but he quickly recovered and leaned forward on the table separating him and Li. "Catra, Major Carter, Dr Jackson and his wife?"


"True," Kira whispered.

"And you thought this would give you leverage to make demands to the Alliance?" Wilkinson asked.

Li slowly nodded again. "The Supreme Commander of the Alliance values her friends dearly."

"And yet you tried to murder General O'Neill."

"That was General Sidorov's plan."

"True," Kira reported.

Wilkinson shook his head again. "You had access to the Stargate. You had the freedom to explore the galaxy. Why would you risk all that?"

Li kept smiling without answering.

"He won't say anything that can be proven as a lie," Catra said.

"Earlier, I thought he might, but now…" Kira sighed.

The sorceress had to be tiring; keeping up a spell for so long was exhausting. Catra doubted that Kira would bring it up, though. Not until she was about to collapse. The woman probably felt guilty for missing the entire plot until Sam had come in.

"You knew you wouldn't escape. Hostages or not," Wilkinson tried again.

"A small chance is better than no chance at all." Li sounded as if he was quoting someone.

"Were you planning on letting your superiors 'convince' you to release the hostages and surrender?"

Li's smile didn't change. The man had a great poker face. On the other hand, his refusal to answer was an answer itself.

And, despite Wilkinson's frustration, this was enough. At least for Catra. "So, Li's been planning to take the fall for his leaders. Even though no one's going to believe the story. And he probably set up Sidorov somehow." Maybe to make himself look better in comparison. Or to get back at the Russian - Catra didn't think anyone who had to work with Sidorov liked the man even a little bit. Unfortunately, the Russian general hadn't said a single word. For all his faults, he could shut up perfectly.

"Yes." Kira nodded in agreement.

"Do you think that this would have changed anything? No one believes your story!" Wilkinson repeated himself.

Li, once more, didn't answer.

"What do you think was his plan?" Kira asked.

Catra shrugged. "Trade hostages for concessions, maybe." That was what they usually did in the files she had read. Though that only worked when the kidnappers had managed to get away in the first place and managed to make a deal later, from a safe position. She couldn't remember anyone actually successfully using hostages to escape.

"In the movies, they usually demand a flyer for some reason. Maybe he wanted to use the Stargate?" Kira suggested while Wilkinson repeated himself again in the interrogation room and Li predictably failed to answer.

"And get stranded without supplies on some rock? Or end up eaten by a monster? Not that we would have let him go - he knows too much," Catra replied.

"What do you think would have happened if you had killed us all?" Wilkinson said. "To China."

That was a good question.

"I do not think Princess She-Ra would punish others for my crimes. Or would let anyone else do this."


"And do you think that extends to your government?"

Once again, Li didn't answer.

Well, they would find out. Once they reported back to the Alliance High Command with the results of the interrogation.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, December 14th, 1999

"...and in the face of worldwide outrage at the use of chemical weapons against the Alliance, the Russian and Chinese governments both independently released a statement that their representatives at Stargate Command acted on their own and denied any responsibility for the attack. In other words, either the Russians and Chinese are lying, or they have no control at all over their most important forces! And neither the current Russian president nor his elected successor has been seen in public since the attack, prompting speculation about a coup."

"...meanwhile, the United Nations Secretary-General called upon 'all sides to refrain from hasty actions', and various nations from the Middle East condemned 'unprovoked aggression against sovereign nations for alleged crimes committed by individuals'."

"...while the Secretary General of NATO has released a statement that the organisation is 'closely coordinating with the Alliance' with regard to their response to the attack on the Stargate but refused to comment if Article Five has been brought up so far. With uncertainty whether or not NATO countries in the Alliance have access to space-based weapons, it remains…"

"...in response to the senator's repeated statements that 'another day of infamy' required an 'equally swift and decisive response from the United States', he asked whether or not they consider Newfoundland part of the United States, and what…"

"...the world holds its breath as the Alliance leadership is gathering to decide whether or not they will respond to the Stargate Incident with war."

"...where the peace protesters and the counter-protesters clashed violently, and the police arrested…"

Jack O'Neill sighed and switched the TV off. Yeah, releasing the news about the attack on Stargate Command had gone about as well as he had expected - but they couldn't have let the Russians and Chinese set the narrative or something. As if anyone would believe anything what either country claimed! Well, except for half the world, according to the United Nations.

He got up, checked that he hadn't left anything on his desk that he needed, and walked out of his office, nodding at the additional guards posted in the hallways as he passed them. Security was very tight, with most of the allied countries' leaders present. Two frigates in orbit directly over Brussels, a full regiment of his command ready to drop in combat shuttles, the rest of the special forces on standby… He snorted at the thought that if the Alliance decided to attack Russia and China, they could just change their preplanned deployments and strike at a moment's notice. Or rather, mop up what the frigates above Russia and China would have left standing after Priest opened with orbital bombardment.

Getting into the meeting room took getting scanned - three times. It was a bit of an overreaction, in his opinion, but he hadn't said so out loud.

This time, uniforms and suits had about equal numbers inside the room. Jack nodded at the guards inside the room, then headed to his friends, trying not to catch the attention of the assembled presidents and prime ministers. He wasn't in the mood to make small talk with politicians on a good day, certainly not now when everyone would want to use him to get more information about the Etherians' thoughts on the matter.

Exchanging greetings with his team and the Etherians, he took his seat. "Let's see whether or not we get to do a live-fire invasion exercise in Russia and China."

Catra and Glimmer chuckled, but Adora frowned at him. "Don't give Priest ideas! He already proposed that we have a volunteer 'act on his own and bombard all strategic assets of both countries'."

That would actually be very fitting, in Jack's opinion. Show the Russians and Chinese that if they tried to be clever with 'rogue soldiers acting on their own', they would suffer the same in return. And since it would be a clone acting, they could just have him change his name and claim they had punished him - no one would be able to tell the difference…

"Don't you get any ideas either!" Adora told him.

He gave her his best innocent smile. It didn't work, of course, but Glimmer and Catra laughed again. Then the meeting began, and everyone stopped laughing.


"...and so while we are almost absolutely certain that the dealing with the Eurondans wasn't an unauthorised action by Generals Sidorov and Li, but a coordinated plot by at least parts of the governments of Russia and China, we don't have sufficient intel to say the same about the actual assassination attempts," Adora finished her report.

"Do we have proof of this?" the German Bundeskanzler asked.

"Not according to your legal standards," Glimmer replied. "But General Li refused to answer any question that could have shed light on that while admitting his own guilt."

"While under the effect of a magic spell," the President pointed out.

"No. Kira cast the spell on herself to detect truth, not on Li," Glimmer corrected him.

Jack had to suppress a snort when the President frowned at her. "It's not going to make a difference for the United Nations. They'll claim you can't trust magic."

"We could have a signed confession, witnesses and a recording of the Russian and Chinese leadership plotting together, and they would claim we made it up!" Glimmer shot back.

She wasn't wrong, of course.

"Besides, neither the UN nor Russia and China pose any military threat to us," Glimmer added. "They cannot stop us from doing what we want."

"Which, according to our analysts, is what prompted the whole thing in the first place," the French Président pointed out.

"Well, that ship has sailed. They did it, and if we don't respond, they or someone else will try it again," the British Prime Minister said.

"We cannot let such an attack go unpunished," his Canadian counterpart added.

"And we won't," Adora said. "But what will we do? Wipe out the Russian and Chinese military and arrest their leaders?"

"That would throw both countries into chaos!" the Bundeskanzler protested. "Millions of civilians would be endangered from the internal strife alone, and other countries would be encouraged to take action against the disarmed nations!"

"And we don't have the forces or the political capital to occupy Russia or China, let alone both of them," the President added. "We would be dragged into an insurrection at once."

"So, they're holding their people hostage?" Glimmer scoffed. "All the more reason to not let them get away with this!"

"We could take out their strategic weapons," Catra suggested. "And their leaders."

"That would still leave them leaderless and with huge armies that will be dragged into the resulting power struggle. A new civil war in either country would be almost certain," the British Prime Minister said. "If we want to take out the leaders responsible for the attack, we need to ensure that a replacement government is ready to take over."

One that will be seen as a puppet regime, Jack thought. With all that entails.

The President nodded. "And we'll still have to be on alert against asymmetrical responses like terrorists sponsored by either country."

"We can handle that with our updated scanners!" Entrpata chimed in. "Unless they have more alien technology like that gas they used."

"We need more information," the British Prime Minister said. "We need to know what is happening in the Russian and Chinese governments. If there are internal divisions that we could exploit. And who is responsible for the whole affair, of course," he added almost as an afterthought.

"So we do that. And we need to release the information we have so we can keep up the pressure on Russia and China," the President agreed with a glance at Adora and Glimmer. "And placate our own public."

Both nodded, although a little reluctantly.

"And we need to find those Eurondans and investigate them," Catra added.

Jack nodded. They hadn't found them yet, but with Lenkova cooperating, that was just a question of time. Sooner or later, the aliens would contact their 'partners' again, but this time, the Alliance would meet them - disguised as Russians and Chinese.

More spying. And no crushing the Russians or Chinese. For the moment, at least.

Chapter 130: Spy Games Part 6
Chapter 130: Spy Games Part 6

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, December 15th, 1999

"...and that's why the Russian and Chinese forces have been expelled from Stargate Command," the Canadian ambassador to the United Nations finished his explanation.

"You cannot unilaterally decide that!" the Russian ambassador protested - without being invited to speak, Adora noted.

But the Secretary-General didn't intervene. Well, it was an emergency session.

"It was not a unilateral decision, but the decision of the majority of the Stargate Command Council," the Canadian retorted.

Adora felt a little bad about having the Canadians defend the decision - they were not part of the Stargate Command Council. But the Stargate was on their territory, and they hadn't refused when asked by the Alliance.

"That is not in the purview of the Stargate Command Council!" the Russian snapped. "The Stargate is under the control of the United Nations!"

A lot of people present in the hall seemed to agree with that - Adora saw them nod, and the murmurs grew louder. And the Russian was correct - the United Nations had officially taken control of Earth's Stargate. Which, Adora reminded herself, had been the right decision since they represented Earth and the Stargate belonged to Earth as a whole.

On the other hand, removing the Russian and Chinese troops from Stargate Command was also the right decision. They had betrayed the trust of everyone else and endangered the entire planet. And they had tried to murder Catra and our friends, she reminded herself, clenching her teeth at the thought.

"Russian and Chinese forces have attempted to take control of the Stargate, engaged in secret dealings with an alien civilisation for unknown reasons and attacked Stargate Command with chemical weapons!" the Canadian replied. "This is not acceptable!"

"Lies and slander!" the Russian protested. "You have no proof of anything!"

"We have caught the culprits in the act!"

The Russian sneered. "You have captured our troops and refused to let our government talk to them - and refused to have the affair investigated by an independent commission! Your claims are baseless - mere lies made up to cover your blatant attempt to control the Stargate for your war!"

Adora managed not to wince at the loud agreement from half - or more - the ambassadors present that filled the hall.

The Canadian ambassador glared at his counterpart. "Your attempts to play the victim won't work. We have proof of your attempts to control the base's system and your attack!"

"Fabrications of your own!" The Russian scoffed, and more ambassadors cheered.

Adora clenched her teeth again. Glimmer had been right - the truth didn't matter. The rulers of those countries ignored the proof presented to them.

But they couldn't ignore reality, either.

The Canadian shook his head, but before he could go on, the Chinese ambassador spoke up - unprompted as the Russian one, which, Adora understood, was very unusual for him. "You do not have the right to take control of the Stargate," he said. "That would require a decision by the United Nations Security Council."

Which the Russians and Chinese would veto, of course.

Adora knew she should be waiting to be given permission to speak, but it seemed no one was following the rules anyway, so she stood up. She was the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, so this fell to her. "The Stargate is of vital importance for the Alliance's war against the Goa'uld. We cannot allow untrustworthy powers control over it - and we certainly cannot allow hostile forces control over it. Russian and Chinese forces have tried to take control of the Stargate and attacked Alliance forces, killing several of our soldiers. They also have made contact with unknown alien forces and used their weapons against us. Russia and China may claim that those were the actions of rogue forces, but even if that were true, it means that both countries sent untrustworthy, hostile forces to Stargate Command. In any case, we cannot and will not allow your forces to remain part of Stargate Command and threaten our forces and the war."

"You cannot do that!" the Russian ambassador yelled.

"We can," Glimmer hissed next to Adora.

"This is a military decision taken by Alliance command," Adora went on, ignoring the man. "The trustworthy elements of Stargate Command remain in control of it, fulfilling the United Nations mandate. It is up to the United Nations Security Council to decide if they wish to add more forces to Stargate Command."

No one had to say out loud that any decision that didn't please the Alliance would be vetoed.

"That's a blatant attempt to conquer Earth!" the Iranian ambassador spat.

Adora sat down as others chimed in despite the Secretary-General's attempts to restore order.

"The Stargate belongs to Earth - you said so yourself!"

"So much for the honour of the aliens!"

"You brought that on yourself!"

"Don't play the victim!"


"We won't let you attack us with impunity and then claim it was a rogue soldier!"

"Colonialists! We won't let you take away our sovereignty!"

"Shame on you!"

"Shame on you!"

"Well, we know where everyone stands," Glimmer commented to her.

Adora nodded. Not that it changed anything. Technically, the Stargate was still under nominal UN control. And the United Nations could move to add more countries to the Command Council - like India. But Adora was sure that every country picked would be vetoed by either Russia and China or the United States, France and Britain.

Of course, that also depended on what exactly had been going on with the Russian and Chinese governments.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 15th, 1999

"Just for record: I would like to ask for asylum. Before being deported back to mother Russia with others."

Samantha Carter looked up from her laptop's screen and at Iwan. "You won't be deported."

He shrugged with a grin. "Never know. Bureaucracy can make mistake. Even Western bureaucracy, as I found out here. And Russia demanded all people here back."

They also protested against the removal of the Russian contingent at Stargate Command, but that was just performative - Sam doubted that even the Russians actually expected the Alliance to leave Russians near the Stargate. They would all go, except, possibly, Lenkova and Iwan, and that only because Adora and the other princesses had made it clear that sending either into 'protective custody' far away from Newfoundland wasn't going to happen.

Sam agreed with that stance. Both Iwan and Lenkova had made it clear where they stood in the conflict between Russia and the Alliance. The odds of either being a spy for Russia were too low to be taken seriously. Of course, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered, either could be working for a faction of Russia's rulers that wasn't currently in power. Lenkova had been trained by an intel agency, and Iwan would have had to pass a lot of loyalty tests to be allowed to work with top-secret alien technology…

She pushed the voice away. She wasn't going to become paranoid. And both would be closely observed by people watching out for spies, anyway. People like Wilkinson.

The FBI agent in question looked up from his own - far less advanced - computer. "No one's getting deported until we've finished our investigation. We still haven't found out what everyone involved knew."

"And we probably won't," Agent Paris added. "Most of them aren't talking. And those who do talk are only admitting the bare minimum."

"That's still confirmation for some claims," Wilkinson retorted. "And we have other sources for information to correlate their claims."

Paris raised her eyebrows. "That only works when people talk."

Wilkinson pouted in return. "They'll start talking when they realise that that's the only way they'll get out of a cell."

"Oh, compared to welcome back in Russia, Alliance cell is paradise. Or luxury hotel, at least." Iwan grinned. "Siberia is very cold this time of year. And grave is colder."

Sam glanced at Lenkova. Unlike everyone else in the room, the Lieutenant wasn't working on anything. She was just staring at the TV in the corner. With the volume set as low as it was, Sam doubted that Lenkova was hearing anything.

Then again, it wasn't as if there was any news on the TV - it was just loops of things they already knew, with banners at the bottom adding more 'breaking news' that was anything but breaking.

"They haven't talked even when offered asylum," Wilkinson said with a scowl.

"KGB picked spies well, much experience," Iwan said.

Lenkova tensed, Sam saw. "Some will talk, eventually," the Lieutenant said after a moment - without looking at anyone in the room. "Once they realise that they can get a good deal from the Alliance."

"Wouldn't they know that already?" Paris asked. "They've been working with us for months."

"They take long time to trust, if ever," Iwan said. "West was enemy for decades, so no trust there. And Alliance - Princesses - look too good to be true."

And the Russians and Chinese at Stargate Command hadn't worked with the Alliance except for selected individuals like Kira. "What about the Chinese?" Sam asked after checking that her computer was still working on her analysis.

"Same as Russians, just more secret," Iwan said with a shrug.

"I wouldn't say this. They've been more cooperative," Wilkinson said.

"Marginally," Paris disagreed. "And that could be misinformation."

"We can check their claims." Wilkinson looked at Lenkova. "Once we can contact the Eurondans."

"I've given you all the addresses that I remembered," Lenkova told him. She hadn't looked at the man - or Sam had missed it.

"And we're analysing the data," Iwan said. "But all are empty planets so far."

"The Eurondans should contact us soon." Lenkova turned around. "They seemed very eager to make a trade deal when I saw them. But I didn't have much direct contact."

Eager - or desperate. Lenkova had mentioned that the Eurondans were fighting a war, though they hadn't revealed against whom. Nevertheless, they were potential allies. But with the Russians and Chinese banned from the Stargate, the Alliance would have some explaining to do to gain the Eurondans' trust.

Her computer beeped. Had it finished the analysis already? That would… No. It was a message from the spy bots they had placed around the Stargates used to contact the Eurondans. Oh.

"We've received a message from the Eurondans," she told the others present while she forwarded the message to the General, Adora and the rest of Alliance Command. "They've sent the address for the next meeting."


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 16th, 1999

"Finally, progress!" Catra grinned as she approached the Stargate. "No more waiting!"

"We've had diplomatic meetings around the clock," Bow said as he joined her in the ready area. "Adora and Glimmer are still in one. I wouldn't call that waiting."

She shrugged in return. "Might as well be. We need intel, and we won't get it talking to people who know less than we do." Such as the rest of the Alliance leaders.

"Other countries have more sources than the Alliance has, at least in Russia and China," Bow pointed out.

"That doesn't mean their sources are worth any damn," Catra retorted. "None of them had any clue about the Stargate plot, had they?" She cocked her head and flashed her teeth.

"Well, the British sources are mostly focused on that recently surrendered city," Bow said. "Hong Kong."

Probably planning to take it back, Catra thought. With just a single corvette in orbit, the British could take out the entire Chinese military, though it would take a while. And they had already two operational and launched the third and fourth. There were news reports of protests against the Chinese rulers in the streets as well. "I don't think those sources will tell us who is responsible for the attack on us," she said. "And I don't think the Americans are any better off." It seemed no one had any real idea what was going on amongst the Chinese rulers.

She eyed the Stargate. Sam and Entrapta had assured them that the computers were now clean and safe, and Catra trusted them, but… she still felt a bit uneasy about the trip. Not that she would show it, of course. But knowing that the Russians and Chinese had infiltrated the entire base so thoroughly that they had been able to fool everyone wasn't a comforting thought at all.

"We don't know anything about the Eurondans either," Bow went on. "Well, nothing except that they are humans - or look human - and want supplies in exchange for technology because they are fighting a war."

Catra nodded. "Heavy water, food, and other raw materials." That meant that they still had the production capacity to use the resources, so they weren't reduced to fighting a guerilla war with whatever supplies they could scrounge up. But it also meant that they had lost whatever access to resources they had before, so their situation wasn't sustainable.

"But we don't know who they are fighting. They apparently never told Lenkova." Bow glanced at the Russian - or was that ex-Russian? - standing a bit to the side.

She was also staring at the gate. As the only one who had met the Eurondans before who wasn't currently in a cell, she had to come with them, but it didn't seem as if she was looking forward to the trip. Probably still feeling guilty about ratting out the Russian plans. If she had heard them - they were close enough for it, but the gate room was noisy as usual - she didn't show it.

Whatever. "Can't be the snakes," Catra said. "They would have bombed the planet already." And if the Eurondans had spaceships, they could get those resources themselves.

"They could have the technology to hold them off," Bow objected. "They do have energy shields."

That was a possibility. On the other hand… "They didn't mention the Goa'uld, as far as we know," Catra said. "They would have if they were fighting them, if only to check that Earth hadn't any dealings with them. Or to warn us."

Bow nodded in agreement.

Catra was about to comment further when her ears twitched - she knew that voice! "Adora's coming!"

"Yes, she… Oh." Bow blushed a little. "You mean she's arrived."

"Yes!" Catra was already moving towards the main door. "Hey, Adora!" she called out as soon as it opened.

"Catra!" her love beamed at her, and they embraced. And kissed.

Glimmer and Bow greeted each with more restraint, not that Catra cared. They hadn't been separated for days because of a stupid plot by stupid people.

"So, done with the meeting?" Bow tried to make conversation.

Glimmer rolled her eyes, Catra saw as she released Adora. "It's a damn mess with China. The British are 'concerned' about the Hong Kong protests and a possible massacre of the protestors by the Chinese army, and the Americans are worrying about the Taiwanese pushing for independence - or taking over China. They don't seem to be able to settle on either. And we didn't even get to meet the exiled ruler of Tibet."

"Oh?" Catra cocked her head.

Adora sighed. "It's a mess."

"China has a lot of problems that were only kept in check thanks to their military," Jack added as he joined them. "Internal and external. Now that their army has been rendered irrelevant, those problems are growing more urgent."

"Their military was obsolete the moment we arrived," Catra pointed out.

"Yes, was." Jack smiled toothily. "But it wasn't that obvious, that blatant, until we kicked them out of here. China could still claim they were a big boy in politics, powerful enough to get access to the Stargate with us. Same as Russia."

Catra nodded. And now that they had lost both the access and the image of power that went with it, everyone who had been holding back out of fear was… no longer holding back.

"If they lose Tibet and Hong Kong, that's going to have consequences for their government. And if Taiwan declares independence - or starts trying to influence mainland China's politics - and the protest movement from ten years ago starts up again, all bets are off."

Jack didn't seem to be too unhappy about that, Catra noted.

"Whatever!" Glimmer said. "I am sick of hearing about China or Russia. We have a meeting with the Eurondans to make!"

"Right." China and Russia could wait.


Gate Area, PX-812, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Jack O'Neill stepped through the wormhole, checked for threats - nothing came up - and took a deep breath. The air smelt just slightly alien but in a familiar way. Oh, he had missed that feeling, that smell, of exploration. Of course, if he commented on that, Carter would claim it was just his imagination since her drone's sensors had not detected anything alien in the air. And she had been rather thorough - after the poison attack by the Chinese, Entrapta and Carter had adjusted their scanner.

But feeling nostalgic for the days when he had been a mere Colonel, going on missions with SG-1, wasn't why they were here. "So, let's check the receiver!" he said.

"Yes, sir." Carter moved to kneel down next to the plain box on the ground at the side of the ramp.

"You left it out in the open like that?" he asked, looking at Lenkova.

"Yes, General. The odds of anyone stumbling over it this gate were considered too low to bother," she replied with a slight frown.

Whether that was aimed at her former superior, who ordered it, or at herself for following the order, Jack couldn't tell. "Well, the Eurondans stumbled on the address here, as did we."

"Yes, General." She grinned briefly.

It was annoyance at her superior, then, Jack decided.

"Perimeter secure," Isa reported.

"Orbital scan clean," Entrapta added from where she was sitting on Emily. The big bot's upper body was rotating back and forth as it kept scanning the sky, but that didn't seem to bother Entrapta.

Catra and Bow were looking at the grass around them - and on the ramp. "It doesn't look like anyone travelled here since the Russians' last visit we know about," Bow said.

"Or they cleaned up after them," Catra added.

Bow nodded in agreement.

Jack saw Carter stand up next to the box. "There is no new message, and the receiver's memory shows no sign of tampering, sir."

That meant that the meeting with the Eurondans was still on.

Jack looked around. PX-812 was deserted. Both literally and figuratively, as Daniel said; the Stargate was in the middle of a sandy steppe, not quite a desert but getting there. "Did you find anything here?" he asked Lenkova.

"No, General. The native flora and fauna is rather primitive. No sign of civilisation."

Jack nodded. That had been in her briefing. "Some planets are a bust like that. Can't always hit the interesting ones."

"There were plans to settle it," she added. "But the lack of large sources of fresh water, especially near the Stargate, made that proposal uneconomical."

"You could drop ice asteroids on the planet," Entrapta chimed in, walking over to them on her hair. "That wouldn't be enough for an ocean, of course, but you could make a great lake. That would sustain a kingdom or two. Maybe three if you use genetically adjusted plants that don't need as much water. Perfuma created some for the former Fright Zone."

"We don't have spaceships in the system," Carter reminded her.

Entrapta nodded. "Oh, right. And it's a bit far for a trip. But still faster than setting up a factory here and building a spaceship to get ice asteroids, I think."

Neither Russia nor China had the technology to build spaceships on Earth, so they wouldn't have been able to build them here either, Jack knew - checking the space programs of the two countries had been the Alliance's first priority back home - but the Alliance could do either. And he didn't doubt that a number of people were already planning to build such projects for after the war.

"Speaking of water," Daniel spoke up. "The Eurondans want heavy water, you said?"

"Yes," Lenkova replied.

"I wonder why they don't set up a production facility off-world," Daniel went on. "This planet is not suitable for that, but there are others."

The Alliance Council had gone over that before the mission. They didn't have enough data to draw conclusions. They could speculate, though.

"They might not know a suitable planet," Carter said.

"Or they lack the resources for such a project," Catra added. "It might take everything they have to stop their enemy from winning the war."

That would make the Eurondans desperate. Something the Russians and Chinese would have exploited or planned to exploit. The Etherians wouldn't do that, of course. And that might help earn the aliens' trust.

Though, in Jack's experience, people who were waging a bloody, lengthy war tended to be a lot more distrustful, even paranoid, than people who were at peace. Of course, as Daniel would say, they couldn't judge other cultures according to their own experiences and biases.

Well, they would see. It was almost the agreed - or announced - time for the meeting.

As if the Stargate had read his mind, the Wormhole started forming.

"Showtime," Jack said, grinning. "Be on your best behaviour - we don't want to spook them!"

He heard several snorts while the wormhole stabilised. Then, everyone grew serious as the first figure stepped through the gate.


Adora looked at the man who had appeared on the ramp. He was tall - well, taller than her, about the same height as Jack - and wearing a dark green-brownish uniform. And he was armed with one of those Eurondan energy guns - his hand went to its grip as soon as he saw Adora and her friends standing at the bottom of the ramp.

"Tralan." Svetlana took a step forward, nodding at him.

"Lieutenant Lenkova." He didn't draw his weapon. But he was very tense, Adora could tell. Especially when he glanced at her - no, at Catra. And at Emily and Isa. "I expected other people."

That was her cue. Adora smiled widely at him and walked a few steps towards the ramp, past Svetlana. "Hello. I am Adora - She-Ra, Princess of Power. I am the Supreme Commander of the Alliance against the Goa'uld." She gestured at her friends. "This is Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon, Princess Entrapta of Dryl, General Jack O'Neill, Major Samantha Carter, Tech-master Bow, Dr Daniel Jackson, Sha're, Catra and Teal'c. You already know Svetlana."

"I am Tralan. I represent the Eurondans." He glanced at Svetlana, then back at Adora. "We expected to meet our kindred from Russia and the Chinese."

Adora let her smile slip a little. "We know. But those Russians and Chinese officers who made a deal with you were disavowed by their countries and declared rogues." Which they had, even if Adora didn't believe their claims.


"Yes. According to the Russian and Chinese leaders, Generals Sidorov and Li acted on their own, and for their own profit, not for their countries." That was all technically true, Adora knew, but she still felt like a liar presenting it like this.

"They… deceived us? They promised to trade us dearly needed supplies in exchange…" Tralan grew even tenser. No one else had joined him so far - according to Svetlana, the Eurondans usually had a larger group but only followed through once their advance party gave them the go-ahead.

"Apparently, they deceived everyone, including their own soldiers like the Lieutenant here." Jack nodded at Svetlana. "They tried to kill us as well when it came out, but that didn't work out for them."

"I see."

Adora gave him her best smile. "But we heard you were fighting a war and in need of help, so we came to see what we could do for you."

"Without exorting your technology from you," Glimmer added.

"Yes!" Entrapta chimed in, beaming at Tralan. "But if you want to share, we won't turn you down! You've got some nice technology - we got some samples from those who attacked us - and the data compression you managed is impressive. And that poison was quite advanced as well."

"Ah…" Tralan smiled weakly and looked a bit confused. But that was normal when people met Entrapta for the first time.

"Yes." Glimmer nodded. "So, we'd like to meet your leaders to discuss this. We don't know what enemy you're fighting or your circumstances, so we don't know how we can best help you."

"I see. I have to inform our leader about this. You have told us a lot, and he must decide how to proceed." Tralan slowly said.

"At least they don't have to vote on it," Adora heard Glimmer mutter.

"We'll be here all day if you need additional information," Jack said. "Seeing the sights, admiring the view…" He turned his head to look at the sandy dunes around them.

"Jack!" Daniel hissed through clenched teeth.

"Good." Tralan nodded, then pulled out a communicator and whispered into it.

"He's telling them something came up, and he needs to return," Catra said in a low voice.

The wormhole collapsed, and Tralan walked over to the D.H.D. to dial the home address. The wormhole formed soon afterwards. "I'll be back," he said before stepping through.

"Do you think that's their home address? Or a temporary base?" Entrapta asked once the wormhole had collapsed again.

"It is the same address they used in our last meeting," Svetlana said.

"It would be smart of them to route travel through a temporary base on another planet rather than risk revealing their home address," Glimmer said.

Adora nodded in agreement.

"But not everyone always does the smart thing," Catra pointed out.

"See: Russia and China," Jack added. "But we shouldn't assume that this is their home address."

"Well, if we are to help them, we'll have to visit their home world," Catra said. "Can't just act without decent intel."

They could hand over supplies, of course, Adora knew. But they could help much better if they knew more. And it was always best to visit the people you were dealing with. Well, often, at least. "In any case, this went pretty well, I think," she said.

"We'll see," Jack retorted. "He wasn't happy to see us."

"He was very surprised by the presence of Catra and Isa," Daniel said. "It didn't seem as if he had met aliens before."

"He also looked at Emily a lot," Bow added. "But that might just be because he wanted to guess how advanced our technology was."

Adora nodded. That sounded like a good guess.

"He also glanced at me, although covertly," Teal'c commented.

Daniel frowned. "Really? He might have encountered Jaffa before. Or he recognised the symbol of Apophis."

"Well, if they are fighting the Goa'uld, it shouldn't be hard to earn their trust," Glimmer said. "We just have to defeat the Goa'uld attacking them."

While Adora nodded, she couldn't help feeling that it wouldn't be so easy. "Let's build a camp," she said. Just in case.


Samantha Carter was halfway through a data analysis for a side project when the Stargate activated again. She quickly closed her laptop and got up while Emily placed herself in the middle of the group. Just in case the Eurondans overreacted - they didn't know what the Russians and Chinese had told them about the Alliance. If they attacked through the Stargate, trying to take them hostage…

But when the wormhole stabilised, Tralan stepped through, followed by an older man, a younger woman and several younger men. Probably guards, Sam thought - they stayed back and kept an eye on both the Alliance delegation as well as their surroundings. All Eurondans were wearing the same uniforms, though that wouldn't be unusual for a people at war.

"Greetings," the older man said, smiling as he stepped off the ramp. "I am Alar, the leader of my people. This is Farrell, my second-in-command. You already know Tralan." He didn't introduce the other Eurondans, so Sam had been right - they were guards.

Adora returned the smile and introduced herself and everyone else.

Alar nodded at everyone, then looked at the camp they had erected. "Are you taking possession of the planet?"

"What? No!" Adora blushed. "That's just a temporary camp," she said.

"We didn't want to build an actual base," Entrapta chimed in. "Or we would have built walls and underground shelters. But we had this new design to test, so… An actual meeting room is better than just standing in the open, right?" She beamed at Alar.

'Room' was a bit optimistic. It was meant for temporary bases on safe planets and was more like a tent, just with sturdier walls and roof. It wasn't an actual prefab building, much less a shelter, though they had Emily's shield for protection. All in all, it was, in Sam's opinion, far less impressive than what the Alliance could build and had built for meetings. But it would serve well enough and hopefully not make them appear belligerent.

"Indeed." Alar briefly chuckled. "We've been reduced to staying in our underground defence facility for years, so we're not used to staying in the open any more." He looked at the sky. "Though it is comforting to see a sky above us where we don't have to fear bombers attacking us."

It sounded as if they were in a desperate situation, Sam noted. Alar might be exaggerating their plight, though that would weaken his position in potential negotiations. Unless the Russians and Chinese had let him know how the Etherians felt about helping people in need. Then again, if they had, and if the Eurondans had believed them, wouldn't they have tried to contact the Alliance?

The General would say that I'm starting to think like a spook, Sam thought with a slightly rueful smile as they entered the meeting room.

Farrell's eyes seemed to linger not only on Catra and Isa but also on Teal'c. Like Tralan before. If Teal'c hadn't mentioned it, she might not have noticed that. Oh - Farrell seemed to glance at Bow and Sha're as well. That seemed a little weird.

"Please take a seat!" Adora gestured at the row of chairs lined up on one side of the table in the middle of the room.

"Thank you." Alar smiled at her and took a seat. Farrell and Tralan followed, flanking him, and the guards took up positions at the back.

Adora cleared her throat. "So… We've heard you've been looking for help because you're fighting a war you're losing."

Alar nodded. "Yes. A war against an enemy that already controls the majority of our landmass and has driven us underground with constant bombing attacks. For decades, we have been holding our own thanks to our superior technology, protected by our defence field, but we lost access to the resources we need to keep defending ourselves. Sooner or later, we will be at the mercy of our foes."

That was a very frank opening, Sam noted. And it was pretty much a perfect pitch for the Etherians. For some of them, at least, she amended her thought - Adora, Bow and Entrapta seemed very empathic. Glimmer and Catra, less so.

"Who are you fighting?" Glimmer asked.

Alar winced. "Another nation. We've coexisted with them for centuries, but they kept expanding, breeding indiscriminately. They showed no respect for our culture, our values, our way of life. War became inevitable."

"We call them 'Breeders'," Farrell added.

"That's not what they call themselves, I assume," Daniel spoke up.

Alar winced again. "They call themselves the 'Alliance'."

"Oh." Adora grimaced - as did Glimmer. "That's…"

"...an unfortunate coincidence, as I understand," Alar said with a slight smile. "But when the Russians and Chinese told us about an Alliance taking control over the majority of their world, it sounded familiar - and concerning - to us."

Yes, Sam could understand that. And the Russians and the Chinese would have played that coincidence up.

"And what do you call yourselves?" Daniel asked.

"We're the Eurondan Nation," Alar said. "Though it sounds much grander than it is, now that we have been reduced to sheltering in our underground facility and fending off the attacks of the enemy with our aero-fighters."

"I am the first to say that airpower is key to victory on the battlefield," the General said. "But air power alone generally isn't enough to control significant territory. You need boots on the ground for that."

Farrell shook her head. "The surface of our world has been poisoned since the start of the war. It is so hostile, ground forces cannot operate effectively there and survive - the enemy found that out early on."

Sam drew a sharp breath. The surface of their world was poisoned to that degree? That was horrible.

"How do you survive?" Adora asked with a gasp.

"By rationing our resources and living on hydroponically grown yeast," Farrell replied.

Adora shook her head. "We can change that. We can heal your world."

"Perfuma can create plants that filter out the poison from the soil and the air," Entrapta said. "She did so for the Fright Zone."

Adora nodded. She was probably pondering using a boost from returning the magic to clean up the planet.

"And we should be able to ship in food," Bow added.

"But first, we'll have to end your war," Glimmer said.

"If you are as powerful as we've heard - and as you claim - then the enemy won't be able to stand against you," Alar said. "Please, save us. Please, help us destroy them."

"Destroy them?" Glimmer shook her head. "It sounds like you've already almost destroyed each other and your world."

Sam agreed with that assessment. It sounded like an apocalyptic war.

"We had no choice but to fight if we wanted to survive," Alar said. "The enemy is ruthless. If you leave them be, they'll attack us again as soon as they can."

Sam felt forced to agree. If they had fought for decades, wrecking their world, then it was unlikely that they could make a lasting peace.

Adora and the other Etherians, however, clearly disagreed. Sam could tell.

"We'll make them see reason," Glimmer said.

Alar didn't seem convinced. "All we need are supplies. Even just deuterium oxide to fuel our reactors will be enough to save us," he said. "Everything else, we can source or substitute."

"And then you can defeat your enemy?" the General asked.


"Then why did you lose access to this resource in the first place if having access will be enough to win?" The General tilted his head to the side and spread his hands.

"An unfortunate combination of underestimating the enemy and overestimating our own forces," Alar said with a frown. "A mistake which won't be repeated."

"Because you'll be making new mistakes?" Catra cut in with a snort. "You can't assume everything will go as planned."

"The enemy gets a vote too. That's why he's the enemy," Bow added. "Or so the saying goes."

Sam glanced at the General - he had snorted at that - but he didn't comment any further.

Alar's frown deepened for a moment before he focused on Adora. "All we need are supplies. We can handle our war and do not wish to distract and divert you from your own struggle."

"We can handle the distraction," Glimmer said, a bit flippantly in Sam's opinion.

"And if it serves to end a war and save lives, then it's the right thing to do." Adora nodded and smiled confidently at the Eurondans. "Trust us, we can do it."

"Can you?" Farrell asked. "In order to operate on our world, you would have to use the Stargate to deploy and supply your forces. As we understand it, that would be a significant effort even for your Alliance and hinder you from using the Stargate for much of anything else."

That was true. Sam had run the numbers - any large-scale deployment through a Stargate would require a massive effort to sustain it long-term.

"We don't need to deploy forces through the Stargate. We can send a task force with frigates," Adora retorted. "But we don't need to deploy an army right now. All we need is to talk to your enemy."

Daniel nodded. "A neutral mediator might be all you need to end this war."

They were too optimistic, in Sam's opinion. A bitter war over decades generally couldn't be solved with some mediation. But that didn't mean you shouldn't try. And they needed more data. All they knew about this war was what the Eurondans had told them so far. They didn't even know where Euronda was located or its gate address.

"It would be futile. The enemy cannot be reasoned with. We tried that, to avoid the war, but they would not listen to us." Alar shook his head. "Please. All we need to save our people is fuel for our reactors. You do not need to concern yourselves with our conflict any further. And in exchange, we can offer you our technology. Which is, as I understand, in parts even superior to your advanced technology." He smiled at Adora. "We do not wish to drag you into our war to fight our enemy. We merely wish to trade fairly."

Adora glanced at Glimmer and the General before turning back to Alar. "But we could end the war and help you restore your planet. Save lives! Surely that would be better than just letting you fight on."

"And you wouldn't have to risk underestimating your enemy again," the General said.

"It is a risk we are willing to take," Alar retorted. "It is our world. Our duty."

"And what if we won't help you without at least trying to make peace first?" Glimmer asked.

Alar openly scowled at that. "It seems that the Russians and Chinese told us the truth - you attempt to take control of our world and enforce your own rules on us."

"What? No!" Adora blurted out. Then she blinked. "Not like that, not really. But you can't expect us just to send you supplies for your war!"

"And what about your people?" Glimmer asked. "We offer you peace and a restored world. Why would you want your people to suffer, hiding underground, if they could return to the surface to live in peace?"

"Most of our people aren't suffering," Alar shot back. "They're in stasis, awaiting the end of the war."

Adora gasped. "You've put your people in stasis?"

Sam stared at him.

"Oh! To save on resources? That seems quite a clever solution!" Entrapta nodded. "As long as you don't need more resources to keep them in stasis than supplying them while awake would be, of course. Or if you start running out of resources to keep them in stasis, which I guess is the problem if you are running out of fuel for your reactors. Unless you don't need power for this? And people in stasis cannot help you in your war effort. Though if you're already forced into an underground bunker, I guess that's not an option any more because you lack the production capacity to use the additional manpower."

Sam winced. Entrapta was correct, but the way she said it…

Alar pressed his lips together.

"Do you really want to risk losing the war?" Daniel asked, leaning forward.

"You do not understand," Alar replied. "The Breeders cannot be reasoned with. They will not change their ways."

"Then help us understand!" Adora snapped. "We want to help you, but we won't, can't, just send you fuel."

"Why not? All we ask for is a fair trade," Alar shook his head. "We had a deal with the Russians and Chinese, or so we thought. Will you keep us from looking for other countries on your planet willing to trade with us?"

That was a delicate problem. The Alliance could block such trade deals, but they were supposed to do so only to keep Earth and the Alliance safe. Of course, after the attack by the Russians and the Chinese on Stargate Command, that wasn't as much of a hurdle as it could have been.

"We won't block you from finding trade partners - provided you won't endanger Earth and the Alliance," Glimmer said. "But your technology was used against us once already. Without further information, we can't let you do that."

"Please," Adora said. "We want to help you. Just let us help you."

"Think of your people," Glimmer added.

Alar scowled again but slowly nodded. Farrell drew a sharp breath but, after exchanging a glance with Alar, pressed her lips together and didn't say anything.

Chapter 131: Spy Games Part 7
Chapter 131: Spy Games Part 7

Gate Area, PX-812, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Catra narrowed her eyes. For someone who had something to hide - and she was sure that the Eurondans had something to hide, even if she didn't know yet what it was - Alar had given in a bit too easily. Was he so desperate for supplies? Or was he confident he could keep them from discovering his secret? Or was he trying to betray them like the Russians and Chinese had done? He had been in contact and about to make a deal with them, after all, and they had been his only sources of information about Earth and the Alliance. Who knew what they had told him?

But Adora was smiling at him. "Thank you! We can help you - we can restore your planet's surface once we know what's wrong with it, trust us!"

"Yes!" Entrapta chimed in. "If plants that filter the poison out of the soil and air won't work - or take too long for you - Adora should be able to use her magic to remove the poison. At the very least, a combination of her power and magitech should achieve that result, I think. Although… You said you would restore the surface once the war was over, so you probably have made plans to deal with the poison already, right?"

Alar blinked, then nodded. "We have some plans, yes. In the worst case, we'll wait it out. Once we are safe from our enemies, we have all the time and resources we need to deal with this."

Entrapta gasped. "You want to wait it out? But you said that it lasted for decades already! Oh, wait - is it close to breaking down naturally?"

"It will take a long time to break down, but with our stasis technology, we have the time to wait until we can reclaim the surface and live in safety and peace again," Alar replied. "It is but a small sacrifice compared to what others have already made for the war."

"But you won't have to make this sacrifice," Adora told him. "Trust us, we can help you. But first, we need to end the war."

"Well, offering to restore the planet's surface should be a great incentive for your enemies - the Eurondan Alliance - to agree to end the war," Glimmer said.

Alar frowned at that. "I doubt that they will agree to make peace. And if they do, I doubt that it will last. Until the Breeders change their ways, they will always threaten us."

"People can change!" Adora said, shaking her head. "We know that - we have fought against the Horde for decades, and then we made peace, and now we are allies!"

Catra winced. Peace on Etheria hadn't come until the Horde had changed - well, dissolved would be a better word - once Horde Prime had arrived. And at that point, they had already been pretty much defeated militarily. Of course, if Horde Prime hadn't arrived, the Horde could have fought on with the forces left even after the core of the Fright Zone had been taken by the Alliance, but they would have lost the initiative and the core of their logistics, so the odds wouldn't have been great… She shook her head. Somehow, she doubted that the Eurondans would settle things like the Princess Alliance had.

"But with the Stargate, you can expand to other worlds," Daniel said. "You do not need to compete for your world - not when many uninhabited worlds are left to be settled!"

"We haven't found a world with the resources we need so far," Farrell said. "And we tried all the addresses we found with the gate."

"And we won't abandon our home. Eurondan is our world; We've been fighting for it for decades. To leave would betray all the sacrifices of our people," Alar added.

"You don't have to leave," Daniel retorted. "But you won't need to compete for resources any more."

"We can find a world for you that's not inhabited," Adora said.

Catra suppressed a snort. That was easier said than done, in her opinion. If they found such a world, without any native civilisation on it, then Earth would also want it.

"Though if you manage to survive underground, then you shouldn't have any trouble once the surface is habitable again," Entrapta said. "Especially if we give you a few plants optimised by Perfuma for your planet. Or improved hydroponic cultures - I am sure we can come up with one that makes tiny food!"

Catra snickered at the expression on the Eurondans' faces. Getting used to Entrapta took a bit.

Adora cleared her throat. "Anyway, let's focus on ending the war and restoring your world!"

"Yes," Alar said with a smile that looked as honest as the Russian ambassador's, in Catra's opinion.

"Good. So, let's visit your planet now?" Jack said.

Catra's ears twitched as she heard Daniel whisper: "Jack! That's not how you make what is a state visit!"

"But it is a good way to prevent a trap," Jack whispered back while smiling toothily at the Eurodans.

Catra agreed; it would make it harder for the Eurondans to lay a trap, at least. Sure, they might scrounge up an attack once they were on their planet, but that could be dealt with. Especially if the Eurondans had no idea what Adora could really do.

Although they hadn't reacted to Entrapta mentioning Adora's magic, she remembered. That wasn't a good sign.

Glimmer, though, smiled. "Yes. Unless you wish to prepare for a bigger visit - we could take a ship to your planet in that case."

"But we…" Entrpata, probably about to say they didn't have Euronda's coordinates, was interrupted by Sam whispering to her.

"That won't be necessary," Alar said. "You are welcome to visit now. Although, as you would expect, we cannot offer much in the way of hospitality due to the demands of the war."

"That's not a problem. We can bring our own food," Jack replied.



Catra snickered.


Gate Room, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"Seen one underground bunker, seen them all," Jack O'Neill muttered as he stepped down the ramp in - presumably - the gate room of the Eurondans. The Eurondan Nation, he corrected himself. This was just one country on a planet.

"I'm not quite sure that's correct," Daniel objected on Jack's left side. "There are stark differences between the architectural styles of different cultures, even when it comes to utilitarian buildings such as bunkers. And when it comes to the gate area, we're literally talking about the face a world presents to its visitors."

Jack tilted his head sideways, then made a point of looking around. The room was neither large nor well-lit and lacked any decorations. In fact, it looked pretty new. Then again, Alar had said they had recently discovered the Stargate when expanding their bunker.

"We relocated the Stargate to this room after contact with the Russians and Chinese," Farrell said. "They impressed upon us that the gate presented a security risk and should be housed accordingly."

"That explains the guards," Jack said, nodding at the squad of Eurondans forming a half circle at the back. They looked pretty interchangeable, Jack noted. Alert, but their attention seemed split between their leader and Jack's group. Not much experience handling ground combat then - not unlike an airman fresh out of basic. Jack almost snorted at the comparison when he realised that the Eurondans were like an Air Force with a country, according to Alar.

"The main defence of the gate is a defence field we can raise in the case of an unauthorised activation," Farrell explained, pointing at a large device in the corner, with another guard behind a console next to it. "We adapted this after we heard about your iris."

The Russians and Chinese had been talking shop, then - sharing Stargate Command's experience. Jack hadn't expected them to be that forthcoming with knowledge, even if it was knowledge the Air Force had earned before the two countries had forced themselves into Stargate Command. On the other hand, they might not want to risk the Goa'uld taking the planet before they had gotten all the technology they wanted.

"Oh! Is that a projector linked to your main shield generator, or does it form a defence field independently? Is it linked to your main generator, or does it have an autonomous power supply?" Entrapta was halfway to the thing before Carter managed to stop her.

Farrell raised her eyebrows at that but didn't comment. The guards, though, looked a little twitchy. As did Tralan.

Alar, on the other hand, smiled at their group. "Come, I'll show you around!"

The quick tour didn't much to refute Jack's impression; they passed through narrow tunnels that lacked any decor - and were pretty dark. Either the Eurondans were saving power or lacked the resources to add more lightbulbs. Or both.

But the vault Alar showed them - over the silent objection of Farrell; Jack recognised that expression when the Eurondan leader made a detour - was another thing. Huge, quite well lit - and full of thousands of 'stasis pods' stacked on each other. And each contained a Eurondan, waiting in stasis for the war to end.

Jack felt a shiver run down his spine at the sight. His friends looked queasy as well.

"This is what we are fighting for: Our people. For an entire generation, they have been asleep. They trusted us with their lives and future when they went into stasis," Alar said. "Look!" He walked over to a console and hit a few keys, flipping through half a dozen pictures of frozen people.

"Oh! Is this stasis like stopping time? Or slowing it down? Or did you freeze them?" Entrapta peered at the display, then pulled out her tool. "Oh! They are in a sort of suspended animation, I think - right Sam?" She held the tool out to Carter.

Carter flashed a quick, apologetic smile at Alar before glancing at the recorder-scanner-thingie. "Yes, it looks like suspended animation. Like hibernation," she added for those who weren't up to date on the latest technobabble.

Alar nodded. "Yes. Their bodies have slowed down, and they barely age during stasis."

"But they do age," Entrapta said. "It's not perfect stasis. So, you can't fight your war forever."

"We are aware of that," Alar said. His smile slipped a little.

"Oh, shouldn't I have said that? Sorry! It's still a bit hard to know when I'm supposed to talk about facts and when not. It's pretty confusing."

"Confusing?" Alar blinked.

"The social coding about facts and data," Catra explained - or tried to; Alar didn't seem to follow her.

Adora cleared her throat. "Well, that's varies from culture to culture. But let's talk about how we can help you." She glanced at the rows of sleeping people. "Perhaps in a meeting room?"

Alar nodded. "Oh, let me show you our command room first!"

Ah! Jack perked up. Whether that was their actual command centre or just a fake one, this was bound to be interesting!


Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

The Eurondan command centre felt pretty packed, in Adora's opinion. A dozen soldiers were staring at screens and brightly lit map tables, barely looking up when Alar entered with Adora and her friends in tow.

"From here, we run the defence of our people!" Alar announced. "Our entire forces are coordinated here."

He didn't seem to mind Entrapta peering at the tables and screens, so Adora took a closer look as well. This was of professional interest, after all. The tables displayed a map of what Adora assumed was the main continent of Euronda. It was easy to see where the territory controlled by the Eurondans was - the entire area, in the centre of the continent, was covered with markers while the surrounding areas had much fewer markers. Their reconnaissance capability must be limited, she thought. They probably had no orbital assets to spy on their enemies' main areas.

Or that's what they want us to think, a small voice in the back of her mind which sounded like Catra's whispered.

But it didn't look staged to her. The people working here seemed genuinely busy and focused - few of them snuck glances at Adora and her friends. Entrapta, her hair lifting her up so she could look over the shoulders of the soldiers at the screens, and Isa, hanging back, her machine gun held loosely, drew the most attention.

"Airstrike detected!" a Eurondan announced.

A jolt seemed to go through the assembled soldiers as the screens flickered and the symbols on the tables changed.

"Bombers incoming."

The enemy symbols were close to their territory - if Adora had guessed the scale of the maps correctly, at least. Another sign that their sensor range was limited. And the poisoned surface would make scouting missions difficult. Surface attacks were impossible, according to Alar. Still, with both sides apparently focusing on the air war, a small surface scouting element might be effective if they had protective suits and the supplies to operate in a poisoned environment.

"Launching interception."

"Come!" Alar said. "Let me show you how we defend us against their bombers!"

He led them to the room next to the command centre - or the other half of the room; there was no clear separation. Several people were sitting in large chairs lining the wall, with some transparent canopies covering their upper bodies and consoles in front of them.

"These are our remote flyers. With them, a single pilot can control an entire formation of aero-fighter," Alar announced.

Adora blinked. So, the command centre wasn't just for the strategic control of their forces - they operated their forces directly from here as well? That was… unique. Not possible for the Alliance forces, though it presented advantages. You could use your best pilots for every attack, shuffling them around. But it also made them vulnerable to a decapitation strike - unless you had alternatives.

"Oh! How do they work? Radio transmitters, no doubt, but the signal density… Look, Sam! That's a magnitude above our own remote controls, even taking the superior data compression into account! That must be a direct neural interface."

"Correct," Alar said. "The aero-fighters are controlled directly by thought. The manual controls are a mere backup. Each pilot controls an entire squadron."

"Oh! And are the aero-fighters able to act autonomously?" Entrapta asked, beaming at him. "Like bots?"

"They cannot execute complex actions such as fighting," Farrell told her. "But they can stay aloft on autopilot. Emergency landings are possible as well, though unnecessary since if the autopilot engages, we can easily have a pilot take control of them for landing." He smiled. "Do you wish to try them out? The controls are intuitive. If you have any piloting experience, you will find them easy to use and effective to fight."

Adora blinked again. "You want us to take control of your craft in the middle of an attack?" He trusted them that much? No, he wanted them to fight their enemy!

Glimmer shook her head and gave Alar her 'I want to tell you what I really think, but I have to be polite right now' smile. "That would be considered an act of war against your enemy. We're here to end the war, not take sides in it."

"Nice try," Adora heard Catra mutter next to her.

Alar remained unfazed. "Of course. I apologise. You seemed so interested in our technology, I merely thought to let you try it out in actual action." His own smile turned rueful. "We've been fighting this war for so long, it seemed normal to me, and I did not think about the political aspects of my offer."

Catra softly snorted, and Adora agreed; she didn't think this had slipped Alar's mind. He was the leader of the Erondans, after all, and used to politics.

"Enemy bombers destroyed," another soldier announced.

"Ollan is one of our best pilots," Alar said, nodding at the soldier sitting in the remote flyer next to them.

"Nice shooting, I guess," Jack said as the canopy rose.

Ollan just stared at him, though, without saying anything. His mouth was half-open, though…

After an awkward moment, Alar spoke up again: "Now, let me invite you to a meal. And, I hope, a fruitful discussion."


Samantha Carter didn't want to have a meal and a discussion. She wanted to take another look at those 'remote flyer' consoles. She was a scientist, not a diplomat or a politician. But they were guests here, and if they wanted to have a chance at ending the war and helping the planet here, they would need the Eurondans' cooperation.

She still glanced back at Ollan as they left the command centre. The pilot was staring at the wall, his face blank.

Sam had seen soldiers before who had cracked from traumatic experiences, but they didn't look like Ollan. The Eurondan pilot seemed functional, but… empty was probably the best word. He was just sitting there, not showing any reaction or emotion. Burnt out, she thought.

She wouldn't have expected this in a war fought primarily by remote-controlled drone fighters. Was the experience of flying a fighter in combat through a neural interface that much more personal, that much harsher and more terrible? She itched to examine the technology to find out.

But Alar led them into a smallish dining room with elaborately carved chairs lining a long table. If not for the darker lighting, this could have been a formal dinner on Earth.

"Oh! There's no chair for Isa?" Entrapta asked.

Sam glanced down the table. Her friend was correct - she didn't see a chair large enough for Isa to sit in comfortably. Not unexpected since all the Eurondan they had seen so far were of average size.

Alar looked momentarily surprised - and concerned, Sam noted. "I was under the impression that the… woman was your guard."

"Isa is assigned to our security, yes," the General cut in.

Isa nodded with a grunt from where she and Campbell had already taken up guard positions at the wall, facing two Eurondan guards.

Alar smiled, apparently relieved. "Good. Please, sit down!"

The meal was worse than Sam had expected. It was a thin soup and a pudding-like substance that made tofu taste spicy. Seasonings and spices would be very profitable trade goods, Sam couldn't help thinking.

"Yeah, should have taken an MRE," she heard the General mutter.

"I've eaten worse," Catra commented. "Back in the Horde."

"The brown rations," Adora agreed. Both shared a smile.

That would mean they considered the grey rations better than this, Sam knew. Damning with faint praise, indeed.

Daniel, though, showed no revulsion. He dug into the meal - though that was likely more his interest in a new culture and civilisation than the taste. Sam hoped so, at least. "I've never had such a meal before," he said, smiling at Alar.

Sha're nodded. "It's exotic."

Alar smiled at Daniel. "As I said, it's a sacrifice we all make for the war effort. A tiny sacrifice compared to that of our people in stasis, though."

"Earth has several examples of meals that were originally the result of poor resources yet became loved cornerstones of a culture's cuisine," Daniel told him. "Like the Italian cucina povera, literally the 'kitchen of the poor'."

"My people would never waste food as long as it was edible, no matter the taste," Sha're added. Daniel took a little while to get used to that when we lived on Abydos.

Daniel beamed at her. "You made everything taste good, my dear."

Sha're snorted. "Flatterer."

Sam's smile slipped when she saw Alar briefly scowl at the couple. Had Daniel managed to insult the man without meaning to? But he hadn't reacted to the General's far more blunt comment…

"Are you… in a relationship?" Alar asked with a strained smile.

"We're married," Daniel replied, putting his hand over Sha're's.

Sha're nodded. "We were separated for years due to our enemies but were reunited some time ago."

"So, it is true - your culture is a 'melting pot', as the Russians and Chinese called it," Farrell said. The woman's smile was very thin as well, Sam noticed.

What was the issue?

"Well, the United States has been called that," the General said with a casual shrug that Sam knew was entirely faked. "We're a nation built by immigrants from all over the world."

"And the Alliance is formed by many countries working together against a common enemy," Glimmer added. "As was the Princess Alliance on Etheria."

"I see." Alar slowly nodded. Then his eyes widened in obvious surprise.

He was looking at Adora and Catra, Sam realised. The two were also holding hands; Catra probably felt the need to show off after Daniel and Sha're had drawn attention.

Alar shuddered. Sam saw him grab his glass and drink deeply from the watered-down liquor served to the meal, taking deep breaths and still barely managing to smile again - politely - when he set the glass down.

He made a point of focusing on the General - and on Sam, she realised with a sinking feeling.


Catra was tempted to smirk at Alar. So, the leader of the Eurondans had a problem with Adora's and her love? Too bad for him! Just like the bigots on Earth, they needed the Alliance far more than the Alliance needed them. The Alliance actually didn't need them at all - well, the medical technology could save lives, or so the preliminary analysis told them, and the data compression had Sam and Entrapta excited, but the Eurondans had admitted that they needed heavy water to defend themselves or they'd lose the war.

On the other hand, Adora really wanted to stop the war here to save lives and restore the planet. Catra understood that. From a certain point of view, the Eurondans looked a lot like the Horde. Terrible rations, surrounded by a poisoned environment, everything and everyone focused on the war, and no civilians to worry about. The Eurondans weren't trying to conquer the planet. Instead, they were defending themselves, but the Horde had been on the backfoot a few times during the war as well.

She blinked, not even pouting as Adora withdrew her hand to continue eating. Who actually had started the war on Euronda? Alar had been a little vague about the whole thing, hadn't he? Just like the Horde instructors, he had focused on the current situation in the war, the Alliance's actions and forces, and what to do about them, not the causes of the war itself. Of course, everyone - except for Adora the dummy - had known that the Horde had started it and was trying to conquer Etheria, so that hadn't been necessary or useful, but… The similarities between the Horde and the Eurondans were pretty striking, weren't they?

She looked at Alar. He was talking to Jack and Sam about aero-fighters. Apparently, they used the same principles as the Air Force planes - no anti-gravity technology or magic. And he wasn't looking at anyone else. Even when Bow added something technical or Teal'c commented on the tactical uses of Death Gliders, Alar barely glanced at them.

That was weird.

"Are you a couple?" Farrell suddenly asked Adora. The woman looked tense - her smile was barely there, her lips pressed together, and Catra half-expected to hear her grinding her teeth.

Adora, though, beamed at her and nodded. "Yes, we are!" Catra's lover reached over again and squeezed Catra's hand.

Catra flashed her fangs at Farrell and leaned into Adora's side to rub it in. Bigots hated that!

"Ah." Farrell took a sip from her glass.

Catra hadn't touched hers since the first sip. She had had better from a still in the cadet's barracks.

"I assume when you're not fighting a war for your people's survival, you don't have to care about having children," Farrell went on.

Children? Was that what this was about? Catra glanced at Adora, who looked taken aback. They hadn't talked about children! Not with each other. And they certainly wouldn't start discussing children with the Eurondans! Catra was tempted to mention Luna as their baby. Entrapta probably had a picture of the kitten at hand in her tool.

Bow, though, must have overheard yet missed the context or tension since he leaned over with a smile. "Oh, if you want kids but can't rely on, ah, natural conception or adoption, you can use magitech to combine your genes and have the baby grown in a womb - artificial or natural. My Dads did that."

"Yes! Etheira had had the basic technology since the first royal lines started - a relic of the First Ones genetic engineering, I think," Entrapta chimed in. "And now, with the Horde clone technology and Alpha's data, we can pretty much combine any genes no matter the species! Hordak and I haven't yet decided if we'll have kids, but we've run a few simulations to check possible appearances and designs." She smiled widely as she pushed a few buttons on her multitool, and a small projection of a child-Hordak with long dark purple hair appeared, followed by a child version of Entrapta with Hordak's skin tone and eyes. "See?"

Farrell gasped. She was staring at the projection as if it was the most horrible thing she had ever seen. "This… this…this is…" She shook her head. "How can you do this?"

"Oh, easily with genetic engineering!" Entrapta replied without looking at Farrell. She was smiling at the projections instead. "That's how a lot of Etheria's population was created, you know? By First Ones scientists combining different species! It's kind of a tradition, you might say - and so exciting!"

The whole table was now looking at them, Catra noticed. Her friends looked a bit annoyed or embarrassed, but all of the Eurondans looked horrified. Even the guards back at the wall.

"Ah…" Daniel cleared his throat. "I guess genetic engineering is not practised on your world?" he asked with a forced smile.

"We don't breed uncontrollably!" Farrell spat. "We maintain genetic purity!"

Wait... Catra blinked. Breed? They call their enemies 'Breeders'. "And your enemies don't, right?"

The table was silent.


Oh, damn! That explained the attitude of the Eurondans that Jack O'Neill had picked up. The way they had glanced at the Etherians. And at Teal'c. And Daniel and Sha're. 'Genetic purity' indeed!

"They breed indiscriminately," Alar said after a moment. "Mixing their genes with no thought! Tainting their own people! Their legacy!" He spat out each word with a sneer. "They are impure!"

Yeah, Jack had heard - or read - that kind of speech before. Just replace 'genes' with 'blood', and it would fit perfectly into the Third Reich.

Daniel had grown pale but was rapidly recovering - and frowning. Sha're looked puzzled. The Etherians looked shocked, but their expressions were changing as well as realisation set in, Jack saw.

Except for Entrapta. "But that makes no sense. That's not how it works. Genetic diversity is a good thing. Otherwise, you get inbreeding."

"Inbreeding?" Farrell scowled at her.

"Yes. That happens when people who are too closely related, genetically related, reproduce. Over a few generations, genetic defects start to accumulate," Entrapta explained. "In extreme cases, you might end up with genetic degradation, like the Asgard, though in their case, it was imperfect cloning that was the source since they had stopped reproducing sexually long ago."

Farrell scoffed. "Such defects are a sign of impurity. Maintaining genetic purity relies on culling any weaknesses to create the perfect people."

Jack wasn't a geneticist, but he had looked into things, a little - after discovering that he had some Ancient genes, Jack would have been a fool not to read up on what it meant - and that sounded even worse.

Entrapta gasped. "But imperfection is beautiful! If everything is perfect, you cannot experiment! Science would be useless!" She shook her head, her hair tendrils flailing. "There is no perfect people; that is not how science works. That's not how life works!"

"What could be considered a weakness in some circumstances might be a strength in others," Daniel added.

The Eurondans were scowling at both.

Jack pressed his lips together and eyed the room. Pissing off their hosts, no matter how much they deserved it, wasn't a good idea when you were in the middle of their base, alone on their world, without a fleet in orbit.

"Yes!" Entrapta nodded. "You need data for science. The more data, the better! And diversity creates more data! If everyone is the same, you won't have any variance to experiment with! Nothing new to discover! No competition!"

Now, that sounded a little concerning as well to Jack. At least it would if it came from, say, Loki or Hordak. He made a mental note that he would have to check up on what exactly they were doing in their lab with Alpha.

"You are wrong! Strength is found in purity. In unity!" Farrell's voice was rising. Not quite screeching, but Entrapta must have hit a nerve. "Impurities weaken a people! Like impurities weaken materials!"

"Actually, many alloys are far stronger than their pure components," Carter cut in, then frowned.

"The whole is often greater than the sum of its parts," Daniel agreed.

They were correct, of course, but they were arguing with fanatics. And Jack might not be a scientist, but he had experience with zealots. Logic didn't work with them.

And it didn't work here either. "We have maintained our genetic purity for generations and have been proven stronger for it!" Alar snapped. "We know the truth!"

Jack couldn't resist. "Yet, you are losing the war to the 'Breeders', aren't you? Seems to me that they're proving to be stronger."

"They have the advantage of numbers and benefitted from a few miscalculations on our side," Alar retorted. "That is not strength. That is mere luck."

"Sounds like you're making up excuses," Catra said with a snort. "Trust me, that's not going to work. You can't win a war by ignoring facts because you don't like them."

"Yes!" Entrapta nodded. "Data doesn't lie!"

"We will prevail! We almost won the war before, and we will finish it with a victory!" Alar spat. "We will not let the Breeders wipe us out!"

"You'd rather destroy the world than let them win, huh?" Catra scoffed again, shaking her head - and then froze for a moment.

Jack felt a cold shiver run down his spine - the Eurondans were nodding. "Just how did the surface end up poisoned?" he asked. It couldn't… but it would fit. "Was that a 'miscalculation'?"

Alar glanced at Farrell for a moment. "We had no choice. They were breeding indiscriminately. Spreading their taint all over the world. We could not let them take over and wipe us out. And they were not listening. They would not listen - they would not change! My father realised that we had only one choice left. Unfortunately, we were too late, and they managed to preserve enough forces and resources to press us hard."

"You started this war?" Glimmer gasped.

"We had no choice. They were breeding and would have wiped us out if we hadn't acted. The longer we waited, the worse our situation would grow," Alar retorted. "We had waited too long already, or we would have won the war with our preemptive strike."

Hell! They were even more like the Nazis than Jack had feared.

He really wanted to shoot Alar right now.


The Eurondans had started the war? And they had poisoned their own world to kill their enemies? Adora shook her head. She couldn't believe it! It was… monstrous! "How could you do that? Destroy your own world to kill your enemies?"

She saw Catra flinch next to her and winced. Of course, that would remind her lover of the portal that had almost destroyed Etheria! She squeezed Catra's hand but focused on Alar.

"We are facing an existential threat," Alar replied. "If we lose the war, our people will perish. If we had not poisoned the surface, we would have lost the war - and our world with it. Sacrificing what you will lose anyway is not a difficult decision."

Adora shook her head again. Alar made it sound as if wrecking an entire world - poisoning the air and soil - was logical. Rational. Simple. It wasn't! "And you started the war!"

Alar scoffed. "We had no choice. The Breeders were growing stronger and more numerous with every day that passed. What else could we have done but striking as long as there was still a chance of victory instead of assured defeat?"

"Our enemies depended on the resources on the surface much more than we did," Farrell added. "We were prepared for this while they weren't."

"And it still wasn't enough to win," Jack said in a flat voice. "You miscalculated."

"As long as we can get heavy water, we can win this war," Farrell told him. "Our people are in stasis, waiting for us."

"And once you win, you'll wipe out your enemy?" Daniel asked.

"They are trying to eradicate our people. Erase our way of life," Alar said. "If they win this war, they'll do the same to us."

"I'll take that as a 'yes'," Jack said. He looked at Adora.

She clenched her teeth. She wouldn't let them murder the Breeders - the Eurondan Alliance. But she couldn't let the Eurondans be murdered either. Everyone deserved a second chance. A chance to change. "The war will end," she said. "Without either side winning."

Alar shook his head. "You cannot end the war like that. It has been waged for decades. Too many have died. It's either the Breeders or us."

"Well, you started it," Jack said.

"Jack!" Daniel frowned at him, then turned to look at Alar. "Peace is possible."

"Yes!" Entrapta said. "The Horde and the Princess Alliance also fought for decades, technically, at least, and now we're at peace! And we're cleaning up the environmental damage done to the Fright Zone, working together. Although the Alliance arguably won the war. But we didn't kill the Horde. We're friends now!"

Adora heard Catra softly scoff at that. But Entrapta was right - they were at peace. And while Adora knew that some grudges remained, the majority of both former Horde and Alliance members were working together now. Of course, many former soldiers of Hordak's Horde had switched sides at a point before Horde Prime's defeat, which certainly helped with that.

But even the Clones had joined the Alliance after Horde Prime's end - at least the Clones they knew about - so it was possible for enemies to become allies. They just needed a chance.

She firmly nodded. "We can and will end this war." Even if they had to send a fleet here. Which they hopefully wouldn't have to. "We'll talk to your enemies. And we'll restore your world."

"And then? The Breeders will wipe us out as soon as they have the chance!" Farrell protested.

"We won't let them start a war. Or you," Glimmer said.

"Left alive, they'll overwhelm us sooner or later," Alar said. "They don't need to wage war for this."

Adora frowned. That made no sense. "What do you mean? They'll destroy you by… living?"

"They will destroy us by breeding uncontrollably," Alar explained. "Mixing genes indiscriminately. Rendering our people impure. We'll vanish, our entire way of life fading as they take over Euronda."

"And good riddance," Jack muttered under his breath.

Adora blinked. Was Alar serious? "Are you saying they'll… force you to have children with them?" That would be rape!

"Of course they will!" Farrell spat.

"We won't let them do that to you," Glimmer said. "What do you think we are, monsters?"

Alar exchanged a glance with Farrell before he replied: "Will you force us to allow interbreeding with the Breeders?"

Oh, no! Adora scowled at them. As did her friends. "We won't let you keep people from loving whoever they want," she said. "If one of your people and one of the Eurondan Alliance want to be together, they'll be allowed to."

"Just as we were warned by the Russians and Chinese! You want to destroy our way of life as well!" Alar said.

"If your way of life means keeping people from loving who they want, then it deserves to be destroyed!" Glimmer spat.

"That will destroy our people!" Alar had stood up and was glaring at them. Then he glanced at the guards behind him. "We have no choice."

What did he… Adora's eyes widened. No!

She jumped up, her chair falling down behind her. "Don't…!"

But before she could finish, Catra pounced on Alar, reaching for his hand.

Adora caught a glimpse of a device he held a moment before the alarm went off.

Chapter 132: Spy Games Part 8
Chapter 132: Spy Games Part 8

Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

One moment, they were talking. The next, all hell broke loose. Samantha Carter was already moving when the alarm went off. She threw herself out of her chair and dragged Entrapta to the floor.

"For the Honour of Grayskull!"

Adora's yell and Entrapta's surprised gasp were both drowned out by Isa's machine gun, followed by more shots ringing out.

Samantha Carter kept her head down and drew her zat. No one under the table - wait! Someone was on the floor! She aimed her weapon before she realised that it was a body chewed up by automatic fire. She twisted, checking the other end of the table. More corpses.

And the shooting had stopped.

"Secure that door!"

"Yes, sir!"

A moment later, something heavy slammed against something metal.

Sam got up, zat still in hand. The guards and half the Eurondans at the table were dead, cut down by Isa, Campbell and the General. Alar was on his knees, holding his bleeding right hand with his other hand. Sam caught a glimpse of two fingers on the floor.

Farrell was still in her seat, slumped over. Stunned. No, dead - Sam saw the blood dripping down the legs of the chair.

Isa and Campbell were at the door, Isa holding it closed with her sheer bulk. Daniel was getting up from under Sha're, and Teal'c was keeping watch over another surviving Eurondan, zat aimed at it.

And Catra was holding up a small device half-covered in blood. "He pressed the button on this before I could stop him."

"Oh! Looks like a communicator!" Entrapta said, peering at the device as her hair grabbed it. "Let's check!"

"That's how you return our hospitality?" Alar said, panting. "By murdering us during a diplomatic meeting?"

"You were about to attack us," Catra spat.

"I was about to order you to leave!" Alar retorted.

"Yeah, right." The General shook his head. "That's why you were triggering the alarm."

"We need to move!" Glimmer said. "The base is on alert - the guards will come at us."

"We've got the leader. Will that keep them from throwing bombs at us?" Catra asked.

"Ah… it is hard to say without knowing more about the society of our, uh, former hosts," Daniel replied. "It also depends on whether or not Alar has rivals waiting for the opportunity to remove him and blame foreigners for it."

"The people are loyal!" Alar spat. "We know our duty."

"And we know ours," the General said. "Let's get out of here before we get trapped."

"To the gate?" Campbell asked.

"No." The General grinned. "We'll need a diversion to reach it. And what better diversion than their command centre getting destroyed?"

"No! You can't!" Alar gasped. "The Breeders will murder us all!"

"We'll be back home before that," the General replied.

"We can't let them continue their war," Adora said.

Sam half-expected the General to make a comment about how they totally could, but he just sighed. "I hoped you wouldn't say that."



Adora moved to the door, and her sword became a shield. "I'll check the hallway," she said.

She had barely opened the door when Sam heard what had to be the firing noise of Eurondan weapons, and Adora's shield was hit by multiple beams. The door shook as well, cracking in several places.

"Not exactly the best shots," the General commented.

"You are trapped in here!" Alar yelled.

"Shows what you know," Catra told him. "Didn't the Russians and Chinese warn you about us?"

"They told us about your technology!"

But not their magic? Sam raised her eyebrows. Either the Russians and Chinese had been setting up the Eurondans or the Eurondans hadn't believed them.

"We need to leave, sir," Lenkova spoke up. "We can take Alar with us."

Sam glanced at the Eurondan leader, expecting him to protest. But he was grinning. That was a remarkable mood shift… Oh.

She grabbed her scanner and aimed it at the door. A glance at the screen confirmed her suspicion: "There's a force field blocking our way."

"What?" The General glared at Alar.

The man grinned toothly at him.

"They might have taken the one from their gate room," Bow speculated. "Or used another one."

"Whatever - we need to get out of here," Catra said.

Sam agreed. But how? "We could cut through the walls, but… the field is quite powerful and might expand to cover such holes in the area as well."

"Oh, yes. Depending on the projector technology, the shield could do that," Entrapta said. "We should test it!"

Catra frowned but stepped up to the wall, lashing out with her claws, then kicked the material.

A piece of the material fell back and down, revealing the round hole Catra had slashed into the wall. No shots rang out from the other side.

And when Sam used her scanner again, it confirmed the presence of a force field.

"We're locked in here," she said.



Catra eyed the ceiling. They might have set up a field to cover the walls, but did they extend it to the top? They probably had, but best to make sure.

She jumped on the table, which creaked but held under her weight - it was sporting a few new holes from the firefight - and raked her claws on the ceiling, carving out a piece of it. Catra jumped off the table a moment before the jagged mass of the piece smashed and broke it.

"That's also covered by a force field," Sam reported.

"Had to check," Catra said. "Would have been terribly embarrassing if we had missed the easy way out."

Jack snorted at that. "What about the floor?"

Catra was about to bend down, but Adora had her sword out and swung it in a circle. The cut material stayed - propped up by another force field. Or… "Is that the same forcefiled, or one each?" Catra asked.

"The spectrum of the fields is exactly the same," Entrapta replied. "That doesn't mean that it's the same field - their projectors could just have tight tolerances."

"They're massing outside," Isa reported.

"They'll have to drop the shield if they want to hurt us," Jack told her. "And if they can hurt us, we can hurt them."

"Or they try to poison us," Glimmer pointed out.

Catra glanced at Alar. The man had his lips pressed together, but she didn't know him enough to tell if that meant this was a possibility. Best assume it was - they had almost died because of Eurondan poison before, and it was obvious that they liked using such means.

"Mask up then," Jack said, reaching into a pocket of his uniform.

Catra slipped a hand inside her own uniform and pulled out her own mask - a new design by Entrapta that could be folded up until it was hardly bigger than a handkerchief thanks to new filters. It would help with a gas attack but wouldn't stop nerve gas.

So, they had to get away quickly. And since Glimmer couldn't teleport without Adora releasing the planet's magic, which she wouldn't do until she was ready to use the boost to save the world… "Walls, floor or ceiling?" Catra asked.

Adora eyed the ceiling.

"We did that in Apophis's palace," Jack said. "Let's try the wall."

The command centre was on this floor - and roughly on the way to the gate room. Catra grinned.

Adora slowly nodded. She had her 'determined face' on. That meant she wouldn't let anything stop her, Catra knew.

"You can't get through our defence field!" Alar snapped. "You should surrender!"

"You haven't seen anything," Glimmer told him.

Adora nodded again, then stepped to the door, holding out her sword. "Hah!" She swung it with both hands, striking at the force field. The blade hit in a shower of sparks, and Catra saw flickers appear in the air as Adora lifted the sword for another strike.

"Field strength is fluctuating," Sam reported. "Stabilising… at a lower strength." She moved her scanner.

"Just hit it until it breaks," Catra translated.

But Adora was already dishing out a flurry of blows, striking so rapidly that the entire door area was covered in sparks, obscuring the view of the waiting enemy.

Alar was staring, open-mouthed, at the sight, and Catra grabbed his collar to drag him out of the potential line of fire - he was, after all, a potential hostage as the enemy leader. And for later negotiations, probably.

Jack was pulling Lenkova to the side as well - judging from her earlier position, the woman probably still needed to understand that you shouldn't try to charge ahead of a princess.

Catra checked the ceiling. The field there was holding steady, no sparks or even flickers. So, different shield projectors, then.

And then suddenly, the sparks disappeared as the shield shattered. A second later, the Eurondan soldiers opened fire with their beam guns, but Adora had already changed her sword into a shield. Catra saw half the beams miss her lover as Adora charged down the hallway, straight into the enemy's ranks.

The Eurondans broke ranks even before Adora smashed into and through them, Catra noted as she sped after her. They must not have much, if any, experience with infantry combat, she thought as she kicked a dazed soldier in the head, knocking him into the wall behind him before he could reach for the gun he had dropped.

Another one was screaming and holding his broken leg - she could see parts of the bone sticking out through his pants - and Catra knocked him out as well.

She caught Daniel stunning the man for good measure as the rest of the group followed in their wake, Teal'c carrying Alar and Isa bringing up the rear and covering side alleys with Campbell.

Those two had no intention of getting ahead of a charging princess, Catra noted. Good - Jack was training his people well.

Half a minute later, they had cleared the area of any enemies and were standing in front of a big blast door.

Adora raised her sword, then hesitated. "They'll expect us to go through the door."

"And we can't count on them acting like the ones we went just through," Catra added.

She looked up at the ceiling, then at the walls.

"We need to check if they deploy poison." Before running into it.


Jack O'Neill cursed under his breath. Of course, the Space Nazis would use gas. If only they could have brought NBC suits along - but not even Carter, Entrapta and Bow working together would have been able to build protective suits that could be concealed like those new masks. Maybe he should take another look at the proposal for new uniforms for Alliance troops that doubled as NBC and vacuum suits with a helmet added, even if they looked like Horde uniforms…

But you fought a war with the gear you had, not the gear you wished you had. "Carter?" He cocked his head at his second-in-command.

"Working on it, sir. Our scanners don't show any poison gas, but given the known capability of the Eurondans to create a gas that evades detection, we cannot exclude the possibility of another such case."

Jack eyed Alar. The Space Führer looked confused for a moment, then his eyes widened. So, whatever poison the Eurondans used, they were unaware of its effect on Alliance scanners.

But that didn't tell Jack whether or not they had such poison. "No bombs?"

"No explosive devices detected in range, sir," Carter reported. "Not with advanced technology or sufficient conventional explosive filler to function as a hand grenade."

That was one worry less. Unless… "Incendiaries?" he asked.

Carter blinked, then started pushing buttons on her scanner.

As soon as Jack saw her jaw muscles twitch, showing she was clenching her teeth, he knew he had been correct.

"They are concentrating fuel tanks on the other side, sir. I expected them to use hydrogen as fuel since they have fusion reactors, but this seems to be a fuel based on ethanol - distilled from the yeast they are growing in hydroponics, I assume."

"Probably," he agreed. Not that it mattered. What mattered was that they were about to burn if they forced the door. And not even Adora's shield would keep the heat back. It was already quite the break that the Eurondans weren't sucking the air out of the rooms. Maybe their bunker wasn't set up for that - they were pretty inexperienced with infantry combat.

The others looked concerned as well. Most of them, at least.

"OK… so, no forcing the door, Adora," Bow said.

"Ceiling?" Catra looked up.

"They're moving fuel up there as well," Entrapta announced.

The bastards are learning quickly, Jack thought. Of course, they might suck at infantry tactics, but they are probably naturals when it came to poison attacks and other war crimes, he reminded himself.

"Down then?"

"The level below seems clear, sir," Carter confirmed.

"Or we unblock magic, and I port us to the Stargate," Glimmer suggested.

Adora shook her head. "Not yet. We might need that power to save the planet."

That was fine - Jack would rather avoid being too close to Adora channelling a planet's worth of magic again. He didn't want to be turned into a plant - or an alien. "We're going down, then!"


Jack chuckled at his friend's reaction, as did others. Spirits lifted, mission accomplished. "Let's hurry before the Space Nazis decide that their dear leader is an acceptable sacrifice to kill us."

Alar glared at him. "I will gladly die for my people!"

"Be my guest," Jack retorted with a shrug. The odds of the Eurondans being willing to negotiate were probably higher if they could blame everything on a conveniently dead leader. Not that Jack would trust them, anyway - after a decade or two of waging total war against 'racial enemies', their indoctrination would be hard to overcome. At least without utterly crushing their army like the Allies had done to the Nazis.

"Hah!" Adora slashed at the floor again, carving out a round section. Then she stuck her sword into it, bent down - and heaved it up with a grunt.

Alar was gaping at the display. Jack snorted - if he knew just how strong She-Ra was, he would probably piss himself. Or start worshipping her as an Aryan goddess or something.

Adora made short work of the force field covering the floor with a few more strikes, then jumped down, quickly followed by Catra.

Jack heard someone screaming, followed by a crash, before he reached the hole. He gripped the edge and lowered himself down before dropping. He wasn't some magical princess or catwoman, and his knees wouldn't stay healthy if he tried to imitate either.

He landed in a crouch, scanning the room with his gun out, but Adora and Catra had already taken down the Eurondan guards here. This seemed to be a storage room - he could see stacks of metal parts. Aero-Flyer parts, from the looks of it. No missiles or what looked like weapons, though. As far as he could tell, at least.

Behind him, Entrapta followed, carrying Carter in her hair. Then Teal'c jumped down with Alar, followed by the rest of their group.

"Which way?" Jack asked. There were two doors here. One led towards the direction of the Stargate, but that didn't have to mean anything in a bunker.

Carter and Etrapta used their scanners. "There are two lifts close to this room. One large, one smaller," Carter reported.

The large would be to transport the stuff in here to wherever they were doing maintenance of their planes. "Let's take the large one," Jack said. "Might take some of the parts here with us as cover."

"Good idea. We should…"

"Shh!" Catra snapped, interrupting Bow. Her ears twitched. Then she sniffed the air - and hissed. "They're pouring fuel into the area above us."

Damn! He had been right about those bastards! "Let's hurry - I don't want to end up in a Eurondan barbecue!" Jack clenched his teeth and rushed towards the closer door.


Adora gasped and stepped below the hole she had cut in the floor - the ceiling now. She couldn't see any liquid yet, but she trusted Catra… oh, there it was. Dripping down the hole. "It's just a trickle now, but that won't last!" she yelled. And once the Eurondans ignited it…

"Can you stop it?" Sam asked. "The fumes are explosive. If it fills the room…"

Adora drew a sharp breath - and smelt alcohol. Clenching her teeth, she quickly eyed the opening. If she changed her sword into a large shield, she could plug the hole. Most of it. It wouldn't be perfect, but it should stop the fuel from reaching the storage room. Or… She looked to the side. Yes.

She grabbed a batch of armour plates and pushed them below the hole, then grabbed the uppermost plate and jumped on the stack. The fuel was falling down the hole now, drenching her. She raised the plate above her - and pressed it against the opening.

The stream slowed down to a trickle, quickly filling the hole above her and weighing down on the plate. She could take it tough - she was She-Ra.

"Open the doors!" Jack said.

"We need to hack the electronic locks," Entrapta said. "And their systems are good - better than Goa'uld technology."

Catra sniffed the air again. "We're getting fumes inside here."

Adora bared her teeth. She couldn't help that - the plate wasn't a perfect seal. The fuel trickling in formed a growing puddle beneath her.

"Can't you just slice it open?" she heard Daniel ask.

"If we do that, the fuel will follow us through the hole," Catra retorted.

"And if it starts burning, it will suck the air from outside in," Bow added. "Or blow up."

"The Eurondans must be crazy to try this!" Daniel blurted out.

"They probably don't realise that we've cut a hole into the floor," Sha're replied. "But even so, the damage to the level above us would be extensive."

Jack cursed. "Hurry!"

"We're working as fast as we can, sir." Sam sounded stressed.

Adora felt stressed. The weight on the armour plate was growing rapidly - it was getting harder to keep the pressure on to seal the opening above her. She could take it, though. She had to do it. Her friends depended on her. She wouldn't let them down!

"There are some parallels to the software used against the Stargate Command," Entrapta said - she sounded intrigued rather than stressed, Adora noted. "But it's only superficial. I think the software there was heavily adapted to First Ones technology while this is completely native Eurondan architecture."

"Whatever it is, solve it!" Jack snapped. "If alcohol has to kill me, it should be an expensive whisky. Not some cheap alien fuel."

Adora snorted at that - and almost fumbled her grip on the shield. The puddle of fuel below her was spreading, reaching the stacks of supplies next to her. "Just how much fuel are they using for this?" she snapped.

"They're fanatics," Jack replied. "Probably everything they have."

"That might hinder their aero-fighter strikes," Bow said.

"I don't think they care about that while we're threatening to destroy their command centre," Glimmer retorted.

"Carter, how much longer?" Jack asked. He sounded urgent, and when Adora glanced at him, she saw that he was staring at the fuel that was slowly spreading.

"Help me with this!" Catra snapped. She was dragging poles - pipes - with her. To prop up the armour plate, Adora realised.

Jack and Teal'c jumped to help, dropping Alar on the ground in the process. The man hissed with pain.

"I… ngh… don't think the poles will hold," Adora said.

"If we get enough, they will!" Catra insisted.

"They will help, at least," Jack said.

Adora doubted it. But her friends did their best to jam the pipes between the stack of armour plates below her and the one she was holding up.

"They are a bit too long," Jack said.

"Not any more," Catra snapped, slicing through them.

All three grunted and pushed the first pole into place, wedging it against the armour.

Adora barely felt a change but held her tongue. She could still take it, anyway. She had to. She had endured worse.

"OK! Let's get more!" Catra was already speeding off to grab more poles.

"Carter, how's it looking?"

"We're making progress, sir."

That was good. More poles joined the first ones as Isa helped as well. The fuel puddle was still spreading, but that couldn't be helped. It was covering half the floor now.

"If only we had some sealant…" Jack looked around.

"There might be something," Catra said. "But I can't tell from the labels."

Jack turned to Alar. "If you don't want to burn with us, you better help us out."

"I will gladly sacrifice my life for the people!" Alar spat. He sounded terrified, though.

But Adora had to focus on holding up the armour plate. How much longer until they had the door open? She could still hold out, but the pressure was increasing.

"Done!" Entrapta announced.

Adora gasped. Done!

"Or not!"


"Wait - that's the command to open it!"

Adra heard metal sliding over metal, followed by cheering. The door was opening! Yes!

But Catra cursed, staring at the ceiling. "They set it off!"


"Everyone out!" Jack yelled. "Go! Go! Go!"

Adora turned to look at Catra. "Go!"

Her love wasn't moving. "What about you?"

"I'll jump once everyone is clear!" Adora said. "The poles will hold long enough."

Catra stared at her, then jumped up to her.

Adora wanted to protest, to tell her to run, but before she could say a word, Catra kissed her. "Don't die!" she whispered.

Then she turned and raced to the door, splashing through the puddle.

Adora strained. Was the armour plate growing hotter? Or was that her imagination? Could the fuel be burning that fast? Could it burn past the plate while there was still liquid above her?

"We're out!" Catra yelled. "Come!"

"Close the door!" Adora yelled. "Start to close it!"


Adora hissed through clenched teeth: "I'll make it before it closes! Start it!"

"Close the door!" Jack snapped.

Adora heard the doors starting to close. Saw them moving. Guessed the speed. And the distance. If she was wrong, her friends would die. She wouldn't let them.

A bit longer… a little bit… Now!

She jumped, clearing half the room. Metal screeched behind her as she touched down in the puddle and launched herself forward, towards the door.

Catra was in the shrinking opening, staring wide-eyed at her. The sound of roaring, falling fluid filled the room as Adora flew towards her. The doors were almost closed - she could only see Catra standing there. A bright light lit up behind Adora, turning Catra even paler.

Adora hit the door, one shoulder scraping against the metal.

She hit Catra, grabbing her, rolling over the floor, curled around her lover.

Then she heard the explosion go off.


Samantha Carter threw herself to the side when the storage room exploded, closing her eyes at the flash, waiting for the heat.

It didn't come. She looked up and saw the doors had closed completely and held. They were dented and buckled, and there was a burning patch of fuel in the middle, where the shockwave must have pushed burning fuel through the gap as it closed, but they had held.

She pushed herself up and looked at the group. Adora was up already, staring at the burning fuel, then at the doors. Catra was running a hand through her hair and frowning - both must be covered in fuel. Like Alar, whom Teal'c was dragging away from the burning puddle.

"Well, that was exciting. Let's not do it again and get back to the Stargate," the General said. "And see if we can get a shower on the way before a spark lights us up."

"Or before the fire reduces the doors' structural integrity too much," Entrapta added, looking up from her multitool.

Sam glanced at the screen and winced. The doors were rapidly heating up - the storage room must be an inferno. But that meant… "The ventilation must still be working, feeding oxygen to the fire!" she blurted out. Why hadn't the Eurondans shut that down?

It was a stupid question - they wanted to burn the group. But they risked dooming themselves. The ventilation could spread explosive vapours and poisonous smoke throughout the bunker if the filters couldn't handle it - or caught fire. "We need to move quickly!" she said.

"That's what I said," the General had to comment.

"Where is the closest bathroom?" Glimmer asked as they started moving towards the larger lift.

Sam tried to remember the floor plan she had derived from their scanners, but she hadn't paid attention to those facilities. An obvious mistake in hindsight.

"There's a toilet up ahead!" Entrapta, able to check her own screen while being carried by her hair, replied. A moment later, a projection appeared in the air, showing the layout of the floor they were on, with a blinking symbol. It was close indeed - around the next corner.

"OK! Everyone who's soaked with fuel, wash it off. The rest, move ahead to secure the lift!" the General snapped.

"That includes you, sir," Sam pointed out when he was about to move past the washroom - he had helped shore up the improvised plug Adora had used and so had been splashed with fuel, if not exactly soaked.

Before he could say something stupid, Adora reverted to her normal form, her soaked armour disappearing. Why would…?

"For the Honour of Grayskull!"

Ah. She was back as She-Ra - in dry armour. "I'll secure the lift!" she said - and sped off.

"I really have to revisit that uniform proposal," Sam heard the General mutter as they entered the bathroom.

Washing the fuel off - or, at least, diluting it sufficiently so the danger of catching fire was lessened enough - was a rushed, cramped affair. The washroom was far too small to fit everyone. Even worse, as was expected from a bunker running low on resources, they hadn't much to work with.

And the clock was ticking, as the General reminded everyone. The storage room doors wouldn't last much longer. Sure, the fire would take some time to spread through the level, but the smoke and vapours would spread quicker, and if more rooms caught fire… Sam shuddered at the thought.

Catra sliced off the sink and toilet, opening the pipes and turning the room into a fountain, and the General sent those who hadn't been splashed much with fuel in first so they could join Adora. That meant Glimmer, Bow, Daniel, Sha're - and Sam and Entrapta.

Sam hated leaving the others - she just knew the General would, given the chance, take too many risks for himself in order to keep others safer - but they had no choice.

They reached the lift, where Adora was guarding the closed doors. "Locked!" she called out.

Sam pressed her lips together. The Eurondans didn't have cameras in the bunker - as far as she could tell, another oversight perhaps, or the result of limited resources - but the electronic locks were linked. They couldn't just crack the doors open without the risk of alerting the Eurodans that they had survived the fire.

"We'll hack it," she said. Which might be easier said than done. The Eurondans weren't on the level of the Ancients, but their electronics were more advanced than Earth's native technology, and the system architecture was utterly alien.

Fortunately, she quickly discovered that this door worked like the storage room door that they had already hacked. That meant they already knew where the weak defences were. They still had to be careful, though, to avoid triggering an alert or lockdown, and checking took precious time. And they had to hack the lift as well, which was a challenge in itself.

But one Sam could handle.

Teal'c arrived, carrying Alar, followed by Lenkova. Shortly before they opened the lift's doors, Isa and Campbell joined them as well. That left…

"Where's Catra and Jack?" Adora asked, sounding tense.

"They are bringing up the rear," Isa reported.

Typical! Sam bit her lower lip. Then she froze. That sound… And did she feel the air moving, like a breeze? She checked her scanner. The temperature around the storage room was quickly rising - the doors must have failed! They were running out of time! And soon, air!

The General arrived at the nearest corner, running all out.

"Where's Catra?" Adora yelled.

"She's coming!" he replied. "She's faster than I am."

But the fire was spreading - the entire level was heating up. Sam could see it on her scanner as they piled into the lift.

Sam focused on removing the last defences of the system. And stopping the system from sounding an alert.

"Catra!" Adora yelled again.

But there she was! Sam looked up as the programs finished taking over the controls and saw her running towards them, on all fours, claws tearing up the floor.

And behind her, Sam could see flickering light illuminating the hallway - the fire was growing closer.

"Everyone aboard!" the General said. "Let's go!"

Sam pushed a button, and the doors closed.

Then the lift started moving.


Catra couldn't help glancing at the floor of the cabin - or platform; it was a freight lift - for a moment. Below them, on the level they were leaving, the fire was spreading. Sooner or later, the flames would reach the lift shaft. They had to be out of the lift by then - and as far away from the shaft as possible. If that fire turned into the thing from the Earth action movie in that skyscraper while they were in the shaft…

But there was nothing they could do about that. If only the lift were faster - Catra was sure most would be faster climbing a ladder. The more time this took, the more time the fire had to reach them - and the Eurodans above them time to get ready.

At least their group was ready. Adora had changed her sword into a shield again and was standing in the middle of the doors, ready to block enemy fire, and everyone else was lining up behind her, weapons aimed.

Or keeping their head down, in Entrapta's case.

The lift stopped with a soft beeping noise, and the doors started to open. A moment later, Catra's ears twitched as she heard several of the Eurondans' ray guns go off, and the door rang from the impacts - few, if any, hit the widening gap.

Amateurs, she thought. They had fired far too soon - and with weapons that couldn't penetrate the metal doors. Even Kyle would have done better than this.

Despite the shots, the doors kept sliding open, and more and more energy bolts were hitting Adora's shield. But that meant the enemies were exposing themselves as well. They were as skilled at taking cover as they were at other infantry tactics, and Catra saw Jack put two bullets into the head of a guard standing at a corner, not behind it, before the doors had opened wide enough for Adora to rush through.

As the Eurondan fell back, gun dropping to the ground, Isa rose, a shot bouncing off her armoured shoulder, and cut loose with the heavy machine gun.

A group of Eurondans was shredded by the bullets, bodies collapsing in pools of blood, parts blown off, as Isa swung her gun around, and Adora charged forward, Catra right behind her.

The Eurondans were breaking before Adora reached their line but were too slow to get away in time. Adora smashed into their front, shield out, and half a dozen Eurondans were thrown back, slamming against the wall with loud cracks. One tried to rally them, screaming something at the running guards, but they ignored him - and when he turned to shoot at Adora, Catra sliced through his arm and weapon with a swipe of her claws, and he dropped to his knees, staring at his bleeding stump as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Whether he managed to stop the bleeding or not, he was out. Catra was rushing after Adora. "Next one left!" she yelled - according to Entrapta's projected map, the Stargate was about three potential choke points this way.

Adora smashed a few more too-slow guards into the wall - and the ceiling in one case - and whirled, moving her shield to block a ragged volley from a side tunnel.

"Fire in the hole!"

Catra gasped at Campbell's yell - and pressed her hands over her ears the moment a grenade shot between her and Adora, going off in the side tunnel. The explosion cleared the tunnel. Thoroughly.

They rushed on, through and past the wounded and the dead. They passed the first two potential chokepoints without any resistance - the Eurondans must have lost all cohesion. The third choke point, right before the gate room, was held by three guards.

Adora didn't even slow down for them. She charged through them and the doors in one smooth motion - and drew up to a sharp stop.

Catra sprinted after her, then veered off to the side as soon as she was in the gate room. What was…? Oh.

She stopped as well, her claws ripping the floor open, and glared at Tarlan, who was standing next to the D.H.D. - which was covered in blocks of explosive.



"Don't move, or I'll destroy the command console, and you will be stranded here!"

"It's actually called the D.H.D. - the Dial Home Device," Jack O'Neill said with far more nonchalance than he felt as he joined Adora and Catra in the gate room. If the fool blew up the D.H.D., they would be stuck on a foreign planet again. And one with far less friendly inhabitants than Etheria.

"I don't care what you call it. This is the device that controls the Stargate. Without it, you won't be able to flee," Tarlan yelled.

Jack wanted to just shoot the idiot and be on their way, but if the Eurondan had the detonator on a dead man's switch, that would be a terrible idea.

"Sir!" Carter had arrived.

Jack held up a hand. "Stand back, Carter! We don't want the nice Nazi to get nervous." More nervous, actually - the guy was already twitchier than a junkie going cold turkey. Too twitchy to bear more pressure - his eyes were already darting back and forth as he tried to keep Jack, Adora and Catra in his view. If they spread out, he might blow the D.H.D. up out of sheer desperation.

"Don't do it!" Adora said. "You gain nothing from destroying your last hope of surviving this!"

Tarlan clenched his teeth. "I heard what you told Alar - you want to destroy us!"

"We don't have any quarrel with you," Jack snapped. "We just want to go home."

"You sabotaged the agreement that would have saved us!" Tarlan was panting and sweating now.

Teal'c arrived, Alar slung over his shoulder. And stunned, Jack noted with relief. The last thing they needed was Alar telling the idiot with the bomb to die for their cause or something. Although the Space Nazi Führer hadn't seemed to be that willing to die. If he could be persuaded to order Tarlan to stand down… No, too risky - the rest of the Eurondans had had no qualms about sacrificing their leader to kill Jack's friends.

"Look, you and your people need the D.H.D. more than we do. Without it, you won't get any supplies - and can't escape the bunker when your power runs out," Jack said. "We can whip up a computer to control the Stargate with what we have with us."

"Well, it wouldn't be easy, or… Ow!" Entrapta piped up behind Jack, but Carter had that under control. Right now, honesty was the worst policy.

"You would die with us!"

"No, we would not." Adora took a step forward, and Jack held his breath. "We would restore your planet's magic, use that to cleanse the poison from the surface, and then leave this bunker."

"And we'd grab the Stargate and build a control device while we wait for your enemies to wipe you out," Catra added. "Or we construct an FTL communicator and contact our fleet to fetch us."

"You wouldn't survive!"

"We've survived worse," Catra shot back.

Isa arrived. "The fire is spreading, sir," she reported in a low voice. "It has gotten past the lift shaft."

Jack saw Catra sniff the air and then clench her teeth. Time was running out. Maybe if he shot the guy's hand off… or if he hit the detonator… A dead man's switch was one thing, but Jack doubted that Tarlan had rigged the bomb to explode if the transmission cut off or something. Still risky, but better than dying in the bunker fire.

"We all can survive," Adora said. "You, us, your people. No one else has to die. We can end the war, restore your planet, and help you set up a country for your sleeping people."

"We'd rather die than lose our world!" Tarlan spat.

"You're about to do both," Catra said. "The fire's spreading - I can smell the smoke coming closer. How much longer until you lose the command centre? And then your enemies can finish you off, and even if we all die, they can work on restoring the surface - as you planned."

"Whether you destroy the D.H.D. or not, you can't win the war any more," Adora said. "But you can still save your people - if you let us help you."

Tarlan remained silent - but as tense as a bowstring. He was looking around wildly now - at the walls and the floor, not just at Jack's friends and himself. And at the Stargate.

Jack drew a short breath through his clenched teeth. He hated trying to make fanatics see reason. Especially desperate ones. "You can't take us with you. We can escape the bunker. Your people can't."

"You're stuck here as well!"

"No, we are not," Adora said. "We have magic and much more advanced technology. We can survive here. But your people cannot. Not without our help. Let us help you, please. No one else has to die." She smiled at Tarlan. "Think about your people. They depend on you. They trust you. Do you want them to die in their sleep? From a fire your own men set? Or do you want them to live? In peace?"

Tarlan shook his head. He seemed to be crying. "We can't live in peace with the Breeders! They want to wipe us out!"

And with good reason, Jack thought. But not even attempted genocide justified a genocide.

"We won't let them kill you," Adora said. "Trust us. We can stop the war - we will stop the war. If you let us. We just want to help you."

Tarlan blinked - he was crying. "But…"


Tarlan closed his eyes, and Jack held his breath.

A moment later, the detonator dropped to the floor, and Tarlan collapsed, sobbing.

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Chapter 133: Tense Negotiations Part 1
Chapter 133: Tense Negotiations Part 1

Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Yes! Tralan had dropped the detonator. Adora beamed, relieved - he had seen reason! They could save this work without further deaths!

Jack was moving towards the D.H.D., and Catra had already snatched up the remote detonator and was handing it over to Entrapta, but Adora walked to the sobbing Tralan and crouched down to gently pat his shoulder. "We'll save your people," she promised.

"From themselves as well," Catra muttered before joining Jack in removing explosives from the D.H.D.

"Uh… speaking of saving people…"

Adora turned to look at Bow.

He grimaced. "We need to stop that fire. Or contain it."

"Yes!" Entrapta chimed in. "The scanner shows it's spreading on this level - and if it reaches this room, we won't be able to move in supplies or evacuate anyone. Not unless they're fire-proof."

"And if the defence shield goes down, the bunker will likely be bombed by the Eurondan Alliance," Sam added. "The fire's already covering a third of this level. Although no essential areas have been touched yet, the air quality is dropping - the filters must be straining."

Adora heard Tralan gasp. "No!"

She shook her head. "Alright. We have to stop the fire from spreading any further."

"And the rest of the Eurondans from shooting at us," Catra added.

Right. Tralan wasn't their leader. And Alar was still stunned.

"We've got enough explosives here to put out an oil well fire," Jack commented. "Just saying."

Tralan gasped again, and Adora frowned at Jack. Sometimes, like now, his jokes were a bit disturbing. At least she hoped that he was joking. "No explosives," she said. "We'll get Mermista. And Frosta."

"Oh! Good idea!" Entrapta nodded. "I thought about modifying some of my bots to shoot fire suppressants, but that would probably have taken too long."

"That still doesn't solve the problem with everyone else shooting at us," Jack said.

"Glimmer, please open a Stargate and get Mermista and Frosta," Adora said, rising. "We'll deal with the Eurondans in the meantime."

Glimmer opened her mouth, and Adora half-expected her to say that she was needed here, but after a moment, her friend nodded. "Right." She turned to Sam and Entrapta. "Dial to the forward base."

Adora was tempted to tell them to dial straight to Etheria - that would be faster; they still had to fetch Mermista and Frosta to the Stargate - but she knew the procedure. They wouldn't expose Etheria's address like that.

While the Stargate started dialling, Adora walked back to the gate room's door. Catra joined her.

"I can smell the smoke through the mask," she said. "We don't have much time left."

Adora pressed her lips together and lifted her mask for a quick check - the air was getting worse indeed. They would have to contain the fire somehow, and quickly. But they couldn't do that with the Eurondans shooting at them. Or, they could, but it would make everything more difficult and cause more deaths.

She couldn't see anyone in the hallway. Were they already fighting the fire? That would make sense - they couldn't stand up to Adora and her friends, and the fire was a much more dangerous threat. But the Eurondans hadn't struck her as very sensible. Not at all, actually - they set fire to their own bunker, after poisoning the entire planet, and both times to defeat an enemy? That was suicidally stupid!

Well, it was time to talk some sense into them. "Can you tap into their communications?" Adora asked, looking back at Entrapta. The Stargate was collapsing - Glimmer and Bow had just left.

"Can we? We already did!" Entrapta smiled. "Though they aren't saying anything interesting. It's mostly calls for help and complaints about cowardice."

"Alright. I need to talk to their leader. Their new leader," Adora said.

"Whoever that is," Catra said, looking down the hallway. "And we need to ensure that they don't set this room on fire as well."

"Isa, Campbell - secure the checkpoint!" Jack snapped behind them. "Lenkova, secure the explosives. Carter, plug those air vents or something!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, General!"

"Yes, sir."

That was handled. Adora smiled and grabbed her communicator. She cleared her throat, then switched to the channel already highlighted by Entrapta. "This is She-Ra calling the leader currently in charge of the Eurondans. We have control of this planet's Stargate. The fire you set hasn't hurt any of us, nor Alar, which we took prisoner. But it's spreading and will soon reach critical parts of your installation. We want to save you before it's too late, but we can't do that with you fighting us."

Well, they probably could, but it was better for everyone if the Eurondans stopped fighting right now.

"How did you get on this channel?" a young voice asked.

"Laren! That's not the point!" another voice, slightly older-sounding, added. "And don't give them any information!"

Adora sighed. "This is She-Ra. I want to talk with your leader. If we don't do something soon, you're doomed. There has been enough loss of life - and all of it on your side. Let's end this."

"Really?" Catra stared at her.

Adora winced. That probably hadn't been the best way to word this.


"Alright! This is like dealing with a lab fire. Just a lot bigger. And we don't have a lab with automated fire-fighting systems, nor do we have bots ready to step in. And we can't just evacuate the place and let the fire burn itself out. OK, it's not like dealing with a lab fire at all."

Despite the situation - and the correct, if not very encouraging summary - Samantha Carter had to smile at Entrapta's comment. "We might still have to evacuate the Eurondans, even if we manage to get the fire under control," she pointed out. "If the reactors or their command centre are lost to the flames, the Eurondan Alliance will likely exploit this and launch strikes on this facility." It might take them a while to realise it wasn't a trap, though Sam was pretty sure it wouldn't take them longer than it would take to replace a reactor - or a command centre. Although if they just had to build an adapter and could connect a mobile power generator… it depended on the power demands of the Eurondans.

"Also, we can't seal off the burning areas and pump the air out," Entrapta added. "Or they would have done that already. Their construction isn't very optimised. We had better bunkers in the Horde."

Sam was happy that the Eurondans hadn't thought to add such features - they would have used them against Sam's friends and herself. "Sealing off the burning sections will still help. It will at least slow down the fire," she said, "even if it might not stop it."

"OK! Let's do that then!"

"Once Adora gives the go-ahead," Sam said. Adora was still negotiating with the Eurondans. Judging by her grimace, things were not going too well. "The Eurondans have to agree to stop fighting us."

Entrapta blinked. "But why wouldn't they? If they keep fighting, they'll lose the facility. They can't fight us and the fire. It's not logical."

The Eurondans hadn't acted very logically at all, in Sam's opinion. 'Suicidal' would be a more precise term. Although Tralan - who was begging the others over the comm channel to stop fighting - showed that some of them retained a modicum of common sense. Or the ability to face facts, even if they had to be shoved in their faces by a magical princess breaking through your entire force. "I think they'll see reason," she told her friends. Eventually, at least. "So, what can we do to seal off the burning areas?"

"We can't use their defence field - since the fire is spreading, it must not repel heat," Entrapta said. "That's actually an interesting weakness, though you can probably compensate by adding enough insulation, space or just armour around your projector and shield generator to avoid it catching fire. Anyway! The doors should be able to withstand the flames for some time - long enough for Mermista and Frosta to arrive - but I think the air ducts are the problem."

"I concur." Though Adora and the others smashing their way through all doors, the fire hot on their heels, couldn't have helped. "And the ventilation system is likely supplying the fire with fresh oxygen. We need to cut that." Taking out the entire ventilation system would doom the facility, with the surface and atmosphere poisoned.

"Alright - let's check the air duct layout!" Entrapta pushed a few buttons, and a holographic projection of the facility - as far as they had managed to scan it - appeared between them and Adora, who was now gesturing wildly with one hand as she glared at the communicator in her other hand.

Sam focused on the air vents. "I see the problem," she said, wincing.

"Lots of redundancy," Entrapta said. "We'll have to seal off… these, these, and these air ducts. But only if we can manage that in the next ten minutes. Or this area there will be lost as well."

Sam nodded. "And if that area starts burning, this area could be cut off." She pointed at a large section of the floor below them.

"That's… the infirmary and part of their quarters," Entrapta said after checking their scanner's result.

Sam nodded. "We might have to evacuate them soon."

And if the fire took this area, then two of the stasis vaults would be in danger next.

"Let's prepare to seal the air ducts," Entrapta said. "I think we'll have to use armour plate for that. And sealing those will be tricky."

Sam winced again. "We could ferry special equipment from Earth," she said, "but that would take too long."

"Bow's trick arrows!" Entrapta perked up. "They could seal the most crucial air ducts!" She blinked. "But he left with Glimmer."

Sam wanted to curse. That would have been a solution. Although… "We won't have time to whip up a reagent from the available resources here," she said. "We'll have to go with the armour plate, but getting that seal tight enough will be difficult. Cutting armour plate so it fit an air duct and sealed it was nigh impossible on the fly. Or in time.

"The Eurondans should have some industrial glue," Entrapta said. "And I think I know how we can jam the armour plate into the ducts."

She was looking at Adora, Sam realised. Oh. Of course.


"...no, we don't have the time to wait until you can discuss this further with your officers! You don't have the time - the fire's spreading as we speak! And we can't stop it while you're still trying to fight us - we'd have to take your forces out first! So stop being stupid and agree to stop attacking us so we can save you!"

Catra shook her head as Adora tried again to make the Eurondans see reason. Her ears twitched as she listened to the Eurondan's answer.

"We can't trust you! You're as bad as the Breeders!"

"We aren't trying to kill you all!" Adora retorted. "We're trying to save you!"

Catra couldn't resist. She rose on the tips of her toes, bent towards the communicator Adora was holding and added: "And you started the war with the Eurondan Alliance."

"They were about to destroy us!"

Adora glared at her, of course.

Catra shrugged. "Can't let them forget that," she said. If those idiots would rather doom their entire people than stop the war and accept help, then it might probably be better to wipe out their leaders.

"That was then, this is now," Adora said through clenched teeth. "You're both fighting over a ruined world - and you're losing. We're offering you a way out of this."

"We won't abandon our home world! It's ours by right!"

Catra shook her head and sighed.

Adora rolled her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to calm down. "No one says you have to abandon your world. I - we - can restore your world. But you need to stop fighting us."

"We're only defending ourselves!"

The man was technically correct, Catra had to admit - the Eurondans were holed up at several choke points and not attacking the gate room any more. They had learned that, at least.

"You are letting the fire spread. Soon, it will become uncontrollable," Adora said.

"We're fighting the fire."

Catra looked at Entrapta and Sam. "Is the fire still spreading?" she asked. According to her nose, it was, but her friends had their magitech scanner.

"Uh… yes," Entrapta replied. "Although it slowed down a little for a while, it's spreading as fast as at the start again."

"Did you hear that?" Adora asked. Without waiting for an answer, she added: "Whatever you're doing is not enough. We're running out of time, so this is our last offer: Stop fighting us, withdraw your forces, or we'll have to take them out so we can save the rest of your people! We won't let your pride destroy your people!"

"If we have to destroy you to save you, we will," Catra heard Jack whisper under his breath and chuckled.

"Please, Kaltur. We cannot stand against them. We cannot hurt them. The longer we try, the worse we suffer," Tralan added on the comm.

"I won't listen to someone who got taken prisoner. Or worse."

Catra looked at Alar, who was still on the floor, stunned. "I guess that means their leader is now their former leader."

"This wouldn't happen if this were a kingdom," Adora muttered. Louder, she said: "Then ask your surviving troops, those who have faced us. You have no chance. The longer you refuse to accept that, the worse your situation will become - if you wait too long, you'll have to evacuate the entire facility. And not because of us but because it will be a burned-out husk!"

Catra sighed, shaking her head. "If they won't listen, we'll have to take out their troops." That might actually make it easier to stop the war. If the Eurondans had no forces left, they couldn't fight on. Though after listening to the negotiations, she wasn't sure if even that would be enough for the Eurondans or if they'd try to mobilise everyone else and send them out as cannon fodder or something. According to her research, a few Earth kingdoms had done that in past wars.

"Please," she heard Adora whisper with a grimace. She hated this, Catra knew.

Catra clenched her teeth. If they had to take the Eurondans out to save them, she'd personally take care of Kaltur. A leader who would rather sacrifice their people than their pride couldn't be tolerated.

Kaltur still hadn't answered. During the whole discussion, he had been quick to reply. Was this a good sign? She leaned closer, but her ears weren't picking up anything; they must have closed the channel.

Or they might want to leave them hanging to gain more time or something. Catra eyed the hallway leading to the 'frontline'. Were they preparing more traps? Even after their arson backfired like that?

"We're withdrawing our troops."

"Thank you!" Adora replied, smiling.

That meant they couldn't rely on help from the Eurondan troops to fight the fire. Catra didn't mind, though - she wouldn't trust them anyway.

"Alright! As soon as they have withdrawn, we'll move in," Adora told Kaltur.

"And after we have run a scan for traps," Catra added.

Once burned, twice shy or something like that.


Jack O'Neill couldn't help looking over his shoulder as he followed Adora, Catra, Carter and Entrapta to the evacuated area closest to the fire. He didn't trust the Eurondans. They might have agreed to stop the fighting and withdraw their troops from the area, but that didn't mean they had surrendered. Or agreed to make peace. It was a truce at best, in his opinion. And truces could be and were broken all the time, as soon as it was convenient for someone. Worse, Euronda wasn't Earth, where you needed at least an excuse to break a truce or you might be out of luck the next time you wanted a truce - and you might get some stern looks thrown your way by the United Nations, but that didn't really matter. The Eurondans had no reason to care for any supposed damage to their reputation. Their local enemies already hated them - attempted genocide tended to get that reaction - and the Alliance wasn't going to let them continue their war of extermination either.

So, as soon as the fire was contained, or looked contained, the Space Nazis would try to double-cross them. Maybe even earlier, if they had a death wish and decided that killing their enemies was more important than surviving; they certainly seemed to have thought so when they started the fire. Or they had been too arrogant or stupid to consider the consequences. That kind of fanaticism, arrogance and stupidity fit the Nazis perfectly.

"Please, save my people!"

Alar, dragged along by Teal'c, on the other hand, was now veering hard into playing the victim. Also something many Nazis had done.

"We're doing what we can," Adoa told him.

"And we'd already be done if you had stopped fighting us sooner," Catra added.

"That was Kaltur's ill-advised decision," Alar said. "There will be consequences for his shortsighted attempt to usurp my leadership."

Jack rolled his eyes. If Alar expected that the Alliance would put him in charge of the Eurondans so he could take revenge on his former underlings who had decided that he was an acceptable sacrifice, he would be disappointed. Probably - the Alliance might not intervene if Alar managed to get back into power since Kaltur had managed to thoroughly annoy even Adora, but the princesses weren't exactly fans of purges and bloody revenge.

"We have to focus on fighting the fire, not revenge," Adora told him.

"Of course!"

Jack rolled his eyes at Alar's toadying up. We should have left him back in the gate room with the others, he thought. But his knowledge of the bunker might be useful, and so they had dragged him along.

"And here's the storage room we need!" Entrapta announced. "We can get the armour plates here! And the glue we need as a sealant. It's too bad that you don't use this particular heat-resistant glue for everything - we would have more than enough to seal off all ducts!"

"It's an essential part for constructing new aero-fighters, and our supplies are limited, so we can't spare any of it for other tasks," Alar said.

They had been waging their world war on a shoestring budget, hadn't they? Jack thought.

"Well, you won't need more aero-fighters," Adora said as she grabbed a stack of armour plates. "That the right size?"

"Yes. Well, larger than we need, but that's better than too small," Entrapta replied.

"Adora can make everything fit," Catra added. "Brute force for the win."

Adora pouted at that. "Let's go. The fire's spreading as we talk."

"We should have enough time to get the planned fire barriers up," Carter said.

"Let's hurry anyway," Catra added. "I can smell the smoke growing worse through the mask."

They double-timed it out of the storage room, Adora leaving two cracks in the door as she manhandled the armour plates through it, and continued toward the fire.

"Are the Eurondans holding their positions?" Jack asked Carter as they approached their goal.

"Yes, sir. I am constantly tracking them," she told him.

"Good." Between her magic scanner and Catra's ears, they probably were safe enough to pull this off.

Jack would still be on his guard. It wasn't as if he had anything else to do here than watch out for his friends, anyway - he wasn't a firefighter. Nor could he lift a piece of armour plate over his head like Adora was doing.

"Good! Now bend it a little and push it in!" Entrapta told her. "Not too much, so it fits snugly."

Adora grunted a little as she bent the plate, then stuffed it into the air duct opening - without bothering to remove the grate there first. Jack winced at the sound of screeching metal and crumbling concrete-like material.

"Great! Now, let's seal it up!" Entrapta's hair tendrils wielded two glue dispensers and went to work. A few seconds later, they withdrew. "Done! Off to the next one - we've got all the air ducts we need to seal marked down."

"And then my people will be safe!" Alar said.

"Well, safe for the moment," Entrapta corrected him as they rushed out again. "Given enough time, the fire will spread anyway as the heat breaks down the glue - though I think your doors will fail first if our material analysis is correct. And it should be unless our scanners were malfunctioning, which I don't think they did."

"What?" Alar gasped and stumbled, Teal'c carrying him more than dragging him for a few steps. "But…"

"They will hold long enough for our friends to arrive and put out the fire," Carter told Alar as they entered the next room.

"Now be quiet, we're working," Catra added.

Alar fell silent. Following orders was another trait of Nazis, Jack reminded himself, though he couldn't tell yet if that was a good thing or not in this case.


"And here we are! On foreign shores, to save the day!" Sea Hawk raised his fist to the ceiling as soon as he had stepped through the portal.

"Ugh. It's not a shore - Glimmer told us explicitly that this base has no access to the ocean. Or any large body of water." Mermista scowled at him, then looked around.

"My dear Mermista! It's the principle of the thing - the symbolism!"

Adora felt relief filling her as Glimmer, Bow and Frosta followed the two down the ramp. Her friends had arrived just in time. Not that she had really doubted them, of course. "Hello!"

"Welcome to Euronda," Catra drawled behind her.

"Hello." Mermista nodded at them. She was carrying her trident. "Glimmer said you needed us urgently."

"Where is the fire?" Frosta cracked her knuckles.

"This way!" Entrapta's hair pointed towards the door. "And then all the way down the hallway. Oh, and you should wear masks - the air in the burning areas is really bad." She blinked. "But you need to wait until Adora restores magic to the planet, or you can't really do much."

"You haven't done it yet?" Frosta asked, then looked at her hands, flexing her fingers. Probably trying to use her power.

Adora shook her head. "You were told about the situation here?"

"Yes," Mermista said, frowning. "Those people here poisoned their entire world to kill everyone else because they wouldn't submit to their rule. And now they are not only losing the war they started but also in danger of dying to the fire they started to kill you." She rolled her eyes. "And we're going to save them anyway. Ugh."

She didn't mean it, Adora knew. Mermista was just a little… snarky about such things. She would do the right thing even if she complained about it. Adora was a little more concerned about Frosta. But only a little. Both were here, after all. Adora nodded. "Yes."

"Even if we have to crush them for that," Catra added with a smirk.

"Anyway," Adora went on. "Since we need to return magic to the planet and we also have to purge the poison, it'd be best to do that on the surface so I can, ah, use the magic surge for that, but the Eurondans aren't cooperating."

"They don't believe in magic," Entrapta added. "They think this is a ploy to discover their aero-fighter bays, even though we already know where those are thanks to our scans." She pouted. "We showed them the data, but they still didn't believe us."

"Charming fellows," Jack said. "They must be the life of any party."

"Anyway," Adora repeated herself. "So, we have to do it here." And she would have to channel the magic to the surface blindly.

"Just don't turn the bunker into a plant," Jack told her.


"She's only done that once," Entrapta said. "So, it's not really likely."

"Don't give her ideas."

"Let her focus!"

Adora closed her eyes and raised her sword above her head. This was it. She had done this before. Just focus and release the magic. Reach out and do it. She could feel… there!

She concentrated on the familiar feeling of the blockage. Visualised it.

And cut it.

Once again, she felt the magic surge, into and through her, filling her with power. Urging her to release it uncontrollably, on a whim.

She gritted her teeth and fought the urge, even if she felt as if she was about to burst. She would use this power, not waste it! Heal this world.

At the mere thought of healing, the magic reacted, pushing against her, trying to reach out to the others in the room - in the bunkers, seeking wounds and sicknesses.

Once again, Adora held back, groaning with the effort. The pressure was growing stronger, straining her even more. Demanding to be released. But she had to heal the world, not the people here. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Above her, five hundred yards above her, was the surface. Poisoned. Dead. She couldn't see it, not directly, but she had seen the images on Entrapta's scanner.

She focused on those pictures. The memory of the wasteland above. Imagined the poison seeped into the soil. Drifting through the air. Polluting the world.

And poured magic into it. Through her sword. Through herself.

For a moment, it almost felt as if the magic was cheering as it flowed through her, surged upwards, pushing through metal, stone and earth to reach the surface, then bursting forth like a giant fountain, magic spreading through soil and air.

Purging. Healing. Restoring. Seeding.


On and on it went. Healing. Restoring. Purging. Seeding.

Adora trembled. Panted with the effort. Grunted with the strain and pain of channelling a world's magic far longer than she had before. Guiding it to cover the entire world. Heal the world. Restore it. Purge the poison. She couldn't give in. She couldn't release the power. Not before she was done. It was too important. She had to keep going. Let the magic spread. Cover the entire world.

But she felt the magic slipping from her control. Her focus weakening. Her body shaking.

And then she felt herself falling.



Samantha Carter gasped when she heard Catra scream and saw Adora collapse. All that magic, all that power, channelled through her, through her dropping sword… Sam threw herself to the ground.


"Take cover!"


Sam clenched her teeth as the room was filled with blinding light and deafening noise, drowning out the screams from the others as She-Ra's magic ran out of control. She should have taken precautions - taken shelter somewhere else instead of staying at ground zero. She closed her eyes. They would all die. Or worse. And just because she had been too stupid to take basic precautions. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

The noise cut off. She opened her eyes a tiny little bit, squinting. And wasn't blinded by magic.

"Anyone dead? Sound off if you're dead!"

The General! He was alive!

Sam raised her head and looked around. The General was just getting up.

"You idiot!" Catra was kneeling on the floor, Adora in her arms. "You idiot!"

"Whoa! Half my sensors are fried - Adora released so much magic, the sensors couldn't withstand it! We completely underestimated the stress from prolonged channelling of magic on that scale! Note to myself: Upgrade sensors!"

Entrapta was obviously fine, Sam noted.


"What a harrowing Adventure!"

Mermista and Sea Hawk were fine as well.

Sam turned and checked the rest of the room. The Stargate was fine - as was the D.H.D. It looked like the magic surge had…

She blinked and brushed some hair from her face.

…completely vaporised the ceiling. And everything above it - she could see the sky above them. She-Ra's magic had created a huge shaft reaching the surface. No - a huge crater. Sam shivered. If that had happened with the sword pointed in their direction…

"Adora?" Glimmer asked.

"The idiot's still alive. But exhausted."

"Are you sure?" Bow looked concerned. Sam felt concerned as well.

"She hasn't transformed back. And I know how exhaustion looks on her," Catra replied.


Right. Sam nodded and didn't think about the implications. There were more important things to focus on.

"Oh! Let's check the surface! And the atmosphere!" Entrapta beamed.

"Check for poison," Glimmer added. "And keep your masks on!"

Sam quickly picked up her scanner and had to scroll through several notifications about damaged systems. The magic sensors were out. That was… not ideal, given that they were now exposed to the planet's atmosphere.

But the working sensors didn't detect any of the poison they had scanned before. "It seems that Adora managed to clean at least our immediate surroundings of the poison," she reported, turning to the General. Who was, she noted, staring at her. "Sir?"

"Carter? That haircut isn't regulation."

She froze for a moment, then reached up to her head. And then behind her back.

Her hair had grown. A lot. It now reached down to the small of her back.

"Oh! That must have been a side-effect of the magic used to restore the surface. Or maybe a stray strand when Adora fell unconscious," Entrapta said, cocking her head as she ran a scanner over Sam's head. "Can you manipulate it?"

"No," Sam replied.

"Too bad! We could've been hair buddies. Hair science lab buddies."

For a moment, Sam didn't know if she should be happy or disappointed. She settled for being happy.

"So… anyone else got some rapid hair growth? Or some additional limbs? Or got turned into a plant?" the General asked.


"Just asking. Magic is unpredictable."

Sam clenched her teeth again and quickly and discreetly checked herself. She should have noticed any change to her body, but she had missed her hair growing, and with magic on such a scale, anything was possible. Relieved, she confirmed that she didn't have any appendages that she hadn't had her whole life.

But she would get a thorough medical scan as soon as they were back on Earth. Just to make sure she hadn't suffered any less obvious change.

"No change here… I think."

"Not here either."

"As far as I can tell, I am fine."

"I can scan you!"

"You've doomed us all!"

What? Sam turned. Alar was staring at the sky, pale and shaking. Tralan didn't look any better, Sam noted.

"Oh, don't worry - the air and ground above us are safe. I will need some larger sensors - probably hooked up to Emily, once she arrives - to check how much of the planet was affected, but I think we're pretty safe from contamination - Adora channelled the magic for a long time. Relatively, of course," Entrapta tried to reassure them.

"No! We're doomed!" Alar retorted, shaking his head - and crying. "The Breeders will not miss this - our base is completely open!"

"You still got your fancy defence field," the General said.

"No." Alar sank to his knees. "There were at least three projectors above us… the field won't be able to last like this. We're doomed!"

Right. The Eurondans were at war. A war fought in the air. And they just created the perfect bomb trap right at the planet's Stargate. While a fire was still raging inside the facility, drawing resources and threatening their military facilities.

"Oops!" the General said, and Sam winced.


Catra was going to kill Adora. After she made sure her love was alright. To exhaust herself like that, channelling enough magic to fry… a small fleet, probably. She glanced up at the sky visible above them. Clearly and easily visible thanks to the crater Adora's magic had created.

Then she looked at Adora. She was limp, laid across Catra's lap, eyes closed, mouth half-open, breathing steadily.

"You idiot," Catra whispered, pulling her closer for a quick, squeezing hug. As much of a squeezing hug as she could manage with Adora still being She-Ra. That, at least, was a good thing - if Adora had really hurt herself, she would have changed back, wouldn't she?

Catra didn't want to know. She just wanted her love to wake up so she could properly scream at her for being stupid.

"You've doomed us all!"

And she wanted to claw Alar's face off to stop him from whimpering and crying. But she would have to drop Adora for that. And her friends wouldn't like Catra killing a prisoner.

So she turned her head instead and spat: "Shut up! You aren't doomed. You just lost the war - but you were losing it anyway!" Really, as if he was the first leader of an evil horde finding themselves in the ruins of their headquarters with the enemy at their gates! Catra knew exactly how that felt, and she hadn't been such a whimpering mess when it had happened to her.

"But he's right - if the Eurondan Alliance forces know what they are doing, they'll spot this little hole quickly and will attempt to capitalise on the opportunity to finish off their enemy for good," Jack said. "And this is one nice bomb trap - even some old World War 2 bombers couldn't miss such a target."

"We're doomed!"

Someone shut him up!

"Although unless they already have a force close by in the air which they can reroute on the fly, we have some time left to fix this. Somehow," Jack went on.

"But… they surely will notice that the poison's gone? And attempt to investigate first?" Daniel said.

"They have been fighting for their lives for decades," Glimmer told him. "I don't think we can count on them stopping their attacks to investigate what they might assume was a reactor blowing up in this base or something. They won't want to give their enemies time to fix things."

Catra nodded. She wouldn't do that either in their place.

"And they might not even notice that the poison is gone," Entrapta added. "If their sensors are not significantly better than the Eurondans', and I don't think they are, or the air battle would probably have been won by them much earlier thanks to superior sensor ranges, they can't detect poison from afar - or its absence."

Right. Catra looked up. The fact that the crater was perfectly spherical might catch the attention of a scientist, but a military pilot would just see an opportunity. And speaking of the crater… She narrowed her eyes. "How stable are the crater walls?" she asked. If the walls started coming down, the Stargate - and anyone around it - would be buried under tons of stone and earth.

"Good question!" Entrapta beamed and looked at her tool. "Oh."

"The crater's surface wasn't hardened in any way, as far as we can tell," Sam reported.

"That means?" Jack asked.

"The top parts will start to crumble very soon, and the material sliding down into the crater might destabilise some of the material forming the lower parts, sir."


"Creating the world's worst landslide. Great." Jack shook his head.

"And it's starting!" Catra hissed - she could see the crater's surface moving. Dirt was starting to loosen and roll down the crater. Taking more dirt with it.

"That's… Something's moving inside the crater walls!" Sam exclaimed.


"Yes - the entire wall is… on top of the surface as well," Entrapta confirmed. "That's… Oh."

Green spots appeared above them, rapidly spreading across the bare earth and stone walls.

Green plants, Cara realised. Growing through the walls, covering them. She almost checked if they had taken Perfuma with them - this looked like her going all out. But this was Adora's doing. Shaking her head, Catra smiled at her love. "Showing up the other princesses, huh?"

A clump of Earth hit the ground nearby, followed by another. And more, smaller specks fell down.

"Sir. While the plants are stabilising the crater walls, their rapid growth has shaken loose a lot of material," Sam said. "And it's all coming down."

"And She-Ra can't plug the hole because she's still out," Jack summed up. "Well, we…"

"...don't need She-Ra." Frosta raised her arms, and a pillar of ice rose in the middle of the room, covering the hole. Grinning smugly, she announced: "Problem solved!"

"Until it melts," Catra said, earning her a scowl.

"I'll just maintain it!"

"And, speaking of melting ice… don't we have a fire to fight?" Mermista said.

"Right." Glimmer nodded. "Follow me. Both of you."

Catra watched them leave. Between Frosta and Mermista, they should have the fire covered. And the ice here would hold long enough for the princess to get back and fix it. The sight of that had shut up Alar, too - the man was staring at the ice as if he had gone crazy. Crazier. Probably the straw to break his back after Adora's display. And the Eurondan Alliance might not have advanced sensors, but they wouldn't miss the plants growing in the crater. That should keep them from bombing it.

Should. Catra wasn't entirely sure she could trust anyone on this planet to have a little bit of common sense left. "We better contact the Eurondan Alliance," she said. "And quickly. We can't wait until Adora wakes up."

"Yeah," Jack agreed. "Daniel? How do you feel about arranging a truce between two blood enemies?"

Daniel winced. "Ah… I'll see what I can do?"

Chapter 134: Tense Negotiations Part 2
Chapter 134: Tense Negotiations Part 2

Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"No pressure," Jack O'Neill told Daniel. "You just have to get them to put the war on hold for a while so we can let the diplomats hammer out some armistice."

Judging by the way Daniel frowned at him - mirrored by Sha'Re - Daniel didn't really feel reassured. "I have to get people who have been fighting for their very lives for decades to stop the war right when they are about to win."

"Yep." Jack shrugged with far more nonchalance than he felt. "Maybe focus on the fact that the Eurondans are already beaten?"

"I'll have to get them to listen to us first. Convince them we're not the Eurondans - or their allies," Daniel retorted. He turned to Carter. "Can we communicate with the Eurondan Alliance?"

"We are tapping into their communications," Carter replied. "Their encryption is not as good as the Eurondan's, but they seem to have compartmentalised their communications."

"We've hacked their aeroplanes' comms, but we're still working on the link to their headquarters," Entrapta added. "Their planes are headed this way, by the way. They probably saw the magic surge and want to investigate."

"Or they noticed that the Eurondans' defences are in shambles and want to exploit that," Jack pointed out. He looked up at the ice shield sealing off the big-ass hole in the ceiling. "I don't think that's bomb-proof."

Daniel nodded. "Alright. Let's hope the plants give them pause." He didn't sound very optimistic.

"Here! We put their aeroplane network on channel two!" Entrapta's hair tendrils handed a communicator to Daniel.

"Thank you." He cleared his throat. "Eurondan Alliance forces! This is Daniel Jackson speaking. I am a representative of Earth and Etheria, two powers from outside this solar system. We have arrived in the Eurondan Nation through a Stargate to investigate an attack on us and have taken control of the Stargate the Eurondan Nation has been using. We would like to talk to your leader."

"They've cracked our encryption!"

"Communications are compromised. Continue according to protocols!"


"Uh…" Daniel winced and looked at Jack.

Jack sighed. It looked like the Eurondans - the Eurondan Nation - did enough hacking that the Eurondan Alliance had standard operating procedures for that. Which was kind of a problem right now. "I guess they aren't changing course?"

"No, sir," Carter reported. "They are still flying directly at our current position. At their current speed, the estimated time of arrival is five minutes."

"Please. This is no joke. We are from the stars. We have defeated the Eurondan forces in their base and are currently securing the defence complex. We aren't your enemies," Daniel pleased. Please halt your attack for the moment, and let us talk to your leaders."

Jack pressed his lips together. This wouldn't work. After decades of war to the knife, the Alliance pilots wouldn't stop but press the attack. He knew how pilots thought.

"We have restored plant life to the area and are taking measures to restore the biosphere of your planet. Please stop your attack and let us talk."

Once they saw the plants, they might stop their attack. Might. They might not even notice the plants if they were focused on their sensors and instruments. Jack cursed under his breath. This wouldn't work. They needed something not even a pilot with target fixation could miss. Something to give anyone seeing it pause.

"Keep talking!" he snapped. "I'll get help!"

"What? Jack? Wait! What are you doing?"

Jack ignored him and switched channels on his radio. "Frosta? We need you back at the gate at once!"

"Frosta?" Sha're asked.

"We're busy fighting the fire!" Frosta sounded annoyed.

"Let Mermista take over for a while. We need you to stop the Eurondan Alliance from covering us in bombs!" Jack retorted. "Glimmer! Get Frosta back to us at once!"

"What? What did you do?" Glimmer cut in.

"Nothing. But the Alliance pilots won't stop," Jack replied. "We need her to make a sign even a blind man can't miss!"


"What? Hey!"

In a shower of sparkles, Glimmer and the struggling Frosta appeared next to the Stargate.

"There you are!" Jack felt relieved. "Create the biggest ice sculpture you've ever done - right on top of us!"

Frosta stared at him with wide eyes. Then she grinned. "Alright! Glimmer, take us up to the surface!"

"Try not to kill off all plants!" Entrapta yelled.

"Bombs will kill them as well!" Jack yelled back.

Glimmer and Frosta disappeared in another cloud of sparkles.

Jack turned to Daniel. "Tell them to watch out for ice sculptures!"

"I'm not even sure if they are listening to me," Daniel replied. But he did as asked.

"Now we can just hope for the best," Jack said. "In case this doesn't work…"

"Dialling to forward base, sir," Carter anticipated his order.


Jack looked at the ice above them. It must have started to melt, but that wouldn't be a concern for a while. Nothing Frosta and Mermista couldn't handle. As long as his idea worked.

"What's Frosta doing?" Catra asked behind him.

"Oh! Let me check with the scanner!" Entrapta replied. "I should be able to get good visuals of it…"

Jack looked over her shoulder. And blinked. That was…

"Did she just create a sculpture of herself the size of an iceberg?" Daniel asked.

"Yep," Jack said.

"Almost the size of her ego, I bet," Catra added with a smirk.

Behind them, the wormhole stabilised.

"It's still growing," Entrapta reported.

Well, the Eurondans wouldn't have to worry about water for a while, Jack thought.

"The Alliance Aeroplanes are slowing down."

It was working. Jack softly sighed.


She had to keep channelling the magic. Purge the poison. Heal the land. Purge. Heal. Endure. She had to… She had failed!

Adora woke up with a gasp and sat up. Or tried to - a hand on her face stopped her.

"Don't!" Catra hissed at her. "You've been out for hours!"

Adora was in Catra's lap. Well, her head was. And they were…

"Actually, less than an hour - forty-one minutes, to be exact."

That was Entrapta's voice! Adora turned her head. Entrapta was sitting on the ground, beaming at her while her hair kept pressing buttons on her tool. They were in the Eurondan gate room. She could see Campbell guarding the gate at the D.H.D. But where were the others?

"Close enough." Catra scowled.


"It doesn't matter," Catra interrupted Entrapta. "The idiot here almost got herself seriously hurt trying to save another world!"

Trying? "What happened? Did I fail?" Adora asked. She had failed - she knew it! "I tried to heal the world…"

"And you did purge the poison from most of the landmass we're on," Entrapta said.

"You also vaporised half of the Eurondan defence complex," Catra added.

"Fifteen per cent, actually."

"Oh." Adora blinked and looked at the ceiling. "Is that… ice?" It looked like ice. A huge patch of ice covering most of the ceiling. No, replacing most of the ceiling.

"Frosta plugged the hole. And then created an ice statue of herself the size of Bright Moon," Catra explained. Or not.

"She did what?" This time, Adora managed to sit up.

They explained. Properly, this time.


"...and that's why Mermista had to move the water so the melting sculpture won't fill the crater with water - Frosta already had to reinforce the ice cover here, but the water pressure could make that worse. We really should repair the ceiling here, but we don't have the material to do that."

"We've created a new lake?" Adora asked. That was… OK, not as bad as turning a spaceship into a plant, but it wasn't very responsible. You didn't rearrange the geography of a foreign world like that!

"They're still working on that. But it won't be a big lake," Catra said. "Anyway, that's why Glimmer and the others are up top, trying to prepare a canal for the water before the ice melts."

"They are digging a canal? How?" Adora asked.

"More like blowing a canal," Catra said.

"Jack is using explosives to remove an obstacle between the crater's edge and a ravine."

That made more sense. "And what about the Eurondans?" Adora asked. "You managed to stop the war, you said." Thanks to Frosta.

"The Eurondan Nation has a truce with us. The Eurondan Alliance hasn't agreed to a ceasefire, but they have stopped trying to bomb us," Catra said. "Daniel's trying to get them to parlay, but they're stubborn, and I think they don't really believe we're aliens even after they saw Frosta's ego trip up top and you rejuvenating the continent." She shrugged. "He's still talking in the next room."

Adora nodded. If the Eurodans were talking instead of shooting - or bombing - each other, then that was a good thing. Still… "I should talk to them."

"You need to rest! You exhausted yourself - you exhausted She-Ra!" Catra snapped.

Adora winced. Even She-Ra's power had limits. No, she had limits. If she had been ready for this… She got up. "I'm fine."

Catra narrowed her eyes at her, and Adora half-expected her to try to trip her to claim she wasn't fine, but her lover muttered something under her breath - probably 'idiot' - and got up as well. "Well, let's tell Glimmer that you're awake." She used her communicator before Adora could stop her.

Glimmer appeared with Bow a second later. "Adora! What were you doing?"

"I am fine," Adora told her friends while they hugged her. "Just a bit tired."

"Exhausted," Catra added.

"Well, you're not hurt according to my scans," Entrapta said. "Though I don't have enough data about She-Ra's power when restoring magic to a planet to be a hundred per cent sure. However, I could compare your hair growth when you change into She-Ra to Sam's recent hair growth and conclusively prove that they aren't the same."

"Sam's what?"

"You made Sam's hair grow. A lot," Glimmer told her.

"It's not magical, though," Entrapta added with a pout. "That would have been nifty."

Adora suppressed a groan. What else had she done? And how could she fix things?

Well, first, she had to end the war. Then, she could tackle the rest of the problems.


Surface above the Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Samantha Carter was a physicist. Not a landscaper. Not that she would say that out loud and invite the General to make a Star Trek reference. She had some experience with demolitions, though not as much as the General himself. A combat engineer would be better here. But they didn't have a combat engineer to deal with what was effectively an iceberg on land, so it fell to her.

"That should do it!" The General sounded pleased. "The charges are set. Now, everyone, get back so we can blow this joint as soon as Carter gives the word!"

The others did move away from the patch of land that separated the base of the colossal ice sculpture Frosta had created - in her image, Sam couldn't help adding to herself - from the closest ravine. She used her scanner again. If the explosives weren't enough, they could probably have Adora dig now that she was awake. Or, as an alternative, have Mermista control the water to carve a deeper canal to the ravine, though that was not too practical.

Neither would be necessary if she did her job well enough, though.

"To stand on the surface again… It's a dream come true."

"Our world, restored. A paradise."

"I've only ever seen it from the air. I've been to other planets, of course, but… it's not the same."

"It isn't. This is our home. Our world."

Tralan and Alar's awed conversation behind her wasn't helping, though.

"To see rivara plants grow again… I've only ever seen them in pictures."

"We have seeds stocked in our vaults, but… It's incredible to see plants as far as we can see."

"And you have She-Ra to thank for this," the General added. "Without her, this would still be a poisoned wasteland."

"And we shall not waste her gift!" Tralan said.

Sam winced as she re-ran the last scans and recalculated the yield. That sounded… not quite as bad as Priest, but there was a touch of fervour in the man's voice that bordered on the religious. She hoped it wasn't the start of another branch of the Church of She-Ra; Adora wouldn't like it.

And it would complicate the peace negotiations they were still trying to start.

"Don't forget Entrapta, who's busy restoring your life support systems back down the hole," the General said.

Systems that had been partially wrecked by Adora's magic, Sam mentally added.

"Of course." Alar didn't sound very grateful about that. Then again, that was 'merely' engineering and repair work. Not the restoration of the world's biosphere by magic.

Sam pushed the thoughts away. The calculations and scans were done, and nothing had changed. She looked at the General. "We should be good, sir."

"Great, Carter." His grin made him look twenty years younger. "Here we go!" He held up the remote detonator.

A moment later, the ground in the distance vanished in a cloud of smoke and dust. Sam saw various earth clumps and rocks hitting the ground around it - pretty much where she had predicted. That didn't matter, though. What mattered was whether or not they had blown a big enough crater to reach the ravine.

And according to her scanner, they had. It wasn't quite perfect - the section that had blown open was a bit smaller than calculated - but it would be enough to keep the Eurondan bunker from getting flooded by Frosta's work.

"So, Carter?"

"It's done, sir."

"Huzzah!" Sea Hawk cheered.

"Looks like you don't have to stay and keep the statue frozen, then," Mermista told Frosta.

"Don't blame me; Jack said to create a huge sculpture."

"He didn't tell you to create a huge statue of yourself."

"Ice is ice and melts the same."

Sam rose from where she had been sitting, the movement making her feel the unfamiliar weight of her hair as her new ponytail slapped against her back. Maybe she should just cut it off with her knife? She could have it trimmed properly back home; according to all the scans they had done, it was normal hair. Magically grown, but not magical itself. Which was a relief.

But Glimmer wanted Castaspella to take a look at it 'before doing anything drastic', and even the general had agreed that they should get an expert's opinion before cutting it. 'You can't be too careful with magic, especially magic on this scale', he had put it. She could bear it until then. She might even take a picture before cutting it back to regulation length.

Sam grinned as she looked around. She-Ra's magic had turned the whole area into lush, green fields and hills. No wonder the Eurondans were impressed.

The General joined her. "So, that's one problem solved. Too bad we can't solve the diplomatic problems with explosives."

"I am sure that the Eurondan Alliance will agree to peace talks once they confirm the extent of the changes Adora has wrought," Sam pointed out.

"They still suspect a trap."

She frowned. "That makes no sense. How do they explain this?"

He shrugged. "They don't have an explanation. And that makes them more suspicious. But I'm sure Daniel will convince them."

Sam hoped he was right.


Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and yes, we are aliens - humans, but from other planets."

"A likely story."

"But a true one. And as you have already seen, we also have other species here with us."

"Tricks. You cannot fool us so easily."

Catra snorted. "So much for showing off me and Isa, huh?"

Daniel turned to pout at her. "I didn't expect that to convince them that we're aliens. Not by itself. But put together with the other evidence we can produce, it should convince them of the truth of our claims. Eventually."

"'Eventually'." Catra snorted again. "Before or after we arrive with a fleet?"

"No fleet is on the way," Adora cut in.

"Not yet." Catra grinned. "It might be faster to send a fleet than talk sense into them."

Daniel turned back to the communicator. "We can meet in person, and you can have medical personnel examine them."

What? Catra frowned at him. Getting her examined by some weirdo medic from a backwater planet? "That's a low blow!" she hissed.

Daniel ignored her, but Sha're made a sound as if she was suppressing a giggle.

"A meeting would be the perfect occasion for an ambush."

"They're paranoid." Catra shook her head. "Just send some expendable soldiers," she said, loud enough to be picked up by the communicator.

"Catra!" Adora hissed.

"What?" Catra frowned at her. "They're fighting a war. They're sending out people to die with every sortie." Unlike the Eurondan nations' aero-fighters, the Eurondan Alliance's aeroplanes were not remote-controlled, as they had found out earlier.

"Every soldier is crucial for the war!"

"You've seen the ice sculpture we created - you've seen it as it was grown. You've seen the crater we blew into your enemies' base. Isn't that enough to at least meet with us to verify our claims before you attack us and risk similar repercussions?" Daniel pleaded. "If this were a trap, what would be the point?"

A different voice replied: "To get us to lower our guard and then do to us what you did to our enemies so you can conquer us both!"

That was… actually a new twist, Catra had to admit. Still paranoid, but it made sense in a warped way.

"If you think we want to conquer both you and your enemies, does that mean you accept that we aren't part of the Eurondan Nation trying to fool you?" Daniel asked.

"You could have couped the old leader in a brutal civil war. And now you're trying to deceive us before we finish you off."

"Well, that's not an entirely unreasonable assumption," Catra commented. "They know their enemies." A group that would set their own base on fire or wreck their own world to destroy their enemies wouldn't hesitate to attempt such a ploy. And they had been suspiciously quick to sacrifice their leader in the process.

"How could we do that in a meeting far away from either your or your enemies' base?" Daniel sounded exasperated. "You have seen how we restored life to your world. Do you really think that we would need to trick you if we can do that?"

"Then what do you want?" Another new voice. Older.

"We want to end the war," Adora spoke up. "Stop the dying. Restore your world. Help you."

After a pause, the same voice asked: "And why would you do that?"

"Because it's the right thing to do," Adora replied.

"Because we have the power to help you, and you need help," Daniel added. "We're not here to conquer your world."

"But we could if we wanted to," Catra whispered. It would be easy - the Eurondans of both factions had spent decades underground. Even with the restored plant life on the continent, they would be hard-pressed to launch a guerilla campaign. And even if they managed that, the best they could do was hide in the new wilderness. The Alliance could easily take and hold any base, and they could detect and track down any base the Eurondans built anew. Sooner or later, the guerillas would run out of supplies to wage even a limited war.

"Catra!" Adora hissed.

"Just saying."

"That's not helping!"

"Nothing seems to be helping," Catra retorted.

"Some people mistake kindness for weakness and restraint for incapability," Sha're commented in a low voice. "If all the Eurondans have ever experienced for a generation is all-out war, they might not understand that we won't use our power as much as we could."

"And demonstrating our power will be seen as a threat," Adora added.

Catra snorted again. It was a threat. But maybe a threat was what was needed to get the Eurondans to agree to a meeting.

"What do you have to lose?" Daniel tried again. "Even if you don't trust us to honour a truce, at worst, you would lose a few soldiers. And in exchange, you stand to gain more information about us."

The older voice replied again: "And what do you have to lose? You do not seem to be concerned about potential treachery on our side."

"No, we are not," Daniel said.

Take that however you want, Catra thought with a grin.

A few seconds passed.

"Very well. We agree to a meeting under truce."


Restored Zone, Main Continent, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"We should have brought a chopper," Jack O'Neill commented as they approached the location for the meeting. "Would've been faster." Certainly faster than the skiffs they had brought through the Stargate as transports. They had been driving for hours - technically flying, but it felt like driving since they had to stick so close to the ground.

"We couldn't have managed to get it up and running in time," Bow disagreed, glancing back from the helm of the skiff for a moment. "With all the preparations needed."

Jack grunted. He knew that - he had checked the facts himself. The gate was large enough to fit a transport chopper through, but the logistics for the trip would have been too much. They would have needed extra transports for the fuel - forget setting up in-air refuelling on a foreign planet without an air base!

"The skiffs will look both less aggressive and more impressive, Jack," Daniel argued. "The Eurondans have nothing like this."

"They don't have choppers either," Jack shot back.

"But they understand the principles. This, though… Magitech is new for them." Daniel smiled. "And the skiffs don't look like military craft."

Which was part of Jack's problem with them - he felt too exposed on the skiff. It was like riding a bus into battle. A strafing attack by an Alliance fighter would… well, the shield projectors would stop it, but Jack would still prefer something visible around him.

"We don't have any advanced transports that fit through the Stargate, sir. They weren't a priority." Carter sounded slightly reproachful. As if Jack had been the one to refuse that project!

He had wanted the things! They were perfect for special ops missions! But the Alliance Command had decided to focus on shuttles. Compared to the proposed 'Gate-capable Advanced Transports', shuttles could haul a lot more cargo or troops, could go much faster - all the way across a solar system - and were much tougher and better armed as well. The Alliance needed shuttles far more than they needed special transports. Especially since most of what the special transports could do could be done with ground or conventional air transports. Unless you needed a space-capable transport that could fit through a Stargate.

"I'll bring it up again," he said.

"Entrapta proposed to modify Death Gliders for the purpose," Carter added.

Jack winced. Those things were barely-decent fighters. To change them into transports… He shook his head.

"We're about to reach the meeting spot," Bow reported. "It doesn't look as if anyone else is present."

They only expected the Eurondan Alliance delegation. "Carter?"

"Linking to Entrapta's scanner… there is an unknown aircraft circling about five miles out, sir. Similar design as their bombers."

Was that a trap? A bomb attack on them? Emily's shield might not be able to withstand that, but the bot supposedly had enough AA-capability to shoot down bombs. But if it were, wouldn't the Eurondans have sent more craft?

In any case, the skiff Adora and the others were on was already setting down, followed by the one transporting Entrapta and Emily. That one wobbled a bit; it was slightly overloaded with the big bot.

"Alright. Let's get ready for diplomacy," Jack said as Bow set down their own skiff.

And find out if this is a trap, he added to himself as he grabbed the tent they had brought with them.

Five minutes later - they had just finished setting up the tent - Catra called out: "They're coming!"

"Yes. They are on a course towards us," Entrapta confirmed.

Jack stood - his back didn't protest at all! - and grabbed his binocs. Indeed, the other craft was coming in low and slow. Not a bombing run, then. It wasn't a big transport - not even close to a C-130. Maybe as big as a C-47. And probably as capable of landing on an improvised runway. Also known as a field. Maybe they should have asked if they should prepare a runway for their guests, unless…

Yes. The plane slowed down even more until it came to a stop, hovering in the air about a hundred and fifty yards from their position, then descended straight down. Like an Osprey, but with jet engines. Jack wondered how they avoided FOD. And how fuel-efficient the thing was.

The plane set down, and the engine noise faded. A moment later, a door in the side opened - like a C-47, Jack thought - and two armed soldiers stepped out, followed by four more soldiers. Probably officers, Jack thought - they were in uniform but didn't carry longarms.

Behind them, two more guards climbed out of the plane but stayed back while the six approached their position.

"Showtime," Jack said. "Let's see if you can do your magic again, Daniel."

"I'm no diplomat, Jack. I'm only here because I made first contact with them."

His friend was too modest. Jack would trust him over any career diplomat from Earth. Or any princess from Etheria, actually. He clapped Daniel on the back. "Just do your thing. No pressure."

"Tell that to Adora," Daniel whispered back.

Jack glanced at her. Yeah, Daniel was right - Adora looked tense. But that couldn't be helped now.

He put on his best smile as the Eurondans reached them.



Adora was used to Catra's antics, so her smile didn't slip as Jack greeted the Eurondan Alliance delegation far too casually. They didn't know Earth or Etheria, so they hopefully wouldn't realise it, anyway. "Hello," she said with a nod. "I'm She-Ra, princess of Power and Supreme Commander of the Alliance against the Goa'uld."

"I am Captain Akon," their apparent leader, a middle-aged man, said with a rather brief nod. He also focused on her while the others with him stared at Catra and Isa.

Unlike Alar's people, who all looked similar to each other, the delegation showed more diversity, Adora noted. In skin tone and height, at least - all of them were men, and all had dark hair, though while Akom's hair was curly, one of the guards hanging back had straight, long hair.

Catra rolled her eyes at the scrutiny. "No, you don't get to pull my tail to check if it's real," she said.

Adora cleared her throat as two of the younger Alliance soldiers blushed. "Anyway, this is Queen Glimmer of Bright Moon, Princess Entrapta of Dryl, Princess Frosta of the Kingdom of Snows, General O'Neill, Major Carter, Dr Jackson, his wife Sha're, Tech-Master Bow, Catra and Emily," Adora introduced her friends.

"Lieutenants Kels and Pers. Liou." Akon curtly nodded at the three others with him. He didn't bother introducing the guards. Both Kels and Pers were younger men. The former had darker skin than Bow, and the latter looked like he would fit in the Eurondan Nation if he dyed his black hair. Liou was another middle-aged man with a skin tone similar to Frosta's, but he was rail-thin and taller than anyone else here except She-Ra. He was also focused on Catra and Emily, so he might be a scientist.

"We've prepared a tent for the meeting," Adora said, pointing at it. "And we brought some refreshments and snacks." She was sure that if they had been forced to eat yeast-based food like their enemies, they would appreciate it.

"It should be safe for human consumption - at least Alar's people wouldn't have any problems," Entrapta added. "We can scan you to check if you want to be sure."

"I think…" Akon started to reply, but Liou interrupted him. "How is your hair moving?"

Akon glared at him - scowled, actually - but didn't tell him off, Adora noted. So, Liou might be in charge of the delegation.

"It's my magic power," Entrapta told him with a smile - and demonstrated how she could control her hair to hold tools and operate computers. "All princesses have a magic power."

"Yes!" Frosta nodded and took a step forward. "I control ice." Before Adora could say anything to stop her, Frosta moved her hands, and a pillar of ice rose from the ground near them.

"And I can teleport," Glimmer added while the delegation stared at the ice. Then she disappeared and appeared on top of the ice pillar.

"Show-offs," Catra commented. Adora didn't have to look at her lover to know she was rolling her eyes.

"It's the quickest way to prove we're not from this planet," Glimmer retorted as she reappeared next to Adora. She turned to face Liou. "Do you want to examine our powers more closely?"

"I think so, yes." Liou smiled at her. "Although while unprecedented, such powers wouldn't prove that you're from another world."

"Magic powers. Advanced technology." Glimmer gestured at Emily. "Catwoman." She nodded at Catra. "And the plant life of most of a continent restored."

"A compelling collection of arguments in favour of your claim, indeed." Liou nodded once more. "Still, to have come through a 'gate' from another world…"

"Where else would we have come from? Do you think we are from the Eurondan Nation?" Catra scoffed.

"No, I don't think so," Liou replied. "As you might have found out, they consider anyone not conforming to their ideals, both biologically and philosophically, unworthy of living - they started a war over this stance. And most of you would not pass muster."

"We're aware of that," Jack said. "We had a disagreement over that, which led to the big honking hole in their bunker."

"But I think we should discuss that in the tent," Adora added. "After you finish your examination, of course."

"This shouldn't take long," Liou said. "I only brought a rudimentary set of tools." He went and took a probe from the ice pillar, then peered at it through some sort of scanner.

"Oh! Spectral analysis!" Entrapta smiled.

Liou let a piece of ice melt in his hand and tasted it, ignoring Akon's grimace. "It seems to be ordinary water," he said. "Of course, given your demonstrated powers, that could be wrong." He looked at Catra, who rolled her eyes again, though, despite her earlier words, she stretched and moved both her ears and tail.

"Intriguing. This is not your 'magic power', is it?" Liou asked. "You were not named as a princess."

"No." Catra smirked.

"And we're all grateful for that," Adora heard Glimmer mumble next to her.

She cleared her throat again. "So, shall we sit down? We have a lot to discuss."

"We shall." Liou's smile didn't change. "Such as the question of why you seem intent on protecting the same people who wanted to murder us all and would see you dead if they could."

Adora suppressed a wince and kept smiling politely at him. "Yes, that."


They were off to a good start, in Samantha Carter's opinion. Liou had - as far as she could tell - accepted that they were aliens. Or, at the very least, not from the Eurondan Nation. That he was testing the facts more than any preconception was very promising, as was the fact that the obvious scientist of the delegation was apparently in charge.

Of course, that didn't change that the negotiations would be very difficult. Sam didn't have to be a trained diplomat to realise that ending the war while the Eurondan Nation and its people still existed wouldn't be popular in the Eurondan Alliance. Liou's comment, pointed if politely said, made it clear that they saw any interference that hindered their continuation of the war as help for their enemies.

Or so it seemed. As they took their seats, Sam reminded herself that they didn't know anything about the Eurondan Alliance that they hadn't been told by Alar and his people, who had every incentive to paint the worst picture of their enemies. And even that information had been very scant with regard to their society and culture. Mostly vague propaganda about the Alliance 'breeding uncontrollably'. Even if that were true - Sam doubted it - decades had passed since the war had started. Their society would have changed massively since then.

"Thank you for meeting with us," Adora told them.

"And have some tiny food!" Entrapta added, hair tendrils offering plates with finger food courtesy of Stargate Command's mess hall and a selection of all the drinks of the bases' vending machines to the delegation.

The three others glanced to Liou, Sam noted. Taking their cues from the scientist. Smart.

Liou himself looked at the food, then started sampling it. He hadn't attempted to check for poison, as far as Sam could tell. Perhaps he didn't have the means to do so quickly and in the field - Earth technology was limited in that are as well, after all. Though that was speculation. They might have deliberately held back their best scanners.

"Oh." Liou's eyebrows rose after a fist bite from an egg salad sandwich. "This is food from your home?"

"Yes," Daniel told him. "We brought it through the Stargate in preparation for this meeting. It was made by the cooks on our base."

"Ah." Liou nodded. "This is the food your soldiers eat?"

"Sometimes," Daniel replied. "It was specially prepared, but in a military base. Civilian chefs would have made better food, but the logistics of transporting such food in time for this meeting were too challenging. I hope it's still sufficient."

Liou slightly tilted his head. "Are your civilian chefs more skilled than your base's cooks?"

"It depends," Daniel told him. "Their general skill level varies, of course. And some civilian chefs are, well, not very good. But the best chefs are civilians."

"It's kind of hard to hire the best cooks when we can't pay them more than a fraction of what a five-star restaurant can offer," the General added. "But we manage."

"Ah." Liou exchanged a glance with Akon. "You call yourself the 'Alliance against the Goa'uld'. Are you fighting a war?"

"Yes." Adora nodded firmly. "They are an alien species that can take over a human body as a host and rule an Empire based on enslaving humans."

Adora and Daniel briefly explained more about the Goa'uld Empire.

Liou and the others listened, but Sam had the impression that they were not convinced. She couldn't really hold that against them; without proof - and personal experience - Sam would be doubtful of such claims as well. But it would make negotiations more difficult.

That was for the others to handle, though.

"...and that's how we arrived here," Adora finished their very brief explanation of how they had reached Euronda.

"I see. So, the Eurondan Nation allied with your rivals and supplied them with poison to attack your base?" Liou asked. "This sounds familiar."

Akon snorted at that.

"In hindsight, yes. At the time, we didn't know what the Eurondan Nation had done to your world," Daniel said.

"And then, when you met with them under the flag of truce, they betrayed you and attempted to murder you all," Liou went on.

"Yes. After they realised that we, ah, didn't share their views about eugenics and procreation, things deteriorated and escalated," Daniel said.

"We can see that." Liou nodded at Bow, Glimmer and the others. "It's remarkable that they allowed you to visit their base in the first place. They must have been more desperate than we thought."

"Desperate enough to ignore their own ideology and attempt to reach an agreement and trade deal," Daniel said.

"Temporarily," Liou corrected him. "They attacked you anyway."

"Through treachery," Akon added with a deep scowl. "When you had brought civilians to the meeting."

He glanced at Sha're, Sam noted. And at Glimmer. And at Entrapta. All members of the delegation were doing that, actually. Even the guards were doing it. Did they think everyone who wasn't in uniform was a civilian? They had been told that Adora was the military leader of the Alliance, though. And would they realise what was a uniform and what was the personal outfit of a princess from the few samples they had?

No, she realised - Sha're was wearing the same fatigues as Daniel was, and they were looking at her. They were also looking at Sam herself, she realised. And she had been introduced with her rank.

Oh. She pressed her lips together for a moment, trying not to scowl when she recognised what they were doing.

They were staring at every woman.

Chapter 135: Tense Negotiations Part 3
Chapter 135: Tense Negotiations Part 3

Restored Zone, Main Continent, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time)

Catra leaned back and stretched her arms over her head. The Eurondan Alliance delegation stared, as expected. But they were staring at everyone - well, almost everyone. That they would be staring at Adora was expected. Who wouldn't, whether she was She-Ra or not? But they were also staring - openly or with an attempt to be not obvious - at the others.

And something was odd.

Catra frowned a little, trying to spot the pattern.

"Do you have many civilians?" Sam suddenly asked. She was leaning forward and looked… annoyed, Catra noted. Which was a surprise.

Liou tilted his head at her. "Why do you ask?"

"You seem to be surprised by the presence of women at this meeting," Sam replied.

Oh! Catra rolled her eyes. That again!

"It's unusual for us," Liou told her. "Our circumstances must be very different, I suppose."

"Don't you have female soldiers?" Sam raised her eyebrows. Definitely annoyed.

Daniel blinked, then slowly nodded. He must have just got it as well.

And Adora was frowning.

"The idea to send women into war, risk their lives, is anathema to us," Liou said. His group looked pretty uncomfortable to Catra.

Sexist, then. Probably thought women couldn't fight, like some idiots on Earth. I wonder if they also have some stupid religion favouring men, Catra thought.

"Why?" Adora asked. "We can fight as well as any man."

"Better," Glimmer muttered under her breath. Louder, she added: "We've proven that in the war against the Horde."

"Yes!" Frosta added with a sharp nod and a scowl.

At least they haven't called her a kid, Catra thought. That would have set the princess off.

"As I said, our circumstances must be very different," Liou said with a polite smile that was about as sincere as Horde Prime.

"You don't have many women, do you?" Daniel asked.

Liou merely turned his head to face him, but the other three at the table visibly tensed. "What makes you say that?"

"Ah, it seems the most logical explanation," Daniel explained in his lecturing voice. At least he didn't raise a finger for each point. "You were fighting a war for your very survival, against a genocidal enemy. Usually, nations mobilise all resources for that. And since the war has been mostly fought in the air, with advanced aeroplanes, one would have expected you to recruit your women as well, so the most talented pilots could be used regardless of their gender. Even if you had strong traditions against such a move, the threat of genocide would likely have outweighed those - as happened to the Eurondan Nation when they made a deal with others not conforming to their ideals. And yet, you apparently didn't even think about this. So, there might not be enough women in your country to risk any in combat."

Liou's smile turned rueful, and he slowly nodded. "Your analysis is correct."

"Ah?" Daniel perked up but quickly schooled his features. "Sorry. I got a bit carried away."

"So, what - you don't have enough women to keep your population up?" Jack asked.

Oh. That was… Catra winced.

"You don't have artificial wombs?" Entrapta cocked her head at them before smiling widely. "We can help you out there!"

"'Artificial wombs'?" Liou looked intrigued.

The other Eurondans looked queasy, Catra noted.

"Well, there's also magic alternatives, but artificial wombs are the easiest way to have kids without a woman," Entrapta said.

"My dads used them," Bow added with a smile. "I've got twelve older siblings."

"Your dads had thirteen kids?" Akon shook his head. "That's… No wonder you risk women in combat if you can replenish your numbers so easily!"

"Ah… I'm the only soldier amongst them," Bow said, frowning a little. "They didn't have kids to 'replenish' our army."

"You shouldn't have children just to turn them into soldiers!" Adora blurted out.

"We were almost wiped out!" Akon protested. "The Eugenists struck at our civilians first, killing most of them!"

"They deliberately hit civilians over military targets?" Jack asked. He was almost as tense as the Eurondans had been.

"Yes," Akon said.

"Few civilians were able to reach a shelter when the poison was released," Liou said. "The military did what they could, but they could barely protect themselves - and had to defend against the Eugenists' attack at the same time. Civilian casualties were… crippling."

"What did you do? To deal with that?" Daniel asked a little hesitantly.

"We fought them however we could!" Akon said. "And slowly, with great sacrifices, we drove them back! And now that we are on the brink of final victory, you interfere!"

Daniel winced but didn't relent. "I meant, how did you handle your, ah, population crisis?"

"We ensured that most of the children conceived after the war had started were female," Liou said. He glanced at the two younger Lieutenants. "Young men are also rare in our country, though not as critical for our survival as women since they aren't required to be present - or alive - at conception."


Catra wasn't the only one who winced at that.


The Eurondan Nation had started by going after the civilian population? Jack O'Neill winced. In hindsight, that should have been obvious. It was a logical move - for genocidal scumbags waging a war of extermination - and they already knew that the Space Nazis had poisoned the entire planet to get at their enemies. Still…. Sick.

Maybe we should let the Eurondan Alliance finish them off, he thought.

"I see," Daniel said. He looked shocked as well. "That's quite an extreme measure, although the circumstances were extreme as well."

The scientist, Liou, frowned. "It was a logical response to the loss of most of our civilian population."

"Most of your military was male, then?" Glimmer asked.

"Yes," Liou replied.

"That had always been the case," Akon added. "Why would we risk women in battle?"

"Because we can fight!" Frosta said.

Liou frowned at the man, Jack noted, if only long enough for the officer to notice and wince. "There were movements to recruit more women, before the war," he said. "Partially in response to the Eurondan Nation recruiting women. But after the war had started and we had lost so many people…" He shook his head. "Our leaders agreed that we could not afford to risk women in combat. Not if we wanted to survive as a people. Even so, many succumbed to hunger and sickness as lost medical infrastructure and food production took their toll, and we struggled to defend ourselves and build the means to sustain our lives in shelters."

Yeah, that would have been horrible. Losing most of their population and their food production? Jack didn't even want to imagine how bad things must have been if they had been caught unaware by such an attack without sufficient food in storage for the population. Every lost soldier probably was also a boon since that meant the food supply would last longer…

"So, the current absence of women in the ranks of our soldiers is a result of our situation in the past," Liou went on.

Jack suppressed a snort. Liou was smart, but his attempt to pander to the Alliance led by a woman was a bit too obvious. By now, Akon's attitude was probably entrenched amongst the entire Eurondan Alliance.

Catra didn't suppress her snort.

"Well, that's no longer necessary. We can supply you with artificial wombs, and you can recruit women into your army again!" Entrapta told them with a smile.

Jack winced again - she had completely misread the room.

"Anyway, you won't have to recruit more soldiers once the war's over - and it effectively is over," Adora said. "The Eurondan Nation can no longer wage war against you."

"So you say. And their last bunker did suffer obvious damage. Yet, even our most optimistic estimate of the extent of their defensive network puts their bunker as far too large that such damage would have annihilated their production capacity," Liou retorted. "Left alone, they will recover."

"And they'll renew their attacks on us!" Akon said. "We cannot let them threaten our people ever again - we have to wipe them out for good!"

"We do not condone genocide," Glimmer said with narrowed eyes.

"You obviously have never suffered as we have!" Akon spat. "Or you would not say this!"

"We have fought for our very lives as well!" Glimmer retorted. "But we didn't 'wipe out' our enemies when we won!"

"You don't have to destroy your enemy to be safe," Adora added. "They can't hurt you any more - we won't let them."

"As long as they are around, we'll be in danger. They see us as subhumans and claim our very existence threatens them," Liou pointed out. "You cannot trust them to keep the peace."

"They tried to exterminate us and almost succeeded. Our soldiers threw them back at great cost!" Akon almost yelled. "How can you expect us to let them live after all they did to us? They do not deserve any mercy!"

They weren't entirely wrong, Jack had to admit.

"All of them? Even their civilians?" Adora shook her head. "Their children? Those kept in stasis?"

"Stasis?" Liou leaned forward. "What do you mean?"

"They keep most of their civilians in stasis, cryogenic sleep," Entrapta explained. "They don't have the supplies for them."

"Ah, I see." Liou nodded. "That answers a few questions we had, thank you."

"You're welcome!"

Jack suppressed a sigh. At least it was intel about the Eurondan Nation and not about the Alliance.

"Anyway," Adora spoke up again, "We won't let you kill the Eurondan Nation. They cannot hurt you any more. And we'll ensure that they cannot hurt you in the future either."

"And how will you be doing this? Will you remove them from our world?" Liou asked, tilting his head again. "Will you take them to your own worlds?"

"That would be ethnic cleansing," Daniel pointed out with a frown. "It is frowned upon on Earth."

"So, you expect us to share our world with the very people who tried their hardest to ruin it only so they could murder us all?" Liou shook his head. "That is unacceptable. We have lived too long in fear of them. We have suffered too much to forgive them."

"One way or the other, they have to be removed from our world," Akon added.

Once again, Jack couldn't help thinking that they had a point.


Adora clenched her teeth. She understood the Eurondan Alliance's views. They had lost so much! Suffered for so long!

But they were still wrong. And she said so. "You're wrong." Akon and the two lieutenants openly glared at her. Liou was a bit less obvious, but he still frowned. Adora shook her head at all. "You can be safe without removing them." They were already safe - they just didn't accept it.

"No, we can't!" Akon disagreed. Vehemently. "You can't live under the same sky as those who murdered your family!"

"If you murder their families, does that make you any better than they were?" Adora asked.

"Yes! We didn't start the war! We didn't try to murder civilians!" Akon retorted.

"But that's what you are trying now," Daniel pointed out.

"What?" Akon spat.

Daniel pushed his glasses up. "You are trying to kill all of the Eurondan Nation's population. Most of them are held in stasis, helpless - civilians."

"They tried to kill us all! Our families! Our world!" Akon shook his head.

"And all of them went along with it!" Kel added. "They are all guilty!"

Pers nodded in obvious agreement, his lips pressed together.

"And we are not arguing for their deaths - merely for their removal from our world - the world they attempted to ruin to kill us all," Liou added in a - in Adora's opinion - deceptively mild voice.

"That is only an option because you now know about the Stargate," Glimmer retorted.

"And removing people from their homes is still ethnic cleansing," Daniel said. "Some consider it a form of genocide. But it is generally agreed that it is not lawful."

"A general agreement amongst your people, maybe," Liou retorted. "My people differ."

"We will never accept that those monsters remain on our world!" Akon said.

"We're here to discuss a truce," Sha're cut in. "We can discuss terms for a peace agreement with your leaders at a later date."

Right. Adora pressed her lips together and hoped she wasn't blushing. They were not talking to the leaders of the Eurondan Alliance. Just to their delegation sent to check if Adora and her friends were liars. Perhaps their leaders would be more reasonable. "Yes," she said. "You've seen that we told you the truth. Do you accept a truce?"

"A truce at this point would seriously hinder our efforts to end the war," Liou said.

"You've already suspended your attacks," Daniel pointed out.

Liou nodded. "Yes, we did. This was a decision that was not taken lightly and has, undoubtedly, allowed our enemies time to recover. Agreeing to a longer truce would compound this."

"Continuing your attacks will endanger our own people currently providing humanitarian help here," Daniel said.

"And we won't let you do that!" Frosta spat with a glare.

"You're helping our enemies!" Akon blurted out. "Do you expect us to ignore that?"

"We're helping everyone here," Adora corrected him. "We've restored a lot of your world already." She pointed at their surroundings.

"So you claim!" Pers retorted. "We haven't seen proof for that!"

"Do I need to create another statue?" Frosta asked, ice forming over her hands. "Maybe of you looking stupid?"

Catra snickered next to Adora.

Liou studied Frosta. "Perhaps not quite as big. But it would be illuminating."

"What?" Pers gaped.

But Frosta was already moving her hands, and a statue formed and grew right next to her. It was a passable portrait of the Lieutenant, in Adora's opinion. It also was forming inside the tent. Fortunately, Frosta stopped when it reached the ceiling.

"Intriguing." Liou peered at the ice.

"It's my magic power," Frosta told him with a smirk.

"Magic?" Akon scoffed.

"Yes, magic," Glimmer told him. "We've restored magic to your world as well. Those amongst you with the talent for it will be able to work magic."

"But we're here to focus on a truce," Adora reminded them. "This is just proof that we are already helping your world - all of your world."

"By introducing magic to the world?" Liou raised his eyebrows.

"By restoring what was destroyed during the war," Adora told him, narrowing her eyes a little. "We're here to help you - all of you." Why couldn't they see that?

"And yet you wish to protect our enemies. Enemies that conducted a genocide, which you claim not to condone. I think this is a slight contradiction," Liou retorted.

"We do not condone genocide," Glimmer told him. "No matter the victims."

"You would protect the murderers from the consequences of their own actions?" Akon scoffed.

"We'd also protect you from becoming murderers." Glimmer bared her teeth at him.

"Defending ourselves and avenging our deaths is not murder!" Akon mirrored her.

"That is a false equivalency. If your enemy is helpless and you keep attacking, you're no longer defending yourself," Daniel objected. "And vengeance is not justice."

"We will not allow them to endanger our people again!"

"They won't," Adora told him. "You don't have to murder them for that."

"After all they have done, we cannot trust them!" Akon shook his head almost violently.

"You ask a lot of us," Liou added.

"We just ask you to let us help," Adora told him.

"Yes." Liou nodded. "That requires trust - and it is hard to trust someone who seems more concerned with protecting our genocidal enemies than our own people."

Adora clenched her teeth. They did not understand! Why didn't they understand?

"Well, it's not just about trust," Catra said. "It's also about risks." She leaned forward. "Do you really want to risk waging a war against us? All that you've seen here?" She cocked her head at the statue. "The plants outside? She gestured at the tent entrance. "That's just a very small part. You haven't seen our spaceships. Or our armies."

"Do they fit through the Stargate?" Liou asked. His smile wasn't very smug, but a little was there.

"Some actually do," Jack said. "But that's beside the point."

"We're here to help you - we've restored a lot of your world already," Adora repeated herself. "We can offer even more help."

"Artificial wombs! And specially designed plants to finish the planet's restoration. For starters," Entrapta added.

"Yes." Adora nodded.

"Trust me, you don't want the Alliance as an enemy," Catra said with a smirk. "You really don't."

Liou glanced at the others. "I think this meeting has run its course. We have to inform our leaders about everything we've heard."

"Please do." Adora smiled. "And tell them that we would like to meet them."

They had to talk to their leaders to sort this out.

Liou nodded again.


Eurondan Nation, Euronda, December 17th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"Yes, I see it. Yes, I can change the plants to adapt to that - and filter out the poison. Maybe I should have them deposit the poison in some outgrowths for easier disposal? Then the rest of the plant could be used as feed or base for fertiliser…"

Samantha Carter nodded at the suggestion even though she didn't think Perfuma was talking to her right now. Watching the princess work with plants was still slightly unnerving - even more so after working with Loki in Alpha. Perfuma could alter a plant's genetic makeup with a thought. Drastically alter it - creating new plant species was child's play for her. What even a team of scientists with Ancient technology took weeks to months to achieve, she could do in seconds. Without any tools, just her magic power. And within her area of effect, fortunately limited, she could use her magic power to make the new plants grow as fast as Frosta could create ice.

Sam didn't want to imagine what Perfuma could do with the power of She-Ra at her disposal. She couldn't help doing it anyway, of course. And she was very grateful that Perfuma was such a nice person.

"Alright, I think that's it!" Perfuma turned and beamed at Sam. Next to her, green plants shot from the ground, wrapping around each other to form a trunk on top of which a slightly red fruit - or berry - formed, quickly growing. "The plants will spread out and focus all the poison into the fruits here. Once you remove the fruit, the plants will wither and turn to fertiliser! Same as when they run out of poison to filter."

"And the fruit?" Sam asked.

"Oh, that won't wither or decay. It will keep so you can collect them - which you should. They're very poisonous, after all." Perfuma frowned. "I tried to find a way for the plant to filter the poison out and turn it into something useful or at least inert, but I didn't manage." She bit her lower lip. "The poison is too powerful for that, sorry."

Sam was almost happy to hear that Perfuma had more limits. She didn't let that show, of course. "The Eurondan Nation is very skilled at creating poison," she said instead. "It's a great thing that you managed to create a plant that can handle it in the first place."

"Oh, that was nothing. Just some adaption of the plants I created for the Fright Zone. Once you have it worked out, you just have to adapt the biological filters for other substances." She nodded, then blinked. "Speaking of that… Have you heard anything about my proposal to create filtering plants for your oceans? They could deal with the plastic and pollution!"

"The United Nations are still discussing it," Sam said. And would likely keep doing that for some time.

"Ah." Perfuma nodded with a sigh. "I hope they'll accept my offer soon."

Sam managed not to wince. Even several of the members of the Alliance were loath to allow genetically engineered organisms into the wild, much less on such a scale. And other nations hated anything that was related to magic. Or just hated the Alliance and objected to any proposal supported by them on principle.

She changed the subject. "Did you look over the seed samples from the vaults?"

"Yes!" Perfuma perked up. "I can make them grow easily! Although it will take some time to figure out where each species would do best. I don't think we'll be able to recreate how things were before their war even if we had perfect records. With the loss of plants, the climate changed, and reintroducing plant life will cause new changes… adapting the restored plants will take some time."

"And that's not going to cover animals," Sam added. The Eurondans had kept genetic samples but hadn't been very thorough to begin with, and they lacked the technology to grow animals from those samples. And they had focused on livestock, not on all the species crucial for a balanced ecosystem. "We'll have to import several species from Earth."

"Yes. The filter plants can pollinate using wind, but other plants need insects. I could change them, but I think the Eurondans want their original plants back." Perfuma looked around. "Well, I think we're done here. The plants will spread from here to the rest of the contaminated zone on this continent but probably not to the other landmasses. We'll have to drop seeds there."

Sam nodded. She was done with her scans as well. And the sensors she had planted were working as planned - if the Eurondan Alliance sent aeroplanes this way, they'd get advance warning.

They walked back to the skiff, where Emily was waiting for them. The skiff would be overloaded with the two of them and the bot, but it was manageable. And Emily's shield generator made it worth it. Entrapta was planning to adapt similar generators to their skiffs for tomorrow's truce meeting but hadn't managed to finish in time for this trip. Sadly, the shield generators they had installed around the defence complex were too large for the skiffs.

Something they had missed when constructing the things - they fit NATO standards for transportation, but the Etherian skiffs didn't conform to those specs. Logistics wouldn't be pleased.

But that was their problem, not Sam's.


Restored Zone, Main Continent, Euronda, December 18th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"So… any bets on whether or not this is a trap?"

Catra rolled her eyes at Jack's question. If he really thought that this was a trap, he would have argued against everyone else coming along. Even though they should be able to spot a trap thanks to their scanners - and, between Emily's shield and Glimmer, could safely evacuate everyone. This was just small talk, Jack-style.

"I don't think it's a trap," Adora replied honestly. "They seemed to believe us - and they have seen more of what we're doing yesterday."

"Oh, they do believe us, or they wouldn't have stopped their bombing runs and stuck to recon flights," Jack said. "But they want to continue the war."

No surprise there, Catra thought. The Eurondan Nation had killed most of the Eurondan Alliance's civilians. And deliberately, not as collateral damage or something. Not that that made much of a difference for the dead. She clenched her teeth, remembering Thaynor. She had flattened the village as her first mission as Force Captain. She couldn't even tell herself that it had been a mission to root out Alliance soldiers hiding there or to draw out nearby Alliance forces to defend the village in order to engage them. Those were just excuses. They had struck the place with overwhelming forces right away. Well, overwhelming forces until She-Ra had appeared…

She shook her head, trying to force the memories of that confrontation away. She hadn't gone for murdering all civilians. Just let her troops run wild and looked away when needed. But 'not as bad as the people who ruined an entire planet and murdered most of its population' wasn't anything to be proud of - it was up there with 'not as bad as Horde Prime'.

Fuck it. Fuck herself.

She stepped out of the tent with a mumbled 'checking the perimeter'. The air outside was clean, according to the sensors, but she still smelt a hint of… something that reminded her of the Fright Zone. Or that was just her memories.

She stared at the horizon. Hilly country, there. No mountains - it wouldn't really stop armoured warfare, but it would slow down advances and channel thrusts, allowing defenders to use artillery from cover on choke points and kill zones. Would have to use air or aerospace forces to suppress the artillery and send in light troops to recon and screen the heavy armour. And to clear out any settlements of enemy infantry, of course…

She gasped when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders. How had Adora snuck up on her without Catra noticing? Because she had been lost in her guilt.

"You're not like them."

Not any more, maybe, Catra added silently. Would she have gone for genocidal attacks like the Eurondans had? Deliberately trying to exterminate the entire population of the Princess Alliance? She hadn't done it. Not even when she had been at her lowest point. But if she had thought it was the only way to win, would she have done it? The Horde propaganda had claimed they were fighting against evil princesses to free the people, but everyone - except for Adora - had known that was a lie. A lie that had gotten some lip service in the field, at most. What if the Horde propaganda had been different? Made the enemy out to be all fanatical, treacherous foes who would never stop fighting and so must all be killed?

"I could have been like them," she whispered. She had risked the entire world to win, after all.

"But you weren't," Adora retorted.

She was so confident. Trusting. Loving.

Catra sighed and leaned into her lover a bit more. "I feel bad about telling the Eurondan Alliance to stop fighting their enemies." Selfish. Like a hypocrite.

"We're saving them from becoming as bad as their enemies," Adora said.

"They don't see it like that."

"They're wrong. No matter what was done to them, murdering people in return is wrong. Vengeance won't make anything right." Adora nodded firmly.

Catra sighed again. Vengeance might be wrong, but she knew how tempting it was to strike back at whoever hurt you - at whoever you thought had hurt you. To make them hurt in turn. To make them suffer. To make them pay.

She understood them.

"They won't thank us for this," she said in a low voice. The Eurondan Alliance might end up hating them. Easily. Catra understood that as well.

"I know. But we can't let them murder helpless people. That would be wrong."

And that was what it boiled down to, in the end.

Catra nodded. "We won't."

No matter what it took.


Another day, another meeting. That summed up Jack O'Neill's life as a general. Granted, it was a meeting under truce to negotiate an armistice, on an alien planet, and he was with his friends and not in Brussels meeting with fellow generals, politicians or contractors, and if things went wrong, they'd have to evacuate under fire and try to find a way to save this world and their lives. So, it felt more like a Stargate Command mission with SG-1.

But he still felt ill at ease. He wasn't a diplomat. He was a soldier. And he wanted to remain a soldier. He was good at soldiering. He wasn't that good at diplomacy.

And he really sucked at trying to protect Space Nazis from suffering the consequences of their actions.

He still smiled when the transport plane of the Eurondan Alliance touched down, and a larger group than last time got out. Those weren't the Space Nazis, after all - those were the people who had fought years, decades, against the Space Nazis. And this time, they were meeting their leaders.

Jack wasn't surprised to spot Liou amongst the delegation. Just from the way everyone else had deferred to him, It had been rather obvious that the man hadn't been a low-ranking, expendable scientist. But Jack focused on the new faces. All of them were in uniform, which was expected. All of them were men. That was kind of a surprise - he would have expected them to bring at least one woman with them now that they knew that the Alliance was represented by Adora and the other princesses. On the other hand, they might have realised that just bringing a token woman along would only highlight that the Eurondan Alliance was run by men - and by soldiers.

The apparent leader was in the centre, a step ahead of the rest. Old but still spry - he walked briskly and sure-footed - he was tall, thin and bald, with a wispy moustache, and reminded Jack of a Japanese veteran from the Pacific War whom he had met on leave in Japan when he had been a fresh-faced Lieutenant. Liou was on his right side. To his left walked another old man. This one was stockier, with a bushy mane of white hair, and looked more like someone from the Middle East. Two more middle-aged soldiers walked behind them, and Jack tagged them as officers. They had that vibe. Unlike the two middle-aged guards bringing up the rear.

"Hello!" Adora greeted them with a wide smile. "I'm She-Ra, Princess of Power, and I represent the Alliance against the Goa'uld." She gestured at the others and introduced them.

The Eurondans nodded, and Liou introduced the new people in turn. "Commander Lan, a senior member of our Council. General Faisa, member of our general staff. Majors Kele and Janis, their aides."

Or spooks posing as aides, Jack thought. Analysts, probably - they would be useful for the negotiations and for gathering general intel.

"Please step inside the tent. We've prepared more diverse food than last time," Adora told them.

Liou perked up at that, and his polite smile grew more genuine. Or that was what he wanted you to think - whether he was a politician or a spook in addition to a scientist, Jack didn't know, but he would have to be skilled at hiding his emotions either way. As a scientist as well, of course - the stories Daniel had of the academic scene sometimes made the Pentagon look like it was staffed by straight shooters, and Liou was a soldier and a scientist.

Adora was right about the food. They hadn't pulled out all the stops, but they had ordered this food from actual caterers. High-class caterers.

Jack smiled widely as he snatched some choice snacks for himself.

Lan nodded in apparent appreciation and smiled at Adora after his first snack, but that didn't mean anything in Jack's opinion. Faisa grunted, still looking stern. Liou appeared to enjoy himself - and commented about the new selection - and Kele and Janis seemed to spend as much time looking at the food as they spent actually tasting it.

Jack was leaning more strongly towards both of them being intel analysts. On Earth, those could be, and not too rarely were, former field agents. Euronda might not have had much use for recon and spying on the enemy with their atmosphere being poisoned to the point of rendering field ops impossible, but any country at war would have had spooks watching their own people - especially their soldiers.

Jack kept an eye on both. And the guards, of course. They had been betrayed and ambushed by one group of Eurondans before, and he'd be damned if he'd let it happen again.


As expected after their first meeting, the Eurondan delegation liked the food. They even made some small talk about the different dishes. And Adora didn't have to tell Catra not to hog all fish sandwiches. The Eurondan leaders were smiling - except for General Faisa, but he hadn't smiled at all so far, so he probably didn't count. All in all, they were off to a good start.

However, the real challenge was to get the Eurondan Alliance to agree to an armistice and then negotiate a peace treaty. Adora had no illusions that that would be easy. But they were talking, at least.

She cleared her throat when everyone seemed to have had their fill - with the exception of Catra, who just grabbed another salmon toast, and Jack, who probably thought he was sneaky by snatching bowls of dessert. "So… shall we start the talks?"

Everyone grew serious at once. Liou was the only one to keep smiling but switched to doing so politely rather than genuinely.

"Yes," Commander Lan said. "And first, I want to protest your interference with a matter limited to Euronda."

"Our intervention was a reaction to the Eurondans supplying weapons that were used to attack us," Adora retorted. "We could not ignore that."

"According to your own claims, you stopped that. So, there's no longer any reason to meddle in this conflict." Lan leaned forward. "You achieved your goals."

"Our goal is to protect civilians," Adora told him. Did he just try to use their own argument against them? "Any civilians."

"The Eurondan Nation has no civilians. All of them are soldiers."

"The majority of their population are in stasis, not fighting," Daniel cut in.

Adora nodded. They had gone over that already.

"That doesn't make them civilians - they are held in reserve," Faisa spoke up. "They're soldiers."

"Even the children?" Glimmer scoffed. "If you declare every potential recruit a soldier, that would make any civilian a valid target."

"They tried to murder all of our civilians," Lan said with narrowed eyes. "And they almost succeeded. We are merely retaliating in kind."

"That doesn't justify attacking helpless civilians," Adora objected. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Do you really want to stoop as low as your enemies?" Glimmer added. "That would make you no better than them."

"We didn't start this!" Lan protested with an open scowl. "We are just defending ourselves. As long as the Eurondan Nation exists, we're not safe. They will try to exterminate us again!"

"That's not true!" Adora shook her head, "People can change!"

"We have had similar conflicts in our past - on Earth - and the nation that waged a war of extermination did change profoundly. It happened within living memory." Daniel nodded at the Eurondans. "They were actually quite similar to your enemies in that they, too, had an ideology of racial purity. And they murdered millions of civilians."

"Damn Nazis," Jack muttered near Adora.

"But they changed," Adora said. The Germans were good friends now - and good allies. "Everyone can change."

"Not the Eugenists." Faisa shook his head. "They have done too much."

"And just because there's a potential for change doesn't mean that change will actually occur," Liou said. "When pressed and desperate, people can claim and promise anything, only to go back on their word once their situation improves."

"The Eugenists cannot be trusted." Lan nodded slowly. "Nor can they be forgiven."

Adora pressed her lips together. That attitude was wrong!

"Because they did something unforgivable, you will do something unforgivable to them?" Daniel pushed his glasses up.

"It's not the same. We need to do this so our people - those amongst them who survived - can be safe again," Lan insisted.

"Though we do not need to kill the remaining members of the Eurondan Nation," Liou added. "As I mentioned before, exile from our world might be enough, provided that they are deprived of any opportunity ever to return."

"As we mentioned before, that would be ethnic cleansing - something we do not condone on Earth," Daniel said.

"Euronda is not Earth," Faisa spat.

"On Earth, we consider human rights universal - applicable to any human and arguably any other sapient being, anywhere," Daniel retorted.

"That's your opinion, not ours," Lan said. "Are you going to attempt to force your laws on us?"

"We won't let you commit genocide," Glimmer told him.

Adora nodded.

"Would you protect murderers even if it meant fighting their victims?" Lan asked.

"We will do what we have to to protect civilians." Adora stared at him. He had to understand that they wouldn't let them murder the Eurondans. Or drive them from their homes. That would be wrong no matter what they had done.

"But we won't let them hurt you either," Daniel said. "You will be safe."

"So you say." Lan scoffed. "And we should trust you? Trust the safety, the lives of our people, to you?"

"Yes." Adora nodded firmly.

Daniel cleared his throat. "Not blindly. When our, ah, version of the Eurondan Nation was defeated, they were disarmed, and their country was occupied. A coalition of their enemies controlled their territory until they were deemed trustworthy again."

"You offer to let us occupy their territory? Which we would take anyway without your interference? How generous!" Faisa snorted.

"Without our 'interference', meaning, without us wrecking their base, you would have to struggle to take their territory," Jack cut in. "And without us, they might have found new resources to turn the tables on you before you managed to defeat them."

"That's speculation," Liou pointed out.

"They had already made deals with some of our rivals for the resources they needed," Jack retorted. "You'd have a costly war to fight in either case."

"We only have your word for that," Lan objected.

"You also have a crater in the Eurondan nation's base - and a restored continent," Glimmer said, rolling her eyes. "And we offered you artificial wombs to help you restore your population. What else do we have to do to make you trust us?" She leaned forward. "We don't want to fight you. We just want to protect the civilians."

"You've won the war," Daniel added. "And you will be safe from them. You can focus on rebuilding your world instead of on the war."

"For how long?" Lan shook his head. "We need more than your word to accept an end to the war without the complete destruction of our enemy. We need proof. Guarantees."

"And you'll get them," Adora said. "You can watch as their weapons are destroyed."

"And I guess we can send a squadron of frigates over," Catra commented with a shrug. "To keep everyone honest."

"Cheaper than an occupation force," Jack said.

Adora nodded. They could do that. They would have to protect the planet from the Goa'uld anyway.

"And we want those who attacked us and murdered our people," Lan said. "They aren't civilians. They have to pay for what they did to us."

"Our dead demand justice," Faisa growled.

Adora winced. That would complicate things.

Chapter 136: Tense Negotiations Part 4
Chapter 136: Tense Negotiations Part 4

Gate Room, Euronda, December 18th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"You want us to betray our soldiers? Those who fought the hardest for us? Stab our own in the back after all they suffered for our sake?"

Samantha Carter was glad she wasn't standing too close to Alar - the man was literally spitting mad.

"The Eurondan Alliance wants to try the ones responsible for the genocide of their people," Adora told him. "They insisted on that."

They also insisted on complete disarmament of the Eurondan Nation, but Alar either had missed that or didn't care as much about his nation as he cared about his own fate - his name was almost at the top of the war criminal list that Commander Lan had handed over - obviously prepared in advance. Sam wasn't quite sure how much of his insistence had been simply posturing to improve his position in the negotiation, but the man was a shrewd negotiator, and they had already said that this was just their condition to start negotiations, not the sum of their demands.

Of course, Sam perfectly understood and supported his demand for justice. Letting Nazis go free just to facilitate a peace treaty… Well, the United States had done worse in the past, but that didn't make it right.

Alar shook his head. "And you agreed to that? You could easily stop them! Crush their forces as you crushed ours!"

"Well, you see - they didn't supply poison to our enemies and then tried to kill all of us." The General shrugged. "Call me petty, but I think that's a kinda important difference."

Sam did neither smile nor roll her eyes at his comment. But she did smile at Alar's gasp - the former and possibly present leader of the Eurondan Nation seemed shocked.

Unfortunately, he quickly rallied. "But you said you would protect us! We're helpless in the face of your enemies - most of our people are held in stasis!"

Adora nodded. "And we will protect your people. We won't let them kill you."

Alar looked relieved, but before he could say anything, the General added: "That doesn't mean we won't let you get punished for your crimes. The death sentence might be off the table, but prison isn't."

Alar gasped again. "But… it was war! We only defended ourselves against a threat to the very heart of our nation!"

"By starting a war." Mermista rolled her eyes. "That's a very active defence."

"We had no choice but to launch an attack. If we had waited any longer, we would not have had any chance at victory!"

"Well, you can tell that to the judge," the General said.

"We won't accept such a treaty!" Alar shook his head almost violently. "We'd rather fight to our last soldier!"

Glimmer snorted at that. "I doubt that. Your former subordinates were quick to abandon you in order to kill us. I'm sure the first ranking officer not on the list of war criminals will quickly hand you over rather than die for you."

Alar seemed to have no answer to that.

"How did they know our leaders, anyway?" Tralan spoke up. He hadn't commented until now. "I didn't think they had captured any of us. How would they know our names?"

"They didn't. They asked us," the General told him.


Adora cleared her throat. "They had the names of your leaders at the start of the war. And they also asked for their successors."

"And we told them," Glimmer added. "We're not going to lie for you, and it would have come out anyway - as soon as your next subordinate wants to replace you."

"But…" Alar blinked and then looked around in the gate room.

Sam didn't look away when he met her eyes. By any reasonable standards, the man was a genocidal war criminal. And his people had tried to kill her friends and herself.

"We'll ensure you will get a fair trial and that you won't get executed if you're found guilty." Adora smiled encouragingly at him.


Daniel was smiling as well. "You were ready to die for your people, right? To give your life to save them? Losing your freedom instead of your life to save them should be a better outcome."

"Yes!" Entrapta nodded several times. "Because you'll be alive. And prisons aren't that bad - I spent some time in a cell as well. Just don't break out; they don't like that."

Alar stared at her in apparent bafflement.

"And if you ask nicely, we'll build you a pretty prison with all the best cells." The General bared his teeth at Aral. "It'll probably be more comfortable than spending your life in this bunker. At least as a common soldier."

He had been sarcastic, but Entrapta nodded eagerly. "Oh, yes! We can do that! We have to rebuild much of your planet's infrastructure anyway, so adding a nice prison won't be much more work! Oh! Do you want to stay on the surface? We could build a prison in space!"

"If you're found guilty. You weren't in charge when the war started, were you?" Glimmer asked.

"No…" Alar slowly shook his head. "No, I wasn't. That was my father."

The man looked entirely too relieved for Sam's taste.


Gate Room, Euronda, December 19th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"All of the Eurondans responsible for the attack that wrecked the planet's biosphere are dead already?"

Catra snorted - even Adora sounded incredulous.

Alar, though, nodded. Almost eagerly. At least, he managed not to appear smug. "Yes. My father ordered the attack as a preemptive strike. He died ten years into the war - the stress of leading our people through such an ordeal was too much for him. I asked him to step down and go into stasis years before that, but he wouldn't listen. He said that would be like abandoning his duty to our people."

Oh, yes! Catra could totally see Alar asking his dear old father to step down and let him take over. For his own good, of course. She scoffed. The man was a schemer, like many of his subordinates - who had quickly accepted his leadership once again after hearing that their enemies wanted to try their leaders for their crimes.

Alar glanced at her for a moment, then turned back to look at Adora.

"He wouldn't have acted alone. He had others to plan and launch the attack," Adora said.

"Subordinates following his orders," Alar retorted. "Although most of them are dead by now as well, so whether or not they would have been able to stop him is moot."

"'Most of them'?" Adora frowned.

"One is in stasis, though his mental health had deteriorated to the point of being unable to fulfil his duty - he was in charge of our aero-fighters and personally led many strikes. Too many." Alar sighed far too theatrically. "I fear he is not fit to stand trial."

"I think that's what the court will have to judge," Catra commented, earning another glance.

"Yes," Adora agreed. "Whether or not he can stand trial will be up to the Eurondan Court of Justice."

An important-sounding name. It was too bad they hadn't been able to agree on anything else regarding the court.

Alar frowned some more. "Taking him out of stasis will endanger his life."

"We can heal him," Adora said.

"And we can't let him remain in stasis forever anyway," Catra added.

"You can heal him?" Alar didn't sound as happy as Catra had expected. Even counting the fact that he was charged with attempted genocide as well.

"I think so," Adora said. "It won't hurt to try, in any case."

"Healing him only so the Breeders can execute him seems cruel and unusual," Alar pointed out - probably misquoting the law books they had given the Eurondans.

"He won't be executed," Adora said. "We won't budge on that. The death penalty is barbaric."

"I was under the impression that the death penalty was still in use on Earth." Alar looked confused.

Catra snorted. Had the Eurondan expected to understand Earth after an evening reading a few law books? She'd spent months on Earth, immersed in its news and media, and still didn't really understand most of the planet. Then again, Earth had billions of people - magnitudes more than any other planet they knew - and hundreds of countries and distinct regions.

"Some of our allies still have the death penalty, yes." Adora frowned deeply. "But not the military code of justice for the alliance."

"We're supposed to kill the Goa'uld, not each other," Catra added.

"We're supposed to defeat them," Adora corrected her.

Catra nodded, even though she was sure that the Jaffa - the rebels amongst them - wouldn't want to spare any of the snakes. And given that they still hadn't found a way to provide the Goa'uld with artificial hosts that didn't degrade their minds, she wasn't sure if killing them wouldn't be kinder than keeping them in tanks and lobotomised for the rest of their lives. And keeping them all in stasis would only kick the whole thing down the road.

Still better than letting them breed, though - if they didn't eat their young, they would quickly outnumber everyone else. You'd probably needed a von Neumann Swarm, as Entrapta called them, to keep up with making tanks for so many snakes. But that was a problem for the time after the war against the Goa'uld.

"Speaking of the court… We still protest being judged by foreigners and Breeders," Alar said.

Someone should tell him that using slurs like 'Breeders' won't make a good impression on others, Catra thought.

"We haven't finalised the curt's makeup yet," Adora said.

"But since you refused to allow us on the court, it's clear that it will be made up by the Breeders and you," Alar retorted. "At least, I hope you will not break your word and hand us over to our enemies."

"We won't," Adora said. "But letting you judge yourself is out of the question. We'll be using Alliance laws for this."

"Laws neither we nor the Breeders had ever adopted," Alar protested.

"That's why it's fair," Catra said, flashing her fangs at him.

"If both you and the Eurondan Alliance agree that something shouldn't be punished, we will defer to that," Adora told him.

Alar scoffed. "Even if there is such a case, I doubt they will be honest enough to admit it!"

"We'll see," Adora said. "Earth has a lot of experience with such trials."

That was… not lying, but not entirely accurate either. But Earth certainly had more experience with such trials - or any trials - than the Princess Alliance, much less the Horde. Etheria would still have to send a judge or more, depending on the final numbers, of course. Couldn't completely leave this up to Earth.

But as long as it didn't directly involve Catra or her love, she was fine with that. They had spent too long on this planet already, in her opinion.


Restored Zone, Main Continent, Euronda, December 20th, 1999 (Earth Time)

As Jack O'Neill glanced around the landscape, waiting for the Eurondan Alliance delegation to arrive, movement in the air caught his attention - was that a bird? There weren't supposed to be any birds on the planet. Entrapta and Carter were still working on picking which bugs to introduce to the Euronda, and the team on Alpha had barely begun to study the gene samples from the Space Nazis' vaults to clone animals from.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to track the thing. It wasn't flying like a bird… Oh. Jack snorted - it was a spy bot. He should have realised that at once - they had been spreading them out over the planet. Soon, they'd cover the system as well. And the squadron of frigates making their way over here was dropping spy bots along their route as well. Once the system was linked to the network, they wouldn't need to open a gate to communicate.

But that was for the future. They still had to end the war here. Formally. The Eurondans had stopped fighting, the Space Nazis because they had lost the capability to hold their enemies back, the Eurondan Alliance because they didn't want to attack Earth and Etheria, but Jack was sure that left alone, they'd pick up where they had stopped as soon as they thought they could get away with it.

"Incoming transport," Campbell reported.

Ah. The Eurondans were arriving. Finally. And the others were stepping out of the tent to welcome them.

Jack joined them.

"Let's hope they'll be reasonable," Adora commented as she watched the plane transfer from flight to hovering.

"They are reasonable - from their point of view," Daniel pointed out. "They have different standards and customs."

"And they were almost wiped out by the Space Nazis," Jack added. "They don't want to forgive and forget." Which he fully understood. Hell, in their place, he'd feel and want the same.

"And they don't have to. That's what the trial is about," Adora said. "But executing people is wrong."

They had talked about that before. And he disagreed. "Depends on the crime. We executed the Nazis for what they had done." That was a precedent he could live very well with. And that hadn't been a miscarriage of justice, either.

"That was fifty years ago," Daniel retorted. "Since then, most countries have abolished the death penalty."

"America hasn't," Jack replied. The transport had landed, and the door was opening.

"Actually, the Supreme Court had it suspended for a time in the 1970s."

"And that didn't last." Some crimes deserved the death penalty. What the Nazis had done - and the Eurondan Nation here - certainly qualified.

"And that was wrong." Adora shook her head. "That the United States is the only country in the Alliance with the death penalty still in effect should show you that."

"We're kinda bad about following others' leads," Jack told her.

"That kind of 'American exceptionalism' is not necessarily a good thing," Daniel, of course, had to say that right before the Eurondans were close enough to overhear any response Jack would have.

So he smiled through the greetings and then followed the others into the tent. At least the food was great again.

The discussion afterwards, though, not so much.


"...why are you protecting those murderers?"

"We aren't protecting them. They'll be tried as you demanded."

"But you won't allow us to execute them. You are still trying to deny justice to our dead!"

Jack had to stop himself from nodding along with Lan's snapped statement. You didn't stab your own side in the back. Even if you disagreed with them.

"Killing people isn't justice," Adora disagreed. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Shouldn't the punishment fit the crime?" Liou asked. "You do not treat the thief as you treat the murderer, nor should you treat the murderer as you treat the thief."

"That doesn't mean you should kill people." Adora shook her head. "The death penalty is wrong. Dead people cannot change and become better. Nor can they make up for what they have done. That's not justice."

"What those monsters have done is beyond the pale!" Lan thundered. "And even if they wanted to, they could never make up for their crimes - you cannot bring back the dead!"

"Killing them won't bring back the dead either," Daniel said.

"But it will give us justice," Lan retorted.

Sha're nodded at that, Jack noted.

Daniel didn't seem to have noticed, though. Or, more likely, he was deliberately ignoring it - Jack was sure that Sha're had told him what she thought about the death penalty already if in private.

"You're wrong." Adora wasn't moved. "We're not going to let you kill people just to feel better. That's wrong."

She and Lan stared at each other for a moment. Then Lan slowly tilted his head to the side. "That will make it harder for our people to accept any peace agreement. They have lost too much to forgive easily."

"We're doing what we can to restore what was lost," Adora retorted. "We're going to heal your planet and will help with rebuilding."

"And yet, you will also force us to keep sharing the planet with the people who tried their worst to ruin it and kill us all," Lan said. "It seems as if you're treating them the same as you treat their victims."

Adora frowned, but before she could say anything, Daniel leaned forward. "Is there anything we can do, except for letting you kill or displace people, that would remedy that?"

Lan slowly nodded. "Yes. Without the unprovoked war, without the ruin of our lands, we would have advanced a lot over the last decades. We would have developed better technology and improved our standards of living. All that was lost to us due to the Eugenists. We don't want our world to be merely restored to the status quo, but advanced to the point where we should be."

Ah - they wanted more tech and help as the price for saving the lives of the Space Nazis. A little transparent but not easy to refuse, at least for the Etherians.


Adora frowned. That was… Well, it sounded logical, but it felt wrong to her. "You want us to 'compensate' you for what the Eurondan nation did to you? Beyond restoring the planet's ecosystem and the artificial wombs we promised you?"

"Yes." Lan nodded firmly.

"Just so you won't commit genocide in revenge or execute criminals?" Best to make sure she had understood them correctly.

"So my people will accept the leniency you demand," Lan replied. "We have lost too much otherwise."

"And there's the question of magic. You unilaterally decided to change our world not just once but twice," Liou added. "Without consulting us."

Adora blinked. That was…. "I had to restore magic to allow us to save the Eurondans. And that always comes with a surge of magic power, which I have to direct into something like healing. Otherwise, the risk of magic going out of control and causing potentially catastrophic consequences is too high. In this case, I filtered out the poison and restored life to your world - at least, to a big part of it - with the magic power."

"I don't think you can honestly claim you mind this," Daniel said. "While restoring the world could have been achieved without magic, it would have taken - would take; we're still not done - a lot longer."

"But it was done without asking what we thought about it. You decided to add magic to our world for your convenience without caring whether or not we wanted this," Lan retorted. "That was wrong."

Adora blushed a little. They were correct - she had acted without thinking about their opinion. She had been sure that what she was doing was right. And it hadn't been wrong - it had probably been the only way to save the Eurondan Nation's people from dying. And it had been the best, surely the fastest, way to heal their world, though she had underestimated the difficulty of controlling the magic.

But, yes, she had to admit that she had gone over the heads of pretty much everyone who actually lived on this world. And that wasn't right. "I'm sorry about that," she said.

For a moment, no one said anything, as if they waited for her to add something else. Then Lan spoke up. "Saying you're sorry doesn't change what you did - or make up for it."

"No, it doesn't." Adora agreed.

"But trying to get free technology as compensation for getting your world healed just because we didn't ask you if we should save you is a bit much," Jack said. "Sounds a bit greedy."

"Greedy?" Lan glared at him. "My people were almost wiped out! My world was almost ruined! And you want us to accept that those responsible for unspeakable crimes will not be punished according to our laws!"

"Yes." Adora nodded again. "Because your laws aren't just."

"How dare you insult us like this!" Lan stood up to glare at her.

Adora met his eyes. She knew she was right here.

"Genocide, ethnic cleansing, the death penalty - Earth, Etheria and the Eurondan Alliance, we all feel strongly about all of it," Daniel quickly said with a placating smile. "Very strongly," he added with a nod to the Eurondans. "But we can discuss this and find common ground."

"We are talking about millions murdered in cold blood," Lan spat. "Poisoned and starved, often dying right under the eyes of those who barely survived. If you want us to come to an agreement that will hold, you cannot expect us to bow to your demands without getting anything in return."

"Not counting your world restored and the war ended," Jack said.

"Something we would have achieved ourselves without your interference," Liou countered. "Without your, ah, rivals, our enemies wouldn't have found resources to continue the war for much longer."

"We're also doing what we can to restore your world completely," Adora said. "And we will listen to you about that."

"And protect your world against the Goa'uld," Catra spoke up.

"Both goals would be served better if we had the technology to do so ourselves," Liu said. "Allowing you to focus on your own worlds and allies."

Adora shook her head. "We only share that kind of technology with our allies and friends."

"And we don't trust you not to take the technology and then use it against the Eurondan Nation as soon as we're gone from your world," Catra added.

"You doubt our word?" Lan had been about to sit down, or so it had seemed to Adora, but he kept standing and glared at Catra.

Catra, as Adora should have expected, was entirely unimpressed. She shrugged and nodded. "You've made it clear that you answer to your people, so if they think you're too soft, they'll replace you with someone else."

Lan clenched his teeth at that. "That is why we need an agreement that will be accepted by my people."

"And why we need a squadron of frigates in orbit," Catra muttered at Adora's side.

Adora shook her head. This was wrong - they shouldn't use force, or the threat of force, to make the Eurondans agree to their demands. But giving in to their demands wasn't right either.

"Well, I am sure we can reach a compromise," Daniel said. "I doubt you can honestly argue that you would have achieved the technology to build spaceships that can travel to other solar systems if the war hadn't happened. Or our weapon technology. But there are examples of advanced technology we could share. Namely, the artificial wombs we mentioned before. And food production. Construction. Media. We can boost your standard of living significantly."

Adora nodded.

"What exactly are you offering?" Liu asked as Lan sat down again.

Adora smiled and tried not to sigh. This would be tiring. Such negotiations always were. But as long as they reached an agreement in the end that they could live with, it would be worth it.


Gate Room, Euronda, December 20th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...so, we'll still share our technology with them as long as it's not weapon technology? Even though they're not in the Alliance?"

Samantha Carter nodded at Entrapta's question. "Within limits. Mostly the artificial wombs and technology to support their reconstruction and agricultural efforts."

Entrapta cocked her head to the side. "Ah. So, nothing really new."

"Not for us," Sam confirmed. "But we have to ensure it cannot be used to develop weapons before we hand anything over." Daniel had been more than a bit hasty in his attempt to continue the negotiations.

"Ah." Her friend pouted for a moment. "That's going to be hard. You can turn a lot of advanced technology into weapons. The artificial wombs could be used to breed creatures that can fight if you repurpose them. And any construction technology can be used to build fortifications. And any bioreactors could probably produce bioweapons instead of food."

Sam suppressed a wince. Entrapta was a great friend and an incredibly nice person. But she also had a sometimes scary talent for building weapons. That she didn't always understand when one should construct weapons and when not didn't help. "They can already grow bioweapons, I think - they must have bioreactors to feed their people - and they can construct bunkers. New technology would only speed either process up and not add new capabilities. And I don't think we'll have to worry about animals bred for war."

"Are you sure? When I talked with Loki and the others on Alpha about the genetic samples of Eurondan fauna we've sent them, they noticed that we lacked sufficient predators to keep all the fast-breeding herbivore species in check, and they had several ideas about making a few of the animals we do have samples of into more effective predators to compensate, and some of those would make them good at fighting soldiers as well. Like paralysing tentacles and adaptive camouflage. Or glands to produce aerosolised venom."

Maybe Sam shouldn't have focused on expanding the sensor net on Euronda and restring the life support systems in the Eurondan Nation's defence complex for so long. "I don't think the Eurondans have the capability to genetically engineer species to that degree," she said. I sure hope so, she added to herself. "But we will make sure to install safeguards."

"In the artificial wombs? I thought we wanted to let them build them," Entrapta said. "And given the Eurondan Nation's skills with software that we saw after analysing the programs used to hack Stargate Command, and which the Eurondan Alliance should have as well, or they would have lost the war already, right? - I think they would detect any such programs."

"Yes, that wouldn't work," Sam agreed. "But we can monitor the wombs and the Stargate with our scanners. Though I think they will focus on restoring their world before starting another war."

Entrapta looked sceptical. "Are you sure? It would be logical, but people aren't often logical. The Eurondan Alliance don't seem to like us even though we restored most of their world and ended the war."

"We were a bit heavy-handed," Sam pointed out. "We started altering their world without consulting them. And we returned magic." And stopped them from finishing off their enemies.

"But we're helping them! Their world was dead!" Entrapta protested. "And magic is a natural part of their world!"

"Not everyone likes magic," Sam said. And she couldn't help suspecting that part of the reason for the way the Eurondan Alliance had reacted was that their leaders weren't used to dealing with women in positions of authority. Especially young women. But that could just be Sam's own biases, based on her experiences on Earth, influencing her.

"That's stupid." Entrapta pouted. "That's like not liking science."

Sam agreed, though she was aware that many students didn't like science, at least in school. And the less said about the religious zealots on Earth and their issues with science (and logic and reality itself), the better. "Yes, it is. But that's what the Eurondan Alliance thinks about it." Or claimed to think - the General was quite convinced that a significant part of the Eurondan Alliance's complaints were just to support their negotiations. "Anyway," she went on, "we're supposed to go over what kind of technology we can safely share with the Eurondan Alliance to help them recover."

"Hm. We need to know what they already can do," Entrapta said. "So we can cover the gaps."

Sam almost snorted at the thought of asking Lan about their technology and how the man would react. "Even if they already have the technology, their production capacity is almost assuredly very limited, so providing them with tools and machines would still be very helpful." And, a cynical part of her added in the back of her mind, it would allow some of Earth's industry to offload soon-to-be-obsolete products on the Alliance's pay.

"Right!" Entrapta nodded. "And we can check with our scanners where they have the worst deficits."

That was essentially spying on the Eurondan Alliance, but Sam didn't mind doing it if it helped them reach an agreement. They would be spying on the Eurondan Alliance anyway to ensure that they would not attempt to restart the war.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 20th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"Why do we care what those Eurondans want, anyway? We saved their planet, and as thanks, they make demands of us? We should just finish fixing their planet and then leave!"

Frosta had a point, in Catra's opinion. Not that she would ever say so, of course. And the princess was still wrong, anyway.

"We can't! If we leave, the Eurondan Alliance will kill the Eurondan Nation's people!" Adora blurted out.

"Then we evacuate them to another planet," Frosta retorted. "They tried to kill the Eurondan Alliance first, and almost succeeded, so they can't complain about having to move."

"That wouldn't be right either," Adora told her. "Ethnic cleansing is wrong."

"And it would put a strain on our logistics," Mermista added. "We couldn't just drop them on another planet - if we find one, anyway - without any infrastructure. Even if we limit our investment to the bare minimum for them to live, we're talking about building an entire country from scratch - including transportation and industry."

"If we use the Tok'ra's technology, we could quickly build up underground bases for everyone," Entrapta cut in. "That would be much faster than building on the surface. And we could duplicate their bioreactors to produce food." She looked at her multitool. "That wouldn't be a heavy strain on our logistics, actually."

Adora looked taken aback for a moment.

Frosta nodded with a smile: "That would leave them like they were during the war. They're used to that."

Oh, for…! Catra snorted. "And you think they'll change like that? No matter how good their new planet might be, they'd still prefer their own world. And they'll blame us for losing their world." And without any help and support, they would be stuck living as if they were still at war for a long, long time. That kind of life would only make them even worse.

"So?" Frosta shrugged and narrowed her eyes. "They started the war."

Catra clenched her teeth. She knew what the princess was hinting at. The Horde had started a war as well. But…

"And we ended the war," Adora said, frowning at Frosta. "We can't turn our back on them. They need our help - both the Eurondan Nation and the Eurondan Alliance."

"Then they should act like it! Show some gratitude!" Frosta snapped.

"They're trying to milk us," Glimmer added.

"We did act a bit… high-handed, I think," Bow said.

"Yes," Adora agreed.

"We didn't have much choice," Glimmer retorted. "And we did the right thing. They're trying to make us reward them with the threat of sinking as low as their enemies did. And that is not acceptable!"

"But we need to help them!" Perfuma protested. "Without our help, it'll be decades, possibly centuries, before their world's ecology recovers."

"We will help them." Adora shook her head. "But we can't just leave them be, or they'll never change for the better."

"We can't exactly make them change," Mermista said.

Catra wasn't so sure about that. There were ways to change a culture - the Horde had done that to the Scorpion Kingdom. Even now, the new Scorpion Kingdom was very different from the kingdom that Scorpia's ancestors had ruled. It was heavily influenced by the Horde survivors living there. So much, Catra wouldn't want to live there - she would constantly be reminded of her past.

"That's another reason why we shouldn't force the Eurondan Nation off their world; if they learn to live together, they'll change. Both sides," Glimmer said.

If, Catra thought.

"So, we'll bribe them with our tech?" Mermista asked. "And station a task force there to make them play nice with each other, all for their own benefit?"

"Essentially, yes," Adora told her. "If we share our technology, they can rebuild on their own. Mostly - we still need to help with restoring their world's biosphere."

"And Earth will support them with tools, machines and other stuff that is going obsolete but will still work perfectly fine," Bow added.

Perfuma nodded. "That's a good thing - otherwise, they would probably throw away all those things, and that would cause a lot of environmental damage." She frowned. "Earth really should stop being so wasteful."

"That's how they do things," Mermista said with a shrug. "Anyway, what about the proposal for tomorrow's meeting?"

Adora frowned a little - she was in charge of the meeting, and Catra knew that her lover didn't like it when others tried to do her job for her - but nodded. "Yes. We've collected a list of supplies and technology that we think can be safely sent to Euronda. Mostly old agricultural and industrial tools and machinery from Earth and our artificial womb technology. We'll have to build the wombs first, though, until the Eurondans can build their own."

"And what about magic?" Scorpia asked.

Adora winced.

Glimmer scowled. "We don't have enough teachers for our allies; we surely can't spare them for the Eurondans."

Catra agreed, though she was sure that the Eurondans wouldn't like that. Although she wouldn't put it past them to be glad that no 'foreigner' tried to teach them how to work magic on their world. Actually, that would be a good way to make them refuse such an offer - make it patronisingly enough, and Lan would probably refuse out of principle just to avoid more 'foreign meddling'.

Which brought up another question. "What about religion?" Catra asked. If the task force sent there came from Third Fleet - and they were closer than Second and First Fleet - then that meant Priest would send his best, so to speak.

Adora grimaced. "I'll tell them that they can't proselytise."

Everyone nodded, but Catra was sure it wouldn't help much. Priest was good at getting around such orders. Probably by avoiding open proselytising but having the Clones 'honestly answer questions' or something like that.

And then Adora would frown but accept it.


Restored Zone, Main Continent, Euronda, December 21st, 1999 (Earth Time)

Jack O'Neill was really sick of these meetings. To think a few of his fellow generals, and a number of people from the State Department, were complaining about him 'involving himself with diplomatic ventures that aren't the concern of the military'! It wasn't as if he wanted to meddle in these affairs.

But he wasn't about to leave it all to the Etherians and Daniel. They were both a bit too idealistic and a bit too… nice was a good word, in Jack's opinion. Sometimes, you had to be a bastard if you wanted to do your job as a leader. Every officer worth their salt learned that. And Jack would rather take that role than foist it on any of his friends.

And he had grown to dislike the Eurondan Alliance. At least their diplomats. They weren't as bad as the Eurondan Nation, not that that was hard since Alar's bunch were genocidal Space Nazis. But Lan was, as Cambell had put it, 'a right sort of prick', and Liou was far too smooth and smug for Jack's taste.

Sure, they had more than enough reasons to want the Space Nazis gone - something Jack agreed with - but the way they went about it was annoying. It was as if they were using their dead as arguments to get more technology. Like selling out, in a way. If they couldn't get justice, then money would do nicely.

"Let's hope they never meet an ambulance chaser," he muttered as he studied the horizon.

"Hm?" Catra made a questioning sound next to him.

"Nothing," Jack replied. "Just thinking out loud."


They stared at the hills in the distance in silence for a bit. Then Carter reported that the Alliance transport was approaching, and Jack sighed. Time to deal with the pricks again.

And to try to ignore all the 'concerns' and 'suggestions' he had heard in all the meetings he had had to attend back on Earth when he should have been taking care of his unit instead. It was kind of fitting that actual combat missions and operations didn't draw a tenth of the attention from that crowd compared to the hint of potential profit for their lobbyists.

On the other hand, that was actually a good thing. If they tried to interfere with the war, it would be a debacle.


"Those designs do not look very advanced. We had similar machines before the war," Liou complained.

"They aren't advanced at all, so your people won't need a lot of training to use them."

Jack O'Neill grinned at Glimmer's reply. It was evasive and misleading but technically correct. "We can't exactly send an army of instructors while we're waging a war against body-snatching aliens," he added. "We need them ourselves." Hell, sparing the ships and Clones to watch over the planet and keep the Eurodans from genociding each other would already be a bit of a strain. Tough just a little bit, as long as the Alliance didn't actually occupy the planet. That would be a mess.

"So you foist your outdated equipment on us?" Lan scoffed.

"You can use it, can't you?" Glimmer's smile showed all her teeth.

"We could use more advanced machinery as well," Liou retorted. He made a point of looking at Emily standing guard in the back. "Especially if they were autonomous."

"You'd have trouble maintaining, much less replacing them," Jack said.

"They look rather rugged. By the time they would need replacement, I think we would have learned how to maintain and build them." Liou smiled. "Our weapons are more advanced than the tools you offer, after all."

"As I said, we need the advanced technology ourselves," Jack repeated himself before Entrapta could offer to build some agricultural bots that not even Etheria had yet.

"So you say," Lan said. "Yet you can spare the time and supplies to save our enemies."

"And your world," Glimmer said. "We prioritise saving lives."

Daniel nodded. "And with your war won, you can focus on rebuilding. You won't need to concentrate on military industry any more."

Lan scoffed. "With an Empire of hostile aliens waiting in the skies, who, as you told us, would turn us into primitive, uneducated slaves? We need advanced weapons more than ever!"

"We'll station a task force in your system to protect you," Adora told him.

"And what if that's not enough to defend our world?" Liou asked.

Glimmer shrugged. "Even if we handed over all our technology to you, by the time you could manage to build enough spaceships and advanced weapons to actually make a difference, the war will likely be over."

Lan ground his teeth at that, but Glimmer was right. Earth, with magnitudes more industrial potential and people, was already struggling to catch up. Euronda wouldn't meaningfully contribute to the war against the Goa'uld in time to matter. Not even if, by some miracle, all the survivors on both sides decided to unite and work together with all their might.

Of course, they couldn't be trusted anyway.

"That seems optimistic," Liou said. "Wars rarely go according to plan, as our enemies found out. Wouldn't it be wise to at least have contingency plans in case your war will last for several decades?"

"Yes," Glimmer told him with another toothy smile. "But if the war lasts for so long, then the last thing we would want was to send your people to the frontlines. You already suffered so much and barely survived your own war."

"We could still provide you with war materials if we had an automated industry set up."

"Oh, we can do that ourselves," Entrapta cut in with a wide and honest smile. "We've been working on automated production facilities, like for our spy bots. Don't worry about that. In the long term, our main bottleneck is manpower, though, in a pinch, we can ramp up cloning, I guess."

The Eurondans didn't like hearing that. Not at all. Hell, Jack wasn't sure he liked it, though for different reasons - more Clones? Or, even worse, cloning humans? That was a can of worms he'd rather shoot into the sun.

Adora nodded. "So, thank you for your offer, but we won't burden you with such demands. You can focus on rebuilding your world with our help."

Her smile wasn't as smug as Catra's, Jack noted, but she was clearly - at least in his impression - at least a little glad to tell off the Eurondans.

As was he. Though not as much as he was relieved that with this done, he could finally focus back on his actual job.

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Chapter 137: Holiday Season Part 1 New
Chapter 137: Holiday Season Part 1

Gate Zone, Euronda, December 22nd, 1999 (Earth Time)

"So, you have sold us out."

Adora wanted to sigh and roll her eyes at Alar's words, but that would have been… not appropriate for the occasion. Which didn't stop Catra from doing exactly that, of course, but Adora was She-Ra, and she had to maintain her dignity. This was, after all, an official meeting. And she had to set a good example for the Alliance soldiers guarding the gate room and the rest of the defence complex. Even though, or perhaps especially, since most of them belonged to Jack's command.

So she slowly nodded instead of telling Alar that they didn't owe him anything in the first place. "Yes. We've finished a treaty with the Eurondan Alliance. In exchange for various concessions from the Alliance against the Goa'uld, represented by us, and the complete disarmament of the Eurondan Nation, they have agreed to end the war with the Eurondan Nation without forcing you off-world. They have also agreed that the death penalty will not be available in the trials of suspected war criminals. Trials which will be conducted by a mixed court with judges from the Eurondan Alliance and the Alliance against the Goa'uld."

Alar looked relieved for a moment - had he expected them to sacrifice his life to placate the Eurondan Alliance? But he quickly scowled and sounded even more defiant. "We fought a war. You kill your enemies in war. If what we did was wrong, then so was what the Breeders did."

Adora narrowed her eyes at him. "You don't murder civilians - not even in a war! That's a law that applies to everyone." She walked up to him and leaned forward, looming over him. "You attempted a genocide!"

Alar cringed, taking a half-step back, but then straightened. "We struck at our enemies! If we hadn't struck first, they would have attacked us sooner or later under a pretext to erase us and our culture!"

"Come on, save this for the judges," Jack said. "They might buy it."

Alar glared at him. "As if the judgement wasn't decided already!"

"You'll get a fair trial," Daniel told him. "We've had such trials before, trust us. We'll ensure that you receive a skilled defender and that everything follows procedure."

"Your laws and procedure!" Alar shook his head. "Why bother with this farce? We all know how this will play out."

"That's how we do things," Jack said with bared teeth. "Even genocidal Space Nazis get their day in court."

Daniel cleared his throat. "Well, it's not as cut and dried as you claim. If you weren't in a position of authority - if you had no part in the decision to launch a genocidal attack against the Eurondan Alliance - then you will not be held responsible for that. There are many precedents in our history. We don't punish people for merely waging war."

"So, you come and crush us, hand our enemies the victory in our war, and then expect us to be grateful to you for not letting the Breeders murder or exile every one of us?" Alar scoffed, but he sounded closer to crying. "What did we do to you to deserve this?"

"Well, for starters, you supplied our enemies with weapons to attack us," Jack said with a shrug. "We take a dim view of such things. And then we found out that you tried to murder everyone on your world who disagreed with your customs. That's kind of a red flag for us. That you also ruined your planet is kind of just gravy."

Adora nodded. The Eurondan Alliance was annoying with their wheedling and demanding more concessions - though Adora and her friends had stayed mostly firm and wouldn't hand over weapon technology, magitech, or advanced aerospace technology - but they hadn't started this war. Or tried to kill her friends. "We'll take you and the others on the list in custody now."

"But… that will leave our people leaderless!"

"I'm sure someone else will step up and take over," Jack said. "They've probably been preparing for that ever since they heard the news from us. It's kind of what Nazis do."

Alar shook his head but didn't say anything else. Not even when two soldiers stepped up to him and cuffed him before leading him to the Stargate. He and the others would be held in a prison on Earth, to keep them safe from revenge.

Jack watched him go and sighed. "We really should install a democracy here. If we let them continue with their system, they won't change."

"We're not here to force your system on them," Glimmer disagreed. "Or ours," she added. "We're just here to stop them from destroying each other and their world."

"Then this won't be peace but just an armistice for twenty years," Jack retorted.

"We'll see." Adora knew people could change. And the Eurondans had to change, anyway, to adapt to the end of the war and the restoration of their world. "At least they won't have to fight a war any more. Both the Eurondan Nation and the Eurondan Alliance can now focus on rebuilding their countries in peace."

"Lan didn't act like it," Glimmer pointed out. "He kept trying to get more weapon technology from us. What did he think, that we would give him more weapons so he could launch an attack on the Eurondan Nation as soon as we turn our back to them?"

Daniel cleared his throat again. "I don't think it's that - or just that, I suppose. The Eurondan Alliance was fighting for their lives for decades, knowing that if they lost, it would be the end for their entire people, culture and history. That kind of conflict would have shaped their Society. It's quite understandable that they will want to arm up until they feel they can fend off any attacker."

"We will protect them. We told them so," Adora said.

"But they don't trust us. Which is also understandable - from their point of view, we protected their enemies," Daniel said. "It will take time for them to come to terms with the situation."

"Whatever!" Glimmer scoffed. "Let's leave now. We've ended the war and restored most of their world. That's enough."

It wasn't, not really. There was so much still wrong in this world. But they had far more worlds to save than this one, worlds far worse off than this one, too.

And they hadn't finished restoring the world's biosphere yet. But that was not something Adora could help with.

"Yes, let's go."


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 23rd, 1999

Samantha Carter watched as yet another transport carrying a standard freight container drove up the ramp of the Stargate. The transport used an electric drive - the ventilation of the base could have handled the exhausts from internal combustion engines, but it would have been an additional strain on the system, and the engines could just be hooked up to the base's reactors to be recharged, which was both easier and safer than refuelling outside or transporting more fuel into the base. Less fuel meant a lessened fire risk - something she could appreciate after her visit to Euronda.

Even with the additional security added after the attack by the Russians and Chinese, the whole process went smoothly - as one transport drove through the gate and vanished, the next one lined up behind it. Optimising the gate schedule for efficiency and costs, taking into account the space available for parking and storage and leaving enough windows for other gate missions - both planned and unplanned, was a challenge, but the best logisticians of the planet were working on it and had it down to science.

Sam had checked. Just in case. There wouldn't be another sabotage attempt on her watch. And this was an Alliance mission, anyway.

"Carter! There you are!"

She turned around and straightened. The General had arrived! "Sir. I thought you were expected in Washington." She had checked his schedule, as usual. She wasn't his Second-in-Command any more, but old habits died slowly.

"Ah, the meeting had to be cancelled so the general responsible could do his Christmas shopping." He grinned, and Sam couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

So she nodded. "I see."

"So, I decided to check up on our latest deployments," he went on. "Make sure everything's alright on our favourite new planet."

She frowned at that. With the holidays coming up, and after he had been absent for so long from his command to deal with the Eurondans, the paperwork must have been piling up on his desk.

He snorted. "I'm up to date on paperwork, Major."

She managed not to blush; he knew her too well after years of working together so closely. "Of course, sir."

"I've got actual aides for that, you know? Perks of being a general."

"Yes, sir."

"Anyway, I'm just going to hitch a ride on the next transport for a surprise inspection." He hesitated a moment. "Want to tag along and check up on the restoration stuff?"

She was tempted. Only to check that the team headed by Perfuma didn't need any technical assistance, of course. They were supposed to call either Entrapta, Sam or Bow if they had trouble with the bots helping them deploy the next wave of plants. The animals were still being cloned in Alpha, but the first batch would be ready before the new year.

But she had her own tasks to deal with - and she didn't have an aide to handle her paperwork. So, she sighed softly and shook her head. "I'll have to pass, sir."

"Alright. See you in an hour or so?"

By then, she would still be here, handling the bits of advanced technology they were shipping to the Eurondan Alliance. "Yes, sir."

He smiled, waved, and then stepped forward as the next transport drove up to the ramp. As soon as the transport stopped for the go-ahead from the traffic controller, the General opened the door and slid inside with smooth grace befitting a man twenty years younger.

She suppressed a sigh and turned back to her scanner. The artificial wombs were not yet ready - construction facilities had still to be set up, and since several countries were very interested in hosting those, and even more in the products, things had been delayed a bit. But the advanced bioreactors they had promised the Erondans to increase their food production were ready; Priest had delivered a few spare units from Third Fleet. He had also sent a team of Clones to install them and instruct the Eurondans in their use - and to spread the word of She-Ra or something on the sly. Not that Sam really cared. A number of Eurondans converting might make handling the whole planet easier, especially if people from both sides converted. On the other hand, that might create the first schism in the Church of She-Ra…

But that was a problem for Priest and Adora. And probably Daniel. Sam had to ensure that the safety features on the bioreactors were intact. No one wanted the Eurondans to use the reactors to manufacture bioweapons. Not after seeing first-hand what Alar's people had done to their world.

But so far, all the systems checked out. She signed the forms for this batch and then watched as they were packed into containers. As they were loaded on the next transport, she noticed General Hammond walking toward her.


"Major." He smiled. "Everything alright?"

"Yes, sir."

"I guess I missed General O'Neill?"

Sam nodded. "He just went through the gate, sir."

"Ah. Well, I can ask you, I think."

She wasn't in the General's chain of command any more, not officially. But she probably could answer what question General Hammond had anyway. "Yes, sir?"

"Will SG-1 - well, the former SG-1 - attend Stargate Command's New Year's Party?"

Ah. Sam blinked. Right. The holiday season meant parties. Christmas and New Year's parties. With the Eurondan Affair, she hadn't even thought about that. And neither had her friends, she suspected. "I don't know yet," she said. A safe answer.

"Well, you're certainly invited." General Hammond beamed at her. "We all owe you for saving our bacon once again."

"Thank you, sir."

Sam was already trying to remember which parties she could miss and which she couldn't. Between the General and her Etherian friends, she probably wouldn't be able to skip as many as she would prefer. But she knew she didn't want to miss Stargate Command's New Year's Party. That was a tradition, after all. Even if she had been dragged to most of them in the past.


Bright Moon, Etheria, December 24th, 1999

"It almost looks like we're on Earth," Catra commented as she walked at Adora's side towards the palace gates.

Adora looked around, frowning a little in that cute way of hers, then shook her head. "On Earth, the whole street would be decked out in Christmas decorations. Not just a few shops."

It was more than a few shops, actually - about every third shop was sporting tinsel and green and red ribbons or plants. And all of those shops had displays like on Earth. "Close enough," she said.

Adora nodded. "It looks like we missed a big smuggling ring."

"Those aren't wares from Earth," Catra corrected her lover. "Those are 'Earth-style goods'. Copies made here." One of the shops even advertised as that. Although she had no doubt that the shop would sell actual contraband under the table if the owner had access to a smuggler. Not to them, of course - the clerks would know that Adora would report them. But if Catra were alone… Hm.

"Well, it's only natural," Adora said. "Earth media are very popular, and people watching the shows and movies will see a lot of Earth products. Of course, they'll be curious about them. Daniel said similar things happen on Earth all the time."

Catra knew that Etherian goods would fetch a premium on Earth - and did whenever someone managed to smuggle something through the Stargate, though that would be even rarer after they had improved security. But she'd never seen - or heard of - a similar 'Etherian-style goods' fad. "What does Glimmer think about this?" she asked as they passed a bakery with 'original French croissants' that looked pretty similar to the ones she had eaten in Paris.

Adora winced a little. "Ah, she said she wanted to look into encouraging local businesses."

"So, she's not happy with everyone being crazy for Earth stuff." Catra snorted. She could understand that - if she were a princess, she would be a bit worried about that as well.

"It's not that," Adora said. "It's the whole difference between our population and Earth's. That's why the trade deals are stalled as well."

"Well, duh." Catra scoffed. "If we opened trade, the Stargate would be blocked for years with all the stuff Earth would ship to us." Most of it junk or obsolete stuff, but it would still sell.

"Yes. But they are pushing - and complaining about, well, that." Adora pointed at a shop advertising Earth media and assorted merchandise. "They still want us to 'respect copyright'."

"Good luck with that." Catra shook her head. Etheria didn't work like that.

"Some of the princesses were debating whether or not they should agree," Adora said. "But mostly because the don't like Earth media being so popular and think by cracking down on smuggling, it would become more expensive and less common."

Catra snorted. That wasn't how things worked. You couldn't stop smuggling, not even the Horde had managed, and media wasn't bottlenecked by the Stargate's capacity. You could transport a whole library on a single memory crystal.

"Mermista didn't think it would work either," Adora said.

"She would know." Both from Sea Hawk and her experience with smuggling on the sea. "Well, it's not our problem," Catra said. She narrowed her eyes at Adora to remind her lover of that.

"I know!" Adora blushed a little. "Though cultural exchange is."

Catra rolled her eyes. That again! The Asgard's visit had been bad enough, and Earth's would be worse - a lot of Etherians were crazy for Earth culture, especially their artists. "You'll have to assign a company or more for crowd control once the stars arrive," she said.

"That's up to the ruling princesses," Adora said. "Not all of them were, ah, enthusiastic."

"I bet they're just jealous they are less popular than Earth artists." Catra grinned.

Adora cleared her throat and didn't comment.

Catra's grin widened. "Well, you don't have that problem. You're the most popular princess. Here and on Earth."

That earned her a frown. "I don't care. I just… oh, no!"

Catra quickly followed her lover's gaze. "Oh!" She chuckled. "Priest must have taken notes."

In front of another shop, three Clones stood in a booth with a life-sized cardboard cutout of She-Ra, sword raised and shining with blinding light. Next to it, they had placed a box for donations and stacks of flyers, books and crystals. "It's really like Christmas on Earth. Be glad they didn't dress you up as Santa," she said.

Adora muttered a curse under her breath.

"Cheer up - it means Etheria has at least one celebrity who's popular in the rest of the Alliance," Catra told her with a snicker.

"I'd rather see Sea Hawk become a star on Earth with his shanties," Adora snapped.

Catra laughed as they took a detour so they wouldn't pass in front of the stall. Then she frowned as she had another thought. "If they're doing that on Earth, that could cause trouble." Earth took their weird religions seriously, and it was holiday season for the Alliance.

Adora sighed.


Pentagon, Washington D.C., United States of America, Earth, December 24th, 1999

"That's very interesting, General. I'll be sure to keep that in mind when we're training in Germany."

As an example of how not to conduct a landing operation on another planet, Jack O'Neill added to himself when he turned away to refill his glass. That was an insane proposal, and from a fellow Air Force officer to boot! Really, it sounded as if the man had never considered that a planetary invasion was focused on securing the orbitals. You couldn't establish air superiority if the enemy could bomb you from space no matter how daringly you dropped on the planet. And if you had control of the orbitals, you did the same to the enemy.

With people like that working at the Pentagon, it was no wonder that the Navy pukes had won the battle for the US space forces!

Besides, Jack ran Alliance Special Forces Command, not the Space Marines. He wasn't in charge of invading planets, he was in charge of taking out key objectives for invasions, running ops behind enemy lines, search and rescue and all the fun stuff SG-1 had gotten up to in their days.

His glass refilled with excellent whisky - the Pentagon didn't skimp on food and drinks for their general staff mixers - he made his way to the corner of the room closest to the door. He had been here for almost an hour; it was time to slip out as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Before he drank too much and started to hurt some of the idiots here.

Like Admiral Kearsy. Jack hadn't forgotten the debriefing of the Saqqara mission. The man was talking to the Secretary of Defense near the other end of the bar. Jack considered cutting in if only to see if he had to heed off another blatant powerplay by the Navy to cripple the funding for the rest of the branches so they could design another death trap to show off the limeys.

He decided against it. If the Navy tried anything, it would go through Alliance Command, and Adora would inform him. And they could get Carter to dissect the latest issues with the Navy's ship design.

At least the British ships were coming along according to schedule. If the Navy pukes kept messing up their homebrewed all-in-one-designs, the Marines might be ferried to the first landing zones on British transports escorted by British corvettes.

Which wouldn't be all that bad, actually, in Jack's opinion.

"General O'Neill!"

Damn! Jack forced himself to smile. "General Naird."

"I was wondering if you knew if Major Carter was going to attend this mixer."

Jack narrowed his eyes. Why did Naird want to speak to Carter? At a mixer? The man was married! "Unfortunately, she is busy with critical work for the war." Also known as doing science with Entrapta instead of suffering here with him.

"Oh." The man's face fell. "I was hoping to discuss a few things I discovered. As you certainly know, I was assigned to command our Space Signals Corps, and since that relies heavily on the spy bot network Major Carter and Princess Entrapta have developed…" He trailed off with a hopeful smile.

Jack was tempted to mention that 'Space Signals Corps' basically was just handling the interface with said network. But everyone knew that, even Naird. And it was Christmas Eve. So he shrugged. "I can't help you there - I just push the button on the radio. And if it doesn't work, I call Carter."

"Err, yes, that's basically the problem. It works, but we - that is, my command - don't have the capability to fix anything if it doesn't work. My aide and my technical advisor have, therefore, formulated a plan for a backup system in case the main network is damaged."

Ah. Tech talk. "Oh, just mail her your proposal. She will get back to you."

"We did. Two weeks ago." Naird pouted. "But we haven't heard back."

Really? "Well, I can't speak for Major Carter, but between the attack by Russia and China and then the mess with the Space Nazis, I think she might have been a bit too busy to give your proposal the attention it deserves."

"Ah. Maybe I should send a reminder." Naird nodded.

"Yes." That wouldn't endear him to Carter, but that wasn't Jack's problem. On the other hand… "Or I could do it. Communications are a critical part of modern warfare, after all, and it's always good to have backup systems. In fact, I think I'll go call her right now. Merry Christmas!"

"Ah…" Naird opened his mouth, but Jack was already finishing his drink on the way out.

An excuse to leave the mixer early and to call Carter? That was almost a Christmas present in his book.

But just as he reached the door, it was opened by a concerned-looking captain - Air Force, Jack noted - whose eyes widened when she saw him. "General O'Neill! Captain Brown. We've got a situation."

Damn. Well, he hadn't heard any sirens, so it couldn't be too bad.

"There was an altercation involving several Clones and Alliance soldiers."

Scratch that thought.


"So, fill me in?" Jack O'Neill asked a minute later as they walked through the hallway - toward the exit leading to the landing pads, he noted.

"At the Christmas Party at the Washington Navy Yard, a religious dispute occurred between a group of Clones and Navy personnel. The dispute escalated to violence," Brown replied. "All involved are now either in lockup or in the hospital."

A brawl between Clones and Navy pukes? So, none of his people were involved? "And I was the only general available, I guess?" he half-joked.

"The Supreme Commander is not on Earth nor on duty. The leader of Third Fleet was already informed, and Admiral Brown-Emerson requested your presence since you are on location."

"Ah." That explained why Jack was left holding the bag. Not because he was already in Washington, of course - Priest could probably arrive faster at the Naval Yard from orbit than Jack could make it through Washington D.C.'s traffic. But Jack was a close friend of Adora and so the wily Brit probably figured he could handle Priest. Well, he wasn't entirely wrong. Jack certainly could think of worse officers being involved in this.

He narrowed his eyes at the thought. "Was Admiral Kearsy informed?" He was the ranking US Navy officer on the council. And he was in Washington as well.

"I don't know. I received a direct call from Admiral Brown-Emerson and immediately went to fetch you, sir. Should I call him?"

"Let him enjoy the party," Jack said as they left the building. "Ever flown in a shuttle?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ever flown in a stealth shuttle?"

"No, sir."

"It's like a shuttle, but better." He grinned again. "Although we won't be using the stealth generator this time."

"Yes, sir."

Jack refrained from making a comment on being too formal. The captain wasn't one of his people. And when working in the Pentagon as a junior officer, especially as a young woman, it was better to be as formal as possible when interacting with your superior.

"Strap in," he told her as they boarded the shuttle, followed by the bot guarding it - the encrypted locks on the shuttle had been built by Carter and Entrapta, but you couldn't be too careful with your personal stealth shuttle around other generals. Doubly so in Washington.

He quickly ran through the pre-flight checks. "So, how bad are the injuries? And how much alcohol was involved?"

"None of the injuries were reported as life-threatening, sir," Brown replied. "No alcohol was served at the party."

Jack snorted. "Blood checks on all."

"Yes, sir." She made a note on her pad while Jack informed air traffic control of his flight

As soon as he got the clearance, he took off. Five minutes later - mostly because he had to avoid a police chopper - they touched down at the Naval Yard. Next to another shuttle with familiar markings. Third Fleet.

Jack was pretty sure he knew who had arrived with that shuttle.

He was proven right five minutes later when they reached the area where the uninjured participants of the brawl were held in detention. "Hello, Priest. Lieutenant." He nodded at the Navy officer next to Priest.

"General O'Neill!" The Clone smiled at him. "Merry Christmas, and may Her Divine Highness's grace bless you as well. And to you," he added with a nod at Brown.

Ah. Jack was starting to get an inkling of the reasons for the brawl. "Thanks, I guess," he replied.

"Sir." The Lieutenant looked as tense as you'd expect from anyone in his position - Priest commanded a fleet with enough firepower to turn Earth into a wasteland, after all.

"So, I heard a couple of people got into a brawl at a party," Jack said. "I guess someone broke out the booze early."

"We're still investigating," the Lieutenant said. "NCIS was informed. A special agent is on the way."

"NCIS? Really? Do you do that every time there's a drunken brawl?" Jack raised his eyebrows. Someone was escalating. Sure, technically, this could be worth a criminal investigation, but generally, people didn't want to escalate from a disciplinary matter to a criminal one. Especially if it involved foreign service personnel. It looked like someone was playing games here. Wait - he had his own special agent on call. Sort of. "I guess we'll cooperate on this, then."

"Sir?" The Lieutenant looked confused for a moment.

"In investigating this," Jack said. "I'll call my team."

"Special Agents Wilkinson and Paris?" Priest smiled.

The Clone was well-informed. Jack reminded himself not to underestimate him. Religious fanatics could be quite subtle and sly. "Yes. I guess this is straight down their alley. They can talk shop with their colleagues from NCIS."

"Third Fleet will, of course, lend any assistance you need," Priest said.

At least he didn't offer to add his own people to the team. Good. If Jack could keep this from escalating further, he should be able to settle things without too much trouble.

"So, what exactly happened?" Jack asked. "Getting into a brawl on Christmas Eve isn't exactly in the spirit of the holiday, is it?"

"We're still investigating, sir," the Lieutenant replied stiffly. Stalling?

Jack cocked his head. "Exactly. And what do you have so far?"

"We're waiting for NCIS, sir."

Someone really wanted to escalate this. But who? "Let me call my investigative team, then," Jack said. And inform them that they were his investigative team, of course.

He'd get to the bottom of this. And if anyone was playing games involving Third Fleet, he'd take them down. Some things were off-limits. Especially during a war.


Washington Naval Yard, United States of America, Earth, December 24th, 1999

"No, that's alright. Merry Christmas, Agent Paris!"

"Merry Christmas, General."

Jack O'Neill sighed as he switched off his comm. Apparently, Wilkinson and Paris both had plans for Christmas Eve. He could have pushed - not quite ordered; they were still ironing out how exactly the two would officially fit into his command; the FBI was proving a bit obstructive - but he hadn't. Getting his own special agents would have been a nice way to show up the NCIS special agent, but Jack didn't really think he'd need them to settle a drunken brawl. He'd let the Navy pukes ruin their own holidays instead.

Besides, he might not have two special agents on the way, but he was in charge of Alliance Special Forces Command. That gave him a lot of clout. Hell, if the Navy felt uppity, he could just mention, casually, that the shuttles assigned to his unit had more firepower than the entire Navy, at least until they managed to convert their squadrons to space fighters. Of course, Priest had an actual fleet in orbit…

"So, when will you let me talk to my men? I was under the impression that anyone detained in your country had the right to arrange legal representation and contact their embassy if they were a foreigner," Priest asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have the authority to decide that. That is under the purview of the NCIS special agent assigned to this case," the Lieutenant in charge of the detention area replied.

Jack suppressed a snort at the officer's expression. You had to be a screw-up or terribly unlucky to get assigned to this post on Christmas Eve, and he wondered which was it here. "And when will the special agent arrive?" Jack asked, leaning forward and putting his hands on the man's desk.

"He's on his way," the Lieutenant replied. But traffic is bad at this time of day."

"We can fetch him with a shuttle," Priest offered at once. "Just give us his location."

"Ah… that's… not my call, sir," the Lieutenant not-quite-stammered.

Jack frowned. Someone must have given him instructions to stall. But who?

"What's going on here?"

Ah. Jack had his answer. Probable answer, at least. He smiled - politely - as he turned. "And good evening to you, Admiral Kearsy. Fancy meeting you here."

The Admiral gave him the barest of nods. "I came as soon as I was informed that there was an incident involving my men."

"You could have called us, Admiral. We would have sent a shuttle to pick you up." Priest beamed at him.

"Or you could have flown with me," Jack added. It was a good thing that Brown wasn't here, or Kearsy would probably try to blame her.

"Whatever. What's the status?" Kearsy barked, glaring at the Lieutenant.

"We're waiting on the NCIS, sir." the young man looked even more nervous.

"NCIS? Who called them?"

"That's standard procedure, sir. Especially if it involves foreign soldiers."

Kearsy scoffed. "That's a waste of time. Why run an investigation when the results won't matter?"

Jack narrowed his eyes. "Really? What are you insinuating, Admiral?"

Kearsy scoffed again. "As if you have to ask. No matter what they did, your aliens won't be punished. Politics will ensure that!"

"I can assure you that my people will be punished for any rules they broke, Admiral," Priest said. "Whether they actually broke any rules in the first place has yet to be determined, of course."

"Punished by you." Kearsy shook his head.

"With Her Divine Highness's permission, of course," Priest said. "We all follow her command. If she desires differently, then we shall obey."

"The United States Navy is not in the habit of idolatry!" Kearsy spat.

Damn! Jack clenched his teeth. What was this fool thinking? Was he drunk? The last thing Jack - or Earth - needed was Priest starting a brawl because an idiot insulted Adora. Or a crusade.

But Priest smiled. "I was talking about the fact that as officers of the Alliance against the Goa'uld, we both answer to the Supreme Commander of said Alliance, Admiral. Though, as far as I am aware, the United States Navy is, like the United States as a country, not beholden to any religion, so I do not quite understand why you are stating the obvious. Even if a majority of your soldiers should decide to follow Her Divine Highness's teachings, that would not change. Our church perfectly understands and supports this policy."

"You…" Whatever Kearsy had been about to say, he managed to stop himself.

"Yes. We're all very tolerant of each other's faith here," Jack said. "And we have a drunken brawl to sort out."

That NCIS special agent couldn't arrive too soon, he thought. If only to distract Kearsy.


Washington Naval Yard, United States of America, Earth, December 25th, 1999

Jack greeted them on the landing pad - which was a bit crowded, Adora noticed, with three shuttles parked next to each other, including the one that brought Catra and her here. "Supreme Commander." He saluted.

"General." She nodded at him.

"Sorry for ruining your holidays."

"Don't worry. We're not celebrating Christmas," Adora told him.

"Not yet," Catra added with a grin. "But we're working on it."

"Oh?" Jack looked surprised.

Adora softly sighed. "Several shops in Bright Moon have Christmas decorations."

Catra nodded. "Earth cultural imperialism is making progress."

Adora frowned. She knew Catra wasn't serious, not really, but some princesses were concerned.

"Soon, the entire galaxy will know the joys of Christmas shopping!" Jack commented as they walked into the building.

"So, where are our missionaries?" Catra asked after she stopped giggling.

"They weren't actually missionaries," Jack said. "According to the interviews I saw, the Clones didn't try to convert anyone."

That was good to hear. Adora had feared the worst when she had heard about the 'altercation'.

"I sense a 'but' coming." Catra cocked her head to the side.

Jack sighed. "Yep. While the Clones weren't trying to convert anyone, neither did they hold back when a drunk sailor asked them what they thought about Christmas. And they didn't back down when challenged, so…"

Adora winced. "'Be polite but don't lie'."


"That were their instructions when asked about their… faith," Adora explained, clenching her teeth a little. "According to Priest."

"Who wouldn't lie to his goddess?" Jack looked at her as they waited before the lift.

"He wouldn't lie," Adora told him with a firm nod.

"He would interpret orders to suit him and be vague when necessary, like any good subordinate officer showing initiative, but he wouldn't lie to Adora," Catra confirmed.

Jack snorted, probably at her view of what made a 'good subordinate officer', when the lift arrived. As soon as the doors closed behind them, he said: "Someone's playing games. They called in NCIS. The Navy Criminal Investigation Service."

"Yes?" Adora frowned. "Several people were hurt in the brawl, weren't they? And hurting people is a crime, isn't it?"

"Yes, but there's a certain leeway. This kind of incident is usually handled without calling in NCIS," Jack explained. "I wouldn't say it's normal for sailors on leave to brawl, but it's not exactly rare. And we have a lot of sailors."

"And who's playing games, and what do they want?" Catra asked. She looked alert now - tense, even.

Of course, Adora thought, that would remind her of Horde politics.

"Ah, that I don't know. Not yet." Jack frowned. "With the brawl happening at a party, news spread quickly."

Adora nodded. Then the lift stopped, and she straightened and raised her chin a little. This was serious.

"Your Divine Highness! Your most faithful servant is at your command!"

Adora pressed her lips together. Priest didn't have to bow - they were on duty. Not that he had to bow even if they were off duty, anyway. "Greetings, Priest." She nodded at him. "Admiral Kearsy."

The Admiral saluted her with a deep frown and a glance at Priest. Almost a scowl, actually.

Adora wasn't surprised - Priest could be annoying. Very annoying. She looked at the middle-aged man in a suit next to the Admiral.

"Adora, Cara, that's Special Agent Banks," Jack said. "Special Agent - Supreme Commander of the Alliance Princess She-Ra. And Catra."

"Ma'am." He nodded at her.

"Special Agent." She smiled at him. "So, you've interrogated the people involved. What happened?" Straight and to the point. Get the intel you needed to make a decision, as she had been taught in cadet training.

"Ah, we're still at the start of the investigation," Banks said. "We have wildly differing testimonies that we need to sort out and compare with other pieces of evidence. I cannot yet say with any certainty what exactly happened last evening."

"We do have records from security cameras, though, that show that my people were attacked and defended themselves, Your Divine Highness," Priest cut in. "As befitting your faithful, they did not escalate what might have been a mere cultural misunderstanding to violence."

"So, the sailors threw the first punch, huh?" Catra asked.

"They were provoked!" Admiral Kearsy blurted out. "You cannot fault a man for losing his temper when his religion is insulted on the eve of our most holy celebration!"

Adora winced. So, it was about religion.

"Actually, you can," Jack cut in. "I do remember orders to that extent. And laws."

"I find that claim implausible, Admiral," Priest said in a mild tone. "As Her Divine Highness taught us, other religions are to be respected. Even if their adherents might not respect ours."

"Your people claimed that the birth of Christ was made up!" Kearsy bellowed.

Adora winced again.

"That is incorrect. My people merely remarked that it was unlikely that Christ was born on this exact date but that it was claimed so by the early Christian Church to coopt another religion's holiday," Priest retorted. "Which is generally considered a smart move for spreading the faith, as far as I understand, and, therefore, could be considered a compliment, provided your faith, unlike ours, does not stipulate honesty."

"Don't mock my faith!" Kearsy spat. "Your people were also comparing your…" he trailed off and glared at Adora. "...your commander to Jesus our Lord and Saviour!"

Adora froze.

Priest didn't. "Yes?" He cocked his head in apparent - and fake, Adora knew it! - surprise. "Why wouldn't we?"

"You cannot compare our Lord to… a mere person!" Kearsy bellowed.

"Please do not insult Her Divine Highness," Priest said. "Her Divine Power and Grace has been proven countless times. In living memory, no less."

"I'm no goddess!" Adora blurted out.

"And her humility is without equal as well," Priest said.

Adora closed her eyes so she didn't have to see Catra's wide grin.

Chapter 138: Holiday Season Part 2 New
Chapter 138: Holiday Season Part 2

Washington D.C., December 25th, 1999 (Earth Time)

The house hadn't changed since Samantha Carter had visited the last time. Which had been quite a while ago, before her father had been healed by Adora, actually. Before they had made up. Sam was happy about that, of course. Her Dad was alive, and the rift between them had been healed. And they could celebrate Christmas together. Which also is a good thing, Sam told herself firmly as she walked up to the door.

Unless there was an emergency, she wouldn't be able to spend Christmas in her lab, anyway. The General would probably check on her. Not that she wanted to spend Christmas in her lab. Not really.

Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell.

"I'm coming!"

She blinked. That wasn't her father's voice. That was…

The door was pulled open, and Sam found herself looking at her niece, Lisa. "Aunt Sam!" Before Sam could say anything, the girl turned her head and yelled: "Dad! Gramps! Aunt Sam's here!"

Her brother and his family were here? Sam blinked.

"Come in!" Lisa grabbed her hand and started to tug on it, and Sam followed her inside.

"Aunt Sam! Did you bring us presents?" David, her nephew, asked.

"David!" Mark's wife appeared in the door leading to the kitchen, an apron covering her front. "What did I tell you about being good?" Then she smiled. "Hello, Sam. Merry Christmas!"

"Hello, Marian." Sam nodded at her. "I didn't know you were visiting Dad."

"Oh! You don't have presents, then!"


"We'll take money, too," Lisa said, smiling impishly. "You have money, right? Dad said you live for your work, so you can't be spending much, right?"

Sam raised her eyebrows. "He did?"

"Hello, Sam!"

And there was her brother, standing in the hallway leading to the backyard. Behind him, just closing the door, was Dad. Both were wearing winter jackets.

"Sam!" Dan beamed at her. "You made it."

"It's a Christmas miracle," Mark commented.

Sam frowned, and he grimaced. "Sorry."

"'Christmas miracle'?" David asked in the sudden silence.

"Nothing," Mark told him. "Just a stupid joke."

"Yes. Very stupid," Marian told him.

"Anyway," Dad said. "Come, join us in the living room!"

Sam was tempted to comment on the fact that Marian was going back into the kitchen, but like her and Dad's military career, that was a touchy subject.

"So, do you have money?" Lisa apparently had clear priorities.

"I already sent your parents the money for your gifts," Sam told her. "I didn't know you would be travelling to Washington."

"It was a rather spontaneous decision," Mark said as he sat down on the old and worn couch in the living room. Next to it, a Christmas tree with familiar decorations stood. It was a bit too tall for the room's ceiling, and the tip was bent to the side, the star meant to be mounted on its top dangling from it instead.

Sam joined him on the couch while her nephew and niece sat down on the carpet, grabbing the toys spread out there.

"I told Mark that both of us would be in Washington for the holidays," Dad added as he sank into his favourite seat. "Barring an emergency."

Mark snorted. "And it might have been the last opportunity to catch a flight on an aeroplane. I didn't want David and Lisa to miss out on that experience."

David nodded. "We watched 'Star Princess and the Snake Empire' on the flight! We wouldn't have had the time to do that on a shuttle!"

Sam nodded, suppressing the urge to correct her brother about the odds that commercial travel would switch to shuttles in the next few years.

"Have you seen the movie?" Lisa asked. "Dad said you live it!"

Sam narrowed her eyes at her brother, who grinned in response, before smiling at her niece. "No, I haven't seen the movie. I rarely have the time to watch movies."

"Ah!" Lisa nodded and smiled at her, sitting cross-legged in front of Sam. "So, the movie starts with the Star Princess and her friends on their planet, Eternia. They're having fun with all the animals, but then the Snake People attack, and the whole forest - they have a magical forest where the trees have chocolate fruits - is set on fire! But Star Princess's friend Aqua can control water, and so she…"

Sam felt her smile freeze a little bit as she realised that her niece apparently was going to tell her the entire movie's plot - a plot that sounded very much like it was 'inspired' by the Horde War, with the Horde replaced by obvious Goa'uld expies.

Someone at Disney must have commissioned that movie as revenge for the Etherians' refusal to respect their copyright, Sam thought. She could only hope the General didn't hear about this - he'd use it for a mandatory movie night.

Why did she decide that she couldn't spend the day in her lab, anyway? Because she hadn't seen her family in months, she reminded herself.

"...and then Star Princess rode her pegasus to the Horde sky fortress, and…"

"It's actually an alicorn," Sam said before she could help herself. "Sorry," she quickly added.

Mark snickered. "You'd know the difference - you met the real thing, right?"

Both Lisa and Davis gaped at her.

"That's classified," Sam said, frowning at her dad. He was the only one in the family who was aware that she was a close friend of the Etherians. Of course, her friendship wasn't that much of a secret, considering how many knew about it…

"Classified?" Lisa asked.

"That means Aunt Sam goes to prison if she tells us," David told her.

"I didn't spill," Dad claimed.

"I figured it out from how often you were in the news," Mark said with a satisfied smirk.

Her brother wasn't stupid, Sam reminded herself. She sighed. "It's classified. We're at war."

"Oh! Are you going to ride alicorns into battle?" Lisa asked.

"Or dinosaurs?" David added.

"No," Sam said. "That's just the show, not reality." Riding Swift Wind into battle? She wasn't Adora. And she doubted Adora would ride him into battle, either.

"Aw." Lisa pouted. "And will you attack the Horde Sky Fortress?"

"The Etherians already defeated the Horde, duh," David said. "Now they are fighting snakes!"

"The Alliance is engaged in a war with the Goa'uld Empire," she corrected him. A war that the Goa'uld were not yet aware of, actually.

"Yes, the snakes!" David nodded.

"A war that keeps your aunt very busy," Mark added. Sam could hear the 'too busy to visit her family' clearly even though he didn't say it out loud.

And so could Dad. He frowned. "Sam's essential for the Alliance."

Sam, not her work, Sam noted.

Fortunately, Mark didn't pick up that nuance. He slowly nodded. "But at least you managed to visit over the holidays." He tilted his head and frowned slightly. "You're staying over the holidays, aren't you?"

"I'll visit in my free time," Sam told him. "But I don't have leave over the holidays." And she didn't want leave anyway. She had too many projects to tend to, and her friends needed her.

"You have to work on Christmas?" Lisa stared at Sam as if she had heard that Christmas was getting cancelled.

"We're at war," Sam said.

"And you're doing your duty," Mark said.

Sam ignored the familiar hint of bitterness in his voice. She wouldn't start that old argument again.

Fortunately, neither did Dad. "Well, at least you can travel around the world faster than you can drive through Washington these days."

"What?" Mark looked surprised, even though he had commented about shuttles rendering planes obsolete before.

"Shuttles are far faster than planes," Dad said.

"I didn't know they were that fast…"

"I don't have a personal shuttle," Sam pointed out.

"General O'Neill does, though." Of course, Dad would have heard those rumours!

"Which he uses," Sam said. She didn't bother denying the rumours. That would only make her brother tease her. Or make assumptions that were completely inappropriate and wrong.

"Who's General O'Neill?" Lisa asked.

"My former commanding officer," Sam told her.

"And you can use his shuttle?" Lisa looked impressed.

"If I need it, I can require a shuttle for transport," Sam said. She needed one every time she visited the Spacelab in person or had to move between different bases.

"To visit us?" Lisa asked.

"That wouldn't be a need," Sam corrected her. "But if my duties lead me to Washington, I will visit. You're staying the whole holiday?" she asked Mark.

"Yes. Marian's family was not amused, but since we stayed with them every year…" He shrugged. "They can't complain."

Neither Dad nor Sam commented on the reasons why Mark and his family had visited Marian's parents every holiday and not them.

Sam tried to change the topic again. "I might need to get a copy of that movie," she said. And watch it so she would know if it could cause problems with the Etherians.

"Can we have it when you're done?" Lisa looked hopefully at her.

David nodded with the same expression.

"Well… it's a bit too late to get a copy today," Mark said with a glance at the clock on the wall. "But we can get one tomorrow. And watch it together. Consider it a late Christmas present, Sam."

"Yes!" Lisa cheered.

"Yay!" David nodded so rapidly, Sam was briefly worried for his health.

She thought about bowing out - she had only planned to visit today for the big dinner - but faced with her niece and nephew's beaming faces, she couldn't disappoint them.

It really is a potential problem for our relations with Etheria, she told herself to soothe her guilty conscience.

It didn't quite work.


Pentagon, Washington D.C., December 25th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"So, has the special agent finished their investigation yet?" Catra asked as she leaned back in her seat and put her feet on the table.

"Catra!" Adora hissed next to her.

Catra rolled her eyes. "It's not as if this is a serious matter," she said, loud enough to be overheard by the others in the meeting room. "Someone just wanted to feel important."

"This is a serious matter!" Kearsy bellowed, as expected.

Catra snorted. Really, didn't the man realise that he had been set up? A bunch of soldiers brawling was a matter for their officers to settle. It wasn't as if anyone had died - they hadn't even been hurt seriously. Not enough for needing Adora's healing magic, at least - which disproved Catra's earlier (and far-fetched) suspicion that someone suffering from a disease or whatever had arranged that to get Adora involved, hoping she would heal them. In any case, Kearsy shouldn't have become involved in the first place or, at least, should have dropped the matter when the Navy police had taken over. He should have followed Jack's example, who had dropped the thing on Adora as soon as he had an excuse and must be enjoying the holidays right now.

"I fail to see why this investigation should persist," Priest cut in. "The records we saw were clear - your sailors attacked my people first. And since I, following the example Her Divine Highness set, agreed not to pursue punishment of the attackers, the matter should be settled already."

Adora nodded. "Yes. There's no need to punish anyone if their victims forgave them."

Catra doubted that any of the hurt Clones would have dared refuse to forgive their enemies when Adora asked them, but that wasn't her problem.

"We still don't know the exact circumstances of the brawl, so any assumptions about guilt seem premature," the base commander, Admiral Jeffries, apparently called back from a vacation with his family, said, glancing back and forth between Kearsy and Adora. The guy didn't want to be here any more than Catra did.

"As my people told me, they merely answered honestly when asked about their opinion of this holiday," Priest said. "All in accordance with Her Divine Highness' orders," he added with a deep nod toward Adora. "That this was taken as an insult by your sailors was not their fault. But even if it were, that would not excuse an assault on them."

"You cannot expect a man to suffer such an insult without reacting!" Kearsy snapped.

Priest tilted his head slightly in apparent - and, Catra was sure, fake confusion. "I was under the impression that this was a core tenet of your religion. To turn the other cheek instead of defending yourself, much less counter-attacking, even when you are physically assaulted."

Kearsy ground his teeth. "That's not what it means!" he spat. "And they attacked their faith, not the sailors themselves!"

"I bow to your expertise," Priest replied in a mild tone that left Kearsy even more furious. "My own faith does not require us to react with violence when questioned - quite the opposite, actually."

Admiral Jeffries cleared his throat. "I think that a thorough investigation would help us to decide what punishment is appropriate for the attack on your soldiers."

"And you are free to do so," Catra said. "But that doesn't mean we have to stay involved with this. We've got better things to do." Hell, even watching paint dry would be better than this - at least she'd be able to take a nap without Adora feeling embarrassed.

"We trust that your judgement in this matter will be fair," Priest added with more fake sincerity that once again riled Kearsy up.

"Do you expect us to sacrifice good sailors for politics?"

Catra couldn't resist. "Isn't that a tradition for your country?"


"What? I've read their history," Catra said, shrugging. "They sent their Navy to open other countries for their trade."

"Are you insulting the US Navy?" Kearsy glared at her.

Admiral Jeffries cleared his throat again. "I think we should focus on the matter at hand. Which is, if I understand your stance correctly, a disciplinary matter left to the involved sailors' commander."

"Yes," Adora said, nodding emphatically.

"As Her Divine Highness mandates," Priest added.

Kearsy managed to nod without blowing up.

"Great. The matter's settled then," Catra said, taking her feet off the table and standing up to stretch. "Let's go back home."

But as they filed out of the room, an aide approached Admrial Jeffries. Catra's ears twitched as she listened to their whispered conversation.

"Sir, there's been a complication."


"The press is covering the incident."


Catra muttered a curse under her breath. "Someone must have leaked this to the press." This would greatly increase the pressure on anyone involved.

Then again, that was probably their goal, she added to herself with a glance at Kearsy.

"What are they saying?" Adora asked.

The aide winced. "Uh…"

"Spit it out!" Kearsy growled.

"Most call it 'the Christmas Brawl'," the man replied. "But some of the more conservative media are calling it an 'attack on Christmas'."

Catra could imagine what those news agencies said about this and clenched her teeth. She was really, really sick of that part of Earth's media. "So much for this being settled," she said.

They had to discuss this with Jack and the others.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, December 25th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and while the Pentagon refuses to comment on the issue and the Alliance spokesperson has claimed that an investigation is still underway, sources usually in the know claim that the Supreme Commander of the Alliance herself, She-Ra, Princess of Power, was called to heal the personnel involved. That means this wasn't merely a brawl amongst drunken soldiers, something anyone living near a base is probably familiar with, but a serious fight. James, what do you think the consequences of this will be?"

"Well, Bob, such a bloody, if you'll pardon the pun, altercation means that there's serious tension between the different factions of the Alliance."

"Which factions do you mean? We've heard allegations that many Earth soldiers resent the Etherians for their favourite treatment. Some claim that Earth soldiers are used as cannon fodder on the ground while the Etherians stay safe in orbit."

"Ah, I cannot comment on the validity of such claims, but given the technological and population difference between Earth and Etheria, it's only natural that we - Earth - would mainly fight ground battles. Don't forget that Etheria in total has less than a fifth of the population of the United States."

"But that's math. For the soldier on the ground, sitting in the trenches while others stay safely aboard spaceships, that won't mean much, will it?"

"Indeed, Bob, while that perspective is limited, and possibly misleading, it's still a valid point to be taken into account."

"And there's more. While it would be reaching to claim, as some of our less integer colleagues do, that Etheria is waging a 'War on Christmas', it is commonly known that the Etherians are rather aggressively spreading their religion on Earth and in space. I could imagine that such proselytising would not be received well by devout Christians."

"Once more, I have to agree. There's a saying that there are no atheists in foxholes, as you might know."

"I didn't, James, but it's kind of fitting, isn't it?"

"Yes. Anyway, we've heard complaints about Etheria's religion spreading on Earth for months now. While most of its followers are, unsurprisingly, located in India, the Church of She-Ra is also growing in the West, and that causes tension. This incident might just be the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, an indication of a lingering and growing rift inside the Alliance."

"That sounds daunting, James."

"That's because it is daunting, Bob."

Jack O'Neill switched the TV off and turned to look at the others in the room. "Sounds like a bunch of hot air to me," he said. "Just people stirring up emotion for ratings."

Catra nodded, but Adora was shaking her head. "Admiral Kearsy seemed to share this view."

"Kearsy is an idiot," Jack said. "And he'll probably be removed from his post over this." Someone had to take the fall for this, and Kearsy was the most exposed - and the most expendable - amongst the higher ranks involved here. Although the yard commander might be sacrificed instead, if Kearsy managed to shore up enough support. Unless Adora personally intervened, which she wouldn't do. Probably not.

"Do you think someone set him up?" Catra asked.

Jack shrugged. "Someone used the opportunity to let him step into this, at least." Staff politics, how he loathed them!

"So, someone's risking the Alliance to get rid of a rival?" Catra asked.

"Or someone's trying to prevent Kearsy from risking the Alliance for his beliefs," Jack said. "You met the man - he sounded like he was all-in for the whole 'fire and brimstone' stuff." Hell, Kearsy had made Priest look like a moderate or sceptic.

"'Fire and brimstone'?" Adora asked.

Daniel pushed his glasses up. "It's referring to the threat of hell and damnation in Christian dogma. Jack is, I believe, using it to refer to more extremist churches and views."

"Yes." Jack nodded. "People who talk about your immortal soul being in peril whenever you do something they don't like."

"Idiots and bigots, you mean," Catra said.

"Well… mainstream Christianity focuses on love and compassion, both divine and, ah, mortal," Daniel said. "But there are extremists in every religion."

"Like Priest." Adora sighed.

"He's actually quite… restrained for the leader of an expanding religion," Daniel said. "Or maybe diplomatic would be more precise."

"Smooth," Jack said. Priest knew how to play others and exploit the rules and regulations. Jack couldn't even tell if the Clone was sincere in his belief or merely used the adoration people held for She-ra for his own goals. Though even if he were, there were worse messages to spread than 'be more like She-Ra'. Far worse ones.

"So, what do we do about this?" Adora asked, pointing at the TV.

"Nothing," Jack said.

"Nothing?" She frowned at him.

"Ah, you think this will blow over?" Daniel asked him.

Jack nodded. "It's a bunch of hot air," he repeated himself. "There's no such 'rift'. Soldiers complain all the time, and everyone thinks the other branches have an easy job. You know, like they call us the Chair Force?"

Catra snickered.

"Anyway, I like to think I know my soldiers, and they don't have a problem with each other like those idiots claim," Jack went on. And, of course, anyone who actually fought on the ground knows you were in the thick of it." That meant a lot more than what some idiots said on TV or preached in church.

He didn't miss how both Adora and Catra looked at Daniel.

"Yes, I would concur. While there are bound to be some religious tensions, that's nothing unusual for such a large force as the Alliance. And, so far at least, the media attention focused on this seems limited to the United States—none of the European news agencies is paying a lot of attention to the entire affair. So, I think this is an isolated incident and not indicative of a larger problem."

Adora seemed relieved. The girl really needed to stop feeling responsible for everything, in Jack's opinion. It wasn't as if she were an actual goddess.

"So, you see, there's no need to worry about your faithful," Catra said with a grin.

Adora frowned at her in return.

"Indeed," Teal'c spoke up. "On the contrary, your church has great potential for turning the false gods' followers into our allies. Its ideals may appeal to many amongst the Jaffa who would scorn your other religions. If you have the time, a visit to the Jaffa currently held by the Alliance could prove helpful."

Adora blinked.

Jack looked at his friend. "Is there something you'd like to tell us, Teal'c?"

"I have been working with the captured followers of the false gods, as have members of your church," Teal'c replied. "We have made inroads with many of them, especially after you released the synthetic symbionts. That you visited daily before that to ensure those who had lost their symbionts didn't die also left a favourable impression on many."

That was good news, Jack decided. Even if the image of a bunch - or an army - of Jaffa fanatically devoted to Adora was a bit concerning as well. "Merry Christmas?" he said with a wry grin.

Adora didn't grin in return.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 25th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"...and that's why we aren't going to visit the prison camp this week."

Adora frowned at the grinning Catra. It wasn't funny at all! She looked at her friends for support. Bow winced and avoided meeting her eyes. Either he was embarrassed or felt guilty, which wasn't good. And Glimmer…

…stared directly at her with a serious, determined expression. "You should visit them. They're your people."

"What?" Adora blurted out. "They aren't! I am no goddess!"

"But they follow you and look to you for guidance," Glimmer, standing behind the desk in her office, told her. "And you have visited the prisoners before."

"When I had to heal the wounded and Haken," Adora retorted.

"And they worshipped you back then already," Bow pointed out. "Teal'c didn't tell you anything new."

"Yes, but…" Adora trailed off. What could she say? That she had hoped they would stop worshipping her if she stopped visiting? That if she hadn't wanted to deal with them? "I didn't think it would spread."

"But it did." Glimmer shook her head. "And you can't ignore that."

"You don't owe them anything," Catra said, sitting on the edge of Glimmer's desk. She put down one of the crystals serving as paperweights that she had been playing with. "If they decide to worship you, that's on them. It doesn't make you responsible for them!" She turned to glare at Glimmer. "That's not how it works."

"I wouldn't turn people away who wanted to become my subjects," Glimmer told her. She frowned for a moment and added: "Not unless they were dishonest or tried to use me or something, of course. But people honestly wanting to join Bright Moon?" She shook her head.

"I'm not a ruling princess," Adora said. "I don't have a kingdom."

Catra nodded.

"You don't have a kingdom, but you have people who follow you," Glimmer retorted.

"That's not your fault or responsibility," Catra said. She didn't look amused any more.

Adora bit her lower lip. "I'm no goddess. But they won't believe me."

"And that's their fault," Catra said.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is," Glimmer said. "The fact is that people follow you. If you don't lead them, others will - and in your name."

Priest. Adora clenched her teeth. The Clone was… infuriating was the word. He claimed to worship her, to obey her every word, as he put it, and yet he wouldn't listen at all when she said she wasn't a goddess!

"You could disavow them," Catra said.

She could. She might not be able to convince everyone that she wasn't a goddess, but she could convince people that Priest or anyone else claiming so didn't speak for her.

"You should only do that if they betray you," Glimmer objected. "Not if they're just annoying."

Adora looked at her friend. "I don't want to be worshipped."

"There's a lot of stuff I don't want to do or deal with," Glimmer said. "But I do it because someone has to, and I am the Queen of Bright Moon, so it falls to me."

"You aren't the queen of Bright Moon," Catra pointed out to Adora.

Bow cleared his throat. "But is it that different from being the Supreme Commander of the Alliance?" He held up a hand before Adora could tell him that people didn't worship a commander as a goddess. "You do give orders and lead people, and do your best to fix things if they need fixing and that people do the right thing. Whether they call you commander or goddess doesn't really change that, does it?"

Adora opened her mouth, then closed it again. That… wasn't wrong.

"And Priest and his people would answer to you anyway as the leader of the Alliance," Glimmer added.

Adora pressed her lips together. Would Priest actually be in the Alliance if he didn't worship her? Sure, WrongHordak and his people didn't worship her and had joined the Alliance, but that didn't mean every other Clone would act the same. Like Hordak, who led First Fleet's remains, WrongHordak had his own reasons for joining the Alliance. Reasons Priest and others might not share.

On the other hand, letting people worship her as a goddess so they would help you fight the Goa'uld felt wrong. It was like exploiting their faith - like something the Go'auld did! "I don't want them to follow me because they think I am a goddess!" she blurted out.

"But they do think you're a goddess," Glimmer retorted. "That's not your fault - you never claimed to be a goddess. But it's a fact we can't just ignore. Not without serious repercussions."

Bow nodded. "I've looked into Earth's religions. All of the major ones have had problems with their followers becoming radicalised. And the most radicalised are often those who converted from another religion."

Oh. "Like those who start worshipping me?" Adora asked.

Bow nodded with a grimace.

Catra hissed a curse.

And Glimmer nodded.

Adora sighed. She didn't want this, none of this, but she couldn't ignore it. If she left her… followers to their own devices, who knew what they would end up doing? And in her name? Unwanted or not, it was her responsibility. She couldn't, wouldn't run from that. "I won't act as a goddess," she said. "I won't lie to them. But I will visit them." And keep a close eye on Priest. A closer eye.

Catra sighed as Glimmer and Bow nodded with sympathetic smiles.

The sudden silence was broken by the guards announcing that Entrapta had arrived.

A moment later, Entrapta entered the office with a wide smile.

"Hey!" Entrapta beamed at them, holding up a disc. "Sam just told me that Earth made a movie with us!"



Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 26th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"No! I can't end like this! I was so clo…AARGHHHHH!"

"Let that be a lesson to you! Love, not might, conquers all!"

"Yes, meow love!"

Samantha Carter winced while the ending credits scrolled over the holoprojected screen, and everyone else in the room turned to look or glare at her. In hindsight, she should have called Daniel and told him about this movie so he could handle breaking this to her friends instead of sending a copy to Entrapta.

But after a whole day at her family, being badgered by her niece and nephew with questions about 'the real star princess', demands to meet 'the real alicorn' and wide-eyed pleas for stories about space and trying to ignore her brother's passive-aggressive sniping at her career and the duties that entailed and her sister-in-law's questions, encouraged by her traitorous dad, about her love life, she hadn't really been thinking clearly.

And now she was facing a bunch of magical princesses and former alien warlords who didn't seem to be enamoured by their portrayal in the movie.

"I do not have horns or a tail. And I threw Horde Prime into a shaft - I didn't fall into a shaft by tripping over a cat-shapeshifter!"

"I am a cat - I don't change into a cat! And I would have kicked you down a shaft."

"I don't sound like that at all! And I cannot fly, whether it's the full moon or not!"

"I don't have a curse that makes me burn if I cover up my chest - I just like having my midriff free!"

"I didn't conquer Etheria! Much less the galaxy! And I don't want to!"

The only one who didn't seem to be annoyed by the movie was Entrapta, Sam noted. A silver lining, at least.

"Being a bot would be so cool! I think I could adapt metal tentacles like that!"

Or not. Sam winced. "I don't think you should replace your body with a bot body," she said. "And I think your hair already does everything the tentacles in the movie did."

"Oh, right." Entrapta pouted. "Forgot about that. But I could build a bot that looks just like the movie-me!"

"Ah… that might violate copyright," Sam said.

"Copyright?" Glimmer snarled. "What about our copyright? Whoever made this movie…"

"Disney did," Catra cut in.

Disney distributed it, but it had been made by a new and nominally independent production firm, Sam knew. Probably in an attempt to shield the corporation from any backlash. Or to reduce taxes somehow. But this wasn't the time to bring that up.

"...Disney used us for their movie!" Glimmer went on. "Why didn't we hear about his before… this?" She gestured at the screen, which was fading to black. "Someone should have told us about people making a movie like that about us."

Sam winced again. "It's not the first such movie or series. It's just the most successful." Thanks to her niece and nephew's enthusiasm, she now knew far more about cartoons than she had ever wanted to know. "And probably the one that is the most obvious about its, ah, 'inspiration'."

"Really?" Adora frowned.

"And no one stopped them?" Glimmer glared at Sam as if that was her fault. "And what did Julie and Mr Brown do? They're supposed to help with our image!"

Sam was a scientist, not a PR specialist. And the relations between the Etherians and their PR consultants were none of her business. But she spoke up anyway: "The movies and series are quite popular amongst children." At least amongst the children in her family. "They probably didn't think that this would hurt you."

"It hurts my image," Hordak complained. "I was a competent warlord, not such a clumsy oaf! And it claims I was Horde Prime!"

"And it claims I defected over a can of tuna," Catra added.

"Well… you love fish?" Adora smiled weakly.

"Not the point."

"It takes a lot of liberties with what actually happened," Bow said. "I know it's not meant to be a documentary, but they could have stuck a bit closer to the real story."

Glimmer turned to frown at him. "They should have changed more things! They made me out to be a figurehead! All I do is fly in the moonlight and hold speeches! And I get shot down in every battle so Adora can rescue me!"

Catra shrugged. "Someone paid a lot of attention to our history," she said with a grin. "They even have the cat defect and sneak into the prison to save you."

"Could we have a leak?" Adora asked.

"None of the, ah, information in the movie was classified," Sam said. She had checked.

"It's still a lot of detail," Adora retorted. "Someone must have collected a lot of information for this."

"Disney is a big corporation. And they might have wanted to make a point," Sam suggested.

"Do they really expect that we agree to protect their copyright claims on Etheria if they stop this movie?" Glimmer scoffed. "So, what do we do about this?"

"Can we do something about this?" Bow asked.

Sam wasn't a lawyer, but she doubted that. As persons of public interest, her friends were, as someone had called it, 'fair game' for the media.

"Why would we want to do something about it?" Entrapta asked. "It's a fun cartoon!"

If Sam liked such cartoons. And hadn't been forced to watch it with two enthusiastic kids commenting on every scene.

"But it makes it look as if I - as 'Star Princess' - saved Etheria by myself," Adora said. "That's wrong."

"Well, Priest will love the movie," Catra commented. Then she blinked. "Wait a minute…"

"...do you think he had something to do about this?" Glimmer sounded sceptical.

Sam doubted that herself. If Disney were working with aliens, that should have been noticed by someone. People were supposed to keep an eye on such 'business ties'.

"Oh, his book." Catra sighed. "The writers must have read his collection of She-Ra's heroic deeds."

Adora groaned. "Does that mean the movie's protected by religious freedom? I mean, I don't think we should try to ban it anyway, that would be wrong, right?"

Glimmer's expression made it clear that she disagreed, but the others nodded, to Sam's relief.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, December 27th, 1999 (Earth Time)

"We were aware of the movies inspired by you, yes."

Mr Brown smiled as if there was nothing wrong with that, Catra found. And unlike Julie, who was wincing a little, he was unfazed by the frowns from the princesses present.

"And you didn't tell us?" Glimmer asked.

"We thought you knew about them," he replied. "Etheria seems to be importing all mainstream media from Earth - at least based on the complaints about copyright violations we passed on to you."

They hadn't seen those shows and movies, though. At least Catra and her friends hadn't. She really needed to check the black market herself to see if there were other things they were missing. Stuff that many might not dare to mention to them, but others might want to use against them.

"Why would you get complaints? We have diplomatic channels for that," Adora asked, interrupting Catra's plans.

"And we get complaints there," Glimmer added. "They don't seem to understand that we don't have any copyright on Etheria."

"Oh, they understand that," Julie said. "But they don't accept it. It's why we have been 'finalising the last details' about the cultural exchange program for so long. Pressure from the labels and studios on the actors and performers."


Well, that made sense. "Sounds like Horde politics," Catra commented.

"What?" Hordak seemed surprised.

Catra sighed under her breath. "If the Force Captain in charge of supplies wanted a favour from you, you helped them out if you wanted to get your supplies on time."

"That's… corruption!" Hordak shook his head. "Sabotage and treason, even!"

Catra shrugged. "That's how things worked for those who weren't in command of the Horde." Like she had been, or Shadow Weaver. And Hordak, of course.

"Are you sure? I don't think I ever had to deal with stuff like that," Scorpia said with a frown. "And I was a Force Captain for years. They never said anything about that in Force Captain Orientation, either."

Catra snorted. "That's because you always did whatever favour people asked for."

"Well, we were all on the same side, so why wouldn't I help the other Force Captains out if I could?"

Glimmer cleared her throat. "Can we talk about the corruption problem in the Horde later? We have a problem at hand."

"Do you mean the copyright complaints or the movies?" Mr Brown asked. "Because the movies and assorted media aren't a problem for your reputation. All the movies and series that we watched display you in a very positive light - and we watched a lot of them with the kids. We would have to spend a lot of money to get that kind of coverage."

"'Positive light'?" Glimmer spat. "I look useless and clumsy!"

"I sound like a fool," Hordak joined in.

"They wrecked my outfit. Have you seen the action figures? That bow would never work!"

"They make me look like a goddess!"

Those were all perfectly on the nose, in Catra's opinion. The speech impediment she had in half the series was a bother, but at least all cast her as a cat. And teasing Adora about the cartoon series where she was a tiger Adora rode to battle hadn't gotten old yet.

"They styled a bot and an octopus after me!" Entrapta, of course, was happy with the media featuring her.

"I think I'm far too scary in the shows," Scorpia said. "My stinger doesn't have deadly poison!"

"I remember you throwing tanks at us," Adora told her.

"Well, yes?" Scorpia tilted her head. "I didn't hit anyone, did I?"

Catra rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I gather the copyright violations are the real problem?"

"Yes." Julie nodded. "And they are the reason that even if we wanted to stop such 'inspired media', we wouldn't succeed. Even if the shows hadn't changed the characters modelled after you significantly, at least where their visuals are concerned."

"There's also the fact that as persons of public interest, you wouldn't have good chances to win a court case even if the media used your likeness and names - at least with the Saturday morning cartoons we saw," Mr Brown added. "Adult entertainment would be different, of course."

Catra clenched her teeth and hissed. She hadn't thought about that. That changed things. If anyone tried to…

"'Adult entertainment'?" Scorpia looked confused.

"That's media aimed at adults, usually with sexual content!" Entrapta cheerfully explained before anyone else could say anything. "Also known as porn."

Scorpia blinked. "Oh. Like the dirty pictures soldiers hide in their barracks?"

"Yes. And movies. And I guess some live performances qualify as well."

"Is there porn with us?" Glimmer looked shocked.

As did Adora and most of the others, Catra noted.

"We haven't seen any such, ah, productions related to your likenesses," Mr Brown quickly said. "If we would encounter any, we would take measures to stop it." He smiled weakly. "And while there are strong precedents against censorship, at least in the United States, we're all too aware that the crews of the fleet protecting Earth hold you in high regard and might not react well to any such media."

Right. The Clones would not like porn featuring Adora. Not at all. And they wouldn't really care about any anti-censorship laws at all. At least Priest was unlikely to react violently, but Catra had a feeling that that might not help whoever might be responsible for such media much.

That Clone was a bit too sneaky for her taste.

Chapter 139: Holiday Season Part 3 New
Chapter 139: Holiday Season Part 3

Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 28th, 1999

Jack O'Neill stared at his friends. He couldn't have heard correctly, could he? "Cartoons nearly caused a diplomatic issue?"

"Those are cartoons 'inspired' by the Etherians," Carter explained. "The Etherians have recently become aware of them."

"Ah." That made sense. Sort of. "And they don't like them?"

"Most of them disagree with how they - well, the characters inspired by them - are portrayed," Daniel said. "Even though the portrayal is very positive, especially considering that the cartoons are meant for children."

"Entrapta likes them. Though she might consider them as inspirations for new projects," Carter added.

Jack winced. He wasn't an expert on cartoons - except for The Simpsons - but he had seen enough Saturday morning cartoons as a kid to know that could be a problem. But the others? "You said 'nearly caused a diplomatic issue'. So, they calmed down?"

"Yes, sir." Carter nodded. "Although there are concerns about porn using their likeness."

Daniel nodded as well. "There already is, ah, erotic fanart found on the internet, although it has been more or less limited to a subculture. And unlike porn with actors, it's rather hard to find the creators of such pictures."

"We could probably track down individuals if we tried, but it's not worth the effort."

Carter's pride must have been stung by Daniel's comment, Jack noted.

"And it would break several laws," Daniel added with a frown. "Though I assume that the potential problems with Third Fleet such, ah, oeuvres could cause would have to be taken into account."

Jack winced. "Right. The religious fanatics crewing spaceships with big honking guns orbiting Earth might take offence to porn depicting their goddess." God knew that religious fanatics had killed people for less on Earth.

"They haven't actually complained about the, ah, erotic art," Daniel pointed out. "So, they might not care about porn either. But if they think Adora hates it…"

Jack frowned. "Why hasn't there been such porn, anyway? Don't they love making porn parodies or something?" Noticing the looks he got from everyone - even Teal'c and Sha're - he quickly added: "I am commanding a multi-national unit of special forces. What do you think I find when I inspect their quarters?"

Teal'c, Daniel and Sha're nodded, but Carter was still frowning. Well, it was the truth!

"Anyway," Jack went on, "I would have expected some of that stuff to appear by now."

Carter switched from frowning at him to staring at her laptop. Which probably had more computing power than the SGC main computer by now if the glimpse of glowing crystal stuff Jack had caught once when she had opened the frame was any indication. "Carter?"

"One second, sir… It seems that there was a recent crackdown on porn studios in Los Angeles. Several porn studios and independent producers are under investigation for various crimes. A number of them were known for producing 'porn parodies'." She grimaced at the words, Jack saw. "I would have to verify the information, though - this was only a casual search. And I haven't investigated foreign countries."

He snorted. "Someone probably tipped off the cops." And Jack would bet a week's worth of jello that this was the NID at work.

"Do you want me to investigate this further?" Carter asked.

Ordering her to investigate porn studios? Jack shook his head. If that ever got out, his fellow generals would try their damnest to get him relieved for that. "No. It's not a problem, is it?"

"Not currently, sir," she replied.

"Though it could become a problem," Daniel objected.

"Didn't Adora impress on Priest that there wouldn't be any orbital bombardments without her explicit permission?" Jack asked. "Do you think he'd disobey her?" The Clone was too smart to try anything like that, at least.

"I wasn't worried about the Clones, Jack. But the Church of She-Ra is growing on Earth. And also in regions where religious riots have broken out in the past," Daniel said.

"Then Adora should address that," Jack said. "Unlike other gods, she can tell her followers that violence isn't the answer in this case."

"It's not a joking matter, Jack!" Daniel blurted out.

"Who said I'm joking?" Jack tilted his head at his friend. "People worship her as a goddess. So, why not use that when needed?" They were at war, after all. And it wasn't as if She-ra would make a worse goddess than any other god or goddess. Quite the contrary, actually.

"It feels a bit manipulative," Daniel said.

"That's religion for you, Daniel." Jack shrugged. "Now, is there anything else we need to discuss before we talk about our holiday plans?"

Daniel blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I believe this is a reference to the holiday events we are planning to attend," Teal'c said.

"Yep." Jack grinned. If he had to mingle with generals and politicians, then he needed some help from his friends to endure that. You couldn't always count on an emergency to get you out of such parties, after all.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 31st, 1999

Adora wasn't exactly an expert on parties, but she had attended her share over the years, both on Etheria and on Earth, and the Alliance New Year's Eve Party wasn't a fun event. Sure, lots of generals and politicians attended, and a lot of her friends from the Princess Alliance and the Alliance, but… It felt more like the Princess Prom when Catra and Scorpia had shown up than a real party. More like work. Duty.

"You're worrying again. Stop that."

Adora turned to frown at Catra. "I'm not…" she pulled her head back when Catra pushed a pastry to her face.

"Try that! It's an éclair - you'll love it!" Catra grinned at her.

"You said that about Vegemite." But Adora still took the pastry - carefully, though she got cream on her fingers anyway - and then carefully bit in it. "Oh!"

"See? It's great! And so's Vegemite - you just have no taste!" Catra scarfed down another éclair.

"How can you say that I have no taste?" Adora pouted before she grinned. "I do love you, don't I?"

Catra blinked, apparently surprised for a moment, then grinned. "Well, I'll chalk that up to dumb luck."

Adora snorted and finished off her own pastry.

"But seriously, just enjoy the food and tell the idiots off if they bother you."

Adora drew a sharp breath. "I can't! I'm the Supreme Commander, and those are our closest allies! We work with them!"

"All the more reason to tell them off if they annoy you - they have to work with you, not the other way around. Besides, as a goddess, you outrank them."

"I am not a goddess!" Adora hissed.

"Well, Priest disagrees." Catra shrugged. "Anyway, just enjoy the party for another…" She checked the clock on the wall. "... twenty-eight minutes. Then we're off to Stargate Command for the real New Year's Eve Party!" She grabbed another pastry, something fluffier, and swallowed it whole. "Mhhh. Until then, we can enjoy the food here. Get our money's worth."

Right. The Alliance budget was paying for this party. Adora nodded. "So we should…" She trailed off when the Secretary General of NATO approached her, glass in hand. "Have you tried the wine yet?"

"Ah…" Adora smiled a little weakly. "I…"

"Adora's more of a champagne girl," Catra said. "You know, blonde and bubbly."

"I'm not!"

But the Secretary General laughed. Was he a bit tipsy? Probably. He was usually such a serious man. Although with almost all of NATO in the Alliance, his position was… Adora wouldn't call it redundant, but it was not as important as it had been in the past. And as Catra had said, it hadn't been all that important in the past either, what with the US calling the shots.

"Well, the food's great," Catra said. "Better than Princess Prom."

"Ah, I've heard about that." He nodded. "The most famous diplomatic event of Etheria. Limited to princesses, though, right?"

"Yes. And their plus ones," Adora said. Those were the rules.

"No Disney Princesses allowed, though, right?" He laughed again, as did Catra.

Adora frowned. "They're not Etherian princesses," she said. Even if Disney weren't lobbying hard to get some sort of copyright protection in Etheria, they wouldn't be allowed to attend the Princess Prom.

"Right." The Secretary General nodded, growing more serious. "At least, that's a trade dispute and nothing that affects the military."

"Yes." Adora frowned again. Was that a subtle hint? Disney wasn't involved in the military.

"Well, not unless smuggling grows even worse," Catra said. "So far, we haven't found anyone trying to replace military supplies going through the gate with contraband. But I think it's just a question of time before it happens. We couldn't even stop that stuff in the Horde."

"Well, that was the Horde," Adora pointed out. There were a few reasons that the Horde hadn't won the war against the Alliance even before She-Ra had appeared.

Catra snorted.

The Secretary General slowly nodded again. "Well, as long as this stays a trade dispute…" He trailed off.

Adora narrowed her eyes. That definitely wasn't just a random comment. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Ah, well, I've heard that there are efforts to bring up such matters in the Alliance as part of the military technology transfer." The man shrugged. "I don't think I agree that intellectual property is the same whether it's about media or weapon designs, but some people think so. Or claim to think so."

"What?" Catra blinked. "They want to spread our military technology unless we agree to protect their copyright?"

"We've covered technology transfers in the Alliance treaty!" Adora snapped.

"Yes, of course. But many think any treaty can be renegotiated."

"Over Disney?" Adora shook her head. That was… crazy. Meddling with the Alliance in the middle of a war?

"Disney is merely the most famous such firm, but all media companies have voiced concern over the lack of a treaty regulating intellectual property. And they have the ears of many politicians who depend on their support for their reelection, especially in the United States."

"Back home, we'd call that corruption," Catra commented.

Adora nodded.

"Here, it's politics." The Secretary General shrugged. "In any case, I wanted to let you know, informally, about this."

"Thank you." Adora smiled. She wasn't sure if this was a friendly warning about a potential problem or an attempt to influence her, but now that they knew about this, they could plan how to deal with that.

She looked around for Glimmer and Bow. Ah, there. They were talking with some European politicians - Adora recognised the German and French foreign ministers. Well, she didn't think Glimmer would mind getting dragged away from the talk there - her friends didn't look like they were enjoying themselves too much.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, December 31st, 1999

"We made a treaty, and they are trying to go back on their word already because of their elections! That wouldn't happen on Etheria!"

Samantha Carter took a sip from her glass while Glimmer complained. So much for escaping the politics by skipping the Alliance New Year's Eve Party in Brussels. The General must be feeling smug about this.

"Actually," Bow started, "princesses going back on their word isn't unheard of."

"Not when you have a formal treaty!" Glimmer disagreed.

"Well, not on the letter of the treaty, although there are several accounts of treaties being dissolved after the circumstances that caused the treaty to be made changed significantly during the rule of the princesses who made the treaty. But there's often quite the squabbling over things that were not clarified in a treaty," Bow said.

"We made it very clear that our technology was going to be restricted to the Alliance!"

That was true. Sam had studied those parts very thoroughly.

"Well, it's not as if they can actually share our technology," Adora said. "Everyone we talked to in Brussels was clear about that. It's just a way to put pressure on the Princess Alliance about copyright."

"It's the principle of the thing!" Glimmer shook her head. "They shouldn't even try that! We're in an alliance - a military alliance. We didn't agree anything about trading."

Daniel cleared his throat. "Well, while that's technically true, trade is happening - albeit limited to smuggling at the moment. And a lot of the, ah, contraband is media. It's not surprising that the owners of intellectual property would attempt to stop what they see as theft. You would do the same if, say, stolen goods from Etheira would be sold on Earth, right?"

"Only Earth thinks that copying media is stealing," Glimmer retorted.

"It's not like you lose the data you share," Entrapta chimed in. "Information wants to be free!"

Sam winced. Her friend sometimes picked up the wrong things, or things missing their context, from Earth's culture. "But not everyone wants to share their data," she pointed out.

"That's selfish of them, though." Entrapta pouted. "I mean, I understand that we can't share military technology or secrets, but this is media - everyone on Earth has access to it!"

"In theory, maybe," Daniel retorted. "But not everyone can afford all the media they want."

"Just like not everyone can afford all the food they need?" Glimmer scoffed. "It's not a good argument for having copyright. Or for messing with the Alliance to get copyright. Etheria doesn't do things that way."

"But Earth does," Daniel said. "And our system is built on intellectual property being protected - in principle, at least - and copyright protection varies across the world, but a lot of the Earth media wouldn't be produced if there was no copyright. The investments wouldn't work out." He grimaced slightly. "If we returned to the patronage system that we had in the past, we would see a drastic loss of variety in media content. Many patrons also would only support media that appealed to them or furthered their interests - not an altogether positive change, I think."

That was putting it mildly, in Sam's opinion.

"I've heard complaints that this is happening already as studios and companies limit the creativity of the artists working for them," Bow objected. "And I don't see a significant difference between patrons paying artists for their works and people employing artists to work for them."

"Well, that might have been the case in the studio system in Hollywood, in the past," Daniel said. "And arguably, that is still a valid point for parts of the media business. But not for everyone - between movies, TV shows, literature and music, and arguably video games, you cannot assume everything works the same. Those are different markets."

"And yet, that's what people claim - they say without copyright, everything would crumble," Bow said. "That artists couldn't profit from their works."

"Artists? Disney is a business, not an artist. They just want to make more profits," Glimmer said with a scowl.

"Ugh." Mermista scoffed. "I don't see their problem, anyway. Etheria has fewer people than most of the countries in the Alliance. Why do they care so much about our market?"

Sam took another sip from her drink so she wouldn't correct Mermista. The majority of the Alliance member states were smaller than Etheria's population.

"Fifty million people are still a significant market. And, well…" Daniel smiled. "It's a new market, not saturated, and Earth media is very popular on Etheria."

"And they want magic and magitech," Catra added.

"So, it's just greed?" Entrapta asked. "They have enough money but want more?"

If the General were here instead of talking with General Hammond, General Haig and General Petit, he would likely make a comment about communist magical space princesses, Sam knew.

"I wouldn't say that it's just about money," Daniel said. "If they tolerate the proliferation of their media on Etheria, some countries on Earth might do the same."

"Aren't they doing that already? At least according to what we heard," Adora asked.

"But in negligible numbers," Daniel said. "Although that could change now following the development with Russia and China. Trade is one area where both countries could still put pressure on the Alliance - especially if other countries outside the Alliance support them. Such a move could hurt many businesses in the Alliance."

"Ugh!" Mermista huffed. "If Disney and other businesses try to put pressure on us to avoid pressure from hostile countries, then that sounds like treason to me."

"I don't think that would be treason," Daniel objected. "Certainly not in the USA."

"Whatever!" Glimmer scoffed again. "It's clear we need to do something about that. Any ideas?"

Sam winced when she realised that she was being roped into a political planning session. If the General again complained about office politics because of his promotion…


"Ugh. We should ignore it. They can't actually force us to do anything; this is just posturing. A tempest in a teapot."

Mermista had a point, Catra thought. But not much of one. Sure, the Princess Alliance could ignore the complaints from Disney and the other media companies, but as Catra had found out the hard way, ignoring complaints and using force to get what you want was going to end up with you abandoned as soon as people saw an opportunity. "In the short term, yes," she said. "But what happens once the war is over and Earth has adapted to advanced technology?"

Most winced. Entrapta looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"If the threat of the Goa'uld is the only thing that holds the Alliance together, then once that threat is gone, so is the Alliance," Bow said.

"We already knew that," Frosta chimed in. "And if they don't want an Alliance anymore, so what? The Goa'uld will be done by then."

"And we're faced with a planet outnumbering us more than a hundred to one. Half of them already don't like us," Glimmer added with a scowl.

"That's the half that hates the other half, the one in the Alliance, though," Bow said.

Adora nodded.

"There are enough people in the Alliance who dislike us and only go along with the Alliance because the Goa'uld are a threat, and we have the technology they want," Catra said.

"Yes. And we can't count on personal ties to their leaders because they'll be replaced by the next elections," Glimmer added.

"Well, countries often change their leaders without changing their foreign policies," Daniel spoke up. "The United States proved that during the Cold War."

"But they change their policies in response to lobbying and bribes," Catra retorted. "And when it comes to trade, a lot of money is involved." She might not be an expert on democracy, but that much was clear to anyone who followed Earth news.

"Err, yes, though it's not as clear-cut, and there are many different interests influencing government policy," Daniel replied.

"And how many of those interests are already unhappy with us?" Bow asked. "The bigots. And the religious extremists."

"Those are the same," Glimmer interjected.

"There is some overlap," Bow agreed, "but they are diverse groups."

"And we shouldn't bow to such pressure!" Frosta cut in. "We didn't when we made the Alliance - we drew a line, and anyone who wanted to join us had to respect it! We shouldn't give in now! We have our standards!"

"That was about respecting rights and ending discrimination," Perfuma retorted. "This is just about money. Is that worth making people hate us?"

Adora shook her head. "We can't assume that people will hate us. Many love us."

"Some people worship you. But some people hate us," Catra pointed out. "They just are too weak to hurt us." You couldn't win everyone over.

"Do you honestly expect the rest of the Alliance to turn on us after the war?" Adora asked.

"Attack us? No. But they won't play as nice as they have been playing so far once they don't need us as much any more," Catra replied.

"But we're friends!" Entrapta protested. "Friends don't attack each other. Right, Sam?"

Sam winced at that. "We're friends, yes. But we're not leading our country."

"Your leaders are elected. That's why we've hired Julie and Mr Bown," Glimmer said. "To show your people that they don't have to fear us."

"Yes!" Perfuma nodded emphatically. "And we'll help Earth with their other problems!"

"Past favours don't translate into future friendship," Sha're said. "Once you are no longer essential to their survival, you become a rival."

Daniel cleared his throat. "Earth countries don't really act like the Goa'uld, dear."

Sha're shrugged. "Close enough. Who said that countries have interests, not friendships?"

"Probably a democratic leader," Glimmer muttered. "Freshly elected."

Catra snickered at that.

"But the Etherians are very popular in key demographics," Daniel objected. "Even a new government could not ignore that - especially after a victory against the Goa'uld."

"How many movies with evil princesses will it take to change that?" Catra asked. Propaganda was a thing, after all.

"They wouldn't go that far, would they?" Perfuma asked, biting her lower lip.

"Not all the way. But a more critical portrayal could be easily done," Daniel said.

Glimmer scoffed in return. "Whatever. The thing is, we can't count on the current situation to stay the same. So, we have to do something about this. Preferably before it turns into a problem."

"Well, the first step to reconcile differences is to talk to each other, find out what everyone wants and see if there's a possible compromise," Daniel said.

"You want us to talk to the media businesses?" Frosta scoffed. "Visit Disneyland?"

"They don't actually do such business in Disneyland," Daniel said. "I think."

"It wouldn't hurt to talk to them. Explain why we don't have copyright," Adora said. "And we need to settle things for the cultural exchange anyway."

"Invite them to a frigate in orbit," Catra said with a grin. "Let them talk to Priest!"

"Catra!" Adora pouted at her.

Catra shrugged. "Not Priest. But they probably haven't been to space yet. It might impress them. Or invite them to Etheria."

"That might set a precedent - annoy us enough and you get preferential treatment," Bow pointed out. "Do we want to risk that?"

"If we start negotiating with Disney, that precedent will be set anyway," Glimmer retorted.

"To be fair, that's a pretty normal thing in business and politics," Daniel said. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

"Whatever!" Glimmer repeated herself. "So, we'll talk to a delegation of them, I guess."

Adora nodded, as did the others.

"So… let's rejoin the rest of the party?" Perfuma asked.

"Good idea," Catra agreed. The food wasn't as good as in Brussels, but it was good anyway.


"It seems our Etherian friends have finished their impromptu meeting," General Haig commented.

Jack O'Neill turned his head and saw that the man was correct. The Etherians, who had secluded themselves with Carter, Daniel and Sha're in a corner of the mess hall in Stargate Command - far more fitting for such a party than the one in Cheyenne Moutain had been, if he was honest - were spreading out again, most of them heading to the buffet. "Looks like it," he said.

Carter and Entrapta were talking animatedly, but judging by their expressions, it wasn't about some new technological marvel (or terror). Entrapta looked upset, and Carter looked guilty, so it was probably something about society - probably Earth's.

Better you than me, he thought as he turned back to the Stargate Command Council. It still felt a bit weird to have the same rank as Hammond. Sure, Jack had thought - with apprehension - about the possibility of ending up in charge of Stargate Command, sometime in the far future, shortly before mandatory retirement, when he wasn't fit to run missions any more, but that had been under the assumption that Hammond would have retired or been promoted away. Not that he minded how things had turned out, of course.

"I wonder what this was about," Petit mused. Though his raised eyebrow clearly showed that he expected Jack to know.

"I wonder why you weren't in the middle of that," Hammond added, rather bluntly, staring at Jack as well.

Because I had the good sense to hide with you lot when everyone was being gathered up, Jack thought. Out loud, he replied: "It's not about military matters, so I wouldn't have been any help." That was his story and he was sticking to it.

"What was it about then?" Haig asked.

"Cartoons," Jack said. "They found out that Disney made a movie about them."

"Ah." Haig nodded

Hammond sighed. "Ah, yes. My grandchildren love it."

"And they probably keep asking you to sneak them to Etheria?" Jack grinned.

Hammond snorted. "They tried to sneak into my shuttle when I visited."

"Bold of them." It seemed his grandkids were quite determined. They might make good special forces recruits in a decade or two, not that Jack would voice that thought. Damn, I shouldn't be thinking about recruiting kids for the military! he added to himself when he saw Frosta grab a drink at the bar. Jack hoped people were, as ordered, watching the teenager's intake, or they might end up with ice sculptures on the runway again. Though, to be fair, with the Russians and Chinese off Stargate Command, traffic to and from the base was dominated by shuttles these days, and they didn't need a runway. Though if she blocked the railways and streets to the port…

Well, it wasn't his problem. He wasn't responsible for drunk princesses. Or for Stargate Command. Just for Alliance Special Forces Command and the war against the Goa'uld.

"I am fortunate that my own family is not quite as brash," Haig said. "Though that might change as they grow older."

"I wouldn't be able to tell." Petit shrugged and glanced at Jack.

Jack returned the shrug. Technically, he had nephews and nieces, but he wasn't really close to his family. 'Don't need an excuse to skip the holiday visit'-'not close', actually. And that was perfectly fine. They had their lives, and he had his.

"Good party," he commented to change the topic. "Really pulling out all the stops."

"Within our budget," Hammond said. "I don't doubt that the Alliance party was more impressive."

"It was certainly stuffier," Jack said. "Too many politicians." At least he hadn't had to deal with Kinsey. Apparently, the senator was too busy shmoozing in Washington to attend.

"We answer to them," Haig said. "So, a good relationship is crucial. Though, as far as I heard, the Tok'ra didn't attend the party?"

Was everyone pumping him for information? Well, that the Tok'ra were relocating their main base, again, was classified. But there were things he could share. "They had other concerns but sent gifts." Official ones for the Alliance leadership. And a personal one for him. From Anise. Jack would have to have that thing scanned by Carter to check for anything shady.

"Ah. That was that special delivery, then." Petit grinned. "Our people scanning the contents looked surprised."

Jack suppressed a wince. The official gifts had been quite normal - food and artwork. Maybe he should reconsider letting Carter scan his gift. If it was something spicy rather than shady, she might not let him forget it for a long while.

"Aliens have different standards," Haig said. "Though not too different. Stargate Command received a small sculpture, a carving representing all three of our countries. Quite appealing."

If you liked wooden animals, Jack thought. They could probably drop it on some display stand in a corner without causing a diplomatic incident. Maybe he should return the favour. Give the Tok'ra something weird that they had to honour lest they insulted their allies…

"It has a certain style," Hammond politely disagreed. "Although…" he trailed off, frowning. "Are they eating flowers?"

Jack turned and frowned as well. Next to the buffet, a bunch of soldiers were indeed eating flowers. Flowers that Jack was sure hadn't been present a few minutes ago. But then. Perfuma hadn't been at the buffet then either, and now she was, beaming at the soldiers.

Soldiers who were quickly going from hesitantly biting the large flowers to enthusiastically munching them. And the flowers kept multiplying.

Jack sighed. He didn't know what exactly those flowers were, but he knew it was going to be a problem.


"What did you do?" Adora asked, looking at the brightly-coloured flower in front of her face.

"I changed the flowers here!" Perfuma beamed at her.

"Yeah, we noticed," Catra commented. "Earth doesn't have such flowers."

Adora agreed. The flower was moving, matching her head's tilting, but that was normal - for an Etherian plant. What wasn't normal was people were eating those.

"It's a shame, yes. But maybe we can change that as well." Perfuma took a bite from the flower she was holding and pouted, then tilted her head, and the flower changed colours. Another bite later, she nodded with a wide smile. "Better!"

"What did you do?" Adora repeated her question. "I mean, what exactly did you do?"

"I made them edible!" Perfuma replied. "And I added all sorts of flavours - colour-coded!"

Catra bit into the yellow flower wriggling next to her, chewed, then blinked. "Beer?"

"Yes! A very popular flavour here!" Perfuma bopped her head.

Adora looked at her friend, then at the various flowers slowly filling the corner next to the buffet - and the soldiers eating them. "How many of the flavours are alcohol?" she asked with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Many!" Perfuma was still smiling brightly - and took another bite of her own flower - which had changed colours again when Adora hadn't been paying attention. "Drugs are illegal, but alcohol isn't!"

"Hey!" Scorpia approached them, pincers holding a massive flower with a barrell-like blossom. "This is great!" She tilted the flower, and red liquid sloshed inside. "Fruit Punch Flowers!"

"Are there any flowers that aren't alcoholic?" Catra asked with a snort.

"Yes! I made a soda flower as well! But I can't make most flavours since those are copyrighted." Perfuma pouted. "But alcohol is fine! It's natural!"

Adora took a bite from her flower. It tasted like… whisky. Strong whisky - she coughed.

Perfuma held out her flower - now white - to Scorpia. "Check it out! I made an Ice Liquor Flower!"

"Really?" Scorpia took a bite. "Oh, perfect! Did you show it to Frosta?"

"Not yet! Let's go find her!"

The sinking feeling in Adora's stomach, temporarily replaced with the booze she had eaten, returned with a vengeance. Drunk Frosta? They would be lucky if they could recognise the base in the morning! "Wait!"


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, January 1st, 2000

Samantha Carter had expected to spend January 1st dealing with obsolete computer systems suffering from the Y2K 'bug'. A lot of effort had gone into identifying and fixing such systems, but you never got all of them, and the military was rife with old machines that had been kept far longer than expected when they had been installed decades ago.

She hadn't expected that she'd have to delay fixing computer systems in favour of fixing damage to Stargate Command's main base because the New Year's Eve Party had been wilder than expected. A lot wilder.

Apparently, Perfuma had been holding back a lot during her previous visits. And Plumeria's reputation for partying wasn't overblown at all. And Sam had to remember that while Frosta might have been the most obvious concern when it came to drinking due to her age, her temper and her stunt at Thule, she wasn't the only concern when it came to drinking and powers.

"I'm really sorry. It sounded like a good idea at the time."

Sam nodded. Entrapta had meant well. But she had been drunk. "Drinking and science don't mix well."

"So the data indicates. Though we didn't run a blind test."

And they wouldn't do that. Trying to understand what Entrapta had coded after eating half a dozen plants from Perfuma was worse, much worse, than dealing with legacy systems from the 60s. Old computers didn't control construction bots.

As a silver lining, if Sam managed to sort out the coding, Stargate Command's security would be significantly improved. Provided the Generals in charge approved - some of them had looked a bit wary of the automated defences when Entrapta had demonstrated them last night. Even though that had also ended the question of whether or not they should preserve the flowers Perfuma had created.

"What's done is done," Sam said. Perfuma could recreate the flowers anyway. However, her plans to help Earth by changing plants to improve food production would likely suffer a setback after this.

As would the careers of several soldiers who had started the whole thing by asking Perfuma about parties in her kingdom - Sam was quite sure that they had already been aware of her kingdom's reputation.

But she had a job to do. Sighing, she focused on the screen in front of her again.

"I'm really sorry."

"I know."

At least Adora had taken care of any headaches.


Washington D.C., United States of America, Earth, January 3rd, 2000

"…and as you can see, protecting intellectual property is the key to ensuring a wide range of creative, diverse media. Just as no one would invest in a factory if they could not be assured that its output would not be stolen from them by anyone, no one with a modicum of sense would invest in the production of media if they had no assurances that they would reap the profits of a potential success. Who would spend years working on a book if they would have to watch others steal their work and publish it without remuneration? Intellectual property is property, and violating copyright is theft!"

"We really should have invited them to a frigate in orbit," Catra muttered as Disney's lawyer - Mr Patridge or something - rambled on.

"I don't think that would stop them," Adora replied in a whisper before she winced a little.

She is probably feeling guilty about not paying complete attention, Catra thought.

"Yes, yes, we've gone through that before. Multiple times," Glimmer replied. "Etherian legal tradition doesn't agree with that stance. We don't consider it stealing if someone performs a play written by someone else. Or a song. Certainly not if they don't claim to have invented the play or song. The actors and musicians still have to perform."

"But that leaves the author out in the cold!" the other lawyer protested. "How can they make a profit if everyone can copy their work?"

"Authors generally are paid by their patron," Bow cut in before Glimmer could snap at the man who had interrupted her. "Some also run plays themselves."

"Like in the dark ages," Catra heard the first lawyer whisper. "Shakespeare would feel at home in their world."

"And as we heard, the publisher or the studio generally profits the most," Glimmer said.

"They take the financial risk when creating movies and TV shows, so they should also be able to get their fair share of the rewards." Disney's lawyer smiled. "It's the cornerstone of our industry."

"Your industry." Glimmer snorted.


Disney's leader - their CEO - cleared his throat. "I think we've gone over the legal differences more than enough to know where we stand."

"We knew that before we met today," Catra said. Why was she here? Except to support Adora and watch Glimmer fume, this was pointless. It wasn't even amusing.

"It is always useful to lay out exactly where each party stands during negotiations," the first lawyer added.

"Sometimes that's counter-productive," Glimmer retorted with a toothy smile.

The CEO met her smile. "Indeed. In any case, I don't think we can change our respective legal systems - both seem too entrenched in our respective cultures. But different legal traditions have not been an impenetrable barrier to trade and cultural exchanges on Earth. We have found ways to reach fair agreements despite such obstacles."

For certain definitions of 'fair', Catra thought.

"And you adjusted your own copyright laws when it profited you," Glimmer said.

"Special cases deserve special treatment," the second lawyer said. He winced a little when the CEO frowned at him.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Adora asked. "You must have some ideas since you agreed to this meeting."

"And have yet to offer any sort of compromise," Catra added under her breath.

"Indeed. While you do not have copyright in Etheria, I believe you do have royal charters and monopolies in many of your kingdoms," the CEO replied. "For various ventures."

"Yes." Glimmer glanced at Adora, Catra saw. That was something they had been discussing. "Like a royal charter to operate certain services. Though while that might be applicable for theatres, it wouldn't help with limiting copies of your media being distributed."

"We're aware of that. But we have such piracy on Earth as well."

"Don't let Sea Hawk hear that you call sharing songs piracy," Catra said. "He might take offence."

The CEO laughed at that. He obviously didn't know about Etheria's pirates. Some of them might consider this an insult worth drawing steel. Well, not her problem.

"We can tolerate a certain amount of such piracy," he went on, "as long as it's not too much."

"The way your media is spreading, I think we're past that point," Glimmer said. She didn't seem to be sad about it.

"That depends. You mainly consume our media on tablets like this one, right?" the CEO pointed at Bow's tablet.

"Yes?" Bow tilted his head.

"While certainly a fine piece of technology, the experience it offers is still somewhat… limited compared to a theatre or a live concert."

Ah. They had gone over that in preparation for this.

"You want a monopoly for such concerts and theatres?" Glimmer asked.

"It would be one way to provide us with fair compensation. Though we do not need a monopoly as long as we're allowed to operate - I am confident that we can provide experiences that will outshine any competition." The CEO smiles. "Our parks and other venues are quite unique."

"That would help Disney, of course, but many of my clients would not profit from that," the second lawyer objected. "Authors and songwriters, for one."

"Well, those could be compensated by a copyright collective collecting and distributing tariffs on certain media or devices. We have such collectives in many countries to handle similar situations - it's one way to counter the effects of piracy."

Glimmer frowned. "You want to tax our people?"

Catra whistled. That was a hot button for any princess. Well, for Earth as well - they had started revolutions over that.

The CEO raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised by her reaction, then glanced at the wincing lawyer once more.

"I don't think 'taxes' would be the best word for it. It's more like an additional cost added to devices that facilitate the sharing of copyrighted media," the lawyer said.

"That's effectively a tax!" Glimmer retorted.

"Or think of it as the kingdom paying a flat sum to the authors and musicians whose works are shared freely amongst your people - like a patron supporting an author," the other author suggested. "Just many authors in this case."

That was a smoother way to word it, but it didn't change the proposal - Disney and the other firms involved wanted someone to pay for the media everyone back home was sharing.

"And in exchange, you would officially void any further copyright claims?" Glimmer asked.

The CEO inclined his head. "We wouldn't pursue further financial claims, provided we can get a fair agreement."

"That's just one part of the issue," Bow pointed out. "What about our artists using copyrighted media?"

The CEO didn't wince, but his expression grew rather stony.

Catra sighed. This was going to take a while.

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Chapter 140: Holiday Season Part 4 New
Chapter 140: Holiday Season Part 4

Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, January 4th, 2000

Jack O'Neill frowned at the 'no plants allowed' sticker on the door to his office. "Someone's trying to be funny," he muttered while he ripped it off. He wasn't planning to have plants in his office - he wasn't the kind of officer who would have his aide water his plants as part of their duties, and he couldn't bother with caring for plants himself. But this was about the Stargate Command New Year's Eve Party.

Shaking his head, he entered.

"Good morning, sir!" His aide nodded at him.

"Morning, Brown."

"The urgent paperwork is on your desk, sir."

Jack frowned and suppressed a sigh. "Anything important?"

"General Naird wanted to know what measures are being taken to, I quote, 'prevent another drug-fuelled diplomatic incident'," Brown went on.

"Tell him that that is up to Stargate Command. The Alliance isn't responsible for the Stargate."

"Yes, sir. Admiral Kearsy filed a complaint about the incident as well."

The jerk was probably just jealous that he hadn't been invited to the party. Jack knew those hypocrites too well. "So, he's even dumber than I thought."

"Sir." Brown's slow nod showed he didn't quite agree with Jack's comment.

"I am aware that he's trying to save his butt by blaming me for everything that went wrong, Lieutenant," Jack told him. "But this is stupid. I am not a member of Stargate Command any more. I was just a guest at their party."

"He is blaming Major Carter, sir."

"What?" Jack narrowed his eyes. That idiot was going after Carter? Jack would bury him. Alive, if he could pull it off.

"He claims she was present in an official capacity since she was helping with their computer systems, temporarily dispatched, and so should have upheld regulations." Brown handed him a file.

"The guy's losing it. Blaming a major for not doing a general's job?" Jack shook his head. "That's not how we do things in the Alliance."

"Should I schedule a meeting with the Supreme Commander?"

"What? No, no! I'll handle that myself." They couldn't have Adora squash every petty officer plotting against them. That would only give more ammunition to such people. And she was busy supporting her friends with that copyright stuff. No, Jack would have to do a little character assassination himself. Fortunately, he knew where a number of bodies were buried. "Hold my calls for a while unless it's an emergency."

"Yes, sir."

Jack nodded again and entered his office. The coffee maker was, as expected, running already, courtesy of Brown. Jack took a cup and sat down at his desk. First, do the urgent paperwork so his people were taken care of. Then he'd deal with Kearsy.


"...and yes, I agree that Admiral Kearsy's behaviour has cast doubt on his ability to fulfil his duties," Jack said. "Though I wouldn't presume to judge the impact of his appalling attitude on our diplomatic relations with our allies, I can say that he seems to have trouble respecting our chain of command," Jack said.

"I see. I'll look into this. We can't have our officers overreaching like that - it's already incredibly difficult to run the Alliance! Thank you, General."

"Yes, sir."

"Have a nice day, General."

"You too, sir."

Jack leaned back and stretched his arms while he sighed. That had taken longer than expected. Mostly because everyone he had called had used the opportunity to discuss something else. But between the brawl incident and Kearsy's doubling down on his religious attitude and the recent attempt to attack Carter - Earth's best scientist, which meant the moment she quit the service, she could write her own ticket pretty much everywhere, including Etheria - the idiot's career should be done for. And Jack hadn't even had to use some of his blackmail material.

He grabbed a soda from his fridge and switched his TV on - he had earned a break before he dealt with the regular paperwork.

"...and, and I am just speculating here, mind you, but… What if the pagan religions weren't the only religions founded by aliens, Joe?"

"Ah, Frank, I don't think it was established that the Goa'uld founded the Egyptian religion. Dr Jackson was clear about that - they might have impersonated native gods; we just lack documentation of that time period."

"We can ask the Goa'uld who were around back then."

"I don't think we can trust them."

"Good point. Anyway, it doesn't matter since we have records going back two thousand years. And we know there's some Goa'uld masquerading as the devil out there. So, what if Jesus was a Goa'uld as well? What he did in the Bible could have been replicated by alien technology.

"But the Goa'uld were driven out thousands of years before Christ, Frank!"

"I guess the snakes that were captured on Earth didn't get the memo, then, Joe."

"Those are rumours, Frank."

"They were confirmed by our Supreme Commander, She-Ra."

"She said she couldn't comment."

"Exactly! If there were no snakes captured on Earth, wouldn't she have said that? You think that woman can lie worth a damn?"


Jack turned the TV off and cursed. He really didn't want to deal with this right now. Or ever.

Before he could finish his soda, someone knocked on the door. "Yes?" Jack asked. This better be good.

Brown stuck his head inside. "General, the Tok'ra have contacted us. They claim to have crucial information that requires urgent action."

Jack blinked before he grinned. If the Tok'ra wanted urgent action, then it had to be good.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, January 4th, 2000

The soldiers standing guard in the gate room snapped to attention when Adora walked down the ramp, and General Hammond saluted her. "Supreme Commander, welcome to Earth."

"General." She returned the salute. The troops guarding the Stargate were not in her chain of command, but that was rapidly becoming a technicality, now that they were exclusively made up of American, British and French forces - all members of the Alliance. "Have the Tok'ra arrived yet?"

"Not yet," he replied as he fell in at her side. "It seems you've beaten them here."

"Hah!" Catra snorted behind her.

"We can't exactly start without them, so it's meaningless if we're here first," Glimmer said.

"But they could start without us. Don't tell me you'd like that," Catra retorted.

"If they're early, Anise will just spend the time trying to convince Jack to donate his genes," Glimmer shot back.

General Hammond looked surprised - and perhaps concerned; Adora didn't know him well enough to tell. She cleared her throat. "They're joking about that. Anise has accepted that Jack doesn't want to, ah…"

"...make a baby with her," Catra finished for her.

"That's not an euphemism for sex, by the way!" Entrapta chimed in. "They could have a baby with one of our artificial wombs if they wanted. Which Jack doesn't."

"And Anise does," Catra added.

They reached the meeting room reserved for the Alliance. Isa and Campbell were standing guard outside, Adora noted. Both stood at attention as well, though Isa's stinger almost scratched the ceiling as she did so - the base wasn't really built for people her size.

Inside, Jack and the others - Daniel, Sha're, Teal'c and Sam - were already seated at the table, together with General Naird and Admiral Brown-Emerson. There was no sign of Admiral Kearsy, even though Adora hadn't spoken to anyone yet about the man.

"Sam!" Entrapta pushed past her and beamed at her friend.

"Supreme Commander." Naird nodded at her. "We've received a message from the Tok'ra about wanting to meet us earlier today for an urgent matter. They didn't choose to add any specifics."

Adora knew that already. And she had received the message on Etheria through the network, probably before Naird had. But it would be rude to point that out.

"Yeah, we've already been informed." Catra, of course, had no such qualms. She sat down in her usual chair next to Adora while Naird seemed to deflate.

"Yep," Jack added. "So, anyone want to bet on what it is? Rescue op, sabotage or planetary invasion? I've got five bucks and a jello riding on rescue op."

"General!" Sam hissed.

He grinned in response while Naird looked shocked, and Brown-Emerson… barely reacted. The British officer remained unflappable.

"Whatever it is, the Alliance Navy is ready to do its duty," he said. "Though if it's a planetary invasion, we will have to do with repurposed Horde frigates as transports since our dedicated transports are not yet ready."

"We'll manage," Jack replied.

He was pretty optimistic, Adora thought. Then again, they had liberated one planet already, so they had done this before. Still… She couldn't help worrying a little. They were still building up various units and weapon systems. They could launch an offensive, of course, but they would have to rely on the Horde fleets and NATO ground forces almost exclusively. And that would mean more weaknesses to cover. More casualties being taken.

"I think it's a sabotage mission," Glimmer said. "Probably another research station we need to take out and blame someone else for."

That sounded plausible as well.

"Naw. They could do that themselves," Catra disagreed.

"Do you think it's going to be a bigger operation?" Bow asked. "An invasion?"

Catra shrugged. "Could be anything - the Tok'ra are good at spying, but they don't have the numbers for anything bigger. But if it's urgent, I think it's not going to be an invasion. On the other hand, any raid runs the risk of exposing the Alliance, and the Tok'ra are big on secrecy."

"We don't have enough data to tell!" Entrapta piped up.

"Whatever it is, we can handle it," Glimmer said.

"And it's going to be easier than dealing with copyright and media corporations," Catra added with a snort.

"Whoever gave businesses the same rights as people made a huge mistake!" Glimmer muttered.

"Well, it's actually…" Daniel began before he was interrupted by General Hammond escorting the Tok'ra into the room.

Garshaw of Belote/Yosuf, Anise/Freya, Lantash/Martouf and Jakar/Mats.

Yes, this was going to be big, Adora knew.


"After his humiliation at the hands of the Alliance, Apophis is trying to recover his standing - but so many rivals are moving against him, his forces are stretched thin. And the loss of his queen has hurt his reputation even more, as he needs a new source of Prim'tas for his Jaffa."

Samantha Carter glanced at Sha're when Garshaw mentioned Amauntet. The woman was staring straight at the screen in the meeting room, but Sam could see that Daniel was squeezing her hand. Sam knew exactly how the other woman was feeling - Lantash/Martouf's presence reminded her of her own possession.

"And to snack on," the General added with a scoff.

Sam didn't know if he had said that to draw attention from Sha're - Sam hadn't been the only one looking at her - but if he had, he had succeeded; most of the room was frowning at him.

And Catra made a retching noise.

Garshaw cleared her throat and continued the briefing. "Yet, according to our best operatives, Apophis has already managed to replace his queen. He struck a deal with the Goa'uld queen Taweret."

Sam clenched her teeth. That was bad news - she had hoped that Apophis would take longer to replace his queen.

"What kind of deal did he offer her?" the General asked. "Did he make her an offer she couldn't refuse?"

"We don't know the details - that was between him and her, apparently," Garshaw replied. "But we do know that he has, despite the pressure on his realm, dispatched a sizeable part of his reserves to serve and protect her while she is building a new base in secret."

"And you found the secret base?" Glimmer sounded eager.

"We have operatives in that fleet. As soon as they manage to report back, we'll know where Tawaret is hiding. We do know the general area in which they departed, though."

A map appeared floating above the table with a highlighted section near Apophis's realm.

"That could be a ruse, though," Catra said.

"Yes, it could. But Apophis is under great pressure. He cannot waste too much travel time."

"It seems strange that he would send so many of his ships to protect a secret base," Teal'c commented. "It would be more effective to keep her at his side and have his personal guard protect both of them. Doubly so with his rivals coming at him from all sides."

"Exactly," Garshaw said. "While this could be an attempt of Tawaret to emphasise her worth to him, she would be aware of his current circumstances and know that those would weaken her new partner. So, whatever they are planning likely goes beyond mere protection and is worth the risk of losing more worlds."

"He could be using this to make his rivals fear a deep strike into their territory," Adora pointed out.

"That is a possibility, but given his enemies' past behaviour, they are more likely to retaliate with such strikes themselves. And some might think it's a bluff and test him if they hear about it. Our operatives believe that we cannot ignore the potential threat of this secret operation."

"Great. Even when he's losing, he's making trouble," the General muttered.

"Do you have an estimate on the composition of this force?" Adora asked.

"Predominantly Ha'taks in sizeable numbers," Garshaw said. A moment later, more data appeared on the screen.

Catra whistled. "That's enough to take a planet."

"Indeed. But it is not a raiding force," Teal'c added.

"Yep. So… we need a bigger task force. Just in case," the General said.

"We don't need to match them ship for ship, though, not with the gap in capability," Admiral Brown-Emerson pointed out.

"Overwhelming force reduces our own casualties, though," Naird objected.

"That depends on the operation's goal," Garshaw said. "Each world we liberate risks exposing the Alliance to the Goa'uld Empire."

"And you just want to wreck whatever they are planning and take out Taweret," Catra said.

"Yes. If we can destroy both the fleet and the queen, Apophis might not recover from the blow," Garshaw said. "And if he loses a costly project…"

Catra flashed her teeth in a grin. As did the General, Sam noted.

"Unless it's a bluff, and he's just setting up his new queen on a deserted planet in the middle of nowhere while everyone prepares for a sneak attack that never launches," Glimmer said. "How many of his rivals will risk being left open to such an attack by striking first?"

"Heru'ur would," Jakar cut in.

"Indeed. Though since he would be leading the attack, he would not be at as much risk as a System Lord staying in his capital," Teal'c added. "Something Apophis will take into account."

"And their shared defeat during their false flag operation has made all System Lords involved more cautious," Anise added.

"So, we need to send a task force to Apophis's realm so it's ready to strike as soon as we get the word," the General summed up.

"Yes," Garshaw said. "The sooner it's in position, the smaller the chance that we lose our window of opportunity. Our people are risking their lives for this."

"And we won't let them down," Adora said, nodding firmly.


Earth Orbit, January 7th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"I feel guilty for not helping with the Earth media companies. If only the cultural exchange program weren't stalled! The artists we contacted must feel so disappointed by us; all that talk and planning, and now it's not going forward until we've sorted out the copyright issue."

Looking through the shuttle window down at Earth below them, Catra rolled her eyes at Adora's comment. Leaving that mess to others - not that it was Adora's mess to begin with, anyway; she wasn't a ruling princess - was a great thing in Catra's opinion. "You've slept maybe ten hours in the last three days organising this deployment," she pointed out. "If anyone has no right to feel guilty, it's you."

"I wasn't alone!" Adora protested. "Jack and the others worked as hard! You didn't sleep much either!"

Catra shrugged. "I could take naps anytime I wanted." One of the perks of being a cat. Next to looking hot, being agile, flexible and graceful, and having claws to rip anything short of a spaceship to shreds.

"That's not enough to replace a good night's sleep," Adora retorted. Catra lifted her eyebrows at her lover, and Adora blushed in embarrassment in return. "I'm the Supreme Commander. The buck stops with me, as Jack said."

"He said that about himself when you asked him to take a break," Catra corrected her.

"The principle is the same!"

Catra snorted. Adora was a work in progress. Too responsible for her own good. At least Catra had had the good sense not to take an official position in the Alliance. She could help out where she was needed without being bogged down by duties.

And she had had to help out a lot during the last three days. Moving an entire landing division's worth of troops and Jack's Special Forces on a moment's notice had thrown the Alliance staff into chaos. For all the Earth armies' training, they hadn't been quite ready for such a move. Jack had called it a 'learning experience'. Next time, things would be better - provided they could keep a reaction force ready to get going at all times. That kind of readiness would tie up a decent chunk of their forces, including logistics, and affect training times as well - the time a unit spent getting ready for instant deployment to relieve the current reaction force was time spent not training other things, after all. On the other hand, it was good training for their logistics…

Adora was pouting, Catra noticed. "Hm?" she asked her lover as innocently as she could - some lessons had to be driven home, after all, if she was to keep Adora from working herself sick.

Adora frowned at her in return. "I also feel it's a bit unfair that we won't be travelling with the task force."

"We'll join them through the closest Stargate once they are in the area of operations," Catra pointed out. As they had agreed to days ago.

"But the entire force will be stuck in the ships for weeks while we just… skip it all."

"And we worry about the war, politics and the economy while they get to laze around in their transports," Catra shot back. Then she cocked her head to the side and grinned. "You know what? Going along with the force sounds like a great idea!"

"Catra!" Adora frowned at her. "It's not about that! We can't just leave for weeks. But those people won't be able to visit their families for months!"

"They knew that when they signed up for this." And the soldiers were volunteers. At least the American and British troops. The French and Germans still had conscription, but they were still better motivated than the average Horde troops, in Catra's experience.

Meanwhile, their shuttle had reached the task force gathered in orbit and was flying past the rows of frigates towards their flagship.

"Still…" Adora glanced at the pad in her hand.

"You don't have to read the whole speech," Catra told her. "Just tell them to do their best or something." Adora was best when speaking honestly, anyway.

"But my staff worked hard on this."

"And you don't feel comfortable reading it. So don't." Catra shrugged. Adora needed to be more selfish - and more honest - to be happy.

Adora frowned some more, then slowly nodded. "You're right."

"Just blame me when the paper pushers complain," Catra told her with a grin.

"Catra! I won't let you take the blame for my decisions!"

"I told you to do it, didn't I?"

"But it was still my decision! My responsibility."

Never change, Adora, Catra thought as they set down in the frigate's hangar, where the commanders of the various units making up the task force were already waiting for them. Well, for the Supreme Commander of the Alliance.

Catra thought about taking a nap in the shuttle, but only for a moment. She wasn't going to leave Adora alone here.

Besides, hearing her improvised speech should be interesting.


Stargate Command, CFB Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, January 15th, 2000

As he stood in the lift carrying him down inside Stargate Command, Jack O'Neill couldn't help feeling a little conflicted about the whole situation he found himself in. On the one hand, it was a good thing that the Tok'ra had come through with more intel - an actual breakthrough - so quickly, barely a week after their first revelation about Apophis's mysterious troop and queen movement. Thanks to some careless Goa'uld underling in charge of logistics who had been a bit too clever with anticipating supply runs and had tried to pre-position a freighter for the fleet before Apophis had squashed that and the underling, they now knew the task force's destination: PU-9624. Apparently, not even the Goa'uld had named the system yet.

On the other hand, the Alliance task force would take a few more weeks until it could reach the planet. Jack would have really preferred if they could actually act on the so conveniently actionable intel they got. They didn't even have spy bots in the system yet, though those little buggers were closer than the flotilla and should make contact in ten days.

Then there was the fact that the system wasn't as close to Apophis's realm as they had expected - it was pretty far away, actually. Past the fringes of the Goa'uld Empire, in what had been a buffer zone between the snakes and Horde Prime. There was nothing about it in the data banks of all three former Horde fleets in the Alliance, but that didn't have to mean anything; Horde Prime apparently kept far too much information to himself. For a ruthless dictator with an army of clones made in his image and conditioned from birth - if you could call popping out of a pod birth - to be utterly loyal to him, the man had been very paranoid. Not unjustified, given Hordak's example, but still.

In any case, it meant that the closest Alliance assets to PU-9623 were actually the combined First and Second Fleet forces on Etheria, a mere two weeks away from the system. Which was good for a rapid reaction, but entirely too close to Etheria for Jack's comfort.

However, that also meant that they could wipe out the entire snake force and have decent odds that Apophis would blame it on some Horde attack and not the Alliance and hopefully stay away from the former Horde Empire, which was good news. And yet, that the damn snake risked a sizeable part of his fleet in what the analysts agreed was an area of space the snakes generally avoided was not good - Jack wasn't an analyst, but he was sure the snake hadn't picked the system just because it was obscure and his rivals might be scared off.

There was something there. Something important. But not important enough to have a Stargate, apparently - Carter had looked through all their data and hadn't found an address. So, the Alliance scouting force would have to travel to the system by ship from Etheria.

And without much ground support. In theory, they could send another division through the Stargate to Etheria and load it up in the frigates there. But just transporting everything to and through the gate and then loading it all up in ships and flying to another planet would take so long, the force already underway would reach the system faster than that.

The Alliance really needs more fast reaction forces at brigade or division size, Jack thought as he stepped out of the lift and saluted the guards there. The Navy pukes had been quick to propose stationing marines on all ships for such situations, but Jack had managed to shoot that stupidity down. This wasn't 1812 any more; soldiers needed far more supplies and support on the ground to be effective in war. Light infantry wouldn't cut it - and for situations where light infantry was good enough, they already had Jack's people who could be deployed through the Stargate and on any ship that could carry them. All the Navy's proposal would do was waste manpower by having marines twiddle their thumbs on Horde frigates on the off-chance that they might be needed one day.

He entered the gate room. The sight of the Stargate brought back memories. Once more, Jack and his friends would step through the gate and risk their lives scouting alien planets and foiling the plans of snakes. But this time, it wouldn't just be SG-1.

"Jack!" Daniel smiled at him. Sha're and Teal'c both merely nodded. "We're ready. Sam's already on Etheria."

He knew that already. Carter was helping to set up the transports on Etheria - and, most importantly, the stealth shuttle they would need for the final leg of the mission.

"General." Burke's grin turned the rank into a slight tease. He was standing with his team - Jones, Müller and a new guy, Dupont. Good people. Jack had trained them personally. They would do well.

But Jack wasn't quite so sure about the other addition to this mission. "Jakar." He nodded at the Tok'ra spy.

"General O'Neill." The snake smiled at him and nodded back.

At least Jakar wasn't Anise. That would have been creepy.

Jack looked at everyone, then nodded once again. "Alright! Dial Etheria! We've got a mission to run for the Alliance."


Outside the PU-9623 System, January 28th, 2000

"...and our spy bots have tracked the enemy ships. Their numbers closely match up with our intel, though we're missing one Ha'tak in the system - it's not on the planet, either."

Adora nodded at Sam's explanation as she looked at the holoprojection floating in the middle of the briefing room in WrongHordak's flagship. It was a simple system, as Entrapta called it - three planets, one of them habitable, the other two gas giants. No pretty rings around either of them, though they were useful to gather resources to build spy bots here

"But! There are a few debris fields in the system," Entrapta cut in. "We haven't run detailed scans yet to check if one of them matches the missing ship's mass since the spy bots couldn't get close enough without showing up on the Goa'uld sensors. We really should have covered this with stealth bots, but they wouldn't have arrived before us, so it was deemed pointless to re-route the closest ones."

"Debris fields?" Jack asked with a frown. "Multiple ones?"


"Potential remains of a space battle, General," Sam said. "Though we don't have enough data yet to tell how old they are."

"We have no records of this system in our memory banks," WrongHordak said. "But it's close to the border of Horde Prime's old empire, so it should have been visited at least once by a scouting force."

Adora nodded. And couldn't help thinking that it was nice to talk to Clones who didn't literally worship her.

"Yes," Entrapta said, frowning. "Horde Prime really should have shared all his data with all of you. That was very inconsiderate of him!"

"Never expect your enemy to be stupid," Jack commented. "So… any signs of battle damage on the rest of the fleet?"

"Nothing that we could detect, sir," Sam replied. "Although there seems to be exotic radiation in the system that degrades the performance of our long-range sensors."

"That might be the reason - or one reason - that Apophis picked this system," Bow speculated. "It would make detecting his fleet even harder."

"It also makes detecting enemy scouts harder since his sensors would be affected as well," Sam objected.

"What kind of exotic radiation, Carter? I am not looking forward to becoming a mutant," Jack joked. Probably joked.

"We have yet to identify the radiation, sir."

"It's a mystery!" Entrapta beamed. "We need to get closer to get better readings, anyway - of the ships and the radiation. So far, we've only managed to confirm that it exists because of its effect on our sensors, but no direct readings."

"So, we could develop mutant powers if we fly into the system?" Jack asked, raising his eyebrows. He was still looking serious, Adroa noted.

"That is very unlikely," Sam told him. "Apophis's fleet would have been exposed for weeks, and his Jaffa should have been affected by it."

"Maybe that's why he sent them here." Jack grinned. "Create mutant super-Jaffa."

"Apophis would not risk a sizeable part of his fleet for such an experiment, though," Teal'c spoke up. "He would send chosen volunteers to be exposed and withdraw his ships to wait for the results."

"And he wouldn't risk his new queen like that," Sha're added. "He would not want to have offspring with mutations."

"We'll still proceed slowly and carefully," Adora said. "Send in a stealth shuttle with more sensors first to take detailed scans. Without a crew," she added. WrongHordak's fleet wasn't worshipping her, but she wouldn't put it past some of them to volunteer as test subjects, so to speak, if it meant they could distinguish themselves.

"Yes!" Entrapta nodded. "The stealth system will affect the readings, but we're still going to have more data!"

Everyone seemed to agree, so Adora finished the meeting and let her friends work. Or nap, in Catra's case.


An hour later, the stealth shuttle was approaching the first gas giant with its scanners primed and its stealth system active. Bow, Sam and Entrapta were practically glued to the screens linked to the sensors while everyone else watched on the big screen in the briefing room.

"Still no sign of the missing ship. But we're closing on the first debris field! Scanning!"

"It looks like… Yes. Those are processed materials. Although they do not match a Ha'tak's hull - they match a Horde frigate's hull."

"So… how old are they?" Jack asked.

"Several hundred years at least. With the system's background radiation, anything more precise will require physical samples," Sam said.

"And what about the radiation?"

"Checking!" Entrapta grinned. "Oh… interesting readings! Very interesting. Oh! We've got a match! A partial match! It's…" She trailed off, and Adora saw that she was biting her lower lip.

"What's it?" Catra asked.

Entrapta looked actually embarrassed. Or guilty. "It's the same, well, same-ish, kinda, radiation left behind by the portal experiment we kinda tried back in the Horde."


Adora heard Catra hiss under her breath.

And Glimmer had grown very tense.

The portal experiment that had almost destroyed Etheria, back in the war. The experiment that had needed Queen Angella's sacrifice to stop.

"It looks like this was the site of an interdimensional displacement," Sam said, breaking the sudden silence.


Samantha Carter focused on the screen in front of her. She didn't have to glance at the others in the briefing room to read the mood. She wasn't privy to every detail involving that particular incident, but she had caught enough from Entrapta's casual remarks, and from her friend's silences and changes of topics following any such remark, to know the gist of it.

Queen Angella, Glimmer's mother, had sacrificed herself to seal a dimensional portal that had been meant to reshape reality and had ended up threatening to destroy it. It had been a Horde Wunderwaffe, not quite a Hail Mary attempt to win the war - the Horde's position hadn't been that bad yet back then - initiated by Hordak, finished by Entrapta and pushed ahead by Catra, who had been so fixated on it that she banished Entrapta to some death prison island for refusing to continue.

Catra very obviously blamed herself for it, but Entrapta blamed herself for not stopping it (or managing to convince Catra that it was too dangerous), and Sam suspected even Hordak felt guilty about starting the whole project to contact Horde Prime, at least in hindsight.

But she was sure that Adora blamed herself for not stopping the project before someone had to sacrifice themselves to seal the dimensional rift. Even though she probably hadn't had any realistic chance to know, much less reach it in time. Sam hadn't asked - she knew better than poking at such topics - but she was also sure that Adora felt guilty for not sacrificing herself in Angella's place.

And Sam knew that Glimmer's relationship with her mother had been what most people would call 'complicated'. Not too unusual for a teenager, but add the war and survivor's guilt to it…

It was a huge mess, and Sam really didn't want to discuss it. But there was no choice - they couldn't continue with the mission without talking about this. And leaving Apophis to dabble with such forces was entirely out of the question.

She cleared her throat. "We have no idea yet what kind of dimensional displacement, and if successful, took place here. The readings are similar to those gathered by Entrapta in the past, but this might be typical for any such event."

"It doesn't matter," Adora said. "Just the risk that Apophis is building a reality-altering portal is too much. We have to stop him."

"Yeah," the General agreed.

Neither Catra nor Glimmer said anything, nor did Entrapta comment on the science involved - she must be feeling even worse than Sam expected about this. Suppressing a sigh, Sam went on: "We need to gather more data to pinpoint potential sources of this radiation."

"Can this dimensional radiation thingie affect combat operations in the system?" the General asked.

"Not the residue we're picking up," Sam replied. "But if Apophis's forces are running an experiment that tampers with dimensions, then they might attempt to use that in battle."

"Like we did," Catra muttered.

"So, we need to wipe them out before they have the chance to do that - or anything like it," Glimmer said with a grim expression. "Attack them with overwhelming force."

Bow cleared his throat, then smiled almost sheepishly. "We should gather more intel first, I think. So we know more about, ah, our targets."

Glimmer glared at him. "We just crush everything."

"We should at least find out where Taweret is before we launch an attack," Sha're added. "We came here to deal with her."

"That was before we found out that Apophis is trying to mess with dimensions," Glimmer retorted. "This is more important."

"We, ah, don't know yet if he's actually experimenting with that technology," Daniel pointed out. "This might have been an accident or just a coincidence."

An accident wasn't impossible - hyperspace travel was distantly related to dimensional displacement technology - but unlikely. And the odds of a naturally occurring event that spawned such radiation? Sam wouldn't bet on that, either. Though it would be a fascinating discovery - akin to a weakened spot in the dimensional fabric some people had speculated might exist.

She nodded. "I think we should gather more data before we proceed with any action. We have the enemy fleet under surveillance, and I believe that with the sensors we have in place now, we should detect any dangerous experiments in time to intervene." Probably.

Glimmer didn't look convinced. "It's still a dangerous risk."

Catra nodded.

But Adora shook her head. "We can't just rush in. We might make things worse by accident. Let's gather more data."

"Alright," Entrapta said. She didn't sound as enthusiastic as she usually did, though, and Sam bit her lower lip.


Outside the PU-9623 System, January 29th, 2000

Samantha Carter glanced at the clock on her screen. It was past midnight. Technically, a new day. And they were still at work. If they were back on Earth, at Stargate Command, the General would check in and tell her to get to bed.

But they were on a mission. A mission that had turned out to be a bit more dangerous, at least potentially dangerous, than they had expected.

And also far more personal than they had expected.

Sam glanced at Entrapta, who was still uncharacteristically silent and serious. She clenched her teeth—she couldn't let this go on.

"So…" she started to say, then trailed off for a second when Entrapta didn't react. "You know it wasn't your fault, right?"

"What wasn't my fault?" Entrapta asked without taking her eyes off the screen.

"The portal on Etheria."

"I built it - well, I finished it after Hordak designed the concept. But I made it work."

Sam shook her head. "But you realised the danger and tried to stop… others from using it."

"But I failed! I couldn't convince Catra how dangerous it was."

"I don't think anyone could have," Sam said. Not according to what she had heard.

"I should have sabotaged the portal in advance! I should have considered this!" Entrapta finally turned to look at Sam, blinking rapidly. "It was my fault."

You didn't understand people well enough to know that. Sam didn't say that. That would be unfair. That wasn't Entrapta's fault either. People without her… issues… were routinely fooled by unhinged but charismatic leaders. That was a common foible of humans. "You did what you could. I doubt anyone else could have managed it either," she said instead.

Entrapta shook her head. "I'm still responsible! I…"

A beep interrupted her.

Both of them turned to look at the display. New data from a stealth shuttle. Flagged as important.

Sam quickly checked it - and drew a sharp breath. There were large concentrations of Naquadah on the planet. A ship that had landed or crashed? No - all of them were underground. A hidden gate site? But the amount of Naquadah was far too large for a gate.

Sam pressed her lips together and quickly checked other sensors. Power readings. Ground density.

The data matched.

"There's a base on the planet. A large one. And it's active."

Chapter 141: The Secret Base Part 1 New
Chapter 141: The Secret Base Part 1

Outside PU-9623 System, January 29th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Catra stared at the display floating in the middle of the room. "That's not really detailed," she complained. It really wasn't. It was a very rudimentary 3D-model.

"That's the best we can do with our scanners from orbit," Sam replied. "We extrapolated some structures, but… we'll need a magic scanner close by to get more details." After a moment's pause, she added: "We only got those results after we adjusted the bot's sensors with the data from Alpha."

Catra hissed again. "That's a First Ones base?"

"It's a possibility," Sam replied.

"I don't know what would be worse," Jack said. "Apophis having technology to block our sensors, or Apophis having access to an Ancient base."

"The second," Jakar said. "I consider it most urgent that we take out both his fleet and his base. This takes priority over confirming Taweret's position."

"Yes," Glimmer agreed. "We can't let Apophis get his hands on such a base."

"He might already have his hands on the base," Jack said, pointing at the structures directly above the underground's base. Those were standard Goa'uld fortifications. "You don't throw up that kind of base in a day or two, and that mound next to the base doesn't look natural or old."

"Our scanners don't show a shaft leading to the base," Entrapta objected. "And that would show up - unless he managed to build them using First One materials. Though even then, we should have detected the effects of such a structure on the surrounding earth and stone."

Jakar nodded. "Yes. Even with our digging technology, we cannot build our bases without leaving such traces. Though detecting them is beyond the standard Goa'uld sensors."

Or so you think, Catra added silently. But that was a discussion for another day.

"They could be using a ring transporter," Sha're pointed out.

"Yes," Sam agreed. "We have to assume they have access to the base, and for a while at least - we don't know when he first discovered this system."

"That makes it even more urgent that we strike as soon as possible," Glimmer said.

"The task force stands ready to launch an attack on the enemy fleet at a moment's notice, Supreme Commander," WrongHordak said. "We are plotting their courses and adjusting our calculations so we can drop on them from hyperspace."

That would ensure they would surprise the Goa'uld - since they could only jam their comms for a short while and couldn't block them from entering hyperspace, that was essential if they wanted to take the Goa'uld out without allowing them to alert Apophis by comms or couriers. But it was dangerous. The risk of colliding with an enemy ship upon exiting hyperspace was low - though not zero - but the task force would be dropping into knife-fighting range. Even technologically inferior ships were dangerous at such ranges.

But that wasn't Catra's primary concern. "Even if we take out the fleet in the system, the base will be able to react."

"We can destroy them from orbit," Glimmer retorted.

"Quickly enough to stop them from contacting Apophis? Or activate a Stargate they might have?" Catra shook her head.

"We don't have the planet in our data banks," Sam said. "But they could have brought one to the planet."

"Apophis probably doesn't want to spend weeks on every booty call," Jack said.

"He would not want to leave Taweret so far out of his reach, lest she might turn the forces guarding her," Teal'c agreed. "He would want to be able to reach her - or have her reach him - through a Stargate. Though that could be inside the base or in the flagship of the fleet - either offers advantages and disadvantages for him."

If he had the Stargate on a ship, it would allow him better control over it - and over the ship's crew. But he would need a shuttle or a ring transporter to reach the base. And more people would know when he arrived - or Taweret took off. And Catra had a feeling that Apophis would want direct access to the base. It just seemed to fit the snake better.

"Even if they do escape, they'll report that a Horde fleet attacked them. Apophis has no reason to suspect the Alliance," Glimmer pointed out.

"Yes. But if we just destroy the base, we won't know what they worked on there - and whether or not they managed to flee with completed projects," Catra said.

"And Taweret would escape," Sha're said.

Jakar slowly nodded. "Yes, I think we should ascertain what kind of research they are doing in the base. And whether or not it is functional."

Adora nodded. "Yes. We don't want them to panic and open a portal to another dimension."

Catra clenched her teeth. That had been her lowest point. She had almost destroyed Etheria - killed everyone - through her obsession. If there was a risk that Apophis was working on a similar project… "We need to find out what they're doing there - and stop it." Permanently.

Adora nodded again. "And we need to take the base and destroy their fleet at the same time." She looked at WrongHordak. "This will require close coordination."

"And a trip in a stealth shuttle," Jack added as WrongHordak saluted Adora.


PU-9623 System, January 29th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"Enemy patrol approaching."

Adora turned her head to look at the screen in front of her at Sam's report. Yes, there was a patrol of two Death Gliders on a course that would take them closer to the shuttle. Not very close, though - certainly not near enough to risk a collision. And with the stealth generator active, they had no chance to spot the shuttle either.

She still tensed up for the next few minutes while the two Death Gliders passed the shuttle. She trusted her friends with her life, and she knew the stealth shuttle worked, but you could never be completely sure.

"I feel like I'm in a submarine with a destroyer passing above us on the surface," Catra whispered.

"We're not in a submarine," Jack, predictably, complained. "This is a stealth shuttle."

Adora frowned at Catra - she was sure that her lover had just said that to rile up Jack.

"Feels like a submarine running silent," Catra retorted.

"It's more like a stealth fighter. Submarines don't fly," Jack said.

"Stealth fighters generally don't transport more than a pilot. Unless it's a movie," Daniel pointed out.

"We don't talk about that movie!" Jack snapped.

"What movie?" Sha're asked.

"A stupid action movie made by a guy who had no idea about planes!"

"A popcorn flick."

"I believe they are talking about 'Executive Decision'."

"We aren't talking about that movie, Teal'c!"

"My mistake then."

Catra snorted. "We really need to watch that at the next movie night. It sounds like a riot."

"No, we don't!" Jack protested.

"I believe I can acquire a copy for such an occasion."

"I think we have that movie on file somewhere," Bow added. "We have a lot of military movies on file to, ah, study."

"It's not a military movie. It's a disgrace."

Adora looked at Catra. "What kind of movie is it?"

Catra shrugged. "I never watched it. I only know Jack hates it."

"Any Air Force member hates it!"

"Ah, Jack, I don't think that's correct. I am sure there are at least a few airmen and officers who like the movie despite any, ah, artistic liberties the producers might have taken." Daniel smiled a bit apologetically.

"There's nothing artistic about that movie! They…"

"The Death Gliders have passed," Sam reported.

"...right. Continuing towards our destination."

Adora looked at the screen again. The system's habitable planet was coming up. Too far away still to spot with the naked eye, but the sensors were covering it already. And updating their information.

"Two Ha'tak's in orbit. One geostationary over the base, the other above the planet's north pole," Sam summed up.

"Weird arrangement," Catra commented. "What good is the one at the pole?"

"We don't know. There's nothing on our scanners in that area," Entrapta said. "It's… Oh!"

"'Oh'?" Adora winced. When Entrapta sounded like that, it usually wasn't good news.

"Look at the power readings, Sam!"

"Oh! Those are… I didn't think a Ha'tak had so much power available," Sam said.

"They don't," Entrapta said. "At least, they can't generate so much power. But…"

"...they can receive so much power from the ground," Sam finished for her. "From the base."

"Microwave-based power transfer? But our scanners would show that…"

"Something similar, probably. There is feedback on another frequency… Look at this readout!" Bow cut in.


Again! Adora twitched.

"So, what is going on?" Catra bluntly asked.

"Oh! It looks like the base is feeding a lot of power to the Ha'tak above it. The readings are getting clearer as we close in," Entrapta replied. "Look at the stress the ship's suffering!"

"Those vibrations aren't good for its structural integrity," Sam agreed.

"But why are they doing this?" Bow asked.

"It's a test," Sam said. "They're testing power transfers."

"What for?" Jack asked before Adora could ask the same.

"Possibly as an experiment, sir," Sam told him.

"Related to the dimension travel thing?"

"We have yet to confirm that, sir."

Bow nodded. "They're testing power transfer. What are the odds that they are testing a new weapon system as well?"

"Oh! Like a dimensional cannon? Ripping open a dimensional rift to damage your target? Or move it into a pocket dimension like Despondos?" Entrapta perked up.

"If they are experimenting with a weapon like that, we must stop them at all costs!" Glimmer snapped.

"And we need their data to know what they have done so far."

"Proceed," Adora said. "But avoid the Ha'tak - and don't fly through the area below it." She didn't feel like risking being imprisoned in another dimension. Like Angella…

"Yeah, that wouldn't be a smooth ride," Jack said as he changed course. "Would be damn embarrassing if we get taken out by accident without the snakes meaning to attack us. We could never live that down."

"I think the more important problem is that we wouldn't survive it in the first place, Jack."

"Power spiking!" Sam snapped.

A moment later, the shuttle's alerts went off, and Adora's screen flickered - followed by the entire shuttle shaking.

"That was… a multidimensional release of power," Entrapta reported. "I think."

"A what?" Jack asked with clenched teeth. Several of the alerts on his display were still lit, Adora saw.

"They vented that power into what might have been an attempt to create a rift, sir. That's only a hypothesis, though."

"Great. Whatever it was, it played haywire with our systems. The Stealth generator was just flagged as damaged. Won't last much longer."

Adora drew a sharp breath. They were too close to the enemy to withdraw easily. Too close to the planet to survive another. She could call in the task force, but that would leave the base untouched during the attack. And they were so close… "Take us down in the target area. Quickly."

They would continue with the mission.


PU-9623, January 29th, 2000 (Earth Time)

They entered the atmosphere at high speed. Not quite dangerous, not fast enough to risk losing control, but it was a rougher ride than recommended and would require a thorough maintenance check afterwards, according to the manual even though the inertial compensators of the craft did their job.

Samantha Carter knew that very well since she had written part of the manual for the stealth shuttles and knew its specs by heart.

Not that the craft wouldn't have gone into maintenance anyway, what with the damage it suffered because of its proximity to whatever experiment Apophis - or Taweret - was running on the planet. Entraptra, Bow and herself were struggling to keep the stealth generator running while they plunged towards the planet's surface. Between the stealth field and the effect from the radiation released by the dimensional venting on all sensors, they would hopefully remain undetected - Sam had charted a course that had them on the side opposite to the base for the re-entry and on the southern half of the planet so the thermal effects of the manoeuvre would not be too obvious to any close observer.

But there was always a risk, and they would have to find a hiding spot for the shuttle - one close to the base so they could reach it on foot. The special coating and shielding could only do so much, and Sam didn't think that Apophis had sent Jaffa to this planet who were lax in their duties.

So, while the General brought the shuttle down, she left handling the sputtering systems of the shuttle to her friends and focused on the sensors, scanning the area near their target for caves and valleys with cliffs. Anything big enough to hide the shuttle from above. She already had an earlier overview from the spy bots and the shuttle's sensor readings on approach, but that was not up to date and left a lot of area to cover,

The shuttle levelled out a few yards above the surface of the planet's main ocean when she found a narrow gorge with dense vegetation that should fit their shuttle. She plotted a course that would lead them over rougher terrain to make them harder to detect with sensors and sent it to the General. "This is our destination, sir."

"Good work, Carter!" He flashed her a quick smile as the shuttle shifted and adjusted its heading.

She nodded, hiding her own smile, and went back to helping the others keep the shuttle's system working. It wasn't looking good. Whatever backlash that experiment had created had overwhelmed their shields, and even hardened systems had suffered. She ran a quick calculation. It wouldn't have affected a frigate or other capital ship, even the Flower II classes entering the Royal Navy would be fine, mostly, but it would wreak havoc on any smaller craft, such as shuttles and fighters. And destroy spy bots.

She checked the network. Yes, most of the bots near the planet had been destroyed or rendered inoperational.

"The stealth system is not going to hold for much longer!" Bow called out from the aft. "Its power supply is fluctuating. I'm manually compensating, but I can't keep that up forever!"

"I'm switching the system to the main power. It'll slow us down some, but the fluctuations will stop," Sam retorted. They were still too far from the target area to lose their stealth. Rerouting the connections didn't take long. "Switching in three… two… one!"


"The fluctuations stopped. Stealth field holding."

But it was weakening anyway - the projectors had to be damaged. It could be just some misalignments from vibrations, but the power fluctuations likely had done more serious damage. Sam would have to check later. And think of a way to harden the systems further. A lot of missions would be affected if they couldn't trust the stealth shuttles.

"Alright, folks!" the General called out. "It's not going to be the Beggar's Canyon, but it's going to be close enough, so hold on tight!"

"What do you mean, 'close enough'?" Glimmer asked just as the shuttle sped up again - and entered a narrow gorge for the last leg of their trip.

The General was a good pilot. Even though he spent most of his time on the ground, he requalified regularly. And ever since he had received his personal stealth shuttle, he had taken it out whenever he could find the time. He knew the shuttle probably better than most pilots.

Sam told herself that, repeatedly, but she still felt her stomach sink when she glanced out through the cockpit and saw the steep walls of the gorge loom far closer than she was comfortable with while the shuttle wove through tight turns with more speed than she thought was safe.

She had to trust the General. And even if they hit the walls, the shuttle was sturdy enough to survive a glancing contact. And the inertial compensators should let them survive a frontal collision as well, provided the General managed to slow down enough in time…

It doesn't look as if he's even trying, a small voice in the back of her head added as she looked away and focused back on her screen and data.

Minutes that felt like hours later, the noise from the engines changed - they were finally slowing down. Sam looked up again and saw that they were hovering, slowly gliding below a slight overhang, brushing aside dense foliage until they were above solid ground. Right on top of the marker she had set on the map.

"Welcome to yet another snake planet!" the General called out with a smile that almost managed to hide his own exhaustion.

"Switching off the stealth system and powering down," Sam announced before she took a deep breath.

They had arrived. Now, they had to reach the base and deal with whatever was going on inside. Without being spotted by the guards. But at least they weren't depending on a failing shuttle any more.


Near Apophis's Base, PU-9623, January 29th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Catra glanced up, checking the sky - or the canopy of dense foliage, in this case - above them. "Sloppy," she commented as she jumped over a fallen tree trunk, landing lightly on the soft soil behind it.

"What is sloppy?" Adora asked as she - with slightly less grace - jumped over the trunk as well, her boots leaving deep imprints next to Catra.

"This." Catra motioned with her head at the trees around them. "In Apophis's place, I would have cleared the entire area of the jungle around their base. Clear the lines of fire and remove cover." Sure, it would make it obvious where the hidden First Ones base was - unless it was a hidden Horde base - but Apophis had built a damn base above it, so that was no concern any more.

"Ah." Adora looked around as well as their friends caught up.

"Are you having flashbacks to the Whispering Woods?" Glimmer asked while she struggled to get over the tree herself until Bow gave her a boost. "Ugh. We should restore magic to the planet."

"Just so you can teleport past a tree?" Catra snorted.

"We're gonna save the magic light show for emergencies," Jack said as he quickly climbed over it. "Like turning a dangerous snake or Ancient contraption into a potted plant before it destroys reality."

As it had almost happened before. On her orders. Catra pressed her lips together.

"I'm not sure feeding so much magical power into a potential threat is a good idea," Glimmer retorted. "We don't know how it would react. It might trigger the very effect we want to avoid."

"Yes. We had to use magic to power the gate on Etheria!" Entrapta had no trouble having her hair carry her over the trunk. "It wouldn't have worked otherwise. On the other hand, without magic, it shouldn't be threatening reality as we know it. Probably."

That wasn't very reassuring, in Catra's opinion.

"The Ancients were magitech users," Sam added, climbing with the help of Entrapta's hair. "So, they might have left artefacts able to power whatever experiment they are doing with magic or similar energy."

"If you tell me that we can't blow it up because it could absorb that power, too, I'm going to be annoyed," Jack said.

"Welllll…" Entrapta cocked her head and shrugged. "We don't know? We need more data!"

"Great," Catra heard Jack mutter. "I'm not carrying all that C-4 back to the shuttle."

"I'm sure we can find a use for it, Jack," Daniel said.

Catra snorted and went ahead again. She had a base to sneak up to - they were halfway there, so they had to look out for patrols now. Their Naquadah-scanner might show every Jaffa and Goa'uld, and the odds of Apophis using humans on patrols were very low, but that didn't mean Catra could be sloppy.

Moving through the woods as if it was an obstacle course, jumping from trunk to trunk, her claws leaving gashes for the others to follow, she quickly put some distance between herself and the rest of their team.

The planet apparently had no birds or other flying animals, so she didn't have to worry about giving away her presence by disturbing a flock of those, but several small tree-dwelling animals scattered at her approach. She managed to grab one as she landed on a larger branch and quickly studied the squirming beast. It looked like a squirrel with longer claws. On Earth, no one would bat an eye except, perhaps, a biologist. It was nothing like the vermin she had seen in the Whispering Woods.

Probably a clue that this world hadn't been used for genetic engineering experiments, but Catra wasn't an expert.

She released the animal, waited until she spotted Adora catching up to her, then moved ahead again.

Half an hour later, she encountered the first sign of a patrol - tracks left in the dark soil. She didn't know how old they were, but Bow would be able to tell. But it meant they were now in the area the base guards patrolled.

Her ears twitched but caught nothing but her friends behind her.

Once more, she waited for them to catch up, then pointed the tracks out. Jack, Teal'c and Bow all knelt down to take a look.

"This was made by a guard wearing standard armour for Apophis's Jaffa," Teal'c said.

"Four of them, a day ago," Bow added.

"I'll take your word for it," Jack said. "So, how often do they run their patrols? And how often do they vary their routes?"

"Warriors are supposed to take different routes each day and have one patrol out in every sector at all times, based on the size of the garrison," Teal'c said.

Catra could hear the 'and woe to anyone who failed his false god' added without it spoken aloud. Teal'c had probably punished more than a few in his time as Apophis's Prime. "But this is a safe world, unknown to anyone, they have a fleet in the system and two Ha'taks in orbit. What are the odds they feel safe enough to get sloppy while slogging through the jungle?"

"I doubt Apophis will send any but his best, most loyal troops to guard his queen," Teal'c replied.

"For several reasons, not least because he wants them to guard him against betrayal by her," Jakar added. "But even so, in my experience, even the best troops tend to follow the same routes."

Catra shrugged. "I'll hear them before they spot us. Let's go."

She did spot a patrol on the last leg of the trip, but it was easy to keep out of their way - the Jaffa were limited to their eyes and ears, and those were not nearly as good as hers. Catra watched them from a hiding spot in the canopy while her friends hid a bit away. The Jaffa did look smart, all clean and tall, but they also looked a bit… tense. Not as tense as Horde scouts in the Whispering Woods, but those were warriors on a routine patrol where they didn't expect any trouble. Something had them on edge.

But Catra couldn't think of what that might be - there were no monsters in this jungle. At least none that she could spot.


Jack O'Neill couldn't help grinning while he studied the base in front of him through his binoculars. How he had missed sneaking up on a snake base, hiding under their very noses while plotting to blow it up! He had been behind a desk for far too long!

He inched forward a little more, a number of the thorns of the bush he was using as cover snagging on his fatigues, and used the button on the side of the binoculars to zoom in. Built with some fancy tech by Carter and Entrapta as a prototype, the binoculars allowed him to zoom in to almost magnifying glass level and switch between different vision modes, including thermal and low-light. And they were working great - he would have to light a fire under procurement's butts so they approved it for manufacturing at once. His troops needed this!

But that could wait. The mission came first. He studied the base. Massive walls that looked like they were taken from the set of Cleopatra, Jaffa in heavy armour patrolling on top of them between staff cannons mounted for air and ground defence, Death Gliders waiting on the pads inside… pretty standard snake stuff, except for the palace in the centre.

He zoomed in on it. It was a blocky structure, looking more like a bunker someone had gilded than an actual palace, rising higher than the walls around it. It was prime bombardment bait. But it also had balconies built into the front wall, and the top was covered by a pavilion, including a pool and lounge area. "Talk about lipstick on a pig…" he muttered.

He heard a snort from his left, where Catra was studying the base as well. "It makes Horde construction look fancy," she said.

Daniel would say something about different cultures having different styles and aesthetics, but Jack nodded. "I bet some billionaires without taste would love that style." And would probably add more gold to it.

Catra snorted again. "Good defences, though. And it's sitting right on top of the First Ones base."

As they had expected - the snakes preferred to keep tight control over crucial assets. Jack flipped through a few modes on his binocs until he reached the one he wanted. "Ah! There's the big reactor!"

"We already knew that from the orbital scans," Catra commented.

"But now we know where it's relative to the rest," Jack shot back. "And we can see the shield projectors. Now, if I were a ring transporter, where would I be?"

"You? In the living room so you didn't have to move to get a beer from the fridge," Catra said. "But a snake's transporter?"

"Taweret would want it close to her personal quarters but not inside them. She would not tolerate others walking through her rooms every time they needed to enter the base beneath." Jakar the snake commando cut in. "And her quarters will be near the top. She will want private access to the roof."

There spoke the snake expert. Though Jack had come to the same conclusions. Placing your quarters underground would be safer, but that wouldn't allow the snakes to look down on everyone else. He zoomed in on the roof. "Yeah, there it is - door in that fake tent on the side. I bet if we wait long enough, we would see her making a big entrance there." A bit far for a sniper, but Jack was sure he could do it. Not that he would - the odds of hitting the actual snake were slim, and killing the host wouldn't do anything but warn them of their presence while they possessed the next spare host. But it was a nice thought to have.

"You want to enter through the roof?" Catra asked.

If the stealth shuttle still worked, that would be ideal. Fly in, hover above the roof and drop down. "Unless Adora restores magic and Glimmer teleports us there, Or Carter and Entrapta somehow find a way to get the spare parts they need to repair the stealth system, I think we'll have to pick the side entrance," Jack replied.

And that meant getting through the gate - or over the walls.

"I guess we can't ambush a patrol and take their armour," Catra joked.

"Nope." There were few slaves around, Jack noted. The base didn't look old - he could see signs of recent construction, actually - and it must have been built quickly, meaning with lots of hands, so where were the workers responsible? Jack pressed his lips together. Apophis wouldn't move the workers constructing his secret base back to his other worlds. That would risk the base being revealed. So… What would a megalomaniac snake with no morals do to keep such a secret?

The answer was obvious and nauseating. Jack quickly scanned the area, but he didn't see any signs of mass graves. Or other possible disposal facilities.

And that was even more worrying.

"Let's look for blind spots and other weaknesses," he said. Before they looked for unconventional solutions. Jack would prefer to do this without magic. If they had to restore magic, Adora would probably wipe out the Goa'uld base by accident anyway, and while that wasn't exactly a bad thing, it would also alert the Ha'taks in orbit and the rest of the fleet - and the Ancient base deep underground.

No, they needed a more subtle way inside.

Fortunately, Jack thought as he zoomed in on a small ditch near the base of the walls, I might have found our way inside.


"You want to sneak in through the sewers?"

Adora winced at Glimmer's comment. They were out of earshot - Apophis's Jaffa had cleared a lot of the area around their base - but they were trying to stay hidden.

"It's not actually a sewer," Jack replied. "More like… a stream flowing out of their base."

"It's still a sewer - it carries all their waste away!" Glimmer retorted.

"And it is fed from a spring inside their base," Sam added. "There's no stream entering the base."

So much for using a clean body of water to sneak in, Adora thought.

"Can't be worse than infiltrating the Fright Zone," Catra said. "Or sneaking around there."

Glimmer glared at her. "We didn't sneak through the sewers when we did that!"

"We did, actually. When we went to rescue you and Bow," Adora corrected her.

"You didn't actually swim through the sewers!" Glimmer shot back with a glare.

"You couldn't have - some of the sewers there were so toxic, you needed protective gear," Entrapta said. "That's why the standard Horde uniform included a fully enclosed helmet."

Adora nodded. "And uniforms were resistant to environmental dangers."

"Is that why you're still wearing your old uniform?" Jakar asked.

"Ah…" Adora smiled at him, feeling a bit embarrassed. She didn't actually need that kind of protection as She-Ra. "They're also very durable and comfortable!"

"If you match the general body type they're made for," Catra added. "I always had to customise my uniforms."

It had been more a want than a need, as Adora remembered it, but that wasn't important right now. "So, infiltrating through the stream."

"Open Sewer," Glimmer said. "Perfuma would loath this."

"Anyone with a bit of common sense would loathe it." Catra snorted. "That's a disease outbreak waiting to happen."

"And you want to swim through it to get into the base?" Glimmer asked Jack.

"Well…" Jack shrugged. "We've got these fancy new fatigues, with masks that double as diving masks…"

"Not all of us have those," Glimmer said.

Adora wouldn't have any problems thanks to She-Ra's armour, but the others… Not everyone had the new fatigues, and even there, the masks wouldn't cover more than their faces. They were meant to be worn with a hood for full NBC protection.

"You'll survive," Catra commented.

Adora glanced at her lover. Catra's feet, hair, ears and tail would be exposed. And she knew that.

"It's not going to be worse than sneaking around in the seedier parts of the Fright Zone as cadets," Catra said with a snort.

Glimmer glared at her before scoffing. "Let's go then."

"Alright. We'll have to deal with sensors in the stream and the grate at the wall," Jack said.

"We can handle that!" Entrapta beamed. "We can hack the sensors - if they have any that resisted the effects of their experiments - and bypass the alerts when we cut through the grate. As long as we're not seen."

"Fortunately, the water's muddy," Jack said. "And we're going in at night."

"Muddy? More like shitty," Catra commented with another snort.

Adora didn't think it was funny, but Jack laughed at it.


The stream was shitty. Adora didn't want to take a closer look at what exactly floated on the surface as she approached the stream and watched the bot Entrapta, Sam and Bow had rigged up disappear in it. Peeking over Bow's shoulder, she could see the feed from the bot - or the sanitised overlay from its sensors depicting the stream's bed as it started moving upstream.

"Alright… now… where are the sensors?" Entrapta mumbled as she stared at her own tool.

"It doesn't seem that there are any," Sam said.

"So, they cannot protect their own sensors from their own experiments?" Jack shook his head. "I don't think Apophis will accept that."

"I concur," Jakar said. "Though that won't keep him from deploying a new weapon system if he deems it effective enough."

"We'll stop him before it comes to that," Adora said.

"We've reached the wall - well, under the wall," Bow reported. "Doesn't look like there are sensors either."

"But the grate itself is powered - a low current, but if it's cut, that will be noticed," Sam added. "Scanning the array."

"We need to cut here to reach the control module."

"Yes. But that's hardened material. We should access it from the side."

"Yes! Like that!"


"Oh, look at that - it's a simple but working design! Tiny crystals!"

"Easy to circumvent, though. Just let me run a few calculations on my tablet… Yes. We'll need two of the thicker wires, and about… this long."

"Yes, I concur with Bow."

"Me too!"

It didn't take the three more than a few minutes to bypass what security there was and fix the cable the bot had trailed to the grate. And then it was time for them to start swimming. In the 'muddy' stream.

Just dive down and try not to think about it, Adora told herself, trying not to grimace. This was important. She had to do this. She was She-Ra.

She took a deep breath, grabbed the cable the bot had laid, and entered the stream. As soon as she was completely underwater, she started pulling herself forward, following the cable to the grate.

Five minutes later, she reached the grate. "I'm there!" she said through her communicator.

"Good! Cut the grate along the sides we marked!" Bow told her.

She summoned her sword and did so. "Done."

"No alert. We should be safe to follow you then." Catra said.


Adora just had to wait for her friends now. And try not to think about what kind of stuff was floating in the stream.


Apophis's Base, PU-9623, January 29th, 2000 (Earth Time)

While their small infiltrator bot went ahead to explore the rest of the base and they waited in the stream, Samantha Carter made a mental note to build a prototype uniform that doubled as a drysuit with full-body protection as soon as she found the time. The odds of it getting approved were zero - the cost alone doomed any such proposal; the new spacesuits had been a struggle to get through procurement even though the need for such suits was obvious - but Sam would be able to use the prototype herself next time she had to swim through a sewer.

She shuddered and suppressed the urge to run her gloved hands through her hair. Focus on the mission, she told herself. This was just like having to crawl through mud in basic. Only worse.

The spy bot was circling the central bunker - or bunker/palace, as the General called it - and Sam was, hidden by the thick wall above them, watching its feed to mark potential entry points. Main entrance - too big to open without anyone noticing even if the squad of Jaffa guarding it were dealt with. Goa'uld megalomania working for them this time. Side entrance - small, heavily armoured, likely an air lock. And two guards in front of it. Second side trnance, other side… That one was a bit larger, with tracks of heavy machinery left on the ground in front of it. Still guarded, though. The roof was a possibility. But scrambling up the walls would leave them exposed to any guard watching from the perimeter or yard. There were gaps in the coverage by the patrols - she had analysed the pattern already - but they were not long enough to allow the group to reach the roof in time.

That left the balconies. Without sensors on them, they would provide cover and concealment while they dealt with the doors, and they were close enough to the ground to be reached quickly. Adora could probably throw people up to speed things up, and Entrapta's hair, while not long enough to reach the balcony from the ground, would further facilitate this.

Entering the private quarters of Taweret was a problem in itself, but securing or neutralising her was a mission objective, so they would have to deal with her anyway at some point, even if the Ancient base was more important. If the best way inside was through her?

Well, Sam had no problem with that. And there was the possibility that, Goa'ulds being Goa'ulds, they could access the ring transporter from her quarters, or close enough, to achieve the primary objective of the mission as well.

The final decision was Adora's - and the General's - of course, but Sam was sure they would agree with her reasoning when she motioned and held her screen out to the others to check.

She wasn't wrong. A few minutes later, with the spy bot tracking the guards, they rushed to the wall below the balcony, Adora in the lead. A running jump took her to the top of the balcony, trailing lines behind her. Lines Sam and the others attached to the harnesses built into their fatigues. Or just held onto, in some cases.

"Everyone ready?" The General asked in a whisper through their communicators. "Go!"

And the line went taut, then dragged Sam upwards as Adora heaved. Sam barely had the time to get her feet against the wall and push off before she was pulled over the railing and rolled over the balcony's floor. Entrapta had an even worse time - Sam's friend would have hit the floor head-on if not for her hair, legs twitching for a moment before she managed to straighten herself. She was smiling widely, though, and already reaching for her tool when Teal'c, the last of their group, smoothly slid over the railing.

"Clear!" the General announced.

"Working on the door," Sam replied.

"No sensors here either," Bow whispered.

But the door was armoured. They would have to work to crack the locks. At least it was an automatic door. If the Goa'uld had skipped any servos and just relied on servants to pull it open, this would take far longer.

As it was, thanks to Jakar's help - the agent had the most experience with the electronic locks on such doors - they cracked it in less than five minutes.

The quarters behind it were as luxurious as Sam expected. Not quite an exact copy of Amaunet's quarters on Saqqara, but they came close enough.

They quickly spread out through them, covering all rooms. There were no guards, and they found only two servants working in a side room. Teal'c and Catra stunned them before they could react.

And no Taweret.

"Aren't queens supposed to laze around and have grapes fed to them in their rooms?" the General asked.

"If she's not here, she's either somewhere else in the bunker - or in the base below us," Jakar stated the obvious. "We would have noticed her guard detachment moving outside."

"Unless she's in a ship," Teal'c objected.

Jakar inclined his head. "True."

"Well, wherever she is, we need to get a move on," the General said. "Where's the ring transporter?"

"Outside the quarters!" Entrapta announced. "Well, that's where our scanner shows an amount of processed Naquadah that matches the amount used in a transporter."

The General nodded. "Good enough for me. Let's go. We have a base to take over. Or blow up. Whatever it takes."

Catra was already moving towards the exit.
