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[X] Play it safe, grab the tarp that was over the Musharna cage and cover up with it. It'll do for now...right?
Okay, Rosie, let's not risk her waking up. Just play it safe for now.

Rosie grabbed the tarp that was now sagging halfway off of the cage. The Pokemon inside wailed at her once again and her face contorted as she cringed in reaction to it. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay." She put her hand out to touch the Musharna's body as she covered her own with the tarp, clutching it close to her with one hand. The feeling of fabric against her skin was refreshing, as she'd been without it for so long. It draped down all the way to her feet, and her bare back and butt were still fully exposed as she let go of the Pokemon, glancing around for a key to release the creature as she adjusted the tarp with her hands, wrapping it around herself like a cape to cover her body from view, her head poking out from the top like an immense raincoat.

"Shit...there's no way for me to get you out..." She glanced around some more, her eyes slowly moving toward the woman's body again. The tarp gave her a new kind of modesty that seemed to boost her confidence, and for a moment, she considered poking around on her body again to see if she had any keys on her for the cage. She quickly shook her head and decided against it however.

Stepping around the tent, her bare feet swishing against the rug that covered most of the floor below her. Rosie thought about home once again, images of her partner, Jamie, laying on the couch playing video games while she lays her head in his lap, yawning and making comments about his gameplay. She smiled for a moment before shaking her head, snapping back to reality. Or at least....this reality. She realized she still had so many questions as she began rummaging around on the counters and shelves that held various scientific instruments like test tubes, syringes and vials of the purple fluid extracted from the Musharna, along with a few questionable instruments like a hand saw and a rusty pair of scissors. Rosie grimaced as she looked at these, trying to avoid thinking about what they might have been used for.

"Creepy...God, I wanna go home." She shook her head, glancing again at the woman and then back at the Musharna. She sighed, realizing her hands were tied, and figured she'd just head out on her way. She began to step toward the exit once again before she lost her footing suddenly and stumbled forward, flaying open the tarp from her body and exposing her bare breasts as it fell down. She caught it with one hand, and caught her balance on the counter nearby. She scoffed and fixed the tarp around her once again, looking down at the floor where her foot had stumbled.

Rosie saw a small wrinkle in the carpet, where the corner peeled up slightly to reveal what looked like a small black metal panel on the floor. At first glance, it appeared as if it might be a solar panel or sewer grate, but it was square and seemed thick and heavy. Furling her eyebrows a little, Rosie bent over and peeled up the corner of the carpet, tossing it back behind her.

"Holy shit..." Rosie peered down at the panel, astonished. It was a square metal grate with a handle on the end of it, the kind of thing she'd seen in those apocalypse shelter shows on TV. Every fiber of her logical mind was screaming at her not to open it up, since she had no idea what she might find within it. However, her logical mind was not the only one she had, and deep down inside herself, she could not resist her own curiosity. "Fuck it...I mean, if I die...it might just send me home anyway. Right?" She shrugged, resting her hand on the handle of the trapdoor and slowly unlatching it, hesitating a moment before wincing and putting all of the strength she had in her to pulling it up. Her tarp sagged again as she did, falling to the floor completely and leaving her entirely bare as she finally managed to lift it up. She picked up the tarp again, wrapping it around herself once more as she peered down into the hole before her.

To her surprise, she saw a perfectly lit tunnel leading straight downward, and a ladder on the opposite wall. It was as if there was an entire bunker down below her. There could be anything down there. She had to know.

Rosie clutched the tarp in front of her body firmly with one hand as she stepped onto the ladder, wincing slightly from the cold sensation of the metal on her bare feet. "Why am I doing this? I've seen so many movies, I should know better. Come on now..." This didn't stop her, however, as she stepped further down into the unknown depths of the bunker below.

When Rosie finally reached the bottom, she fumbled for a moment at the incline, but once she found her footing, what she saw before her was astonishing. There was a short hallway with plain white walls on both sides that opened up into a large chamber, full of other cages with other, very similar tarps over them. Rosie stepped forward into the chamber, her mouth agape and her eyes beaming, and she noticed a faded emblem on one of the walls. It was the same lightning bolt and shield emblem that was on the woman's coat from before. Team Plasma. Did they have a bigger foothold here than she realized? Rosie looked on, stunned and slightly intimidated by the emblem until a sound snapped her out of her stupor. To her left, she heard the familiar cry of a Pokemon. She couldn't be sure which one it was, and in fact, she seemed to be hearing numerous noises from inside the cages. in what quickly became an unending hum of animal sounds. At the same time, she noticed a small computer monitor in the corner, complete with a keyboard and mouse. There was a flashing light from the side of it, indicating that there was a flash drive plugged in to the side of it.

Rosie shivered a little. It seemed like she had just stumbled upon something she was never meant to see. Still, her curiosity kicked in once again, and she found her eyes wandering between the tarp-covered cages and the computer monitor, as if trying to convince herself to pick one over the other.

Rosie, you're in way over your head here, you're practically naked, and...you're horribly curious. I mean, just a little look won't hurt, right?

[] Check the computer, something has to be on it that might provide some clues.

[] Pull off one of the tarps on the cages and see what's being held in them. She might have just hit the motherlode.
[X] Pull off one of the tarps on the cages and see what's being held in them. She might have just hit the motherlode.

We better be looking for some keys to free the boys.
[X] Pull off one of the tarps on the cages and see what's being held in them. She might have just hit the motherlode.
[X] Pull off one of the tarps on the cages and see what's being held in them. She might have just hit the motherlode.
Just a peek. They're in cages, after all. Not like they can hurt me.

Rosie stepped forward on her bare feet and gripped the tarp on the nearest cage to her. She breathed in heavily, a little weary about what she might find underneath. Closing her eyes, she quickly pulled the tarp off, letting it fall to the floor beside her. Deciding it was quiet enough to be safe, she slowly opened her eyes and stared down between the bars.

What lay before her was difficult to make out at first. It looked almost like a fluffy pillow sitting on a bed of salad. She couldn't make out any actual eyes on it initially as it lay still in the middle of the cage. At first, she scratched her head thinking someone had left their salad out and let it grow moldy as the puffy white material on top served to disgust her a little. Upon closer inspection, however, she could make out its orange beady eyes, squinting tight as the artificial light in the bunker beat down on it.

"N-neee....?" It blinked up at her, looking exhausted and malnourished, its fluffy outer coating looking faded, murky and disheveled, like it hadn't been properly fed in days. It was a Cottonee. Specifically, the one the merchant from before had lost. What was it doing here?

"Awww, you poor little thing..." Rosalina reached her hand inside and pet the Pokemon gently, and it seemed to purr at her touch, seeming to understand almost immediately that she meant it no harm. "Who would do this to you?!" Her face contorted in a mix of anger and concern as she held her hand out in front of it. It nuzzled her warmly and her heart melted a little. Despite its disheveled look, she still thought it looked adorable as it curled the leaves on its sides behind its body and rubbed its head against her palm. She felt a compulsion to get the poor thing out of there.

Clutching the tarp against her body, Rosie stepped away, realizing something dreadful: the cage was locked. If this one was locked, then the others were bound to be as well, and boy were there lots of others. In fact, as she looked around the room, she saw what appeared to be dozens of other cages with tarps covering them much like this one. She had a feeling all the other Pokemon were in a similar state to this one, and she had a sinking feeling in her heart. As someone who had grown to love animals in all forms, the idea of someone mistreating or neglecting them made her blood boil, all the more reason not to worry too much about what she'd done to the woman on the floor above her.

"Oh...my God..." Her eyes widened in horror as she looked around her at all the cages, and suddenly noticed a small red light on the doors of all of them. That's when it hit her. They were electronically locked. The computer in the center of the room must be the console that controls the locks on the cages. All she had to do was figure out how to access it and she could free them! Including the Cottonee, which, hopefully, would return to its trainer and if her hunch was correct, send her back home to end this humiliating lucid dream.

"Alright, let's get you all out of here." Rosie gave a short nod to the Cottonee as she headed over to the computer, positioning herself in front of the keyboard. She didn't even have time to consider what exactly might be inside the other cages that she was about to open as a password screen appeared on the monitor. "Shit..." She thought for a moment, and decided to make a few guesses. She shrugged her shoulders and began typing with one hand as she held the tarp up against her body with the other.

"Let's see...might as well try this." She typed the word 'Plasma' into the monitor and hesitated for a moment before pressing the 'Enter' key. That was when her heart sunk again as the screen lit up with a screen reading "Incorrect password: 3 more attempts before lockdown."

"Well....shit." She rubbed her head a little and tried not to panic as the tarp sagged a bit, exposing her breasts on her front side. She didn't seem to notice as she looked around for any clues about the password. She remembered what the woman had been blabbering about before and decided to try something else.

'Ghetsis.' Enter. Incorrect.

"Fuck! This is hopeless..." She shook her head, about to call it quits when she looked back over at the Cottonee, its sunken, tired eyes looking back at her like its life was depending on her. She couldn't quit on it now. "Come on, Rosie, think!" Rosie laid her head down on her wrist as she rested on her elbow, all but dropping the tarp entirely, and leaving her naked body completely exposed again as she bent over the keyboard, but she wasn't too worried about that right now. After all, what was the big deal if a few Pokemon saw her naked? She turned to the side a little as she began to type into the keyboard again, hitting random keystrokes in the hopes that something would come to her.

Nothing. She had no idea what to type in and slammed her fist down in frustration, leaving a few random keystrokes on the desk, which elicited a loud bang on the keyboard, and a subsequent growl from one of the cages, seemingly agitated by the sound. Startled, Rosie turned around frantically, leaning her hands on the keyboard unwittingly. "S-shit! What the hell..." She held a hand against her chest as her heart beat quickly, and as she raised her hand against the keyboard, her palm pressed against the "Enter" key, accidentally submitting the nonsensical keystrokes she had entered before.

"Oh fuck. Oh no no no!" Rosie turned around quickly, bending her naked body over the keyboard again as she tried to cancel the action, but it was too late.

All of the lights in the bunker flashed red suddenly as an alarm began to blast, and a notice appeared suddenly on the screen in bright red letters reading 'Too many incorrect attempts. Lockdown procedure initiated.'

"God dammit!" Rosie slammed her fist down on the table again in a fit of rage, which quickly turned into horror as the meaning of the word 'lockdown' dawned on her. She turned back toward the ladder that led to the surface, and saw the red lights flashing up toward the top. The room was a veritable mess of noise and overstimulation which started to get to her, and she quickly ran toward the ladder in a panic, leaving the tarp on the ground and not thinking twice at that moment about the poor Cottonee.

Rosie made it up the ladder in seconds, given her complete nudity, and as she held on to the rungs of the ladder, alarms blaring in her ears, she slammed her palm against the grate, which had now seemingly shut itself tight. Her heart was now racing as she thought about the ramifications of being locked down in an underground criminal base, and she began to panic, crying out for help.

"Oh god, someone! Open it up! Get me out of here!" She slammed her first against the door quickly, running out of breath and exhausting herself as she felt her arms and legs begin to ache from the strain of her own body weight on the ladder. "Please...." She cried a little, realization setting in that she might very well die down here, naked, cold and hungry.

That was until the grate suddenly opened above her head with a loud scraping sound. Completely caught up in her own panic, Rosie gasped and crawled up from underneath the grate as quickly as her exhausted limbs would let her, and collapsed on the floor in front of her as she panted, trying to catch her breath.

"Uhhh...a-are you okay?" A firm, demanding voice called out above her head as she opened her eyes, and she just subtly nodded, holding her thumb up above her as she laid on her bare back on the floor of the tent.

"S-swell, thanks...." She laid her arm back down when her mind returned to her again and her face flushed with embarrassment. She immediately covered herself with her arms on the ground and got to her feet, backing up against the wall.

"Uh...mind telling me what's going on here?" The man stared down at her in a somewhat condescending way. He was wearing blue overalls, a utility belt and appeared to have a sidearm on his hip as he spoke with her.

"U-um...well I-I..." Rosie stood on her tiptoes as she clung her arms to her body, desperately trying to hide her privates from the man's view. "U-um...c-clothes...m-maybe?" She shrugged a little, hoping he would take pity on her so she could explain herself.

He either didn't hear or seemed to ignore her request as he shook his head at her. "Jesus...I knew they were taking Pokemon, but...this is too far." He clenched his fist as Rosie looked at him, puzzled. "Are you alright, ma'am?"

Rosie faked an awkward smile, and nodded. "Aha, yeah, um..just...you know...a little naked...y-you think maybe I could-" She gestured to the man's coat, in the hopes that he would take her hint.

He cut her off before she could finish by flashing his badge at her. "I'm Officer Peters from the Mistralton P.D." He put his badge away suddenly and gave her a proud smile, putting his hands on his hips. "We've been investigating these recent Pokemon disappearances I'm sure you've heard about in the news. We were just about to pack it up for the day when we heard the alarms coming from here and immediately headed over. It looks like our hunch was right."

Rosie was stunned, humiliated and more and more frustrated as the man spoke to her. She covered herself up tightly with her arms as she walked closer to him, glaring up at the man. "Listen...officer. It's your JOB to protect and serve, right? So do you mind...maybe...GIVING THE NAKED CHICK SOME FUCKING CLOTHES?!" She raised her voice intensely, losing her temper more than she really meant to, but she didn't care, she was tired of being so humiliated.

The officer backed away, clearly a little startled, and Rosie half expected him to pull out his handgun, but he refrained, seeming almost intimidated by her. "I...uhh...I don't..."

Before he could continue, a second, feminine voice spoke up behind him, as if to break the tension, and Rosie froze up in shock at the sight of her. "We can offer you a reward for your services." The girl stepped forward, her bright red hair falling to each side of her body like ribbons and her bright blue eyes seemingly taking in every inch of Rosie's body. "Hi. I'm Skyla, the Mistralton gym leader." She held her hand out toward Rosie, offering to sake hers.

"U-u-umm...I-I..." Rosie was dumbfounded as she begrudgingly removed her hand from her pussy to shake hers, immediately regretting it as she saw Skyla's eyes trail down toward her fiery crotch. Here she was in front of one of her idols, her favorite gym leader, and probably the whole reason she got here. Someone she wanted to fawn over and had as her cell phone wallpaper on numerous occasions. Normally, she'd be ecstatic and overwhelmed with joy, but of course, normally, she was clothed. There was something entirely humbling about being nude in front of one's idol, but in exactly the wrong ways.

Skyla gave her a gentle giggle as she let her hand go, which immediately seemed magnetized to Rosie's pussy as it instantly moved back down to cover it. "It's alright, hun, it's nothin' I haven't seen before." Skyla bent down a little and smiled at Rosie cutely, as if she might look at a small kitten. "Truth is, one of my dear Flying types is down there, and I've missed him really badly, and you've just found him for me. I think that warrants a reward, does it not, officer?" The cop nodded, seemingly happy to let Skyla take the lead here.

Rosie felt smaller than ever as she stood, naked, in front of her personal hero, desperately clinging to her modesty. "U-um...m-miss, I...I'm a huge fan...um..b-but...could I maybe have s-something to wear?" She blushed, her legs locked and tight as she turned her head away, trying to imagine she was anywhere but here.

Skyla giggled again. "I'm sure you can afford some after what we're gonna hook you up with. Somehow we never thought to check under the rug. Officer, you go ahead down there and make sure the Pokemon are all accounted for. You, miss, provided they really are down there, are in for some big bucks. This'll be the bust of the decade!" Skyla put a hand on Rosie's shoulder, patting her gently and eliciting a slight whimper from her touch.

After a moment, the officer came back up, nodding at Skyla as he began to cuff the woman in the corner, who was now beginning to wake up. "They seem to be down there. We can override the computer to get the locks open, and all the Pokemon should be returned safe and sound."

"Excellent!" Skyla smiled down at Rosie. "If you hadn't heard, the city of Mistralton posted a reward of over 50,000 Pokeyen for the location of this exact bunker." Skyla's voice gave Rosie a bit of guilt, as she felt herself swooning a little. Despite her humiliation, being naked in front of her was also strangely intimate. Not that she wished to stay that way, of course.

"R-right, um...th-that's great, but before we do...h-how about clothes?" The naked girl was beyond desperate at this point, and truly, it was a miracle she was even still standing straight.

"You'll be able to buy plenty with that much, hun." The officer spoke up again, smiling at her. She wasn't getting through to them. Strangely, too, she seemed to feel a tingling sensation across her whole body, which felt strangely familiar. It was the same way she felt when she had first arrived. This gave her an idea. She'd be able to finally test her theory. If she could resolve this the rest of the way, she might be able to get home. Covering herself up tightly still, she stood up straight again and tried to keep a straight face as she spoke to Skyla.

"Y-you know what? There's a tailor in Castelia City-"

"Exactly! You can buy your clothes from him!" The officer seemed to be growing impatient.

"No, no no! I want you to give my reward to him, along with my thanks." She frowned a little. "And make sure his little Cottonee gets home safe." She smiled warmly, closing her eyes, and suddenly things grew quiet as the tingling overtook her again. She felt cold tiles on her bare feet, and suddenly the whole room felt much bigger.

Opening her eyes, she saw the familiar sight of the shopping mall in front of her, with all of the gates closed tight and the cutout of Skyla right in front of her like before. "Whoa...I..." Looking down, she realized that, despite clearly being back home, her clothing had not returned to her, and she quickly covered herself up again, glancing around desperately. Luckily, she found them lying in a pile on the floor next to the planter, right by her cell phone, which she picked up quickly and dialed.

"Jamie?! Oh thank God. I'm...yes...I'm okay. Listen, babe, I...I'll be home soon. You're not gonna believe this...."

End of Chapter 1 - But the story is not over! There are still plenty of worlds to explore! Where should she go next?

[] Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4 Game Universe)

[] Star Wars (Original Trilogy Era)

[] Other (Write in)
[X] Star Wars (Original Trilogy Era)
I am a little confused. What just happened?

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