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The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff)

Shhh, let them live their Shirou fantasy

maybe he can wank with the other arm to even it out?

And now I'm imagining him getting walked in on.

"What are you doing?" he is asked.

"Working out for the balanced development of my body." he answers with his arm covered with training weights and with the sounds of porn playing in the background.
Ah yes a literal faphand.

Strangely the Sabagebu option won by a landslide. This will be hilarious.
[X] Create your own club
-[X] MMA Club
[x] Join Archery club
Can we join the tabletop club or is that off the table?

Heh, table puns.
Ah yes a literal faphand.

Strangely the Sabagebu option won by a landslide. This will be hilarious.

Well, it's about guns.
And High School.
In Japan.
With the Elites.
It should be fun.
(Except my rusty Japanese language is getting worse and Saba actually short for MMA or something...)

Third time I got disappointed....

At least I'm thankful to those other folks who voted the same as me.

[X] Ignore

Hachiman is many things, rude and abrasive may be one of them but he isn't an eavesdropper.
Hachiman is many things, rude and abrasive may be one of them but he isn't an eavesdropper.

His ear voyeurism is only marginally better than his eye voyeurism, as 100% oregairu character can attest, bastard have sharp ears.

(Ignore option involves jamming earphones in to block noise)


Third time I got disappointed.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you could still enjoy the quest.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you could still enjoy the quest.



Maybe it is best that I leave this Ship.

It is clear that the interest of the Crew far outweights the interest of the Captain.

Maybe I'll I return someday to this vessel or maybe I won't.


It just feels kinda unsatisfying to see your choices sink at the bottom of the ocean...

In the end, only the majority wins in story quests.

And the rest of us losers are just forced to read the results!


(I'm still reading that Confession story of yours from SB though. For me, it is far better than this one.)

source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66172340
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(I'm still reading that Confession story of yours from SB though. For me, it is far better than this one.)
It's not really surprising or something to be understated, I'm more of a storyteller than actual writer, and the weakness of not enough showing the story shows up more with frequency of update and lack of co-writer involvement (GoukaRyuu in this case). Quality is guaranteed to hit rock bottom.

I originally planned this as actual fanfic, but nothing motivates me than other people (voters or reviewers) being involved.
[X] Ignore

Ignoring gossip is one of our 108 Skills, iirc. Talking to people to get in on the gossip... Not so much.
Ahhh motherfucker.

I forgot to add the option to join Mass media or Service club.

I feel so fucking retarded.

I'm sorry.
Chapter 2.5
Please repeat votes as needed, I feel so fucking dumb but this will never happen again, ever. My bad for writing the update half asleep. I sincerely apologize as a GM

Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 10 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[X] Visit some Sports Club (Archery)
No. of Votes: 10
The Brotagonist

[x] Create your own club
No. of Votes: 8

-[x] Survival Game Club
No. of Votes: 4

-[X] MMA Club
No. of Votes: 4

Total No. of Voters: 18

You decide to pick one last gamble on the week and visit the Archery club on Friday. As expected, the Kyuudo club to have a large plot and exclusive building to themselves.

The building is pretty old, this Kyuudo complex can be dated back all the way to 1948, so its origin can be traced to post-war rebuilding.

You sit down, seiza-style. When you arrive there, you're greeted by a bald but very handsome kyudo instructor. Judging from his appearance, he probably isn't older than 25. He looks like the type that's popular with more orthodox-minded schoolgirls too.

"You have good posture, Hikigaya-kun." He praises you for whatever reason.

"Domo." You politely nodded.

He blinks, "So you're interested in Kyuudo in particular?"

"To be honest, not particularly so." You answer truthfully, "I was an external student and have difficulties catching up and fitting in in my first semester, however now that I settled in, I have a surprisingly large amount of free time."

"I see." The instructor smiled gently, "I really like that you're being honest."

As someone who had not much forte, being honest probably the least you can do in this situation. Instead, you try to look at him and see if he's judging you for it.

He didn't, his eyes so serene and clear, like that of flowing water. It's the eyes of someone who simply cannot be lied to. Like the eyes of a Buddha.

"Are you nervous and agitated?" He asks again, "Are you trying to fill that emptiness in your heart with Kyudo."

"I'm addicted." You smile in defeat, "And I want to see if Kyudo has the cure."

"Excellent." He claps his hands, excited. Slowly, he pushes his hands on the floor as he stand-up. "Come on, we need to have you change into Hakama first."

And so you changed into traditional Kyudo Hakama, which has a black bottom and white top.

"...should I expose my shoulder?"

"We're not at that stage yet."

"Ah." You nod, "It might take months until I start shooting for real."

"Not necessarily, I'm well aware of the circumstances surrounding Shuchiin and it's students." The instructor says, "You see, every Shuchiin students are genius of some sort, and you're not an exception."


"People might say, if everyone is a genius then no one is... but I don't believe that's the case." He laughs, "It means the degree of advancement is always faster than average people, but the variance in learning speed is even greater between individuals."

"In other words, we're not going to set any specific time for the student to advance on the next step. Rather, we do it as soon as the student prove they're ready to advance."

"I see."

Honestly, you're doubtful that you can advance that fast.

The instructor gives you a strange stick with a rubber tied to it. You recognize it as a training bow.

"Here, try to pull as far as you can with this pose." The instructor makes a shooting pose while holding the same item as you are.

You stretch it until your right arm completely folded while your left hand stretched out. It takes some effort, but not unreasonably so.

"You have the arms strength needed." The instructor says, "Let's move the next step."

"Already?" You're actually surprised.

"Most beginner can't pull that rubber bow into full draw position." He smiles widely, "They take a few weeks of repeating the same movement until they can build enough strength."

Ah, the advantage of athleticism.

"We'll move to shaho-hassetsu." Thus read as eight stages of shooting. "Not much to remember, but a lot to master. This is the core of Kyudo, as long as you master this, the rest will be so much easier."

The first step is to take a few careful steps forward until you're in shooting position, and then spread your legs with your feet forming roughly 60 degrees outward. This step is known as Ashibumi. The second steps are straightening of the torso and recommended to take a breath in. This step is called Dozukuri.

The third part is to ready the bow in front of you while regulating breathing pace. This part thus is known as Yugamae. And so on.

You follow all the eight-step awkwardly and stiffly, and you make a lot of mistakes. Nevertheless, the instructor patiently teaches you the proper way, again, again and again.

And before you know it, one hour had passed.

"This is what we call hammering the basic." The instruction stops you, "We should stop today, or else you'll strain your muscles."

It's true that while you warm-up before the practice, your right shoulder is a bit sore.

And so you change back into your uniform.

"How's your experience?"

"Complicated." You answer him, "It seems so simple looking, yet so profoundly difficult to do."

"But the fact that you skip several weeks of training is good." He praises you, "It means you don't need to build a stronger foundation, but rather you need to build the support pillars forming the shape of Kyudo."


"Kyudo huh." Miyuki remarks when the three of you sat around the table, studying, "Shinomiya didn't attend today because she's active in the council."

So that's why she's not present during your visit.

"In my opinion, you shouldn' join Kyudo." Ryuju lightly remarks, "It's an extremely asymmetrical sport, your body evolve with it. Once you start, this process will continue until you stop. The longer you continue, the more drastic it changes."

For someone who obsessed with balanced development, Ryuju seems to find that Kyudo's very methodical approach unfitting, unlike other martial arts or track and field.

So if you join the Kyudo club, it's likely that Ryuju won't follow and join as well.

"What about you, Shirogane? Are you sure you can't join any club at all?" She asks him.

"Well no, I need to work after all." Miyuki sighs.

All that's hard work and for what, 100K yen a month? It's not small money for average high school students, but compared to time invested? Surely he can earn more?

"Well, unless I find something more interesting I gotta stick to my guns." Ryuju also confirms, "None of the current existing clubs worth joining for me. But if you're there it might be more bearable."

Hmm, so it was like that.

[ ] Join Archery club
[ ] Join Mass Media club
[ ] Join Service Club (Need Alignment:Order)
[ ] Create your own club
-[ ] MMA Club
-[ ] Survival Game Club
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Mistakes happen don't beat your self up over it.
Zero was mighty pissed with it and is doing reset vote.

[X] Join Mass Media club

Honestly I don't see any better way than this. Hachiman dislike gossips which makes him ironically the best at breaking them apart. He can bring the truth and influence Shuchiin as a whole.

Renko you got a second chance here, want to gamble the fourth?

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