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The Grey Wolf (HOI 4 Romania)

Bang bang, you shot me down
"UN Resolution number eleven. Soviet Union is found to be an enemy of peace, as proven by the six countries it has attacked since 1939, plus numerous spy rings in democratic nations. The Security Council demands that the Soviet Union pays reparations to the attacked countries, commensurate to loses incurred by the innocents, such as human lives and injuries, dead animals, lost crops and forests, plus bombed buildings and economic loss due to seizures, lost work-hours by conscripted soldiers and so on. " King Carol recited while reading from a folder on his table.

Molotov blanched as the eyes of the world turned on him. The proper response would be to dare them all to come and take it from his cold dead hands. Siberia was large enough to bury even the whole Chinese army. But then again, the Mad King was barely waiting for another reason to unleash freedom via high-explosives, especially the kiloton range freedom clouds.

Comrade Mao was probably already dead, as that Romanian battleship would have targeted army concentrations first, and Mao always said the power flows from the barrel of a gun, making sure he always had enough soldiers to provide power.

"We will comply to the UN's Security Council requests, as long as my country is able to afford such reparations. I would remind the United Nations present here that my country has also suffered from war and devastation, and is much reduced in industry and population as a result." Molotov answered diplomatically. Nobody raised a hand to counter the resolution, so it was unanimous.

"Poland requests an additional clause. Since our officers were massacred by the Soviets after they surrendered, we demand an equivalent exchange. 20000 Soviet officers." the Polish delegate spoke in a cold voice.

The Mad King rose an eyebrow, but declined to comment, instead nodding towards Roosevelt.

"Poland has signed the Geneva Convention. I can understand the urge for retribution, but murdering random Soviet officers wouldn't help. I'm certain Comrade Molotov will do everything to produce the persons culpable for the Katyn massacre and they will stand trials for their war crimes, much like those in Germany, Italy and Japan will." the American President spoke with a sad voice.

Molotov could only grit his teeth. "We will comply with this request."

"Another request, from Romania. In 1917, as the Central Powers invaded my country, the Romanian treasury was transported to Russia for safety. I want it returned, or otherwise replaced with more valuable treasures, separate from the payments to repair Romanian economy and the costs of the Dacian Wall. For example, Romania could receive 100-years lease over the Soviet goldmines, while said lease could be enforced by a random organization, let's say the Archangel Michael's Legion." King Carol demanded in a shameless voice.

Molotov hesitated at the obvious trap. The tangible treasures were already spent to fuel the Soviet economy, or to purchase technology and weapons from the West. The rest of the Romanian treasury was likely radioactive ash along with the rest of Kremlin and Stalin himself. Hence why the Mad King was asking for a lease on the gold mines.

"I think 100 years is a bit much..." Molotov muttered with a low voice. The Mad King wanted his wall payed by the Soviet Union, after it was used to massacre 2 million Soviet soldiers and thousands of tanks?

"Fine! I can be a generous man. 99 years it is." King Carol decided with a magnanimous voice.

"..." Molotov looked for signs of support among the Security Council, but since Poland and Finland were present, there wasn't much of a chance for a veto, even without the scary atomic bombs of the Romanian King. Whoever thought it was a bright idea to recall him from his perpetual vacation in Paris?

At the side of the King, Land Marshall Antonescu murmured something, and the King nodded.

"My Archangels are rather busy training for jet flights and such. Land Marshall Antonescu will organize a Gold Commission to oversee my new gold mines. Gold Commissars lording over Soviet miners in the Soviet Union, who would have thought of this, even two years ago, am I right?" King Carol asked a bit rhetorical.

The Finish delegate saluted the Mad King as if to support his madness.

Finland had already doubled its surface and gained a million Karelians, but it seemed they were not satisfied yet. "Finland has another request. Soviet Union would provide a dozen civilian factories for important necessities like clothes and cement, plus 2000 tanks in working order. Our new territory is much larger now, and the Finish army will need more tanks to defend it."

Winston Churchill grabbed his chin in deep thought, exchanging a glance with Roosevelt, then King Carol.
While Russia was certainly neutered and partly occupied now, they would recover in a decade or less, even without 3 bombed cities.

"The United Kingdom supports Finland, but only if the Imperial Russia also receives 2000 tanks from the Soviet Union. Balance must be maintained, after all." Winston spoke in a final voice.

Molotov felt himself about to faint. 4000 tanks given for free?

King Carol smiled a bit too wide. "Balance? What about Poland and China then? They should also receive 2000 tanks each, and achieve parity with Soviet Union. Just in case they decide to invade someone, right?" he proposed with a Machiavellian tone.

Molotov wanted to argue that Romania had also invaded a bunch of countries recently, but that wouldn't be wise nor safe.
The winners wrote history now, and the Soviet Union was not among the winners.

Roosevelt felt the time was right and spoke first. "Indeed. The remaining 2000 tanks will suffice for the Soviet Union to secure its borders. The Security Council will withdraw now to debate the exact amount of reparations and the time scale needed, considering the current state of the Soviet Union and its prognosticated growth over the next 20 years."

Molotov felt his blood drain away, since all those 8000 tanks would need to be in working order, meaning the remaining 2000 would be the rusted junks used for training or spare parts.

As his plane landed back home in Chita, Molotov did not receive the state parade, nor even a Party delegation.

Only a trio of NKVD brutes, that dragged him in cuffs into a marshy bog. Comrade Khrushchev was already there, loading his Makarov pistol with slow gestures.

"Comrade Molotov, you sold the country to the Imperialists. Not only our tanks, but also the gold mines! Your death might appease the party for a bit, but the gold mines were supposed to pay for our atomic program! Now, it will take us 50 years of tight belts to build the bomb too. I hope Stalin and Beria receive you with worse words in Hell..."


'It's not fair...' Molotov thought as his stomach flared in pain.

Bang, bang!

'At least shoot me in the head...' Molotov pleaded with his mouth tied and glaring eyes.

"Bury him! Then throw a dead pig into the grave." Comrade Khrushchev ordered as he climbed in his car.

'I'm not dead yet...' Molotov muttered silently, as his body was thrown into a muddy hole, then covered with more mud.

Bang! At least they shot the pig first...
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i wonder how many of the nations formed in the aftermath of ww2 will go monarchist will there be a split where once your passed germany its just monarchy as far as the eye can see and than a little wall surrounding the wasteland of communism?
Not familiar with WW2 politics.

Why kill Beria, only to get Molotov killed by Kuoaweruoiger?

Khrushchev. Hard to say whether this exact situation would have happened but it's not too surprising. Communists and authoritarians more broadly are just like that. Power struggles, executions, corruption, weird symbolisms and rituals (ironically most of them are atheist). Molotov failed, and since the absolute state cannot tolerate overt failure he must be deposed by a stronger figure. Alive he's a liability and a symbol of failure, but through his execution Khrushchev can destroy the symbol of failure and get rid of his rival. It's also a signal to his new underlings of what can (and probably will) happen to them.
Romania should make a statement, very clear and loud, that if the Soviet Union even attempts to get their hands on an atomic weapon of their own, more cities will vanish in nuclear fire.
Romania should make a statement, very clear and loud, that if the Soviet Union even attempts to get their hands on an atomic weapon of their own, more cities will vanish in nuclear fire.

Romania has a 20 years lead on Soviet Union, and that lead will increase slowly for decades, since the Soviets have to pay war reparations and gold tribute.
Also, while the Soviet Union pasts the Urals is still twice as large as USA, it is less developed and populated, especially Siberia.

And as the Asiatic republics break free from the Soviets, and without a Communist China to the South, the Soviets will not fare too well for the next 50 years, nor will they be able to develop nukes so easily without the American spy reports.
Romania has a 20 years lead on Soviet Union, and that lead will increase slowly for decades, since the Soviets have to pay war reparations and gold tribute.
Also, while the Soviet Union pasts the Urals is still twice as large as USA, it is less developed and populated, especially Siberia.

And as the Asiatic republics break free from the Soviets, and without a Communist China to the South, the Soviets will not fare too well for the next 50 years, nor will they be able to develop nukes so easily without the American spy reports.
why wont they have American spy reports? I assume America also started researching hoe to make a bomb.
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why won't they have American spy reports? I assume America also started researching how to make a bomb.

Most NKVD archives were in Moscow. Now a bit more radioactive. Plus, the atomic Soviet spies were burned by Carol. They get a chair. Electric.
Also, most nuclear scientists were not in Siberia at the time of the cease-fire. Imperial Russia is a puppet state, similar to Germany/Japan, so they don't get nukes.

America is certainly researching the atom bomb, even got 1 kilo of weapon-grade uranium from Carol to conduct the Trinity test. But that is America, not the Soviet Union.

Britain is also close to making a bomb, since their 'tube alloy' program was the basis of the Manhattan Project anyways. The Cambridge ring was burned by Carol too, so no help there for the USSR.

Lastly, the USSR is much poorer now, and also has to pay war reparations to Finland, Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania for their aggression.
The Soviet gold is locked for the next 99 years as repayment for the stolen Romanian treasury in 1917.
Grey Wolf
While Europe is getting repaired by the huge American investments of the Marshall Plan, minor communist revolts and uprisings take place all over the world, supported by the USSR and various socialist movements from the West.

To combat this, the UN Security Council convened for a secret meeting, then constructed and implemented their Angel Protocol, basically a covert operation copied after the Archangels Legion. Deniable assets, used to hunt down communist assets all over the world.

In public, the meeting resulted in the creation of Security Treaty Organization, which would include most of Europe and North America, as well as Japan and Korea.

Boldly and charismatically, King Carol also invited Venezuela and Brazil to the treaty, then unveiled his own project for a safe sky. First, communication and surveillance satellites in Earth's orbit, followed by manned space-stations and later fortified asteroids and spaceships.

"This seems a bit far-fetched...King Carol." President Roosevelt muttered in a tired voice. He didn't have long to live, but still forged on.

"Which part?" the Mad King asked, while tugging on his mustache, in a curious voice.

A wild-haired man whispered something into the President's ear, making him frown. Einstein wasn't only a nuclear scientist.

"It seems that rockets could indeed carry satellites into our planet's orbit. As for the rest..." the American President mused in a lost voice.

"So it is true! You already launched a rocket into space, King Carol?" Churchill growled with a hoarse voice.

"Yesterday, yes. Next week we are planning to launch a few hamsters as well. Low gravity may impede natural organ functions, so mammal tests are required." the Mad King explained with a careless shrug.

The Security Council exploded in praise and outrage, sometimes both at once.

"Wernher Von Braun and Hermann_Oberth didn't die on that train then. You hid them!" De Gaulle exploded in outrage.

"The reports only said they were believed to be dead and evaporated. I was quite glad to find both of them alive and well. Of course I hid them, else some communists kill them or something." King Carol answered with a cool voice, oozing of victory.
The Oberth-effect, or the gravitational slingshot, was already used for calculating future planetary fly-byes by probes and later satellites.

"So this is why the Tobago Island was transformed into a military airbase. You are launching rockets into orbit..." President Roosevelt spoke in a soft voice.

"Something about planetary rotation being better... Surely, Mister Einstein can explain it better." the Mad King offered with a wink.

A hundred eyes locked on the poor scientist, who nodded shyly. "That is correct. Escape velocity is smaller at the Ecuator, plus the planet's rotation aids a ship to...nevermind. It seems the details are classified." the man muttered with dismay as the President glared at him.

"Anyways, since we are allied and all, every country in the treaty will be invited to send astronauts into space, as soon as human spaceflight is feasible. Of course, it all depends on participation fees and such, but America and Britain are quite rich, right?" the Romanian King proposed with a gentle smile, making every diplomat present grind their teeth with envy or hate.

This was extortion, pure and simple! Not only that, but declining to join would deprive said country of the prestige of having astronauts in space. On the global scale, prestige was a powerful commodity.

"France will be honored to participate! We have hundreds of fighter pilots with excellent physical condition, and advance science of our own!" De Gaulle spoke in a hurry.

Roosevelt exchanged a glance with Churchill, then sighed. "Fine. Every Treaty member will send at least one astronaut, in the order of their participation fee. How would they land back?"

King Carol smiled. "There are three options for re-entry: by parachute, by gliding and on retro-thrusters. Parachutes are feasible even now, the other options are more expensive and dangerous. However, for the Moon landings, only the last option is feasible, as the lander needs to fly back to the mothership and return to Earth."

Einstein stood up, eyes wild on his face. "Moon landings?" he asked with extreme interest.

"Not for a decade, Mister Einstein. I was told regular stainless-steel ships are not sufficient for crossing the radiation belts. Science is still young or something." King Carol mused with a longing voice.

The Security Council exploded once more in vociferous outrage.

Much later, after the blue banner of the Treaty was voted and approved, Einstein approached King Carol in private.

"King Carol...I am not dreaming, right?" he asked a bit hesitant.

"That is a very serious question, Mister Einstein. Are you real, or is this all just a dream? A sufficiently advanced simulation could project an entire holographic universe for a brain in a jar, and we'd never know." The Mad King answered in a dreamy voice.

Einstein shuddered for a second. "You wouldn't even need a jar."

"Exactly. I am told there is an asteroid out there made entirely of platinum. Something about light being a different color when reflected back." the King said with a completely unscientific tone.

"Spectroscopy. The analysis of reflected spectrum..." the genial scientist answered with a sad voice.

"Indeed. I read your early works, you know? Lightspeed...is it truly a barrier, or something we imagine? If we compressed the universe into a ball, it would be the size of Earth, with its mass hidden under an event horizon. But we could still walk on this surface, still at 1 G. We wouldn't even notice, although time would pass trillions of times slower." the Mad King mused then drank from a long champagne glass.

Something lit up in Einstein's eyes, and he looked at the Mad King with new eyes. "There is no science to prove your theory, King Carol."

"And your own science doesn't even measure lightspeed, only its reflection. Light might travel as fast one way and instantly back to your recorder, and you'd never even know. Not that it does, mind you. Light might have a speed limit, but not everything is light." the Mad King mused deep in his glass.

"If something could move faster than light, then time travel...paradoxes." Einstein warned the King with an easy voice.

King Carol sighed. "Our universe is expanding. Much slower now, but still faster than light. But in the beginning, it was a billion times faster than light. Space itself inflated from a particle size to a galaxy size in a millisecond. And this can be proven with science. Just measure the sky at the right frequency."

Much later, Einstein and his team proved the Big Bang Theory on the same day as the Mad King became the first man in space.

Sadly, the man never returned to Earth, due to a malfunction to the guidance system.

Today, the entire Romanian Empire call him the Grey Wolf. The rest of the world calls him the Mad King, but only in a whisper. He might come back one day.

*Final objective achieved: Become the first man in space.
-Achievement list:
-Obtain an Army at least 500000 soldiers in size.
-Obtain an Airforce at least 1000 planes in size.
-Build or obtain a Navy containing at least 1 battleship, 10 cruisers, 6 carriers and 100 destroyers.
-Sunk! : Sink at least one battleship.
-Civilization: Obtain at least 100 civilian factories.
-Militarism: Obtain at least 100 military factories.
-Road builder. Build at least 10000 kms of roads and railroads.
-Scientist. Build or obtain at least 10 research centers.
-High walls. Build at least 10 forts at level 9.
-Millionaire. Kill at least 1 million enemies.
-Billionaire. Obtain at least 1 billion dollars.
-Obtain the first operational jet fighter.
-Obtain the first operational jet bomber.
-Obtain the first operational nuclear submarine.
-Ace of Aces. Obtain at least 100 Aces.
-Shiva: Be the first to develop atomic weapons.
-MAD: Destroy at least 2 cities with atomic weapons.
-Trinity: Conquer or destroy Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow.
-Kami: Save Hiroshima from nuclear fire.
-Conquer at least one province from all your neighbor countries.
-No step back. Do not lose a single province.
-Colonialism. Obtain a colony in Africa or Asia.
-Neocolonialism. Obtain a colony in America.
-Royal Flush. Obtain at least 5 islands in 5 different oceans.
-Seven Seas: your country or your puppets touch 7 different seas.
-Hexagon. Obtain at least 6 puppet countries.
-Lightning. Conquer a country in 10 days or less.
-Bloodless. Conquer a country without killing a single human.
-Finnish Him! Finland doesn't lose any province.
-Marching through Georgia: Conquer Georgia.
-Yalta or bust. Conquer Crimea.
-Byzantium. Conquer Constantinople.
-Triple Kill: Kill Hitler, Stalin and Mao.
-Holy Savior. Save at least 1 million Jews and send them to Palestine.
-Holy Land: establish a State of Israel in Palestine.
-Big Five. Become a UN Security Council member.
-Not a Sputnik: Send the first satellite into space.
-Laika lives: Send the first mammal into space. Return optional.

Bonus objectives:
-Fastest man alive. You are currently traveling at 27000 kms/hour. (towards the Triangulum Galaxy)
-Balls of steel. You are currently traveling inside a ball made of steel. (remaining oxygen for 0.14 secs)
-Schrodinger's Cat. Your space capsule has lost orbital guidance and transceiver connection with Earth. Nobody knows if you're dead or alive.
-Earth Medalist. Obtain most medals ever. (79.3 kgs. Not the usual measurement unit)
-Vanish. Your body vanishes in space, never to be found. (medals not included)

*You have obtained an Entertainment Medal! (Historical Society-alternate, Trantor University)
*You have obtained an Entertainment Medal! (Temporal Studies-applied, Icarus timelock 13)
*You have obtained an Entertainment Medal! (WW2 re-enactment art club, synthetic kindegarden for gifted Ones, Triangulum galaxy)
*You have obtained an Entertainment Medal! (Kardashev simulation group 5.1)

*Note: Entertainment Medals can be used in future campaigns or builds as personal or specific polity bonuses, including but not limited to:
-Polity scale upgrades to genetics, technology or internal energy.
-paracausal knowledge including Akashic Archives up to level 17b.
-limited or localized ominiscience.
-limited or localized ominipotence.
-limited or localized ominicompetence.
-Bodyform timelock (personal invulnerability for Tier 4 or lower Kardashev simulations)
-Tier 5 cultivation core (single-verse range)
-System adjutant (non-localized, AA version 18c)

*New game plus ( Kardashev simulation group 5.1) opens in T-59 hours (Terran)
-Do you desire to: die, return to your space capsule, enter a new game?
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Earth's orbit, followed by manned space-stations and later fortified asteroids and spaceships.

and we shall leave the ternary of earths gravity behind!! Seig Zion!

Wait, what he died? Or faked his death to become his own son and heir? It was just getting good I hope this ain't the end. Thanks for the chapter.
Well that was a bit anticlimactic, but at least it was an ending of sorts. We rarely get proper ones in those kinds of stories. I guess that means congratulations are in order!
Thank you very much for your story. I have enjoyed it immensely. :)
Ngl kinda like it better that way.

Thats why 40k reasons keeps going.

It just never ends!
40k? Do you mean the official one? If so, it is a franchise maintained by a for profit company involving dozens of creators both great and trashy. It's hard to compare it to a fanfic written for fun by a single guy on the internet.
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40k? Do you mean the official one? If so, it is a franchise maintained by a for profit company involving dozens of creators both great and trashy. It's hard to compare it to a fanfic written for fun by a single guy on the internet.

This author also has a story has "40k Reasons" -- been going for a while, something like a million words last I checked.
Found a fitting song for the Iron Legion dudes who rode those planes into the naval targets and cities. Sanctified with Dynamite, by Powerwolf. Definitely made me think of a guy riding a plane-nuke into Moscow.
Yeah…no pef this doesn't end here, no no it does not, I need a new chapter where either he reincarnates as his son or he comes back with riches and bitches from space
Achievement list now available in the last chapter.

Ah well it was a good story but I was honesty expecting it to keep going with your dose of the usual insanity, moon bases, mechs and all kinds of abominations while the rest of the world watches on in horror.

anyway, did he leave a heir for his empire I can't recall? Would love to see an interlude of how history progressed from this point onward but still it was a very entertaining story thank you.

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