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The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 389 – Aftermath (2)
"So, how are the preliminary assumptions of what was left after Warlocks?"

I asked as I visited Grayfia, who was in charge of organizing everything we found after taking over the Canghzi Plane.

"Lot... even if we don't count what Noble Houses and powerful experts captured on their own and got their cut of 80%, we are still talking about an enormous amount of resources left by the Warlock Factions. Fortunately, no one managed to escape the Canghzi Plane. The majority of the population was either killed during conquest as collateral damage or killed in combat. Those who managed to survive are right now being hunted down by Magical Beasts we released."

Answered Grayfia as I expected something like this.

Warlocks were one of the oldest Paths in the Universe, and there were countless factions, be it on the Surface World or in the Core World, and we needed to search every nook and cranny through the entire plane before I would let Baator devour the Canghzi Plane.

Plenty of inheritance sites and legacies should be hidden across the entire plane. After the conquest ended, Grayfia arrived at the Canghzi Plane to organize all things because it was found out I sucked at paperwork, and in truth, I didn't even want to deal with it, and my idiotic son Sirzechs disappeared somewhere with Serafall...

"Right now, our priority should be digesting the entire Canghzi Plane and everything we snatched from the Warlocks after the conquest. Additionally, let the Executioner Temple screen through every captured territory if we didn't miss something and start selling slaves. Have the Blood Races and others contacted us already?"

The Slave business was one of the most profitable things the Chthonian Empire did. Usually, when we conquered some plane, and the population wasn't instantly exterminated due to some reasons, then the best way to dispose of them was to sell them to other species.

Such species were, of course, Blood Races of the Divine Blood Plane who needed large quantities of blood, Dragons from the various planes who wanted cheap food, and some Magical Beasts Hegemons who established their own factions and, similarly to dragons, wanted those people as food.

"Of course, this morning, representatives of several True Ancestors, Primordial Dragons, and Monster Lords arrived at the Baator and are currently negotiating the prices with Venelana as they would be all sold through the IMC."

If this was a cartoon, my eyes would have a symbol of gold in them because we would be selling billions of humans and other races from the conquered territories, and the riches we would make on it would be staggering.

The reason Grayfia decided to sell them through the IMC was simple.

All profit would directly go to the Imperial House.

If it was sold through the Empire, then all profit would go to the Imperial Treasury.

I established this rule when creating an Empire so the later generation won't be able to finance their living styles and luxury with the national money but would be forced to use their own.

"Vene would be able to raise the price to the top, but impose some conditions on them and especially the one they must help in transportation of the slaves... we have captured basically billions of people, and countless of them are relatively powerful warlocks for lesser standards and could cause problems during the transportation."

I said as I didn't want to see any problems during this deal.

"Of course, I will tell them to icnreae security, and we can choose one plane which would act as a transitory one for the slaves."

One of the things we were selling just because we had too much of it were several captured Holy Spirit Warlocks and the corpses of some of them. That alone would fetch an astronomical price for even a single one, as Kindreds could significantly advance their strength by devouring their blood.

Of course, the corpses of the Warlock Emperor and their blood weren't put on sale. Still, they were reserved for our own citizens who can redeem them with merits or would get them as a reward for achievements. I already sent several tens of liters of their blood to the Alucard and Brunestud so they could increase their strength.

Ufnrotuanely, from the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan, not even a soul remained after the world was done with him and The End was done with him, and if I was a bit more powerful, I could have reaped greater benefits.

I then grabbed my wife at her waist, as she yelped in surprise and put Fia on my lap, as I was hugging her close to me.

"Now is not the appropriate time for such acts."

Muttered Grayfia as she attempted to resist, but to no avail, and in the end, she just stayed in my embrace.

"I heard that the location of the Inheritance Tomb of the Golem Emperor was finally discovered and unsealed... I plan to enter that place by myself."

I said because, as a fan of Golems, I cannot wait to rob the inheritance of the Golem Emperor. Golem Dynasty was one of the two Warlock Dynasties that originated from the Canghzi Plane but weren't located here, or rather contrary to the Dawn Dynasty, which left, this one collapsed.

Apparently, in his later years, the Golem Emperor went a bit mad and basically refined most of his servants into living golems or killed them; this included some of the powerful Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks.

When people rose against him in rebellion, he just went puff, and nobody heard about him or his court ever again. Thus his Golem Dynasty collapsed without any resistance and became annals of history.

It was told in rumors that billions of golems disappeared together with the Golem Emperor, and his inheritance of superior golem refining method was buried with him if he ever died. Though, there are even rumors that he refined himself into some kind of ultimate golem.


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Chapter 390 – Relic Site of the Golem Dynasty
Eastern Warlock World... right now, it would be better to name it ruins of the Eastern Warlock World.

Somewhere where once existed Li Gui Province, countless people were running here and there, with various equipment, putting down the ward stones and other things, as the Relic Site of the Golem Emperor was discovered, and I would be entering it, together with Hela and Grayfia.

Golem Dynasty was one of the strongest Warlock Dynasties, and if the Golem Emperor didn't go mad in his later years, it would still stand strong to this day as a hegemon in the Core World. The Golem Dynasty's power didn't originate from their individual combat prowess or cultivation but from the immeasurable armies of golems and puppets.

The Golem Dynasty produced 3 Empyrean Golems and 12 Holy Golems. With the power to contend against Warlock Emperor rank existences, the 3 Empyrean Golems are the crystallization of the Golem Lord's golem arts. The 12 Holy Golems have the strength to contend against Holy rank Holy Spirit Warlock rank powerhouses.

Even the Chthonian Empire didn't produce Mechs at Tier 10 yet, though the blueprints for such things were already done and prepared; just gathering materials and people skilled enough to construct them aside from Ajuka or Me were almost non-existent.

"Can we go?"

I asked my two wives who would be accompanying me to the Golem Emperor's relic. Hela was already Tier 11, and Grayfia was just one step from reaching Tier 11 as well.

"Of course, husband."

Said Hela as we entered the relic site.

The entire relic site was like a massive planet, as all three of them felt a strong, attractive force take hold of them and pull them toward the celestial body.

When they entered the celestial body, they saw fantastic buildings thousands of meters tall, giving off the sense of a futuristic technological civilization. Only the 10- and 11-story-tall Warlock towers as well as the mysterious runes engraved on the various buildings, demonstrate that this is a Warlock celestial body.

"Have you noticed it?"

I asked as both of them nodded and readied for combat.

"There is practically no life despite the ridiculous amount of energy in the air."

Stated Hela warily as I summoned Atiesh, Hela her Necroswords and Grafia her dagger.

The level of Magicules here was practically no inferior to that of Avernus, which had the lowest amount of Magicules in the Baator, but even that was bigger than the majority of the Primary Grade 2 Planes in the Astral Boundary.

Even under these conditions, no life was present; it could mean only one thing. Something or someone killed every lifeform in this Relic Site.

As I scanned the area closer, I immediately noticed something.

"Living Golem!"

Now I felt immense greed in myself when I saw that Living Golem.

The Golem Dynasty's highest crystallization of alchemy is an incredible golem art called Living Golem. The Living Golem can practice cultivation on its own and use golem force. In the era of the 6th Warlock Dynasty, the Golem Lord traveled to countless planes with 3 Empyrean Golems and 12 Holy Golems in tow.

At that time, countless powerful existences were eroded and turned into golems by the 3 Empyrean Golems and 12 Holy Golems.

After the collapse of the 6th Warlock Dynasty, the other race allied army fearing the Living Golems slew them. Legend has it that the 3 Empyrean Golems and 12 Holy Golems leading the remaining Living Golems escaped to a plane and established a world called Golem Realm.

Living Golems are a supreme masterpiece of the Golem Emperor. They are fearsome existences that can practice cultivation and possess powerful force. These were even far superior to the Mechanical Automatons developed by the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

If I could capture that Living Golem, not only I would be able to uncover the mysteries of its creation, but also use him to locate the Golem Realm and conquer the Golem Realm and obtain the complete inheritance of the Golem Dynasty, together with billions of Golems.

I immediately unleashed my presence on the entire Relic Site, and after several seconds of scanning it through and through, I realized there was nothing to fear, as the strongest Golem here was only Tier 7.

I swiftly captured the Tier 7 Living Golem and started searching through his soul, obtaining all important information about this Relic Site. Appreatnyl this was an Inheritance Site of one Holy Spirit Living Golems, called Holy Sword Puppet, so nothing really impressive.

The only notable thing about this place was that it had more than 100 billion low-level golems, which could be recycled as materials and some other Living Golems.

Though I discovered something more, and that was Golem Mountain, which was the Supreme God Treasure personally refined by the Golem Emperor. Hence, it was powerful and pretty valuable.

"This place is actually a scam... though there are few Empyrean Origin Blood Essence Fruits and other similar things, nothing useful for us is here... I expected more."

I was a bit disappointed finding out that this place was practically worthless to me, though not to the Empire, as it was filled with treasures, but to me, not that so.

But I gained something precious from this trip.

An item with the residual will of the Golem Emperor that could be used to track down the Golem Realm.


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Chapter 391 – Invitation to Banquet
After obtaining what could be obtained from the Inheritance Site of the Golem Dynasty, practically no interesting findings were done at the Canghzi Plane as the forces of the Chthonian Empire were searching through the plane.

In a few years, the entire Canghzi Plane would be assimilated by the Baator, which would, in turn, advance into a Grade 1 Plane. The resources we were obtaining from the Canghzi Plane, be its natural treasures, robbing graves/inheritance sites, or just mining precious ores, metals, gems, plants, and trees, were astounding.


I said to myself as I read the invitation that dropped on my lap out of nowhere or precisely from the space crack that appeared above me.

"What it is, dear?"

Asked Venalana as she arrived from the Baator because she wanted to check up on something here, but her real reason was jealousy that Hela and Grayfia were once again ahead of her.

"I got an invitation from Weismann to participate in the Banquet in celebration of Warlock Extermination."

As I said that, Vena brightened and immediately gave me a kiss on the cheek. Among my wives, only Venela and Grayfia were for these kinds of occasions, as Hela hated them and preferred rather go to the gladiatorial arena.

And Venelana absolutely loved participating in occasions like these. For here, these social gatherings were one of her favorite leisure activities, as she could exchange gossips that were popular in the Chthonian Empire with ladies of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

"I am going to order new dresses for both of us."

Venelana immediately dressed herself up, as I admired her enchanting nude body, as suddenly my head hurt.

"Why new ones? We have enough of them."

Each dress that Vena ordered was extremely priced, extremely. For orientation, each was made from materials gathered from Tier 10 lifeforms, and even my heart bled when she went shopping.

"But all of them are outdated, and currently, the season is different. Now clothes made from furs of Tier 9 or Tier 10 lion-type Magical Beasts are in trend, especially those with black or white color."

I squinted my eyes at her before I shook my head and just laid back.

"And we will be going with Hela and Fia; last time, they ditched it, and I want to pay them back."

I said after a short time with a vicious grin as I threw my wives under the train. Personally, I was not fond of these types of actions very much, as I found them boring, and in truth, I would prefer to be subjected to Hela's preferences and to the gladiatorial arena to watch some life and death match.

The last few times we were invited to some social gathering, be it in the Empire or somewhere else, Hela and Grayfia always ditched it and found some excuse for not going.

But not today.

Today as we were given the invitation of Weissmann, who was sort of my friend, it would be rude not to show up, so no matter what, I would be dragging both Hela and Fia with us, so they could suffer the same boredom as me there.

"Of course, I will also take them with me shopping."

Venelana smiled, probably aware of my nonpure intentions, but alas, she was happy that we would be all going together. Oh, how Hela would curse as the shopping as this was totally activity not for her.

If it were to be left to her own devices, she would be still wearing the same black-green battle armor suit from when I first met her around 3,000 years ago.

"Hmm... we can check up on what Kunou is doing... it has been a few decades since she moved to the Dresden Arcanum Empire to study ritualistic magic."

Kunou moved to the Dresden Arcanum Empire around 40 or 50 years ago to pursue higher mastery in the ritualistic magic, as she had a very high talent for it, and after learning everything in the Chthonian Empire, she wanted to learn what Arcanists had to provide.


3rd POV, Venelana

'We would be all going to the ball together; I need to make my dress look most beautiful to show that bitch Roxanne her place.'

Thought Venelana as she thought about her rival.

Roxanne was her business rival from the Dresden Arcanum Empire and the wife of one Magisters, they often came into conflict due to similar endeavors, and both basically wanted to rip each other into shreds.

'Now even Hela and Fia are going with us... I would need to choose dresses for both of them, though only for Hela, so that troublesome woman doesn't wear armor.'

Though Venelana, as she called the maid to her.

"Yes, my Lady?"

Seconds later, Venelana's personal maid arrived.

"Zeria, I need you to contact all the best tailor shops and reserve a private meeting with the best tailors for our dresses for the Banquet at the Dresden Arcanum Empire."

Instructed Venelana seriously, as the maid took notes before she diligently went to carry out orders of her master.

"It would be nice if Zeo and I had matching outfits... hmm..."

She thought before deciding to make an order for matching outfits for her and her husband.

In the past few decades, she has seen that her husband was becoming more and more detached from the worldly matters entirely, and the only people he cared about were his wives, but that was that.

Even his children he started to view as something passable? or expandable? Or that they were already old enough, and their choices were their own?

She knew that Zeoticus wouldn't care too much about his other descendants aside from direct ones, and all that would end with Abraxas and Kunou as they were the last ones from his descendants whom he cared about to a certain extent.


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Chapter 392 – Schattenreich City

After one week, I took Vena, Hela, Fia, and even Bibi Dong, whom I invited for this occasion, to the Baldaquin as I set course to the Dresden Plane as today was the banquet organized by Weissmann.

Dresden Plane was one of the few Grade 1 Planes in the Astral Boundary capable of holding and giving birth to the Tier 12 beings, so it was well protected with countless Space Fortresses similar yet different to the Baldaquin were stationed in front of it as a defensive line.

Venelana chose dresses for Hela and me, while Grayfia and Bibi Dong were "capable" enough to choose their dresses by themselves. Vena and I had a matching outfit made from the same peak Tier 10 Black Three-Tailed Lion magical beast. In contrast, Hela had something similar to that, in her theme colors of green and black.

"Your Excellency, we have been awaiting you."

Said a voice from the message that arrived at the Baldaquin as the path towards the Dresden Plane opened. We were descending to the Schattenreich City, which was the capital of the Dresden Arcanum Empire and also the place where Weissmann was born and lived till this day.

I was annoyed a bit, as I was going to get a lot of unwanted attention, particularly due to my feat of achieving the destruction of the Warlock Path from the Canghzi Plane, and more importantly, because it was sure that I would sooner or later... probably sooner reach Exarchy.

Even now, I have combat prowess that would be able to compete against some weak ones. Even the weakest of Tier 12 was still immensely powerful compared to even the strongest Tier 11, but alas, I was an irregularity.

"Smile, honey, or you will make a bad impression."

I grimaced a bit and looked at Venelana with bewildered looks. She always knew what to say or not to say...

'Woman, what bad impression? I am that could just kill them all, and just now, a few weeks ago, I extinguished billions including Tier 12 expert.'

Of course, these words just stayed in my head. I didn't really want to argue with Vena.

"What bad impression? They should be glad we don't kill them."

That was the role for Hela, as I saw my wife speak her thoughts out of loud. Because I refrained to arguing with Vena about these things, the same cannot be said about Hela, who would always say her piece.

"Not everyone is such a brute like you."

Venelana turned back and shouted to Hela.

"Of course... though you don't complain during the rough sex we have."

Suddenly a blast of power of destruction passed near Hela's head as Venelana turned bright red.

'Fight... that wasn't long here.'

I thought as with a wave of my hand; an Anti-Energy Area was deployed as Vena's Power of Destruction and Hela's Power of Death dissipated into nothingness.

"Hela, don't provoke Venelana; Venelana, don't fall for her provocation. And to both of you, don't start fighting here."

I said to them sternly, as I held Bibi Dong close to me, as she was still a Tier 8, so she would die in case she was hit by some misdirected attack.

Of course, with me here, no such thing would happen, not to mention Bibi Dong was wearing a necklace which was a defensive artifact that I personally made. It had the power to defend against the full power of Tier 11 experts.

After everyone calmed down, Baldaquin slowly approached the capital city of the Dresden Arcanum Empire, the Arcane City, the City of Magic, Schattenreich.

I always found it funny that in terms of appearance, the city reminded me of Yharnam or other cities of the Blood Races with its relatively gloomy gothic architecture but with a bit of steampunk twist with weird structures and buildings.

"Your Excellencies, a private landing area was prepared for you in the Imperial Zone of the Schattenreich."

We were heading to the Imperial Palace in the Schattenreich City as I looked through the commanding center's windows or the Baldaquin's Throne Room.

At the same time, I admired the beauty of Schattenreich City. I always liked that weird gothic slash steampunk or manapunk feel the city was giving off.

After several minutes of flight, Baldaquin finally landed down or rather arrived at the destination, and we exited the Baldaquin. In front of the Baldaquin was already a welcoming delegation waiting for us, led by Yatogami Kuroh, who became Tier 11 Arcane Lord some time ago.

"Welcome, Your Excellencies, to the Schattenreich City."

He gave a standard bow which was common among nobles of the Dresden Arcanum Empire. Just like Nobles of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator had their own greetings, which I performed together with my wives.

Of my wives, only Bibi Dong never visited Schattenreich City, while Hela and Grayfia have visited it on several occasions already. And Venelana was basically regularly visiting the Schattenreich every ten years or so to participate in the tea parties or similar things organized by noble ladies of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

"Lord Yatogami, it is a pleasure once more."

I said as he nodded before signaling us to follow him. He was really a man of few words and didn't speak up a lot. Maybe for that reason, he hit off well with Arthur, as neither my son-in-law spoke a lot unless it was necessary.

"Your Holy War created a storm through the entire Astral Boundary, Your Excellency. Many of the old times in the Eternal Star Region are pretty agitated that one of the oldest paths in the Universe has fallen. And most importantly, that the Astral Boundary lost one of its few Tier 12 experts."

As we entered some futuristic-looking limousine, he said, as I grimaced a bit.

"If they don't like it... then they could also become my food. At least those old half-rotting corpses would be useful once."

I snorted in response.


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Chapter 393 – Before the Banquet
Eternal Star Region was full of these old times and fence sitters that just stayed in their holes and just observed the Astral Boundary burn. Rarely would they crawl out, and if they did, it was only in dire circumstances when everything was already fucked up pretty bad.

Bibi Dong curiously looked through the window of the limousine as she admired the beauty of the Schattenreich City while I chatted with Magister Yatogami. Hela looked bored as hell, and Vena was controlling her dress so that she looked perfect.

"So, how are the things in the north going?"

I asked as I took a sip of the drink that was prepared for me.

"Stalemate. Leeches are strong in their Divine Region as they occupied the Divine Star Region for countless Eras, but we managed to push them out of the Central Star Region completely, and now we are preparing to attack them en masse."

He answered as I perked up, understanding the message between the lines.

The next Holy War was for sure coming.

"And we have arrived at the Imperial Palace."

Imperial Palace of the Dresden Arcanum Empire was no less impressive than that of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, but ours was a bit bigger and more majestic. Baatorians usually liked to show out our power, especially Devils who liked to build everything magnificent to project strength and status.

I exited the limousine with Arcane Lord Yatogami and helped my wives exit the car as we went through the prepared path for us. The banquet was just starting, and guests were just coming.

"Is Kunou going to come?"

I asked Hela as she nodded. She didn't see her granddaughter for several decades after she left the Empire to study mysticism and rituals at the Dresden Arcanum Empire. I don't know how strong she became, but at least she reached the peak of Tier 9 with her bloodline.

Everything less than that would be an utter disgrace.

"Zeo, I am bored. Can't we go to the Arena?"

I shook my head to Hela's question as that was not an option for now. We weren't here even five minutes, as she already wanted to leave to fight in their Arena. Schattenreich had a huge gladiatorial Arena, where various lifeforms fought to the death.

Usually slaves or captured beings, or some unique lifeforms or experiments. Because of this, the Grand Arena of the Schattenreich was very popular among many battle maniacs of the Astral Boundary Universe or just ordinary people who wanted to watch.

"No, we can't. But after the banquet ends, we will go and take a look."

I said as Hela brightened on me, mentioning that we would be visiting the Arena.

"One of the Arcane Lords caught a special Tier 11 Lifeform that is currently in the Arena under the seals. The manager of the Arena was hoping to use it as bait to lure in more customers."

Remarked Lord Yatogami from the side, as Hela couldn't wait to fight a Tier 11 extraordinary lifeform. Capturing Tier 11 extraordinary lifeform was no easy task, so even I was a bit interested in what they have caught and brought to the Arena.


3rd POV

Arcane Truth Academy, Schattenreich City, Dresden Arcanum Empire.

Arcane Truth Academy was one of the best institutes for magical studies and research in the entire Astral Boundary, if not the best one. Even the Imperial University of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator was a bit inferior to it, but that was a matter of foundation.

Several students wearing the uniforms of the Arcane Truth Academy were walking as they were talking about interesting topics and things that had happened in the past few days.

"Did you hear that Princess Kunou reached peak Tier 9 a few days ago?"

Said one of the male students.

All of them were only Tier 4 to Tier 7 Arcanists; in truth, the entire Arcane Truth Academy had only several Tier 8 students. Tier 9 were basically rarities, and only people with unique circumstances with Tier 9 one could be considered experts anywhere they went in the Astral Boundary.

The reason why Kunou Lucifer came here was to pursue her studies in mysticism and ritualistic magic. After several years living in the Dresden Arcanum Empire and attending the Arcane Truth Academy, she had a relatively fearsome reputation.

While Kunou was a dream of every male student, not only due to her beauty and personality, she had a prestigious background and was very strong on her own. Not to mention she was a Nine-Tailed Fox, a species that was known for the seductiveness of its female members.

Of course, nobody had the proper courage even to approach her, as partially she had the reputation of beating up her suitors whom she didn't like. That was something she inherited from her father, as she had quite a temper.

Not to mention, there were rumors that her father was an overprotective madman who reached peak Tier 10 and wanted to kill anyone who attempted to court his daughter. And of course, these kinds of rumors were very popular and scary sounding.

As they were talking, they suddenly saw a young-looking woman walking toward them. She was wearing the hime-miko outfit, while her nine tails fluttered behind her, as her long blonde hair was flowing down. Altogether she was giving out an aura of a seductress to anyone who could see her.

She just passed them as she scoffed at them.

'Spinless trashes.'

Kunou Sigmarsdottir Lucifer thought, as they couldn't resist her charm and were nearly turned into drooling idiots as she flipped her tails behind her.


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Chapter 394 – Banquet at the Schattenreich (1)
After Kunou returned to her room, which was enormous and luxurious as one would expect, she suddenly got a call from the Principal of the Arcane Truth University. The Principal of the Arcane Truth Academy was an old Tier 9 Arcanist.

While the man wasn't the strongest one, but he was even more knowledgeable on many matters than many Tier 10 Arcanists, as he was the prime epitome of a scholar.

After several minutes Kunou arrived at the principal office, which was more modern than one would suppose it to be, as she sat down on the chair. The Principal was the old-looking man with a typical arcanist gown. As time had already written upon him, he had long white hair and a long white beard.

"You have called for me, Principal?"

She asked politely as she sat down.

"Yes, of course."

Answered Principal as he put down the cup of coffee he was drinking.

"There has been a call from the Imperial Palace that your family has arrived at the Schattenreich City, Princess. Transportation to the Imperial Palace would arrive shortly and don't take too much time; it would be prudent to arrive before the Banquet starts officially."

He explained as just now he got the call from the Imperial Palace. While the old man wasn't the strongest Arcanist around, his occupation as Principal of the Arcane Truth Academy gave him relatively high status in the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

Because of that, he was aware that the founder of the Empire, sole Tier 12 Arcanist, Adolf K. Weissmann the Silver King, was hosting an important banquet tonight, upon the success of their allies in the annihilation of the Warlock Path in the Baatorian Jihad.

Not only that, but there were rumors that Arcanists themselves would be declaring Holy War against the Gods in the Divine Star Region.

It was clear that the Dresden Arcanum Empire would soon enough undergo a huge change.

"Of course, Principal... if that is all, may I excuse myself?"

Asked Kudou graciously, as the Principal nodded and she left the office.

"Extermination War against the Divine Star Region and God Path..."

After several minutes, he sighed in frustration while thinking about what was to come. Of course, the Extermination War would mean an immeasurable amount of Arcanists dying in the War, and mainly because they were not so militaristic as the Chthonians.

The old arcanists studied the Baatorian Jihad and especially their military strategies on how they attacked the various planes, the siege of the Heavenly Plane, and killed the Dawn Lord or whatever abomination he became. Or the siege of the Canghzi Plane.

He had to admit that even though the Dresden Arcanum Empire was a bit stronger than the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, they severely lacked military power. Arcanists were by nature pursuers of the Truth.

Baatorians, on the other hand, was a militaristic bunch that created their warrior and military culture for more than 3,000 years, and it bore them splendid results if he had to admit.

Chthonian Empire of the Baator had far superior military doctrine and combat doctrine compared to the Dresden Arcanum Empire, which mainly depended on the superior power of their Arcanists or some gadgets.

Baatorian used the usage of modern combined warfare, combining together their powerhouses, regular armies, elite combat units, and fearsome advanced Arcanotechnology to create the most efficient war plans.

This allowed the Chthonian Empire of the Baator to take on even stronger foes and enemies than themselves and came out victorious. Not only that but even with minimal efforts and low casualties.

But at the same time, this would mean an opportunity for the Dresden Arcanum Empire and many Arcanists in it.

An opportunity to reach higher Tiers or obtain valuable resources from the Gods, they killed. Not only the Divine Sparks of God could contain some bits of Laws, but the entire corpse of God is a priceless treasure that could be refined into potions, pills, artifacts, or used in rituals.

"Only time would tell... only time would tell."


Some short time later, Imperial Place of the Schattenreich, MC POV.

Presently, there was still some time before the Banquet would officially start. Still, before the start, I went to meet Weissman as we had some things to discuss together.

"So in the end, you have decided for that outcome? I always thought you were a fence sitter."

I said as I looked at the Schattenreich City's panorama on the balcony of our room while my wives were resting after the journey.

"Not much of choice after that stunt that you pulled. Many of the war hawks are advocating for the war to start. Some of them are doing it for thousands of years already, especially those with the planes near the Divine Star Region, so in the end, it came to that."

Answered a smooth male voice as Weissmann entered the balcony.

"You are very close to the Tier 12..."

Stated Silver King plainly as he took the spot next to me, as we both watched the panorama of the Schattenreich City.

While I still had plenty of improvement place available to me, I long ago realized how to condense my Arcane Crest, and my Path was practically ready. If I wanted, I could do it right now, but I wanted to reach the limit of Tier 11.

Especially my Godhood still had a lot of room to grow.

"So, when will the party start?"

I asked, as the Extermination War on the Gods sounded very appealing to me... a lot of precious resources, Divine Sparks, and population. All of that would be available for the ripe.

"In a few decades. We need to ready armies and everything... Arcanists are not warmongers like you people..."

He said mischievously as I ignored his comment, trying to rile me up.

"You know, Hela always says that war is an art. And we are just artists."

I bit back with a smile, remembering how my beloved always talked about the war.


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Chapter 395 – Talk with the Arcane Ancestor
"Do you have a plan on how to deal with the Myriad God Emperor and their Divine Kingdoms?"

I asked Weissmann as he nodded.

Myriad God Emperors were very powerful, especially in their Divine Kingdom if it boosted them to the extreme. Then they could resist even Tier 12 powerhouses to a certain extent. Not to mention that the Divine Kingdoms of the Seven Myriad God Emperors would be extremely powerful.

They had ruled the entire Divine Star Region for countless eras, being worshippers as supreme gods for hundreds of thousands of years; nobody could know how much wealth and power they accumulated over that long period of time.

"I have found something that we can use, though from the start will be employing only standard Anti-Faith measures to lower their strength, and only after the Myriad God Emperors appeared will we use it."

Standart Anti-Faith or Anti-God or Anti-Divine measures were at first annihilated their believers, usually as fast as possible, not giving God time to react. Because the Divine Path of the Astral Boundary made the Gods dependent on the Faith, they could easily fall if they didn't have believers, and even if they didn't fall, it would still significantly weaken them.

"We will join, but at a later date... let the Gods think that Arcanists are in this alone, and when they lower their guard, thinking nobody else would attack them, we will strike from the shadows and at the place where they are awaiting it the less."

For now, the Chthonian Empire of the Baator needed years, probably even decades, to completely digest gains from the Baatorian Jihad as they were too many and too much of them. I predicted that once the digestion process of our gains was finished, our strength would be superior to that of the entire Arcanists Path and all of their faction together.

In the end, Warlocks were, in fact, more numerous than Arcanists and controlled more planes. Even though they were not so old as them, they still had more wealth and treasures, which all fell into the hands of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

"Hela would be delighted to wage war against the Gods, though she would be delighted to wage war against anyone, as long as they are strong."

I said, mainly to myself, as the new war was already on the horizon. This time it was to Exterminate what was viewed by Arcanists as the menace of the Universe, Gods. Though technically Baator too had Gods, we were different... mainly in that I didn't plan for the Baator to remain in the Astral Boundary Universe for much longer.

Maybe a few thousand years until I could successfully carry out my plans and evolve it to a whole new universe.

"And how are you progressing with your plan on that matter?"

He asked as if reading my thoughts, but alas, it was not hard to guess as we were talking about a related topic.

"Soon, very soon... with this, Canghzi Plane could evolve to the Grade 1 Plane, and I can fuse all God Slots into my body, essentially becoming fake Universe Master, but with me controlling Planar Command Sequence, when it evolves... even as Tier 13 I would be unkillable."

I commented with a bit of pride.

Immortality was faux... the true immortality.

It meant that one could not be killed; that was different from being Ageless, which I am right now, as I can't die from an old get.

But I wanted to be a true Immortal, not being killed, and I always searched for ways to achieve that. And soon enough, one opened before me, even if it was a Pseudo-Immortality of sorts.

Tier 13 had not just one subcategory, which was Divine Throne, but apparently, there existed another, but that was exceedingly rare. It was as rare as meeting Tier 14 Paragon.

Becoming a Universe Master.

If the Divine Throne controlled part of the Universe, as they were given the Divine Throne by the Universe, then Universe Master controlled the entire Universe. They were embodiments of the Universe, and there existed only one way to kill them, which was to destroy the entire Universe.

And that was a feat only Tier 14 Paragons could achieve, to destroy the whole Universe in a second.

Contrary to the Divine Throne experts, who could be killed in many other ways, there existed only a single way to kill Universe Master. Not only that, but there were no restrictions on the Universe Master like they were on the Divine Thrones.

One could even argue that it was a boosted-up version of a Divine Throne.

But in all of this, there was a slight catch.

Those under Paragon Level had to create the Universe by themselves or use the help of some special artifact or something lie to fuse with the existing Universe. However, that would need to be a weak Universe.

Usually, those under the Level of Paragon could wipe out the consciousness of the entire Universe and fuse the whole Universe into themselves. For that, those under that level of power needed to cultivate their own Universe.

And because of that since I found that information, I have been working on the way to realizing my way to becoming a Universe Master.

"You and Mercurius, I don't know which of you is crazier. One is attempting to usurp the Universe's Consciousness, and the other is cultivating his own Universe. Really chaotic time... how simple the things were in the ancient times."

Stated Weissmann.

Mercurius was aiming for the same thing as me, through a wholly different and probably far more dangerous method than me. And as a half-step Tier 13, it was really something to behold, attempting such suicidal things.

"We should be going... the banquet will be starting any moment."

I said as he nodded.


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Chapter 396 – Banquet at the Schattenreich (2)
The Banquet Hall.

I looked around the Hall while I observed the interaction of the nobles and other prominent people interacting with each other. Indeed, I agreed with Hela, this was boring as hell, and I wished to go home or to the lab and just laze around.

Grayfia was talking with some high-ranking officials of the Dresden Arcanum Empire about some matter, and by looks, it was clear she was enjoying herself in the discussion. If I had to guess, it was some boring administrative job in which Fia was excelling, and that boring thing was enjoying for her.

To my surprise, even Hela found herself a way to pass the time as she was discussing the incoming military strategy for the Holy War against the Gods of the Divine Star Regions. There were a lot of high-ranking Generals, Marshall and Admirals of the Dresden Arcanum Empire, participating in the Banquet.

"It is boring as hell."

I muttered as Venalana visibly flinched next to me.

"Don't be grumpy."

Said Venelana as she noticed someone she knew and dragged me there.

"Oya, isn't it Natalia?"

Said Vena as we came in front of some beautiful blonde woman with very long hair, whom I barely recognized as Venelana's rival. And right now, there would start a round of insults, bragging, and similar things, until one side admitted defeat.

"It is... I must admit tonight you look good... are you alone here?"

Asked Venelana with venom in her voice as she looked at Natalia. Hearing that, Natalia scowled at Venelana before she decided to counterattack.

"Indeed, I am. Contrary to seductress like you, I don't have much luck... especially when similar bitches always tempt good men."

Stated Natalia as she narrowed her eyes at me while Vena visibly flinched.

"Or is it because you don't have anything to temp?"

Venelana quickly bites back as Natalia's expression falters.

"Frankly speaking, you are flat as a board and have an insufferable personality, no wonder most men would avoid you like the plague."

As Natalia was fuming with anger, Vena was enjoying her expression, and I was feeling very awkward, as now I realized why she dragged me here... she wanted to brag about me to her enemy, friend, frenemy... or whatever.

I learned to be self-conscious about myself, and from the point of view of these Noble Ladies, I was, how would one say it... a catch yes.

I was very handsome, powerful, and other things that apparently appealed to them. So Venelana was basically using me to win over her rival.

"So you two are frenemies? Best friends turned from enemies or whatever?"

Not the smartest thing to say in this situation, as both of them glared at me, especially Vena's expression I knew very well; it was an expression of "you can sleep on the couch or ground or rot in hell tonight".

Seeing that, I just left them and went far from them so as to not rile my wife; even more, it was wise to leave.

"Hello, Grandfather."

Suddenly I turned around to see my granddaughter Kunou greeting me with the same grace and elegance as her mother had.

It weird feeling sometimes... how the time flew. I still remember her as a shy little girl that hid behind her mother, and on all formal occasions, she was always hiding behind me to avoid any attention.

She always tugged my robes if she wanted something. I always used to pick her up and place her on my shoulders. How the time flew... really weird feeling, nostalgic? Depressive? Who knows... I wasn't that old compared to truly old monsters; I was only something above 3,000 years old, which was basically nothing.

"What did you say again to Grandma Venelana so that you had to leave?"

She asked as I scratched my head in shame, probably.

"Don't know... maybe I called her and that woman Natalia frenemies? Why did she be so pissed about something like that."

I muttered, not really understanding it all.

"And why I am talking about it to you, you little helion... not really little, but you are still causing mischief anywhere you go."

I said to my granddaughter as she smirked at me. Nine-Tailed Foxes were known for their mischievous nature and tricking people, causing mischief and troubles anywhere they went.

"So, how are you enjoying the banquet?"

I asked her as Kunou shook her head because she was not for occasions like this. One would think she inherited Yasaka's tastes for social occasions, but in this regard, she took more from my son Sigmar.

"It is boring here... Maybe I will go and annoy grandmother for a bit... that could be fun."

She answered as I shook my head, and she departed to find Hela, who was talking about the military strategy with various high-ranking Military Officers of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

"Can I have your attention, please?"

Said the soft voice of Arcane Ancestor Adolf K. Weissmann as the entire banquet hall quieted down.

"Today, we are celebrating the most notable occasion for the past Eras, and that is nothing other than the extermination of the Warlock Path from the Astral Boundary Universe by our allies."

Stated Arcane Ancestor as everyone waited for his next words.

"But that is not enough; from now on, the Dresden Arcanum Empire will be unleashing the Crusade against the Gods in the Divine Star Region after several decades since today."

After the Crusade against the Gods of the Divine Star Region was officially announced, everyone looked excited as now they had the most bulletproof confirmation about the upcoming war against the Gods.

Nobody said anything; people just clapped in happiness that their Empire would be going to war. Of course, Arcanists were rather military amateurs, not really aware of the horrors that the war brought, but those horrors were usually restricted to the soldiers, not the experts.

Still, I was watching this with a gleam in my eyes, as we can benefit from this war very much, once again.


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Chapter 397 – After the Banquet
After the Banquet ended or at least officially ended, the guests started slowly leaving one by one. I talked with a few Magisters and Arcane Lords about the development of the Dresden Arcanum Empire and the Chthonian Empire of the Baator in the future.

Meanwhile, Venelana finally finished arguing with her frenemy about some probably unimportant things, as she came to me because we would be soon enough leaving for our chambers. This was basically a vacation for us, so it was the best choice to enjoy it and enjoy our stay in Schattenreich City.

Tomorrow we would be going to the Grand Arena on Hela's behest because she wanted to go there and fight the Tier 11 Lifeform that the Arcanists found somewhere and captured it.

"So what, have you finished your argument?"

I teased Vena as she pouted a bit.

"That insufferable woman just kept saying that I am incompetent, and if not for you being my husband, I would for surely bankrupt IMC."

She said with fake tears in her eyes, complaining to me, and at the same time, she asked for a hug, which I complied with.

"Can we finally depart already?"

I asked impatiently.

"Yes, we can."

Finally, at last, this boring shit of ass kissers has finally ended...


Somewhere in the Divine Star Region, Unknown Primary Grade 2 belongs to the Myriad God Emperor Irtarr. It was located on the outskirts of the Divine Star Region and basically next to the Universal Wall, which was separating the Astral Boundary Universe from the outside Void.

This Primary Grade 2 Plane was under the control of the Myriad God Emperor Irtarr since immemorial, for countless Eras already, and thus it became his HQ, especially since it was the plane where he ascended as God, so technically, he was tied to the planet itself.

High above the plane in the Astral Plane of the Primary Grade 2 Plane, there was the biggest and most powerful Divine Kingdom from all Divine Kingdoms surrounding this Primary Grade 2 Plane.

Surprisingly, despite the Grade of the Plane, there were only a few Divine Kingdoms stationed around the plane, probably not even 20 of them, which was a very low number for even a Grade 5 Plane.

It was apparent that this plane was divided between a few super-powerful Gods that didn't want to share their power with anyone else.

In the biggest Divine Kingdom, in the middle of it, there was an enormous lofty Divine Palace where the sole Tier 11 God lived and currently was sitting on his throne, while some of his servants were bringing him the news about the developments in the Astral Boundary Universe.

"Your Godness, the situation among the Divine Coalition is unstable right now, as many wants to retreat and fortify their positions. Not many of them want to fight against the Arcanists of the Dresden Arcanum Empire."

Reported one of the Divine Slaves of Irtarr.

In terms of appearance, Irtarr had the same appearance as his clone in the Feisuo Plane, which was killed, but his true body had a more sharp and powerful aura compared to that of the clone.

The Divine Coalition was an alliance between the 7 Myriad God Emperors of the Divine Star Region, which was created to fight and spread their religion collectively. Mostly to attack other Star Regions or to repel attacks from the Central Star Region that happened from time to time.

News about the fall of the Warlock Kind was disturbing to many of the God Emperors, as many of them decided to retreat to the depths of their territories and just defend. Not even aware of how the Arcanists and Chthonians were scheming their downfall.

"Fucking cowards... if we attack right now, they are weakened... we could capture at least a ton of new planes and obtain countless worshippers and try to break the limit of our path."

Cursed Irtarr at his fellow Myriad God Emperors.

In their hearts, Gods were cowards that feared death or falling back to the mortalhood more than anything else in the world.

Suddenly as he was going to throw a rage tantrum, he stopped in his tracks, as his eyes looked at his home plane with a sharp gaze due to the changes he felt this second.

"We are under the attack... the material plane."

Said Irtarr as he forcibly descended with his true body onto the plane, as he searched for the invader while his servants spread the message to his subordinate Gods.

Normally Gods could remain indefinite outside their Divine Kingdoms, and even Myriad God Emperors were not an exception to this restriction, but Irtarr could remain for a much longer time in the material world.

When he descended down, he was horrified about what he saw. The entire plane was slowly but surely being infested by the various enormous-sized insectoids, from which many of them were Tier 9, Tier 10, and even tens of Tier 11 Insects.

"This is... going to hell."

Irtarr cursed without much emotion as he recognized the Void Insect Swarm. With the presence of tens of Tier 11 Insects, it was clear that this was a very strong Swarm, and he realized that he wouldn't make it alive probably.

Fortunately, he had several clones in various star regions, of which many were Supreme Gods, but even then... losing his entire foundation was not something he fancied.

Suddenly, he felt seven Tier 11 Insects surround him, all acting as one. Each one of these Insects was a peak Tier 11 powerhouse with highly terrifying physical capabilities and psionic potential.

Not to mention that the Hivemind of the Swarm, which was Tier 12, could exert the might of the entire Void Insect Swarm through these Insects.

"This really wasn't in my calculations."

He said quietly as his body was pulverized to ash, by the attack of peak Tier 12 Hivemind, in a split of a second. He realized that he had entered the trap, but it was too late, as he was dead before he could do anything.

At the same time, before he could revive in his Divine Kingdom, which was ferociously attacked by the Hivemind and eaten like a morning snack.


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Chapter 398 – Disturbing News from the Divine Star Region
Several days later, after we departed from Schattenreich City, on my departure for the Baldaquin, I got disturbing news from the Weissmann as I was leaving.

Apparently, the entire home plane of the Myriad God Emperor of Destruction Irtarr fell within one day, and even Irtarr was instantly killed. This was an unprecedented situation that had never happened before, and everyone who became aware of it was horrified.

It meant a single thing.

Enemies from the Void or another Universe invited the Astral Boundary Universe, but the void case was more probably. If it was another Universe, the situation would be different. From the initial analysis, it was concluded that the Astral Boundary became a target of the Void Insect Swarm.

This entire action had a pattern of the Void Inscests, which was... one word... or two...

We are all fucked up.

Even weakest Swarm was led by Tier 12 Hivemind, there was no possibility that the Astral Boundary could survive if it is Tier 13 Hivemind, then we are all fucked up, and only the fastest to escape would survive.

When I heard that, I chose to fasten all my plans to elevate the Baator to the Grade 1 Plane so I could fuse all of the God Slots into my body and start realizing my plan to elevate the Baator to the Universe and ascend to the higher Tiers.

Dealing with the Void Insect Swarm smelled like shit, and even though I should be glad, the first target they chose were Gods of the Divine Star Region; in the end, that was a bad thing. While the Gods of the Divine Star Region are leeches of the Astral Boundary Universe, being devoured by the Swarm was a shitty situation.

Basically, the Swarm gets more biomass to create more insects and bugs, which means stronger and more numerous their forces would be. Especially with the Divine Spark, they could create mutation of God Bugds or whatever, which would be a nightmare to fight against.

So either way, the situation was very bad, though it would depend on the Swarm.

If it was led by Tier 13 Hivemind, then the only way would be an escape. If it was led by Tier 12 Hivemind, we could fight and win, though we would be suffering enormous losses.

Though... this could be used to our benefit as well.

Ancient Eternal Star Region should be strong enough to hold its own against the incoming Swarm for a long time, as there were even some Tier 12 beings sleeping, so the only thing I needed to do, was to direct the trajectory of the Void Insect Swarm towards the Ancient Eternal Star Region and let them fight to the death.

Afterward, it would be easier to kill those who survived.

Ancient Eternal Star Region was always a reclusive place, where its inhabitants just fought among themselves, but even despite the constant wars and carnage that was filling the place, it was the stronger Star Region. The ratio of powerhouses of the Ancient Eternal Star Region to other Star Regions was several times higher.

It was a very strong place, filled with countless powerhouses, and even had tens of Tier 11 ones. But also on the other hand, just as many powerhouses were in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, there were also countless factions.

"We are returned home as soon as possible... there are many things to do."

I said to my wives as they looked at me confusedly because I didn't tell them yet of anything that Weissmann had told me this morning. After the Baldaquin left the Dresden Plane, I was sitting on my throne at the Throne Room of the Baldaquin as I watched the Universe.

I always liked it... observing the stars and space when I was traveling with the voidship.

"Husband, what is happening? You look stressed from the meeting with Weissmann?"

Asked Vena, as she was easily able to deduce something was bothering me. Among my wives, she was the one with the highest empathy and could always tell how someone was feeling.

"Void Insect Swarm has invaded the Astral Boundary Universe, and they are currently wreaking havoc in the Divine Star Region... territories of the Myriad God Emperor Irtarr have already fallen."

I said bluntly, as all of them were shocked to hear that we were about to face Void Insect Swarm.

"For now, we need to return to the Baator, and the process of evolution to the Grade 1 Plane is to be speeded up as much as possible. Fia, how is the process of clean up of the Canghzi Plane and other evolutionary planes?"

I stated as I looked at Grayfia, who opened her Holo-Brain and searched for some information. All four of them knew that this was not time to be overwhelmed by fear because that would be a natural reaction if someone found out their Universe was invaded by the Void Insect Swarm.

Especially Bibi Dong, because her Universe was, sooner or later, too be invaded by the Void Insect Swarm. However, for some reason, the Hivemind in control of the Swarm up there was still observing the Universe and didn't make any moves yet...

I came to the conclusion that Shao Universe should have some active Tier 13 experts.

"We would be done with clearing out what remained after the Warlocks in one year if we mobilize other forces for the task, but all the resources and natural things..."

She said as I knew that by letting Baator assimilate the planes where not all resources have been mined, cut down, or transported would be basically lost.

"Focus priority on those of Tier 9 and higher; highest priority is for the unique lifeforms, magical beasts, and monsters. You have one year."

I said as my wife nodded because we needed to move fast.

In truth, the World Engine I used to move the Baator from the Dimensional Gap was studied, broken apart, and constructed once more. I had a failsafe in case the Void Insect Swarm proved to be powerful; after the evolution of the Baator to the Grade 1 Plane, I would activate the World Engine and teleport the entire plane somewhere to a safe location within the Void.


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Chapter 399 – Long Way from Home?
Baator, 9th Layer Nessus, Holy Imperial Capital Anor Londo.

Immediately upon my return to the Baator, I called the meeting of the Senatorum Impeialis, together with all Elders, and all High-Ranking officials of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, to discuss the upcoming crisis which stemmed from the invasion of the Void Insect Swarm.

During our journey home, I got more and more messages that Bugs were spread around the Divine Star Region, and the Divine Coalition of 7 Myriad God Emperors started fighting them.

Indeed, 7, because while Irtarr was killed on his home plane, one of his Avatars that he kept hidden used some method to reach Myriad God Emperor Rank by assimilating other Divine Avatars.

The Bugs were spreading much faster than I initially predicted, and while the Divine Coalition was putting on a good fight, they were slowly losing their ground as they were pushed more and more by the Bug Tribes and the entire Swarm.

Their planes were being devoured together with their inhabitants as the Bugs ate everything in their sight. Especially the terrifying Tier 11 Bugs that wreaked havoc. Some of them were so powerful that apparently, even the Myriad God Emperors needed to mobilize their Divine Kingdoms to their utmost limit to defeat one.

Not to kill, but to just repel it.

Those were the fearsome Bug Kings, killing machines bred to be top powerhouses of every Bug Tribe and backbone of the Swarm.

"It has been only a short time since the war against the Warlock Path has ended, but this time the situation is far more grievous than before. Before I left Dresden, I got information from the Arcane Ancestor that the Void Insect Swarm consisting of at least 10 Bug Tribes, has entered the Astral Boundary Universe and is currently slowly munching on the Divine Star Region and in the war against the Divine Coalition of the Myriad God Emperors. For this, I am announcing the highest emergency of the Chthonian Empire and initiating the Project Exodus, in case if the Void Insect Swarm's Hivemind proves to be Tier 13 Hivemind."

I didn't speak in the Senatorum Imeprialis for several centuries already like this; even the start of the Baatorian Jihad was announced from the Baldaquin, not here. This only increased the gravity of the entire situation, and put on the tag, we are fucked up slowly, but steadily.

In truth, I was weighing the opinions.

Fight or escape.

In the end, sooner or later, Baator would become Universe on its own, so I didn't really see a reason to send soldiers of the Chthonian Empire to their death by fighting the bugs. Fighting bugs was different from fighting anything else.

Void Insects were immeasurable; basically, no matter how many or how strong soldiers we had, it didn't matter because Bugs would have more, way more. Not to mention their overwhelmingly higher number of powerhouses and, most importantly, the strength of the Hivemind, which was a big unknown.

The most terrifying thing about the Hiveminds and Swarms was that if one was killed somewhere, others would know it.

Especially for example, if the situation occurs like this.

If it was indeed Tier 12 Hivemind, and we killed it by some miracle, which would require several Tier 12 because the Hivemind could use the psionic potential of the entire Swarm to fight, thus elevating its power to a frightening level, we would alert the Tier 13 Hivemidn behind the Tier 12 one.

All Hiveminds were interconnected with each other in a certain sense, so the only way to protect your Universe is basically to have a very strong Tier 13 powerhouse standing guard, which would usually deter the Swarms from attacking, especially if those powerhouses are many more than just one.

Hiveminds are profiteers; they would attack only if their gains would absolutely overwhelm their losses. Suppose they found out that their invasion would be a failure, or they would win at the cost of tremendous losses. In that case, there is a high probability that they would never invade in the first place.

"We will initiate Project Exodus, and If I am not wrong, then Weissmann already realized that it was not worth of the fight... probably. The Astral Boundary without the interference of Tier 13 is a lost case with a probability of 96,88%."

I said as everyone looked grim around me. I knew that sooner or later, the Hiveminds roaming the Void would notice one of their kind found a weak Universe without strong protections and would rush here in great numbers to fight for its resources... us.

And I knew that Mercurius would never move because this was favorable for him... he could use the near-destruction state of the Universe to advance to the later stages of Tier 13 directly in one gulp.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was him who lured the Hiveminds to this place through Universal Hoppers and connection created by members of the Longinus Dreizhen Orden... a really devious plan.

But in the end, I had a more devious one.

"We will capitalize on everything that could be capitalized and start the final phase of the growth of the Baator. From now on, I will release the Treasuries, with the priority to increase collective strength of the Baator as much as possible."

I said as I planned to kill Mercurius with the thing he was most proud of and take over the Longinus Dreizhen Orden officially and obtain the Sefirah Castle. While the Tarot Cards basically made it impossible for members to hurt each other, I long ago managed to devise a way to neutralize them, and when I reached Tier 12, it could be carried out immediately.


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Chapter 400 – Race with Time
It was a race with Time... about who would win.

One year passed since the fateful meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis, and one year it took, through all power and sacrifices, to clear out most of the planes that we obtained during the Baatorian Jihad.

Unfortunately, as predicted, we managed to clear only the inheritance and all places of utmost importance. We didn't manage to mine all resources and ores that were marked as a priority, as countless logs and veins were still untouched, but after the news from three months ago, I couldn't be sad about that.

Three months ago, Divine Coalition suffered enormous losses as they lost 3 Myriad God Emperors, and now only 4 were remaining; even Irtarr was killed this time for sure.

This was very bad because practically the rest of the Universe was using the Divine Coalition as a means to prolong the time.

Everybody knew that the Gods of the Divine Star Region couldn't leave or escape; they could only fight to the death, which they were doing. It was predicted that their armies and forces would last for another two or three months before they would be overwhelmed by the Swarm.

Not only that, but some Bug Tribe members were seen in other places of the Astral Boundary, as they were probably scouting the area. Apparently, the Divine Star Region was already almost eaten by them, so they started searching for new food.

On the bright side, I managed to achieve my goal, to lead the Swarm to the Ancient Eternal Star Region, thus buying us the needed time, to strengthen the Baator as much as possible because there was only one proper way to fight a Void Insect Swarm.

Annihilate them with overwhelming power.

I was very close to reaching Tier 12 by condensing the Arcane Crest from my Path, which I would achieve probably any moment, and I planned to use the blessings from the Evolution of the Baator to the Grade 1 Plane to achieve that feat.

After I reach Tier 12, I will go and see the Tier of the Hivemind of this invading Swarm and see if I can kill it and possibly devour it. With that, I could reach the later stages of the Tier 12 in one go.

Even with this train of thought, I decided to still continue with Project Exodus because once one Swarm came, more would come. Unless I reached the Tier 13 and became the World Master in one go, then remaining here and keep fighting Swarm, it was not really worth it.

On the contrary, I planned to move the Baator to a safe location, where it could start developing to the Universe, and use the Astral Boundary as some kind of tempering field for our soldiers.

"How is the current situation?"

I asked Sirzechs, who came to visit me in my part of the Imperial Palace. He was now very busy; he needed to deal with countless things since the moment I decided those world-shattering decisions.

"All Elders reached Tier 11, and we have several other people close to reaching that Level, with additional more 30 Tier 10 powerhouses. On the contrary, our vaults are... empty by one word."

Answered Sirzechs with a heavy heart, as I expected this outcome when I decided to use everything; practically every treasure, pill, potion, material, or anything you can think of was used by those who redeemed it to increase their power or used by Elders and members of the Imperial House to reach higher Tiers.

"That is something expected, and things that were used could be gained once more."

I said because I didn't really care about a few treasures and other stuff that could be obtained or produced once more. For now, producing powerhouses and increasing the general strength of the population was prioritized.

"But still... everything we accumulated during our existence, conquests and from Warlocks is gone, only some insignificant things are remaining."

Sirzechs complained as my decision really emptied all of our treasuries and vaults, and now they were desolate because we used practically everything that could be used. Of course, due to that, the Chthonian Empire of the Baator obtained plenty of resources.

"Is the super formation prepared?"

I asked as my eldest son nodded in agreement.

During the one year, Ajuka adjusted the Dawn Pillars so they could be used during the planar refinement process more easily; thus, we started mass producing them and plating them all around the planes, which would be used as evolutionary material for the Baator.

"Yes, all Pillars with upgraded Planar Refinement Formation have been set, and now, we are just waiting to activate them."

In a few days, I will activate the formation and refine all the planes as the evolutionary material for the Baator, so it can advance to the Grade 1 Plane. And at the same time, I would reach Tier 12 Exarch by condensing the Arcane Crest from my Path.

If everything goes well, not only would my power be increased tremendously, but also the collective strength of the Chthonian Empire and the Baator as a whole.

"Then we will start right now. Forcing the Evolution of the Baator is the best thing we can do, not to mention it will be the first step in my becoming the World Master."

Naturally, to become a World Master, I needed the Baator to evolve into the whole Universe, but even in its state as a Grade 1 Plane, I could do a lot if I fuse all God Slots into my body.

Basically, I can give certain people some kind of blessings that would be made them almost unkillable as long as they fought in the Baator.

They would have the might of the Grade 1 Plane behind their backs. Not to mention, I would benefit from the evolution of the Baator. Typically when the plane evolved into a higher Grade, all lifeforms living in there would undergo qualitative strength change.

And especially those who were tied to my person would profit the most from this act.


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Mortal Tier - 10 chapters ahead
Legendary Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Mythos Horror Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Eldritch God Tier - 50 chapters ahead
Chapter 401 – The 1st Step of World Master
Even I consumed countless resources to climb the peak of the Lord-Class as soon as possible. I had one slight advantage, which was the realization of my Path and method of how to condense the Arcane Crest from my Path, and that was already set in stone.

So, the only thing that I lacked in reaching a higher Tier was the energy that I lacked.

However, fortunately, with how many treasures and resources we had before I gave my order, it was not really a problem to cultivate my Godhood Index to the peak, together with my Demonic-God Force.

In the end, after one year, I was able to reach the limit of Tier 11 after consuming approximately 20% of the entire treasures, and that was consumption alone because I was trying to reach Exarch Rank as soon as possible to have at least some power against the Void Insect Swarm.

My second Godhood was still developing, and it didn't show the slightest change. However, for now, my focus was on different things.

"Father, can we go, then?"

Sirzechs asked me as I kept daydreaming while staring from the balcony of my chambers in the Imperial Palace.


I answered as we went to the secret room, underneath the Imperial Place, in the deepest parts of the Imperial Dungeons, where the Sealed Gate to the Planar Core was located.

This place was always guarded by one Tier 11 Elder and a whole bunch of Tier 10 Custodians and other experts because this could be said to be the lifeblood of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Custodians were one of the military forces with the greatest rise in strength during this one year, as several Tier 10 and tens of Tier 9 experts rose among them.

But that was understandable because the new method that didn't focus on the Law was introduced, making it easier for the general populace to reach higher Tiers, albeit at the price of lower combat prowess.

But that was okey, for those who didn't have an aptitude for Law Comprehension. Sirzechs remained outside as I entered the Gate and appeared on the long narrow path, which seemed endless.

I waved my right hand as a glowing crest appeared on the back of my hand, as the path cleared out, and I entered the place where the Planar Core was located.

There were countless inscriptions and runes all around the Planar Core, which was laid down by me to have a better refinement and evolutionary process.

I took out Atiesh while striking it down, directly at the eye of the formation, as all of the inscriptions and runes all around the several kilometers in this huge vast space lit up in shining blue light. At the same time, I started chanting the activation chant.


Astral Boundary, Central Star Region, Outside of the Canghzi Plane.

Canghzi Plane was one of the oldest planes in existence, just its size alone was comparable to several tens or hundreds of galaxies, but right now, such an enormous place was devoid of any life.

Aside from some unscrupulous civilizations that were hiding somewhere there, and Chthonains deemed them useless, so they left them to their fate.

Fleets of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator were outside of the Canghzi Plane, as they were observing the Plane with great importance.

Especially for the high-ranking officials or members of the Noble Houses, they knew what was happening after the Plane started shaking and Dawn Pillars shone in blue light.

The Planar Refinement has started.

Not only on the Canghzi Plane but across several tens of planes all around the Astral Boundary, including the Wind God Plane or Heavenly Plane, or other Secondary or Primary Grade 2 Plane, everything was being refined at the same time.

And, of course, being used as an evolutionary material for the Baator so that it could evolve into a Grade 1 Plane.

On the top of an Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship, Lord Admiral Orlock, together with several other people, including Lord Generals Ragnar or Feng Xiu from the Imperialis Militarum, were observing the Planar Refinement as it was just starting.

There were even some members of the Imperial House, as Vali and his wives Rias, Kuroka, and Latia were present.

Out of nowhere, a powerful tremor ran through the entire Canghzi Plane as it broke apart into several enormous chunks of the landmass, from which all of them started disintegrating into pure energy particles, which were devoured into a spatial crack that appeared high above the Canghzi Plane.

All people on the Voidships, in the safe distance away from the Canghzi Plane, could observe how some species that were left on the Canghzi Plane, especially the Dulans or other ones who were hiding or even some warlocks that managed to somehow survive by hiding into forgotten corners of the Cnaghzi Plane, were attempting to escape the Plane, into the stars.

But it was futile.

The suction force of the spatial crack, which was devouring everything greedily, was something that not even Tier 11 entities could ignore and leave unscathed.

So all people that were attempting to escape, especially the Tier 10 who were even some distance from the Canghzi Plane already, were immediately drawn back and disintegrated like the rest of the Plane while screaming and pleading for mercy or help.

This entire process took several hours until the entire landmass of the Canghzi Plane was completely devoured, and only the Planar Core remained, which contained most of the energy.

Suddenly the spatial crack enlarged itself several times as the wave of crimson energy shot from the spatial crack towards the Planar Core of the Canghzi Plane, creating cracks upon cracks on it.

When the crack appeared on the Planar Core, the energy from it started leaving at an alarming speed and being devoured by the spatial crack high above.

And as time went on, the light of the Planar Core was diminished until it completely died down and turned to dust, which was devoured by the spatial crack too.

This was the moment that signaled the end of the Grade 1 Plane, home of the Warlocks, the Canghzi Plane.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
Mortal Tier - 10 chapters ahead
Legendary Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Mythos Horror Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Eldritch God Tier - 50 chapters ahead
Chapter 402 – The 2nd Step of Exarch
Meanwhile, back at the Baator.

At the same time, literal catastrophe was happening all around the Central Star Region because countless planes were being refined and used as an evolutionary material at the same time, from which many of them still had their local population.

All those were being refined and disintegrated into pure energy particles, and all of that energy was being transferred into the Baator in real-time.

[Evolution of Primary Grade 2 Plane, designation Baator has started.]

[Activting the Dawn Pillar Formation.]

The Architect said, as countless Dawn Pillars that were all around the Baator suddenly activated and started helping the Plane in getting the energy refined and speeding up the evolutionary process of the Plane.

The Dawn Pillars were a really wondrous piece of technology that had countless uses, aside from suppressing the World's Will during the planar invasion.

After more than half an hour, after the Planar Core of the Baator absorbed enough energy from the refined planes, it started violently shaking, cracks appearing around the entire surface of the Core, as the entire Plane started the expansion.

It was a relatively similar phenomenon to what it was before, but now it was more of a larger scale, as the Baator started tremendously expanding, far more than before. Countless energy waves crashed into the Plane as they swept through it several times.

Increasing the Mana Density in the air, increasing the quality of the Plane, which even before was comparable to the Grade 1 Plane standard, because of all resources and methods I sued to cultivate the Plane.

Normally, even a Secondary Grade 2 Plane was of the size Galaxy... that huge they were or rather enormous. Just now, I realized the absurdity of Astral Boundary's size because all planes and everything were freaking huge.

Despite of the relatively low strength of the Astral Boundary Universe, it was far bigger in terms of size; it was bigger than most of the stronger Universes in the Void.

Soon enough, all Layers of the Baator started expanding in the landmass like crazy; practically all of them reached the size standard of the Primary Grade 2 Plane, aside from the 1st Layer of the Baator, Dis, which I purposely controlled to remain at the size of Grade 5 Plane.

Dis was the entrance to the Baator, the only entrance we could be invaded, and even the current size was a hassle to defend if we were not prepared properly, so the expansion of that Layer was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

Contrary to the rest of the Layers, there were practically no civilians on the 1st Layer, only Military personnel, Fortresses, Castles, Arcanotech Constructs, and the fabled Bronze Citadel, which acted all as defense of the Baator.

Because of that, the current size of the 1st Layer was sufficient enough.

As the Baator was evolving Grade 1 Plane, I received the strongest blessing from the World's Will because I helped it to evolve into the Grade 1 Plane. At that moment, I started my breakthrough to the Exarch Rank.

Reaching Exarch Rank was simple but very challenging at the same time. Simple in the thing, which was required, challenging because the process was very arduous. To reach Exarchy, one needed to create Arcane Crest from his Path.

Fortunately for me, that was an easy thing to do because I knew exactly how to create my Arcane Crest, and instantly after I got the blessings from the Baator, which was now Grade 1 Plane, I started the process of the Arcane Crest creation.

[Arcane Crest creation in progress.]

When I started the Arcane Crest creation process, I heard Architect's voice in my head as a translucent crest appeared before my eyes. The process of the Arcane Crest creation was basically using your Path and giving it a "material" shape, one could say.

Paths were always imaginary, they were non-material, but Crests were; that was the aim of that. And because of this aspect, creating the Arcane Crest from your Path was a very arduous thing.

But fortunately for me, I had a complete guide on how to do it and a cheat called Baator's blessing, which significantly eased up my job.

[Demonic-God Force is being increased at tremendous speed... host has crossed the threshold of initial Tier 12 entity.]

[Godhood of Father of the All Devils is absorbing the residual energy.]

[Arcane Crest creation process is completed.]

When I created the Arcane Crest, I was immediately classified as Tier 12. After I finished with the creation of the Arcane Crest, I fused it with my physical body, as it appeared on my back, in the form of a weird runic tattoo...

Aside from being powerful, it looked rather cool.

Arcane Crests were divided into Lesser, Greater, Perfect, and Beyond. The Lesser Crests were those from weaker Paths, based on average Laws. Greater Crests were based on strong paths, sometimes with even some special Laws.

Perfect Crests were from Paths, which were created from Fundamental Laws, which included Laws like Death, Life, Destruction, Creation, and so on... Considering the Perfect Crest was basically the best one could hope for.

And finally, there were so-called Beyond Crests, which were from absolutely unique and special Paths, exactly just like The End. These ones were impossible, and not even Weissmann heard about anybody or read about anybody who managed to achieve that feat.

Usually, these people died on their journey because Universe wasn't really fond of people with Forbidden Paths. I was probably the only exception due to somehow getting the constitution of the Fateless One, which allowed me to be not seen by Universal Will.

Or the Universal Will could predict my own desire to create my own Universe, which would mean I will leave sooner or later, so it didn't bother with me?

Who knows.

After several seconds, I finished my breakthrough to Tier 12; I started some weird stirring in my soul.

Suddenly, only a vision of desolate and lifeless worlds flashes through my eyes, as everything withered and turned to dust, forgotten in its own insignificance. Nothing could escape the crimson wave of the energy, as it changed the fundamental reality.

Be it worthless mortals to Tier 13 entities; nobody could escape it.

"Nothing can evade the Ruination."

I said subconsciously as I awoke my Origin.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
Mortal Tier - 10 chapters ahead
Legendary Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Mythos Horror Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Eldritch God Tier - 50 chapters ahead
Chapter 403 – The 3rd Step of Ascended
The Origin is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions throughout life. It is the driving force that comes from within the root of the soul that has managed to stream out of the source and take on material form.

Upon awakening one's Origin, one practically reached the peak of his potential because awakening the Origin meant one's potential could be fully realized to its limits.

[Demonic-God Force is undergoing sublimation in the host's body.]

[Sublimation is at 57%.]

Instantly after awakening the Origin of Ruination and condensing the Arcane Seal, my Demonic-God Force started the sublimation, as it was increasing in its density, purity, and potency to reach standards or, rather, above the standards of Tier 12.

While my Godhood still remained at the peak of the Paramount God, because reaching Annuled was even harder than condensing the Arcane Crest, I felt my power tremendously increase, but this was also probably the end of the precise calculation of my energy quantity in numerical description.

[Sublimation progress has crossed 98%.]

[Sublimation progress has crossed 99%.]

[Sublimation is complete.]

When the sublimation of my Demonic-God Force was completed, suddenly, a ridiculous amount of energy burst out of my body, strong enough to pulverize smaller Universes into nothingness.

Still, even now, I felt that probably several thousands of planes in my vicinity were destroyed by this wave.

When I opened my eyes, I then activated the Command Sequence of the Baator and started fusing all God Slots into my body.

Grade 1 Plane had 1,000,000 God Slots, and all neither even a single one of them was used in the Baator because I forbid anyone to ascend as a God in the Baator, using the Divine Path of the Astral Boundary.

Now that I reached Tier 12, I proceeded with the second part of my breakthrough, as all of these God Slots were being refined into my body, fused with my very own soul, as I was becoming one with the Baator.

Normally, the Gods of the Astral Boundary had some certain level of control over their home plane, and that was precisely because of the God Slots in the Planes. Each God Slot had a certain level of control imbued with it, and even the Baator was not an exception.

But with the Command Sequence, my control was absolute, so theoretically, even if there were 1 million Gods who did something at the same time, I could overdrive it with a single thought.

But, if all of the God Slots were combined with my Command Sequence, I could gain the advantages of having the God Slots, especially the some bastardized form of a pseudo-immortality that I should be able to bestow onto other people.

Ironically fusing with all God Slots didn't increase my power directly, but what it gave me was a new Godhood, the God of the Baator.

Becoming the sole God of Baator basically gave me some sort of pseudo-immortality, which, when coupled with my True Name ability Nirvana, made me almost impossible to kill.

Not to mention, in the Baator, I predicted that I could fight even some weaker Tier 13 entities, which was shocking, but that was only under the premise that I managed to lure them into the Baator and lock down the plane before they could do anything else.

I then ordered Architect to carry out a scan of my being to observe the changes.

[Name: Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer

True Name: Dizmason (Devil Talent), Sythis (Mental Protection), Savant (Prideguard), Isaiah (Nirvana), Archeron (Full Counter), Zerius (Prime Evil), Satanistoria (Purgatory Furnace)

Race: God Devil (Trans-Devil-Fiend / God)

Bloodline: Devil (Gremory, Lucifer), Golden-Horned Fiend, Void Leviathan

Age: 3,000+ Years


Class: Exarch / Paramount God

Combat Prowess: Elite Tier 12

Lifeform Level: 3

Origin: Ruination

Soul Aptitude: Level 10 - Superior

Arcane Crest: Imperial of End and Ruin (Beyond)

Path: The End

Laws: Devour (100% - Supreme), Darklight (100% - Perfect), Slaughter (100% - Supreme), Destruction (100% - Supreme), Lightning (100% - Perfect), Space (100% - Supreme)

Magic Rules: Starfall, Decomposition, Nuclear

Godhood: Father of All Devils, ??? (Unable to Analyze), God of the Baator

Concept: Void (8%)

Demonic-God Force: 2,3

Godhood Index: 100 Billion

Body: Average Exarch-Grade (Magic Resistance)

Constitution: Fateless One

Baator Command Sequence: 100%


Clan Trait:

Dark Light - Law

The Devour - Law

Holy Flame - Law


Magic Systems:

Tier Magic - Origin

Devil Magic - Origin

Norse Runic Magic - Forbidden

Abyssal Runic Magic - Forbidden

Human Magic - Forbidden

Mysticism - Forbidden

Warlock Spells - Forbidden



Secret Method: Fate Algorithm - (6/6)



Scythe - Grandmaster

Dagger - Master

Hand-to-Hand - Master

Bladestaff - Grandmaster]

For one thing, I didn't get another part of my True Name, or rather, now that I fused with all God Slots of the Baator and became the God of Baator, I would need to give myself a new part of the True Nane.

This was primarily because the Baator and I were becoming one, like two sides of one coin, such was the path of the World Master.

The coefficient of my Demonic-God Force of 2,3 meant that I had practically that high amount of Energy in my body compared to the average energy amount of ordinary Tier 12.

This was attributed to my unique Path and especially the Arcane Crest, which I condensed from my Path.

In later Tiers, it was almost impossible to quantify the energy levels of any beings. For example, all Tier 13 Entities and higher were basically conceptual entities, not to mention then subdivisions of Tier 13, like Divine Thrones, could borrow the powers of their Universe through their Divine Throne.

And World Masters were one with their Universe, so technically, some of them, those of the larger and more powerful Universe, had almost inexhaustible energy reserves.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
Mortal Tier - 10 chapters ahead
Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Paragon Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 404 – The Next Steps
Now that I reached Tier 12, and I could be considered as above the average Tier 12, especially with all those boons and other stuff and trump cards I held, for a moment, I had an impulse to go and fight with the Hivemind invading the Astral Boundary Universe.

But in the end, that would be a stupid thing to do... because in the end, I didn't really care about the Astral Boundary Universe and what would happen to it, not to mention, with its continuous destruction, I can use it against Mercurius.

The Tarot Cards were pretty nifty objects.

They were sentient and functioned on the same principle as Hivemind, though with the exception that they were collective consciousness and didn't have a leader or anything like that. It was rather a hard thing to do, to communicate with them.

To achieve that, one would need a very profound understanding of the souls, which I don't have, but what I have were riches, and through them, I was able to buy some artifacts from Okhwang, who allowed me to do so.

In truth, Okhwang was aware of the side effects of the Tarot Cards from the start. However, he didn't care... what for his True Body was already around Tier 12, and he would very soon reach Tier 13.

He would achieve something that Mercurius strived for countless Eras to vain each time.

With the foundation of the Jade Clan and Celestial Court of the Ancient Dao Universe, it would be an easy thing to resolve.

As a fellow schemer, I had to applaud his plan.

But Mercurius, at the same time, was constrained by his own nature, which didn't allow him to intervene directly, and he could remain as only an observer till he reached Tier 13 entirely.

"It would be best to wait, don't you think so, Tarot?"

I asked the Tarot, which was a manifestation of the collective consciousness of all 22 Major Arcana Tarot Cards, which in fact were Sefirah Artifacts.

'Indeed... old fox is a crafty one, though as long as you reach Tier 13 and use that method, then you can essentially take the main control from the old fox and even kill him. Of course, all under the premise that you will me restore itself completely.'

Sounded the voice of Tarot in my head as I nodded rather begrudgingly, but it was still a good deal. Tarot Cards were severely damaged, and most of their functions, including the Tarot's consciousness, were always sleeping.

In his own words, that was what happened when a Tier 13 who was fused with Sefirah was killed.

Now, after countless Eras, Mercurius found the Tarot cards and made a deal with them, though he tricked the Tarot in the end and never found the resources needed for it to restore completely.

Though I could understand why... if the Tarot restored itself completely, there was the possibility of more than 98% that it would leave Mercurius, and for Mercurious, Tarot Cards were a too precious treasure to be lost that way.


Divine Star Region, Some time later.

The situation in the Divine Star Region was dire, mainly after the last offensive carried out by the Bug Tribes, and now almost 80% of the Divine Star Region has fallen under the control of the Void Insect Swarm and become a land where the Hivemind ruled supreme.

Currently, in the Divine Coalition of the Myriad God Emperors, only three of them remained alive; the rest were killed, devoured, or eaten alive by the endless swarms of Bugs of the Void Insect Swarm, which turned its sight at the Astral Boundary Universe.

The remaining four Myriad God Emperors were having a meeting over their grave situation because they were already at death's door. Their territories were taken from them, and right now, each of them currently had control only over their home planes.

Of the previous seven seats, right now, only three of them are occupied.

"Where is Ijun?"

Asked a blond-haired man clad in armor, reminiscing that of Holy Paladins while giving of aura of Holiness and Light around him.

"Indeed, this is a disturbing situation Fedarr."

Answered another Myriad God Emperor to Myriad God Emperor Fedarr.

Fedarr was the God of Light, Justice, and other similar things. He was the oldest Myriad God Emperor of the original 7 and also the strongest one. Thus due to that reason, in the situation of crisis, he was often serving as some kind of unofficial leader.

"We can only hope that he is still alive and not dead, Thovion."

Stated Fedarr to Myriad God Emperor Thovion, the God of Dusk. He was the most reclusive Myriad God Emperor and the one who was rarely showing himself in public and usually just kept hidden somewhere.

"His Divine Kingdom and Plane are currently under the attack of several Tier 11 Void Insects."

Stated in a grave voice, a single Myriad God Empress, Easis, the Goddess of Destiny, as she calculated the Destiny of the Ijun, even though it cost the majority of her Divine Power.

At the same time, the remaining two Myriad God Emperors were immediately alarmed.

"We need to send there Avatars to help immediately... if more of us fall, then the situation will become even worse... but why attack Ijun's territory as the first one among us?"

It was no common secret that the Ijun was strongest against the Void Insects due to him being a God of the Underworld, who controlled inexhaustible numbers of Undead and Ghost and other similar lifeforms.

Attacking him directly wasn't a good strategy, and Void Insects would never make such an irrational move because they were far smarter than most of them together.

Each Hivemind had computing power much bigger than anything technological civilizations could build; thus, each and every decision of the Hivemind was based on a rational foundation and empirical pieces of evidence.

Myriad God Emperors, while could leave their home planes for a prolonged amount of time, they still preferred the usage of their Avatars because once those were destroyed, they could be almost effortlessly rebuilt with Divine Power.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Chapter 405 – Attack on the Myriad God Emperor of the Underworld
All Myriad God Emperors were in control of the Primary Grade 2 Plane, where they were sole gods, though some of them allowed some Gods to exist there, but mostly not.

Mainly because they monopolized the faith of the entire Primary Grade 2 Plane and secondary, but the most important reason was that they wanted to fuse more God Slots.

Something which I did, though unfortunately for them, it was not working in the way they intended to. Right now, I was standing with Weismann in the emptiness of space as we both observed the Primary Grade 2 Plane in the Divine Star Region.

This particular one was the one where one of the Myriad God Emperors ascended and it was also the one where we lured several Tier 11 Void Insects into this plane and kill them in one go, possibly together with the Myriad God Emperor Ijun, who was the Myriad God Emperor of the Underworld.

Meaning this one was very problematic to deal with due to the literally inexhaustible armies he commanded through his Divinity. So for this one, the Void Insects, who were equally troublesome to deal with, would do the dirty job for us.

Not to mention, Weismann and I had a strong conjecture that the Hivemind that was attacking the Astral Boundary Universe was only a Tier 12 one because if not, we would see much more Tier 11 Bugs wreaking havoc, together with at least Tier 12 Swarm Tyrants which were created by such Hiveminds.

"Not to mention, we can greatly weaken the remaining Myriad God Emperors with this dog move... also, how are the plans with the Ancient Eternal Star Region?"

I asked Weissmann, who was standing next to me while performing some spells onto the Primary Grade 2 Plane.

"Excellent... with the addition of the Void Insects wreaking havoc in that place, the factions in the Ancient Eternal Star Region are getting much weaker, and conquering them would be much safer and could be used for the final phase of the plan."

He stated. Right now, after I managed to get Void Insect Swarm to invade the Ancient Eternal Star Region, they were wreaking havoc there, destroying everything in their path while killing countless Tier 10 and even several Tier 11 powerhouses.

Of course, this was not without a price because, apparently, the Void Insect Tribe was suffering enormous losses in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, and evidently, even the Hivemind would soon be forced to make an appearance.

Weissmann was one, if not the sole person, who was aware of the trap of the Tarot Cards, aside from Okhwang. Though he knew about that, he didn't really care because, by his own words, it didn't really matter, not to mention that he didn't have any method to get rid of it, even if he wished.

Though he indeed didn't have a method to get rid of it, I may have one in the near future, not to mention that I already had a way to bypass Mercurius's restrictions on the Tarot Cards.

"Hmm... it is starting already."

I muttered quietly as hundreds of enormous bioships warped all around the Primary Grade 2 Planes and billions of Void Insects started descending onto the Primary Grade 2 Plane called Underworld Garden, or what it was called in Ijun's religion.

A rather silly name if you ask me.

But whatever.

Even the weakest of these Bugs was a Tier 4 Insect, which was a frightening spectacle itself, and showed the might of the Void Insects Species as one of the strongest races living in the Endless Void. With this sort of power, no wonder almost none can resist their power.

Not to mention, if one invasion fails, it is just a signal that a bigger and more powerful Swarm was needed to conquer the Universe.

The Secondary Grade 2 Plane was the size of an average galaxy. In contrast, the Primary Grade 2 Plane was approximately x150 size of the Secondary Grade 2 Plane, so its size was enormous.

But, even something as big as this plane was soon enough enveloped by the Void Insects like a Kraken pulling down a ship in a stormy sea.

I sense several hundreds of Tier 10 bugs; mostly, they were Bug Kings, Multi-Eyed Worms, Superbrain Worms, and other types of Void Insects. Not to mention, there were around 8 or 10 Tier 11 Void Insects leading this Swarm.

"Hmm... Rather powerful... currently, we have seen around 30 Tier 11 Void Insects."

Weissmann stated as I nodded in agreement, because indeed, even if this Void Insect Swarm Hivemind was just a Tier 12 one, it was still very powerful, especially in terms of numbers. Having documented for over 30 Tier 11 Void Insects was unusual for Swarm headed by Tier 12 Hivemind.

"Begone from the domain of this almighty God!"

Boomed a deep ghostly voice from the depths of the Underworld Garden Plane. Insnttlay an equal if not a larger number of Ghost, Wraiths, Evil Spirits, and Undeads started marching in orderly formation to combat out the incoming hordes of the Void Insects.

And then the battle started.

All Undeads took formation as they stood in their fortifications, awaiting the attacks of the ferocious and brutal Void Insects, which were charging at them with horrifying speed. At the same time, the stronger bugs just stayed behind the lines and observed the situation.

I watched how the bugs with a height of several tens of meters tore through the orderly formation of Undead, like a hot knife cutting through the butter, and wreaked havoc behind the lines of the Undead. Indeed in this regard, they were at a disadvantage.

But soon, something happened, which bugs probably didn't anticipate as all destroyed Undeads started rising once more as the Avatar of the Myriad God Emperor Ijun revealed a grin.

Ijun was basically resurrecting everything which has been destroyed, and from what I could see, the cost of the resurrection was minimal in truth. He was also using his Divine Kingdom as a support in the process.

This was or would be really a war of attrition.


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Chapter 406 – Void Insects vs. Undeads
Several Hours Later, Underworld Garden.

As it was predicted, this siege became a battle of attrition really fast. Bugs were brutally efficient in their fights, tearing through one line of the Undeads after another, killing them, destroying them, and getting through their fortifications with relative ease.

Unfortunately for the bugs, after they destroyed the Undeads, they were resurrected several seconds later by the Domain of the Myriad God Emperor of Underworld, Ijun.

He was continuously using his Divine Power to keep resurrecting the Undeads that the bugs killed, and thus the odds were still equal. Thought it was an important thing to say that the strongest bugs participating in the siege were of Tier 10.

While the several Tier 11 bugs were still within the bioships, waiting for the right moment to strike. They were probably waiting for the moment when the Divine Avatars of the other Myriad God Emperors arrived to ambush them or possibly had other schemes going on.

"You are more familiar with the Void Insects; how long before they will break this through?"

Suddenly Weissmann asked me this question because I have may or may not studied the Void Insects extensively. In my collection, I had even Tier 10 bugs that I managed to capture several centuries ago because, in the end, they were fascinating creatures.

Not to mention, I was always modeling my new Mechs after the Void Insects.

"Several hours at best, while the Undeads under Ijun seem to have the upper hand, it was not so... Bugs are still keeping their biggest hitters closely hidden, Juggernaut-type bugs were not properly deployed, and higher Tiered bugs are now just watching. Not to mention, even three Superbrain Bugs are coordinating the war efforts."

I explained that while now basically the Undeads had the upper hand, mainly due to their continuous resurrections, it was not so.

Firstly, all higher Tiered bugs were just watching from their bioships, and even the bioships were not participating in the combat. If they were, then even Ijun would have some problems keeping up with the resurrection rate of his Undeads.

Secondly, right now, insects were not even coordinates, as the Superbrain Bugs were just throwing them in waves, but that was just to test out the waters. Normally, Superbrain Bugs were able to devise strategies and tactics far eclipsing our best tactician and strategist.

Thirdly, on those bioships were far more Void Insects than they let out, so they were probably waiting, wanting to weaken Ijun as much as possible. Not that they were taking any losses, because technically, Undeads killed millions if not billions of Insects.

However, it was still biomass that would be, in the end, recycled by the Swarm and remade into new bugs.

"They probably want to weaken Ijun as much as possible; in the end, as long as they win the battle as a whole, then their losses are basically nothing because they could turn entire biomass into new bugs."

I said this was the terrifying ability of the Swarms.

No matter how bad losses they take, no matter how much they lose, as long as they are final winners, they are able to recuperate and rebuild what was lost.

After several more seconds had passed, Weissmann and I sensed powerful auras approaching from the direction of the center of the Divine Star Region; there were three of them, each one radiating terrifying Divine Power.

Naturally, those were the Divine Avatars of the remaining Myriad God Emperors, and as expected, they sent their Divine Avatars to help Ijun, because they were aware that if even one of them was killed, it would practically send them to their grave.

Even if each of them was individually comparable to 2 or 3 Tier 11 bugs, there were tens of such bugs, and with the support of hundreds upon hundreds of Tier 10 bugs, they were an unstoppable force.

Immediately after the three Divine Avatars of remaining Myriad God Emperors were in the vicinity of the Underground Garden, hundreds of bioships from the Void Insects Swarm started firing all of their weapons at them.

"So, they were waiting for them in the end."

In this situation, destroyed completely, even a single Divine Avatar would hurt the Myriad God Emperors a lot because right now, most of the planes where they were "farming" Power of Faith from their followers were overtaken and processed by the Swarm.

Though they remained with their home planes and Power of Faith from there, it was not enough for combat of this level. By my own calculations, it would probably take 6 to 9 Divine Avatars to completely exhaust their resources to recreate them, meaning after these tries, Myriad God Emperors would be forced the fight with their true bodies.

And that was the aim of the Swarm.

Three Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors erected around them some kind of golden barrier, which protected them from the incoming artillery strikes of Swarm's bioships, but that was not enough.

After several minutes of intense bombardment, the barrier cracked, and they were attacked by Tier 11 bugs which were already waiting there for an opportunity to ambush them.

"And the real shows starts right now."

I muttered as several Tier 11 Bug Kings started fighting with the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Paragon Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 407 – Void Insects vs. Undeads and Gods
The Divine Avatar of the Myriad God Emperor of Light Fedarr unleashed a huge ray of Divine Light directly at the tens of Bioships that were surrounding the Underworld Garden Plane, obliterating them from existence before they had a chance to escape.

One needed to be said about the Divine Avatars and that they were all extremely powerful.

Now only they were more powerful than the average Tier 11 entity because they were the crystallization of the whole power of the Myriad God Emperor; on top of all, they were constantly being powered by the Divine Kingdoms of their true bodies.

"Hmm... clearly, the Gods already learned how to fight with a Void Insect Swarm a bit."

I commented on the unpredicted development this time.

I personally was awaiting that the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors would be focusing on the Bug Kings and other Tier 11 Insects exclusively to the point of ignoring their own surroundings.

I didn't expect from them to decisively strike at the Bioships as the first move because this was a very clever move.

That was because the Bioships were housing all of the bugs the Swarm sent here, and not only that, but they were also weapons on their own, capable of obliterating Tier 10 from existence, and the biggest ones could even injure or kill Tier 11 beings.

And on top of all that, each Bioship was also a factory for new bugs at the same time. They were all collecting the biomass all around, and cultivating new bugs from it, so they were supplying deceased bugs in real-time.

In the distance, I could see Thonion, the Myriad God Emperor of Dusk, repeating the actions of Fedarr, and even the Myriad God Empress of Destiny, Easis, was repeating this, as all three of them were ignoring the attacks from the Tier 11 bugs, in favor of absolutely decimating the Bioship Fleet of the Swarm.

They were using some kind of treasures to block the attacks from the Tier 11 Insects, which worked well enough until they destroyed approximately 80% of the Bioship Fleet, which was a tremendous number and would hit the Void Insect Swarm even more than the death of a few Tier 11 bugs.

"So they came here with some sort of plan... interesting... who could think that these arrogant things would for once use their heads for something."

I muttered, as evidently, the Gods were implementing some sort of strategy when they were fighting this battle. Something unheard of for the Gods because most of them were arrogant to the point of not bothering with something so mundane such as employing strategies and tactics, believing themselves to be strongest.

Such was the Power of Faith's effect, which was corrupting or corrupted them.

"Still, it won't change the final outcome; Divine Avatars are outnumbered 3:1, so they will be killed sooner or later, no matter how much damage they will cause to the Swarm during this short time."

Weissmann said next to me, as I subconsciously nodded in agreement, as the initial success of the Gods was soon enough extinguished, as they were surrounded by the Tier 11 Gods, who managed to divide them successfully.

After they entrapped them, ferocious Bug Kings were brutally attacking the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors.

Soon enough, I saw that Easis was having a very hard time against the three Tier 11 Void Insects, as she was not really a fighter and combatant, she was more of support, if I should use this terminology.

Abruptly, one Tier 11 Bug King appeared behind her, biting her to her neck, ripping out her spine from the Divine Avatar's body in one go. Then after technically her Divine Avatar was destroyed, the rest of the Tier 11 Bug Kings started devouring her Divine Avatar.

"And that is one down."

I muttered as the three Tier 11 Bug Kings were feasting on the Divine Avatar of Myriad God Empress of Destiny, Easis.

Compared to the Easis, Fedarr and Thonion were much better, as they were fighting with their enemies almost on an equal level, though that was soon changed as the remaining Tier 11 Bug Kings joined against them and soon enough started pushing them back.

Reaming two Myriad God Emperors were more combative, but even they were soon enough losing, as the Divine Avatars were extinguished and devoured by the Tier 11 Bug Kings. This cemented the end of the Underworld Garden because the moment the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors were destroyed.

Instantly after that, the Tier 11 Bugs joined in the siege of the Underworld Garden Plane, and together with the billions of bugs, they slowly but steadily started overwhelming the Undeads, tearing through the defenses, and soon enough, they managed to breach into the Underworld Garden Plane, as they started devouring the plane itself.

"So, the Hivemind didn't appear, and God basically failed in their endeavor of saving Ijun and were overwhelmed by the bugs... something that was expected to be honest."

I muttered as Weissmann shrugged his shoulders hearing that.

The only reason why they were hiding here and waiting was in case the Hivemind arrived, but now that it was pretty much clear that the Hivemind wouldn't be arriving, not to mention, I got this confirmed from the Empire.

Appearntrely, the Hivemind was right now in the Ancient Eternal Star Region by all hints.

So, now that the reason for hiding has disappeared, they could go in and dispose of all Tier 11 Bugs and other unsavory elements.

"Do you want to go, or should I go?"

I asked as Weissmann took out his parasol, which was by all signs his Mystic Code, as he disappeared in a flash, and appeared high above the Primary Grade 2 Plane Underworld Garden, aiming at all Void Insects that were entering the plane.

Out of nowhere, a burst of silverish energy burst out of Weissmann, and in a split second, all Void Insects were crushed into a bunch of bloody mess of flesh and blood.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 408 – Swarm Scheme: Phase 1 Done
This was Weissmann's Path of the Silver King, something with the Gravity or in that way, but it was extremely efficient as all of the Void Insects that were here were killed in a split of a second, including the majority of the Tier 11 Bug Kings and other bugs of that level.

Only a few of them remained alive, which I swiftly restricted, as I wanted to conduct some research on them; they would for sure prove to be excellent research material.

I also collected some of the Bioships that managed to survive the reckless attacks of the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors.

"Hmm... this is a good loot."

I muttered while Weissmann was disposing of the rest Bugs that somehow managed to avoid getting killed in the first wave, as he then fixed his attention on the Ijun, who was still acting like a rat in his Divine Kingdom.

Previously Weissmann wouldn't dare so lightly enter the entire Divine Star Region because apparently, together, the Myriad God Emperors could activate some sort of special formation that was able to repel even Tier 12 Powerhouses.

Naturally, Weissmann was aware of this fact, so when the Swarm was first detected in the Astral Boundary Universe, I let them attack at the spots where one of the pillars of the formation, so the Myriad God Emperors couldn't activate it.

After Weissmann found Myriad God Emperor of the Underworld, Ijun, he directly killed him, and because Ijun was tired as hell and had already sustained plenty of injuries, it wasn't that hard to kill him. After everything was done, Weissmann returned to my place.

"And now what?"

He asked me as I coordinated our efforts in defeating the Void Insect Swarm.

"Nothing, we wait. Due to our interference, the bugs suffered enormous causalities in the Divine Star Region, so sooner or later, the Hivemind would be forced to come here, not to mention that the loss of their entire Fleet and more than 15 Tier 11 Void Insects is a tremendous loss for the Swarm."

I noted, as now we would need to wait.

The most probable outcome of this would be the retreat of the Hivemind from the Ancient Eternal Star Region and bringing the rest of the Swarm to the Divine Star Region to personally take care of the newly created problematic situation.

Certainly, it would be very careful when entering the Divine Star Region, as the loss of the entire Fleet and a whole bunch of Tier 11 bugs would create huge awareness of danger, so we would need to lay low for some time.

But in the end, when the Hivemind enters the Divine Star Region and exterminates the Myriad God Emperors who are right now hiding in their planes and Divine Kingdoms, it would be the best opportunity for us to strike and kill the Hivemind, ending thus the threat of the Void Insect Swarm in the Astral Boundary Universe.

"How long before it will arrive here?"

Weissmann questioned when we entered the Voidships and sailed back to the Baator.

"Several months probably, maybe one, if it is in a hurry. If everything goes according to the plan, then the most troublesome work of getting cleared the Myriad God Emperors out will be done by them, and with ambush, we can kill it."

I gave a short answer to his question.

While it wasn't a problem for the Tier 12 to dispose of the Myriad God Emperors, at least in terms of power, as they were many times weaker, the real problem lay, in fact, that it was troublesome and annoying as fuck.

Even now, the job was easy as nothing, only due to the Swarm basically paving the way for the Weissmann, who only strolled into the plane as if nothing happened, found Ijun, and killed him easily.

Normally it was not that easy because fighting against the entire Primary Grade 2 Plane and Myriad God Emperor in his Divine Kingdom will annoy even Tier 12 entities and will take some time.

"With this, Phase 1 of the Plan is complete."

I said as I closed my eyes, wanting to give myself a bit of sleep.


Meanwhile, at the same time, in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, the territory of the Taesci Species.

Taesci Species was a race of snakemen with great aptitude for Magic, as they produced countless Tier 10 and even several Tier 11 Magic Users, including one Tier 12 Magician. They followed Magic System that didn't belong to the Astral Boundary but rather was native to another Universe.

The Taesci Species control hundreds of planes, ranging from the smallest and unassuming Grade 9 Plane, which numbered in thousands, to even seven Primary Grade 2 Planes and one Grade 1 Plane, which they kept hidden from the rest of the Universe.

But right now, this mighty species was in flames of wars, as their planes and their people were mercilessly devoured by the Void Insect Swarm, their territory has shrunk to around 20% of what it was before, and countless of their powerhouses were killed.

Even their Tier 12 Ancestor was grievously injured by the Tier 12 Hivemind.

The Hivemind of the Void Insect Swarm was inhabiting a body that it was created specifically for itself, based on the best genetic materials it collected across the Void.

So contrary to the rest of the Void Insects, the Hivemind had a relatively humanoid shape, though some of the bug-like features were unmistakable.

Suddenly, as it was about to give orders to march deeper on the Taesci Territory, the message about the demise of the Fleet and troops in the Divine Star Region reached the ears of the Hivemind.

The Divine Star Region and its conquest were crucial for the Hivemind, mainly due to the Divine Sparks and Gods living there; they were one of the best materials to create a new and stronger type of bugs, and almost instantly.

Contemplating about what to do, in the end, the Hivemind decided to conquer a few planes of the Taesci Species, but not advance into their core territories, but instead return to the Divine Star Region before other Tier 12 experts of the Ancient Eternal Star Region arrive.

The Hivemind was almost reaching Tier 13, so it was not taking any risks at the moment.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Paragon Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 409 – Swarm Scheme: Phase 2 Start
3rd POV, Baator, approximately the same time as the attack on Underworld Garden has been concluded.

"Is everything prepared?"

Sounded the voice of the Emperor of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, Sirzechs Lucifer, who was clad in his Runic Battle Armor, pulsating with the power of Tier 11 because he reached the Lord-Class several weeks ago.

He was one of the most talented people in the Empire, so when his father gave the order to release all resources, he was one of the people who benefitted the most because he drastically shortened his own way toward Tier 11.

Due to the presence of three Clan Traits in his body and the recklessness of his youth, as he comprehended several Laws that didn't fit in his Path, he had a hard time undergoing the Law Fusion and creating his own Path.

Due to that he was stuck at his level for several centuries, and would be for millennia to come, if not for his father's order.

"Yes, My Emperor, all Fleets and Armies are in the place; we are waiting for your order to depart for the Ancient Eternal Star Region."

Answered the person standing behind the Emperor, as they were on the top of the balcony in the Bronze Fortress on the Avernus Layer, which was basically the sole entry point to the Baator.

Below the Bronze Fortress, one could see millions of soldiers from the Imperialis Miliotarum, clad in their Battle Armors, marching in a perfectly synchronized formation as they boarded countless voidcrafts, ready to depart for the War.

The person standing behind Sirzechs was wearing the golden Runic Battle Armor of Custodians and holding a lance in his right hand. He had black hair, in a short cut with violet eyes; even though the armor was big, it couldn't hide the man's muscular physique like that of life long martial artist.

"Then give the order for the attack, Sairaorg."

The man was Sairaorg Bael, the current Captian-General of the Adeptus Custodes and of course, one of the Peak Tier 10 powerhouses in the Empire, not like the Emperor, who was even stronger than he needed the protection, but it was a formality.

And, of course, the Custodians were "devils" on the battlefield.

Sairaorg spent his entire life in the Custodians after he was sent there by his Ancestor Zekram because, for his father, he was a disgrace for most of his life due to his Power of Destruction being dormant.

He never bothered with the duties of the Noble Houses, and even though he was technically the Heir during that time, the moment he conceived a child with his wife Kuisha Abbadon, he dropped the "responsibility" onto his son because being Noble meant he had duties to territory, which in turn meant lots of paperwork and administrative works.

Even Captain-General of Adeptus Custodians did some of those. However, not even one-tenth was done by the Noble Houses of the Eques Rank.

So for him, it was better than being stuck in some office, reading through stacks of papers and doing a boring administrative job like some rat all over again.

"The attack on the Ancient Eternal Star Region should be carried out as fast as possible. We got the message that the Hivemind had left the Ancient Eternal Star Region for the Divine Star Region, but it still managed to destroy countless factions there and even severely injure one of the Tier 12 powerhouses of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, while the other three received various degrees of injuries..."

Sirzechs muttered to himself while thinking over the recent development.

"Zeoticus has reached Tier 12, and his power should be no less than those old monsters in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, and on top of that, we have finished one Blackstone Fortress."

Commented Asura, who was sitting on the sofa together with Zekram as they were having a party of Go.

Both of them were very old even compared to Sirzechs, as Zekram was several thousand years old even before the Chthonian Empire was formally established, and Asura was too an old fossil.

Playing strategic games was something that both of them enjoyed greatly, especially Zekram; he even collected them as a hobby.

"The Blackstone Fortress is finally finished?"

Questioned Zekram, surprised because he didn't think that they would manage to construct it or rather finish the construction this fast.

The Blackstone Fortress was the pinnacle of the Arcanotech and a marvel of engineering that reached the combat prowess comparable to very strong Tier 12.

The amount of resources required to construct even one was astronomical, and the engine of the Blackstone Fortress was made with the Planar Core of Primary Grade 2 Plane as base material.

"With this, we should be able to conquer large territories of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, especially the Taesci Species territories are absolutely fucked up, and their Tier 12 Ancestor is apparently on the verge of death."

Stated Asura, as they were now planning to strike at the place which was the most vulnerable.

Ancient Eternal Star Region was filled with countless resources. However, it was divided into a few very strong factions, each headed by Tier 12 Ancestor, and those which weren't still had a very high concentration of the Tier 11 Powerhouses.

Not something that the Chthonian Empire could invade or change on their own, but the appearance of the Void Insect Swarm, instantly changed everything.

When they lured the Hivemind into the Ancient Eternal Star Region, not only did they weaken the Swarm, but they also messed up the political landscape of the entire Star Region.

"That should be enough; the territories of the Taesci are enormous, not to mention that majority of the Ancient Eternal Star Region has suffered due to the Hivemind."

Sirzechs said, as he looked at the first fleet of the Navis Imperialis to take off from the Avernus as they went towards the Ancient Eternal Star Region.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 410 – Attack on the Taesci (1)
Ancient Eternal Star Region, atop of Blackstone Fortress, the Central Command on the top of Pyramid.

The origins of the Blackstone Fortress were unclear, but it was apparently, found by someone in the Solar Federation in some data vault, dug up in some godforsaken world in the Milky Way Galaxy; nobody knew its origins or who designed it.

It was only known that it was an extremely powerful weapon of war, and something that the Solar Federation could not dream of constructing due to the resources required for it, so they just stored it in the central A.I. STC Command and left it there.

And somehow, countless years later, Zeoticus figured out how to construct it.

While the Solar Federation didn't theoretically lack the resources to construct the fortress, what they lacked was the engine, which required a tremendous amount of energy, comparable to several massive Stars like a Sun, something which wasn't possible with their current level of technology.

The engine was essential in powering up all the fancy weapons and other functions of the Blackstone Fortress.

And then, the Chtnonian Empire, the scientists, and engineers within the Magisterium of Arcanotech and Magisterium of Arcane and Magic Research came up with the proposal of using the Planar Core of Primary Grade 2 Plane as the base material for the engine.

Right now, an enormous swarm of Voidships, numbering in thousands, was approaching the Ancient Eternal Star Region, as they were going to hit the Taesci Territory hit and hard, now when the window of the opportunity has presented itself.

The Hivemind has already retreated to the Divine Star Region after the debacle in the Underworld Garden Plane, and now, the Ancient Eternal Star Region was left drastically weakened, with countless of their powerhouses dead, TIer 12 all injured, and many places without a ruler.

That was the terror of the Void Insect Swarm, and that was only a Tier 12 one, but it was peak Tier 12, and if it borrowed the psionic potential of the entire Swarm, then it could obtain the combat prowess of Tier 13 for a limited amount of time.

"One hour till we arrive at the Ancient Eternal Star Region."

Said the A.I. of the Blackstone Fortress, as Sirzechs was sitting in the logue on the top of the pyramid together with Elders of the Baator, namely Elder Zekram and Asura, and together with them, there were some important people of the Military, ironically mostly the members of the Imperial House or the Electoral Houses.

Sirzechs could see that Vali was already getting impatient with this entire ordeal as the man reached the pinnacle of Tier 10 and now itched for the fight, like the proper battle maniac he was.

"What are the most recent news from the region?"

Questioned Sirzechs because, technically, he was the person in charge of everything here.

"Negative. The state remains the same."

Answered the A.I. of the Blackstone Fortress, as everybody was satisfied with the current development.

The thing was, as nothing changed in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, it meant that Hivemind didn't return or some Tier 12 powerhouse appeared.

After one hour, the Void Fleets of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator finally arrived at the outskirts of the Ancient Eternal Star Region.

The moment they arrived at the vicinity of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, Sirzechs gave an order to increase the combat readiness to maximum, as the engagement with the hostile targets could happen anytime.

Their current location was not far from the Taesci Territory, which was heavily devastated by the Void Inscests of the Swarm and the Hivemind, so right now, the Taesci were salvaging what they could, searching for the survivors as countless of their planes were exterminated or attacked.


The Taesci Territory, Grade 1 Plane of the Taesci Species, unknown location, Temple of the Serpent.

In the unknown location of the Grade 1 Plane, which was the birthplace of the Taesci Species, there was a Temple, a Temple decided to the Ancestor of the Taesci Species and the sole Tier 12 powerhouse their race had.

This allowed them to arrogantly conquer everything in their vicinity and move across the majority of the Ancient Eternal Star Region unhindered, looking down on the others.

In the depths of this relatively unknown Temple, an old man with snake-like features was sitting cross-legged as he applied some medicine to his bleeding wounds.

"Dammed Inscests... fortunately, other old coots didn't attack us during this moment of weakness."

He cursed, as in a certain twisted sense of fate, they were indeed lucky, as they were not attacked by other species with Tier 12 backing immediately after the Hivemind departed to another Star Region, which was like heavenly luck smiling at them.

And just as he was tending to his wounds, because the fight with the Hivemind was really terrifying, the old man lived for too long and fought with countless other Tier 12, but when he looked at the Hivemind, he immediately knew that it was the pinnacle of Tier 12, only a small slight step from reaching Tier 13.

He was injured the most from the all Tier 12 powerhouses in the Ancient Eternal Star Region and suffered the most severe injuries.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and he saw a disturbing vision in front of his eyes, which was projected in real-time.

He saw thousands if not tens of thousands of voidcrafts heading directly at their Grade 1 Plane, the Serpent Plane, especially when he looked at the biggest vessel, which was in the middle of the swarm of voidships; he saw an immediate threat to his life.

"Chthonians... so they reached this level of Magitek."

Said the old man in resignation when looking at the armada flying toward them; not only that, he also felt an entire bunch of Tier 11 powerhouses and countless Tier 10 and Tier 9 among them; only then did he realize that someone had carefully planned this.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
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Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 411 – Attack on the Taesci (2)
Atop the Blackstone Fortress

"Brace for the impact; fire from all main weapons!"

Shouted the Lord Admiral of the Navis Imperialis in command of the Blackstone Fortress as they saw powerhouses of the Taesci Race incoming at their position.

Outside of the Blackstone Fortress, suddenly, the main cannon started gathering an overwhelming amount of power, ready to fire.

Of course, this didn't escape the eyes of the Taesci powerhouses, who immediately dispersed to all sides to dodge the incoming attack from the Blackstone Fortress.

Those stronger and luckier managed to escape the beam of pure destruction comparable to the strongest attack of their Tier 12 Ancestor, but several of them still get caught in it and obliterated to the dust.

While the rest, who managed to escape the onslaught of the Blackstone Fortress, didn't escape the attacks from the rest of the Voidfleet as various powerhouses of the Taesci Species were being bombarded to death by the Voidfleet of the Chthonian Empire.

Unfortunately for the Chthonians, they managed to kill only one Tier 11 expert of the Taesci species, but even that was better than nothing.

The main problem of the Blackstone Fortress was that it was pretty static, and the agility of the void craft was close to zero, but that was something understandable as it was Space Fortress, not a Space Ship.

"Give the order to advance."

Stated Sirzechs as he watched from his seat the show and how it was unfolding. Seeing that their initial attack has failed, the remaining powerhouses of the Taesci Species has retreated to the nearest Primary Grade 2 Plane, as the fight would commence there, planning to make use of the natural enviroment.

Sirzechs knew that the Taesci Ancestor wouldn't make a move on them unless they attacked the Serpent Plane, their ancestral home. Right now, as he was severely injured, he lacked the power to attack them, but it was just Sirzechs's own assumption.

In the plane before them, there were at least two Tier 11 Powerhouses of the Taesci Species and countless lower-tiered ones.

However, the number of the Tier 10 experts should be no more than 20 or so probably; as long as they hit hard and fast, they could win the battle without any unnecessary casualties.

"I will lead the vanguard, reposition the Blackstone Fortress so it can detect the Tier 12 experts if they come here and attack them instantly."

Sirzechs said, choosing to lead the attack this time.

Their little expedition had entirely three Tier 11 Powerhouses, him included, of course. At the same time, the rest of the Tier 11 experts remained at the Baator to protect their territory.

Now, there was a need to have at least one of three to remain at the Blackstone Fortress and protect it from possible infiltrators if some Tier 11 expert decided to destroy the Blackstone Fortress, and his best bet was to do it from the inside.

Among the three of them, Asura was undoubtedly the strongest one, while Sirzechs and his ancestor Zekram Bael were tied on the spot.

While Sirzechs was more diverse and boasted higher raw power, Zekram's destruction was very absolutely frightening; thus, his destructive prowess was higher than his descendant.

Sirzechs, together with Captain-General of Custodians, half of the entire Custodians, and some of the elite forces of the Imperialis Militarum descended down onto the Primary Grade 2 Plane, where their enemies were already waiting for them, and the moment they landed, they were instantly ferociously attacked.

Sirzecchs himself was attacked by two Tier 11 Snakemen of the Taesci race; both of them looked like an old man, but their power was unmistakable, but he could see that they had plenty of injuries, probably suffering them in their fights with the Void Insects of the Swarm.

He instantly used the Law of Devour to disperse their attacks, while at the same time, he was using the Law of Destruction to create artificial stars and shooting them at the Tier 11 Taesci Elders, who warily looked at the Destruction Stars, dodging them, not wanting to be incarnated to nothingness.

Not giving them any time to rest, he immediately used the Law of Darklight to constantly attack them with the various Dakrlight Weaponry, boosted up by the Law of Destruction; this style was something he copied from his father, and it was pretty useful in a certain situation, even if it didn't suit combat style too much.

While Sirzechs was entertaining the two Tier 11 Elders of the Taesci Species, the Armies of the Chthonian Empire were disembarking from their Voidships as they started engaging their enemies from the Taesci race.

Khaos Brigade, under the leadership of Vali Lucifer, led the charge as they held the line; as one of the elite forces of the Imperialis Militarum, they protected the line so the other average soldiers of the Imperialis Militarum could safely exist in the Voidships.

Vali, who reached the pinnacle of Tier 10, decimated the lines of the Taesci; with his True Longinus, he kept killing one expert of the Taesci after another and, within just ten minutes, managed to kill ten Tier 9 experts and even one Tier 10.

Currently, he was engaging another one of Tier 10 of the snakemen.

In the background, sounds of the artillery could be heard, as hundreds of the Anti-Matter Magicule Cannons were firing one round after another at the lines of the Taesci defenders while the Voidships were slowly being emptied and getting ready to join the artillery.

In the back, the faces of two Tier 11 Elders of the Taesci Species went pale when they saw Blackstone Fortress reposition itself somewhere around this Plane, which would mean that another Tier 11 would be soon departing from the invasion force to join the fight.

Both of them then realized that the fight for this plane was lost, so after contemplating about the situation for a while, both of them decided to abandon this Plane and retreat to the Serpent Plane.


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Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 412 – Attack on the Taesci (3)
Unknown Primary Grade 2 Plane, formerly belonging to the Taesci Species.

"Indeed, the best decision they could make in their current situation."

Sirzechs just sighed; seeing those two Elder of the Taesci Species flee so decisively together with the rest powerhouses who were in the Plane, leaving the rest of the population to their fate, was certainly admirable?

Indeed, from the logical point of view, this fight was lost even before it started, as the armies of the Chthonian Empire hit the hardest and fastest here, so it was predicted that they couldn't defend against their advance here, so in the end, the retreat was the best solution.

Without the support from the high-end experts, the armies of the Taesci Species, which were defending this Plane, were soon enough overwhelmed by the armies of the Chthonian Empire.

Khaos Brigade broke through the last line of defenses, and soon their cities and fortresses started falling one after one.

In the face of such a highly coordinated attack on the all-important places across the Plane at the same time, and without any leadership, it took only three days entirely, for the Plane to fall into the hands of the Empire.

Surprisingly, during these three days, the Taecsci was very quiet and very silent, not making any move, which was anticipated, but instead, only the silence came.



In truth, I knew that the Taesci wouldn't attack us even if we took a few of their planes, something which was agreed on only by a few in the expedition, but it proved to be the truth. Under normal circumstances, we would be met with fierce defense and with even more brutal retaliation, but here nothing came.

They were too weakened and suffered too high losses under the Void Insect Swarm and the Hivemind, so having us take a few Planes and hope that we would be satisfied while seemed foolish was the best possible outcome for them.

When I came to the Plane, the first thing I did was to meet with Sirzechs so he could fill me in on the situation.

Fortunately, from what I could see, there were not any major problems during our attack on this Plane, and our losses were kept to a minimum, only numbering a few tens of thousands, mainly from the standard Armies of the Imperialis Militarum.

We were currently in the Blackstone Fortress, as I found the enviroment of the Taesci Plane not to my tastes, and the Blackstone Fortress was something akin to my other child.

"I heard that you fought with two Tier 11 Elders of the Taesci Race..."

I stated casually as we sat down together with us; also, Hela was present as she arrived around the same time as I.

In the end, she decided to participate in the invasion, just for fun or probably because she couldn't resist the temptation of the slaughter and carnage that would happen soon.

Now that she was not the Lord Marshall Militant of the Imperialis Militarum, she had too much free time on her hands. Contrary to me, she lacked some "hobby" so she was often bored. For that reason, she often barged to me when I was conducting my research and...

"Indeed, they were pretty powerful, especially when they fought together; their teamwork was polished by millennia of experiences."

He answered as I summoned three cups of tea; Hela would probably appreciate a good cup of tea.

"How are things going on here?"

I asked as I took a sip of my tea.

"The Blackstone Fortress has been successfully positioned over the orbit of the Plane, and we have successfully established this Plane as a foothold into the Ancient Eternal Star Region. On top of that, we are preparing to invade the surrounding planes in the upcoming days."

Sirzechs summarized the situation as I was satisfied with the current development, not that my insight was needed for this; I was not as good in military strategies as Hela or the current Lord Marshall Militant Arthur Pendragon.

"Good, then be prepared for the attack. I think after we conquer a few more Planes, the Taesci would, for a sure attack, possibly drag other Tier 12s into this mess, and even though I am pretty strong for my current Tier, I can't fight all those old monsters at the same time."

I said seriously as Sirzechs nodded.

While I was certainly very strong, stronger than them in the one-to-one fight, because of entire beings, especially my special abilities and my destructive ones, the situation would be precarious if they ganged up on me.

I knew that the moment we conquered more than was acceptable, they would be forced to fight us, not that I cared about that; the preparations I had made for this situation were enough.

We have stationed the Blackstone Fortress onto this Plane.

Not to mention that If I could devour the entire existence of Tier 12, Taesci Ancestor would increase my raw power greatly for sure.

"How long do we have before the Hivemind realizes that it has been tricked?"

My eldest questioned me while Hela stood from her previous spot and sat directly on my lap, letting me be spoiled by me as I gave her a few kisses.

"Few months, maybe even years... who knows... god knows what will happen if those Gods are forced to take up the extreme measures... such as Divine Kingdom detonation, for example."

I explained.

Detonation of the Divine Kingdom belonging to the Myriad God Emperor was no joke and technically should be strong enough to severely injure even some more powerful Tier 12 if they are not careful enough.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
Paragon Tier - 30 chapters ahead
Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 413 – Ancestors of Three Ancient Races
The Taesci Territory, Grade 1 Plane of the Taesci Species, unknown location, Temple of the Serpent.

For the past few days, the Ancestor of the Taesci Race was mainly tending to his wounds while also contemplating about the situation of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, or more specifically, the Taesci Race.

"Lord Ancestor, the Chtonians are marching from one plane to another, and we have lost more experts to them than we have to Hiveminds and the Void Insect Swarm."

Reported one of the remaining Tier 11 experts of the Taesci Race.

The Taescis were a very old, very ancient species and were one of the major ancient races in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, not only due to the fact they had a Tier 12 powerhouse overseeing their race but mainly due to the fact that they were old.

During countless Eras, they managed to survive, they amassed a ridiculous number of powerhouses, but right now, countless of them were being killed like flies.

Such was the result of the invasion from the Chthonian Empire.

The real problem was that many of their high-end experts were already injured in various degrees when fighting the bugs, and now the Chthonians came and started killing everyone here and there.

"I am aware of this fact... too late; we have noticed that the Hivemind didn't come here on its own."

Muttered the old man sadly, while a few gasps of shock were heard across the solemn meeting room, especially among the weaker and younger Tier 11 or Tier 10 powerhouses.

"Ancestor, you don't mean?"

Asked one young-looking man, who was the youngest here and was the newest addition to the Tier 11 powerhouses of their race, who broke through to the Tier 11 only a few decades ago.

"Indeed, it is... how else the Hivemind which started its invasion from the Divine Star Region appeared here? Somebody must have guided the Hivemind to our Ancient Eternal Star Region, not to mention that the Void Insect Swarm came into contact at first with Evil Spirit Sect; why that? Because the man who did it new that the madmen of the Evil Spirit Sect would attack the Hivemind instantly while committing some unspeakable atrocities, which would force the Hivemind to invade the Ancient Eternal Star Region at full force."

Explained the Ancestor of the Taesci Species with a defeated voice.

How did the Void Insect Swarm come here?


Dimensional Pathway appeared somewhere in the territory controlled by the Evil Spirit Sect, and for sure, they entered it and found some plane that was controlled by the Swarm.

And it was not an ordinary plane, but it was one that had been remade into a hatchery for new bugs.

When it was found by the members of the Evil Spirit Sect, they immediately slaughtered all of the larvas that were in the entire plane, committed some other atrocities on the little bugs, and not surprisingly, they were immediately found, captured, tortured, and soon enough there were fleets of the Void Insect Swarms knocking on the doors of the Ancient Eternal Star Region.

When the Hivemind arrived at the doors of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, the first the bugs did was to kill every single member of the Evil Spirit Sect to the last one, and then they started spreading towards the other areas.

After then, three major ancient races of the Taesci Race, the Three-Eyed Race and the Venan Race decided to fight back collectively; this roped in other factions, especially those who once produced the Tier 12 powerhouse, not mattering if they were alive or not, and started resisting the advance of bugs.

Suddenly, as they were in the middle of the discussion, the Tier 12 Ancestor of the Taesci Race closed his eyes before he opened them once again, bearing a serious expression on his face.

"Everybody, immediately leave."

He commanded; not a single person dared to question his orders as they fastly emptied the meeting room, leaving their Ancestor alone there, sitting as if waiting for something or somebody.

After minutes, two figures appeared in the room.

One of them was a middle-aged man wearing a futuristic suit, which looked like a very advantaged form of nanotechnology, giving off the subtle hint of overweight power; he seemed very humanoid, practically indistinguishable from the average human, the only feature which would differentiate him from ordinary human was a third eye on his forehead.

The other figure was a purple-skinned humanoid with long hair, deep purple skin, with visible skeleton a bit, and red markings across his whole body, which were glowing like they were alive.

The first one was Ancestor of the Three-Eyed Species, which was a very technologically advanced species that based their technology and power system on psionic energy; originally, they were drifters within the void, survivors of another Universe until they crashed here.

The purple-skinned man was of the Venan Race, who were also not natives to an Astral Boundary, but could be considered as some sort of failed products of a very mighty Tier 14 individual.

He probably hoped for his creations to reach at least Tier 12, but their natural limit was only Tier 11. Only by heavenly luck could the one who became the Ancestor of the Venan Race reaches his Tier.

"So, why have you called us here, Sirren?"

Asked the Ancestor of the Venan Race with a frost voice as he looked at the injured Ancestor Sirren of the Taesci Race, probably deciding if it was worth attacking him right here and now in an attempt to obtain more resources.

"You should be already aware of the reason Vhar. The Chthonians who are right now invading the Ancient Eternal Star Region and are the masterminds behind the attack of the Hivemind on the Star Region this fast before we could finish our preparations."

The Ancestor of the Taesci Sirren bit back immediately, while the Ancestor of the Three-Eyed Race kept all of his three eyes closed, just listening to the conversation.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 414 – To Strike Back
Seeing that the Chthonians were luring the Hivemind to the Ancient Eternal Star Region was not that surprising to the other two Tier 12 powerhouses and Ancestors of their respective species.

They both long ago guessed that somebody set it up, and it wasn't that hard to pinpoint the mastermind because there were only so many Tier 12 powerhouses in the Ancient Eternal Star Region or similarly skilled heaven-defying Tier 11s.

When counted in motivation and gains, only one person was capable of organizing this entire thing, and that was the Father of All Devils and the supreme ruler of the Baator, Ancestor of the Chthonian Empire, Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer.

The problem was that there were rumors of the Father of All Devils reaching Tier 12, because there were not many of them in the Astral Boundary; news like this would always spread really fast.

It was clear that the power of the Father of All Devils was absolutely frightening even when he was Tier 11, and by their calculations, he should have the destructive prowess of some weaker newly advanenced Tier 12.

Now that he had actually reached their level, neither one of them wanted to test their luck. Even though the three Ancestors were very arrogant and confident in their power, there was one thing they were more... survivors.

They clung to their life like koalas to a tree.

"Not to mention, he is a very close ally with the Arcane Ancestor... how are the chances that they would too jump into the fray?"

Questioned the Ancestor of the Three-Eyed Race as he suddenly opened two of his eyes while keeping his third eye on his forehead closed.

"It is highly possible, Ashbourne... that is why we need to act as one and defeat the Chthonains as fast as possible before they start getting fortified here and worse, calling their allies here."

Said the Ancestor of the Taesci Race, as only Vhar agreed with him, while the Ashbourne who asked the question still seemed unconvinced.

"Weissmann has been fence sitter for past Eras; I seriously doubt he would actively seek war."

Stated Ashbourne shortly after, because indeed Arcane Ancestor Weissmann has been the perfect epitome of the fence sitter for the past Eras.

Compared to their races, the Baatorians were extremely militaristic, and their ability to wage war was unparalleled; if they were given the opportunity to fortify themselves properly, it would be very hard to drive them out.

Even though their entire expedition and attack lasted only something around a week, they already controlled one Primary Grade 2 Plane, which was already being turned into an impregnable fortress as they were speaking right now.

This alone spoke about their nature as species that mastered the art of war, and contrary to many, their commanders were always people who were best at the military strategies and tactics, not minding their personal power.

It wasn't uncommon to see even Tier 8 Officers or even lower giving orders to Tier 9 or even Tier 10s, something which would be absolutely unacceptable in most if not all species and factions because the personal strength was on the top.

"We need to act right now... they already stationed some weapon capable of killing the Tier 12 entities over that plane, and their progress in fortifying the plane is astounding, something I have never seen before."

Stated the Taesci Ancestor Sirren, as the other two agreed with him and, in the end, decided to ally once more, just this time, they won't be fighting the Void Insect Swarm and the Hivemind but the legions of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

"And how are we going to deal with their Navy? Even though my race is technology extremely advanced, compared to the level of the Chthonians, our ships are severely lacking, not to mention, even if we are outnumbering the Chthonians 3 to 1, it might not be enough."

Said the Ancestor of the Three-Eyed Race Ashbourne.

The technology, especially the firepower of the Voidships of the Chthonian Empire, was several generations ahead even of such technological races such as the Three-Eyed Race, which was the most technologically advanced in the entire Astral Boundary.

But contrary to the Chthonian Empire's ships, they were smaller and didn't have such frightening firepower.

Not talking about the defensive ability, as the ships of the Chthonian Empire could easily traverse the Void itself, while only the bigger and stronger ships of the Three-Eyed Race could boast of the same feat.

"If we use our client races, we can use them as cannon fodder to take most of the damages and losses for us..."

Stated the Ancestor of the Venan Race Vhar; because this was in their option, the perfect usage of the vassals and other Ancestors wholly agreed with his statement.

"We need to quickly go and organize the counter-attack on the forces of the Chthonian Empire. We have approximately three days at max."

Stated the Taesciu Ancestor Sirren, as the other two agreed with him.

After they finished the discussion about their next advances, two Ancestors of the Venan Race and Three-Eyed Race left the Serpent Plane to prepare things on their own end.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
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Apollyon-Class Clearance - 50 chapters ahead + other benefits
Chapter 415 – Dresden Empire Strikes! (1)
Somewhere in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, around the same time.

Right now, it was quite a time on the borders between Ancient Eternal Star Region and Central Star Region, that much quiet and peace that nobody from the facts of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, which were stationed here, bothered to do any kind of patrol check.

Especially considering that most of them were dealing with the aftermath of the Hivemind's invasion and attacks, they were a bit lax at the moment.

This whole part of the border was under the patronage of the Three-Eyed Race, and all of the factions that were here were basically their vassals.

Nicely said that.

In other words, they were slaves or servants.

And just like that, during some silent day, where nothing out of the ordinary happened, suddenly the space folded as thousands of space cracks appeared all around the border between two Star Region of the Astral Boundary and thousands of spaceships started existing them in neat formations.

They were not humongous like that of the Chthonian Empire, but they bore with themselves some sort of elegance and beauty of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

Even when compared to the designs of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, which was known for its fearsome navy, the Dresden Arcanum Empire wasn't that much behind.

On the largest ship in the entire fleet, which exited from one of the space cracks, in the command center, Arcane Ancestor Weissmann was talking with a silver-haired man clad in runic battle armor, who was happily drinking beer.

"I think that you are in a very good mood Sigmar."

Stated the Arcane Ancestor Adolf K. Weissmann as he looked at Sigmar Helason-Lucifer, who was happily drinking and eating, not really caring about the angry looks he was getting from his two female companions, who looked like they would burst out every second.

In fact, he recognized the blonde one with fox ears, as she looked like an older and more mature version of Kunou Lucifer, Sigmar's daughter, so he quickly concluded that this should be Kunou's mother, Yasaka.

Though the second woman was relatively unfamiliar to him, she was a very young-looking beautiful woman with long, straight silver hair and aqua-colored eyes who appeared to be in her late teens.

She wore a battle attire consisting of a set of Valkyrie armor consisting of a white breastplate with gold and pale blue accents and matching, fingerless gauntlets, boots, hip guards, and wing-shaped hair clips. She also wears a black leotard underneath her breastplate, black thigh-high stockings, and a pale blue cloth wrapped underneath her hip guards, all clad with pink lacing along with her hair clips.

She was Rossweisse, Sigmar's second wife, whom he married only a few centuries ago; they met when he was named to his position of a Magister of the Outer Plane Development, where she worked as one of the high-ranking administrative state employees.

"Of course! There is nothing better than three things. Good fight, then good food and drink and good sex."

And immediately when he said that sentence, both of his wives slapped him on the back of his head.

"Sigmar, that was absolutely inappropriate behavior for some of your status!"

Shouted Rossweiss as she started reprimanding him for his behavior while Ysasaka just nodded her head in agreement, agreeing with her co-wife, while Sigmar was grinning with a silly smile, not saying anything.

This was happening every time.

Sigmar was never of social conventions or some official protocols; one could say he was a brute who did what he wished, and when he wished, that was why he was never put in any position which would require him to negotiate with foreign powers.

Fortunately, the position of Magister of the Outer Plane development was like heaven-sent for him.

Right now, Sigmar was assigned in the front that the Dresden Arcanum Empire would create because the Dresdens were trying new applications of military strategies, mainly adopted from the Chthonian Empire.

"We would be arriving within the next half an hour."

After some uncomfortable silence that was created after a twenty-minute long lecture from Yasaka and Rossweisse about the appropriate behavior for high-ranking people, though Weissmann seriously doubted the man would remember anything from it.

"Excellent. What are the first targets?"

Sigmar asked happily, finally some sort of action.

Right now, the man in question was already at the peak of Tier 10 as now all of the children of the Father of All Devils were competing for who would reach Tier 11 next after Sirzechs.

Not talking about Renxue, who, unfortunately, was still stuck at Tier 8, but everyone knew that if she ascended as God in her Universe, then she could reach Tier 11 within a few months at best.

"The strongest faction here is the Heaven Defying Sect... it is created from some cultivators from another Universe. Ancient Eternal Staar Region has many factions that do not originate from the Astral Boudanry; most of them are actually outsiders that just settled here, though many of them are living here for countless Eras."

Answered Weissmann while Sigmar tilted his head in confusion.

"Heaven Defying? What an arrogant name... really, these cultivators are silly people."

Sigmar grinned as he said, already caressing his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz in anticipation of a good fight.

"How strong are they?"

Questioned Sigmar's wife, Rossweisse.

"Not much; they have only one Tier 11 expert, most of the vassals of the Hegemons of the Ancient Eternal Star Region are very restricted on their development, and only the most loyal factions are allowed even to have Tier 11 expert."

Answered Silver King of the Dresden Empire.

That was indeed not really strong, but it just showed how paranoid the Hegemons of the Ancient Eternal Star Region were.

That was partially understandable, as most of them were foreigners who were cast out from their home Universe, mostly because they lost in some strife there.

"So just a small fries."

Sigmar said relatively unhappily, but at the same time, this was a good opportunity to fight a Tier 11 expert for him, who wouldn't be very strong.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Chapter 416 – Dresden Empire Strikes! (2)
He was at the peak of Tier 10, and he never had the opportunity to fight someone at Tier 11 with relatively average combat prowess, mainly due to the lack of such people in the Chthnonian Empire.

All of the Tier 11 experts of the Chthonian Empire had extremely high destructive prowess, and so on, so he couldn't just go and fight with his mother, or he would be squashed like a bug in seconds.

Hela was terrifying even among the other Tier 11 experts of the Baator.

After approximately twenty-five minutes, they had already arrived at the territory of the Heaven-Defying Sect, which was a sect of the cultivators that came from another Universe and became vassals of the Three-Eyed Race.

Among the vassals of the Three-Eyed Race, they were one of the very few ones who were not technologically advanced and rather focused on improving their own strength; there were even rumors that they had more Tier 11 experts than they were showing, but nothing was confirmed yet.

"Let the one with the highest kill count win!"

When they were in the vicinity of the home plane of the Heaven-Defying Sect, Sigmar shouted to the rest of the Tier 11 experts in the expeditionary fleet while taking his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz, as he teleported out of the ship and directly attacked the plane.

"Oh my lord, that idiot."

Yasaka held her templates as she watched her husband charging into the battle without care of anything else, while soon enough following after him.

She herself was Tier 10, and even though she was the only initial one, she was the High Priestess of the Father of All Devils.

In times of need, she could showcase some power of Father of All Devils himself, so aside from Aracne's Ancestor Adolf K. Weissmann, she was the strongest person here.

And finally, Rossweiss remained there, just looking at both of them; considering her peak Tier 9 strength, she concluded that it would be safer for her to remain with her Valkyrie Division and participate in the upcoming siege rather than in duels that were commencing right now.

After hearing Sigmar's bold proclamation, some more hot-headed or competitive Arcanists immediately followed after him, and even one of Tier 11 who was Yatogami Kuroh, in case there were more Tier 11 cultivators in the Heaven-Defying Sect than initially predicted.


When Sigmar arrived at the plane, he noticed thousands of humans already coming to him; thus, he gripped his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz, unleashing the power of his Godhood and the Laws he comprehended, as he followed a similar way to his father.

Godhood and Laws as one, as his father liked to say.

Unleashing the Power of Death to the maximum, enveloping the entire the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz, he waved at the incoming cultivators as the wave of the Energy of Death hit them, instantly decaying their bodies, consuming their lifespan as their bodies crumbled to ash and dust.

Only a few of them survived, those who reached the Peak of Tier 10 and could forcibly resist the decaying power of his Godhood.

Instantly, Sigmar revealed a bloodthirsty grin as Law of Darklight cracked around the Ghal-Maraz, teleporting to the nearest Tier 10 cultivator who had been turned into a frail old man from his previous handsome middle-aged appearance, smashing the Ghal-Maraz directly into his chest with a full force.

The strike created a shockwave that sent flying all people in the vicinity of those two, as the Tier 10 cultivator was killed, as half of his upper body was missing.

"Weak. Pathetic."

Sigmar cursed at them as they were weak.

That was due to their "power system"; most of the typical cultivation systems made by cultivators were based on an aspect of gathering energy and refining that energy, something very similar to the Devils in the first 8 Tiers of their existence.

Due to such kinds of power systems, cultivation was easy as fuck, and the people practicing it had extremely long lifespans, but it had one serious disadvantage. Their combat prowess was shit, even weaker than those of Warlocks of the Astral Boundary.

Compared to Sigmar, who followed the path of Laws and Godhood, one casual strike was enough to kill some random peak Tier 10 cultivator of an energy-gathering-based cultivation system.

Not all cultivation systems were only about gathering energy and purifying it; some of them had aspects similar to Law Comprehension or other unusual methods of tremendously increasing their combat prowess.

Looking at the surviving cultivators, he conjured hundreds of Darklight Weapons coated with the Power of Death, shooting the object at them, instantly slaughtering them like ants.

"Father was right, they really amount to nothing, but still, they could probably outnumber us several times over if it was under normal circumstances."

Sigmar muttered.

Practicing these power systems was relatively easy; practically anyone could do it, and with enough resources, ascending to higher Tiers was not a problem, of course, at the price of rather low combat prowess.

Nevertheless, for many people, that was an acceptable price.

Especially for species that lacked a naturally long lifespan, the advantages of such a power system were very appealing to them, as they provided them with long lifespans and some power, which was good for countless people.

After finishing off these cultivators, Sigmar entered the place of the Heaven-Defying Sect and started searching for the Sect Master or whoever was at Tier 11 because the rest of the people were not a match for him.

A few brave ones attacked him already, but they were squashed like a bug by his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz.

Still, he had to admit that if one thing was impressive about the entire place, it was the architecture, distinctively similar to that of Youkai in the Empire, and because his first wife was one, even their house was stylized in the similar architecture.

"Out of my way."

He shouted; with one swipe of his Warhammer, he turned another of the Elders of the Heaven-Defying Sect into a meat past as he finally entered the main building of the sect.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Being of Law Tier - 20 chapters ahead
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Chapter 417 – Sigmar vs. Sect Master Heaven Defying
Sigmar soon enough fought up his way to the central pavilion, which was located on the highest peak in the Heaven-Defying Sect.

Which was not really Heaven-Defying at all, as most of the people here couldn't take even a hit from his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz before being killed.

After killing a few more Elders and some young people who seemed to be some disciples or whatever, he finally arrived at the peak and barged into the pavilion where the Sect Master of the Heaven-Defying Sect was already waiting for him, sitting cross-legged in a meditative posture.

The sect master of the Heaven-Defying Sect was an old-looking man with visible wrinkles over his whole face, long white hair, and a beard.

Altogether he gave Sigmar no feeling of a sect master but rather some administrative worker from the Magisterium of Domestic Affairs and Development, who were pestering him from time to time to finish his paperwork on time.

"You are the sect master?"

Sigmar questioned curiously, his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz ready to battle against the man instantly if it came to him, or rather, in case he was surprisedly attacked.

"Indeed I am."

The sect master answered while opening his eyes as Sigmar grinned, teleporting in front of the old man and attacking him with full force. The old sect master hastily stretched his hand, catching the incoming strike by the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz head-on.

Sigmar, while surprised at this development, didn't hesitate and attacked the Sect Master Heaven-Defying with his free hand, which was coated with the Power of Death as Sigmar activated his Godhood to maximum and infused all of his God Force and Law of Death into that punch sending the Sect Master Heaven-Defying flying through the several walls.

"That was a good one... now we will see what his attacking capabilities are."

Sigmar muttered as he wanted the Sect Master Heaven-Defying to return after getting punched out from the pavilion.

Instantly, a ball of energy was shot at Sigmar, who raised his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz as he blocked the ball of energy relatively effortlessly.

"Hmm... so a typical energy gathering with minimal focus on combat."

Realizing the relative extent of the combat prowess of these cultivators, Sigmar gauged the power of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying as weaker than that of the Warlock Emperors.

He was probably even weaker than the Dawn Emperor in his prime, which was pretty weak for the Tier 11 standard.

"But the energy he has in his body is... approximately thrice of that of Tier 11 Being of Law."

He sensed that the energy levels of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying were terrifying; he had approximately thrice the energy compared to the average Tier 11 Lord-Class Devil, which was frightening itself.

While the energy levels weren't everything in the battle, they were crucial for prolonging the fights, something which would put Sigmar at a disadvantage if they fought for a very long time, something which the Sect Master Heaven-Defying would favor.

Soon enough, several more of these energy-based attacks reached Sigmar, and he blocked all of them effortlessly, not really putting any effort into it, as they were relatively weak in his view. At the same time, each one could injure him, but not to some serious level.

Though it was apparent that the Sect Master Heaven-Defying wasn't planning to fight him head-on any time soon, and because of that, Sigmar would need to take the initiative and close the distance between the two of them.

After ten more minutes, where it continued in the similar style of Sect Master Heaven-Defying, attacking Sigmar with a varied repertoire of energy-based attacks, to which he blocked or dodged all of them.

Suddenly the Sect Master Heaven-Defying waved his hand in an attempt to activate the sect's suppression formation that were all around the pavilion.


Just the huge explosion was heard as one of the smaller spacecraft of the Dresden Arcane Empire fell down from the sky after being shot down by colliding with some Tier 10 cultivator, who used his life to take it down.

Probably he wanted to take the entire part of the fleet with him, not awaiting the energy shield that was created around the ship and him, containing the explosion.

And fortunately for Sigmar, the crash of the spacecraft destroyed a large part of the sect's suppression formation.

The expression on the Sect Master Heaven-Defying face turned grim before Sigmar teleported in front of him, hitting him with the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz, which the Law of Darklight boosted.

Sending the Sect Master Heaven-Defying crashing into the nearby wall, he stood up quickly and coughed a mouthful of blood before taking out his saber; now that Simgar had forced him into the corner, there was no other chance than to fight him head-on.

Physically wise, Simgar was several times above the Sect Master Heaven-Defying.

Still, the old sect master was very experienced and knew how to fight people with Sigmar's power type, but unfortunately, Sigmar was not the hot-heated as he was during his younger days.

Several near-death experiences and scolding from Yasaka and one or two beatings from his mother were enough to change his perception of things and how he was fighting.

He instantly continued the barrage of attacks on the Sect Master Heaven-Defying, not letting him do anything.

Sigmar continued using the Law of Death and Law of Decay in combination with his Godhood to continuously attack the Sect Master Heaven-Defying, weakening him to a tremendous degree, until all the advantages that the Sect Master Heaven-Defying had over the Sigmar disappeared into thin air.

And now that both of them stood on the same ground, it was clear who would be a winner.

after Sigmar started attacking the Sect Master Heaven-Defying even more ferociously than before, each of the strikes with his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz contained an unnatural amount of the Law of Darklight and Law of Death.


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Unawakened Tier - 5 Chapters ahead
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Chapter 418 – Forward
Sect Master Heaven-Defying dodged the incoming hit from the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz, but it was clear that the battle started taking a toll on the elderly sect master.

His whole body was riddled with injuries, and the regeneration of Qi was abysmal because the Law of Decay was stuck in his body, constantly wreaking havoc inside of his body.

That one was also obstructing the regeneration of his injuries, so overall, the situation looked very grim for him. He was very well aware that there was a very high possibility of his upending death right here and right now.

Deciding that this was the end of the entire Heaven-Defying Sect, the sect master Quan Ni decided to use the forbidden technique to at least kill the foe before him.

While the Ancient Eternal Star Region was largely cut out from the rest of the Astral Boundary Universe, not literarily, they kept to themselves, not really bothering with the affairs of the other Star Regions.

Factions existing here were practically isolationists and never bothered with the matters of the outsiders.

But they still knew about the important people and factions in the entire Universe, and for the past centuries, the one with the biggest sway, which was on the extreme rise, was the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

And the elderly sect master recognized the man before him as one of the Grand Princes of the Chthonian Empire, Sigmar Helason Lucifer, who was rather notorious throughout the entire Astral Boudarny because he often traveled around the Universe and challenged powerful people to fight.

Sigmar seeing the rising energy levels of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying, knew what was happening because his father often warned him to be wary of cultivators in life-and-death situations.

While in normal combat, most of them had subpar combat prowess and destructive prowess, some of them had some pretty neat forbidden techniques in their sleeves, which could give them a tremendous increase in combat prowess for a limited amount of time at the cost of burning their lifespan.

Most of them will either die afterward or would be left half-dead or crippled, but it was enough for them to kill most of their foes.

His father stated that, for example, even weak Tier 9 could easily match peak Apocalypse-Class Being of Law with very destructive Law.

Before the Sect Master Heaven-Defying could finish executing his forbidden technique, out of nowhere, he was hit straight to his chest by the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz and, at the same time, pierced through his back by several Dark Light Spears, as Sigmar wasn't giving him any chances.

"And this is the check-mate, sir."

Sigmar grinned as the Law of Decay, Law of Death and his Godhood all pouted into the body of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying; he could see how the life was escaping the body of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying Quan Ni until the light in his eyes completely diminished itself.


That was the only outcome.

After Sigmar killed the Sect Master Heaven-Defying Quan Ni he had a bittersweet feeling. It was good that he managed to fight, defeat, and even kill a Tier 11 powerhouse.

Yet, on the other hand, his opponent was relatively weak for the Tier 11 standards, and aside from the ridiculous amount of energy, he was nothing special.

But there was nothing he could do about it as he went to check up on his stash of resources.

Like most of the children and descendants of the Lucifer House, Sigmar inherited the greedy nature of the founder Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer.

He also would search every nook and cranny for anything useful.


Meanwhile, Sigmar was fighting against the Sect Master Heaven-Defying Quan Ni; the entire Heaven-Defying Sect was being razed to the ground by the forces of the Dresden Arcanum Empire, which was advancing with little to zero losses.

They lost only a few thousand of soldiers, and a few powerhouses were killed, mostly though only those the Tier 9 and some of the spacecraft were shot down, but that was done. Nothing more and nothing less.

Many of the powerful Arcnaists joined the fight, as they fought with the powerhouses and experts from the Heaven-Defying Sect; even Sigmar's wives Yasaka and Rossweisse, were participating in the siege of the sect.

Rossweisse was leading her Valkyrie Division, established only a few centuries ago, from the original female Aesir and Vanir, who migrated to the old Underworld under the leadership of Hela.

Rossweeisse came to the old Underworld with her grandmother Gondul on orders of Frigga, who wanted to have somebody she trusted near her daughter.

Even though relationships between the Chthonian Empire and Asgard in the old dimensional gap were cold at best, an open fight never erupted between them.

Valkyries were the elite all-female forces exclusively chosen of those from Aesir and Vanir species, or hybrids of these species or some heritage, making them one them almost on the level of elite forces of the Imperialis Militarum.

Arcane Ancestor Adolf K. Weissmann was observing everything atop of his spacecraft in a boring mood, as nothing interesting was happening during the siege.

Nevertheless, for him, the boring state of siege was the best thing that could happen.

Boring meant that everything went according to the plan, and if everything went according to the plan, then it was perfect.

Now that the Dresden Arcanum Empire took their first step onto the territory of the Three-Eyed Race, they would need to fortify their positions and then slowly expand forward toward the other territories of the Ancient Eternal Star Region.

Together with a few high-ranking military officers from the Chthonian Empire who were experts on the planar conquest and were acting as an advisor, the process went very smoothly. +

Compared to their Chthnoanin allies, the Arcanists were not militaristic in nature; they and their army were inferior to that of the Imperialis Militarum.

Chthonian Empire perfected the art of war during the millennia.

Arcanists usually approached the planar conquest rather straightforwardly.

Brute strength and power above all else.


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