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The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

Cirno almost died,so she must become Lizardmen goddess to survive.And now must fight Overlord.
Poor kawaii girl.
Cirno almost died,so she must become Lizardmen goddess to survive.And now must fight Overlord.
Poor kawaii girl.
Eh, she's actually tied to their lake now and took over the Toadmen who live in the northern part of the lake (this is actually a thing and the reason the Lizardmen live were they do is because the Toads were more advanced then them) because I literally couldn't resist the mental image of a Supercharged Cirno basically menacing a race of sentient frog people to the point they end up "worshipping" her out of utter fear.
Eh, she's actually tied to their lake now and took over the Toadmen who live in the northern part of the lake (this is actually a thing and the reason the Lizardmen live were they do is because the Toads were more advanced then them) because I literally couldn't resist the mental image of a Supercharged Cirno basically menacing a race of sentient frog people to the point they end up "worshipping" her out of utter fear.
Poor frogs.But - they could meet frenchman,so Cirno is better fate !
Chapter 4
Getting to Tir Na Nog was a bit harder than one would expect. Unlike most of the other realms, it didn't connect in some way through the many realms of the Underworld like the various hells. Opening a gap to it was technically possible though Yukari was too focused on keeping the connection to the cause of this incident to open one. Which left the only method available in the modern day. Which was to ride down one of the rivers of the dead and with the proper guide, either a fairy who had been to Tir Na Nog at some point or something from there which would keep a passive connection to the realm no matter how long it had been.

Yukari had given them a piece of a twinge from a tree that grew within Tir Na Nog. Even with something so minor getting to the homeland of the fairies wasn't an issue at all. The moment Ran and Chen set foot on the shores of the realm they are greeted with a realm that seemed untamed with nature. Fairies flew over the trees and gossiped amongst themselves in many different languages. Some they could understand, others they did, and a few that are dead having no one in the modern day but the oldest of youkai and gods who could still recall their meanings.

"So, did Lady Yukari tell us where to look?"

"She hasn't been here before herself so she had no idea," Yukari had spent time across a much the other world realms before founding Gensokyo, thanks to seemingly having knowledge when most youkai didn't. In fact, she seemed to have a lot of knowledge of things in the Outside World before they were even invented. "I believe we should ask around."

Strangely the fairies all around seemed to be hiding or running away from something as they went in deeper. The sounds of monstrous roars, the sounds of trees being snapped apart, and flashes of fire alongside sounds of explosions echoed across the land. There was a battle going on nearby. Ran pulled Chen as they decided to avoid whatever it was.

Unfortunately, as they turned side large mass crashed into the ground in front of them. A small cloud of dust rose as something else slammed into whatever had been tossed down before being thrown off. As the dust settled Ran and Chen were greeted with a newly made clearing and the two beings who caused this. Two large western dragons.

One is a bulky dragon with a deep crimson. The other is a more slender and streamlined dragon with scales as white as snow. "Damn it woman, what is your time of the month!?"

The red dragon's comment didn't seem to go over well with his white counterpart. She was visibly pissed. "Ddraig I am going to castrate you!"

"You can try Albionia!"

Sure, they should be trying to avoid a fight that was between the two dragons. However, for one they nearly ended up harming them, and two Chen was with her. Ran really didn't like having Chen hear such things. "Excuse me!"


The two dragons turned to the voice and both stopped as they stared confused at the sight of the two of them. "Who and what are you two supposed to be?"

"I think she's one of the eastern foxes and the other is a cat."

"Wait, you mean a Huli jing?"

"No, I think she's a Kumiho."

"I'm a Kitsune," It had been a while since someone had mistaken her for one of the other predominant eastern foxes. Mainly because most of Gensokyo were from Japan or had some understanding of what the differences are. "I am Ran Yakumo and this is Chen and while you were fighting you almost slammed into us."

The two dragons would admit that they didn't care much about the whole almost getting someone caught in the crossfire. Well, unless it was someone of note within Tir Na Nog that wouldn't take kindly to a fight near them. No, they both focus on the name of the Kitsune. There was something familiar about it that was at the back of their mind.

"Wait, Yakumo," It finally hit the red dragon where he heard that name. "You mean the self-styled Dark Lord from Nippon?"

"Oh, right that Warlord that actually led an attack on the Lunarians despite how crazy that was."

There were a few things that Yukari was honestly a bit embarrassed about that not many talked about in Gensokyo. One of them was the time that Yukari in her younger years as a powerful greater youkai styled herself a "Dark Lord" which was to her quite an embarrassing phase. Her invasion against the Lunarians though was something that many outside of Gensokyo knew her for doing and to some while it did seem crazy to others it was something to be respected.

"Yes, I am her shikigami," Neither of the dragons understood what that term even meant. All they did know was that this fox was related to a notable figure amongst the worlds of the supernatural.

Both of the dragons had practically forgotten about their fight as they were now obviously focused on the foreigners. "Well, what are you doing here then?"

"We're here to find Abe-No-Seimei," Chen's response caused them both to look confused for a second as while it did sound familiar they didn't know anyone named that. That was before the red dragon realized who that could be.

"Oh, it must be one of his many pseudonyms when he decides to leave for the human world," The dragon motioned with his wing off to the northeast. "Go this way and you should see a lake, his home is the tower not far from its shore."

Taking Chen's hand the two of them flew off in the direction. Through the forest that seemed to change in the seasons wildly as they did before they came across a large still lake covered at the sides in a low mist all along its edges. Standing up along the shoreline was an old stone crystal tower with vines and moss growing on it. All around it was a small garden of flowers. Landing a bit in front of it the two walked up to the old yet preserved wooden door.

Ran was about to knock when the door opened. On the other side was a man dressed in something that seemed to be an old black robe patched over with blue bracers and various stripes of a dull gray color. His skin was slightly pale and his hair was a dull silver. The beard of a similar shape almost gave him the look of an old man which clashed with the fact his face showed little to no signs of aging outside of his prime. He stared at her and Chen with dull gray eyes as he held an ice pack of some sort to his head.

"... Was it Yukari, Okina, the Lunarians, or someone else?"

Ran knew that he was asking what was going on in Gensokyo. "Something happened that caused some of the inhabitants to get taken away, as to who and why Lady Yukari believes it is probably from another universe by way of the future."

"Well, that explains why I got a sudden headache that caused me to drop to the floor and convulse for a good five minutes that still hadn't finally gone away," He removed the ice pack from his head and spoke something to himself in a low tone. "Seriously, what the hell that just came out of left field."

Shaking his head he opened the door and motioned them both in. "Alright, come on in and give me the details."

Mists hang off from the waters. Despite typically being a sign of water evaporating there was a slight chill to the feeling of these mists. It was less like it was truly mists and more like small floating snow. The chill wasn't enough to truly bother the Lizardmen but the leaders of the five tribes did find it utterly strange. Zaryusu, however, knew that it meant that Cirno was nearby. Likely waiting for a time to strike the undead.

"I heard about the cold mists that had appeared in the middle of the lake but never have they come down here," Shasuryu Shasha, Zaryusu's older brother, looked out at the mists that hugged near the mud around them. "You seem to be looking into the mists like you expect something to come out of it."

Zaryusu turned to his brother as he figured he might as well tell him. "I do as the mists come from someone who lives in the lake," Frost Pain was reacting which was enough of a reason to know that she was somewhat nearby. "It was just before I returned to our tribe after a small trip, at first I saw her as this small creature but the moment she saw Frost Pain she seemed to fly onto the lake and then disappeared for a moment before she came out in what I can only describe as her true self."

"This wouldn't happen to be when the lake froze over for a brief period?" Shasuryu remembered that day when ice covered the ground only to break apart and then turn back into water.

Zaryusu was about to answer as the sky turned dark with black clouds forming. A sign that the undead army were almost here. "We'll talk about this later."

Outside the mud and mist-covered edges of the wetlands, the undead army arrived. The battle for the fate of the Lizardmen had begun. From their camp, the Lizardmen sailed forth as the undead marched forward. The two forces clashing together, each seemingly evenly matched. As the undead cavalry started to charge forward the mists which seemed to grow from all the fighting were soon parted as a wave of cold came crashing down on the undead. Ice started to form on their arms, legs, and the rest of their bodies. It wasn't enough to stop them from moving but it stiffened their movements. A few had gotten mostly surrounded and frozen by the ice effectively becoming

The Elder Lich looked on as the wave of ice and cold consumed the undead. He was forced to move back a bit as he caught sight of largely jagged spikes of ice came landing down in front of him. "So, you're the leader of these undead?"

Looking up the lich was greeted by what at first glance appeared to be a blue-haired teenage girl but catching the wings shaped of ice he knew otherwise. "Who are you and why are you interfering with my master's desires?"

"Master's?" She assumed that this was the guy leading the invasion that Zaryusu told her about. Cirno was so disappointed at this. "Oh, great you're just a minion of some kind lame."

"Lame?" The Elder Lich was insulted by how she was seemingly dismissing him. "I am Iguva, creation, and servant of the Supreme Being Ainz Ooal Gown!"

"Yeah, so I am Cirno, the Lady of the Lake!" She would have used one of her other nicknames like the "Strongest Fairy in Gensokyo" but she wasn't inside of Gensokyo. So, maybe she might as well use the title those sentient frogs gave her. "I don't care what you are, I want to face your boss."

If Iguva wasn't undead he probably would have completely lost his cool. After all, this creature interfered with the battle that he was to lead to bring his master glory and was now demanding to see him. Iguva unleashed a fireball right at her. The flames collided with her form… and did absolutely nothing as it made contact with something that was so cold that it put the fire out. Cirno just laughed at the attempt. Both the raven from hell and the long silver-haired woman living in the Bamboo Forest could unleash far greater heat than that without much effort.

With her hands raised Cirno formed a ball of snow and threw it right at Iguva tossing him off his feet and into the mud below. His expression was of sheer shock for a brief moment as watched as she landed. On mere contact, the mud froze as if the very essence of cold was what made up her very being.

"Wow, I was holding back a bunch and that sent you flying," Cirno was both amazed by her strength and disappointed by how weak this supposed leading minion was. "Man, your master either sent me a small fry or Zary is overselling how strong he even is."

Even though Iguva had a good idea as to her level and strength being way beyond his own. Kind of hard to dismiss it when she did slow down his, now utterly destroyed as the Lizardmen basically were just mopping them up, army ignoring his fireball and not taking him seriously at all. With all of that, most other beings would cut their losses and leave. Iguva was fighting for his great creator so surrender was not an option.

Around him, four undead minions spawned into being each armed and ready to fight. Cirno though wasn't having any of this. "Deep Freeze!"

A wave of cold and ice rolled over the undead. Iguva was half frozen in ice unable to move his legs, his right arm fully due to ice creeping up his shoulder, and his left arm only somewhat as his wrist was caught in ice. As for the undead around him. They are frozen solid. Unable to move on their own and prisoners of the ice.

Cirno floated up to him, her arms crossed, a smug triumphant look on her as she looked at the living corpse in front of her. "Looks like you're my prisoner now."

As Cirno gloated, Iguva decided to see if he could break his wrist free. For a second it looked like he wasn't going to succeed and then the ice gave way. He immediately grabbed onto Cirno's left arm and let his Negative Touch hoping to cause some damage. At first it seemed that notice happened. Iguva's eyes widened in surprise before all feeling in his hand was utterly gone. Looking at it the narcotic limb was frozen solid by the barely contained nature energy. As Iguva tried to pull back he ended up snapping his hand, wrist, and part of his forearm. Cirno looked at the frozen hand and tried to get it to let go as she shook her arm frantically before grabbing and pulling it off as its frozen fingers fell to the ground below.

"Wh-who are you?" Iguva stuttered as he was starting to realize that he had no hope at all against her.

"I already told you, my name is Cirno, the Lady of the Lake!" Cirno wondered if he was even listening or just ignored her. "Now, seeing as you're my prisoner, I want you to tell me where your boss is so I can beat him up!"

Iguva paused for a moment at this. Did she think she was just going to walk up to his master and beat him up? It was absurd to even entertain such an idea. Even if she was stronger them him Iguva was certain she was nothing to the Floor Guardians let alone the Supreme Being himself! An insult was what it was.

"You think you can just beat up the Great One?!" Anger was clear in the undead voice. "He whose power is to control death itself?"

"I already know someone who can do that," Corno wasn't even impressed as it sounded like a knockoff of the ghost princess's ability. Besides she was a fairy and given the vast amount of uptabbed natural energy even if the lake was gone Cirno could almost certainly come back anyway. "Besides, I have faced everything from powerful magicians to gods."

Cirno raised her hand up and froze the rest of Iguva. Imprisoning him within a large icicle. Cirnor let out a sigh as this was all so lame. Sure, she had a captive, kept alive as she was almost certain that an undead wouldn't die from being frozen like when she practiced on most frogs, but she really had wanted to face that Ainz's guy. Looking up to the sky she decided to voice her frustrations not even realizing that someone was watching him.

"I am going to find you Ainz and when I do I will beat you up you hear me!" Turning around she saw that the Lizardmen had finished the battle and the leaders of the tribes coming up to her. Each of them except for Zaryusu looked at her with confused expressions. "Well, Zary I caught the minion leading the undead at least."

On one hand, Ainz was proven correct in his assumption that the entity of the lake would indeed show up. However, he didn't expect it to look like a teenage girl, a fairy actually, that just froze part of the army and took out the Elder Lich like it wasn't even a challenge. Although, he should have guessed that given that seems to be the trend of things. Nor did her declaration that this was her lake.

No, her rather boastful declaration of wanting to fight him to prove who was the strongest. There was something almost comically childish about this. Yet, while he found this a bit of a mix between unbelievable and hilarious the Floor Guardians who were with him had completely different thoughts.

"What makes her think she can demand such a thing?"

"Just who even is she?"

Albedo though didn't seem all that insulted, or if she was she was putting it aside. Still, she was looking at the boosting fairy and couldn't help but have mixed feelings. "Is she who you were hoping would join the Lizardmen?"

"... I believe she is." Ainz had finally managed to collect himself as he was still processing the weirdness of all of this. "I guess I was right with my assumption about her taking offense to someone invading her lands."

Whatever the other Floor Guardians could be said to have felt about what was going on it ceased as they heard Ainz and Albedo talking. "My Lord, did you expect this to happen?"

"I had heard of rumors about the lake from adventures and I had figured that maybe the entity they referred to would come if we tried to invade the lake," Having her show up was more or less a lucky guess though Ainz didn't know if they would figure that out.

Still, the fairy, Cirno has she introduced herself thanks to his new and approved Mirror of Remote Viewing, had also dropped that she had faced gods. It once again brought up the thought he had on whether gods existed in this world in some sort of form. Maybe brushing up on the local faiths once all this was done was in order.

"I see so the invasion against the Lizardmen was more a means to drag her out then?" Demiurge had recalled his master seemed to think over for a second when he pressed the idea of invasion. With hindsight, it was clear he was thinking about the rumors he had heard. "What about her challenge?"

Her claims that she was going to find and beat him up weren't something that any of the Floor Guardians could take lightly. Maybe it was laughable, that her level wasn't anywhere near able to accomplish such a task, or she could be like the young devil and be powerful enough to actually pose a considerable threat. In any scenario, it seemed ludicrous that she was getting to demand such a thing. While for Ainz there was a bit of a debate on if he should do so.

One part of his mind told him that he shouldn't as she was still something of an unknown. He couldn't use his spell to gauge her level through the mirror, only what he had seen her do. It all consisted of her unleashing ice and cold to aid the Lizardmen in victory followed by her overpowering the lich he had created to face the Lizardmen pretty easily. At the very least she was somewhere on the higher end in terms of level, or it could be because of how she used magic. Much like the young devil, and Sabrina, her powers didn't seem to fall into Tier Magic. Which meant it had to be of the native magic system to the world.

'She called herself the Lady of the Lake,' For a moment Ainz was reminded of the tale of King Arthur, of the fairy from the lake that gifted him his sword Excalibur. How strangely similar that all was though it was probably a title of someone with actual authority as she had come to Lizardmen's aid and was acting almost like he would if someone invaded Nazarick. 'Hmm… perhaps.'

"I am the Lord of Nazarick and she claims to be the Lady of the Lake that we have invaded," Standing up he gripped the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown as he decided to play up the role of the Lord. Much like he was still back in Yggdrasil as a role-player. "If so she has won the battle and issued a challenge between rulers."

Amongst the Lizardmen there was a strange mix of celebration at the victory and curiosity about the girl who had joined them, froze the army of undead, and finally easily overpowered the commander of the undead. A being who aided them for seemingly no reason, or more accurately aided one of them because she knew them. Zaryusu had to be the one to explain who she was because of that fact. At least what he suspected she was.

"Wait, she's the spirit of the lake?" Sukyu Juju, the Chieftain of the Small Fang Tribe was trying to make sure he was following what Zaryusu was talking about.

"I believe so," Zaryusu held on to his weapon as they all could notice it reacting with Cirno nearby. "When she first fully rose from the lake she instantly froze the whole thing and whenever I am near her Frost Pain reacts to her feeling stronger."

Frost Pain was said to have been made from the ice when the lake first froze over. The implications of it reacting to Cirno, alongside her being responsible for the brief moment the whole lake froze over, was rather obvious to most of them listening to him. "I see why she is here and why did she help us then?"

"Because I had asked her," Zaryusu turned over to the Nature Spirit who was trying to interrogate her prisoner as his head was only barely unfrozen enough for Cirno to talk to him. "She treats the lake, all of it as her home and when I talked about Ainz's invading she wanted to fight him herself."

It explained her partly freezing the army for them before she went off to face the commander on her own. She had probably thought he was Ainz and was disappointed that he was in her words a minion. Still, the ease with which she dealt with him was no laughing matter and gave some more credence to her being an old nature spirit that lived within the lake.

"Why does she have a Toadmen necklace?" Crusch Lulu had noticed it though she didn't pay much attention at first glance.

"She also told me that she had conquered the Toadmen from the north side of the lake," For the Lizardmen who were pushed out by them, it was kind of a big deal that someone was able to conquer them. Even more so when someone basically did it all by themselves. "To be honest, given what she could do already, I didn't see it as far-fetched."

Speaking of the little nature spirit she was trying to get the location of where Ainz was located. All so she could go there and prove who was the strongest. Naturally, Iguva was being rather uncooperative with his captor. "For the last time, I will not betray my Great One by telling you where he is located!"

One of the Lizardmen warriors who stood watching the fairy interrogating her captive decided to give his thoughts. "Is there any way you can just get the information out of him another way?"

"No, I am not a satori so I can't just read his mind," The Lizardmen watching the both of them looked at each other silently wondering what a "satori" was. "So, come on and tell me where he is, I already captured you!"

It was annoying to Iguva at how childish her demands were. Yet, he really couldn't do anything about it. The fairy far outclassed him and he suspected it was basically because she needed him that he hadn't been killed. However, he was starting to wish that she did as she wasn't dropping this childish idea that because she had beaten him that he would let her just walk into Nazarick. Where the hell did she even get that idea from, to begin with anyway? What kind of society or world operated under such assumptions?

The sky overhead suddenly darkened again as the same ominous clouds filled the sky. At once the whole camp looked in the direction of where the clouds had come from as the partly frozen mud froze over completely. A large golem had lumbered over and threw into the ice a large platform of a perfectly curved black stone.

Another group of skeleton creatures walked up, forming a makeshift stairway up the large platform and others formed into two perfect lines. To the Lizardmen who had heard had left their homes and those who heard about the world beyond the lake it was obvious what this was, a Royal Procession. One after another, figures walked up to the platform. The skeleton wrapped in robes took a seat on a throne that had appeared behind him. He raised a hand as bloated face-covered monstrosities floated around.

"The Great One has come personally," Iguva was in awe though his attention was back at his captor. "Do you not see you have no chance my lord will be victorio-"

Cirno refroze his head to shut him up from pointless monologuing. Cirno shot into the air and flew up to the assembled host floating just off from the platform's edge. She wasn't going to let this continue as while it did look important this all felt a bit too dumb to her. "Which one of you is Ainz?"

Maybe it was how upfront she was, or perhaps how rude her action seemed to be but the Floor Guardians were honestly annoyed by her. Demiurge figured he might give this upstart a bit of a reality check. "You will shut up and listen to our lord speak!"

Despite the power behind the voice, its compulsion was ignored. There were the Sages of Gensokyo, the Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Bloodline, the Garden of the Sun's Caretaker, and finally the Absolute Judge of Black and White. All of which Cirno could say had been terrifying in their own way, whose very words could command an authority that demanded to be listened by damn near everyone within Gensokyo when they wanted it so, and thanks to that Cirno could feel how hollow the attempt was by the guy in the suit.

"What was that attempt to sound scary?"

Demiurge didn't know if he should be impressed by how she seemed utterly immune to his command Mantra or insulted that she maintained her cocky attitude with him. It seemed nothing had affected her at all about their precession even though it seemed to have done so to the Lizardmen under her. So, focused on her goal to fight, she might be ignoring all of them standing next to their leader, or they didn't pose a threat to her in the slightest. Demiurge found that thought utterly ludicrous even if she was acting like it was the case.

"Demiurge that's enough," Ainz got up as he looked at the fairy who floated off the ground. "Lady of the Lake, as the Lord of Nazarick, I Ainz Ooal Gown accept your challenge to a duel!"

Cirno turned over to him at this landing on top of the perfectly made stone and started up at his eyes. There wasn't even a look of any sort of intimidation on her part. After all, why would there be if someone had actually faced gods before him? For a second he wondered if this was a good idea but he reassured himself. He had prepared to give her a challenge and had plenty of items on hand just in case.

"Alright, so you want this to be a duel then, one on one?" Cirno hadn't really seen a real duel in a long time. Well, technically one can say that the spell card rules made it almost a normal thing but this world didn't have it.

"Indeed, a duel to decide the fate of the Lizardmen," Ainz's words echoed out to the Lizardmen down below.

To say that this got them talking amongst themselves was an understatement. Having their fate decided by two other beings, both of which were seemingly more than capable of forcing the issue, felt wrong to most of them. Effectively, giving up their agency as a race. However, the Royal Procession had been done as much as a show of force as an elaborate way to greet them. Overall it was Ainz showing he could kill them all.

A few moments was all it took for Cirno and Ainz to stare each other down on top of the frozen mud that now served as their arena. On one side were the Lizardmen, practically forced to watch as the two fought for their fate, and on the other side were the Floor Guardians. The ruler of Nazarick looked at his opponent as he tried to guess what class she might be comparable to.

Using his spell to check her level he wanted to make sure he was accurately prepared like he had hoped. 'Hmm, level ninety-three.'

With a significant gap between him and most of the New World being drastic their actions amounted to very little. The gap between them both, however, wasn't all that much. In fact, he knew depending on one's opponent's "build" he could very much fall to someone who was ten or even in extremely well min-maxed occasions twenty levels lower. In PvP level was only one thing that determined the fight.

Cocytus stood to the side taking the role of the mediator between the duel. "The. Rules. Are. Simple. No. One. Can. Intervene. The. Fight. Continues. Until. One. Surrenders. Or. Dies." Neither made a move as Cocytus raised up one of his arms. "Begin!"

Swords, spears, shields, and the like hung over the room with everything from a small, strangely modern, cooking place to one side and a magical laboratory on the other. The centerpiece, and what passed for a table, was a glass casket that showed a blonde-haired man in his thirties laid down in full armor with his eyes closed in a peaceful sleep. Well, either that or he was dead. It was really hard to tell either way.

Chen was looking at the skull of something that at first glance seemed dog-like with features of a cat skull held in a glass case. She wasn't able to read what was written but Ran could. On it read the "Skull of Cath Palug" with a small bit saying, "Do not attempt to revive under any circumstances' in all red letters. Ran wasn't completely familiar with the various youkai of the west but something about it told her that the warning was there for a reason.

"Ran, Chen alright I think I am ready to see what Yukari wants."

Coming out of the spiral doorway that led to the rooms up the tower was the man from before dressed in a simple gray suit vest over a black shirt, and black dress pants, with white gloves covering his hands. All of which was draped over by a cloak that was black on the inside white on the outside with bird bright birth feathers along the edges. As he walked down he straightened out the feeling of the vest and the cloak.

"Wait," He held up a hand as he walked over to a sheathed sword held on a rack. "We might as well try to take a shortcut to Gensokyo."

"A shortcut?" Getting to the realm of fairies from Gensokyo required a long trip through the rivers at the boundary of the realms of the dead. "Isn't Tir Na Nog disconnected from most of the other realms?"

"Well, yes but just in case I managed to make a connection between the lake in Gensokyo and the lake just outside in case I foresaw something extremely dangerous," Opening the door he let out a sigh. "Unfortunately, I am not the one who controls the lake over here as you can guess."

Outside fairies gathered around flying about without a care in the world, almost having little get-togethers around the lake. As they saw the three of them walking up to the lake they quickly all turned and watched them talking amongst each other in the ancestral language of the fairies. Only one of them understood what they were saying and it didn't really matter at all. Stopping at the water's edge he picked up a small stone and tossed it into the unnaturally still water.

"Hey Vivian, I need to talk to you!"

For a few moments nothing happened. Then the lake's waters started to ripple rather violently. All the fairies that flew about moved to the edges of the lake and looked on with something of both awe and reverence as a big flash of water erupted upwards sending waves that surprisingly did cause a single drop of water to leave the lake. As soon as this happened the waters returned to their unnatural stillness.

Standing on top of the water was someone dressed in a simple yet regal dress. Someone who Ran realized looked almost exactly like the ice fairy of the Misty Lake. The only real differences being physical order her and her wings not being in the shape of icicles but instead what looked like water waves. The only other thing of note was a sword held within its sheath that was within her hands as she rose from the lake.

"Myrddin what is it?"

You know the one of the most common fanon thing is that Cirno is a full idiot. Which is canonically not the case as she not only is literate she also is good at math. It's really that she's a fairy and fairies are basically childish by nature of being well immortal. Oh, and yes I decided to give a glimpse into another part of the realms of the supernatural. Tir Na Nog is just catch all for every celtic other world up to and including the Arthurian Legend. Plus, I have been dropping bits of other realms so I might as well.
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Cirno being smart actually surprised me until I read wiki. I think this interpretation came about from him declaring he's the strongest despite being weak to the monsters in Gensokyo (even tho he is fairly strong)—or from earlier games iirc in which he uses the term "Eye" when referring to "I" (or that might be fanon). Either way, looking forward to more.
Cirno being smart actually surprised me until I read wiki. I think this interpretation came about from him declaring he's the strongest despite being weak to the monsters in Gensokyo (even tho he is fairly strong)—or from earlier games iirc in which he uses the term "Eye" when referring to "I" (or that might be fanon). Either way, looking forward to more.
Its maily fanon that Cirno is dumb and to be honest I have nothing against the memes. I actually hold a folder of them but I think some forget that Cirno is smart but being a fairy is just devoid of Wisdom because why bother?

This part is cut off.
I knew something was messing when I was post this story in cut off pieces via copy paste.
Always nice to see rare stories of New World invaders actually having to fight for their World Dominance. Also, likely Gensokyo invaders gets a buff after ending up in New World, what with going from living in a carefully curated pocket dimension to a world that is choke full of that sweet sweet mana and belief
Its maily fanon that Cirno is dumb and to be honest I have nothing against the memes. I actually hold a folder of them but I think some forget that Cirno is smart but being a fairy is just devoid of Wisdom because why bother?.
Citno is, like, a hundred years at least, she has a lot of life experience. It's just that's mostly a fairy life experience
Always nice to see rare stories of New World invaders actually having to fight for their World Dominance. Also, likely Gensokyo invaders gets a buff after ending up in New World, what with going from living in a carefully curated pocket dimension to a world that is choke full of that sweet sweet mana and belief

A nice change in that. Plus, given that right now they don't have much interactions with how the New World rocks they haven't realized that those from Gensokyo aren't native. Its basically a taste of the misinformation that Nazarick inflicts on the New World in Canon.

Also not all of those coming from Gensokyo get a buff. Kasen's arm couldn't call on the dead that she killed in her home universe and any fairy ending up there are now way to far from both where they are tied too and Tir Na Nog. Though, such issues are as obvious more to deal with the fact that they aren't from within their home reality anymore. You can take it as you will about what that could mean to some other characters if they got lost in the New World.
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Honestly, your fanfic has been one of the few Overlord fanfics I've read that are really good.

I mean, your fanfic isn't a bad canon copy with an OC/SI/character from another series substituting for Momonga and making the same decisions as canon, even though the MC is different from Momonga.

Also, I like how you've handled the characters from both series. I mean, I can see that you respect both series and so far neither series has received a big wank (I see this a lot in Overlords fanfics and even at over the top levels which is just cringe) or nerfs to give a big wank to the Overlord characters.

...Yes, I admit that I have had very bad experiences with the Overlord fandom :(.

It continues to maintain that quality in the chapters and in the plot,Bro.

I wonder which Touhou character will meet Renner or Evileye's group (a certain old lady will be surprised to learn that there are beings that are not from YGGDRASIL).

Will you write omakes about the events of Isekai Quartet for this fanfic?. Touhou characters in Isekai Quartet, nothing can go wrong :p.

Can you add a list of Touhou characters that have appeared in the New World? I mean, we know who is there and there have been hints of other characters but over time it will be a bit difficult to remember such a large cast.

It was annoying to Iguva at how childish her demands are. Yet, he really couldn't do anything about it. The fairy far outclassed him and he suspected it was basically because she needed him that he hadn't been killed. Although, he was starting to wish that she did as she wasn't dropping this childish idea that because she had beaten him that he would let her just walk into Nazarick. Where the hell did she even get that idea from to begin with anyway? What kind of society or world operated under such assumptions?
You have no idea, zombie friend. Somebody explain to him what the rules of Gensokyo are like :p.
Honestly, your fanfic has been one of the few Overlord fanfics I've read that are really good.

I mean, your fanfic isn't a bad canon copy with an OC/SI/character from another series substituting for Momonga and making the same decisions as canon, even though the MC is different from Momonga.

Also, I like how you've handled the characters from both series. I mean, I can see that you respect both series and so far neither series has received a big wank (I see this a lot in Overlords fanfics and even at over the top levels which is just cringe) or nerfs to give a big wank to the Overlord characters.

...Yes, I admit that I have had very bad experiences with the Overlord fandom :(.

It continues to maintain that quality in the chapters and in the plot,Bro.

I wonder which Touhou character will meet Renner or Evileye's group (a certain old lady will be surprised to learn that there are beings that are not from YGGDRASIL).

Will you write omakes about the events of Isekai Quartet for this fanfic?. Touhou characters in Isekai Quartet, nothing can go wrong :p.

Can you add a list of Touhou characters that have appeared in the New World? I mean, we know who is there and there have been hints of other characters but over time it will be a bit difficult to remember such a large cast.

You have no idea, zombie friend. Somebody explain to him what the rules of Gensokyo are like :p.

Thanks. I never understood why people would do that. Ainz's choices are more due to him not really being able to tell his programmed to by loyal Floor Guardians what he actually wants. I seriously doubt anyone else would make the same choices as him.

I've been thinking that for a while actually. I have a list already set up of who to choose from. Which speaking of I will probably post the first Index on who so far is confirmed to be in the New World and the levels of what they would be treated as.
Thanks. I never understood why people would do that. Ainz's choices are more due to him not really being able to tell his programmed to by loyal Floor Guardians what he actually wants. I seriously doubt anyone else would make the same choices as him.
Yeah, I don't get why a lot of writers do that either...but I guess they do it to follow Overlord canon. Since it is easier to follow the canon events and ignore the changes that must happen because the MC is not Momonga.

Which speaking of I will probably post the first Index on who so far is confirmed to be in the New World and the levels of what they would be treated as.
Yes, it would be interesting to do that. Also if it is possible to add where the Touhou characters are currently because I remember that there are some characters that have gone to another place or something like that, for example, Yuuka and Remilia
Character Informational 1
Here is the first codex or the like in order to help people keep track while also revealing where some of the individuals are in terms of the New World.

Known Touhous within the New World.

Remilia Scarlet

Flandre Scarlet

Yuuka Kazami

Renko Usami

Sumireko Usami

Koishi Komeiji


Okina Matara

Kasen's Arm

Sanae Kochiya

Current location of the known Touhou characters of the New World.

Renko Usami: Unknown

Sumireko Usami: In route to the Dragon Kingdom

Yuuka Kazami: Formerly the Great Forest of Tob, current location unknown

Remilia Scarlet: Re-Estize Kingdom countryside

Koishi Komeiji: Re-Estize Capital

Sanae Kochiya: Somewhere within the Demihuman Occupied part of the Dragon Kingdom.

Cirno: The Great Lake

Flandre Scarlet: Unknown

Okina Matara: Unknown

Kasen's Arm: Katze Plains near the Baharuth Empire

Touhou Level if compared to to the Yggdrisal System*. Used for only those who have physically appeared in the story.

Remilia Scarlet: 94

Yuuka Kazami: 100+

Sumireko Usami: 76

Kasen's Arm: 100

Cirno: 60 (Original) 93 (Current)

Koishi Komeiji: 85

Renko Usami: 79

*Levels do not strickly matter beyond as much a vague idea of were the opponent is at. Being an RPG more weight is placed on build and skill layout.
Known Touhous within the New World.

Remilia Scarlet

Flandre Scarlet

Yuuka Kazami

Renko Usami

Sumireko Usami

Koishi Komeiji


Okina Matara

Kasen's Arm

Sanae Kochiya
I'll be honest, I only remembered five characters and I vaguely remembered other Touhou characters being mentioned.

It's good to have a list.

Current location of the known Touhou characters of the New World.

Renko Usami: Unknown

Sumireko Usami: In route to the Dragon Kingdom

Yuuka Kazami: Formerly the Great Forest of Tob, current location unknown

Remilia Scarlet: Re-Estize Kingdom countryside

Koishi Komeiji: Re-Estize Capital

Sanae Kochiya: Somewhere within the Demihuman Occupied part of the Dragon Kingdom.

Cirno: The Great Lake

Flandre Scarlet: Unknown

Okina Matara: Unknown

Kasen's Arm: Katze Plains near the Baharuth Empire
It will be interesting to know what the Touhou characters do. Even though it will be hard to keep track of all of them, don't give up easily.

*Levels do not strickly matter beyond as much a vague idea of were the opponent is at. Being an RPG more weight is placed on build and skill layout
I like the approach you're using, I mean, in my experience reading Overlord fanfics it's rare that anyone mentions the importance of build and skill. Most of the time the writers emphasize the levels and the magic that is used.
It would be funy,if somebody in Gensyoko knew about game which Ainz used before he become Owerlord - but highly unlikely.
Maybe...Ainz in Japan reading once about Touhou,and knowing sometching,but not much?
It would be funy,if somebody in Gensyoko knew about game which Ainz used before he become Owerlord - but highly unlikely.
Maybe...Ainz in Japan reading once about Touhou,and knowing sometching,but not much?
If I remember correctly, it was Renko who mentioned YGGDRASIL. So it's possible that Momonga comes from the same human world or something like that... If that happened, it would be an AU for Momonga because if I remember correctly, his Earth is a post-apocalyptic world (pollution, big companies rule, etc.).
If I remember correctly, it was Renko who mentioned YGGDRASIL. So it's possible that Momonga comes from the same human world or something like that... If that happened, it would be an AU for Momonga because if I remember correctly, his Earth is a post-apocalyptic world (pollution, big companies rule, etc.).
Again I do not like meta knowledge in crossovers. Yes Momanga world is in the far future of the Outside World. It also got to that point due to actions on the supernatural side of things from Youkai who still linger and the Lunarians. Renko is currently a Magician and would be one of the later, a Youkai that still lingers on in the world.
Again I do not like meta knowledge in crossovers. Yes Momanga world is in the far future of the Outside World. It also got to that point due to actions on the supernatural side of things from Youkai who still linger and the Lunarians. Renko is currently a Magician and would be one of the later, a Youkai that still lingers on in the world.
Yes, meta knowledge takes a lot of the fun out of it. It's more interesting when a fanfic doesn't use meta knowledge.
Chapter 5
No sooner as Cocytus' hand fell did Cirno make the first move. With her hands raised she sent a large ball of ice and snow crashing at him. Ainz wasn't expecting her to seemingly go all out immediately on the attack, he had probably expected her first move to do something like reinforce herself or as such, and didn't really have time to get out of the attack's way.

Ainz crashed to the ground as the ball exploded in front of him on contact. It hurt, despite his magic resistances, and his Ice Immunity, the spell had hurt him. He immediately righted himself using a means of levitation.

Immediately he berated himself for letting that happen and assuming that he could power through her ice magic. 'Right, she doesn't use Tier Magic.'

They used different Magic Systems which meant what should have granted him a possible edge against her was probably not going to work. Perhaps it worked both ways. "Firebolt!"

A first-tier spell was chosen to test this theory. Cirno didn't block it as the flames made contact with her, and seemed to dissipate harmlessly over her. At first, one would assume it was magic resistance but Ainz was able to pick up that the flames dissipated in a way that seemed less like it hit something immune to it and like it hit an invisible barrier. More accurately it hit a barrier of cold air.

'Ice spells are out and possibly so are low-tier fire spells,' His first assumption that she was set up purely for ice magic was starting to seem true. However, seeing how she can bypass immunity to ice, reducing it to just a resistance it seems, such a thing wasn't an issue.

With his skeletal hands up he let loose a bolt of lightning while Cirno tried to block it with a wall of ice. On contact, the ice exploded as a brilliant flash of ice crystals and sparks of electricity danced in the air around Cirno. Reacting she jumped back and out of the way as a far stronger stream of flames came down at her. Cirno raised her hand up as a wave of cold at him intent to freeze him.

Ainz flew out of the way of the oncoming cold. Hands raised lightning gathered within them. "Triple Maximized Magic, Vermilion Nova!"

For a second Cirno thought the spell failed until the feeling of being burned consumed her senses. A pillar of flame consumed her and Cirno screamed in both surprise and pain. On reflex, she immediately let out a burst of her energy as all around a wave of ice and snow pulsed from her body. As the flames dissipated violently Cirno actually took a second to compare it to the fire users she knew.

It was nowhere near the level of the hell raven's, then again she was supposedly more of a sun powered, and Mokou's flames were technically stronger though she didn't have a need to pull them out unless absolutely necessary. Cirno didn't dwell on this though as there was an enemy in front of her. With a wave of her hand, a large pillar of ice sprung forward at Ainz while a layer of ice formed over her body into a crude set of armor while in her left hand, a lance of ice formed.

Racing forward the pillar of ice formed Ainz to move out of the way as Cirno tried to stab him with the lance of ice. Just barely was he able to dodge out of the way of the attack before Cirno formed something that looked like a hammer of ice in her free hand. Smashing it across his chest, Ainz was sent to the ground below. Cirno flew down as she tried to impale him with the lance again only for Ainz to roll out of the way.

'Is it just me or are her physical attacks strangely weak?' It reminded him of someone like himself trying to attack physically without using Perfect Warrior. 'Wait, is she a pure magic caster?'

If that was the case why was she fighting him physically? Pulling out the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown he blocked a swing with another ice construct. He wasn't being overpowered by her physically at all. In fact, he was probably a little bit stronger than her on that front! Cirno used the opportunity to point her hand at him as she readied a blast of ice.

A large misshapen and jagged mass of cold formed in front of her. For a second she wondered if she had gotten him but as the ice cleared there was nothing within it. Instead from the reflection of the ice Cirno caught sight of Ainz behind her for a second. Turning around she was met by a Ray of Negative Energy and reacting quickly was able to bring up an ice barrier to block the spell. As the negative energies clashed with her Cirno could swear she could almost sense the decay in the air. Like the spell was aimed at breaking down organic nature.

A command was sent to the frozen ground below her. Ainz felt something holding him in place as he turned down to notice that ice had formed over his feet holding him in place. 'Damn it.'

Looking back he was greeted with a barrage of icicles that slammed into him. Ainz raised up his hands as a ray of lightning arced from his fingers and slammed into a giant boulder of ice that came at him. The resulting explosion tossed them both back, breaking the ice holding Ainz in place. Getting back up he quickly thought about what to do. Pulling the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown again he used its powers to summon into being two Primal Elementals.

Both the Water and Air were poor choices. Something told him that she would just freeze the former and the latter wasn't much of a threat either. Ainz was iffy on the Earth Elemental which left the last too. Appearing in front was both the Fire Primal Elemental and the Star Primal Elemental. The burning bull-headed elemental was next to the hooded star-covered space elemental.

Cirno stared at both of them as she could feel something off about both of them. It was like they were embodiments of nature like herself but muted, controlled, one part incomplete and one part not dissimilar to when she turned to create and control constructs of ice. With a roar, the Fire Primal unleashed a large blade of flames aimed at Cirno who countered by increasing the intensity of the cold coming off of her which caused the flames to dissipate just off of her. The Star Primal unleashed a ray of light that cut through the dying flames and grazed a bit at Cirno's shoulder.

Raising both her hands mists rose from the lake and soon covered the whole area as a blizzard formed across the area. The Fire Primal Elemental was covered by the cold as it seemed to be trying to put him out while the Star Primal Elemental attempted to cut through the nearly blinding storm to attack her. As it fired at the area where Cirno had been it hit nothing as Cirno had already left the area.

Before either could look for her overhead both it and the Fire Primal were crushed under a large iceberg. The Fire Primal on reflex tried to escape with heat but all it did was convert the ice into water as steam arose from the flickering elemental that was finally put out by a large icicle shard piercing through its head.

The Star Primal Elemental destroyed the ice holding it down and was able to get out of the way as Cirno tossed down a spear made of hardened ice aimed at it. As the both of them fought, Ainz took this opportunity to start planning out what he needed. He didn't need physical defensive buffs, only ones to limit the damage and a few to keep her at arm's length without trying to trap him. Opening his inventory he had to swap out some of the useless equips for something better.

Overhead Cirno raced towards the Elemental as she called on the frozen ground from below. The ice moved upwards and held the Star Primal Elemental in place as Cirno formed what looked like a giant lance and smashed into the elemental which on reflex grabbed on the ice lance and tried to fight off being pierced through. Unfortunately, the Ice below it moved up, and soon coveted it completely. Cirno hardened the ice until it finally started to crack from the pressure she was forcing on it. With a snap, it shattered into pieces as the elemental's remains fell apart within the broken ice.

Cirno's attention turned over to her actual opponent. With a toss a small jagged piece of ice went out and hit Ainz's hands while it reached into some kind of opening in space. Cirno raced forward as she gathered energy in her hands.

"Grasping Heart!" A spectra heart appeared in his hands and was crushed. Cirno felt her own heart stop as the gathered energy within her hands dissipated.

In an instant, her body broke down into snow and ice. No sooner as it did, barely having time to fall, the fragments of cold swirled around in a vortex and reformed into Cirno. She blinked for a few moments at what had happened while Ainz, having viewed the obvious use of a resurrection spell or skill, mentality cursed as he prepared for the fight to continue. Cirno, however, had a completely different thought process.

"Wait, does that mean I lost?!" Her outburst as she turned over to Cocytus for an answer.

Silence hung over the area as the denizens of Nazarick found her outburst a bit confusing. Immediate resurrection in a fight wasn't considered losing, YGGDRASIL special PvP matches allowed it after all. "No. Immediate. Resurrection. Is. Not. A. Cause. For. Defeat."

Hearing this Cirno couldn't help but laugh. If these were the rules that they worked under then they must have never faced a fairy before. Sure, most normal fairies would take a while to reconstitute a body but Greater Fairies could do so on the spot though with great strain the more they had to. Cirno right now was at the peak of what a fairy was capable of. Instant resurrection was easier and the strain was lessened to nothing due to how close she was to the place where she was tied.

"Well, if that is the case I already won."

Such a boost seemed like the height of arrogance. That one simple resurrection was all it took to claim victory. 'She must be full of herself if she thinks that will be all it takes to beat me.'


As soon as his frustration built did it pass. Still, he had killed her two more times with the same result. He was low on MP, even with taking percussion in the battle to limit his loss of MP. Physically speaking he was being worn down and didn't think he could keep up the fight. Sure, as undead he technically didn't get tired but the fighting and cold was another matter. As for his opponent, that was a completely different matter.

Her resurrection came with no level cost. She was still at the same level she had been since the duel began or showed any signs of resurrection sickness debuffs common to repeated resurrections. Nor was she running low on MP or whatever it was that served as her equivalent. Apparently, if anything when he watched her unleash various cold spells the cost was almost immediately restored. It was as if the duel itself wasn't even affecting her. Hell, her clothes weren't showing any signs of the fighting as if they were more or less a part of her being.

In terms of magical versatility, he outstripped her. Raw damage output he also outstripped her. He was the more physically tanky of the two, something hilarious to think about as he was a spellcaster which wasn't known for taking damage, and if he wanted could probably become physically stronger with his Perfect Warrior spell. Yet, all that didn't matter if he couldn't outlast her in a fight of endurance.

Surrender was a logical conclusion if he couldn't win. However, this wasn't YGGDRASIL's official PvP tournaments. Surrendering had other implications especially with the Floor Guardians being real beings, and the fact that he didn't want to. Mentally he was thinking of a way to come out on top. This wasn't exactly a low-level resurrection spell, or perhaps it was equivalent to a skill? Either way, he probably couldn't keep her from doing so if that was the case. High-tier resurrection was the one thing he didn't have any way to counter.

Well, almost any way to counter it. There was a theory in his mind about what he could try. First, things first he had to get a fair bit away in order to allow this to work. "Greater Teleportation."

He disappeared in a flash and reappeared far out of the way as Cirno tried to locate him. A ball of lightning was sent at her from the side blasting into her and nearly tossing her out of the air. Turning to the direction, almost beyond her ability to see, was Ainz holding a wand in each of his hands. Cirno let out several icicle lances at him in retaliation. Ainz brought his other wand up as a barrier formed negating the icicles. A long-range attack barrier that protested against magical attacks at a certain range.

There was only one charge in it. Effectively unless to him for any real fighting outside of an NPC engagement back in YGGDRASIL but it seems using it was a good idea. Cirno flew up close, effectively taking the bait. "The Goal Of All Life Is Death!"

Behind him, a clock formed as he had just twelve seconds before it was done. Cirno came at him with a spear made of ice. As she readied to throw it Ainz dropped the now worthless wand and pulled out a scroll. With a glow, the spell written on the scroll was activated. A cone of flames crashed into the spear of ice creating a thermal explosion that tossed Cirno back. Cirno immediately backed up and in a surprise to him formed what looked like armor made of ice and a sword in hand. Now was his chance to get rid of the one thing that was stopping him.

A small part of him wanted to curse, wasting the second of only three charges the ring possessed but it was the only way. Shooting Star activated and with it, he could use Wish Upon a Star. "It's time I stop your skill to resurrect!"

With that, a debuff was placed on Cirno that should prevent her from resurrecting. For a brief second Cirno actually had panic as she thought that meant he had served her link to the lake. On reflex she pulled on that part but before she had time to react to what she found the hand on the clock had almost run out.

"It ends here," Behind Ainz the hand hit twelve. "I will remember you, Lady of the Lake."

A flash of light consumed the area that Ainz had brought them both to. The ice-covered wetlands were consumed as death itself slammed into the environment. Being far enough away the effect didn't reach the spectators watching it. However, those who are living could still feel that anything that was alive was dying. It did as the skill practically burned away all life down to the microbial level and made it so that everything around the area that was living would die.

As the light faded away Ainz looked on at the newly made wasteland. The mud below had been basically dried from the rapid flash of light. The grasses nearby were gone. A clear sky covered him in almost a sign of victory. She was finally dead, his spell having done the trick as she was unable to resurrect.

'Finally…' Ainz stopped as he noticed that the temperature was rapidly decreasing. Dead scorched ground was starting to turn into permafrost. 'It can't be-'

Snow and cold swirled around as yet again for the fourth time in this duel Cirno reappeared. His wish seemingly had no effect to stop her resurrection. Impossible didn't begin to describe it as he was certain he had wished to block off any resurrection skills! Suddenly, a dreadful thought entered into his mind. Her ability to resurrect wasn't a skill. Nor was it a spell as it seemed she was incapable of healing or the like that usually required it.

'A passive,' Every part of his mind wanted to rage at how utterly absurd this was. Even his undead nature was having a hard time repressing the mixture of emotions that he was feeling. 'IT WAS A GOD DAMN PASSIVE!'

No wonder she was so sure she could win. Literally, the only thing that could theoretically stop someone with a passive instant resurrection was something he did not have. If he did there was no way in hell he would use it given the cost of doing so. "Well, if that is the case I already won."

Everything made sense now. To her, this fight wasn't a struggle for life or death. This whole fight was effectively a trap, a farce the moment he agreed to it. Cirno had won the moment that it was stated that resurrection was allowed. For she could keep going no matter how many times it took. In a sense it wasn't a matter of if she could win, but a matter of how long it would take to do so. Anything could be brought down if you had a virtually infinite number of tries after all.

"... I stood no chance."

Cirno, however, was utterly horrified. Sure, the wish to stop her resurrection wasn't going to work, that was a fundamental part of being a fairy and required effort that was close to impossible to achieve without severing them from the source, but in that moment Cirno could feel what was done. Life wasn't nature, grass, trees, and animals are just a part of it. Nature included everything from volcanoes to water, to even stuff like light. Still, despite being a fairy of ice and fundamentally tied to water, Cirno felt what he had done in the moment she was without her body.

Living things just ceased to be in the area. Not only what the eye could see. In the air and in the ground the small organisms had died. What was worse was whatever it was, it was still lingering in the area. Trying to keep everything dead. This was her lake right now and part of it was now just a wasteland. In that moment Cirno countered it as best she could, flooding cold and ice to counter the effects and while she had succeeded in getting rid of the extremes, like the ever-present decaying effect on life, the area would never be truly repairable for years at minimum.

"What did you do," Around her body ice crystals started to form as her shock and horror were being replaced with anger and rage. A pure all-consuming rage that fairies rarely felt. "DO!"

At that, a wave of cold lashed out from her body. Cirno's hair started to spike a bit as ice literally began to consume it. There was a feeling of pain as she began to subconsciously push her powers to their limit, breaking whatever mental defense existed to protect her body from breaking down. A vortex of snow and ice formed around her completely obscuring her form. A lot of energy was built up and for many, they could almost feel the killing intent hidden behind her.

"Younger Dryas!"

In that instant, a flash of cold and ice rapidly outwards from her form. Everything it touched was frozen over. Large pillars of ice and snow ripped through the whole area. When the violent outburst was over snow started to slowly fall to the ground as if it was suddenly the middle of winter. Cirno stood there a feeling of visible exhaustion shown as her energy reserves were depleted and only now being restored by the natural energies she was tied to. It was slow and her body was numbed. A sign of the amount of power she had unleashed in an instant. All around here it was an ice and snow-covered wasteland. Large pillars of ice were shot out in all directions with various shapes. Reaching high into the air. The temperature around was forced into freezing, completely negating the warm summer air and forcing it to endure temperatures that were below zero.

Her power held on to this state before she released it. Causing the ice to dissolve and the snow to disappear into the water. The onlookers didn't fully escape unscathed either. The Floor Guardians had used everything in an instance to block the effects of the spell with a variety of successes, the Lizardmen would have just straight up been killed had Zaryusu not in a fit of instinct brought up Frost Pain which reacted to her and shielded them from the worst of it. Still, even they would have died had she not released the cold when she did.

Finally, there was her opponent. Ainz was on his knees, the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown barely keeping him up as he watched the object he had hastily brought out burn away in front of him. It was the only reason he had survived but even still he was barely holding on to life or rather undeath.

'That…' He could feel the effort it took to not fall over. 'That had to be on par with Super Tier Magic.'

Cirno slowly walked up to him. The rules of the match still echoed a bit in her mind. Surrender or to the death. He was close to it and hadn't surrendered at all. She was probably going to have to kill him. Holding out her hand she gathered what energy she could as she prepared to unleash the finishing blow.

"I surrender."

Silence filled the area as the words left Ainz's mouth. Whatever was gathered within Cirno's hands was gone. "That means I won."

Cirno held a small celebration at the victory as she knew this meant the Lizardmen were saved. Speaking of the Lizardmen to them, the fight they had witnessed was extraordinary. Power was displayed that utterly showed how hopeless a fight against the undead leader was. Yet, even then the spirit of the lake was able to stand up before him. Even death couldn't stop her as she just kept coming back again and again. Finally, Ainz had used a power he claimed would stop her from resurrecting, and then after getting to a far-off distance that made it almost impossible to see he unleashed something that could be described as divine wrath.

With only a slight delay Cirno came back and then unleashed her own. An attack that could have killed them all. Zaryusu looked down at Frost Pain so consumed by the sudden feeling to use it to protect them, a completely foolish idea in hindsight, but he felt like he had to. The weapon had absorbed into itself most the shockwave of cold sparing every one of his kind and from the end, he now held it reforged. Molded into something that looked like a large talon in the shape of a blade.

Almost completely unwieldy by its looks though surprisingly light. It was also far more powerful than it had been before. More like it had been blessed by some being of great power, or that it had been remade by the source of what had made it. He was the only one aware of the changes as all the onlooking Lizardmen were at a loss for words at what they had just witnessed.

A battle between two foes that vastly outstripped any of them. Like something out of the legends of the other races. Sure, the Lizardmen who had traveled out into the nearby human kingdoms had returned with stories of their gods but to them, it didn't seem anything more than stories. Some more open-minded could believe that there was something there. Watching the two figures that had gone into battle made those aware and understand what the human stories had talked about.

For the Floor Guardians, there were no words that left as they watched the seemingly unstoppable fairy celebrate while Ainz struggled to stay up. They couldn't quite hear what had gone on but it wasn't hard to take a guess. "Did Lord Ainz surrender?"

Everyone who had watched moved closer as Cirno now did with the high of victory offered her hand up to help Ainz up. "Now that was the most fun I had in a month," Though hadn't forgotten the reason for why he was here, and her face gained a serious expression as she looked at her defeated foe. "Say, you won't going to kill the Lizardmen if you had won, right?"

Ainz looked at her outstretched hand as he thought carefully about how he should answer this. If she wished to kill him despite honoring the duel there was legitimately nothing Nazarick could do to defeat her. "No, I had only threatened it to bring you out."

"You caused an incident to get to me?" Back in Gensokyo such a thing never happened. Incidents usually didn't happen unless they targeted either Gensokyo as a whole or the shrine maiden. "Alright, I've decided," Her serious expression gave way to a goofy carefree smile. "You'll be my new friend!"

'... What?' He had come here effectively declaring war on her, fought a life-or-death duel, and now after winning she decided just to declare him her friend. This was just absurd to even think about.

The feeling of the Floor Guardians, when they returned to Nazarick with Ainz was one that could best be described as conflicted. On one hand, the whole invasion of the Lizardmen was technically a success. While it wasn't what they originally had expected they had brought out the being of notice from the lake. Whatever feeling of success though was crushed by the fact that Lord Ainz had lost a one-on-one duel with her. A passive that instantly resurrects you with no cost and quickly regenerates your MP? Such a thing sounded ridiculous and yet the Lady of the Lake possessed both.

Even then the feeling of defeat was mitigated by the fact that the Lady of the Lake decided that Ainz was now her friend. Nazarick failed to conquer the Lizardmen and in the end, got the ruler of the lake they lived in to effectively become their ally. Overall, this should be something of a victory even with everything that had gone on. Yet, it didn't feel like it to most of them.

"Please my great master forgive me for my utter failure!" There was also the issue of the captive that Cirno had returned to them.

Iguva was on the ground bowing and begging for forgiveness as soon as they had returned. The lich didn't even know about the fight between the Lady of the Lake and the Lord of Nazarick. All he cared about was the fact that he led an army, got captured, and was now in front of his creator.

Ainz for his part didn't really want to deal with this. "It's alright Iguva as you can guess you didn't stand a chance against Cirno," A part of him wondered why Cirno hadn't killed him given that he likely wouldn't tell her anything. "Even I can't win against endurance like hers."

Iguva seemed visibly shaken at such a thing. Such a thought of his creator failing seemed utterly impossible to think about and yet his master was implying as such. "May I ask what happened between you and Cirno?"

"I fought her and lost," It wouldn't be nor should it be a secret. "I could overpower her in terms of magical might, even killed her a few times, but her ability to always resurrect was something that I couldn't overcome."

The idea of beings out there that Ainz couldn't defeat seemed to be something that was beyond the lich's idea to process but it wasn't something that was so impossible that the Floor Guardians couldn't understand. They had overheard the Supreme Beings having failed, being defeated by other players individually, even as groups against some of the strongest beings in the nine worlds. Cirno's victory was one of pure endurance, not one of power, but even still it had to be acknowledged as a victory nonetheless.

"You may not know this but Nazarick had not always been in this world," Ainz figured that this might become a thing. Those who came over from YGGDRASIL for instance knew about the other members of Ainz Ooal Gown and that he wasn't the top dog there but the newly made summons like Iguva did not. "There I was not the strongest being around, in fact, several of my friends, the other Supreme Beings of Nazarick were my betters."

Iguva had a hard time understanding this. Yet, he only knew so little about Nazarick. Indeed he was extremely lucky that Cirno didn't just kill him. However, hearing his creator, a being he had absolute loyalty and the loyalty of other powerful beings, talk about someone being better than him was surreal. Yet, it was coming out of his mouth so it was a fact.

"How many Great One do you suspect exist in this world that can beat you?"

His words might seem a bit out of line to the others but it actually was something to think about. So far it seems that a being of interest kept turning up every now and again the more Nazarick moved into the world. It seemed as though as they stepped more and more into events more of those who could fight and threatened them became known. It was almost like they seemed to be popping into existence recently, or perhaps they had always been here?

"I do not know how many exist in the world but that is something I intend to find out."

Four and a half months. That was how long she had found herself lost in this strange new world. It was like something out of an old fantasy manga, light novel, or video game her mother once shared with her before she passed on. Finding humans in this world was strange to think about in of itself which pointed more to her being in an alternate universe over some alien planet that seemed very similar. The magic system was fundamentally different as well which furthers this point.

Speaking of humans and the fantasy world there were indeed multiple other races that inhabited the world and of course, there was something that was enviable. Some of them hated each other for a variety of reasons, jealousy, slavery, and apparently some ate each other. That last one wasn't surprising to hear given some youkai tended to do so. Which made her rather grateful for being a Magician as she really didn't need to eat humans. Not like being a Magician mattered much as she was still treated as a human anyway.

A lot of beastmen, trolls, and other things wanted to and tried to eat her. Most of them were now dead as she learned the power divide between her and them was vastly in her favor. For the most part until she ended up stumbling into a living skeleton's lair and had a fight with something that actually showed signs of being stronger than most of the others she had faced though it wasn't much.

'I really shouldn't have fought him,' Turns out whoever that was had been a subordinate of something that was far stronger, and now Renko was dealing with a small army of the undead.

"A single woman?" The leader of the undead was a tall skeleton of one of the beastmen, maybe a wolf or some kind of catman who was dressed in high-quality robes and golden jewels.

"Here I expected a group of adventurers of some kind," On one hand, it was disappointing that his original estimate was off. On the other hand, it looked like this woman was powerful enough that if he killed and raised her that he would have a powerful ally that could help him and by extension the Corpus of the Abyss.

Off to the side, the dimming orange of sunset was fading away as the darkness of night started to set in. The stars become visible overhead. Renko stared at the army in front of her and the leader wondering just how she ended up in this mess. "Can we talk this out instead of fighting?"

Renko was kind of getting annoyed by the fact that she was fighting a lot more than she usually had to. There was also the issue of just killing those who attacked her and it was getting a bit unsettling after a while. Renko was a Magician and not one of the more enthusiastic youkai at the act of killing after all.

"We'll have much to talk about once I raise your corpse!"

With that, he commanded his small force to attack while Renko raised her right hand into the air. In the sky it seemed like the stars gained various lines connecting together into magic circles. "Fine, have it your way."

Renko brought her hand down as from the bounds of the firmament meteors started to rain down on them. Many of the lesser undead were just destroyed either from direct impacts or the various shockwaves. The leader of the undead forces cursed before floating up and away as one of the stray meteorites came crashing down near him.

Looking down at the destruction the area was filled with little craters and the remains of various undead screwed around. Looking up with her black outside cape flowing with the wind revealing the bright color and various runes underneath Renko stared back at him. "Quite a show of power." It was one that did make him hesitate a bit at fighting her. "I admit I underestimated you."

She wasn't a normal human that was for sure. There was no way about it. Yet, she didn't show any signs of the use of Tier Magic. Looking through the Corpus of the Abyss members' eyes an unknown observer watched as the woman engaged in battle with him. As the fight went on, well it was more her having the clear edge while the Corpus member was immediately on the defensive, it was more apparent that she wasn't using Tier Magic, Martial Arts, Wild Magic, or anything more but an unknown form of magic.

Finally, with a blast of energy, the feed was cut off as the Corpus member had been killed. 'Just what has the Dragon Emperor's actions brought to this world this time?!'

There was no other way to his knowledge for her to be anything else but another invader brought in by that old fool's ritual. The Players had been bad enough especially with what they had done to the world and now something else had ended up in the world around the same time that the next Player could show up. Around the same time that for a brief moment, Wild Magic had been freed from its corruption by Tier Magic.

"Wait, does she have a hand in that?"

Could it be that her magic was the key to freeing Wild Magic from the corruption imposed on it by Tier Magic? If he could get his hands on some of it then that could mean he could use Wild Magic without the drawbacks. Combining it with the Tier Magic he had, rather begrudgingly at first, mastered alongside this third magic would make him unstable. With that he could take over the world and ensure that every new Player who comes to this world ends up dead and raised to serve him. A laugh could be heard as the plan came together.

Cure Elim Los Malvar, leader of the Corpus of the Abyss, couldn't wait to meet this woman face to face.

"So, you need to get to Gensokyo and you want to use the doorway that is connected to my lake?" Vivian looked at the three of them, well more at Myrddin, as she thought about their request. Truthfully, she almost forgot that her lake had been made a backdoor for the half-devil to get to that little artificial realm in the Far East. "Alright, but you know the rules you have to beat me in a duel!"

"I don't think that's necessary."

Vivian looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about, you have Durendal with you!"

She motioned to the sword in his hands. It was his favorite, and the one one he practiced with the most, weapon after all. "You do know that I haven't been to Gensokyo in like fifty years, this is more for my personal defense."

"Gensokyo has moved on to a non-lethal method since the last time you were there," Myrddin turned as Ran cut into this.

"Huh," Myrddin stared at her but Ran got the feeling he wasn't staring at her but at something tied to her. "So, the current Hakuri came up with a less life-threatening method to solve her issues and Yukari ended up conspiring with Sigurd's descendant to popularize it."

In his hands magic gathered as he attempted to make his own card based on how he had seen Ran make her own after Yukari explained it. After a few seconds, the gathered energy took the form of a glowing card. Myrddin looked at it for a few moments as he started to think about what this actually could mean. It was a way to bypass the need to directly eat humans, something that was sorely needed for a few of the youkai still hidden in the Outside World and those within other refuges beyond Gensokyo.

'I am surprised that Yukari hasn't offered this to New Jotunheim as a means to secure Gensokyo's interests with its western counterpart,' Well, if she wouldn't he could. Although, he didn't rule out if she wasn't aware that might be a possibility had he visited Gensokyo again. 'Probably intended to spring it on me after a few rounds of testing.'

Whatever the case there was something else to worry about. The card returned to its creator. "Back on track I kind of foresaw I wouldn't have to and I am taking a hunch that it has something to do with the two of them."

Myrddin motioned to Ran and Chen who Vivian only now took a moment to properly take a look at. "A two-tail cat and a nine-tailed fox?" She seemed for a second to be in thought as she tried to remember something. "You're that Dark Lady's servants?"


"Alright, so why does Myrddin think you will just let me open up the pathway from my lake?"

"Maybe because you look like a fairy back in Gensokyo named Cirno," Chen was confused by this whole thing but figured it had something to do with that.

Vivian blinked at this. A fairy that looked like her? "Cirno, is she a fairy tied to the lake on the other end of that passageway, also how old is she?"

"She showed up in Gensokyo about eighty years ago," Ran recalled when she first showed up in the middle of a rather harsh few days in the middle of winter which was brought on by the lake. "As for where she is tied to it is the misty lake, as she seems to have control over the lesser fairies in the area."

There was a pause for a few seconds as Vivian processed this. She turned to Myrddin, her face red with a mix of emotions but luckily she knew were to vent one of them. "MYRDDIN YOU LEFT ME WITH A DAUGHTER!"

Well, this took longer then I had liked to finish. Well, that and it kind of had to be rewritten in a few places. Choosing not to use Spell Cards was a mistake.
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What are the odds that Ainz will avoid Mokou or Kaguya if they were part of the spell that isekai'd them, he'll be more flabbergasted if he finds out about them being immune to his Death magic.

Ainz is glad it's only Cirno and not the high tiers.
Traditional Gensokyo behavior, all that left is to get drunk

Unfortunate that Ainz can't get drunk.

What are the odds that Ainz will avoid Mokou or Kaguya if they were part of the spell that isekai'd them, he'll be more flabbergasted if he finds out about them being immune to his Death magic.

Ainz is glad it's only Cirno and not the high tiers.

A buffed Cirno who I am treating as being stronger then her Hidden Star self. Still, if Cirno had a build it would be one focused solely on perfecting ice magic with little else.

Oh, and if he did meet them he wouldn't understand their immortality at all. Remember he has no idea that Gensokyo is even a thing. As far as he is concerned everyone is native to this world... and that Cirno has the most broken Passive ability he has ever seen lol.

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