Soundless - Code Geass, deaf Euphemia
low effort life
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I honestly don't remember half of CG and just about... 5% of R2. But like, screw it.
Also, I did not consult as much as I could about deaf people and deafness. Errors and misunderstanding likely abound. Also, Britannia is horrible to everybody, very much including the people with special/different needs, and even Ruben Ashford is prone to certain ingrained prejudices.
Also, I did not consult as much as I could about deaf people and deafness. Errors and misunderstanding likely abound. Also, Britannia is horrible to everybody, very much including the people with special/different needs, and even Ruben Ashford is prone to certain ingrained prejudices.
Soundless, Part 1.
When the dean of Ashford Academy reviewed his meetings for the day, he did notice the block of time earmarked for a meeting about a potential new student enrolling. It wasn't uncommon for various nobles to wish to talk with him before they enrolled their children at his institution. Or for other worried parents to look for assurances. He did always prefer the second type of meeting. What had called his attention was how quickly the meeting had been scheduled; days only.
He took a note of who he'd be meeting. Claudio Schayes, who wished to know the academy better before enrolling his cousin. Curiously, the file of said cousin was missing. Not alarming, secretiveness was the pastime of half the Britannians he knew.
Now, the man himself was escorted into his office and greeted him with a smile. "Dean Ashford, a pleasure."
"Likewise, Mr. Schayes. Although," he had noticed from the way the young man stood and moved almost immediately, "unfortunately, I have not been informed of your rank." On purpose, for sure.
"Colonel." The suddenly much more dangerous man in front of him offered him a thin smile. "Currently on leave, although I will be transferring to Area 11 in the next few days."
"I see." He indicated a chair for his guest and sat at his solid desk, arranging his papers as he thought. "You must have hurried from your assignment to arrive in Area 11 a week before the Viceroy." The haste was now understandable. "Ashford Academy prizes itself in its discretion and security. We understand that our students are precious", to avoid saying vulnerable, "and sometimes, rules have to bend a little for children to get the best education they are afforded to. Without… outside factors."
It was no issue if certain dates on official documents had to be changed to ensure a young person could go to school without their family connections mucking everything up. Be it to nobility or the military. In the wake of His Highness' murder and the renewed terrorist activity, this was to be expected. A slew of different military and governmental workers would be following, and anticipating, their new Viceroy into Area 11.
And Cornelia Li Britannia prized very different qualities in her retainers.
For the Colonel's cousin, Ruben Ashford was willing to bet they might not even be related in truth.
"Right to the heart of the matter, Mr. Ashford." Colonel, if not Sir Schayes, nodded. "My father had nothing but praise for your work. I'm glad to see you are the same kind of man he described you as."
Which was funny, because Ruben Ashford had never met any Schayes before. "Indeed? I'm afraid that in my old age acquaintances are ever more difficult to remember. Your father…?"
"General Andreas Darlton."
And well, did that not answer quite a few questions? It took all of Ruben's considerable political skills to not let his shock and alarm show on his face. But he quickly calmed himself. Andreas Darlton was known in certain circles for adopting several promising young men and women into his family, to circumvent the rigid and unforgiving system. Claudio Schayes Darlton was merely one of them, and despite his age, he was very unlikely to have known certain elements that Ruben kept close at hand.
"I am honored that General Darlton still remembers me." He chuckled. "Tell me, how is young Sir Andreas? I hear only of his worldly exploits in Area 11."
No, he was probably here for the actual reason he stated. To enroll a student. Either from his own birth family or from the family of one of his siblings. In that regard, Ashford Academy was the best place in Area 11 for anybody not given to military affairs.
"Father is well. He will be following Her Highness here after finishing with establishing Area 18."
"Area 18 already? My… Remarkably fast." Nothing could stop Britannia, now could it? He shook his head. "Well, enough reminiscing. Shall we move on to more pressing business?"
"Yes." Claudio nodded, his military countenance in full display. "There's no way to hide it, so I'll be direct. We wish to enroll a… close friend of the family at Ashford Academy. We would usually prefer that she continue her education privately, by tutors, or at a less known establishment." Now, one of the dean's eyebrows arched, almost urging him to continue. "However, the infrastructure and personnel in Area 11 is, bluntly put, insufficient, lacking in security and professionalism. Ashford Academy is the better choice."
Ruben Ashford nodded. "I would be more glad to be compared so favorably but, well, as you have already been able to assess… things have not been the best in this corner of the Empire."
The young man grunted, but did not fluster at the slight critique against late Clovis. Good.
"Yes. Aside from that, well." And he paused. "Ashford Academy came to our attention for a particular policy you mention… 'to provide all the means necessary for our students to achieve their full potential, irrespective of the obstacles in their path', followed by a clear picture of one of your wheelchair-accessible entrances."
"Oh." Ashford's face was a study in polite interest. "Is that so?"
The silence was heavy for a few seconds as both men studied each other. Finally, it was Darlton that broke it. "My cousin… she has a few requirements…"
"We understand that our interpretations of the world are not universal but… I'm sure you are aware of my family's history before… that abominable incident. And in its aftermath, I was forced to reconsider how certain ideas might impact those I was responsible for." The old man's smile softened almost grandfatherly. "Ashford is a safe place. For all the good it did, my Academy was designed for everybody to be able to attend it and profit from a full education. From the building to the staff, I spared no expense."
He was rewarded by the noticeable loosening in the young man's shoulders. What a time to be reminded of his own age. "That is… comforting to hear. Thank you, Dean Ashford."
"It is but the truth. But perhaps I might be able to set your worries at ease if I knew the details of what your cousin needs."
He nodded. "Of course. Tina is deaf. Her hearing was completely damaged in an accident several years ago. Effectively mute as well. While she is perfectly capable of speech, she does not use so, merely as a matter of preference. She can read lips however. She's also fluent in sign language." His eyes were judging as he stated, "She is fully capable otherwise and has kept abreast of her age peers in all scholarly matters."
"I do not doubt so." But Ruben was already thinking about his staff. The fact that they had managed to teach a young girl sign language was more impressive than anything else. Ruben didn't believe he had anybody on hand fluent in the language.
The fact was, Britannia didn't accommodate for anything. Braille was a french invention, and when he had invested time and money into the topic, he had also discovered the fascinating world of sign languages. Naturally occurring languages developed by those who could not hear or speak. Once upon a time, Britannia had possessed its own burgeoning sign language.
After Darwin? If books in braille had burned, so had those about Britannian Sign Languages. Certainly unofficially, somewhere, the deaf existed and 'spoke'. If nothing else, the military churned out many 'failures', from those mutilated to those hard of hearing from artillery shelling. Despite what the nobles liked to believe, the lower classes adapted and evolved better than those decrepit snakes. However, schooling for the deaf did not exist in Britannia. Deaf-dumb-stupid. Why bother teaching the deaf? Typical. What little did exist was private, like Ashford, and focussed on disguising deafness. He could tell the young girl must have had some education of the sort from the skills described.
"I do believe we can ensure a proper education for your cousin. Written evaluations, class transcriptions, full access to written resources. I will make sure her teachers take care to facilitate lip-reading and do not interrogate her in class… If I may, which sign language does she know? I do believe we may have somebody with a passing knowledge of french sign language, but I can make inquiries among my professional circles."
On they went, back and forth, discussing details. Claudio Darlton would much prefer that his 'cousin' did not attend classes with the rest of Ashford's students. His naturally protective nature was inflamed. Easily understandable, considering Britannian teenagers. He would however, concede that it would be both attention-grabbing and difficult to impose onto an isolated, eager young woman. Ruben Ashford gathered the crumbs provided, building in his head the portrait of a kind, energetic teenager, quiet… if the pun could be pardoned, but hiding a strong personality. The profile of Justina Darlton ignored her circumstances, painting her as just another student to be welcomed at Ashford Academy. It would be nice, if his instincts weren't constantly reminding him of a crucial factor.
Their allotted time was dwindling and still… Claudio Darlton had not said everything. He fidgeted. He was reticent. He observed Ruben oh so very carefully after giving him Justina's doctored file.
What was it?
As they sat in silence,most matters taken care of, it came to the fore.
"Dean Ashford…" The young man started, brow furrowed. "There is… one last thing. A consideration, taking into account… your past acquaintance with our superior, Her Highness Cornelia, and her family." His gloved fingers tapped a short, nervous rhythm on his chair's stuffed arm. "Some things are just better shown. I trust," he said as he unfolded a photograph from a pocket, "that you will understand the gravity of the situation
Ruben took the proffered image, already steeling himself for several scenarios, and saw a pair of young women, flanked on both sides by two men. Sir Gilford and Sir Darlton, he recognized peripherally. His eyes were naturally attracted by the tall, warrior-goddess between them. Purple hair disheveled, a custom piloting suit hugging her broad shoulders and more womanly attributes, Cornelia li Britannia was every inch the deadly valkyrie. And a smile he had not seen in the news that depicted her, for over a decade, rested gently on her lips, crinkling the corners of her eyes. Her arm hugged close to her a familiar younger woman, light-haired and–
He audibly sucked in a breath as he realized whose image he was beholding.
Wavy hair –dyed, of course!– and facial structure –not altered by photographic manipulation, here– all aside, who would ever mistake those purple eyes for anything but the mark of royalty?
He groped around for support as he realized what he had brought down on this refuge.
Justina. As: Euphemia Ursula Justicia li Britannia.
guess who hyperfixated on this old show they don't even particularly like, like... dude, so many girls killed for man-pain. Poor Euphy. yeah, guess who my favorite character was...