Celestial Menagerie NOT 6
low effort life
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✦100✦Survivalist: You become an extremely skilled survivalist, you can survive in the wild while naked, you are able to light a fire, create a shelter and find water and food in the most unlikely place.
✧250 Points✧
A niche but surprisingly useful thing? Nanase's quirk really was weird, she thought as she dabbed at the blood leaking from her nose. Celestial Tamer didn't even begin to cover it. Ah, but well, what else could they have called the mess that it was?
"Hm, nurse? Is it possible that I know so much science because of my quirk? Because this time I've been given a lot of knowledge about, like, plants and geology. It's not very organized though."
The red-haired nurse frowned. "I believe that's something you should talk about with your quirk specialist. Do you want help scheduling a session?" Right. Sure, why not.
The choir's songs were all so familiar. Not the lyrics, but the melodies, it was like she'd heard them a thousand times before. She was a bit lost, standing on the last benches of the church. Surprisingly, the Sunday service was nearly full. It made some sense, there weren't many churches, and there were several different groups that were united by their religion. There were historical reasons for that. The beginning of the age of quirks had been very troubled. Not only had several groups been stranded in Japan during the many times when international travel and communication had been banned, but just about every country in the world had been the target and the origin of at least two migration wages. Or refugee waves, to be more correct.
There were a lot of enclaves and mixed groups everywhere in the world. And in the countries where order had managed to be reestablished without too much bloodshed, these persisted. Nanase supposed mass was not a bad place to remember that atrocities had been committed back then, and to pray for humanity's strive for a better world.
Pray like everything depends on God and work like everything depends on you.
More words from the obscure past. But they felt good, meaningful. She repeated them in her head as the Father read one of the psalms. She'd have to look them up later. As the service continued, Nanase had to stop herself from getting up for the communion. She felt like she could receive the communion but… did it count if she wasn't even sure she'd been baptized? Why did she only discover these things in moments like these?
She needed to talk to the Father. Or somebody in charge. But… she didn't know anybody. She'd come alone, requesting permission to be absent this sunday morning from her guardians. Her courage had run out after entering the mass and noticing how some people were eyeing the obvious stranger in their midst.
"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
She wished she had taken one of the song pamphlets. She kept tripping up the words, and she was only pretending to sing them, sounding them in her head.
The Father left through the center aisle as they sang, accompanied by the two acolytes, and Nanase felt her chance to talk to him slip by. But she wasn't sure when else she'd have a chance to meet him, so she lingered in the shadows of the church as the churchgoers filed out. The younger ones first, of course, sick and tired of being here for over an hour. The feeling was familiar. The adults and the elderly tending to flock together in groups. Perhaps because christians weren't very common in Japan, it seemed to her that everybody was taking their time.
"Excuse me?" A voice came from her right. A girl, one of the acolytes, greeted her with a respectful nod. She had traded her robe for a long, modest dress. Very noticeably, her quirk was perhaps too religious: her hair was composed of thorny vines. "I noticed you seemed a bit lost, can I help in any way?"
"Oh, hm, yeah, I am. I needed to talk with the Father, if that was possible. Or with somebody else who could answer some questions for me."
"If it's questions about our faith, I can answer them." She provided helpfully.
Nanase fought a wince. "No, I'm… I know the faith. It's a bit more personal? It relates to some health issues… I…" Her eyes darted to the adults still lingering.
"Would you like to talk outside?" The acolyte girl proposed. "The church has a nice garden."
Nanase was grateful for the out. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Lead the way?" The church did have a nice garden, a curious mix of western themes in an eastern layout.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Shiozaki Ibara." She bowed, and Nanase returned it with her own introduction. "The Father is usually busy after the service, I apologize. But if I can be of help, I will. If not, I can arrange for a meeting at another time?"
If Nanase were honest, she felt more comfortable explaining the entire amnesia situation to a girl her age than a priest. "Well, it's a bit of an odd situation. Let me explain." She gave her a very brief summary: she'd been found hurt and awoken with amnesia, her identity and past lost. Recently, she'd discovered she had been christian and probably catholic, but was uncertain on coming to the service. Especially considering she couldn't be sure if she had ever actually been baptized.
"Oh my." Shiozaki was visibly somewhat shocked. "That… that sounds awful." She chewed her lip. "Unfortunately, I don't think I can pronounce anything about your situation. It really should be the Father. I'm very sorry I couldn't be of any help."
She shook her head. "Trust me, you helped. If you hadn't come to talk to me, I might have just given up and gone home."
"The Lord works in mysterious ways." Shiozaki said seriously, but with a small smile. "I am very glad I made your acquaintance. I must confess, I… was not sure of your intentions when I first approached you. I apologize for letting my personal bias cloud my actions."
✧350 Points✧
✧Ready Roll…✧
Nanase wasn't sure of what she'd done or not for her intentions to be under question? More importantly, she was struggling with Celestial Tamer. The energy had just been primed. Since her seizure, she'd felt like there was more energy, so the sudden spike in her head made her twitch. She needed to go to the hospital now.
Did she have enough money for a taxi? "It's fine. Hm, look, can I give you my email and you tell me when I could come talk to the father? Because I really have to go now."
The other girl blinked. "Of course?"
They traded contacts even as Nanase called a taxi, leaving Ibara a bit confused on the curb. The mysterious girl that had caught her attention was leaving, to the hospital if she'd heard it correctly. It seemed there really was some truth to her claims of illness. Ibara decided she'd pray for her health tonight.
✧250 Points✧
A niche but surprisingly useful thing? Nanase's quirk really was weird, she thought as she dabbed at the blood leaking from her nose. Celestial Tamer didn't even begin to cover it. Ah, but well, what else could they have called the mess that it was?
"Hm, nurse? Is it possible that I know so much science because of my quirk? Because this time I've been given a lot of knowledge about, like, plants and geology. It's not very organized though."
The red-haired nurse frowned. "I believe that's something you should talk about with your quirk specialist. Do you want help scheduling a session?" Right. Sure, why not.
Celestial Menagerie NOT 6
The choir's songs were all so familiar. Not the lyrics, but the melodies, it was like she'd heard them a thousand times before. She was a bit lost, standing on the last benches of the church. Surprisingly, the Sunday service was nearly full. It made some sense, there weren't many churches, and there were several different groups that were united by their religion. There were historical reasons for that. The beginning of the age of quirks had been very troubled. Not only had several groups been stranded in Japan during the many times when international travel and communication had been banned, but just about every country in the world had been the target and the origin of at least two migration wages. Or refugee waves, to be more correct.
There were a lot of enclaves and mixed groups everywhere in the world. And in the countries where order had managed to be reestablished without too much bloodshed, these persisted. Nanase supposed mass was not a bad place to remember that atrocities had been committed back then, and to pray for humanity's strive for a better world.
Pray like everything depends on God and work like everything depends on you.
More words from the obscure past. But they felt good, meaningful. She repeated them in her head as the Father read one of the psalms. She'd have to look them up later. As the service continued, Nanase had to stop herself from getting up for the communion. She felt like she could receive the communion but… did it count if she wasn't even sure she'd been baptized? Why did she only discover these things in moments like these?
She needed to talk to the Father. Or somebody in charge. But… she didn't know anybody. She'd come alone, requesting permission to be absent this sunday morning from her guardians. Her courage had run out after entering the mass and noticing how some people were eyeing the obvious stranger in their midst.
"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
She wished she had taken one of the song pamphlets. She kept tripping up the words, and she was only pretending to sing them, sounding them in her head.
The Father left through the center aisle as they sang, accompanied by the two acolytes, and Nanase felt her chance to talk to him slip by. But she wasn't sure when else she'd have a chance to meet him, so she lingered in the shadows of the church as the churchgoers filed out. The younger ones first, of course, sick and tired of being here for over an hour. The feeling was familiar. The adults and the elderly tending to flock together in groups. Perhaps because christians weren't very common in Japan, it seemed to her that everybody was taking their time.
"Excuse me?" A voice came from her right. A girl, one of the acolytes, greeted her with a respectful nod. She had traded her robe for a long, modest dress. Very noticeably, her quirk was perhaps too religious: her hair was composed of thorny vines. "I noticed you seemed a bit lost, can I help in any way?"
"Oh, hm, yeah, I am. I needed to talk with the Father, if that was possible. Or with somebody else who could answer some questions for me."
"If it's questions about our faith, I can answer them." She provided helpfully.
Nanase fought a wince. "No, I'm… I know the faith. It's a bit more personal? It relates to some health issues… I…" Her eyes darted to the adults still lingering.
"Would you like to talk outside?" The acolyte girl proposed. "The church has a nice garden."
Nanase was grateful for the out. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Lead the way?" The church did have a nice garden, a curious mix of western themes in an eastern layout.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Shiozaki Ibara." She bowed, and Nanase returned it with her own introduction. "The Father is usually busy after the service, I apologize. But if I can be of help, I will. If not, I can arrange for a meeting at another time?"
If Nanase were honest, she felt more comfortable explaining the entire amnesia situation to a girl her age than a priest. "Well, it's a bit of an odd situation. Let me explain." She gave her a very brief summary: she'd been found hurt and awoken with amnesia, her identity and past lost. Recently, she'd discovered she had been christian and probably catholic, but was uncertain on coming to the service. Especially considering she couldn't be sure if she had ever actually been baptized.
"Oh my." Shiozaki was visibly somewhat shocked. "That… that sounds awful." She chewed her lip. "Unfortunately, I don't think I can pronounce anything about your situation. It really should be the Father. I'm very sorry I couldn't be of any help."
She shook her head. "Trust me, you helped. If you hadn't come to talk to me, I might have just given up and gone home."
"The Lord works in mysterious ways." Shiozaki said seriously, but with a small smile. "I am very glad I made your acquaintance. I must confess, I… was not sure of your intentions when I first approached you. I apologize for letting my personal bias cloud my actions."
✧350 Points✧
✧Ready Roll…✧
Nanase wasn't sure of what she'd done or not for her intentions to be under question? More importantly, she was struggling with Celestial Tamer. The energy had just been primed. Since her seizure, she'd felt like there was more energy, so the sudden spike in her head made her twitch. She needed to go to the hospital now.
Did she have enough money for a taxi? "It's fine. Hm, look, can I give you my email and you tell me when I could come talk to the father? Because I really have to go now."
The other girl blinked. "Of course?"
They traded contacts even as Nanase called a taxi, leaving Ibara a bit confused on the curb. The mysterious girl that had caught her attention was leaving, to the hospital if she'd heard it correctly. It seemed there really was some truth to her claims of illness. Ibara decided she'd pray for her health tonight.
Ah yes, my not complicated relationship with faith (meh) and religion (urgh.). I'm actually interested in exploring it a little bit, although i'm gonna say that between QUIRKS and this being the future, a lot of things in MHA's churches are likely more progressive. I flirted with the idea of a female priest, but decided not to show them in this chapter.
Nanase has luck with green haired hero wannabes lmao