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[To Be Voted On] Civ Quest

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You are the leader of a small tribe of

[ ] Ogres - Large Humanoids. Pros: Enhanced Strength...


(Verified Great Old One)
Sep 20, 2014
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You are the leader of a small tribe of

[ ] Ogres - Large Humanoids. Pros: Enhanced Strength, Thick Skin. Cons: Low Intelligence, Slow.

[ ] Worgs - Large Wolves. Pros: Extremely Skilled Hunters, Natural Weapons. Cons: No Thumbs.

[ ] Dragonkin - Small Winged Humanoids. Claim to be descended from Dragons. Pros: Thick Scales, Small Chance of Magickal Talent. Cons: Vertically Challenged, Photophobia.

[ ] Imps - Lesser Demons. Pros: Very Intelligent, Major Chance of Magickal Talent. Cons: Extremely Frail.

[ ] Write In - Must be traditionally evil. Subject to QM Veto

Will most likely update within six hours of vote closing!
[X] catgirls - human cat hybrids with emphasis on humans. Pros: enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced senses. Cons: requires other sapient species to reproduce.

what? catgirl civ died and i want to something along those lines again.
[X] catgirls - human cat hybrids with emphasis on humans. Pros: enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced senses. Cons: requires other sapient species to reproduce.

what? catgirl civ died and i want to something along those lines again.
Catgirls are not traditionally evil.
[X] Worgs - Large Wolves. Pros: Extremely Skilled Hunters, Natural Weapons. Cons: No Thumbs.
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Do they have to be explicitly evil, or can they have their own morality unrecognizable to most humans which they follow to the letter? I'm thinking of a race that was almost always the bad guys when they showed up in old stories.

[X] Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, ageless, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.
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Do they have to be explicitly evil, or can they have their own morality unrecognizable to most humans which they follow to the letter? I'm thinking of a race that was almost always the bad guys when they showed up in old stories.

[X] Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.
Indeed, that is valid. On a related note, Kitsune are on the table as well. Oh, and Faeries will be just as much Eldritch Abominations as they were in the old stories.
[X] Worgs - Large Wolves. Pros: Extremely Skilled Hunters, Natural Weapons. Cons: No Thumbs.
[X] Kaorti - Emaciated Humanoid Outsiders tied to the Cyst, a strange resin like substance that keeps them whole. Pros: Naturally magical, can transform other living creatures into more Kaorti or Kaorti Thralls. Cons: Can not survive outside the Cyst, Little Physical Strength.
[X]Swarm- Insectoid creatures. Pros: Slavish loyalty, fast worker growth rate, chitin material available, mental supervision/communication possible. Cons: Slavish loyalty, very few planning units, poor ability to relate to other races (they are food).

any sort of insect species. Naribion (Warcraft), chrysalid (x-com), Starship troopers (bugs), (other?)

Slavish loyalty is such that if an intelligent unit commands them the troops will do anything. This does not mean that they do nothing when not told to do something, just that they go back to a basic set of instincts. It also means that if told to go to an area and they run out of food they will stave themselves to death on the way, or use cannibalism to ensure they get there.

Note that I assume that they can overcome problems with construction through teamwork so there isn't a technological issue except few intelligent units.
[X] Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.

Only because catgirls are not evil enough. Faeries are my next choice after that.
I'm going to leave the vote open for about 48 more hours, barring a landslide. Also, shameless self promotion: Try my Spirit Quest as well. I need voters there, I don't want it to die before it gets to the meaty bits.
I was wondering if this time if we get the chance could we get slaanesh or the equivalent to her pregnant? Sounds fun.
[X] catgirls - human cat hybrids with emphasis on humans. Pros: enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced senses. Cons: requires other sapient species to reproduce.

what? catgirl civ died and i want to something along those lines again.
Catgirls are not traditionally evil.

I should point out, that Kitsune do have traditional portrayals as "evil" or at least, with ill intent enough to classify as it. So they're probably close enough? I should point out that this is with consideration for being tricksters.

[X] Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.
Indeed, that is valid. On a related note, Kitsune are on the table as well. Oh, and Faeries will be just as much Eldritch Abominations as they were in the old stories.

Faeries aren't traditionally evil. If anything, the mythology/etc. they're based on generally is even less so. You cannot say that "blue and orange morality" is evil. The problem with Faeries is that most basis are completely different from the idea that is commonly used in mainstream fiction, which only few take closer to their basis for them. Different ethics, morality, beliefs, and culture do not make a race inherently evil. When you think about it, if you're a race bound to their words, this heavily affects things. As a result, they are less evil and more making sure they don't screw themselves because others are evil.

Hm. GM, what would you consider as Pros/Cons for Kitsune?
[X] Kitsune Kumiho

Because kitsune just aren't evil enough.

Catgirls are not traditionally evil.
Hmm sounds interesting, I'll go for either Faerie or Kitsune depending on Kitsune traits I think.
[X] Kitsune Kumiho

Because kitsune just aren't evil enough.

Technically that, Kitsune, and the Chinese equiv. are more or less the same due to regional/cultural overlap influences. The differences are minor enough in general terms, but do exist. I see no issue with it being a variant vote of it.

You could do that with... you know, dogs too. Other others. So this seems like a poor case, sorry.
How do Kitsune work as a civilization, anyway?
Official Kitsune Traits: Pros: Extremely Cunning, Extreme Longevity, Major Shapeshifting. Cons: Distrusted by Nearly All, Difficult to Keep in Line.

This look good? There will be more in-depth traits if they are picked.
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Technically that, Kitsune, and the Chinese equiv. are more or less the same due to regional/cultural overlap influences. The differences are minor enough in general terms, but do exist. I see no issue with it being a variant vote of it.

I wouldn't really call eating people's livers "minor"; that's a huge divergence from the myths of the huli jing and the kitsune.
Official Kitsune Traits: Pros: Extremely Cunning, Extreme Longevity, Major Shapeshifting. Cons: Distrusted by Nearly All, Difficult to Keep in Line.

This look good? There will be more in-depth traits if they are picked.

Hm.... The Con seems a bit off. The Distrusted part should note it reflects their race officially speaking, as in, doesn't apply if the people around aren't aware due shapeshifting. The "Difficult to Keep in Line"... what does that mean exactly? Because I'm thinking a interpretation that doesn't make it make sense as a Con for them specifically.

I wouldn't really call eating people's livers "minor"; that's a huge divergence from the myths of the huli jing and the kitsune.

If you dig through material, you'll find overlap. The thing is, what each culture highlights/emphasizes more on. Or keeps as more "low profile" (ie. lesser known, but not too much less present as a thing). There is due reason why the Korea/Japan/China culture and what not angle is a bloody mess.
Official Kitsune Traits: Pros: Extremely Cunning, Extreme Longevity, Major Shapeshifting. Cons: Distrusted by Nearly All, Difficult to Keep in Line.
These cons seem odd since you're having us pick amongst normally evil races, shouldn't all of them be distrusted by nearly all?

Also kind of expect Extreme Longevity would apply to Fae and Imps as well.

Going to go with
[X] Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.

Mostly because I find Bound by their Word such an interesting mechanic. I kind of wish the whole world was like that sometimes.

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