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I personally think what we've discovered could be best extrapolated upon potential wise if we do end up doing "Is It Terminal?", but with the landslide toward what you've already voted for we'd need a big swing the other way so...

*shrug* Vote as you please.
Hmm, that IS a good point. I really just picked a thing to vote for at random, because I was pretty ambivalent about it.

[X] Is It Terminal?
[X] Is It Terminal?

So while trying to figure out Gai's genjutsu we inadvertently learned how to make external chakra coils?

If we figure out how to make more and stack them around our body we are going to be broken as shit.
Well, I can see Mio's already doing Hinata some good. Sadly, not in a way we can take advantage of.

But, really, we already have a Hyuuga minion, we don't need two. Though maybe making Hinata hate Mio less would prevent her from banning contact when she takes over the clan.

[X] Is It Terminal?
[X] Is it Terminal?
The crow/red moon sounds like advance torcher for 'disgracing the clan' again.....
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[X] Crows and a Red Moon.
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[x] Is it Terminal?
Well, I can see Mio's already doing Hinata some good. Sadly, not in a way we can take advantage of.

But, really, we already have a Hyuuga minion, we don't need two. Though maybe making Hinata hate Mio less would prevent her from banning contact when she takes over the clan.

[X] Is It Terminal?

She won't be our minion she'll just be our future hate sex fuck buddy :p
[x] Crows and a Red Moon.

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[X] The Worst Best, most Flamboyant Influence (Anko)

Hmm, I was hoping that Mio could maybe cool things off with Hinata a bit. I mean, making her overcome her shyness is all well and good, but only when we can actually turn it to our own ends. It is very much NOT good when her newfound bravery is solidly focused on ripping our throat out in a dark alley at the first available opportunity.
If I hadn't only just found this quest yesterday, I would probably have tried to get a vote running that included a sincere compliment on her ability to take out the entire school going after us, and possibly a declaration that it had earned her a spot as our new chief minion. Whether she liked it or not. It seems in-character, and we're a kid, we might even be able to get away with it in the short term!
In any case, Mio's new chakra technique can only lead to good things. Like, holy crap this has massive potential for abuse in all sorts of fun ways.
[X] Crows and a Red Moon.
I'm willing to change my vote if someone gives me a good enough reason.
Agree with this - we should try to get her on our side in the future.
She already feels something towards us -hate- so half the work is done.
I am even serious- indifference would be worse.
Eh, if we want a Hyuuga, we can always steal Saki again. Hinata being around will come naturally as a result of Naruto being our minion.

She'll hate us, of course, but MIO only ever brings out the strongest of passionate emotions from those around her anyways, so it's not really a big deal.
A few days pass before anything particularly notable crops up. Hinata doesn't bother you again, though her white-knuckled death-stare is focused on your jugular in every class.

This is love right? At least the Uchiha version of it so yay!

[] Dodging Omiai.
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[X] The Worst Best, most Flamboyant Influence (Anko)
Upon further thought, switching to

[x] Is it Terminal?

I'll go back and strikethrough my old vote, but it just occurred to me how incredibly useful it would be to have active Sharingan while working at a hospital. Even if the actual procedures themselves are heavily dependent on knowledge of patient biology, and we probably won't be allowed anywhere near a surgeon to grab the Chakra Scalpel, we could probably pick up a few utility techniques that we can later butcher into fitting our needs.

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