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[X] If you have to do stuff first, but Gai isn't doing anything that can be called a jutsu... maybe he does most of the genjutsu in advance, and then lets it seep out a bit at a time?
Hinata Interrupt
If Gai does it, then it's possible.

If it's possible, then you can do it.

... Well, maybe not as well as the infamous elite Jounin, but you have the option on the table. You just need to figure out how to do it.


Not much comes to mind. The Academy students are all tested to see if they can touch their chakra at all, and while you were spared that by dint of being a member of a famous ninja clan, meaning it would be foolish to suppose that you couldn't touch and use your chakra, you know the process.

You sit down on a bench and focus.

Within a few minutes, you start to feel the fire inside of you. Warm, pulsing with life, and gently suffusing your whole body, from the core outwards to the inside of your skin. Centered, as befits a Doujutsu user, not only in the brain, belly, heart, and lungs, the four main nodes of thought, fuel, life, and breath, but also in your eyes.

It's all very interesting, but for what you're doing...

You try forcing a little out.

... It isn't easy. Your chakra is stable and contained in your body, and it does not want to leave it. It's slow to move. Painful, almost. No, not almost. Definitely painful. You're doing something your body isn't supposed to, it's like trying to bend a joint backwards. Possible, but...

And when it does move, the little bit that you were trying to move spurts out all at once, almost stirring the air in a physical puff that sets Saki flinching.

"Did you just force chakra out of a tenketsu?" she asks, uneasily.

"Yeah, maybe?" you reply.

Saki gives you an uncomfortable look.

"... Don't kill yourself." She finally says, seeming to have weighted a lot of possible responses and carefully selected her words. "Ninja have a lot more chakra than we need to live, but we still need it to live."

Yeah, yeah.

You barely pay any attention as you bring Saki back to the Hyuuga compound, and then head home yourself. And then... then you get to quietly training.

It's hard. After the first night, you are exhausted enough that you just sleep through all of the academy classes, ignoring bits of chalk bouncing off your head and quiet checks to reassure people that you hadn't just died in the back of the classroom without warning. Which has apparently happened, a student that thought they were a lot better with poisons than they actually were, and with a foolish understanding of how resistances were gained.

It's at the second day that you finally gain headground, and manage to force a little bit of chakra partially out, but not completely out of your grasp.

You're hanging on to the fragment of chakra outside of your body with what feels like the tips of your fingernails. The slightest slip, the faintest jostling, and the energy is gone. Dispersing freely into the environment around you, and unable to be retrieved. Or used, in any way.

... fingernails aren't the best way to put it, but the only other metaphor you can think of is disgusting. The tenuous grip you can keep on the chakra, not quite lost to you...

It's like taking a massive, painful shit. Stopping in the middle, and just holding it.

It's hours after you first think of the metaphor before you can pick up another attempt at it, and what you manage is shaky.

It takes a lot of concentration, to hold chakra like this. Most of it, in fact. You find yourself moving through life on autopilot, the absolute minimum attention devoted to the real world, all the rest of it wrapped up in holding chakra with invisible fingertips.

And frequently slipping, losing hours and hours of work in an instant.

Weeks pass, to little more effect than to leave a cloud of chakra hanging invisibly around you like a cloak, and disturb your sleep trying to work out a way to keep hold of it while you rest, because otherwise it's just thrown away uselessly again as you fall asleep and let go again.

It's really all a crapshoot, like trying to hold a secure grip on a knife while you sleep. Sometimes you manage to keep hold of nearly everything, other times it all goes away and you wake up needing to begin from scratch again.

... It's exhausting, and you don't sleep well from the effort. But you have to get the basic ability down before you can work out things to do with it. And so you go through all your classes in a dull haze, relying on your sharingan to memorize the lectures so you can go through them and read the instructor's writing and lips to piece together what it was about.

This continues until, in the lunch break of an unremarkable day some number of uncounted days into the training, you're confronted by Hinata of all people. The most timid wallflower of the Hyuuga.

And she's in your face for some reason.

"Y-you have to stop." she stammers, trying her hardest to be authoritative and failing hard, fingers trembling. "You're making, you're making yourself sick!"

"... I'm fiiiine." you reply, the word stretching out as you strangle off a yawn.

"Y-you look like you haven't slept in a week!" Hinata insists.

You've slept. Not... great, but that's how it goes. You wobble a little and let your eyes focus again, then unfocus them as your attention reverts to keeping a grip on your cloud of chakra, invisible to everyone else. Who doesn't have a doujutsu. Huh. Does Hinata see it?

You wave a bit of the chakra cloud in her face and she flinches. A slow grin crawls across your face as you wiggle more of it.

"Stop it!" Hinata insists. "You're hurting yourself!"


[ ] "Ssssssso?"
[ ] "Yep."
[ ] "Make me."
[ ] ??
[X] Remember Saki's suggestion of not killing yourself
-[X] "Meh. I can take it."
[X] "Yep."

Might want to stop for now. Take some time to recover Mio strength, focus in taijutsu so she doesnt end with a fist to the face again...then start this once more after being recovered.
[X] "Make me."

This is clearly the right answer... Because then we get her to determinedly try to help us not kill ourselves... while we keep on going for something which seems to be slowly shaping up into something special.

Also, we do happen to be doing part of something which is the Hyuuga's stick. Maybe we end up getting her to do something unique with it too.
[X] "Ssssssso?"

Uncaring that we're hurting ourself? Seems like it could fit Mio as she is.
[X] "Make me."
-[X] "Oh ho ho you expect MIO to just give up? Though nothing says the great Devil Queen cannot be distracted and entertained."
--[X] "If only there was some young heiress willing to train and spar with me while we work on awesome techniques and jutsus. Of course they'd have to be willing to help with pranks as well."
[X] "Make me."

[X] "Make me."
-[X] "Oh ho ho you expect MIO to just give up? Though nothing says the great Devil Queen cannot be distracted and entertained."
--[X] "If only there was some young heiress willing to train and spar with me while we work on awesome techniques and jutsus. Of course they'd have to be willing to help with pranks as well."
I'm pretty sure this is currently beyond sleep deprived Mio.

"Oh ho ...ho. You expect . . . MIO . . . to jus' give up?" Slow blink. "The great devil queen cannot be . . ." Mumbling. ". . . or . . . entertain me . . . ."


"I unno. Spar or somethin'." Long pause. "Maybe put glue in Sensei's shoes?"
Spending weeks on this doesn't seem like it's really panning out towards strength that makes it worthwhile.
It's what makes you not die.
Strenght is only one factor involved in 'Not kicking the bucket'... having capabilities far outside of the norm is also a grand factor. And developing something which is unique is even more useful than that.

Besides... I think I can see where this can lead.

ENVIRONMENTAL chakra manipulation.

We're essentially developing 'Hado'. (Push your energy out into your environment and manipulate the energy which you've ejected... plus everyone else's wasted energy. If successful at all... the bigger the fight around us the more scary we could become... if we manage to pull it off that is. Learning how to code Chakra in our environment is a CRAZY upgrade potentially... of course it wouldn't even be close to slightly easy. Hell the most that most Ninja get to it is manipulating chakra shape... ie Rasengan, the Hyuuga Kaiten. And even if ALL we learn is the Shape Manipulation aspect in making a Chakra cloak around ourselves... its still a pretty bloody big part of some major high end techniques.)
Besides... I think I can see where this can lead.

ENVIRONMENTAL chakra manipulation.

We're essentially developing 'Hado'. (Push your energy out into your environment and manipulate the energy which you've ejected... plus everyone else's wasted energy. If successful at all... the bigger the fight around us the more scary we could become... if we manage to pull it off that is. Learning how to code Chakra in our environment is a CRAZY upgrade potentially... of course it wouldn't even be close to slightly easy. Hell the most that most Ninja get to it is manipulating chakra shape... ie Rasengan, the Hyuuga Kaiten. And even if ALL we learn is the Shape Manipulation aspect in making a Chakra cloak around ourselves... its still a pretty bloody big part of some major high end techniques.)
You're assuming it's actually possible.

The fact that the other ninja don't do it is indicative that it isn't.
You're assuming it's actually possible.

The fact that the other ninja don't do it is indicative that it isn't.

Actually the fact that other ninja don't do it means that EITHER it's not possible... OR it takes some special bloodline nonsense to work... fortunately we have strange advantage of a Sharingan which works ALL THE TIME.

If there's anyone who can work it out, then it's likely us.
Shinobi villages have only been around for for, like, four generations. It is highly unlikely that every innovation with chakra has already been discovered. Just because no one does it, which is wrong because we know chakra cloaks and strings are a thing, doesn't mean it can't be done. It could just mean that no one has been successful yet. Much like flight was for most of human history.

And Mio isn't going to die. At most she will faint from exhaustion. Despite its similarities to poisons which has her peers concerned, Mio is not uncontrollably expelling the totality of her chakra. She can and probably will stop before she dies of chakra exhaustion.
The problem is that Mio is being kind of an idiot about the entire thing.
She's just working off her first impressions of the technique without thinking about whether there's a better solution.
Chakra flows seems to always flow, and she's trying to hold it in place.

Honestly we'd be better off adopting a catch and release mentality; ejecting chakra from our tenketsu, then pulling it back in to our chakra network.
We would be creating the field, but wouldn't have to deal with the pointless exercise of holding a fuckton of energy outside our body constantly.
There's also the side benefit of not actually losing much if any of our chakra, and if it pans out we could probably affect and harvest ambient Nature Chakra.
It's not a matter of whether or not it's possible, or if we're doing it wrong. We're MIO, and therefore cannot do things "wrong".

If it's not working, either we're not trying hard enough or reality has yet to learn its place.

That said, this is kinda a Hyuga specialty, manipulating chakra in it's raw form outside of our body. Rotation, in particular, seems to be similar to what we're trying for, only they make it semi-solid instead of weaving it into a jutsu. And while I very much doubt Hinata actually knows Rotation, she probably has seen it enough with the Byakugan to understand how it works. Then again, Saki hasn't mentioned it, so maybe it's too different a concept.

We're probably damaging our tenketsu by forcing large amounts of chakra through them, though, which would explain why Hinata's so worried. There must be a more efficient way of expelling the chakra we can use.
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