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Tyranids "R" Us [40k Tyranid Hivemind SI]

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How are humans compressing the distance? Did they replicate tyranid gravitational abilities?

Or has the SI set up a network of starlanes of compressed space to travel along that the humans think is natural? I suppose another option is they don't think they're natural but the stations that generate them pretend to be heavily blackboxed human constructions.
Like animals forming trails in the dark forest of space perhaps just act like space fauna
Right. But imagine going (slow) FTL speeds through compressed space. Right now, they've got greatly compressed space to travel through, but they're slow-boating the actual distance.
241M03 Academic Inquiry
241 M03
Papers shuffled as Eli marked down his last few points. He just barely managed to keep the tremor out of his writing. This could cost him his entire career and label him a crackpot until his memory died.

Lux crooned from his filing cabinet, trying to settle his nerves. With a glance up at the fire-bird, he was reassured. He had a phoenix. A living, breathing phoenix, bonded to him, and while it missed out on some of the supernatural characteristics of the fabled species, there was too much, too far beyond what they were capable of making.

He nodded, before capping his pen and offering his arm for Lux to jump onto. Her impossibly light weight seemingly disconnected from her firm grip on the patch he had added to all his clothes. She walked up his arm and nestled into his shoulder, before briefly setting the wrist of her wing on the top of his head, steadying him more than herself with the action.

With one last nervous paper straightening shuffle, he set off towards his ultimate bosses' office. The Director of Biological Studies at New Haven university was not someone to bother on a whim. He was ultimately in charge of the largest faculty of the premier biological research university on the planet, and after double and triple checking his office hours, Eli was prepared to speak to the man that would ultimately decide his future career prospects, or lack thereof.

The door was already cracked so he gave a brief wrap on the door frame as he pushed the door open. "Director Thane? I have something I need to speak with you about-"

The young looking man looked up from his reading to see the serious expression on Eli's face and the single sheet of paper held in a death grip, before putting his printout down and gesturing forward. "Well, let's see it Mr. Carcaal. What can I do for one of our finest rising research specialists?"

Eli handed over his paper, and the words tumbled out of his mouth in a stream as he tried to somehow explain his convictions without sounding crazy. "It's just too advanced. The partners are too elegant to be designed with anything close to our current cutting edge technology, and they're too streamlined to be naturally evolved. Two thirds of the developments our department makes are simply due to studying biology that we've had access to for almost a thousand years now, and yet they appeared out of nowhere. It's like a myth, except we actually have access to the proof of the ridiculous claims. I don't- I can't…"

The Director made a calming gesture. "Ah. So it's one of those conversations. It speaks well of your character that you were willing to bring this to my attention. I do know the answers you seek, but I don't have the time to get into the details personally, so I'd like for you to visit administrative building four, the one with the large wind-vane on the roof?"

At Eli's nod, he continued. "So I'd like you to go to the very top floor, and tell the person seated at the desk that you need a category two introduction. You've got that? I'll make sure your biometrics are cleared for the floor, so no need to worry about that. I look forward to working more closely with you in the future, Mr. Carcaal. I'll be watching your career with interest."

And with that, the Director handed him back his sheet of specific proofs, and politely gestured to the door.

He must have looked like a zombie as he stumbled through campus, trying to find the right building with half his brain running in tight panicked loops, but eventually he made it to the desk at the top floor of the right building.

"Um. Hello?" He asked the woman at the desk.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

"Um. I need a class two? No. Sorry, category two. I need a category two introduction?"

Her eyes crinkled up in a smile as she stood and led him to the door behind the desk. "Well I suppose today is going to be a day of revelations for you then."

She then cracked the door and yelled into the mild din coming from further in the room "Hey Francis? We've got another one. You get this one."

At his confused expression, she gently pushed him through the doorway, earning a mild squawk from Lux, even as a large man came up and shook his hand. "High, I'm Francis. Welcome to the club of 'The Guys in the Know' as we call it around here. Long story short, you're probably here because you were convinced that partners couldn't have possibly been created by human hands. Or, perhaps you're one of the rare space-heads on campus that gets tangled up in where the developments for FTL came from. There are other possibilities, but those are the main two. And the answer? You were right. It was aliens. But it's aliens that have been with us every step of the way, just like the partners themselves."

Eli's mind finally rebooted, and he said the first thing that came to mind. "Wait, but then everyone here stumbled on the secret?"

Francis chuckled. "You could say that. We even had one of the political science guys figure it out. Something to do with Arch-councilor Huges that I couldn't make heads or tails of. It's not a conspiracy or anything, so don't worry about spilling the beans if you happen to need to explain your change in jobs to people. Honestly, at this point, I think it's a cultural taboo to bring it up because it's rather embarrassing to admit that you never noticed the signs, and believe me, there are a lot once you know what to look for."

Eli seized on the most relevant part of the speech. "My… change in jobs?"

Francis just clapped him on the shoulder not occupied with Lux. "Welcome to your promotion, in recognition of the fact that you were willing to question things. The pay's the same, but the perks are great. We have a direct line to the aliens, or alien, that bit flew over my head a bit, but we have a line of communication to ask whatever we want. They can choose not to answer, but if it's related to science, then they probably know the answer already. Honestly, half our job is slow-rolling our progress so that humanity actually has time to keep up with the pace of change. And the other half of our job is understanding what we were told in the first place. You'll learn that they're very big on humans standing on their own two feet."

Eli's mind whirled with the possibilities. Any scientific question he could think of…

Francis grinned at him. "I know that look. That's the same look we all get when it sinks in for the first time. I'll leave you alone for a while as you formulate your thoughts and think up some good questions. Wouldn't want to bias you. We've had some great discoveries come out of new guys who thought up questions that everyone else assumed we weren't allowed to ask. It's good to have you on the team."
You know, Emps really doesn't have to hide all that much anymore does he?
After all everyone else is immortal too, maybe a few centuries or millennia later he can even come out in the open and explain his backstory to everyone,
at that point they'll be enough people that have been alive for long enough that they'll just say "wow man, thanks for all the hard work you've done... so let's go get a drink to celebrate"
The other Perpetuals are probably happy about this too.
You know, Emps really doesn't have to hide all that much anymore does he?
After all everyone else is immortal too, maybe a few centuries or millennia later he can even come out in the open and explain his backstory to everyone,
at that point they'll be enough people that have been alive for long enough that they'll just say "wow man, thanks for all the hard work you've done... so let's go get a drink to celebrate"
The other Perpetuals are probably happy about this too.
Insert Syndrome's speech about "If everyone's special, then no-one is." Except swapping the tone from sinister and threatening to excited and optimistic.
Insert Syndrome's speech about "If everyone's special, then no-one is." Except swapping the tone from sinister and threatening to excited and optimistic.
I do ask myself though when 40k is finally going to rear its ugly head. I can't wait for the violence to start. That is, after all, why most consume 40k content.
Tyranid gravitational lensing will travel exactly 1.2 lightyears per day multiplied by the square root of the solar mass of the destination gravity well. Which means that traveling to humanity's home sun of Sol would propel you at 1.2 lightyears per day, while traveling to a random star in the galaxy will average you about 0.75 lightyears per day, since most stars are a bit less than half the solar mass of the sun. So, on paper, getting anywhere will take ten times as long from an outside perspective and three hundred times as long from the perspective of the ship.

Since warp drives can cross the galaxy in about thirty years on average (give or take a century or ten), you would expect gravitational lensing to take closer to three hundred, right? Wrong. Crossing the entire galaxy takes almost exactly twenty years, every time, because you can hop between supermassive stars at the same speed every time, and that speed is very slightly faster than warp drives. Now, getting from one random star to their neighboring star will take about fifty times as long (on average), but it will do so consistently, and it will never take a millennia to arrive at a destination three lightyears away.
Considering Hive Minds starways let you use combination of mass of both ends of it for speed calculation, wouldnt it be obvious to use Sagittarius A* as central node of all starways? With its 4 000 000 solar masses any starways using it would give one speed of 2 400 LY per day without even counting other end. That kind of speed means it can be faster to travel from edge of galaxy to it core just to jump back even if your final target was few houndred LY away from starting line.
In addition, it seemed to have a calming effect on the warp itself as some of the energy was sapped into my warp-tide generators. It was only a single line that was straight in realspace and followed the twisting geometry of the warp as a mirrored reflection, but it seemed like the warp transit path was slowly straightening over time. Assuming the trend stayed linear, it would take somewhere between 150 and 1,000 years for the warp path to reach equilibrium. Which is not to say it would ever be a straight line, but it would have calmed down to a low-energy state that would likely make traditional warp travel much safer, and possibly faster as well.
This makes me think about eventual Eldar murderfucking fourth Chaos God into being. Like wouldnt growth of galaxy wide warp storms make it so those starways warp reffections be disturbed? And make its so theres more energy to be sapped from them? Hell if Hive Mind will have galaxy wide starways network by that time the sheer number of them may sap all those bulding warp storms from their strenght so that warp travel in galaxy will remain safe and there wont be any explosion in psyker numbers. Continiued sapping of warp power may even led to eventual closing of Eye of Terror. thats is if it will even be created with much calmer warp thanks to energy drain.

Besides it would be nice to get a line or two if Hive mind is interacting/observing any other species besides humanity. Like with how ritch in life Milky Way is thanks to Old Ones meddling I doubt Hive Mind didnt found lots of other aliens while looking for humanity.

By the way with Hive Mind making pokemon for humans is it using Great Lama(Arceus) as its avatar when talking whith humans in the known?
Mmmm now that I think about it, since it seems like our Boy has gotten comfy being The Tyranid, could we maybe color his speech like Emps is colored?

I vote for... This color. But we can workshop this no pressure.
I love the story so much. I will watch your career with great interest.

Tyranid gravitational lensing will travel exactly 1.2 lightyears per day multiplied by the square root of the solar mass of the destination gravity well. Which means that traveling to humanity's home sun of Sol would propel you at 1.2 lightyears per day, while traveling to a random star in the galaxy will average you about 0.75 lightyears per day, since most stars are a bit less than half the solar mass of the sun. So, on paper, getting anywhere will take ten times as long from an outside perspective and three hundred times as long from the perspective of the ship.

Wouldn't the theory of relativity and time dilation mean that the passengers will experience less time on the ship? I think the Tau's ZFR Horizon Accelerator Drive made passengers experience almost no travel time on the ship because they're going near-light speed.
Alternatively, if there is a lack of any time compression/dilation, wouldn't it mean that the ship's perspective and the outside perspective should be the same? So not three hundred times?

My brain hurts from all the maths.
'm curious how First contact will be, humanity will run across the Tyranids eventually.
Enlightened Hivemind with enough mass to out mass multiple galaxies and has been observing and guiding many civs.

I'd be disappointed if not even one of those civs has decided to join the Hivemind or venerate it in some way.

The benefits alone are pretty tempting.
This is the best Warhammer lore-like content I've found yet! Oh, wait... Second best. Nothing will ever beat an orc doing a research paper on "Kolour Feory". But that statistical outlier aside, I absolutely love this story so far! It's especially immersive with the viewpoint shifting constantly to different people and really demonstrating that there is a significant amount of time passing in the background. While I would like to see more of our Grand Tyranid Uplifter shooting the breeze with our Glorious Emperor, I also think it would significantly detract from the story told if that was the only viewpoint we had. Now we just need to see a bit more building before the inevitable WH40K Grimdark world decides to come say hello.
So when are the Eldar going to show up and demonstrate their rectal-cranial insertion, Fraser led, of course.

And, the inevitable Ork incursions.
So when are the Eldar going to show up and demonstrate their rectal-cranial insertion, Fraser led, of course.
the eldar are at the height of their power and might as of right now , right now the proto dark eldar are becoming a thing and farseers don't have the credibility and respect of cannon since in 40k the farseers have the influence they do in craftworlds because they were the ones that led them to safety during the fall of the eldar empire and thus saved their lives and souls , right now with the eldar empire at the very top of the galaxy and has been for over 65 million years , a farseer going about humanity being a threat is as likely to be taken seriously as intel analyst stating that Canda is going to conquer the US through a conventional war next week , the worst the eldar could do right now is a proto dark eldar tourist showing equipped with Beta class psyker power(enough power to match an emperor class titan in terms of sheer destruction potential) and more experience than humanity has known writing at using said power in addition to his psy automaton body guards to commit some whole sale terror for the lolz with maybe some slavery or pet gathering as the proto dark eldar would call it on the side
The Tyranid Hivemind with even a modicum of coherence is so hilariously beyond everything in terms of psychic might especially if all the Tyranids gather/concentrate.

How many souls could have been birthed in a single galaxy in a few million years compared to innumerable more?

Really, he should be passively forcefully stilling the warp wherever his troops/cells go or wherever he gazes at. Like anywhere he puts too much focus on just gets crushed by the weight of his attention and reality starts getting fuzzy unless he constantly reinforces it.
Anybody here have a decent grounding (and actual references) for pre-fall Eldar?

Because I have no trouble making shit up, but if there's suitable old lore, I'd prefer to conform to it most of the time.
I like this. Can I get 50 more chapters with 20k words please? Uwu
The eldar are the type to steal the sun of an inhabited star system to use as a park lamp and see the locals dying as a funny bonus if they didnt deliberately targeted them in the first place.

Dipshits think they're invincible even when they were nothing more than a favored fast breeding literal pet project that got repurposed as fodder and lost the war to the C'Tan and Necrons.

They don't even bother trying to help the Krorks degeneration because they don't want competition.

They're the Old Ones Chihuahua that got given a few upgrades and psychic drones to not get insta gibbed and then relegated to a less prominent role to more capable super soldiers.
Anybody here have a decent grounding (and actual references) for pre-fall Eldar?

Because I have no trouble making shit up, but if there's suitable old lore, I'd prefer to conform to it most of the time.

a extremely bored post scarcity post mortality society, basically as the time line moves forward the eldar turn increasingly inwards then start devolving into what could only be described as proto dark elder but many orders of magnitude more powerful and dangerous and arguably worse , to describe the eldar as culture at this time as you get closer to the 25th to 30th millennium era is be defined by such overwhelmingly staggering arrogance as to be utterly convinced that they could do no wrong no matter how Excessively terrible, horrific and brutal they act , for remember Slannash is 100% an eldar god who main central domain is Excess

tech wise the eldar empire are as advanced as the necrons are described in memes , the had the webway which gave them the final word in galactic force projection , the had reality engines that could create matter and complex objects along with artificial bubbles of customized reality , they had dark matter guns that fire black holes as the primary weapons of their first rate armed forces , every single eldar was a stable and powerful psyker and they had armies of automatons that made craftworld wraith guard look like wind up toys , their is a very good reason the necron strategy to beat them was to wait for their empire to collapse rather than risk fighting them
their is a very good reason the necron strategy to beat them was to wait for their empire to collapse rather than risk fighting them
Wasn't it because in their eyes with the Old Ones gone there weren't any existential threats left to the Necron polity and they didn't want to fix the resulting mess themselves and decided to let time grind away at the self destructive pests and to calm the warp?

The C'Tan and Necrons won against their most hated rivals with only annoying pests left as proof of their existence.

Necrons have near absolute mastery over the Materium second only to the C'Tan themselves which they've now turned into weapons and batteries.
Wasn't it because in their eyes with the Old Ones gone there weren't any existential threats left to the Necron polity and they didn't want to fix the resulting mess themselves and decided to let time grind away at the self destructive pests and to calm the warp?

The C'Tan and Necrons won against their most hated rivals with only annoying pests left as proof of their existence.

Necrons have near absolute mastery over the Materium second only to the C'Tan themselves which they've now turned into weapons and batteries.
no , there were other factors specifically that when the necrons turned on their Ctan gods they won and shattered then sealed them but they were a devastated and spent force which meant that the eldar who han spent the time the necrons were fighting their gods recovering and preparing to continue the war had a none zero chance in fact reasonable chance of taking down the depleted and weakened necrons , realizing that the war has taken a turn for the worse and that the loss of the C'tan had reduced their abilities considerably , the plan for the great sleep came into being to wait out the eldar empire until a more opportune time to take over the galaxy presented itself

to give a more detailed time line of events for the war in the heavens
-the necrons and their C'tan masters square off against the the Old Ones and their servants
-the necrons and their C'tan masters pretty much wipe out or drive away almost all the Old Ones in the galaxy at terrible and long lasting cost to the galaxy
-one of those terrible costs is the great enslaver plague that saw pretty nearly all soul baring races in the galaxy wiped out including the remaining Old Ones and pretty much all the Kork , the eldar survived by hiding in the web way and others escaped the purge through getting deep enough into dark space to avoid the enslavers or just luck , this is also when the Korks degraded into the ork with the Old Ones gone and the Kork leadership wiped out only the spores that bring forth new orks remain without leadership ,guidance and control they default to their most basic functions that is to wage war
-the enslaver plague extinction event reduces the amount of souls the C'tan can consume prompting them to turn on each at which point the Silent king makes his play and turns on the C'tan with the Old Ones and their servants seeming to be self destructing due to the enslaver plague , the war between the necrons and the C'tan is devastating and the necrons are now a spent and depleted force in addition without the C'tan their power is much reduced
-the eldar exist the webway having spent their time rebuilding and recovering ready to continue the war against the necrons , the Silent king realizing they are in no shape to take on the revitalized eldar orders the great sleep to take place intending to wake to the galaxy once the eldar hegemony inevitably collapses as is the fate of all empires not of the necrontyre

-cut to 65 million years later to the present time line and here we are
Are we getting the non nerfed C'Tan that can feed on the warp and the non nerfed Necrons that don't have to break into the webway if they want to go ftl?
Are we getting the non nerfed C'Tan that can feed on the warp and the non nerfed Necrons that don't have to break into the webway if they want to go ftl?
if we do then we better get the none nerfed eldar empire that did actually spent a good deal of the 65 million years post war technologically advancing and discovering the secrets of the Old Ones before it all went down the drain during the Fall as well
if we do then we better get the none nerfed eldar empire that did actually spent a good deal of the 65 million years post war technologically advancing and discovering the secrets of the Old Ones before it all went down the drain during the Fall as well
Kek. Let's Gurren Laggan + Guyver this shit.
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