Chapter 13: Framed
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Chapter 13: Framed
Quentin Travers read the latest Daily Prophet on his desk. His grand-niece was now wanted for murder, together with her boyfriend. Aurors were 'combing the country' for the two teenagers after their 'daring escape from Hogwarts' had 'all but confirmed their guilt'. The old Watcher dropped the newspaper, if one could call the rag that without insulting such fine examples of high-quality journalism such as 'The Sun', on his desk and leaned back, smiling. Others might be concerned about this, but he felt it was the best thing that could have happened. His grand-niece and Mister Potter were now further distanced from the Wizards and were free to research and support the Council, instead of learning whatever drivel that school deemed important.
Not to mention that two dark wizards had been killed by Hermione's hand - or wand in this case. Two monsters who would not prey on humanity again. It was a pity that the third had survived, but the Malfoy family already was in the Council's sight, and after this, no one would argue to have the child spared. That foul cretin would not grow up to attack anyone else, Quentin swore.
He would have to be supportive of the girl though. She was still young, and for all her determination and talent, killing, especially monsters that looked so human and young, could weigh heavily on one's mind. But she'd get over that. Just as he himself had, after his first vampire kill. And in the long run, it would be good for her - she'd know from the start that monsters could look and act like humans, children even, and yet had to be killed as the inhuman demons they were. She'd not be killed, like some Watchers were, when a vampire looked a bit too young and innocent, and they hesitated just long enough.
But he had to focus on the task at hand. Hermione would want access to the library, of course, and the assistance of young Mister Giles. And Mister Potter would need more training. He wrote a note to that effect, then checked his watch. Plenty of time for some studying before his next appointment.
India Cohen checked her appearance in the large mirror again. Minimal make-up, sensible hairstyle. She couldn't do much about that - or wanted to. She was the Slayer, not some schoolgirl with a crush. And Kit wouldn't want a schoolgirl anyway, far too young and innocent for a Watcher, while she was already a seasoned Slayer. Clothes… it was too cold still for a kind of "casual and sexy" look with sleeveless top and cut-offs, but her turtleneck was tight enough to show her chest very nicely, and her jeans looked like she had painted them on, with black ankle-boots - not as high-heeled as recommended, but she had to be ready to fight at all times - completing her outfit. She looked sexy but not cheap. Those tips in that magazine she bought on the stake-out last week had helped her so much!
Smiling at her own reflection, she turned around for a last look, then left her room, looking for her Watcher. This time she'd make him realize she was a woman, a woman in love!
India found her Watcher in the library, sitting at one of the old. massive tables there, surrounded by books. He was too close to that Granger girl for her taste, who occupied another table next to him, but the two as well as the old man, Giles, who seemed to live in the library, were apparently reading without paying attention to each other. That India had no competition for her Watcher was good news. That Kit was so captivated by his work was bad news - she'd have to catch his attention without being obvious about it. Well, she was prepared to do exactly that!
"Kit! There you are! What are you reading?" India smiled at the young man, then stepped around, leaning over his shoulder to peek at the book he was studying. She took care to press her chest into his back, and he grew rigidly tense for a second, before he forced himself to relax. Yes!
"Watcher diaries from the 18th centuries. We're looking for more information about Myrken Flenswater." Kit explained, with a slightly forced smile.
"Ah! I can help!" India grabbed a diary from the stack, and plopped down on the chair across from Kit. She could read English, even old English, better than any of the old, dead languages Kit knew and had tried to teach her.
The Slayer spent the next hour subtly trying to catch her Watcher's attention. Stretching, bending down to check on books on the lowest shelf, pushing her chest out while rolling her neck - she did everything she could think of to show she was an attractive, beautiful, desirable woman. Judging by the way he seemed distracted and his reading slowed down, she believed it was working, but he didn't actually do something about it. Nothing like she wanted him to do, at least. India sent another glare at Granger and Mister Giles. If not for their presence, she was sure, she'd be quite closer to Kit now.
Severus Snape steeled himself for another visit to the Dark Lord. The man's mood had become more and more mercurial lately, ever since Bellatrix' death at the hand of a still unknown group of wizards. Severus had been tasked by Voldemort with finding her killers, but the Potion master had not had any success so far. Dumbledore was not telling him anything about it, the Tonks were in hiding and would not talk to him anyway, or so he assumed, and all the muggle witnesses had been oblivated. Appearing with empty hands in front of the Dark Lord was an invitation to get punished, if he was in a bad mood.
On the other hand, Dumbledore's reputation was in tatters after Granger had gone crazy and killed Crabbe and Goyle, failed to kill Draco, and then escaped with Potter, like Sirius Black had escaped two years ago. After such a blunder it was just a question of time and gold until the Headmaster was removed from his office. That would cheer the Dark Lord up.
But then again, Severus's use as a spy would be reduced if Dumbledore left Hogwarts. And with Dumbledore gone, he would be expected to do more at Hogwarts for the Dark Lord, despite the aurors' presence - Voldemort claimed those were of no consequence. He was not entirely wrong, but one could not be too careful, especially as a spy.
And finally there was the nagging feeling that Dumbledore might not trust him anymore. Severus was sure the Headmaster knew who had killed Bellatrix, so why wouldn't he tell him, if that would improve his position at Voldemort's side? Whoever managed to kill the crazy witch had to be powerful enough to fend of any other Death Eater, so it could not be concern for them. And nothing was as important as securing Severus's cover as a spy.
Severus shook his head. If Dumbledore didn't trust him anymore, did that mean he was expendable? Like Vance had been? He didn't like to think about that, he really wanted to see Voldemort dead, but he had to think of himself as well.
Maybe some of the other Order members knew anything. They would not talk to him, but he was a Potion Master, he had ways to make them talk, and to make them forget about any discussion they had with him...
"There he is, better watch out. Don't let him get behind you, he'll curse you in the back."
"Merlin's balls, he's really back. Scum."
"Couldn't they have 'fixed' him in St. Mungo's? I'd have paid for that, everyone would have."
"Why's he still a prefect, after what he has done? Are the teachers crazy?"
Draco Malfoy was livid. Here he was, back at Hogwarts after a week of pain and suffering, battling death at St. Mungo's, and students were talking about him behind his back, pretending he couldn't hear them! The cursed Gryffindor's were the worst, they all but shouted their comments when he was in the vicinity, but the Hufflepuffs were almost as bad, staring at him silently, with their ranks closed, as if he was a dangerous monster they might have to put down! And the Ravenclaws avoided him! And all of the other prefects of his year had stated they'd not patrol with him!
Even his own house was not as supportive as it should be for the victim of a crazed, bloodthirsty murderous mudblood! Granger had almost killed him, after all. She had killed Crabbe and Goyle, and only his superior reflexes and magic had saved him from her spells! At least Pansy had welcomed him back, and sat with him, as did most of his year, but the looks some of the girls gave him, when they thought he couldn't see them…
The school should have welcomed him back, praised him for exposing how dangerous Granger and Potter were, how corrupted by muggles! Instead he felt like an outcast. Even his own head of house had stated he'd better have an auror as a bodyguard. He, Draco Malfoy, patrolling with a bodyguard? He'd write his father, if he didn't knew that it was his idea.
It was all Granger's fault. If she had not killed his friends...
Ron Weasley was staring at Malfoy while he ate at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. He was so focused on studying the dark wizard, he didn't even remember what he ate.
"He's just sitting there, as if he had done nothing wrong." Lavender, sitting next to him, very close too, sounded incredulous.
"He probably thinks he did nothing wrong. Scum like him believe everyone else exists to serve them." Ron stated with conviction. Slytherins were all like that, looking down on everyone else.
"But someone has to do something, before he …" Lavender trailed off, but everyone near them understood what she meant.
"Don't worry. He won't be able to do anything, not with the entire school knowing about him, and an auror following him around." Ron would feel better if Harry had left the map with them, that way they could observe every step Malfoy took. He didn't trust the aurors, not anymore, but with enough witnesses, even Malfoy would not be able to buy his way out of trouble forever. And his brothers were working on something, just in case Malfoy had to be dealt with. Or got close to Ginny. Or Lavender.
"Snape's still protecting him." Lavender was not as optimistic as Ron was.
"I know. The git gave me detention for "threatening a student", and even called my parents over it." As if his parents would believe the git, not after what Draco had done, or tried to do.
Auror Albert Bering studied the house on the hill in front of him and his partner, Cyril Fleawood. The sun was setting, but there was still enough light to make out the old walls, and the sturdy door, and the remains of a fence. "Doesn't look like much. Are we sure that Potter and Granger are hiding there?"
"The Granger family bought the house recently according to the paperwork at the Ministry." Cyril shrugged. "Enough of a reason to check it out." That was typical for Cyril. He was not lazy, quite the contrary, but he was a bit too content to follow orders, and reserved all his questioning for interrogating suspects.
"If they are there, can we expect Black and Lupin too?" Albert liked to think he questioned everything he was told - from anyone. Though he usually kept his opinion to himself. One did not advance in the Ministry otherwise, and he was looking to retire with a nice pension in a few years.
"According to our files, Black tried to kill Potter, and Lupin helped Black. If they are there, Potter and Granger are likely dead, or wishing they were." Cyril did not sound like he cared one way or the other. After 20 years in the service, not many cared, especially if it came to dark wizards and witches.
Albert had seen the remains of Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, but he was not quite sure that this was the work of a dark witch, mudblood or not. And yet, it was better to assume it was. "If we're tangling with the Boy-Who-Lived or You-Know-Who's lieutenant, plus their partners, we should maybe have more reinforcements than two aurors straight out of training." He glanced at the two, Copperhead and whatshername, Blyren, who were laying down anti-muggle wards on the premises, as he had ordered. They had not impressed him so far, and he didn't think they would in the near future. Too green, too innocent. Still thought they were great for passing auror training. "And I am not so sure about waiting till nightfall. I'd rather tackle the house in daylight."
"We're trained for night combat, they are not. We'll have the advantage."
"That's what the orders said." Albert knew they usually didn't get such 'recommendations' with their orders, usually aurors were left to solve their cases as they saw fit. But if it involved the Boy-Who-Lived, rules and custom went out the floo, apparently.
"Exactly." Cyril still did not sound concerned at all. Unflappable, Albert knew, even in combat.
He sighed. "Well, with the way our two new aurors are taking their time, we'll not be ready to enter until the sun has set anyway."
Roselyn was licking her lips in anticipation. Soon… soon… She could hear the aurors outside, grumbling. Impatient, or bored, either would make them sloppy. Four of them might have been a challenge for her, if they were not either old and lazy, and young and stupid. She'd still enjoy it - killing wizards never got old. Their blood tasted the sweetest.
There! The sun had set, and the two children had finished setting the wards. It was time. Roselyn stepped back from the dusty window she had been looking out of behind a thick old curtain, and disillusioned herself. A flick of her wand started dim voices and flickering lights in the cellar, just obvious enough for an auror to notice, once he was inside.
"Open up, we're aurors!" The two old aurors were in front, the two children were behind the house. Standard tactics.
Roselyn snickered silently, wondering how often anyone would actually follow that command - one who had reasons to fear aurors, of course.
After a minute, the front door was blown open by a reducto. Roselyn raised her eyebrow. That was a bit more violent than she had expected. Maybe the auror was a pureblood with the right attitude against mudbloods? It did not matter; the Dark Lord had made it clear what was to happen, and the Vampire was only too glad to obey him - in this case. She flicked her wand again, and the voices created by her spell changed, becoming louder and more urgent.
"They're in the cellar!"
Predictably, the old aurors called the children in, to guard their backs while they went down. The door there was locked and protected though, and would keep them occupied for a while. Time enough to deal with the children.
With the ease of long experience, she silently snuck up on the young auror watching the front door's remains. Too distracted, too young to notice her, he was easy prey. A hand on his mouth stifled his scream when she crushed his wand - and arm - with her other hand. She dragged him into the living room, and her teeth went into his neck, feeding.
The taste of his blood, his frantic but futile attempts to break her grip with his feeble, human strength, were such a rush, she almost missed the girl appearing in the door. Almost, though - her body-binding curse got her before she could finish her own spell, and the girl was forced to watch while Roselyn drank her partner dry.
Then it was the girl's turn. The terror in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen to her while she was utterly helpless, could not even scream, made the vampiress shiver with delight. Her hunger sated by the male auror, she didn't drain her victim right away, but ran her fingernails over the auror's face, leaving shallow cuts in the soft skin. Soon blood and tears were running down her cheeks, and Roselyn lapped the mixture up. Delicious!
Three dead aurors were as good as four, weren't they? She could take this girl, and take her time with her. Maybe even turn her…
"Blyren! Copperhead! Where are you… Merlin's balls!"
Roselyn whirled around in time and used her captive to shield her body from the flames leaping at her from the tip of the auror's wand. Sloppy! She was angry at herself - not only had she made a beginner's mistake, but her toy was now ruined! As expected, the old auror stopped his spell when he realized he was roasting the girl. Smiling, she threat the burning auror at him, then followed it up with a curse. "Bombarda!"
The auror had been quicker than she had expected, casting a fire spell right away upon spotting her. Good reflexes and good eyes. He was not quick enough to avoid both the burning witch and the spell and was slung to the ground from the force of the explosion that turned her toy into chunks of flesh and bone. So much blood, wasted!
Roselyn charged the auror before he could recover, her boot lashing out and shattering his hand while she sealed the stairs leading to the cellar with her wand, trapping the other old auror there.
Another kick that shattered his skull ended the wizard's attempt to burn her. A second wand, and the fortitude to draw it despite his wounds. If he had been faster and able to cast silently, he might have been a threat. She threw the body into the living room, next to her first victim, and used another bombarda to blow up both, covering the floor, walls and parts of the ceiling with blood and body parts. She didn't like the spell, it wasted food, but orders were orders in this case.
One auror left. She could take her time with that one, she hoped. He wouldn't escape the cellar. Then the house shook - the last auror had tried to blow a hole into the ceiling. Roselyn grinned. That one could be fun. The desperate and crafty ones usually were.
She disillusioned herself again, then removed the seal on the entrance to the cellar and sent a cloud of green gas down. It was harmless, but her foe would not now that and have to react as if it was poison. She ran down the stairs into the cellar so fast, she would have been a blur even without her spell. As expected the wizard had cast a bubblehead charm and was now banishing the harmless gas.
"Expelliarmus!" Her spell caught him, throwing him back and taking his wand away. Like his partner though he had a second wand, which appeared in his hand before he finished rolling behind what meager cover an overturned table provided.
"Reducto." The table turned into slivers of metal - Roselyn had transfigured all the wood in the cellar beforehand, no need to give her enemies weapons against her - but the auror was protected by a shield. The blast still pushed him back, against the wall. Almost a challenge.
Piercing curses, which she prefered to explosions, broke the shield before the wizard could recover from the impact on the wall, and she rushed him, grabbing and breaking his wand arm before he could hit her with a spell.
He was a stubborn one, cursing her even while she already fed. Almost a challenge, but in the end he was just a meal.
"'Aurors Assassinated!' 'Muggleborn Menace!' We were not even near that part of Britain!" Hermione was fuming and threw the Daily Prophet on the table. "Have you seen the pictures of us? They make me look like Bellatrix, with the same hair!"
Harry was not about to say that there was a certain, vague resemblance between his girlfriend's hair in the morning, and the dead dark witch's hair after Azkaban. He wasn't suicidal. Instead he commented. "The articles are full of lies. According to them, I am the next dark lord, and you're my dark witch, and Draco's a brave hero who tried to stop us from killing all students in Hogwarts to gain dark powers."
"How can anyone believe that? 'The aurors were killed with the same spells that claimed the lives of two promising students of House Slytherin, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. One cannot help but wonder who taught the witch such spells. Rumors that she had been receiving special lessons from Headmaster Dumbledore himself are currently being investigated'. They were the dumbest students in the school, bullies who barely knew one end of a wand from the other, and everyone knew it! And the spells I used were spells everyone learned in DADA!" Hermione was pacing and throwing up her hands.
"Everyone in 7th year." Harry winced when his girlfriend glared at him, but it was true.
"And now we've got a kill on sight order. Well, I've got one. It's speculated that I might be controlling you, like Voldemort controlled his poor imperiused Death Eaters, so you're still to be arrested for questioning." Hermione sat down, still angry.
"It doesn't matter. If they capture us we'd be murdered before we reach trial anyway." Harry knew Malfoy had his hooks too deep in the Ministry. "And every auror who is hunting us should know better than to support such criminals like Fudge and Malfoy." He wasn't about to say it out loud, but he had no intention to hold back against anyone who'd go after Hermione, or himself, on Fudge's order. He was training with Watchers, after all, and they trained to kill monsters. In Harry's opinion, anyone who supported scum like Malfoy qualified for the same treatment.
Hermione held his gaze for a second, then nodded. She had understood him. And she approved. Her uncle had been very supportive, praising her quick reaction, which had helped her get over what remaining guilt she may have felt over killing Malfoy's minions.
"They are blaming the Headmaster for it as well." Hermione stabbed her finger down on the lead article. "They'll be using this to oust him."
Harry shrugged. Hogwarts had stopped being his home some time ago. "It's not as if he's been doing that much good there. Not since Umbridge came with the aurors."
"But if the Ministry replaces him, things at Hogwarts will only get worse. Draco and his ilk will have the run of the place."
Harry closed his eyes. Hogwarts may not feel like home anymore, but most of his friends were still there. "If it comes to that, we'll have to do something about it. One way or the other. Do we have a communication mirror we can get to Ron?"
"I'll make one if I need to."
"My Ronald 'stared menacingly' at Draco Malfoy? That's why you called me here?" Molly Weasley sounded like she did not trust her ears. Severus Snape winced, expecting one of her tirades. He was, of course, correct.
"That foul little Death Eater spawn tries to rape a young witch, escapes justice thanks to his father's bloody gold, and you care about students glaring at him?! Have you called Lucius Malfoy in here as well, and complained about all the threats his criminal of a son uttered against children over the years?! What is going on at this school!?"
Severus thanked his foresight of doubling down on the privacy spells, but wished he had used one sound dampening spell on himself. Molly Weasley was as loud in person as one of her howlers. He let her run out of breath, and then spoke up before she could start again. "Would you like some tea?"
"No I do not want any tea! I want this school to be safe for children, not a hunting ground for rapists!"
Severus had known she would refuse. That was why the little incense burner behind her was currently filling the room with a derivate of a drowsing potion he had taken an antidote against beforehand. It still took a few more minutes filled with accusations and righteous anger until the redheaded witch succumbed to his concoction.
Sighing with relief, he took out the bottle of veritaserum he had prepared. He'd get the answers he needed to avoid the Dark Lord's wrath.
"Good parade, but check your shoulder, it's one of your tells."
India nodded, and corrected her stance. Kit knew staff fighting. He was not as fast or strong as the Slayer, of course, but he was experienced, and a great teacher. The best a Slayer could want.
She loved training with her Watcher. Just the two of them, sparring. Trading blows and advice and quips. And Kit looked damn well in his sparring gear, even with the additional padding, when he was all focused and worked up. India herself was not wearing padding, but skin-tight exercise gear. When he had commented on it she had claimed it was so he could see her muscles better - and to distract him. He had glowered at her after that, but hadn't been really mad. She knew him well enough.
India raised her staff, and attacked again, pushing him back with a series of quick blows. He was defending himself well, even counter-attacked a few times, but she was the Slayer. Another move caught his staff, forcing it up. She could not resist. With a twist she disarmed him, then pulled him to the side, right into an O Soto Gari. She did not hold his arm as he went down on the mat, to make sure he fell on his side, but followed him to the ground.
Before Kit could recover she was on top of him, straddling him and holding his wrists in hers, above his head. "I win."
Kit, panting, nodded. "That was a good throw, though this position wouldn't be a safe way to hold a Vampire."
India nodded. She could feel him tense up under her, testing her grip, then relax again.
"You can let me up now."
India smiled. "I could." She did not release his wrists nor move off his stomach however. Iinstead she slid back until she was lying on top of him, her face an inch above his.
"India…" Kit was breathing heavily, she noticed, and slightly but - for a Slayer's senses - noticeably more flushed than during their sparring.
Licking her lips, she put her lips next to his ear, pressing her cheek to his. He squirmed a bit and she was sure that if not for the padding he was wearing, she'd feel his reaction. She inhaled his scent, shivering. So close… she felt the urge to rip that padding off, rip all their clothes off, and do what she should have long ago. She resisted though. Instead she whispered "I love you" into his ear, then rolled off him.
"You are under arrest, and relieved from your position as Headmaster, Dumbledore!" Dolores Umbridge exclaimed as soon as she entered Albus's office followed by eight aurors.
Albus Dumbledore had expected that since the day Miss Granger and Harry had left the school. Once again he lamented the mistakes he had made that allowed Lucius Malfoy to gain so much influence at the Ministry, and especially with the Minister. Outwardly though he remained calm, petting Fawkes, who was sitting in front of him on his desk. "Arrested? What are the charges?"
"Treason. Murder. Dark Magic! We know about your conspiracy to overthrow the minister!" Dolores raised her chin while the aurors fanned out. They could not spread out enough too far where they were, near the door though, and seemed not to dare to step closer to the old wizard.
Albus raised his eyebrow. "It seems Cornelius has given up any pretense of not being a puppet for Lucius then. If I may ask, who is to become the next Headmaster of Hogwarts?"
"I have been chosen for the position. I will clear this school of dissidents, rebels and dangerous elements unfit to use magic. I will make it so our precious children can be educated in a safe environment again." Dolores smiled in triumph while the aurors with her - hand-picked by Cornelius on Lucius's advice, no doubt - started to step closer. Their wands, pointed at him, were still not as steady as they should be, but the wizards were growing bolder with each breath they took without Albus doing anything.
"I see." And Albus did. He had hoped Gawain would be chosen as his successor. The auror was fair, skilled, and smart. He had protected Draco from the rest of the school, which Albus had hoped would be enough to endear him to Lucius. A vain hope, as it had turned out to be, like many other hopes he had had.
"Now hand over your wa..."
Albus didn't whisper any syllable, did not move his wand at all, other than hold it, and yet his spell slung the nine other people in his office against the stone walls with such force, most were knocked unconscious at once - a mercy, given that all had broken bones.
The old wizard slowly got up, casually stunning those aurors who were not out yet, and walked over to Dolores. The witch had not directly hit the wall, but the softer body of the auror behind her. She had been rattled anyway, and had lost her wand in the process. Now the pink-clad woman was staring at him with a fearful, shocked expression. If Albus had not known just what kind of witch she was, he might even have felt some pity, and not regret for what he was about to do.
"I had hoped Cornelius would not have descended so far into his madness as to put you in charge, Dolores. But seeing as he did, I have no choice but to do what I must, to protect the children at Hogwarts."
Before she could say anything he stunned her, then transfigured her into a small pink doll. Mister Travers would appreciate the opportunity to interrogate her, which should create some goodwill for Albus. Dolores would not be able to torture the students and persecute the muggleborns and half-bloods. And he would not have to kill her himself.
He ordered a house elf to take the eight wounded aurors to the school's infirmary, then sealed his office. Trying to break in would occupy whoever followed him, which would reduce the time they could spend on doing something worse. Turning towards Fawkes, Albus took a last look around the office. He had cleared it of his important possessions a week ago, but the memories were not as easy to transport or dispose of. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, had been all he had ever wanted to be, after the follies of his youth. It hurt, leaving a position he had felt so happy in. It hurt even more, having to become someone he had never wanted to be in the first place. But as so many decades ago, there was no choice. Not anymore.
Albus Dumbledore, vanquisher of Grindelwald, was all that was left of him.
Chapter 14: Setups
Quentin Travers read the latest Daily Prophet on his desk. His grand-niece was now wanted for murder, together with her boyfriend. Aurors were 'combing the country' for the two teenagers after their 'daring escape from Hogwarts' had 'all but confirmed their guilt'. The old Watcher dropped the newspaper, if one could call the rag that without insulting such fine examples of high-quality journalism such as 'The Sun', on his desk and leaned back, smiling. Others might be concerned about this, but he felt it was the best thing that could have happened. His grand-niece and Mister Potter were now further distanced from the Wizards and were free to research and support the Council, instead of learning whatever drivel that school deemed important.
Not to mention that two dark wizards had been killed by Hermione's hand - or wand in this case. Two monsters who would not prey on humanity again. It was a pity that the third had survived, but the Malfoy family already was in the Council's sight, and after this, no one would argue to have the child spared. That foul cretin would not grow up to attack anyone else, Quentin swore.
He would have to be supportive of the girl though. She was still young, and for all her determination and talent, killing, especially monsters that looked so human and young, could weigh heavily on one's mind. But she'd get over that. Just as he himself had, after his first vampire kill. And in the long run, it would be good for her - she'd know from the start that monsters could look and act like humans, children even, and yet had to be killed as the inhuman demons they were. She'd not be killed, like some Watchers were, when a vampire looked a bit too young and innocent, and they hesitated just long enough.
But he had to focus on the task at hand. Hermione would want access to the library, of course, and the assistance of young Mister Giles. And Mister Potter would need more training. He wrote a note to that effect, then checked his watch. Plenty of time for some studying before his next appointment.
India Cohen checked her appearance in the large mirror again. Minimal make-up, sensible hairstyle. She couldn't do much about that - or wanted to. She was the Slayer, not some schoolgirl with a crush. And Kit wouldn't want a schoolgirl anyway, far too young and innocent for a Watcher, while she was already a seasoned Slayer. Clothes… it was too cold still for a kind of "casual and sexy" look with sleeveless top and cut-offs, but her turtleneck was tight enough to show her chest very nicely, and her jeans looked like she had painted them on, with black ankle-boots - not as high-heeled as recommended, but she had to be ready to fight at all times - completing her outfit. She looked sexy but not cheap. Those tips in that magazine she bought on the stake-out last week had helped her so much!
Smiling at her own reflection, she turned around for a last look, then left her room, looking for her Watcher. This time she'd make him realize she was a woman, a woman in love!
India found her Watcher in the library, sitting at one of the old. massive tables there, surrounded by books. He was too close to that Granger girl for her taste, who occupied another table next to him, but the two as well as the old man, Giles, who seemed to live in the library, were apparently reading without paying attention to each other. That India had no competition for her Watcher was good news. That Kit was so captivated by his work was bad news - she'd have to catch his attention without being obvious about it. Well, she was prepared to do exactly that!
"Kit! There you are! What are you reading?" India smiled at the young man, then stepped around, leaning over his shoulder to peek at the book he was studying. She took care to press her chest into his back, and he grew rigidly tense for a second, before he forced himself to relax. Yes!
"Watcher diaries from the 18th centuries. We're looking for more information about Myrken Flenswater." Kit explained, with a slightly forced smile.
"Ah! I can help!" India grabbed a diary from the stack, and plopped down on the chair across from Kit. She could read English, even old English, better than any of the old, dead languages Kit knew and had tried to teach her.
The Slayer spent the next hour subtly trying to catch her Watcher's attention. Stretching, bending down to check on books on the lowest shelf, pushing her chest out while rolling her neck - she did everything she could think of to show she was an attractive, beautiful, desirable woman. Judging by the way he seemed distracted and his reading slowed down, she believed it was working, but he didn't actually do something about it. Nothing like she wanted him to do, at least. India sent another glare at Granger and Mister Giles. If not for their presence, she was sure, she'd be quite closer to Kit now.
Severus Snape steeled himself for another visit to the Dark Lord. The man's mood had become more and more mercurial lately, ever since Bellatrix' death at the hand of a still unknown group of wizards. Severus had been tasked by Voldemort with finding her killers, but the Potion master had not had any success so far. Dumbledore was not telling him anything about it, the Tonks were in hiding and would not talk to him anyway, or so he assumed, and all the muggle witnesses had been oblivated. Appearing with empty hands in front of the Dark Lord was an invitation to get punished, if he was in a bad mood.
On the other hand, Dumbledore's reputation was in tatters after Granger had gone crazy and killed Crabbe and Goyle, failed to kill Draco, and then escaped with Potter, like Sirius Black had escaped two years ago. After such a blunder it was just a question of time and gold until the Headmaster was removed from his office. That would cheer the Dark Lord up.
But then again, Severus's use as a spy would be reduced if Dumbledore left Hogwarts. And with Dumbledore gone, he would be expected to do more at Hogwarts for the Dark Lord, despite the aurors' presence - Voldemort claimed those were of no consequence. He was not entirely wrong, but one could not be too careful, especially as a spy.
And finally there was the nagging feeling that Dumbledore might not trust him anymore. Severus was sure the Headmaster knew who had killed Bellatrix, so why wouldn't he tell him, if that would improve his position at Voldemort's side? Whoever managed to kill the crazy witch had to be powerful enough to fend of any other Death Eater, so it could not be concern for them. And nothing was as important as securing Severus's cover as a spy.
Severus shook his head. If Dumbledore didn't trust him anymore, did that mean he was expendable? Like Vance had been? He didn't like to think about that, he really wanted to see Voldemort dead, but he had to think of himself as well.
Maybe some of the other Order members knew anything. They would not talk to him, but he was a Potion Master, he had ways to make them talk, and to make them forget about any discussion they had with him...
"There he is, better watch out. Don't let him get behind you, he'll curse you in the back."
"Merlin's balls, he's really back. Scum."
"Couldn't they have 'fixed' him in St. Mungo's? I'd have paid for that, everyone would have."
"Why's he still a prefect, after what he has done? Are the teachers crazy?"
Draco Malfoy was livid. Here he was, back at Hogwarts after a week of pain and suffering, battling death at St. Mungo's, and students were talking about him behind his back, pretending he couldn't hear them! The cursed Gryffindor's were the worst, they all but shouted their comments when he was in the vicinity, but the Hufflepuffs were almost as bad, staring at him silently, with their ranks closed, as if he was a dangerous monster they might have to put down! And the Ravenclaws avoided him! And all of the other prefects of his year had stated they'd not patrol with him!
Even his own house was not as supportive as it should be for the victim of a crazed, bloodthirsty murderous mudblood! Granger had almost killed him, after all. She had killed Crabbe and Goyle, and only his superior reflexes and magic had saved him from her spells! At least Pansy had welcomed him back, and sat with him, as did most of his year, but the looks some of the girls gave him, when they thought he couldn't see them…
The school should have welcomed him back, praised him for exposing how dangerous Granger and Potter were, how corrupted by muggles! Instead he felt like an outcast. Even his own head of house had stated he'd better have an auror as a bodyguard. He, Draco Malfoy, patrolling with a bodyguard? He'd write his father, if he didn't knew that it was his idea.
It was all Granger's fault. If she had not killed his friends...
Ron Weasley was staring at Malfoy while he ate at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. He was so focused on studying the dark wizard, he didn't even remember what he ate.
"He's just sitting there, as if he had done nothing wrong." Lavender, sitting next to him, very close too, sounded incredulous.
"He probably thinks he did nothing wrong. Scum like him believe everyone else exists to serve them." Ron stated with conviction. Slytherins were all like that, looking down on everyone else.
"But someone has to do something, before he …" Lavender trailed off, but everyone near them understood what she meant.
"Don't worry. He won't be able to do anything, not with the entire school knowing about him, and an auror following him around." Ron would feel better if Harry had left the map with them, that way they could observe every step Malfoy took. He didn't trust the aurors, not anymore, but with enough witnesses, even Malfoy would not be able to buy his way out of trouble forever. And his brothers were working on something, just in case Malfoy had to be dealt with. Or got close to Ginny. Or Lavender.
"Snape's still protecting him." Lavender was not as optimistic as Ron was.
"I know. The git gave me detention for "threatening a student", and even called my parents over it." As if his parents would believe the git, not after what Draco had done, or tried to do.
Auror Albert Bering studied the house on the hill in front of him and his partner, Cyril Fleawood. The sun was setting, but there was still enough light to make out the old walls, and the sturdy door, and the remains of a fence. "Doesn't look like much. Are we sure that Potter and Granger are hiding there?"
"The Granger family bought the house recently according to the paperwork at the Ministry." Cyril shrugged. "Enough of a reason to check it out." That was typical for Cyril. He was not lazy, quite the contrary, but he was a bit too content to follow orders, and reserved all his questioning for interrogating suspects.
"If they are there, can we expect Black and Lupin too?" Albert liked to think he questioned everything he was told - from anyone. Though he usually kept his opinion to himself. One did not advance in the Ministry otherwise, and he was looking to retire with a nice pension in a few years.
"According to our files, Black tried to kill Potter, and Lupin helped Black. If they are there, Potter and Granger are likely dead, or wishing they were." Cyril did not sound like he cared one way or the other. After 20 years in the service, not many cared, especially if it came to dark wizards and witches.
Albert had seen the remains of Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, but he was not quite sure that this was the work of a dark witch, mudblood or not. And yet, it was better to assume it was. "If we're tangling with the Boy-Who-Lived or You-Know-Who's lieutenant, plus their partners, we should maybe have more reinforcements than two aurors straight out of training." He glanced at the two, Copperhead and whatshername, Blyren, who were laying down anti-muggle wards on the premises, as he had ordered. They had not impressed him so far, and he didn't think they would in the near future. Too green, too innocent. Still thought they were great for passing auror training. "And I am not so sure about waiting till nightfall. I'd rather tackle the house in daylight."
"We're trained for night combat, they are not. We'll have the advantage."
"That's what the orders said." Albert knew they usually didn't get such 'recommendations' with their orders, usually aurors were left to solve their cases as they saw fit. But if it involved the Boy-Who-Lived, rules and custom went out the floo, apparently.
"Exactly." Cyril still did not sound concerned at all. Unflappable, Albert knew, even in combat.
He sighed. "Well, with the way our two new aurors are taking their time, we'll not be ready to enter until the sun has set anyway."
Roselyn was licking her lips in anticipation. Soon… soon… She could hear the aurors outside, grumbling. Impatient, or bored, either would make them sloppy. Four of them might have been a challenge for her, if they were not either old and lazy, and young and stupid. She'd still enjoy it - killing wizards never got old. Their blood tasted the sweetest.
There! The sun had set, and the two children had finished setting the wards. It was time. Roselyn stepped back from the dusty window she had been looking out of behind a thick old curtain, and disillusioned herself. A flick of her wand started dim voices and flickering lights in the cellar, just obvious enough for an auror to notice, once he was inside.
"Open up, we're aurors!" The two old aurors were in front, the two children were behind the house. Standard tactics.
Roselyn snickered silently, wondering how often anyone would actually follow that command - one who had reasons to fear aurors, of course.
After a minute, the front door was blown open by a reducto. Roselyn raised her eyebrow. That was a bit more violent than she had expected. Maybe the auror was a pureblood with the right attitude against mudbloods? It did not matter; the Dark Lord had made it clear what was to happen, and the Vampire was only too glad to obey him - in this case. She flicked her wand again, and the voices created by her spell changed, becoming louder and more urgent.
"They're in the cellar!"
Predictably, the old aurors called the children in, to guard their backs while they went down. The door there was locked and protected though, and would keep them occupied for a while. Time enough to deal with the children.
With the ease of long experience, she silently snuck up on the young auror watching the front door's remains. Too distracted, too young to notice her, he was easy prey. A hand on his mouth stifled his scream when she crushed his wand - and arm - with her other hand. She dragged him into the living room, and her teeth went into his neck, feeding.
The taste of his blood, his frantic but futile attempts to break her grip with his feeble, human strength, were such a rush, she almost missed the girl appearing in the door. Almost, though - her body-binding curse got her before she could finish her own spell, and the girl was forced to watch while Roselyn drank her partner dry.
Then it was the girl's turn. The terror in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen to her while she was utterly helpless, could not even scream, made the vampiress shiver with delight. Her hunger sated by the male auror, she didn't drain her victim right away, but ran her fingernails over the auror's face, leaving shallow cuts in the soft skin. Soon blood and tears were running down her cheeks, and Roselyn lapped the mixture up. Delicious!
Three dead aurors were as good as four, weren't they? She could take this girl, and take her time with her. Maybe even turn her…
"Blyren! Copperhead! Where are you… Merlin's balls!"
Roselyn whirled around in time and used her captive to shield her body from the flames leaping at her from the tip of the auror's wand. Sloppy! She was angry at herself - not only had she made a beginner's mistake, but her toy was now ruined! As expected, the old auror stopped his spell when he realized he was roasting the girl. Smiling, she threat the burning auror at him, then followed it up with a curse. "Bombarda!"
The auror had been quicker than she had expected, casting a fire spell right away upon spotting her. Good reflexes and good eyes. He was not quick enough to avoid both the burning witch and the spell and was slung to the ground from the force of the explosion that turned her toy into chunks of flesh and bone. So much blood, wasted!
Roselyn charged the auror before he could recover, her boot lashing out and shattering his hand while she sealed the stairs leading to the cellar with her wand, trapping the other old auror there.
Another kick that shattered his skull ended the wizard's attempt to burn her. A second wand, and the fortitude to draw it despite his wounds. If he had been faster and able to cast silently, he might have been a threat. She threw the body into the living room, next to her first victim, and used another bombarda to blow up both, covering the floor, walls and parts of the ceiling with blood and body parts. She didn't like the spell, it wasted food, but orders were orders in this case.
One auror left. She could take her time with that one, she hoped. He wouldn't escape the cellar. Then the house shook - the last auror had tried to blow a hole into the ceiling. Roselyn grinned. That one could be fun. The desperate and crafty ones usually were.
She disillusioned herself again, then removed the seal on the entrance to the cellar and sent a cloud of green gas down. It was harmless, but her foe would not now that and have to react as if it was poison. She ran down the stairs into the cellar so fast, she would have been a blur even without her spell. As expected the wizard had cast a bubblehead charm and was now banishing the harmless gas.
"Expelliarmus!" Her spell caught him, throwing him back and taking his wand away. Like his partner though he had a second wand, which appeared in his hand before he finished rolling behind what meager cover an overturned table provided.
"Reducto." The table turned into slivers of metal - Roselyn had transfigured all the wood in the cellar beforehand, no need to give her enemies weapons against her - but the auror was protected by a shield. The blast still pushed him back, against the wall. Almost a challenge.
Piercing curses, which she prefered to explosions, broke the shield before the wizard could recover from the impact on the wall, and she rushed him, grabbing and breaking his wand arm before he could hit her with a spell.
He was a stubborn one, cursing her even while she already fed. Almost a challenge, but in the end he was just a meal.
"'Aurors Assassinated!' 'Muggleborn Menace!' We were not even near that part of Britain!" Hermione was fuming and threw the Daily Prophet on the table. "Have you seen the pictures of us? They make me look like Bellatrix, with the same hair!"
Harry was not about to say that there was a certain, vague resemblance between his girlfriend's hair in the morning, and the dead dark witch's hair after Azkaban. He wasn't suicidal. Instead he commented. "The articles are full of lies. According to them, I am the next dark lord, and you're my dark witch, and Draco's a brave hero who tried to stop us from killing all students in Hogwarts to gain dark powers."
"How can anyone believe that? 'The aurors were killed with the same spells that claimed the lives of two promising students of House Slytherin, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. One cannot help but wonder who taught the witch such spells. Rumors that she had been receiving special lessons from Headmaster Dumbledore himself are currently being investigated'. They were the dumbest students in the school, bullies who barely knew one end of a wand from the other, and everyone knew it! And the spells I used were spells everyone learned in DADA!" Hermione was pacing and throwing up her hands.
"Everyone in 7th year." Harry winced when his girlfriend glared at him, but it was true.
"And now we've got a kill on sight order. Well, I've got one. It's speculated that I might be controlling you, like Voldemort controlled his poor imperiused Death Eaters, so you're still to be arrested for questioning." Hermione sat down, still angry.
"It doesn't matter. If they capture us we'd be murdered before we reach trial anyway." Harry knew Malfoy had his hooks too deep in the Ministry. "And every auror who is hunting us should know better than to support such criminals like Fudge and Malfoy." He wasn't about to say it out loud, but he had no intention to hold back against anyone who'd go after Hermione, or himself, on Fudge's order. He was training with Watchers, after all, and they trained to kill monsters. In Harry's opinion, anyone who supported scum like Malfoy qualified for the same treatment.
Hermione held his gaze for a second, then nodded. She had understood him. And she approved. Her uncle had been very supportive, praising her quick reaction, which had helped her get over what remaining guilt she may have felt over killing Malfoy's minions.
"They are blaming the Headmaster for it as well." Hermione stabbed her finger down on the lead article. "They'll be using this to oust him."
Harry shrugged. Hogwarts had stopped being his home some time ago. "It's not as if he's been doing that much good there. Not since Umbridge came with the aurors."
"But if the Ministry replaces him, things at Hogwarts will only get worse. Draco and his ilk will have the run of the place."
Harry closed his eyes. Hogwarts may not feel like home anymore, but most of his friends were still there. "If it comes to that, we'll have to do something about it. One way or the other. Do we have a communication mirror we can get to Ron?"
"I'll make one if I need to."
"My Ronald 'stared menacingly' at Draco Malfoy? That's why you called me here?" Molly Weasley sounded like she did not trust her ears. Severus Snape winced, expecting one of her tirades. He was, of course, correct.
"That foul little Death Eater spawn tries to rape a young witch, escapes justice thanks to his father's bloody gold, and you care about students glaring at him?! Have you called Lucius Malfoy in here as well, and complained about all the threats his criminal of a son uttered against children over the years?! What is going on at this school!?"
Severus thanked his foresight of doubling down on the privacy spells, but wished he had used one sound dampening spell on himself. Molly Weasley was as loud in person as one of her howlers. He let her run out of breath, and then spoke up before she could start again. "Would you like some tea?"
"No I do not want any tea! I want this school to be safe for children, not a hunting ground for rapists!"
Severus had known she would refuse. That was why the little incense burner behind her was currently filling the room with a derivate of a drowsing potion he had taken an antidote against beforehand. It still took a few more minutes filled with accusations and righteous anger until the redheaded witch succumbed to his concoction.
Sighing with relief, he took out the bottle of veritaserum he had prepared. He'd get the answers he needed to avoid the Dark Lord's wrath.
"Good parade, but check your shoulder, it's one of your tells."
India nodded, and corrected her stance. Kit knew staff fighting. He was not as fast or strong as the Slayer, of course, but he was experienced, and a great teacher. The best a Slayer could want.
She loved training with her Watcher. Just the two of them, sparring. Trading blows and advice and quips. And Kit looked damn well in his sparring gear, even with the additional padding, when he was all focused and worked up. India herself was not wearing padding, but skin-tight exercise gear. When he had commented on it she had claimed it was so he could see her muscles better - and to distract him. He had glowered at her after that, but hadn't been really mad. She knew him well enough.
India raised her staff, and attacked again, pushing him back with a series of quick blows. He was defending himself well, even counter-attacked a few times, but she was the Slayer. Another move caught his staff, forcing it up. She could not resist. With a twist she disarmed him, then pulled him to the side, right into an O Soto Gari. She did not hold his arm as he went down on the mat, to make sure he fell on his side, but followed him to the ground.
Before Kit could recover she was on top of him, straddling him and holding his wrists in hers, above his head. "I win."
Kit, panting, nodded. "That was a good throw, though this position wouldn't be a safe way to hold a Vampire."
India nodded. She could feel him tense up under her, testing her grip, then relax again.
"You can let me up now."
India smiled. "I could." She did not release his wrists nor move off his stomach however. Iinstead she slid back until she was lying on top of him, her face an inch above his.
"India…" Kit was breathing heavily, she noticed, and slightly but - for a Slayer's senses - noticeably more flushed than during their sparring.
Licking her lips, she put her lips next to his ear, pressing her cheek to his. He squirmed a bit and she was sure that if not for the padding he was wearing, she'd feel his reaction. She inhaled his scent, shivering. So close… she felt the urge to rip that padding off, rip all their clothes off, and do what she should have long ago. She resisted though. Instead she whispered "I love you" into his ear, then rolled off him.
"You are under arrest, and relieved from your position as Headmaster, Dumbledore!" Dolores Umbridge exclaimed as soon as she entered Albus's office followed by eight aurors.
Albus Dumbledore had expected that since the day Miss Granger and Harry had left the school. Once again he lamented the mistakes he had made that allowed Lucius Malfoy to gain so much influence at the Ministry, and especially with the Minister. Outwardly though he remained calm, petting Fawkes, who was sitting in front of him on his desk. "Arrested? What are the charges?"
"Treason. Murder. Dark Magic! We know about your conspiracy to overthrow the minister!" Dolores raised her chin while the aurors fanned out. They could not spread out enough too far where they were, near the door though, and seemed not to dare to step closer to the old wizard.
Albus raised his eyebrow. "It seems Cornelius has given up any pretense of not being a puppet for Lucius then. If I may ask, who is to become the next Headmaster of Hogwarts?"
"I have been chosen for the position. I will clear this school of dissidents, rebels and dangerous elements unfit to use magic. I will make it so our precious children can be educated in a safe environment again." Dolores smiled in triumph while the aurors with her - hand-picked by Cornelius on Lucius's advice, no doubt - started to step closer. Their wands, pointed at him, were still not as steady as they should be, but the wizards were growing bolder with each breath they took without Albus doing anything.
"I see." And Albus did. He had hoped Gawain would be chosen as his successor. The auror was fair, skilled, and smart. He had protected Draco from the rest of the school, which Albus had hoped would be enough to endear him to Lucius. A vain hope, as it had turned out to be, like many other hopes he had had.
"Now hand over your wa..."
Albus didn't whisper any syllable, did not move his wand at all, other than hold it, and yet his spell slung the nine other people in his office against the stone walls with such force, most were knocked unconscious at once - a mercy, given that all had broken bones.
The old wizard slowly got up, casually stunning those aurors who were not out yet, and walked over to Dolores. The witch had not directly hit the wall, but the softer body of the auror behind her. She had been rattled anyway, and had lost her wand in the process. Now the pink-clad woman was staring at him with a fearful, shocked expression. If Albus had not known just what kind of witch she was, he might even have felt some pity, and not regret for what he was about to do.
"I had hoped Cornelius would not have descended so far into his madness as to put you in charge, Dolores. But seeing as he did, I have no choice but to do what I must, to protect the children at Hogwarts."
Before she could say anything he stunned her, then transfigured her into a small pink doll. Mister Travers would appreciate the opportunity to interrogate her, which should create some goodwill for Albus. Dolores would not be able to torture the students and persecute the muggleborns and half-bloods. And he would not have to kill her himself.
He ordered a house elf to take the eight wounded aurors to the school's infirmary, then sealed his office. Trying to break in would occupy whoever followed him, which would reduce the time they could spend on doing something worse. Turning towards Fawkes, Albus took a last look around the office. He had cleared it of his important possessions a week ago, but the memories were not as easy to transport or dispose of. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, had been all he had ever wanted to be, after the follies of his youth. It hurt, leaving a position he had felt so happy in. It hurt even more, having to become someone he had never wanted to be in the first place. But as so many decades ago, there was no choice. Not anymore.
Albus Dumbledore, vanquisher of Grindelwald, was all that was left of him.
Chapter 14: Setups
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