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Video Games General

>Me in the next 30 minutes or so.

Obviously you split off a clone of yourself via cell division and do both.
Just got witcher 1 enhanced, witcher 2 enhanced, and witcher 3 game of the year for 20 bucks on gog.

I love this back to school sale now.
Just got witcher 1 enhanced, witcher 2 enhanced, and witcher 3 game of the year for 20 bucks on gog.

I love this back to school sale now.

Awesome I got all three in a pack on steam years ago and with the security codes I have The First two on gog were free. Witcher 1 and 2 have also been giving away on gog for free as well.
Awesome I got all three in a pack on steam years ago and with the security codes I have The First two on gog were free. Witcher 1 and 2 have also been giving away on gog for free as well.

I kinda missed the freebies but that explains why witcher 1 was on sale for like 1 dollar and witcher 2 was for nearly 3.
I kinda missed the freebies but that explains why witcher 1 was on sale for like 1 dollar and witcher 2 was for nearly 3.

Yea That is why I try to keep on eye on Steam and GoG everyday for the freebies. If I notice them I usually post in the Free Games thread if no one has yet. Also If you need help with the Witcher 1. I have a playlist on my youtube channel SomeDudePlays. It is only about 20 parts and I am in Chapter 2.
Yea That is why I try to keep on eye on Steam and GoG everyday for the freebies. If I notice them I usually post in the Free Games thread if no one has yet. Also If you need help with the Witcher 1. I have a playlist on my youtube channel SomeDudePlays. It is only about 20 parts and I am in Chapter 2.

I'll keep that in mind.
I'll keep that in mind.

Remember. Best base alcohol is White Gull that's really easy to make, and best blade coating base you can farm very easily in the game is Dog Tallow... well easily farmerd is relative word. You need to go kill haples dogs in the city during the night. It always make me feel like a total asshole.
Remember. Best base alcohol is White Gull that's really easy to make, and best blade coating base you can farm very easily in the game is Dog Tallow... well easily farmerd is relative word. You need to go kill haples dogs in the city during the night. It always make me feel like a total asshole.

Damn, that would make me feel like a total asshole too.
Ah, a quest. Where your morality gets kicked out the back door for that sweet, sweet sense of completing something even if it's trivial in the long run.
I mean, in wow I completed every quest or was doing so before I got hacked and quit in the wrath of the lichking days. It didn't matter what I did.

Same in runescape except I never became a member.

Most games don't have horrible consequences for quests like "kill x amount of children and piss on their graves" either.
Yep, nintendo online might become worth something instead of just paying 20 bucks to use your own god damn internet to play with other people.

I'll be signing up for the family year membership when I can because for about 50 dollars here in Canada you can use it for up to 8 people. I can add my brother to it and keep my birthday gift promise. Then I have two accounts one for my Let's Plays and one for my personal fun use.
Damn, the witcher is laggy as balls on this laptop so I'll have to wait until I can finally buy me a new desktop like with most of my pc games.

Wonder why I even buy them right now... god damn dirt cheap sales. >.>
You know if Super mario RPG gets on the nintendo online sness system then I'll likely fork over 20 dollars yearly.

I dislike using a rom and I keep forgetting I also have it on the wii but I use my switch much more than any other console so I rather it was there. >.>
*Plays Bloodborne for the first time in ages* Ey, got my first platinum trophy.

Also, this game is either way easier than I remembered or I just really sucked at it before. Probably the latter. :V

Eh, when it comes down to it my laptop is shit for playing games. It struggles with both gamecube emulation(it works but sometimes there's fps drops) and ps2(too laggy) and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So that's pointless to me if it's play ps4 games on the computer.

I'm also not about to mod any consoles I own if that is what that is. Only did that with my psp that I can no longer play due to the shoulder button fucking up and I have absolutely no idea where psp parts are sold.
Eh, when it comes down to it my laptop is shit for playing games. It struggles with both gamecube emulation(it works but sometimes there's fps drops) and ps2(too laggy) and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So that's pointless to me if it's play ps4 games on the computer.

I'm also not about to mod any consoles I own if that is what that is. Only did that with my psp that I can no longer play due to the shoulder button fucking up and I have absolutely no idea where psp parts are sold.
RPCS3 is a PC-based software emulator, like PCSX2 (PS2), Dolphin (GCN/Wii), Project 64, Snes9x, etc. I assume RPCS4 will be the same.
Guess what Nintendo released for Link's Awakening Switch release?

Sleeper wake,
Dreams will fade
Although we cling fast.

Was it real,
What we saw?
I believe.

Lost in dreams,
we sleep on
Tossing and turning.

Stay with me
by my side
never leave~

What if the worst comes?
if someday this sweet revelry ends
We too, our Memories
For Real, Fade us by

Dream with me
By the sea
we watch the waves crash

hold my hand
think of me
and I'll fly

Sweet goddamn nostalogia. Heart say get it right the fuck now. Head say wait a bit to see if some early buyers turn copies back in to get a used copy that would cost less.
Sweet goddamn nostalogia. Heart say get it right the fuck now. Head say wait a bit to see if some early buyers turn copies back in to get a used copy that would cost less.
I'd listen to head unless you really want to pay sixty bucks for a Gameboy game (with a new coat of paint) you've already played and possibly still own. :V

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