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Video Games General

Because the original song wasn't enough of a masterpiece, of course. :rolleyes::D
Here's the full animated opening of Indivisible, animated by Studio TRIGGER and Titmouse.

Coming to Steam, GOG, PS4 and Xbox One on October 8th, 2019.

It's sad that my first thought was that the MC is probably going to get rule34d fucking/being raped by every single monster that appeared in that.
Assuming I remember correctly, it's pretty much going to be a thing in the game that Ajna, the MC, can absorb her party members into herself, like she did in the opening, and that they all live in this Inner Realm inside her... which means it's only a matter of time until someone writes a fic about them all having an orgy inside her head.
Assuming I remember correctly, it's pretty much going to be a thing in the game that Ajna, the MC, can absorb her party members into herself, like she did in the opening, and that they all live in this Inner Realm inside her... which means it's only a matter of time until someone writes a fic about them all having an orgy inside her head.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term mind fuck :D
Failed Kickstarter, gathered money on its own to try to do it anyway.

That you failed a kickstarter at the time means people really weren't interested much, I believe.

Or that it wasn't advertised enough. People can't back a Kickstarter they have never heard of after all, and not like a lot of people look around Kickstarters website for things to back.
Failed Kickstarter, gathered money on its own to try to do it anyway.

That you failed a kickstarter at the time means people really weren't interested much, I believe.

Having followed and funded that one, their whole thing was they didn't bother with Kickstarter because of shit experiences with Skull Girls. Ended up getting a couple million through Indigogo though.
I just saw the cinematics today for WoW and I feel incredibly let down. I'm a brand new player and started in BFA so I have very little if any nostalgia or knowledge of older wow. But one thing that I found about WoW that instantly drew me in was Sylvanas. I know this sounds super cringey but she drew me in. An Undead Elven Ranger with Necro powers? That's just cool sounding to me and made me want to learn more about her, the forsaken, horde, why she became who she was, and learn other things about world of warcraft.

I liked the character so much I got a funkle pop of her, a statue, and I commisioned an Elven Ranger minituire for D&D in her likeness (Ranger-General).

Today I went to work motivated as the time slowly dragged down that after work I would be putting on my Horde/Sylvanas shirt and diving in straight away into the story. So yeah, fucking high expectations with how the Game says that the end of the war is now and wondering what there going to do...

And then it just broke down. The way the cut scene played out made me cringe a lot and I felt as a fan of the character to be just left in the Altar praying for a big satisfying reveal. All I got was being called weak as a Hordie, see her Kill a Traitor in a simple manner that should have been done sooner, and then literally flying away. I'm so unsatisfied with the whole thing even though it makes sense but still its just so dumb. I can't tell if i'm more mad at the execution of her reveal, the idea that I engrained in myself that she had greater good intentions, or that she's just petty/aggresive like Garrosh. I can't respect her and feel nothing but contempt for something I loved.

If there are any WoW fans/Players that can help maybe explain things to me that would be great. I feel like I just need someone to explain how WoW works before I just throw away the game( or delete it...lol). I know she's been doing evil shit for a long time but again I expected a greater good reason from it. Ehh.

*rant over*
Actually she's been doing evil for a very long time to get revenge on Arthas and then continued to do evil for a very long time after he was dead.

She's not a very sympathetic character ever since she was turned into an undead banshee. The best that can happen to her is someone puts her still walking corpse out of it's misery.

I haven't watched the trailer for wow since I stopped caring for it. But that's the basic jist of the undead queen's lore.

She basically was left hollow after her revenge was completed and now fears death because she going to hell or someplace worse when she dies.

Garrosh got the short end of the stick since he was hated for being the replacement of thrall, then he made a badass speach and people were like "This is our warchief!" and then blizzard turned him evil because he wasn't popular and he died. Then a troll became warchief for like 2 seconds before he died all to make way for the elven waifu.
Actually she's been doing evil for a very long time to get revenge on Arthas and then continued to do evil for a very long time after he was dead.

She's not a very sympathetic character ever since she was turned into an undead banshee. The best that can happen to her is someone puts her still walking corpse out of it's misery.

I haven't watched the trailer for wow since I stopped caring for it. But that's the basic jist of the undead queen's lore.

She basically was left hollow after her revenge was completed and now fears death because she going to hell or someplace worse when she dies.

Garrosh got the short end of the stick since he was hated for being the replacement of thrall, then he made a badass speach and people were like "This is our warchief!" and then blizzard turned him evil because he wasn't popular and he died. Then a troll became warchief for like 2 seconds before he died all to make way for the elven waifu.

That troll warchief was qctive for 1 whole expansion. Sylvanas too was active for one expansion.

Now i think we'll get Baine or w.e.

I know she's been evil but I always thought it was to get results for something good like creating her own version of heaven for herself amd loyalist or something.

Im less pissed but as a loyalist I feel kinda mffed that she just gave up the charade like that. Like how dumb does she have to be?

You'll have to see the trailer to know what i meam.
That troll warchief was qctive for 1 whole expansion. Sylvanas too was active for one expansion.

Now i think we'll get Baine or w.e.

I know she's been evil but I always thought it was to get results for something good like creating her own version of heaven for herself amd loyalist or something.

Im less pissed but as a loyalist I feel kinda mffed that she just gave up the charade like that. Like how dumb does she have to be?

You'll have to see the trailer to know what i meam.

Considering she's likely going to be a big bad, blizzard has to make her cartoonishly evil and stupid so people can understand she's evil and bad.

Since obviously only 5 years old play WoW anymore.

I kinda don't want to see the trailer.


This seems to be like the same problem I had with the diablo 3 bosses except for the aspect of death. He's the only one that wasn't played as stupid.
Considering she's likely going to be a big bad, blizzard has to make her cartoonishly evil and stupid so people can understand she's evil and bad.

Since obviously only 5 years old play WoW anymore.

I kinda don't want to see the trailer.


This seems to be like the same problem I had with the diablo 3 bosses except for the aspect of death. He's the only one that wasn't played as stupid.

Honestly it was being okay with following a mob boss only for said mob boss to decide to openly talk about the crimes the group did for bragging rights.

She's written so stupid even for a villain.

All in all. Im done following her and the plot.

Edit: Also I know it may not have been implied but I was that 5 y.o who felt that she could have been a good guy due to some reason with greater good. Oh well.
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Edit: Also I know it may not have been implied but I was that 5 y.o who felt that she could have been a good guy due to some reason with greater good. Oh well.

I was talking about actual 5 years olds that don't know right and wrong yet because their parents didn't teach them or let them watch sesame street.

I wasn't calling you a 5 year old for believing she could be good. I was explaining that the blizzard writers are generally shit for their games who think that villains need to act like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

And when they actually improve leaps and bounds as in the diablo 3 reaper of souls expansion activation cuts out support for the game further because it doesn't meet "expected" sales.
I was talking about actual 5 years olds that don't know right and wrong yet because their parents didn't teach them or let them watch sesame street.

I wasn't calling you a 5 year old for believing she could be good. I was explaining that the blizzard writers are generally shit for their games who think that villains need to act like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

And when they actually improve leaps and bounds as in the diablo 3 reaper of souls expansion activation cuts out support for the game further because it doesn't meet "expected" sales.

So first off I upchucked at reading this bit. Thank you Over :)

And yeah its very...simple? People on the reddit are talking about how this makes sense and i'm here like 'but it was dumb'. There's a lot of hate for Sylv and then there's youtubers who like Sylvanas no matter what. Even still they like her and its pretty unbelievable actually.

I'm thinking about staying around until the last patch before dipping. Maybe finally start a real raid.
So, after reading about this, I felt the need to share the over the top absurdity that is the Acer Thronos:


It combines a gaming chair, three 144 Hz monitors and a high end gaming rig all for the low, low price of $30,000. RPS describes it as "an envoy from a hellish future where gaming chairs have enslaved humanity" which is probably a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. Seriously, this thing is ridiculous. But it's apparently the sort of ridiculous that has a market, because some (very rich) people are actually buying it. I'm a little unsure how I feel about that.
So, after reading about this, I felt the need to share the over the top absurdity that is the Acer Thronos:


It combines a gaming chair, three 144 Hz monitors and a high end gaming rig all for the low, low price of $30,000. RPS describes it as "an envoy from a hellish future where gaming chairs have enslaved humanity" which is probably a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. Seriously, this thing is ridiculous. But it's apparently the sort of ridiculous that has a market, because some (very rich) people are actually buying it. I'm a little unsure how I feel about that.
I would buy it! If I had the money and place for it...
So, after reading about this, I felt the need to share the over the top absurdity that is the Acer Thronos
Not too hot on it. Oh, the hardware is probably pretty good, but the ergonomics is what I'm iffy on.
The chair itself, you could probably do something more comfortable than that for that budget
The angle of the chair is nice... for a while. It's both healthy and more comfortable to be able to change positions once in a while, but that chair design (I mean, the bucket seat that restricts how you can sit) means you can sit only in one way.
The tiny desk and that type of mouse would drive me nuts
At this size, I would expect it to be more like a simulator to pilot something.
Right, I compeltely forgot, but Dragon Star Varnir IS out on Steam now.

For those that forgot, it's the setting where you are absoltuely screwed if you're a witch. Go mad if you don't eat dragons, die if you do (by birthing a dragon and thus exploding when it burst out from inside you).
So, trying to put my Christmas list together, got 5 Switch games on it, but only Fallen Order and GTA 5 for PS4. I have Spidey and Batman, Persona 5, and some others I can't remember off the top of my head.

Any reccs? I'd like to give them some options.

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