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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

[X] NSW - 6
[X] Danny & Taylor - 5
[X] Meet the Heberts - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Wyvern - 2
[X] Hostage Situation - 1
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 6
[X] One More Trigger - 5
[X] War Games - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] Hostage Situation - 2
[X] All Alone - 1
[X] I, Panacea - 6
[X] Confrontation II - 5
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] Recoil - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Confrontation II - 5
[X] Wyvern - 4
[X] War Games - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1

[ ] Yet Another Way
[ ] Another Way
[ ] It Gets Worse
[ ] I'm HALPING!
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] War Games - 2
[X] Wyvern - 1
[}{] It Gets Worse - One Half Integer Spin
[}{] I'm HALPING! - One Uncertain Heisenberg Clone
[] One More Trigger -
[] All Alone -
[] Junior Hero -
[] Hostage Situation -
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] Meet the Heberts - 4
[X] NSW - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 1
[_] Danny & Taylor - 0
[_] All Alone - 0
[!!] It Gets Worse - Infinity
[!!] Another Way - Googol
[!!] Afraid of the Dark - Eddington number
[!!] Greg Veder, Conquering Hero - Avogadro constant
[X] Danny & Taylor - 6
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 5 (traded with Navrin for Danny & Taylor)
[X] NSW - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3 (traded with Navrin for NSW)
[X] Meet the Heberts - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1 (traded with Navrin for Meet the Heberts)

Just like always I'd like to ask if anyone voting for Alea Iacta Est, Wyvern and Trump Card would be willing to throw some votes to Danny & Taylor, NSW and Meet the Heberts?
[X] War Games - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] Confrontation II - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
[] Alea Iacta Est
[] I, Panacea
- MirrorVerse
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 4
[X] Wyvern - 6
[X] Hostage Situation - 5
[X] War Games - 4
[X] Confrontation II - 3
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] War Games - 5
[X] One More Trigger - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Confrontation II - 2 (traded)

Will trade for Recoil and War Games.
[X] Trump Card - 6
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Hostage Situation - 2
[X] Wyvern - 1
[X] I, Panacea - 6
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Wyvern - 2
[Χ] Nemesis -7
[X] I, Panacea - 6
[X] War Games - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] Hostage Situation - 2
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 1

Thank you O Spectacular Ack, for all that you do for us - your fans
  • Like
Reactions: Ack
Posting up a new fic.

This one's a little different from the others I write. It's a crossover from a novel series I'm in the process I'm writing.

I'll update it when and if I have the time and inspiration, etc.

But here's the first chapter for you to decide whether you like it or not:

It's a crossover from a novel series I'm in the process I'm writing.

If it seems as though the fic makes obscure references to past events, this is because those events occur in the novels, which would make them spoilers. Don't worry; these are not necessary to understand what's going on in the fic.
How big are the spoilers? Are any of the novels released?
For someone who plans to (buy and) read your novels, would you recommend waiting before reading Gravitas?
How big are the spoilers? Are any of the novels released?
For someone who plans to (buy and) read your novels, would you recommend waiting before reading Gravitas?
I'm doing my best not to release any spoilers in the fic, so don't worry.

The novels are still in the process of being written/edited, so waiting would take a couple of years :p
[X] Trump Card - 6
[X] Hostage Situation - 5
[X] Recoil - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X) I Panacea - 2
[X] All Alone - 1
[X] I, Panacea - 6
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Wyvern - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] Hostage Situation - 2
[X] Confrontation II - 1

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