Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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11th July 2012
15:51 GMT
The city we're flying over looks like a cross between a factory complex and a medieval castle with just a few cyberpunk elements sprinkled on for taste. The highest point is a giant… Aerial, whose function I can only guess at. Below that the fortified buildings cluster with no externally clear rhyme or reason. Certainly I wouldn't say that any of them are in prime position. Qward leaves its mercantilism for the surface so there's no central business district in the way there would be in a human city. There's no greenery down here and in any case the Weaponers haven't historically been interested in gardening.
Kalmin heads for what I think is a landing zone near the top of a manufacturing complex, landing and striding confidently in the direction of the entrance. Since I've got no real idea where we're heading I just follow him, taking note of the positions and comportment of the Thunderers standing guard. They're alert, searching for potential threats and prepared to act against them immediately. I also haven't checked the q'ardajin concept of law and order. Given what Kalmin said earlier I imagine that they do have one, but I also imagine that there'd be a very large amount of leeway for Thunderers protecting senior Weaponers.
"High Weaponlord Kalmin. It's good to see you."
Weaponer Lysis steps into the open, a retinue of two Thunderers accompanying her.
"It's not good at all. Did you know that imbecile Varnathon-?"
"This is-. Not the best place to talk about it. Not if you want to win over other Councillors before you act."
"I'm issuing a challenge, not plotting a secret conspiracy."
"But the transfer of power needs to be controlled. Managed. Otherwise it will cost us valuable resources."
Kalmin grimaces as the two of them head further into the building, the Thunderers and I falling in behind them.
"I can't imagine that Varnathon has created a resource shortage. I saw the tribute ships in orbit."
"Trade ships, for the most part."
"What is he.. trading?"
"Not qwa matter, if that's what you're wondering. I reviewed the records after we spoke. His deal with the matter universe must be something he handled personally."
"Who else would know about it?"
"If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't know about it, I'd suggest asking me."
I check, but she's using shielding as effective as that of her former mentor.
"Then who?"
"His drones, Tacticos and Strategos. He takes them everywhere with him."
"Irritating things. I'm glad that you haven't adopted the habit."
"But you have."
"An automated weapon platform. It's an adequate aide, but it doesn't manage my life and it knows when to keep silent."
"I would be fascinated to open it up and take a look myself, once our business here is concluded."
I bet you would. Shame those eyes reduce her facial expressiveness, because I'd love to see the look on her face when she saw me.
"You can just ask me for the schematics. It actually uses a fascinating matter disruption weapon that I acquired from a foe of Harold Jordan's."
"Matter disruption… The Crumbler?"
"The very same. The man was a lunatic, but I can't help but wonder if the Anti-Monitor touched his mind in some way."
"I'm surprised to hear you say that."
Kalmin shakes his head.
"Our species has a unique relationship with the Anti-Monitor, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't make use of aliens from time to time. Even I do that."
There's a bulkhead door up ahead, Thunderers with qwa bolt quivers on their backs and spears in their hands guarding it. Kalmin nods approvingly as one of them takes a moment to verify their identities before stepping aside and opening the door.
Inside… It reminds me a little of the klingon courtroom from the Star Trek films. It's clearly a space designed to allow the people in the centre to argue their case to the people in the surrounding balconies, built of tough metal and with little thought given to comfort. Kalmin accelerates to get into the focus of the room as quickly as possible while Lysis satisfies herself with lurking near the door. The Thunderers stop outside of the room but with no direct instruction from Kalmin I opt to mirror Lysis's position.
The balconies are occupied by a variety of q'ardajin. I see armour like Kalmin's as well as work overalls alongside what I suspect is a q'ardajin designer suit. Behind them lurk Thunderers, robots and aides. All of the people in leading positions are male and I only spot a couple of females at all. Only one of whom is wearing the bikini/thigh boot combination that Weaponer Lysis mentioned.
I wonder what that's about, aside from the obvious.
"Councillors. Weaponers of Qward. I bring grim tidings. Yesterday I bore witness to an alien race using significant amounts of qwa matter as a bomb."
The Weaponers don't rant or rave, but I see flickers of rage and hear a few whispered oaths.
"We all know the nature of qwa energy. We all know that the Anti-Monitor shared its secrets with no other people, even amongst his other allies. It is our sole providence. That is what has prompted my return. Varnathon is trading qwa matter!"
Kalmin pulls an orb off his equipment harness and tosses it up into the air. It floats in the upper portion of the chamber, flickers and then projects a hologram of my fight with the qwa energy weapon wielding scarab warrior, though there are a lot of other notations on the energy output and other characteristics of the weapon. He then holds out his right hand and pulls out the gun out of subspace before tossing it to the ground in front of him. The Weaponers in attendance activate their own sensors, aside from a couple who just freeze up. Though I'm not sure if it's in shock that their High Weaponlord would do that or something else.
"And worse, this!"
The holographic image changes to a recording… Of my death. The actual explosion is played in slow motion, and again there are the notations to prove that what occurred actually occurred.
"Why has this happened?! Why have you, Councillors, allowed this to happen unchecked?! Why has this betrayal of the Anti-Monitor, this betrayal of Qward, been allowed to happen?!"
Kalmin pauses, walking a circuit of the room and making eye contact with the Weaponers who are giving him their rapt attention.
"And that is not the end of his malignancy! I learned not an hour ago that he has changed the life assignment rating systems so that q'ardajin who would once have become Thunderer-cadets or Weaponer-apprentices are now sent for medical experimentation!"
The holographic image changes again, this time… Showing the data he took from the Qwardian data networks. This he gives them a few moments to take in, probably because it's a bit more complex than 'there was an explosion'.
"I failed Qward. I failed the Anti-Monitor, and my only complaint about my fate is that I was left alive. But I did not deliberately sabotage my own people! Varnathon has lost any right to be High Weaponlord!"
A few of the Weaponers just nod right away, while the general emotional output of those I can read suggests that they're decidedly unimpressed with Varnathon's actions.
"I move that Varnathon be killed and that this Council select a replacement from amongst its number! And in case you think that I do this for self-serving reasons, I will point out that I am not a member of this Council any longer. This is not about personal advancement, but about ensuring-."
The door at the opposite end of the court arena slams open, and-.
"All bow! All bow!"
"Bow for the High Weaponlord, Varnathon of Q'uldi!"
15:51 GMT
The city we're flying over looks like a cross between a factory complex and a medieval castle with just a few cyberpunk elements sprinkled on for taste. The highest point is a giant… Aerial, whose function I can only guess at. Below that the fortified buildings cluster with no externally clear rhyme or reason. Certainly I wouldn't say that any of them are in prime position. Qward leaves its mercantilism for the surface so there's no central business district in the way there would be in a human city. There's no greenery down here and in any case the Weaponers haven't historically been interested in gardening.
Kalmin heads for what I think is a landing zone near the top of a manufacturing complex, landing and striding confidently in the direction of the entrance. Since I've got no real idea where we're heading I just follow him, taking note of the positions and comportment of the Thunderers standing guard. They're alert, searching for potential threats and prepared to act against them immediately. I also haven't checked the q'ardajin concept of law and order. Given what Kalmin said earlier I imagine that they do have one, but I also imagine that there'd be a very large amount of leeway for Thunderers protecting senior Weaponers.
"High Weaponlord Kalmin. It's good to see you."
Weaponer Lysis steps into the open, a retinue of two Thunderers accompanying her.
"It's not good at all. Did you know that imbecile Varnathon-?"
"This is-. Not the best place to talk about it. Not if you want to win over other Councillors before you act."
"I'm issuing a challenge, not plotting a secret conspiracy."
"But the transfer of power needs to be controlled. Managed. Otherwise it will cost us valuable resources."
Kalmin grimaces as the two of them head further into the building, the Thunderers and I falling in behind them.
"I can't imagine that Varnathon has created a resource shortage. I saw the tribute ships in orbit."
"Trade ships, for the most part."
"What is he.. trading?"
"Not qwa matter, if that's what you're wondering. I reviewed the records after we spoke. His deal with the matter universe must be something he handled personally."
"Who else would know about it?"
"If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't know about it, I'd suggest asking me."
I check, but she's using shielding as effective as that of her former mentor.
"Then who?"
"His drones, Tacticos and Strategos. He takes them everywhere with him."
"Irritating things. I'm glad that you haven't adopted the habit."
"But you have."
"An automated weapon platform. It's an adequate aide, but it doesn't manage my life and it knows when to keep silent."
"I would be fascinated to open it up and take a look myself, once our business here is concluded."
I bet you would. Shame those eyes reduce her facial expressiveness, because I'd love to see the look on her face when she saw me.
"You can just ask me for the schematics. It actually uses a fascinating matter disruption weapon that I acquired from a foe of Harold Jordan's."
"Matter disruption… The Crumbler?"
"The very same. The man was a lunatic, but I can't help but wonder if the Anti-Monitor touched his mind in some way."
"I'm surprised to hear you say that."
Kalmin shakes his head.
"Our species has a unique relationship with the Anti-Monitor, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't make use of aliens from time to time. Even I do that."
There's a bulkhead door up ahead, Thunderers with qwa bolt quivers on their backs and spears in their hands guarding it. Kalmin nods approvingly as one of them takes a moment to verify their identities before stepping aside and opening the door.
Inside… It reminds me a little of the klingon courtroom from the Star Trek films. It's clearly a space designed to allow the people in the centre to argue their case to the people in the surrounding balconies, built of tough metal and with little thought given to comfort. Kalmin accelerates to get into the focus of the room as quickly as possible while Lysis satisfies herself with lurking near the door. The Thunderers stop outside of the room but with no direct instruction from Kalmin I opt to mirror Lysis's position.
The balconies are occupied by a variety of q'ardajin. I see armour like Kalmin's as well as work overalls alongside what I suspect is a q'ardajin designer suit. Behind them lurk Thunderers, robots and aides. All of the people in leading positions are male and I only spot a couple of females at all. Only one of whom is wearing the bikini/thigh boot combination that Weaponer Lysis mentioned.
I wonder what that's about, aside from the obvious.
"Councillors. Weaponers of Qward. I bring grim tidings. Yesterday I bore witness to an alien race using significant amounts of qwa matter as a bomb."
The Weaponers don't rant or rave, but I see flickers of rage and hear a few whispered oaths.
"We all know the nature of qwa energy. We all know that the Anti-Monitor shared its secrets with no other people, even amongst his other allies. It is our sole providence. That is what has prompted my return. Varnathon is trading qwa matter!"
Kalmin pulls an orb off his equipment harness and tosses it up into the air. It floats in the upper portion of the chamber, flickers and then projects a hologram of my fight with the qwa energy weapon wielding scarab warrior, though there are a lot of other notations on the energy output and other characteristics of the weapon. He then holds out his right hand and pulls out the gun out of subspace before tossing it to the ground in front of him. The Weaponers in attendance activate their own sensors, aside from a couple who just freeze up. Though I'm not sure if it's in shock that their High Weaponlord would do that or something else.
"And worse, this!"
The holographic image changes to a recording… Of my death. The actual explosion is played in slow motion, and again there are the notations to prove that what occurred actually occurred.
"Why has this happened?! Why have you, Councillors, allowed this to happen unchecked?! Why has this betrayal of the Anti-Monitor, this betrayal of Qward, been allowed to happen?!"
Kalmin pauses, walking a circuit of the room and making eye contact with the Weaponers who are giving him their rapt attention.
"And that is not the end of his malignancy! I learned not an hour ago that he has changed the life assignment rating systems so that q'ardajin who would once have become Thunderer-cadets or Weaponer-apprentices are now sent for medical experimentation!"
The holographic image changes again, this time… Showing the data he took from the Qwardian data networks. This he gives them a few moments to take in, probably because it's a bit more complex than 'there was an explosion'.
"I failed Qward. I failed the Anti-Monitor, and my only complaint about my fate is that I was left alive. But I did not deliberately sabotage my own people! Varnathon has lost any right to be High Weaponlord!"
A few of the Weaponers just nod right away, while the general emotional output of those I can read suggests that they're decidedly unimpressed with Varnathon's actions.
"I move that Varnathon be killed and that this Council select a replacement from amongst its number! And in case you think that I do this for self-serving reasons, I will point out that I am not a member of this Council any longer. This is not about personal advancement, but about ensuring-."
The door at the opposite end of the court arena slams open, and-.
"All bow! All bow!"
"Bow for the High Weaponlord, Varnathon of Q'uldi!"
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