Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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18th July
10:45 GMT -5
I've added the puree and am now trying to determine whether or not the custard needs to go back in the microwave. The puree adds a considerable amount of liquid and won't help with thickening, but the custard is hot and will thicken as it cools. Really, to act as icing between the cake layers it has to be quite thick. A little longer will probably be best. I set it for two minutes.
"What was it like?"
"What was what like?"
"Just… Turning up in space like that."
"I was asleep for the actual turning up part. Waking up was weird, then painful."
"Painful? Why?"
"The ring detects my desires and tries to fulfil them. It decided that my body wasn't perfect and corrected it. Human bodies really aren't designed to shift around like that."
"You think your body is perfect?"
I hear her raised eyebrow in her voice. I suppress an impulse to pose and flex. "No, it… This body is the most perfect form of me. I can't change it without it becoming either less perfect, or less me." I peer at the custard. Still counting down. "What about you?"
"What about me?"
"What made you pick that face?"
"What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing's wrong with it, I just wondered why you chose it."
"It's my face."
"Pre-tty sure that Martians don't have hair."
She looks around. No one else near the kitchen area. There's an odd sound, a bit like reeds moving over a paving slab, and her hair merges with the rest of her head.
"I just… Human girls aren't usually bald. And I actually like having hair. Brushing it felt kinda weird to start with, but it was nice once I got used to it."
I know she doesn't want anyone to know that she is a White Martian, but images of what Green Martians look like exist, surely? I suppose I don't know for sure that this M'gann actually is a White Martian. And I can't check without other examples to scan and compare. Is it important enough for me to make the time to fly to Mars? Probably not.
I snort. "Yeah, and the rest."
"What-what do you mean?"
It's been a while, but I still remember broadly what Martian Manhunter's wife looked like in Justice League Animated. I hold out my right hand and generate what I think is a Green Martian female shaped construct about M'gann's size.
"You're talking to someone who actually knows what Martians look like. Heck, it takes me less time to get from Earth to Mars than to get to some places on Earth. Not that I don't appreciate you making an effort to fit in."
I remove the construct and take the custard from the microwave. I use the spatula construct to scrape the custard stuck to the edge of the bowl back into the centre, and to gauge its consistency. Not quite done yet. Back in it goes.
"I was just wondering, why that face? Was it from a magazine or something?"
There's that noise again as M'gann restores her hair. She's looking at the floor, hands clasped in front of her. Ah, I've done it again! I didn't think this would be a big deal for her.
"Could you not tell the others?"
"If that's what you want. But if it's just Superboy and me here, don't worry about it. You can change back. It wouldn't bother me and given what the Genomorphs look like I very much doubt that it would bother him."
No, not enough, I still feel like an arsehole.
"Look, I'm… I'm sorry, I didn't realise that it would be a big deal for you."
"That's okay."
No, it isn't.
I step towards her, take hold of her right hand with mine and hold it up, covering it with my left. She looks up. "I should have just left it alone. I should have realised that you were uncomfortable with what I was saying and stopped. I'm sorry. That you've changed yourself like this for our benefit shows great generosity. I just want you to know, you don't have to. I was expecting aliens to look different from Humans. I won't be angry, or scared, or revolted if you use your natural appearance, alright?"
She look to the side. "It's just… I really want to fit in here."
"I can understand that."
"And it's okay for guys to look like big ogres but girls need to look like girls."
"Okay, Wonder Woman would literally castrate me if I let you get away with saying that."
Her eyes flick back to me. She looks stunned for a moment, then indignant. "No, she wouldn't!"
"No, but she'd be annoyed about the double standard. And with me, for not commenting on it."
I release her hand. I think I fixed it. M'gann turns and starts to walk away. Probably best. I've made enough of a mess for one day. Then she stops and turns back to me.
"I copied this face from the lead actress on one of the television shows Uncle J'onn sent me. It was called 'Hello, Megan'. The first thing I did when I got to Earth was see if there were any more episodes, but it got cancelled after one season. I don't… Did you ever watch it?"
"Name doesn't ring any bells, but not all American comedies made it across the Atlantic. Particularly the short lived ones. From a parallel universe."
"I suppose you're even further from home than I am. Are you… I mean, getting on alright? With the differences?"
Am I?
"There's two categories. There's major differences, like this ring and you. Those I'm fine with. Then there's the small things. Names of popular websites, some minor historical events, commonly available technology. The television programs I used to watch. Walk down the street and everything's slightly off. That, sometimes, gets to me a bit. Honestly, I try not to think about it. Making myself miserable won't help anyone."
"What sort of television shows?"
"Doctor Who. My Little Pony. The BBC did a reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes recently, that was pretty good."
"Do you miss not being able to watch them?"
"No, it's… I don't miss them. Doctor Who had really patchy quality in the last few series. But it would have been a point of familiarity, if we'd both seen it, y'know?"
"Yeah. I think that's what I was looking for, on Earth. I mean I know life isn't a situation comedy but I wasn't really… Happy, on Mars. I wanted to meet people like the people Megan met in the show."
"I could probably get the ring to play a canned laughter track whenever anyone says anything. If it would help."
She smiles. "No, that would just be weird."
The microwave pings. I open it and give the custard a stir. Done. I cover the bowl in cling film, poke a few holes then leave it to cool.
"Okay, that's about done. Kitchen's all yours for the next couple of hours."
"What are you doing for the rest of the day?"
"Right now, I have an hour's worth of meditation on the Hierarchy of Needs planned. Then reviewing intelligence reports. This afternoon I'm going back to the centre of the Pacific for more clean up duty."
"Why do you do that?"
"It's full of plastic."
"No, I mean, the meditation."
"Power rings, all of them, cause psychological instability. Some, like the green or yellow ones, just make you a bit odd. Others, like mine, can have really nasty long term effects. If you know what you're doing, you can counteract it. If you don't, you end up like-"
"-Star Sapphire. Meditating on the Hierarchy reinforces the balance between different levels of desire, from simple and direct ones to complex and long term ones. Without that, I would risk becoming... Risk only caring about my short term wants."
She looks concerned. "If it makes you crazy, is it really a good idea to use it?"
"Good idea, bad idea. It's the ring I have." I shrug. I really don't have a choice in the matter. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?"
"I don't really have any firm plans. Kid Flash said something about giving me a guided tour, so I suppose Superboy and I will be taking another walk around Happy Harbor."
"Haven't you done that, like, every day you've been here?"
"I don't want to get into a situation where I don't know what to do. Uncle J'onn is arranging for me to start high school, but until then I'd rather learn Human social customs slowly. And, well, Superboy…"
"Yeah. Alright, I understand."
What can I do to help?
"Look, I'm never going to be able to concentrate on plastic particulates all day. How about if I come back at about five o'clock and we all go somewhere. Anywhere on Earth. We could even spend the evening on Mars if you really want?"
"No! No, um, thanks for the offer." She thinks about it for a moment. "Maybe we could go to Acapulco?"
No reason why not. I don't know where it is and I only know the name from the song, but I'm sure the ring will be able to find it. Wait a minute.
"Did Megan from the series go there?"
"No. But one of her friends did. When I got to Earth I found out that was because the actress playing her got hit by a car and they needed to explain why she wasn't in the series any more, but they made it sound really fun."
"Okay, Acapulco it is. I'll see you later."
I leave the kitchen and walk back to my room. I'm a bit surprised she was so worried by me knowing what Martians look like. Maybe it's because as a telepath she'll know if we find it weird if we try to pretend that we don't? I'm also surprised she wasn't a bit more psychologically resilient than that. I suppose she's used to being in a society where everyone is empathic enough to stop asking when it's making you that uncomfortable.
10:45 GMT -5
I've added the puree and am now trying to determine whether or not the custard needs to go back in the microwave. The puree adds a considerable amount of liquid and won't help with thickening, but the custard is hot and will thicken as it cools. Really, to act as icing between the cake layers it has to be quite thick. A little longer will probably be best. I set it for two minutes.
"What was it like?"
"What was what like?"
"Just… Turning up in space like that."
"I was asleep for the actual turning up part. Waking up was weird, then painful."
"Painful? Why?"
"The ring detects my desires and tries to fulfil them. It decided that my body wasn't perfect and corrected it. Human bodies really aren't designed to shift around like that."
"You think your body is perfect?"
I hear her raised eyebrow in her voice. I suppress an impulse to pose and flex. "No, it… This body is the most perfect form of me. I can't change it without it becoming either less perfect, or less me." I peer at the custard. Still counting down. "What about you?"
"What about me?"
"What made you pick that face?"
"What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing's wrong with it, I just wondered why you chose it."
"It's my face."
"Pre-tty sure that Martians don't have hair."
She looks around. No one else near the kitchen area. There's an odd sound, a bit like reeds moving over a paving slab, and her hair merges with the rest of her head.
"I just… Human girls aren't usually bald. And I actually like having hair. Brushing it felt kinda weird to start with, but it was nice once I got used to it."
I know she doesn't want anyone to know that she is a White Martian, but images of what Green Martians look like exist, surely? I suppose I don't know for sure that this M'gann actually is a White Martian. And I can't check without other examples to scan and compare. Is it important enough for me to make the time to fly to Mars? Probably not.
I snort. "Yeah, and the rest."
"What-what do you mean?"
It's been a while, but I still remember broadly what Martian Manhunter's wife looked like in Justice League Animated. I hold out my right hand and generate what I think is a Green Martian female shaped construct about M'gann's size.
"You're talking to someone who actually knows what Martians look like. Heck, it takes me less time to get from Earth to Mars than to get to some places on Earth. Not that I don't appreciate you making an effort to fit in."
I remove the construct and take the custard from the microwave. I use the spatula construct to scrape the custard stuck to the edge of the bowl back into the centre, and to gauge its consistency. Not quite done yet. Back in it goes.
"I was just wondering, why that face? Was it from a magazine or something?"
There's that noise again as M'gann restores her hair. She's looking at the floor, hands clasped in front of her. Ah, I've done it again! I didn't think this would be a big deal for her.
"Could you not tell the others?"
"If that's what you want. But if it's just Superboy and me here, don't worry about it. You can change back. It wouldn't bother me and given what the Genomorphs look like I very much doubt that it would bother him."
No, not enough, I still feel like an arsehole.
"Look, I'm… I'm sorry, I didn't realise that it would be a big deal for you."
"That's okay."
No, it isn't.
I step towards her, take hold of her right hand with mine and hold it up, covering it with my left. She looks up. "I should have just left it alone. I should have realised that you were uncomfortable with what I was saying and stopped. I'm sorry. That you've changed yourself like this for our benefit shows great generosity. I just want you to know, you don't have to. I was expecting aliens to look different from Humans. I won't be angry, or scared, or revolted if you use your natural appearance, alright?"
She look to the side. "It's just… I really want to fit in here."
"I can understand that."
"And it's okay for guys to look like big ogres but girls need to look like girls."
"Okay, Wonder Woman would literally castrate me if I let you get away with saying that."
Her eyes flick back to me. She looks stunned for a moment, then indignant. "No, she wouldn't!"
"No, but she'd be annoyed about the double standard. And with me, for not commenting on it."
I release her hand. I think I fixed it. M'gann turns and starts to walk away. Probably best. I've made enough of a mess for one day. Then she stops and turns back to me.
"I copied this face from the lead actress on one of the television shows Uncle J'onn sent me. It was called 'Hello, Megan'. The first thing I did when I got to Earth was see if there were any more episodes, but it got cancelled after one season. I don't… Did you ever watch it?"
"Name doesn't ring any bells, but not all American comedies made it across the Atlantic. Particularly the short lived ones. From a parallel universe."
"I suppose you're even further from home than I am. Are you… I mean, getting on alright? With the differences?"
Am I?
"There's two categories. There's major differences, like this ring and you. Those I'm fine with. Then there's the small things. Names of popular websites, some minor historical events, commonly available technology. The television programs I used to watch. Walk down the street and everything's slightly off. That, sometimes, gets to me a bit. Honestly, I try not to think about it. Making myself miserable won't help anyone."
"What sort of television shows?"
"Doctor Who. My Little Pony. The BBC did a reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes recently, that was pretty good."
"Do you miss not being able to watch them?"
"No, it's… I don't miss them. Doctor Who had really patchy quality in the last few series. But it would have been a point of familiarity, if we'd both seen it, y'know?"
"Yeah. I think that's what I was looking for, on Earth. I mean I know life isn't a situation comedy but I wasn't really… Happy, on Mars. I wanted to meet people like the people Megan met in the show."
"I could probably get the ring to play a canned laughter track whenever anyone says anything. If it would help."
She smiles. "No, that would just be weird."
The microwave pings. I open it and give the custard a stir. Done. I cover the bowl in cling film, poke a few holes then leave it to cool.
"Okay, that's about done. Kitchen's all yours for the next couple of hours."
"What are you doing for the rest of the day?"
"Right now, I have an hour's worth of meditation on the Hierarchy of Needs planned. Then reviewing intelligence reports. This afternoon I'm going back to the centre of the Pacific for more clean up duty."
"Why do you do that?"
"It's full of plastic."
"No, I mean, the meditation."
"Power rings, all of them, cause psychological instability. Some, like the green or yellow ones, just make you a bit odd. Others, like mine, can have really nasty long term effects. If you know what you're doing, you can counteract it. If you don't, you end up like-"
"-Star Sapphire. Meditating on the Hierarchy reinforces the balance between different levels of desire, from simple and direct ones to complex and long term ones. Without that, I would risk becoming... Risk only caring about my short term wants."
She looks concerned. "If it makes you crazy, is it really a good idea to use it?"
"Good idea, bad idea. It's the ring I have." I shrug. I really don't have a choice in the matter. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?"
"I don't really have any firm plans. Kid Flash said something about giving me a guided tour, so I suppose Superboy and I will be taking another walk around Happy Harbor."
"Haven't you done that, like, every day you've been here?"
"I don't want to get into a situation where I don't know what to do. Uncle J'onn is arranging for me to start high school, but until then I'd rather learn Human social customs slowly. And, well, Superboy…"
"Yeah. Alright, I understand."
What can I do to help?
"Look, I'm never going to be able to concentrate on plastic particulates all day. How about if I come back at about five o'clock and we all go somewhere. Anywhere on Earth. We could even spend the evening on Mars if you really want?"
"No! No, um, thanks for the offer." She thinks about it for a moment. "Maybe we could go to Acapulco?"
No reason why not. I don't know where it is and I only know the name from the song, but I'm sure the ring will be able to find it. Wait a minute.
"Did Megan from the series go there?"
"No. But one of her friends did. When I got to Earth I found out that was because the actress playing her got hit by a car and they needed to explain why she wasn't in the series any more, but they made it sound really fun."
"Okay, Acapulco it is. I'll see you later."
I leave the kitchen and walk back to my room. I'm a bit surprised she was so worried by me knowing what Martians look like. Maybe it's because as a telepath she'll know if we find it weird if we try to pretend that we don't? I'm also surprised she wasn't a bit more psychologically resilient than that. I suppose she's used to being in a society where everyone is empathic enough to stop asking when it's making you that uncomfortable.
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