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Would you bang the avatar above you?

I'd try, mean it's optimus prime damnit!
as long as it's not all the way through it's fine with me
yes and damnit someone else post too
someone else would bang the god slayer
so is that a no or yes? anyway yes
i don't get jokes you would have better luck telling a joke to a wall yes again
again, yes. This thread is near death.
I'd go for it, cute anime girl is cute.

It's not the most active because people don't generally change their avatar that often, and it feels spammy to say yes/no to the same avatar more than once. I haven't passed judgment on your avatar yet though, so I'm posting.
why would you not bang dio?
so you would bang jeanne alter is that right?
so you would bang jeanne alter is that right?
Without knowing much about her personality, sure.

Also while Chibi Fenrir is adorable, the physics of the situation probably means I have to pass. Unless it's a anime moment where she only occasionally turns into that when flustered, in which case sure.
think of jeanne from fate/apocrypha only mind controlled by a evil version of gilles de rais who uses her as a edgy op character to destroy france and the world she is also a super strong tsundere and she is a boss in fate grand order witch is downloadable from qooapp here in europe where you try to save the world from demons and shit

also no physic saves here and nope
how would you bang chibi fenrir? because any thing with you not done safely ends in guro and i do not want that so nope

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