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XF2 testbed now available

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If someone could figure out how to add fullscreen to froalla that'd be great.

That would be the closest thing to full functionality at this point.

The color text would still be so much worse than qq1, but at least most of the functionality would be there.

Like, to explain? I ACTUALLY use fullscreen on mobile.


I like this!

It 'locks' my screen so that every button is available, instead of the screen moving whenever I'm not properly scrolled/positioned to the button.

For example, if my screen is not locked on fullscreen and I have a long response?

I have to put my screen AND the text cursor/position close to the top edge when pressing the save text. Because if I don't, the screen rolls back down and the save draft dropdown resets.

I don't need to think about that on fullscreen mode.
It's wonderful both on mobile and desktop.
Whoops accidentally copied the wrong image. Corrected here.
The main feature I want beyond the better security and overall future-proofing is ignoring threads from the thread list.

It's a feature that sister sites like SB/SV already have, and it's honestly lovely. There are so many threads in Creative Writing that I know at a glance I'll never click on, so being able to save 5-10 seconds and five or more clicks per thread is beyond great!
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There's not much to say that wasn't said already, but it's Questionable that site named Questing don't have in-built Vote Tally. And I suspect using NetTally on mobile would be painful at best, impossible at worst (have anyone tried?).
The main feature I want beyond the better security and overall future-proofing is ignoring threads from the thread list.

It's a feature that sister sites like SB/SV already have, and it's honestly lovely. There are so many threads in Creative Writing that I know at a glance I'll never click on, so being able to save 5-10 seconds and three clicks per thread is beyond great!
I know I said I only had one request but oh god yes this too please.
So many SIs...

Luckily the testbed has it.
There's not much to say that wasn't said already, but it's Questionable that site named Questing don't have in-built Vote Tally. And I suspect using NetTally on mobile would be painful at best, impossible at worst (have anyone tried?).
I tried making a mobile version of NetTally a few years ago, but it didn't work well. (It would work in my dev environment, but not for the one guy who helped test it.) There have been a lot of .NET improvements in that direction since then, but no one has really asked for it, so I haven't put in any effort towards that. If there is actual demand, I can try working on it again.

That said, the built-in tally system that SB and SV now use has greatly reduced the demand for NetTally.
The other one, yeah, closer to what we've got here, my only *real* gripe other than what you mentioned is that there doesn't appear to be a Symbols/Special Characters button. Which admittedly quite minor and isn't some huge dealbreaker, but a bit annoying in the very rare cases I need one.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → β Æ ℜ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ω ϖ Ø

Those kinda things. Has a full suite of emojis/smilies, though. So at least the absolutely mandatory :V is retained.
If you're on windows, press [Win]+[period].
The other one, yeah, closer to what we've got here, my only *real* gripe other than what you mentioned is that there doesn't appear to be a Symbols/Special Characters button. Which admittedly quite minor and isn't some huge dealbreaker, but a bit annoying in the very rare cases I need one.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → β Æ ℜ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ω ϖ Ø

Those kinda things. Has a full suite of emojis/smilies, though. So at least the absolutely mandatory :V is retained.

If you're on windows, press [Win]+[period].
Win+; (semicolon) is an alternate keyboard shortcut that also works.
There needs to be an option to make it so the top bar doesn't stay in fixed position when you scroll down. It's the default on SB and SV, I don't know why it isn't here. I like to browse zoomed in to 150% when I read bc of my eyesight, and so it takes up a good 1/6th of the screen, like a giant splotch that constantly takes up your attention. Even at only 100% zoom, it's incredibly distracting.

Also needs a theme to match the present aesthetic, as other have said. Current options don't look great.

That said, thank you guys for moving to XF2, I know it's a lot of work.
Plz just improve the textbox.

If you can add a fullscreen button to the 'froalla' editor, that would be a big step.


With that dropdown, It is very similar to the current QQ1 textbox in terms of having almost everything I need.
There'd still be the problem of the text color being incredibly cumbersome in comparison to QQ1, and the Word count being affected by quotes (my preference is that word count is pure word count of everything, ignoring the effects of Quotes), but it would be close enough for the majority.

And in general, fullscreen is REALLY useful.

(or make the TinyMCE have similar functionality. Whatever works)

EDIT: That said, we REALLY need text with links to be differently colored. Blue like the current would be ideal, but it cannot be the same color as normal text.
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Got a weird error when checking my notifications.

Template public:alert_post_op_insert: [E_USER_WARNING] Template public:alert_post_op_insert is unknown (src/XF/Template/Templater.php:692)

Other than that, it looks good.
my only criticism is on the watch tab. an option to just get notices of threadmarks and not every single author post would be nice.
Pretty sure that feature is a plugin not a default XF2 feature, it'll presumably be added in the final build, but there's no point having it in right now.
Initial testing results:

Rainbow Math test example.
Name: Heather Bowen (Lv2): (♥)(♦​♥​)
Vitals: (Base)+(Rank)+(Soul)
Attack (4k1): (✦)+(○)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(✦)

Defense (6k3): (✦)+(○)(✦)(✦)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(✦)(✦)(✦)
Health (7k5): (✦)(✦)(✦)+(✦)(✦)+(♡)(♢​♡​)(♡)(♢​♡​)(✦)(✦)(✦)(✦)(✦)
Stats: (Base)+(Rank)+(Soul)
Focus (6k2): (★)+(○)(○)(★)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(★)(★)

Memory (4k3): (♦)+(♦)+(♡)(♦​♥​)(♡)(♦)(♦)(♦​♥​)
Prowess (6k2): (♠)+(○)(○)(♠)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(♠)(♠)
Speed (8k5): (♥)+(○)(○)(○)(♥)(♥)+(♥)(♦​♥​) ⇒ (○)(○)(○)(♥)(♥)(♥)(♥)(♦​♥​)
Vigor (8k3): (♣)+(○)(○)(○)(♣)(♣)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(○)(○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(♣)(♣)(♣)
Skills: (Base)+(Rank)+(Soul)
Diplomacy (4k3): (★​♦​)+(♦)+(♡)(♦​♥​)(♡)(♦)(★​♦​)(♦​♥​)

Intrigue (6k4): (★​♠​)+(♠)(♠)(♠)+(♡)(♢​♡​)(♡)(♢​♡​)(♠)(♠)(♠)(★​♠​)
Subtlety (5k3): (♦​♠​)+(○)(♦​♠​)+(♡)(♦​♥​) ⇒ (○)(♡)(♦​♠​)(♦​♠​)(♦​♥​)
Creativity (5k5): (♦​♥​)+(♦)(♦​♥​)+(♥)(♦​♥​)(♦)(♥)(♦​♥​)(♦​♥​)(♦​♥​)
Survival (7k3): (♠​♣​)+(○)(○)(♠)(♠​♣​)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(♠)(♠​♣​)(♠​♣​)
Subdual (4k4): (♠​♥​)+(♠​♥​)+(♥)(♦​♥​)(♥)(♠​♥​)(♠​♥​)(♦​♥​)
Inspiration (4k4): (♥​★​)+(♥)+(♥)(♦​♥​)(♥)(♥)(♥​★​)(♦​♥​)
Fitness (4k4): (♥​♣​)+(♥​♣​)+(♥)(♦​♥​)(♥)(♥​♣​)(♥​♣​)(♦​♥​)
Recovery (6k3): (♣​★​)+(○)(♣)(♣)+(♡)(♢​♡​) ⇒ (○)(♡)(♢​♡​)(♣)(♣)(♣​★​)
Adaptation (5k4): (♣​♦​)+(♦)(♦)+(♡)(♦​♥​)(♡)(♦)(♦)(♣​♦​)(♦​♥​)
Success. QQ's XF2 correctly addresses complex formatting nesting without emojifying playing card symbols, in the same way as QQ's XF1. Suck it, SV's XF2. Line spacing and size difference for superscript and subscript seems wrong.

FontAwesome Pokemon symbol types test example.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
Failure: FontAwesome not implemented in QQ's XF2, when it works in QQ's XF1.

Additional FontAwesome testing would go here if QQ's XF2 implemented it.

Anti-emojificiation test example.
Gaea ♁
Pluto ♇
Aries ♈︎
Taurus ♉︎
Gemini ♊︎
Cancer ♋︎
Leo ♌︎
Virgo ♍︎
Libra ♎︎
Scorpio ♏︎
Ophiuchus ⛎︎
Saggitarius ♐︎
Capricorn ♑︎
Aquarius ♒︎
Pisces ♓︎
Ceres ⚳
Pallas ⚴
Juno ⚵
Vesta ⚶
Mercury ☿
Venus ♀
Mars ♂
Jupiter ♃
Saturn ♄
Uranus ♅
Neptune ♆
Chiron ⚷
Sol ☉
Luna ☾
Lilith ⚸
Partial success. The plain tag stops emojification, and leaving it out allows it. Unemojified symbols are bold without reason?

Mobile character spacing test.
75 ▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏▏/100
No improvement. Fails in both XF1 and XF2. Mobile still does not render thinwidth characters thinly.

Ignorant question: Is there some reason that we have to accept XF2's style options, instead of using XF1's? I realize you need the XF2 framework to avoid security issues, but that's backend. Why does the frontend have to change?
Ooh, I like the text editor though. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I love menu bars quite a lot. The icon needs some actual borders though, it just blends together otherwise.

Any plans for some sort of subscription and/or merch a la SV and SB btw? I'm sure it would help quite a bit in the long term.

Also also, while I'm at it, any plans for a Discord server since both SV and SB have one now?
Everything is so annoying to read on my phone right now. The combination of the background picture, black posts, and orange text does not work well.
See that list of suggestions for other threads between my new thread title and the box to actually input my thread?

I don't want to see that list.


This is one of the most annoying things in both SB and SV.
If I want something I will search and find it.
Clippy and its accursed offspring should rot in hell.
See that list of suggestions for other threads between my new thread title and the box to actually input my thread?

I don't want to see that list.
…Huh, yeah, where's the 'x' close button for that expandable?

(A user setting to leave it collapsed/disabled by default might be what some prefer, but I don't think one's available or at least not built-in?)
I like that the Alert notification doesn't automatically trigger as "read" just because you opened the Alerts tab.

I rather it don't count it as read until I actually open the thread. Sometimes I don't necessarily have the time to read X's new chapter, but like knowing its out. But then I later come back and find that its lost in a sea of other Alerts as it w as flagged as "read" and no longer relevant.

Its a little thing, I know, but it bugs me. Especially when I have a dozen+ alerts and would like to take my time to go through them one by one, having it "read" all of them can make it tricky to know where I left off.
The main feature I want beyond the better security and overall future-proofing is ignoring threads from the thread list.

It's a feature that sister sites like SB/SV already have, and it's honestly lovely. There are so many threads in Creative Writing that I know at a glance I'll never click on, so being able to save 5-10 seconds and five or more clicks per thread is beyond great!
It's also when I quit stories and I don't want to come back, but I forget that I quit them and it's a slap in the face with something I didn't like.
It's also when I quit stories and I don't want to come back, but I forget that I quit them and it's a slap in the face with something I didn't like.
before ignore threads was a thing on SB i would just bookmark the first post of something i DIDN'T want to continue, put the bookmark text as WHY i didn't want to continue it, and label it as "nah". idk if bookmarks are a planned feature at any point.

my question about XF2: will the image cache get eaten again when the move over happens?
I can't find an ability to display more threads at once, when searching or just browsing a forum. If there is one can someone tell me how to do it, and if there's not, can I suggest it?

Changing to display 100 threads per page for me would be way better than just 20, fewer clicks and less loading overall, longer lists, and it will let me discover more threads as I usually just hang around the first 3ish pages but this would make page 1 equal to 5 pages of content, and I might even still look at page 2 or further, showing me 5 pages of content every time.

I would LOVE to be able to see 100 threads per page.
It's about time QQ joins the Updated Club!

Doesn't seem to be any way to sort by new, that is pretty important to find new stories.
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