• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

Ha! I knew keeping old pages open forever on my browser would pay off some day!!!!

This is a snapshot of how my old browsing experience looked, hopefully it'll help?


The name of the Old style was Dark Responsive High Contrast (It REALLY helped my eyes)
Gods I need this back
When you click on an image in a reply it not longer shows up in the compacted form, they show up full size now. Aint that just grand...
Btw, for those who hate all three of the Styles currently available and are on Google Chrome, download the Dark Reader Extension and use it in conjunction with Xenforo Default.

This is what it looks like:


Definitely the best atm imo.
Thank you, exactly what I was looking for.
If possible, it'd be nice to move the current users underneath the reply box, or limit how many names it shows. It's not bad on PC, but takes up more than a full screen on mobile.

Edit: With the current number of users in this thread, that is. If there's only 20 users currently browsing a thread, obviously it wouldn't be that large.
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The old text editor just had everything out there, but took up two lines, and that was absolutely FINE. I don't NEED spacesaving on the text editor, damn it! Just put all the options out there! Let me see and click without needing to navigate a dropdown menu! I'm on a PC, not a cellphone! I've got the space to spare!
I am on a cellphone, and I think it was still fine.
The box at the side where the user names are takes up way too much space now, the stories are basically unreadable now.
This is a free theme that I'd like to see added, it's a dark and purple theme.

Also maybe a thread should be created for theme requests?


Blackened purple must return or riot.

Blackened Purple may not be able to return, as it was made for XF1, and there might not be a version for XF2. Earlier in the thread I suggested a black and purple theme (I quoted it in this post)

Give me your opinion on it, if we get enough people asking for it, it might be added.
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Also I'm not sure but I think it for some reason auto watched this thread because I replied to it? That or I fucked up and misclicked because everything is different and my muscle memory on mobile betrayed me.

Edit: yep it's auto watching whenever I reply to something, unwatched before I posted this, now time to figure out where that is in the settings so I can turn it off.
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Oh, Goddammit... Does anyone know if it's possible to shift the position of member profiles to a different place? I hate, hate, hate the fact that it effectively indents every post in it's default state, on top of the wasted space on either side of the screen.

I come here to read. And it's really hard to do that with the visual equivalent of multiple speedbumps on the screen.

What I normally do is just up my screen magnification to 250%, (300% on SB) at which point member profiles are above the post and things fill the screen properly from edge to edge, and the font is big enough for me to read easily everywhere. Sure, you can increase the font size up top, but there's a limit.

Secondly, please for the love of God, give me the option to disable the sticky navbar header ASAP!

Lastly the new Like icon is tiny. Previously, I could just skim through Reader Mode looking for the break between Unlike/Like at the bottom of a chapter, but now it's just 'Like' with a little blue dot next to it, when I've gotten used to looking for a different word.
Any chance of a higher contrast Dark theme? The grey-on-grey is almost more painful on my eyes than the default theme is on my night vision.
Watched Threads seems to be in the forums dropdown. The alert thing is a page long block in the main preferences.
I find the font size to be too small, and the greyscale of the Dark option to be unsightly. Can the color settings be expanded to include a dark blue or somesuch?
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Also I'm not sure but I think it for some reason auto watched this thread because I replied to it? That or I fucked up and misclicked because everything is different and my muscle memory on mobile betrayed me.

Edit: yep it's auto watching whenever I reply to something, unwatched before I posted this, now time to figure out where that is in the settings so I can turn it off.
But doesn't it auto-watch a Thread when you reply before this update?

Edit: holy shit you can bookmark post now!
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