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XF2 transition feedback

I may have missed it but how do I pull up all threads an author has made? I can pull up all posts that they made, but where do I go to pull up their threadmarks? Or is that feature currently missing?
Visit their profile and click the Find dropdown. So many features hidden behind dropdowns now!
That doesn't make a whole lot of sense? The second part I mean. The bells and whistles are a not-insignificant part of the reason to use QQ. If the features aren't being re-added thats a pretty big problem. If they are going to be added I wish we had them prepared before we transitioned if only to make it less painful. I can't speak as to the cost but hopefully the admins don't start trimming stuff. As mentioned I understand the necessity for this change but this feels like we could have implemented it later and given it more time to be worked on.
For instance, there was like... 15? 20 styles? Ish? On the old board, I gaurantee that not all of them were being used in the amounts needed to justify re-purchasing them, trimming those or getting new ones is a possibility. Same with features, some might be discarded, either because it wasn't being used or it doesn't have an equivalent in XF2 so it has to be replaced with something else, and I'm assuming since the code is diffferent you'd need to purchase new versions made specifically for XF2. Again not sure how much that costs, but I'm certain it does. So having to drop potentially a couple hundred to a thousand dollars or more on features might make the powers that be hesitant to just start adding things without getting input from people.

Iuuno, it's an explenation for the barebones roll out of the site, could be something entirely different, we'd need the resident code jockeys to chime in on that.

As for waiting long on implementation, there might have been a time crunch somewhere along the line that forced their hands, they have been working on this for quite some time now already.
Well like a lot of people said, I kind of liked the previous colors more but other than that, the update is looking good so far.

The old filter system kind of lacking considering you couldn't filter specific aspects of a tag and had to manually open them but that is fixed now which is nice.

Tags having more than 40 page limit seems nice, only one that this really affected was worm but still nice.!
What in the absolute shenanigans is going on with Threadmarks.

When you middle click 'Threadmarks' it used to open a new page with all the Threadmarks, for you to easily scroll through to find new ones. This was particularly useful for Snippet Threads. Now it opens a page that ONLY lists 25 at a time, you can set it to 50, but that's simply not good enough. Particularly for authors who like to regroup their threadmarks so related snippets can be together even if they were posted months apart. @JBukharin 's snippet thread is one such that comes to mind. I reckon this is going to noticeably affect snippet threads as I'm simply not going to be bothered to parse through multiple pages of threadmarks just to check where as before it was one click and a quick scroll. Please change this back, the prior experience was significantly better.
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Dunno if anyone has written this, but I don't got time for 15 pages right now
When looking at someones profile the "Look at all posted threads" thing seems to be missing, which makes it hard to see what threads an author got going on
Used to be at the bottom of the page on "postings"
(nevermind it's under the FIND button)

I was a fan of the old QQ light mode color scheme, not so much the new one
The new navigation menu is annoying, I'm used to going to watched threads with 1 click from anywhere on the site, now I gotta use 2

You got a Logo which is very undersized, links to the front page
HOME links to the front page
FORUMS links to the front page (don't see what else it could link to, but it makes HOME double useless)

Maybe remove home and increaze the size of the logo?
Could think about picking another logo/other colors as the contrast of the dark blue part is pretty bad in both light and dark mode

for some reason you got a
max-height: 21.3125px; on the logo
so that's around 0.5cm maximum height for the logo

Could resize the picture in photoshop to remove the empty space (top/bottom) in the logo, and then let it auto resize to fit the navigation bar
my immediate concern is the shades of gray in the threadmark in the text for chapters. and the moving of the header when scrolling i hope that can be disable or something
Can someone please bring back the watched threads hotlink?
Not sure if anyone else cares, but I did notice that when browsing on mobile you can no longer see how many pages a thread has before opening it. It does give the number of replies for that thread, but I kinda wish it was still the number of pages since it was easier for me to visualize how active the thread was.
I don't currently have the time to read all 17 pages so this might have already been brought up, but is there a way to change the number of posts open per page in reader mode? I liked the thirty of the old system, being able to go back to that instead of ten would be nice.
Need the Black+Green back. Can't live without it, can't breath without it either. Carpal tunnel imminent without my non-ugly theme.

Edit: Also reader mode too. I haven't tried it yet, but this seems important. Any way to change the chapters per page manually? Cuz this would be such a QoL update.
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I don't currently have the time to read all 17 pages so this might have already been brought up, but is there a way to change the number of posts open per page in reader mode? I liked the thirty of the old system, being able to go back to that instead of ten would be nice.

Forget new themes, that useless nonsense can wait

Give me more posts per page in reader mode
Maybe I'm stupid, but does anyone know how to pull up all watched threads? If I go to Forums > Watched Threads it just shows me the stuff with new stuff.. I want to be able to see all threads that I've watched.. But I can't find the way to do that. There's no Watched Threads (All) option.
Not getting any notifications for the updates on the threads I'm watching.
I don't think so. So your email notifications are working properly? Since you mentioned not receiving emails.
Nope, if I'm not receiving them, they aren't working properly. I'm not receiving them. I have had no email notificaitons since the upgrade. Checking my watched threads show several stories, that have updated since then that I have received no emails and no on-site alerts for.
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Maybe I'm stupid, but does anyone know how to pull up all watched threads? If I go to Forums > Watched Threads it just shows me the stuff with new stuff.. I want to be able to see all threads that I've watched.. But I can't find the way to do that. There's no Watched Threads (All) option.
Hit the X on the Unread filter at the top of the list.
Minor nitpick (in comparison to being limited to 10 posts per page in reader mode), but why is there a "find threads" section in my sidebar menu, above the clearly more important "Watched" section?

If I wanted to find new threads, I would go to the forum index and look through them like a normal person.

Edit: smells like extraneous functionality that some midwit thought was going to boost engagement, but really just takes up space on my screen for no tangible benefit.
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