• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

Maybe I'm stupid, but does anyone know how to pull up all watched threads? If I go to Forums > Watched Threads it just shows me the stuff with new stuff.. I want to be able to see all threads that I've watched.. But I can't find the way to do that. There's no Watched Threads (All) option.
There's a tag [Unread] at the top
click the X
Not sure if it's been brought up, but when searching through people's posts there isn't a 'See All Threads By' option anymore, which is really annoying for finding old works from authors.

Also, getting on the bandwagon about the style, but from the other direction - I actually liked the default Light style, and would really like it back. Seriously, the darker grey is irritating and harder to read, and threadmarks are difficult to see against the background.

Edit: Is there anything that says why the change was required/made?
Why has every thread I've ever watched had their email notifications disabled? I just checked my Watched Threads, and noticed the little box on the thread that says "OP Email" is unchecked. I have 20 pages of stories there. Please tell me there is a mass notification option I can use.
I'm just in case you haven't figured out yet. Go to Watched Threads, scroll down and click/touch select all, and then enable Emails.
Edit: does it work?
It would appear I misunderstood how they were visually represented. Upon doing what you said nothing changed, it still says 'OP Email [ ]' The 'OP Email' part IS telling me that it's set to OP Email, the box '[ ]' itself it denoting which I have selected, since I don't currently have anything selected, each box is empty. That said...

Good News, All my followed threads did NOT have their notifications disabled. I simply misunderstood the UI.
Bad News. I still don't understand why I'm not receiving alerts or emails for stories.
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Where is the "go to last unread button"? It used to be clickable at the bottom of the page next to the page count as well as the top, now I think it's only at the top of the page?
My ask would be for the alert popup window to be far wider then it currently is, currently it can only show around 2 alerts before having to scroll down. I don't know if such a change is style related or not though.
The following will make the dropdown menus wider:
.menu.menu--medium {
  width: 500px;
Note: I haven't tested it with everything, so it may affect more than just the alerts menu.

If it would be feasible to implement, I would love a border less mode when in reader mode. A removal of the margins on the left and right sides would be blissful for my attention. The blue toolbar not going away when scrolling down is also slightly annoying.
First, apply this rule only to URLs matching the Regexp:

Second, use the following CSS:
.p-body-inner {
    padding-left: 0 !important;
    padding-right: 0 !important;
    max-width: 100% !important;

.message-cell--user {
    display: none;

.p-navSticky {
    position: static !important;

.p-body-pageContent {
    margin: 0 auto;
    max-width: unset;

This will maximize the content width, including hiding the user information bar, and make the top bar non-sticky.

Edit: I also added a setting for p-body-pageContent. This is a value that I set in my larger CSS, but need to unset in order for this CSS override to work at the same time.
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May I ask to get the Purple and Black theme back. At least this grey on gray is not as murderous on my eyes as the light default.
right I've just finished reading through my backlog of fics from when the site was down and now I can give a proper review though note I only use the default without any plugins dark mode:
for starters the color is ugly and the text is difficult to see leading to straining my eyes and A headache because its just A lighter shade of gray compared to the dark grey background of dark mode
I thankfully unlike some retained my watched threads but my alerts seem double the size they used to be making them annoying to scroll through
and the layout of the site seems to have moved an inch to the right and honestly just looks ugly

honestly I hope they go back to the previous version but I wouldn't hold my breath,most forum based site's I've been on cherry-pick there comments to find the few that like the current version and only listen to them while forcing everyone else to adapt

Using [tabs][/tabs] and [tab][/tab] doesn*'t work anymore!

I checked all my posts all of em' using the code are now messed up!

Ugh. Yeah. That needs to be fixed.
I think there are bugs in Google's automatic translation or at least it is the only website where I have noticed it and before the update it was fine.
First off, hurray, the site survived. All my complaints will be more about X2 issues, since themes are pretty clearly temporary solutions to make the site usable with your choice of flashbang or poor contrast as a side effect.

:Vremains and so the site is still alive

-One big thing I have noticed is that things are all just really aggressive with obnoxious autoscroll spam for no reason. Scroll down too far on threadmarks and it starts trying to snap back to it, try typing a comment, it snaps to the 'new posts, reload?' text. Probably more yet to be found.

-Another annoying user experience downgrade is that threadmarks are no longer in a scrollable list and instead need you to repeatedly scroll down, load a small handful more (counted, it's only 8 at a time) and repeat, obnoxiously autoscrolling only some of the time all the while and if you mistap/click because of that you gotta scroll all the way up and back down. Gonna be basically unusable for larger threads as is.

-Overall UI text element sizes feel off, with a lot of wasted space and a fair few redundant components, like the big fat list of threadmarks, right above the threadmark menus. Then there is the massive block that has the thread creation date, right below the tags, which have the thread creation date with them anyways, taking up less space, could probably fold in anything worth keeping from that block into the text with the tags if need be. Topbar too if there is no way to unsticky it. Footer is hilariously massive on mobile, on desktop it's fine. There are also redundant social media share things on every page that appear to be the exact same as the stuff in the footer (link function outputs the same)

Uhh, I found out it's name.. it's called blackend.. ? that style was the best I think..

Blackend Green, my beloved, I pray for your return.
As I'm sure you've all noticed, we've upgraded the site to Xenforo 2. There's a new set of styles and new frontend all around.

Development on the XF2 deployment remains ongoing; we'll be tweaking styles and fixing issues. Please post any issues you come across, as well as general feedback on the new site, in this thread.

Only "issue" I really have is when I choose the dark "style" to read some stories, it doesn't make the text white, and it just stays a default "grey" color. It makes reading the story an unenjoyable experience
Yeah.... I really hope the old default style of the site gets added back in. I loved that thing and now the site is just SB/SV garbage.

I'm not using this piece of shit, going to wait a few days and check back. If it's not better/old default back then i'm just going to have to hunt for a new site.
Why has every thread I've ever watched had their email notifications disabled? I just checked my Watched Threads, and noticed the little box on the thread that says "OP Email" is unchecked. I have 20 pages of stories there. Please tell me there is a mass notification option I can use.
Just in case you haven't figured out yet. Go to Watched Threads, scroll down and click/touch select all, and then enable Emails.
Edit: does it work?
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Is there a way to keep update Alerts unread/highlighted after checking the Alerts tab when I don't click on the update link?

Random comment or reaction alerts I don't care about being greyed out, but update alerts should stay around until checked I feel.
How do I dismiss the dashboard hovering at the top. Keeps sticking around while I'm reading
Doesn't look like the option to disable Sticky navbar header has been enabled for QQ yet.

A small Xenforo post on how the site controller can add that option is here: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/the-sticky-navbar.218235/

(It just says 'Enter sticky in the ACP search' but apparently that did it for the person asking how to add it to their site.)
I am largely fine with the change to the new forum appearance.
But please add a preference option for max-width on the forum body. I have a 21 by 9 aspect ratio screen and the body of the forum is far too wide to comfortably read from.

Besides that the font size selector is nice but i find it a bit annoying that is is applied to everything as i only really care if the text of posts in a thread are very readable.
Personally i find it a bit annoying that the header bar for instance takes up more space when selecting a larger font size.

Finally. it is not an issue i have but it might be nice to add some more colour theme options, like a light theme, a theme optimized for colour blind people and a high contrast theme for people with vision impairments, among others.

Edit: And ehh wile you guys are working anyway, could you please consolidate some tags like:
- "self insert" & "self-insert" & "si (self insert)"
- "futa" & "futanari"

Well, the self insert one is the most annoying one, i would rather just have to search with one tag instead of having to search three times.
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The window that opens when you click on threadmarks annoys the shit out of me on mobile with the way it forcibly takes up the entire screen. Used to be able to scroll slightly above or below and tap outside of it to close the window. Now I have to actually tap the X to close it.
I've only been on this update for a few minutes so I haven't completely checked the Preferences yet, but here's an early impression.

Text scale is bugged (14px is bigger than 16px, maybe swapped around?)

Dark Theme complaints seem to be a horse beaten to death already but... it's bad (Dark Reader & Default Theme looks decent at least).

I don't actually like how the page widens for Wide Screen, I actually prefer it to be it's usual size, even with the empty space.
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How do I find the newly posted threads? The option isn't there.
I'm just in case you haven't figured out yet. Go to Watched Threads, scroll down and click/touch select all, and then enable Emails.
Edit: does it work?
It would appear I misunderstood how they were visually represented. Upon doing what you said nothing changed, it still says 'OP Email [ ]' The 'OP Email' part IS telling me it is set to OP Email, the box '[ ]' itself it denoting which I have selected, since I don't currently have anything selected, each box is empty. That said...

Good News, All my followed threads did NOT have their notifications disabled. I simply misunderstood the UI.
Bad News. I still don't understand why I'm not receiving alerts or emails for stories.
Not sure if it's been brought up, but when searching through people's posts there isn't a 'See All Threads By' option anymore, which is really annoying for finding old works from authors.
So there's still a way to see threads by a user; goto their member page, then there's 4 buttons" Follow, Ignore, Start Conversaion and Find \/, Click the Find \/ button and then there's Find all threads by <user>

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