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XF2 transition feedback

Dont know If I'm blind but it seems like you cant actually find all thread by one author anymore? use to go to people profile then posts and it would have a tab for All thread by this person but the option is gone now. That or it blends in perfectly with the background.

I have noticed this as well.
The current dark style gives me eye strain so I can't use it.

I'm not sure what dark style I used before (it wasn't the one with something green), does anyone happen to be fiddling with a css userstyle or something to get them back, or have screenshots of the previous styles, so I can try to have chatgpt recreate the style for me?
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Thank you, that was a partial solution.

Now the update alerts are staying unread, but random comments and reactions are staying unread too. SB and SV doesn't have that issue, is that in the Preferences too?
You might try instead using Per-Alert Configuration, and then adjusting the checkboxes in the list of things you can get alerts for a bit further down the pref page. Turn off the Pop-up Auto-read for the things you want to stay in place.
So....one thing to report/question as feedback.

Is it something about XF2 that messes with the emails the site sends?
Previously when i'd get an alert sent to the mail i would see the entirety of the post that caused the alert(yes, for instance an entire new chapter an OP posted could be read in my email)
The couple of alerts i received after the update don't show the post text at all.
I receive the name of the post author, the name of the thread, and then it directly slips to View this thread/watched threads footer of the message, completely ommiting the actual post...
Summarized, i get the header and footer of the alert, buot not the actual alert

I know at one point SB's mails did something similar..they however at least left the first coue of lines of the post that triggered the alert.
As its another XF2 forum i thought it may be related...

On phone now, so cant do anything, when i get home ill send screenshots of old mail alert vs new mail alert to @ultima333

Also, sorry if someone reported this already on first work break of the day and haven't had time to read the rest of the feedback thread...
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Additionally, tags are included in thread update alerts now. This feels superfluous, and makes it harder to read the alert. Furthermore, again with the text being hard to read because of the wrong greys being used for text and background.
CSS to remove them:

.fauxBlockLink-blockLink > span.tagItem {
    display: none;
Another thing I've noticed:

There isn't a Logo on the front page, at least with the Dark theme. Just "Questionable Questing" in plain text, with the old logo only visible in the header. Except not really, because it's goddamn miniscule in the header, at least for me.

Overall, a bad UI design aspect that should also be changed, whenever the chance comes to address the current issues.


I like the QQ logo, and would prefer the old header style, where it was actually visible.
There is so much wasted space with this new design. The stuff I am actually interested in reading is squashed into a significantly smaller area. I stoped using reddit because of the terrible change in format, QQ is not immune to this kind of problem. If you want to upgrade your software, or add options that's fine but why is it that the go to seems to be radical design and function changes with no option to opt out.

My advice is build the default interface like they used to build space capsules. All the mandatory functions with minimal embellishments. All this additional junk that's now default can be added in by people who want it without ruining the experience for the rest of us.
have to admit the last threadmark option under filters is nice.
The QQ logo isn't even showing up for me, the header just has the default XenForo logo.
ok. Casual search didn't show the thing i was thinking of. SB and SV both have subtly but disctinctively lighter background on the alerts that are new, and on mobile the star of the new alert doesn't show up or is tiny enough that i didn't see it.
Edit to not doublepost:
When can one expect the dark-green theme?
I guess there are some nice changes(even if I can't find them) but this new design feels too much like a copy paste of SpaceBattles/SufficientVelocity. It feels… less like QQ now.
Yes it is, but it's kinda good? we'll have to adjust but it's noticeably faster
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The feature I was most excited about searching by tags is very wonky. Non of the actual tags show up, like if I want an si (self-insert) tagged fic it just doesn't show up and using most tags tells that these tags aren't found. Also is it just me or is the header bar very cluttered for no reason? I don't need alerts and search and new posts and messages, all of that within Arms reach just the qq logo, my profile,alerts and maybe search are good enough. Also the qq logo on the header bar is comically small. I never actually used styles and I like the default well enough so I think xf2 looks nice. Maybe remove the menu in the top left? We used to that just by clicking on the logo so what is its use? Anyhow this is great work and it will be even better with time
Well it not a Bug but i do have some Feedback.
I use the page-???#post-?????? Links found when you Click on the Date and time of the Post in a thread.
(normally on the Threadmark of a Chapter to a Story) on Story's that get updates almost every day.
be for the << Index >> part of the page for Threadmark was to the Right of the "Threadmarks: Chapter name" on the Same line and Showed at the top of the Page if you Hit F5.
Now that Part is on the Next line up "<- Threadmark ->" and the Link from the Page??#Post-????? make me have to Move the Mouse and Scroll the Mouse Wheel up. to see if there is a new chapter. ware before i could just Hit F5 see if there was a new Chapter and move to the Next Tab. this is slowing down the speed i can tell if new chapters have been posted or not.
and seeing as i have over 20 Story's i do this with. that a lot of time Lost to a Change in the Page Layout.
AKA i am not happy....
I also want to chime in that having threads by author would be very nice.

Aditionally threadmarks have annoyances on mobile; they are paginated and you stay at the bottom of the list when navigating meaning there is a lot of scrolling up and down, however auto scrolling to the top would be bad too.
It is also impossible to overscroll and close the threadmark window from the bottom of the list so you have to scroll to the top and hit a tiny x.
I would 100% prefer the previous style. This is just visually awkward. Buttons like "threadmarks" don't stand out, the logo is tiny, and finding anything is now physically harder. Also, when you click on a tag to find other stories with that tag it just takes you to an "oops, that doesn't work" page.
you managed to find your watchlist of threads? Please tell me how I can not find mine in the slightest
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All of my bitching aside, that 'ignore thread' feature is pretty fuckin' sick.
I also noticed that email notification I received in Gmail no longer show a preview of what has been updated. Whether it's a new theadmark or just a response. It's nice to know which it is in case I just want to delete the email instead of going to thread to find out which it is.
Another thing I've noticed:

There isn't a Logo on the front page, at least with the Dark theme. Just "Questionable Questing" in plain text, with the old logo only visible in the header. Except not really, because it's goddamn miniscule in the header, at least for me.

Overall, a bad UI design aspect that should also be changed, whenever the chance comes to address the current issues.


I like the QQ logo, and would prefer the old header style, where it was actually visible.
I wouldn't mind if it was just the two Qs of different color next to each other temporarily.

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