• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

The XF2 transition broke an important feature: We can't access the list of threat created by a person through their profile anymore.
Yes, you can. You just have to go to their profile page instead of being able to do it from the popup. Which would be nice to have back, but isn't the end of the world imo. It's a dropdown menu labelled "Find," rather than a tab.
The XF2 transition broke an important feature: We can't access the list of threat created by a person through their profile anymore.
I mean, there is the "Find" button in the profile, next to "Start Conversation", that then shows "Find all Content" and "Find all Threads".
Between the improved color contrasts over the Dark theme and not needing to hit a separate button to open Watched threads, Blackened Blue is wonderful, thank you very much :)

Now I just need my anger back :V
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Yes, you can. You just have to go to their profile page instead of being able to do it from the popup. Which would be nice to have back, but isn't the end of the world imo. It's a dropdown menu labelled "Find," rather than a tab.

I mean, there is the "Find" button in the profile, next to "Start Conversation", that then shows "Find all Content" and "Find all Threads".
Thank you both ! I wasn't seeing it !
When looking at someone's profile, there's no button that I was able to see for seeing all their posted threads.
Alright, so this is a bit of a nitpick - at least for me - but I was editting some tables in the TinyMCE, and wanted to do a little more finnicking editting so I hit the button to edit bbcode directly, then when I hit the button to return to the Rich Text Editor, the tables stayed pulled apart into pure bbcoding instead of recompiling into the visual tables that they were set up into before.
Blackend Blue with High contrast is great, it's much better than grey on grey or the blackend green.
They also use less space. QQ has 25px vertical content and 10px padding on both the bottom and the top, plus a 5px top border and 1px bottom border. SB has 16px vertical content and 10px padding on the bottom only, plus a 1px bottom border. SV has 14px vertical content and 3px of padding on the bottom only, plus a 1px bottom border. So total vertical space used is 51px vs 27px vs 18px. Definitely a lot of space that could be saved.
Just a personal correction: QQ vertical content size of the header bar is 20px, not 25px. I forgot that I'd changed the site's text size when messing with things, so the comparison with SV/SB wasn't entirely fair.

It's still a total of 46 vertical pixels, though, vs 27 and 18. Most of the difference is the top padding and top border (15px total), neither of which are present in SV/SB styling.
top navbar takes up 1/4 of the screen ); and zoom/text adjust doesn't help since navbar also affected. There's some recent developments that came out just a little while ago in 2008 like rem and css media queries that might help out on various display sizes.
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The text editor is white on the Blackened themes for some reason.

Also could we get the posts back to using a serifed font please?
Is there a way to not show the thread tags on alerts? I don't really need to see them and it just clutters up the window. e: Ah, there is in preferences!
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Probably should've tested more than just on the transition thread when I wrote that. This should fix it, at the very least it seems to work on threads with and without polls. Caveat is I had to use :has() which only got added to browsers in 2022 incase you're running an ancient browser
Just a note: You're using display: box, which is an old layout system that got dropped when browsers settled on display: flex. I'd suggest swapping over to the flexbox model. order would replace box-ordinal-group, and you shouldn't need the -webkit and -moz prefix properties. Flexbox has been standardized for more than 10 years.
First, thank you for adding the option to disable the sticky nav-bar in the preferences and the ability to "hide" the "Similar threads" block. Much appreciated since I can't do it with GreaseMonkey nor Tampermonkey anymore. I would have liked to have the ability to either hide or completely remove the block listing other users viewing the thread (since, beside the OP to know how popular the thread is, I don't see who would care for that option), but putting it last at least make replying feel more natural.

Second, is there an option that I'm not seeing regarding alerts? Since I stopped getting mails warning me of updates to my watched thread a few years back, I had gotten into the habit of always keeping a tab in my browser open on the main page of QQ. Before the move, I just needed to switch to that tab and the "alert" icon was updated immediately, showing the number of alerts since I last viewed the page. Since this morning, however, I need to reload the page for that to happen. Not really that important in comparison to everything else, but it got me curious.

And yes, after the move I saw the banner warning about mails send to msn accounts, I will see about switching to a gmail one when I have the time...
Just a note: You're using display: box, which is an old layout system that got dropped when browsers settled on display: flex. I'd suggest swapping over to the flexbox model. order would replace box-ordinal-group, and you shouldn't need the -webkit and -moz prefix properties. Flexbox has been standardized for more than 10 years.
Figured what I was doing was terrible, I'm not a webdev by any means and just hacked together stack overflow answers. But at this point you don't even need my hack, admins appear to have fixed the default themes and added a few more themes.
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Don't actually know if this is an option you can select or something, but I hate that reader mode only displays 10 posts instead of the 30 from the previous version.
The rest is kinda cosmetic, I guess? Like the look is just different enough from other XF2 sites I use while preserving enough elements from the old site that it's a little uncanny-valleyesk, but I can just get used to that.
Thank thee kindly for adding the new themes to the site--the Dark Blue is a joy compared to regular Dark, and the text typed into the post box no longer sears my eyes from sheer bright contrast. :)

Strangely enough, yesterday the Like button showed a few options that today don't show up. Was it another change to return to the closest of simply like-unliked duality from Xenforo 1?

I don't mind either option, just curious about it, that's all.

Though now that I remember, the Questionable Questing logo feels like a low-res pic instead of the crisp title it used to have in Xenforo 1, though this quirk only shows up in Dark theme.

In the Blackened variants, the title reads clearly, but lacks the charm that the original logo had.

These are only observations, mind. I am still happy that this site won't run the risk of getting its infrastructure fucked over by an overzealous puritan hacker like I've seen it happen to other sites through the years.
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On desktop currently all Scroll Bars are the same very light color regardless of theme selected.
of course, it's great that you are developing the site and listening to our criticism. But the new dark themes look like they were made to fuck off. The problem with the text dissolving in the background has remained. Wouldn't it have been easier to adapt the old color solutions rather than reinvent the wheel?
I'm getting the red number on my alert icon again! I suppose you never realize how big a quality of life improvement is until you're faced with the prospect of losing it.

Styles are being added, tabs are working again, I'm seeing signatures now. I did get logged out despite being only gone a few hours, but someone told me that's normal for site transitions like this and won't be the normal.

The site still doesn't feel as streamlined as before, but it does a lot for my hope to see problems getting fixed same-day they're being pointed out.
One big thing that I hope comes back is email previews. Current, I can't tell if a snippet thread post that updated is something I actually want to read unless I actually open the link for it. And with how the Gmail app works, it just thinks the mails being sent for updates are repeat quotes. So email previews would be nice to see back. There must be a setting admin-side that allows that that ended up being changed in the changeover, I think.
Here's what it looks like when I open a page normally. See that that search button isn't visible.
You can find the search button when you zoom out....along with a black bar along the right side of the screen that is persistent when you scroll down.

Essentially, the mobile version of the site definitely needs some tuning. Along with this issue,
I now only see one more issue with the new site. Everything seems to take up more space. Like, be it options, tabs, drop down list for my alerts and even threads in the main NSFW board. The font isn't the issue, it's like the UI is taking up more space for everything.

I use this site on my phone the most. So I'm noticing it the most.

It can't fit anywhere near as much content on screen as it could before. You have to scroll way more to see everything.

Compare it to the previous QQ and this one and you'll notice the difference. If you've got a screenshot of the QQ NSFW board from before and one now, you'll see that one screen doesn't fit as many threads anymore. Everything feels bloated.

SB and SV don't have this issue either, you'll notice if you open them side to side with this one. I think it's the fixable issue if they could resize it.

I know I'm not imagining it either. I opened SB and QQ in two tabs and saw it side by side. This do be needing some fixing.

I'm aware this thread was opened to talk about themes to be added. So if there's a dedicated thread where I can bring this to the mods attention, I'd be happy to be redirected there. @alethiophile
Reposting this here since someone mentioned the thread I originally posted this on wasn't the right place for XF2 feedback.

Edit: Apologies to alethiophile if he gets knocked again because I requoted my post here.

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