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Youngest Winchester

so much unexploitable potential, so many memes that could be used the potential of the dogs that these Si could have unleashed in this universe! all for nothing. please don't put Lokibriel here yeah
So, first...

Nice to see this back.

I like this fic.

Especially the MC with mid-game power and problems in the tutorial stage.

Now, the critique...

First, maybe you don't need to follow the blow-by-blow scene of the series?

I mean, the series is LONG.

15 season, methink.

Even if you used one chapter / episode, you'll need some 300-s or so chapters.

Second, connected to the first, this fic still follow canon too much.

In fact, IMHO, this fic is 80% canon, 10% origin story, 5% difference, and 5% error margin.

Now, not to say that you do it badly, just, maybe the pace make it seems the change is not visible.

Despite the criticism, I await the next chapter.

Thank you for the story

Keep up the good work.
So, first...

Nice to see this back.

I like this fic.

Especially the MC with mid-game power and problems in the tutorial stage.

Now, the critique...

First, maybe you don't need to follow the blow-by-blow scene of the series?

I mean, the series is LONG.

15 season, methink.

Even if you used one chapter / episode, you'll need some 300-s or so chapters.

Second, connected to the first, this fic still follow canon too much.

In fact, IMHO, this fic is 80% canon, 10% origin story, 5% difference, and 5% error margin.

Now, not to say that you do it badly, just, maybe the pace make it seems the change is not visible.

Despite the criticism, I await the next chapter.

Thank you for the story

Keep up the good work.

The episode after this, which is about a ghost in a lake, will mostly be skipped, as Adam won't be joining his brothers on the hunt and will mostly be focused on something else.

If you pay attention, you may have noticed that I set up some plot points that will lead to this in the next arc.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but when it does, it will wrap up the wendigo arc.

The Chapter after that will be a Castiel pov, then the start of the next arc.

I plan to use Castiel chapters to show backstory.

Unfortunately, I can't write chapters as whole arcs, as my muse is limited and only lets me write up to 2k words before being exhausted, and I generally like to post what i've written right away.
The episode after this, which is about a ghost in a lake, will mostly be skipped, as Adam won't be joining his brothers on the hunt and will mostly be focused on something else.

If you pay attention, you may have noticed that I set up some plot points that will lead to this in the next arc.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but when it does, it will wrap up the wendigo arc.

The Chapter after that will be a Castiel pov, then the start of the next arc.

I plan to use Castiel chapters to show backstory.

Unfortunately, I can't write chapters as whole arcs, as my muse is limited and only lets me write up to 2k words before being exhausted, and I generally like to post what i've written right away.


Now, I don't think you actually need to write an entire arc in a chapter.

Just, reduce the blow-by-blow Monster-of-the-Week chapters, maybe just imply what happen, and focus more on the greater season arc.

Thank you for the story.

Keep up the good work.

Now, I don't think you actually need to write an entire arc in a chapter.

Just, reduce the blow-by-blow Monster-of-the-Week chapters, maybe just imply what happen, and focus more on the greater season arc.

Thank you for the story.

Keep up the good work.
I will totally be with you bro

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