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Youngest Winchester

Adam 6 - Voodoo Doll 6
This is the last Voodoo Doll chapter, next chapter is Pilot.


The sight of my own eyes black as the blackest night, was enough to shake me out of the demonic haze, and I regained partial control over myself. Then the witch threw a lamp at me, and I caught it instinctively with my power.

"Don't," I warned, turning towards her.

She either didn't hear me, or chose to disregard my warming, as she threw a broken table leg at me next, which I redirected away from me. With a sigh, I picked her up with my power, pushed her into the chair I had been sitting in just a minute ago, and bound her with rope she had tied me up with, the cord slithering over her arms and legs to affix themselves quite securely. Then I gagged her using a nearby cleaning cloth.

With that out of the way, I made sure to secure the door more firmly, so none of her slaves be able to interrupt us. Then I turned to regard myself in the mirror again, leaning on the vanity.

Having regained some control over myself, my eyes were now their usual sky-blue, but I knew I was close to the edge of snapping again. With a sigh, I pulled my flask from my pocket, and took a swig of Holy Water. It stung on it way down, and a moment later, the demonic blood stopped pumping in my ears.

After the demon had fed me demon blood all those years ago, I had been sick for almost three months, and according to the doctors, I had almost died. I guess there was a difference between drinking demon blood as an infant, and drinking it as a young child.

I did survive, however, and after that long sick period, I started experimenting. Only when I was alone of course, when I could get away from Sam and Dean while John was gone on hunts. I was careful, always making sure I wasn't being watched, and never going too far with my experiments. I was never one to waste potential power.

It turned out that accessing my demonic powers was easy, all I had to do was open myself up to them. I started by lifting rocks. By the time I was ten, I could lift cinder blocks, by the time I was twelve, I could lift cars. After that, I focused on fine tuning my control, which was where I was today. I barely had to focus to use my powers, which was a far cry from when it had taken my full concentration to lift measly rocks.

However, experimenting and refining these powers came at a cost that didn't become apparent until much later: the more I used my powers, the more demonic I became. One time, I turned my powers on to try an experiment, only for a demonic haze to come over me. When I finally regained control over myself, it was several hours later, and I had killed a dog and two cats, and had nearly came close to killing a person.

Since then, I hadn't touched my powers with a ten foot pole. Until today.

"Christo," I muttered under my breath. "Christo, christo, christo."

Each time I said it, the black eyes failed to appear. I took another swig of Holy Water. It tasted like normal water now. Good, I was back to normal. With a sigh of relief, I turned around and regarded the bound and gagged witch.

"You know, you're very lucky," I said causally, leaning back on the vanity. "If I hadn't regained control of myself, you'd probably be dead right now."

The witch glared at me.

"Shucks, you're dead anyway right?" I said awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "Well, maybe. I could be persuaded to let you go, if you answer a few questions."

The witch still glared at me.

"Alright, I'm gonna pull the gag out now," I replied. "just don't scream when I do, ok? Can't have the neighbors waking up and calling the po-po now, can we?"

I removed the gag and she thankfully remained silent.

"Alright, first question," I said, wiping the sweat off my brow. "How long was I knocked out?"

She remained silent, and after I waited for her to speak for half a minute, I kicked myself mentally when I realized I was wasting time trying to question her. Dean would arrive at any minute, and I had to clean this place up before he got here.

"Not feeling cooperative, huh?" I said a moment later. "That's a pity."

Then I picked up my gun and shot her clean through the head at point blank range. A moment later, I heard several thumps, as bodies hit the ground. Her slaves, I realized. She must have connected their life force to her own.

I sighed again. It was just one fuck up after another today.


It was well into nighttime by the time Dean arrived, an hour later. By then I had managed to locate the victim (who seemed to be in some kind of enchanted sleep in another room), and had cleaned up any evidence of my presence in the house. The bullet I had shot the witch with was safely in my pocket, so the po-po, the police, wouldn't be able to identify my gun with it.

I had moved all the bodies to the attic (so it would be a while before anyone found them), and had placed the victim on the couch next to the door so we could leave as soon as Dean got here. Moving all those bodies around was tiring work, so I had sat down to wait on a rocking chair on the porch.

Dean, to his credit, did not park right in front of the house, but instead walked up, probably intending to sneak in the front door.

"God damn it, Adam," Dean said when he saw me on the porch, and pointed at me with an angry face. "I gave you one job! One, job!"

"I'd like to think I performed that job reasonably well," I replied mildly.

"You were supposed to just investigate the dive bars!" Dean nearly shouted with a huff. "not go tearing across town, chasing after a witch! What if something had happened to you?"

"In case you haven't noticed," I said in a sing song voice. "Ding-dong, the witch is dead! I can take care of myself."

"Adam..." Dean replied with a frustrated noise, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I smiled inwardly. Dean really did care.
No worries. My desires lining up with the protagonist isn't important, they can diverge freely. I've certainly enjoyed the chapters.
Adam 7 - Pilot 1
'Dean, something is starting to happen. I think it's serious. I need to try to figure out what's going on. *Distorted speech* Be very careful, boys. We're all in danger.'

I listened as Dean played the voice mail on his phone. "There's an EVP on that."

"I noticed," Dean replied, snapping his phone close. "I'm gonna record it, slow it down, and run it through GoldWave, see if I can refine it."

I stroked my chin thoughtfully. It had been about three weeks since we'd managed to get any kind of contact from John, ever since we'd separated to do those different jobs, and I was beginning to realize, this is it, the start of canon.

We were still in Baton Rouge, as no new hunts had turned up yet, and we'd already payed to stay at the motel here for the month. I had cooked my usual morning meal, and we were sitting at the table, our laptops open in front of us.

"Ok" I replied, looking at Dean. "And what do we do after?"

"What do you think? We gotta go find Dad," Dean said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Alright, so Jericho, California," I turned to look at my laptop. "If we haul ass, we'll be there in a day or two."

"Yeah..." Dean leaned back in his chair, his eyes looking down and to the left like he did when he was thinking about something. "I think… Dads missing, and Sam… he'll want to know, he'll want to help us."

I made a frustrated sigh. Dispite knowing it was coming, it was still frustrating. Sam had been gone for four years, and Dean still couldn't get over it.

"What?" Dean asked incredulously.

"I just don't think Sam is gonna be in a hurry to help Dad," I wiped my forehead awkwardly. "It'd take a lot to drag him away from Stanford. Maybe if it was me or you, he'd come, but after that last spat he and Dad had-"

"Spat?!" Dean shook his head, and his lips twisted. "Look, Dad is missing, and Sam will want to help us look for him, I know he will, trust me!"

"Ok, ok!" I threw my hands up. "I trust you."

"Alright, good," Dean replied, standing up. "Lets get packed up and on the road."

"I'm with you there," I said, standing up as well.

It didn't take us very long to pack up. Dean took a while to process the recording, but when he was done, it turned out the EVP was something along the lines of 'I can never go home', said in a female voice. Once he recorded it on a cassette tape player, we were on the road.

"I'm gonna give Sam a call, let him know we're on the way," I said once we were in the Impala and on the interstate.

"You have his number?!" Dean asked in surprise. "Since when?"

"Uh, since the fourth week after he left?" I replied, looking at him. "I did tell him not to cut me out of his life. He called me."

"You mean you had his number all this time and you never told me?" Dean asked angrily. "Really?"

"Hey, you could have looked him up and called him at any time," I replied defensively. "Don't put this on me, you're the one who said you wanted to give him space. And by the way, Sam called me, not the other way around."

Dean scoffed. "Ok, fine. Whatever. Give him a call and tell him we're on our way."

I rolled my eyes. God, Dean could get so jealous sometimes. Sure, both of them thought of me as their little brother, but still. The bond I had with each of them would never be as strong as the bond they had with each other. If Dean had to chose between me or Sam to play on his team at football, he'd always chose Sam, and Sam, would always chose Dean.

With another roll of my eyes, I opened my flip phone and dialed Sam's number.

He answered after a few rings. "Adam?"

"Hey Sam."

"Hey… what's going on?"

"I'm just giving you a call to let you know that Dean and I are on our way over, there's something going on and we gotta talk to you."

"What? What do you mean, somethings going on? Did something happen?"

"Uh, yeah. We've been out of contact with Dad for a few weeks," I replied. "He's not picking up the phone, and he was on a hunting trip last we heard. He's missing, Sam."

"So? He's always missing, and he's always fine-"

"It's different this time," I replied sharply. "Look, we'll tell you more when we get there, this is just a heads up that we're on our way. We'll be there in a day or two, see you then."

With that I hung up and closed my phone. Then I noticed Dean looking at me with an expression that said 'really?'

"What?" I asked defensively.

"You know Adam? You do that way to much," Dean replied, looking back at the road.

"Do what?" I asked incredulously.

"Hang up on people in the middle of a conversation," Dean looked at me again. "It's really annoying."

I sighed and shook my head. "Just drive, jerk."

What do you guys think about the recent chapters?
What do you guys think about the recent chapters?

Lot's of telling and not showing and lots of "empty" lines, such as characters repeating "yes", or "what" or whatever in the last chapter, without adding anything to the story. Feels like you are padding the word count, with extra dialogue, while failing to adapt the tv show into writing format. It's a common problem for people writing fanfiction of TV shows. I mean you are doing better than the "script format" guys, but yea. Not much is conveyed during the speech, you need to do more descriptors, and trow out obvious shit like "I replied" that adds nothing. Describe characters moving, walking, driving, whatever. Don't say "He asked questioningly" after sentence ending with question mark.

I mean I liked the fight scene, and this could be good. Just don't feel like you have much content, or skill at adapting the existing content to this medium.

Sorry about being so negative, but this only feedback I got, and you asked for it. Just keep writing and you are gonna get better. Adapting stuff is pretty hard, and movies fail to do it all the time.
Lot's of telling and not showing and lots of "empty" lines, such as characters repeating "yes", or "what" or whatever in the last chapter, without adding anything to the story. Feels like you are padding the word count, with extra dialogue, while failing to adapt the tv show into writing format. It's a common problem for people writing fanfiction of TV shows. I mean you are doing better than the "script format" guys, but yea. Not much is conveyed during the speech, you need to do more descriptors, and trow out obvious shit like "I replied" that adds nothing. Describe characters moving, walking, driving, whatever. Don't say "He asked questioningly" after sentence ending with question mark.

I mean I liked the fight scene, and this could be good. Just don't feel like you have much content, or skill at adapting the existing content to this medium.

Sorry about being so negative, but this only feedback I got, and you asked for it. Just keep writing and you are gonna get better. Adapting stuff is pretty hard, and movies fail to do it all the time.

It's good feedback, i was feeling that myself really.

After i've written more of the story, i'll probably go back and see about editing those first chapters.

Next chapter will be Castiel, and hopefully will be a lot better.
It's good feedback, i was feeling that myself really.

After i've written more of the story, i'll probably go back and see about editing those first chapters.

Next chapter will be Castiel, and hopefully will be a lot better.

Doubtful. Castiel is like 90% actor, and honestly not that good of a character. He only works since the actor is really great at the whole "I don't get things" face, while the contrasting with being all powerful, and knowledgeable makes for enough plot convenience to keep him around for info dumping, or deus ex machina stuff. I might be bit biased since I really did not like the overarching angel plot line (save for Gabriel, I guess), and rather enjoyed the monster of the week format, but Castiel just reeks of lazy writing, and introducing him early will likely kill any tension, since you know injury and death, transport or even most magic becomes meaningless as soon as you have him on speed dial.
Doubtful. Castiel is like 90% actor, and honestly not that good of a character. He only works since the actor is really great at the whole "I don't get things" face, while the contrasting with being all powerful, and knowledgeable makes for enough plot convenience to keep him around for info dumping, or deus ex machina stuff. I might be bit biased since I really did not like the overarching angel plot line (save for Gabriel, I guess), and rather enjoyed the monster of the week format, but Castiel just reeks of lazy writing, and introducing him early will likely kill any tension, since you know injury and death, transport or even most magic becomes meaningless as soon as you have him on speed dial.

He's not going to be involved in the plot this early. Don't worry.
Castiel 1
Most of the Host of Heaven had duties to attend to, but Castiel's only duty was to wait for the war that was coming, the war that was on every angels lips.

The Apocalypse.

His garrison had already trained extensively for the coming war, over the past millennia that the angels had been forbidden from leaving Heaven by Michael. Oh sure, the garrison had been allowed to leave on various missions for God in the interim, but for the most part, the Pearly Gates remained close.

So, with no duties to attend to, and no training to do, Castiel spent most of his time wandering the Halls of Heaven, observing the many paradises created by each human soul. It was an interesting past time, as no two paradises were exactly alike. Sometime, he might observe a paradise for a few minutes, other times he stayed for a whole day or two, but no longer.

But when he grew weary of wandering, he would often return to his favored Paradise, which right now was the eternal Tuesday afternoon of an autistic man who drowned in a bathtub in 1953, a Paradise he had found only a few decades previously.

There he would stand, in quiet contemplation of his father's creation, usually alone. Sometime other angels would visit him, but it was very rare.

It was during one of these periods of quiet contemplation that a human started praying to him.

At first, he hadn't realized what was happening, for no human had prayed to him for millennia. But yes, he realized, a human was praying to him, a human by the name of Adam Milligan.

Hello Castiel. Uh, you're probably wondering why a human is praying to you. Well… my name is Adam Milligan, and the reason why is pretty simple. Right now I'm about 7 years old, but… I remember living a previous life, a life before this one. Now hold on, Castiel, you're probably thinking, 'that's not possible, I've never heard of such a thing before'. Or may you have, I don't know. Anyway, the point is, if such a thing is not possible, then how do I know your name? Well, I could have read it in a book, but still, I'm seven years old, it's not exactly normal for a seven year old human to be all up on the angel lore, and besides, I doubt most humans pray to angels instead of directly to God, ya know.

Castiel wasn't quite sure what to make of this. A human was praying to him, a human who claimed to remember living a life before his current one. Castiel understood the concept of reincarnation, but it wasn't exactly something that actually happened. When a human dies, either their soul goes to Heaven and spends the rest of eternity there, or it goes to hell and becomes a demon. Or it became a ghost, if it didn't pass over. At least, as far as Castiel understood.

Well, maybe you believe me, maybe you don't. It guess it doesn't really matter. I just… it'd be nice to have someone to talk to about this stuff, even if you don't reply. I just have one request, please don't report this to your superiors, or to your brothers. I mean, if they ask you about it, sure. I don't want you to get hurt, but you don't have to tell them in the first place. It'll be our little secret. I'll assume that if nothing happens to me or my mom in the next few days that you honored my request. I'll… pray… to you again soon.

Castiel was unsure of what to do. On the one hand, a human had asked him to lie to his brothers, well, lie by omission, simply because he had confessed to being unnatural.

But on the other hand, God knew everything, so surely He knew about the unnatural child. If God did not wish for the unnatural child to exist, then He would have already ordered Castiel and his brothers to hunt the unnatural child down and smite him. That God had not given such an order yet meant that He knew and approved of the situation.

Feeling conflicted, Castiel decided he would take a wait and see approach, for he could always report the situation later.

A few days later, the human prayed to him again.

So, it's been a few days, I'm still alive, and my memories appear to be intact. Well, thank you, I guess, Castiel. So, you're probably wondering how I know your name. Well, I didn't read it in some book, as you're probably guessing. No, the thing is, I witnessed you as a character on a tv show, in my past life. You see, my past didn't happen before my current life did, they ran in parallel timelines. In my first life, I was born in 1988. in my current life, I was born in 1990.

Thing is, in my past life, I never heard of the supernatural world. I was one of the mundane people who lived an ordinary life. I'd thought things like ghosts, monsters, demons… angels, those things… didn't exist. Instead, I watched them on tv, and thought them fictional. Wait, you probably don't know what TV is at this point, do you? Ok well. Here's a quick rundown. So, unlike Angels, people, humans… we have emotions. So there are good emotions and bad emotions. Good emotions are like… love, empathy, and joy, and bad emotions are like anger, disgust, and fear.

One of those bad emotions is boredom, and a lot of our actions are driven by the need to alleviate boredom, 'cause too much boredom can be like some of the worst torture, for humans anyway. One of the ways we alleviate boredom is by observing other human acting as characters, in movies, tv shows, or plays. Don't ask me why it works, it just does. Alleviating boredom is the is one of the main reason why we watch tv shows, movies, and plays, but we also do it to relax if we've been working for a long time, cause you don't have to be actively engaged to enjoy a good movie or tv show.

A human just sitting around in a couch is either asleep, or a very, very bored human.

A TV just a box with a display that we use to watch humans act at being characters from a long distance away, and you can watch tv shows or movies on it.

The point is, I once watched a tv show that had you as a character, as well as myself, and two others: Sam and Dean Winchester. And now I've found myself in that tv show, except no one's acting. It's real, and it has real consequences. People could die. In fact, in the tv show, I died. The person that played the character that was me, was actually a ghoul that had killed me, eaten me, and taken my form. By the time any events involving me happened in the show, I was already dead.

I have no interest in dying, so I've got to save myself, and my mom somehow. I have a few ideas on how to do that, but it's risky. That in mind, I'm gonna take a year to work on a plan, and maybe I'll come up with something that won't get me killed.

And so it went, for a year. Every week or so, Adam would pray to him, telling him what was going on in his life, and Castiel would listen quietly. He didn't speak of the strange human praying to him to his brothers, in fact he rarely left his favored paradise, and as the year passed, he found himself looking forward to each time Adam prayed to him.

According to Adam, he had sighed up for martial arts training, and spent most of his time at a nearby library. When he prayed to Castiel, Adam most often spoke of what he learned at training that week, or shared particularly interesting tidbits he'd found out at the library. Adam never shared any details about the 'tv show' he had told Castiel of, however, and sometimes Castiel found himself wondering why. But he was certain, Adam would share what he knew in due time.

A year came and went, and eventually, Adam came up with a plan.

Ok, so… if it was just the ghouls, I already know how to deal with them. Chop off their head and they're dead. But it's not just the Ghouls, from what I saw, there's a whole world of clawed and fanged nasties out there, and I don't know how to protect myself, and my mom from all of them, so I'm going to have to get training. However, I can't just walk up to any old hunter and say 'train me', cause A, most hunters have a twitchy trigger finger and would probably find me mighty strange, and B, cause they'd have a whole lot of questions that I don't have the answer for, John Winchester, my father, included.

So I figure, if I want John to give me any kind of training, I'd have to put him on the back foot, and at the same ease him into the conversation. The one rule that the Winchesters have is that they don't tell the truth to anyone, unless they're already caught in it. But, if I do manage to get them to confess, the next problem is getting them to train me. Mom will probably resist the idea, cause she wants me to grow up to be a doctor, and john will resist the idea cause he will want me to grow up normal.

If I push too hard, it could blow up in my face. If I push to softly, I might not get any training at all. God… I wish John wasn't so paranoid. At any rate, they're turning up in a day or so, and we'll have to see what John has to say. I hope… I hope he's not as bad as he was in the tv show, at this point.

From what Adam had told Castiel about John, Castiel found he agreed, and when Adam cut off the connection, Castiel came back to himself with a feeling of… anticipation. He could feel that… something, was going to happen, something of importance.

Adam did not pray to him again that day, or the next day, but around midnight of the day after that, Heaven suddenly burst to life with Angel radio, with so many voices talking over each other, that Castiel had trouble discerning one voice from another.

Confused, Castiel called out on a tight-beam to one of his brothers from his garrison, Uriel. "Brother, what has happened?"

"Didn't you hear, Castiel?" Uriel replied in surprise. "A Demon has attacked the Winchester Family."
Any plans to get in contact with Mary Winchester's side of the family? They'd been hunting for generations and outside of the Men of Letters, probably had access to some valuable lores and resources that would be pretty useful, like how to cure newly turned vampires.
Any plans to get in contact with Mary Winchester's side of the family? They'd been hunting for generations and outside of the Men of Letters, probably had access to some valuable lores and resources that would be pretty useful, like how to cure newly turned vampires.

If they're still around, maybe. I'm pretty sure they were all dead by season one, and brought back by Castiel.
If they're still around, maybe. I'm pretty sure they were all dead by season one, and brought back by Castiel.

Nah, they were still around. Samuel and Deanna were dead and Samuel was brought back later, but they had cousins who were still living up till at least season 6, though a demon or something was actively hunting them.
Nah, they were still around. Samuel and Deanna were dead and Samuel was brought back later, but they had cousins who were still living up till at least season 6, though a demon or something was actively hunting them.

hmm. I'll see if i can work it in somehow, but don't hold your hopes.
How much is this going to deviate from Canon, I'm liking it well enough so far but I'm not here for a rehash of the show.
Why do ever male oc supernatural main character have to be gay can we get just on straight male like come on I'm sorry but it's Frustrating looking for a male main character for supernatural and every single one are slash
Why do ever male oc supernatural main character have to be gay can we get just on straight male like come on I'm sorry but it's Frustrating looking for a male main character for supernatural and every single one are slash
Yeah I noticed that seems too happen a lot with the fandom, I mean it happens a lot with other fandoms as well but those balance out with the other things.
Yeah I noticed that seems too happen a lot with the fandom, I mean it happens a lot with other fandoms as well but those balance out with the other things.

The Character is Gay, Because i'm gay.

I'm not some pretty girl that writes gay characters because she likes romance.

I'm a guy who likes other guys, and i'm not just gonna make myself straight just because it's a story, i'm trying to write this story as being true to myself.

However, you need not worry, romance will not feature in this story, like at all. It will be all one night stands like in the show.
The Character is Gay, Because i'm gay.

I'm not some pretty girl that writes gay characters because she likes romance.

I'm a guy who likes other guys, and i'm not just gonna make myself straight just because it's a story, i'm trying to write this story as being true to myself.

However, you need not worry, romance will not feature in this story, like at all. It will be all one night stands like in the show.
I have no problem with your preferences or the fact you are writing a character like that, it does not effect me enjoying the story or not; I was just commenting in the fact that it is rare for a supernatural story to have a straight character.
I have no problem with your preferences or the fact you are writing a character like that, it does not effect me enjoying the story or not; I was just commenting in the fact that it is rare for a supernatural story to have a straight character.

That's fine, i just wanted to be clear.
Adam 8 - Pilot 2
I blinked and looked up at the sun, holding up my hand to block out the light, the dry heat causing sweat to break out on my skin. Even though I must have been walking for hours, it was still morning, and the sky was clear.

I grunted with annoyance, and starting putting one foot in front of the other, each step sending up small plumes of dust as I slowly made my way down the creek trail in the dried out canyon, the trail thankfully clear of brush that could have made the hike even more annoying.

Why was I here again? Strangely enough I couldn't remember, and looking around I realized I was alone. Yet, despite being alone in a strange wilderness, for reasons unknown, I wasn't afraid.

With a shrug I continued on my way, and eventually I came to a point where the creek and the trail diverged, the trail turning up around the side of a mountain, the creek continuing down the canyon.

Curious to see where the creek went, I followed it instead of the trail, which was difficult, as the brush grew thick over this part of the canyon, so I had to pick my way carefully through it as a lot of the brush had thorns.

Eventually I came to an open space that the water of the creek fell into, and, careful not to slip on the slimy moss, I gripped a nearby bush and leaned over to peek in.

The water of the creek fell into a massive grotto, the bottom of which I couldn't see due to the darkness. Peering down there, I thought I saw something moving down there, but after watching for a full minute, nothing moved, so it must have been a trick of the light.

With a shrug I turned around back the way I came, and eventually came back to the trail. Stepping on to it, I turned and followed it as it trailed around the side of the mountain, moving down it as it passed over an old mountain slide, where part of it was made of gravel and small rocks.

Eventually I came down to the part where two canyons met to form a larger canyon, down which a small river flowed. Curious to see the grotto from the bottom, I turned and walked down the smaller canyon, and came to a part where larger rocks from the old land slide had come to a rest, having been weathered smooth by old floods, most of the smaller stones having been washed away farther down the canyon.

Strangely, one of the larger rocks struck a familiar cord with me. I had seen this rock somewhere before, but where? Well, here obviously, it's not like the rock could have moved. In fact, this whole place seemed very familiar, like I'd been here before, but for the life of me I couldn't remember when.

I stared at the rock for a few more minutes, before moving on to the grotto. It was midday by the time I arrived, and the grotto itself was still wreathed in darkness. Through the gloom I could make out what looked like a deep hole in the side of the grotto, which I somehow knew was an old mine-shaft, but I had no idea how I knew this.

I also somehow knew that there was something important in that old mine-shaft, but before I could consider the idea further, something stepped around a bend in the grotto, something huge!

It stepped farther into view in the gloom of the grotto, standing up straighter, and with three pairs of red eyes it looked at me.

And then it stepped out of the grotto into the light of the mid day sun, and I noticed that it seemed to be composed of a writhing darkness, a kind of black smoke, formed into sharply defined features. With each step it took I could make out more of it's form, and I suddenly realized that I was looking at a massive three-headed dog.

The three heads opened their mouths to snarl, and I had just enough time to make out pearly white, razor sharp teeth, before it darted forward and snapped me up in its gaping maw!

And I awoke with a gasp, and jerked forward.

"Easy, easy!" Dean said while holding me back on the seat, his other hand on the wheel. "It's just a nightmare, you're ok!"

Swallowing in deep breaths, I looked around the cockpit of the Impala wildly, but there was nothing to see other than Dean, who was glancing at me every now and then with a concerned look. There was no sign of a three-headed dog.

After a moment, I breathed a sigh. It was just a dream… a nightmare really, like Dean said.

"Oh..." I trailed off. "Sorry about that."

"No worries," Dean grinned at me, before looking back at the road.

I looked at the road myself for a few minutes, noticing that it was night out, before turning back to him. "How far are we from Palo Alto?"

"We're almost there," Dean replied easily. "Should be there in a few minutes."

I looked at him for a moment. He seemed almost.. chipper. Explained why he had just brushed off my nightmare like it was nothing, normally he would have been more concerned.

I was temped to make a dry comment about waking Sam up in the middle of the night, but as it was I was feeling a bit too tired for riparte. As it was, I settled back into the chair and turned my thoughts to the dream I had just had.

I'd been dreaming about the grotto for a while now, ever since my encounter with the voodoo witch. I didn't have the dream every night, but it happened often enough for me to notice. Normally I didn't pay too close attention to my dreams, as they were usually too ephemeral and vague to be worth much.

But a recurring dream, with such sharp detail such as this? I had really felt like I had been trekking though the dry wilderness for hours, had really felt the dampness of the grotto, the sliminess of the moss in the creek, the feel of thorns catching on my clothing and pricking my skin…

Had really felt the feel of the dog's teeth closing around my neck.

And with each dream, the details got sharper, the feeling got realer, and the familiarity...

No, there was something else at work here, something I knew had to be related to the demon that had fed me blood when I was seven.

I remembered from my past life that Sam had had prophetic dreams due to his demon blood, that the dreams had been due to either other special children of Azazel acting out, or Azazel doing something himself.

And now the Demon who had fed me blood was trying to tell me something, was trying to get me to do something, and I didn't know what.

But I knew one thing for sure: the demon that had fed me blood, had killed my mother, and had burned my house, was not Azazel.

No, the demon that had fed me blood had Green eyes, while Azazel had Yellow eyes.

But what frightened me the most was that I did not know who the Green-Eyed Demon was! A Green-eyed Demon had never appeared in the main Supernatural Tv Show as far as I knew, only Demons, with White, Red, Black, or Yellow eyes.

No, the Green-Eyed demon was an unknown, a new entity, one I completely lacked knowledge of.

And strangely enough, this new entity was interested in me, for reasons I couldn't think of or explain.

However, as far as Dean, Sam, and John were concerned, the demon that had attacked Mary, and the demon that had attacked Kate, were one and the same. I remembered, back after I had gotten over my sickness, that John had grilled me on everything I remembered witnessing that night the demon had attacked.

I had told him about the feeling of evil, about the cold, and about being pinned down on the bed, unable to move, but I neglected to mention the blood, or the glowing green eyes. Azazel had Yellow eyes, so if I told John about the Green eyes it could have thrown him off Azazel's trail, which was the last thing I needed.

I came back to reality as Dean turned the Impala off the interstate, slowing down as we came to a red light. Dispite being a city, there were no other cars around, as it was the middle of the night.

The light turned green, and Dean turned the Impala to the left, going under the interstate towards the inner city.

"Are we going to Sam's place right now?" I asked, even though it was obvious. Dean was tapping his left foot on the floor, and had a rather excited expression on his face, though it turned sour at my question.

"You do remember that Dad is missing right?" He turned and asked me rhetorically. "There's no time to stop for the night."

As if that was the only reason why we were going to wake Sam up in the middle of the night. No, it was obvious, after four years of Sam's absence from his life, Dean was terribly excited to see him again. The fact that John was missing was just an excuse.

I repressed a scoff. "I assume the plan is to sneak into his house and steal his booze, and then wake him up?"

Dean looked at me with a grin. "But of course!"

I snorted.


I watched as Dean picked the lock of the back entrance of Sam's apartment building, before glancing around to make sure we weren't being watched. It was the night after Halloween, and there were still Halloween decorations all over the place. I didn't mind Halloween that much, but Sam and Dean hated it.

Less than a minute later, the lock came undone. And the two of us quietly slinked through the door, up the stairs, and down the hallway. I kept an eye out while Dean worked on the door to Sam apartment, which was apparently easier to pick than the other door, as only a few seconds later it was open.

Unfortunately, Dean bumped into into a trash can that was just inside the door. He managed to catch it before it tipped over, but it made a slight crashing sound before he did.

"Nice," I whispered sarcastically. "I bet the whole apartment building heard that."

"Shut it!" Dean whispered back, before walking farther into the apartment.

Dean walked farther into the apartment, but I decided to hang back, waiting to see what would happen, keeping a few feet behind him. We walked pass the door with hanging beads, Dean obviously looking for the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, I heard the sound of hanging beads flying apart, but before I could turn around, someone got me into a headlock. Instincts kicking in, I stepped to my left, turned and grasped Sam's left leg, as he had had a wide stance, forcing him to let go of the headlock to soften his landing with his hands, or so I thought, as he gripped my neck and brought his other leg to kick me over in an interesting acrobatic stunt, us landing with him on top of me, his knee digging into my chest.

"Whoa, easy tiger," I heard Dean say as he pulled Sam off me. "That's my little brother you're beating up!"

"Wait, Dean?" Sam looked at him, before looking back at me. "Adam?"

"Hi'ya Sam," I said, still on the floor, rubbing my sore chest where he knee had dug in. "Help me up."

Taking my arm, he pulled me off the floor.

"If I had known I was getting this kind of welcome-" I started, but was cut off when someone turned the lights on.

It was Jess.

"Sam?" she called out as she flipped the switch.

"Jess, hey," Sam started, turning to look at her.

Looking back at us, he said: "Adam, Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica."

"Wait, your brothers, Adam and Dean?" She asked curiously.

"I love the smurfs," Dean replied, pointing at her shirt, before walking up to her. "You know, I gotta tell you, you are completely out of my brother's league."

Jess smiled awkwardly. "Just… let me put something on-"

"Oh no, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it, Seriously," Dean said with a serious expression, before walking back to us. "Anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business, but nice meeting you."

He said that last bit with a wink and a smile. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm sorry Jess, please excuse us," said Sam with an annoyed frown.

"Er, yeah I'll just go back to bed," Jess said hesitantly.

Sam nodded. "I'll be back soon."

As soon as Jess was out of earshot, I walked up to the other side of Dean and smacked him up the backside of his head.

"Ow, what was that for?" He glared at me, rubbing the back of his head.

"You could have handled that with a lot more tact," I replied, glaring right back. "Honestly, your daddy raised you better!"

He glared at me a moment longer, before breaking out in chuckles. Before long, we were all breaking out in bellyful laughter.

"Yeah," Dean said a full minute later through wheezing breaths. "You're completely right, he would have… yeah."

And the mood turned somber, as we were reminded of the situation.

"So… Dad's missing?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, come on, we've got to go," Dean said, turning and walking out the apartment door. Sam and I looked at each other, before followed him.

"Dean, come on, you guys can't just break in in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road with you!" Sam said as we followed him down the stairs.

"Adam told you, didn't he?" Dean called over his back. "Dad's missing, and we need you to help us find him."

"Don't drag me into this," I started. "It was your idea to get Sam, remember? I wanted to leave him alone!"

"You're not helping, Adam!" Dean said in his Large and in Charge voice.

"Fine!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Fine, I'm staying out of this."

I pushed pass him and out the door, walking towards the Impala, and getting in the back. Since Sam was coming, Dean would want him in the front, so it was the back seat for me. I pushed the bags to the side, and sat in the seat behind the drivers seat, my arms folded.

I let out a long sigh. Life had been good up to this point. I had a loving family that cared about me, I was training to be a hunter, and I was living free on the road, wandering the earth, or rather, America. It had been almost idyllic. Sure, there were the monsters that had to be dealt with, and both John and Dean would sometimes come home with wounds that had to be stitched up, but for the most part, I was living the dream.

The day that Sam had left for collage had felt like a breath of fresh air. When Sam had been living with us, there had always been a tension in the air, and there was always the chance that John and Sam might get into a big row about something or other, it hardly mattered.

But when Sam left, things had settled down. Sure, both John and Dean were miserable for months afterward, but still, the tension was gone, and I didn't feel like I had to walk on eggshells anymore. And more, my close friendship with Dean had turned into a true bond of brotherhood. Now that he wasn't constantly acting as a mediator between John and Sam, he had more time to devote to my training, and I had learned a lot from him.

And then there was a little things, like how I could finally cook the breakfast I liked without having to worry about including greens, or being able to watch whatever I like on the television without having to fight over the remote, or being able to do research in peace without Sam being there to micro-manage everything.

Dispite remembering a life before this one, I loved Sam as a brother, but living with him was very difficult for me. Hopefully without John in the mix the overlying tension wouldn't be there.

I started as I felt the trunk of the impala being opened. Looking at the left rear-view mirror, I saw Sam leaning over the side of the trunk. Dean must be showing him John's research of his last hunt.

I thought of getting out, before thinking better of it. Sam was going to be convinced to come either way. I had already decided not to try and save Jess, not for selfish reasons, mind you, but because her death was inevitable. Even if I was successful in exorcising Brady, there was nothing preventing another demon from coming along and killing her. And even if we hid Jess away, there was nothing preventing the demons from targeting her family or close friends.

No, better that one person die so that others could live, and so that Sam could learn the vital lesson: Just cause you left the hunter life behind, doesn't mean the hunter life will leave you behind.
How so very cold blooded of you.

Are you sure the Demon did not influence you?

Because willing to "teach" Sam a lesson without doing anything? That's Ice Cold.

I got chills.
How so very cold blooded of you.

Are you sure the Demon did not influence you?

Because willing to "teach" Sam a lesson without doing anything? That's Ice Cold.

I got chills.

Yes, the Demon side of him had influence in that decision. If he had been pure human I think he would have tried to do something.
But what frightened me the most was that I did not know who the Green-Eyed Demon was! A Green-eyed Demon had never appeared in the main Supernatural Tv Show as far as I knew, only Demons, with White, Red, Black, or Yellow eyes.
...Was it Samhaim the one who fed him blood?
Hes the only one wich comes to mind from the show who havegreen eyes.

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