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New profile posts

In detective conan, the black organization has its main members code named after alcohols

so why no bud light?
You gain the powers of x-ray vision, hypnotic eyes, addictive body liquids, time stop, mental suggestion, intellect reduction aura, nimble fingers, sensitivity control, but you can't use any of these powers with lewd intent
apparently "everything is Tokiomi's fault!" is a meme line of dialogue, just like "I can play with these legs for a year"
Since the ocean is still rising in One Piece, then doesn't that mean the ancient weapon is Global Warming?
Rank Up!

[Name: Zam]
[Class: Zamserker]
[Level: 2]
[Strength: F---→F--↑]
[Durability: F---→F--↑]
[Agility: F---→F--↑]
[Magic: F---→F--↑]
[Luck: F---→F--↑]
[Noble Phantasm: F---→F--↑]
[Inherent Skills: Procrastinate EX, Divinity (Loser) F, Madness (Laziness) D]
[Noble Phantasm: Twelve Zams B, Shooting Hundred Zams C-A+]
Heh I got a few snippets being worked on right now in my free time along with the next chapter, it'll take a bit to get through them though since there not priority and I'm only doing one of them at a time
Fakeking have you ever heard about a game called Unicorn overlord? I have a feeling you'd like it since it's like fire emblem but with squads
Is there any way to set the alert notifications so I'm only notified when something is threadmarked instead of getting alerts with every little thing in a watched thread?
Idk how Cai Xukun offended so many people by being a Chinese Justin Bieber, but he seems to always be depicted as a petty antagonist in web stories
Also for some reason his name is synonymous with "chicken", "cock", and "penis" online for some reason
How was your day? Mine's been kind of chill, checked out the house, got the keys for it from the realtor, moved a few boxes to it, and did some clothes shopping for new job on Monday.
Thanks. I know I'll be fine, but it's like a riding a roller coaster, the most stressful parts are before it happens and once I'm there I'll be good.
Anyway, I'm going to go watch a movie with my family, chill out a little bit. Night, again thanks for the encouragement.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I like to help you feel better and enjoy the movie. Going to coworker event tomorrow
There's this one story where MC plucked the ahoge from the head of the ahoge king, thereby creating "black hairless", or saber alter known by some, and used the "glory" of the ahoge king as a medium to summon the lion king with big breasts in fate milf zero
Hey, I know that someone asked about The Knight awhile back, but what about Hero and Pirate? Will that be continued once you've dealt with your Writer's Block?
If it weren't for the yellow on the leotard and the red sash, I would've assume that the woman in the picture was Fate Testarossa in her True Sonic Form.
On a break to avoid a burnout or lacking in ideas? You got us so used to fast updates that I wonder if something is happening.
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On a little break to avoid a burnout. Well, mainly watching the anime and reading the manga for some additional ideas.
if that spear can cut magic, then why didnt diarmud apply homebre plastic surgery and cut off his mole?