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New profile posts

There once was a Zam who was cursed to time loop, but it's counted in years instead of hours, but being an optimistic Zam, she tried to live each life to its fullest, so she'd master an art or a field, fall deeply in love, achieve happiness with a significant other... and then it'd start all over again from childhood.
Until a final restart where Zam was told that time stopped looping, but all of the thousands of significant others who fell in love with Zam also remember their one individual time loop where they fell in love with Zam, making those thousands each thinking their one true soul mate is Zam
Upon realizing this, Zam's response was "oh nyo"
Whelp, in case you want to know, it appears that Infernal Heritage is finally finished with the rework and got released a little bit ago. Maybe you want to check it out if you still want to get back to your Worm/WC Devil fic at some point.
I just re-read The Game Must Go On and I was wondering if you still planned on continuing the novel at all, someone replied to a comment 9-10 months ago saying you were working through editing some things from the old chapters before you release any new ones and I was wondering if that was still the case? Loving The Dragon Farmer as well, keep up the fantastic work!
Checking to see which version of Dawntrail to buy:

Base: "seems ok."
Checks digital collectors: "Meh, nothing that interests...is that a fookin Gundam?! Fuck me..."
Honestly, I had my interest piqued by a Cyberpunk Vanus Assassin and wanted to see more - but then every subsequent thread has been such a banger hitting all of these interesting concepts and niche tags/crossovers. I can't even say I have a preferred story anymore, as long as there IS more to read.
"This is no place to submit to tragedy. I beg you, I pray..."
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In brightest day, in blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light
~Switched to different lyrics~

(Mainly because I noticed the potential misinterpretation.)
Do you have a story where Si make a deal with issei and in exchange for boosted gear give him starling blue with a fairy/fae sealed in it?
How your day Andy
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Well its ten o'clock for me, so I'm going to bed because of work tomorrow, but it sounds pretty cool. You just need to start world building countries and kingdoms, maybe do a little bit on the geography and landscape of your little world.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I'll have something by the end of the month for you to look at.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Thanks for talking
Currently on road trip with barely any access to wifi. Plus side, just made massive headway into A Guiding Hand, hopefully the rest of the chap continues to be peak.
Fun fact, I can't access this site straight from the basic url (questionablequesting.com), i need to use a thread link to access this site else i get a white screen and a broken https symbol
That's hella weird. It worked just fine for me just now when I tried it!
The three true and absolute realms common to all universes and settings: Senior, Fellow Taoist, and Ant.
Can you tell me how you post images i wanted to post this in full picture 375205113 - [World IV] Yasaka (Queen) by gamesnice on DeviantArt
"She can't run as fast as me, so what's the point of mounting her?"

"Who keeps a mount for traveling? Isn't it just for showing off?"
I have returned after who knows how long, I apologize for my lateness, but then again I'm not exactly rich. I will try to rewrite my stories and hopefully I can reconquer the love that was lost during my ausence
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As long as we get more tfbnsac or the fat bastard never stood a chance I'll be happy