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New profile posts

Figuring out how this site works. Wish me luck.
Ps, feel free to recommend your favorite Sfw stories to me just names/poster. no links I won't use them sorry.
Quick question, will you be adding onto *maidenless no longer* or a separate story now that the dlc is out or are you done with elden ring?
probably not, no
Alright, thanks for the quick response.
I loved how you depicted Godzilla's temporary demise. It was very poignant.
Thank you. I haven't worked on TLOG in years, I've been thinking of rebooting the whole plotline TBH. I already have documents of notes upon notes of worldbuilding, character details, plot points, and potential directions I could take the storylines and wider setting that I've written over the past four years.
Hi, can I recommend the world to you? The story is called Campione, in this world, a man who kills a god can usurp his authority. To be honest, I can't recommend the story itself, but the world is extremely interesting, and there's not much fanfiction on this fandom.
An author asked me to re-post his fic on QQ cause he was having trouble with the QQ interface. Can I do that?
We are not in the habit of permitting that. No. They can get your help to post it themselves or they can ask admins if there are account issues.
Oh thanks
I could totally see a game that's just a rip off of Elden Ring, made by Amazon, and it's like just called Shadow of the Trees of Valinor or something
Valinor? Will it be placed on Lord of the Rings? Because that could actually sell and not be considered a rip off.
Is that an orca bear?
Because it is terrifying.
Ancient Chinese wisdom:

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No, no, the meaning of the line is "for life to be bearable, it's best if your wife doesn't cheat on you"
Translator google failed me, i thought it was life is good when it doesn't have veggies XD
it can also be "for life to be acceptable, it's best if you didn't know that your wife cheated on you"
M. Xicree (#1003),

As the previous 1002 Xicrees have expired, you have been signed up for a standard multiverse isekai package that includes:

1. One (1) Daughter (Cursed Child, Black Bullet)
2. One (1) Android Maid (Miss 2B, Nier Automata)
3. One (1) Mount (Ysera, Warcraft)
4. Anti-Yandere/Kuudere/Tsundere/Dandere Aura
5. Anywhere Door

Once you agree, you will arrive on Holy Terra, within 5 minutes.

Sign Here:
"Girls are into jewelry just like dragons are into gold, so girls are actually dragons."
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Silver W. King
Silver W. King
Hmm... Are you reading my DxD/FGO story? Do you consider it a good story? If yes, then I'm working on it.

If no, then sorry, I got nothing at the moment.

Although, have you heard of "Cultivation Nerd"? I feel it's pretty good. Has a very cute and wholesome waifu in it named Song Song.
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Ha ha, yeah, you talked about that story already, it's not really my thing, I guess I couldn't get into it from the start

As to your story, I haven't seen it yet hmmmm
Silver W. King
Silver W. King
I did? Oops. I forgor.

As for my story, it's called Returning Welsh Dragon Hero.
So question, how frequently do you upload new chapters for your Persona story?
In here I just upload whenever I have free time, current chap is 107, however once I catch up I am hoping for it to be every other day.
Cool just wondering.
Hey Xahn, Hope you are good
Did you ever write the sequel to the worm x one piece with the porcupine or am I Just dumb by not finding It?
it's currently on the writing docket but we haven't made much progress. mostly due to IRL scheduling issues (that should be going away soon!) well, that and our muses having adhd. but it'll happen, eventually.
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