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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

I hope this is a ruse. No one is that dumb.
You say that now, but remember that this is the same setting that had the guy who used the killswitch on one of the only hopes humanity had to defeat Scion.

Happiness and reasonable authority figures are what was traded for the abundance of lack of communication and grimdark.
So that crime boss really thought messily killing some people that hadn't directly hurt Pantheon would make a team of heroes grateful to him? Grateful enough to cross a good-sized city off their clean-up list?

I'm about fifty percent certain that nobody will try to revive an entity just because of how obvious TanaNari made the allusion. It seems more likely that it is either just a joke, or somebody will try something just as stupid. And I'm sure we know who the likeliest candidate for that is.
What ever happened to Saint? Shouldn't he be trolling dragon? And if he's not, then what the hell is he doing?
i'm surprised that Georgie boy doesn't want to get a piece of the new world order,
what is Vicky's new cap name anyway Ishtar,Venus. my favorite is Agdistis as what happen to this god could be her fate...
Damn, I want that email provider, Gmail won't let me send anywhere near that amount :p
Honestly, sending that amount through email attachments is bordering on the insane. All attachments have to be base64-encoded, which multiplies the number of bytes needed by 8/6.. So sending 2.0GB of files -> 2.6GB of attachment data.
Sending links to uploaded files on a server is much more sensible, especially considering that the receiving account also has to support attachments of that size; if it doesn't, you'll probably just get a note that 'attachment was stripped' instead of the actual files.

Victoria is actually pretty intimidated by Amy now. I mean, obviously she's generally 'my brain is full of fuck', but she really seems to think she's trapped by being related to the founder of Pantheon.
(She's not that wrong, but seems to be taking it a bit too seriously.)
What ever happened to Saint? Shouldn't he be trolling dragon? And if he's not, then what the hell is he doing?
Depending on how the hierarchy of shackles works, Dragon could have transferred over to her new world where Defiant is the rightful authority, and she was obligated to follow the "Don't attack me while I work on your code" rule. Or where there is a law that states that all AI are obligated to run at least one multiple instance of itself.

I doubt TanaNari would go that route, but it is the kind of Rules Lawyering Dragon does all the time to get around her own restrictions.
It's obvious. Sekhmet.
Personally I still think Nike works, if only for the fact the Roman name is Victoria.
Athena would also be fitting, what with her thinker ability to locate weakness and her ability to go "how do I kill this reel gud?"
Athena would also be fitting, what with her thinker ability to locate weakness and her ability to go "how do I kill this reel gud?"
Athena most likely isn't available. Lisa has been Minerva since the first few dozen chapters. If there isn't a rule that two Pantheon members can't use cross-cultural names of the same deity, there should be. It could get ridiculously confusing otherwise.

/hides notes for a Europe-Worm fic that has two diffferent Lokis, one in the Suits and the other in G-schaft
Athena most likely isn't available. Lisa has been Minerva since the first few dozen chapters. If there isn't a rule that two Pantheon members can't use cross-cultural names of the same deity, there should be. It could get ridiculously confusing otherwise.
That's half the fun.
Don't think I didn't see your invisitext.
"I thought you were Minerva."
"No, see, I'm a combat thinker, so I get to be the goddess of strategic war."

The other half is when Vicky smacks someone's head off for not listening and staring at her boobs, instead.
I couldn't find any corrections for this chapter.
She clenched her hands together and lowered her head. "I thought that, since it was my fault she spent three years like that, with my aura. It'd be fair if I... umm... volunteered myself. Gave her what she wanted."
I just threw up in my mouth. Thanks, TanaNari!
Considering Victoria's recent revelations I doubt she would be interested in any name that is associated with love, or relationships. She did just learn she mindraped her sister into loving her and her boyfriend may have only been with her because she mindfucked him into compliance.

Did you skip chapter 200?
Why is anyone surprised by screwups like this anymore?

Cauldron/Saint/Trickster: *Whistles innocently*
Cute canon reference joke?

Put the gun down, Mr. Chekov, and slowly back away.
Or epic foreshadowing?

It's not a bad feeling if it's that obvious... No way TanaNari would be THAT obvious... Would he?
You decide!

What ever happened to Saint? Shouldn't he be trolling dragon? And if he's not, then what the hell is he doing?
Same thing he was in canon, more or less. Seriously, he didn't do anything significant at all in canon until after the timeskip. I know, butterflies, but point remains valid.

I just threw up in my mouth. Thanks, TanaNari!
Oh, please, there's gotta be like a dozen stories on this site where it actually happens.

... People fap to them...

NOW you can throw up. :p
Fucking capitalists! The moment I found perfect name for Vicky, I realised that in English it is already used by some greedy moneybags. I mean Nike would be perfect wordplay between goddess of victory and Vicky own name cause roman equivalent was Victoria. But noooo,..
Ch 201- Lisa
Amelia, Ch 201- Lisa

Crystal was the first to arrive, looking more than slightly shaken. Recently learned disturbing news. Won't make eye contact. Afraid I'll learn details. Afraid I'll use information. Doesn't relate to her. Relates to a friend. Afraid of information upsetting someone important. Afraid I would tell that person. Information will upset Taylor. Crystal's not conflicted in loyalties, doesn't percieve hiding it as a betrayal. Doesn't believe information will hurt the group. I let it drop. Crystal was one of the only people around here whose judgment I trusted. Her and, disturbingly enough, Riley. Says a lot about the rest of the team.

She sighed. "So, did you catch the news last night?"

"Indianapolis, right?"

"That'd be the one, got any ideas?"

"May as well wait for the others before we start that up," I answered. "It's boring, anyway. I know you have better to dish, just the two of us."

"And save you the joy of showing off how you already know?" she snarked. Nervous. Afraid I've discovered the secret. Certain I'll act on the information. Afraid it represents a threat to Pantheon as an organization if I do.

"You just don't want to admit I was right," I smiled broadly.

"About what?" she asked.

"Kinda want to hear it myself," Taylor said as she walked in, already costumed. I watched the color drain from Crystal's already fair skin tone.

"Zach and Emma got back together last night," I taunted. Relief flooded Crystal's face. Wow, I thought. Teasing like this might even be more fun than actually knowing all the answers. Probably not, though.

"Wow," Taylor chuckled. "Fifty bucks says it'll take Amelia and Riley days to put Emma back together once Vicky finds out."

"You're on!" I declared.

"That was not a real bet!" Taylor complained.

"Too late," I insisted. "Vicky's the reason they got back together. Isn't that right, Crystal?"

"Umm, yeah," she agreed just a little too quickly for it to sound casual. "Don't know all the details, but she decided she wants to be single for the time being. Something about, well, it's personal. So she took a page from Lisa's book and, I quote, 'shoved Emma into his lap, figuratively speaking'." Taylor's not surprised by Victoria's sudden choice of celibacy. Knows the cause. Learned during Houston mission. Victoria learned of her aura's effect on Amelia.

"She should have done it literally," I teased.

"Seriously, Lisa," Taylor sighed. "What is with you and trying to get Zach laid? Is he bribing you? Does he have a strangely specific low level master power that we don't know about?"

"I like a challenge?" I offered. Really, I just did it for the laughs. People get so worked up over relationship drama, and I couldn't help but dip my feet into that pool. And then kick the water at everyone else.

"That might even be more disturbing," Taylor sighed. "Amelia's going to be a bit late. Her other little sister has been moody lately, too." Riley's emotions have been in flux since after Dream Girl. No, somewhat before then. Upset, lonely, feels left out. Afraid of losing her place. Emma's improving as a tinker. The zerg project is nearing the limits of what Riley's knowledge can accomplish. Her new project is the brain tech and Taboo. Is frustrated at lack of progress. Is frustrated at a lack of recognition from Amelia for bringing Victoria back.

I rubbed my eyes a little. Using my power too much in planning missions. Moving on seven cities in four states simultaneously takes freakin' work. And I hadn't tapped my new power in so long that I may as well not even have it. "It's okay," I sighed. "We'll just wait for Emma, Lily and Rey to show up. Help yourself to the coffee."

Our morning meeting didn't start until after the kids had left for school, for a few reasons mostly revolving around the rest of us making sure we wouldn't miss it for some issue on that front. Lily arrived a bit ahead of schedule, as was her habit. Emma and Rey, just a little late. Amelia didn't show up by the time I started talking.

"So, first bit," I started. "Have you all heard the news about the Fallen members that were mutilated in Indianapolis?"

"No," Emma confessed. "Fuckers did something to deserve it, I'm sure."

"I heard," Taylor's voice went a little cold. "People killing in our name like that? We have to stop it."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure it's bullshit," I offered.

"Pretty sure?" Crystal asked.

"Well, yeah, pretty sure. There's not enough material for me to really turn my power on," I explained. "But I can't imagine that any supposed criminal mastermind would do something this idiotic. I can think of a lot of scenarios, too many. Most of them involve this being a frame job. Either to draw our attention or to deflect it away. Could even be the Fallen, themselves, trying to fake their own deaths. I don't know. Like I said, too many possible ways this could be explained, and that's without factoring in any number of powers that can complicate matters."

"It does, of course, mean we do have to go there," Taylor concluded.

"Absolutely," I agreed. "We can't let people get away with this."

"Killing Fallen?" Lily asked. "If you saw the shit we saw in Tennessee, you'd be all for it. I thought E88's dog rings were fucked up..."

"I'm with her," Emma added. "We can't do worse to them than they've already done."

"The problem is using us as a justification," Crystal corrected. "That's dangerous. We act like we approve of this, for even half a second, and others are going to start doing the same thing. Sooner or later, someone's going to get hurt that doesn't deserve it."

"Yeah," Lily agreed. "I get it. I'm just saying if this is what it looks like, we should go easy on them. Might be better off running the recruitment strategy instead of just stomping on them until they stop moving."

Still blaming herself for Missy's injuries. More cautious now. Perhaps overly cautious, afraid to make a mistake. Wants to allow someone else to control her to free her from responsibility. Sabah. Sabah was deeply upset by what she saw. Lily wants to keep her away from further conflict for a while. Hoping for a peaceful resolution as much for that reason as any.

"I'll keep that in mind," Taylor agreed. "This will be a scouting mission, first and foremost. No decisions until we know exactly what we're dealing with." That earned a nods from Lily, Emma and Crystal.

"I had one of Accord's people write up a draft for you," I told Taylor. "You're on for an announcement at noon."

"God damn it," Taylor sighed. "Is it too late to go back to being a supervillain? I never had to give speeches then."


A/N- Lisa hasn't had an interlude in a while, either.
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