Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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5th February
12:02 GMT -5
Lex's eyes widen slightly. "I had wondered-"
Lamprey drops to one knee to drive his right fist into Tula's diaphragm, passing through her water armour like it isn't there.
"-why he was-"
Kon and Donna dive at him from opposite directions as he rips the Dolmen Gate off Tula's armour.
His scars glow brighter as torrents of water blast out in all directions. He overrode the user authentication!
"-my staff."
Water pouring freely from the depths of the ocean slams into Kon's face, obscuring his vision as Lamprey turns to meet Donna's charge. Rob looses a bolt of lightning at Lamprey's undefended back. It strikes true but doesn't appear to affect him.
Water sprays upwards and he somehow swims into the air. Donna's trajectory is slightly off as a result. Her right fist hits him on the shoulder as she twists in the air to prevent him biting into her face! He snaps his jaw again, struggling to reach her as she interposes her bracers.
The OMAC next to me rises shakily to its feet and re-establishes the pink barrier. Then it takes a firmer grip on its head and starts to pull. "No! We can get-" Its fingers tear furrows through the armoured surface of the faceplate. "-the machines out-" It moves its arms away from its face and generates two glowing pink blades from its forearms. Wait, what is-? No! It jams one through the eye on its chest and the other into the one on its face as I frantically try and pierce the pink barrier between us! What the hell is this made of?! Shit, no! The barrier drops as grey nanogoo and liquefied brain matter ooze out of the incision. "-of… You."
Kaldur slams the end of his trident into the water pooling on the floor and the glow of his magic ripples outwards in all directions, water turning to ice in its wake. Kon grabs Lamprey from behind as he wrestles with Donna. Lamprey responds by twisting his head and trying to bite through Kon's armour while simultaneously shoving the Dolmen Gate into Donna's face. Kon's armour holds out against Lamprey's teeth as the ice wave passes up to them. All three of them are caught up in the ice, Donna losing coordination as her face is completely covered. Kon strains against his own covering for a moment before it shatters.
"Blood for Dakuwaqa."
Lamprey disappears.
He just… Shark ninja. Was that a teleportation? One moment he was there, then-.
Kaldur runs across the ice and touches his trident to the ice covering Tula and Garth, turning it back into water. I gently lift them both out with flight auras and do quick scan. Tula's basically fine -Atlanteans are designed to be fine with temperatures around zero- so she just gets a quick de-bruise. Garth -"U-uuhhh."- is barely conscious. Oh, yikes. Okay, deaden the nerves, pinch the blood vessels closed-
There's a shattering noise as Donna throws her ice mask to the ground, shattering it. "Where did he go?"
"He is a Blood Mage." Kaldur points his trident up at the still active Dolmen Gate and it stops glowing. "He has fed on the life force of everyone whose blood has passed between his lips."
"Great." Robin checks his arm, brushing dried blood from his already mended arm. "Will he be coming back or is it-?"
Kon orientates on the floor below us and lunges down at full speed, ice and flooring shattering under the force of his movement. "M'gann!"
"Everyone else, stay here." Kaldur runs to the hole and jumps down after him.
-push the bones back into place, then muscles and blood vessels. A small amount of new material for the torn edges aaaaand… We're done. If not for his pale skin colour you wouldn't know that Garth had been injured.
"Ha-?" Tula pushes herself up into a sitting position but she's still winded. A quick orange flare and her diaphragm is relaxed back to normal. "Is he alright?"
"Mrh! Mruuh! Mruh moo frg-gh brh-bruh."
"I've removed his injuries. Cornwall! Check on Kid Flash and Arrowette. They went that-"
He gets a good look at the OMAC. "Oh God."
"-way, worry about him later. Zatanna, please accompany him."
"Ah-. Yeah. Yeah, I…" He heads in the direction Kid Flash flew in, sword in hand and Zatanna just behind.
"Tula, anything you can tell me about shark type Blood Magic would be very helpful."
"I don't know much. I didn't even know that people who weren't Sharks could use it. He'll get temporarily stronger every time he tastes someone's blood and he can use that strength to fuel his own magic."
"Any idea how long it lasts?"
"Long enough." Ultraboy manages to stop scowling for just long enough to look smug. "And it's permanent if he eats someone whole. Might wanna check on your team mates." Artemis sprays knock out gas in his face. "I'm not-" He coughs. "-Human. That stuff's not going to work on-" He coughs again. "-me."
Artemis pulls out a flare and holds it threateningly. "No, but it's flammable. Keep talking, smart guy."
"Someone get the number of that tr-" Wallace staggers back onto the stage, leaning on Zatanna. "-uck…" He sees the OMAC. "Oh. What happened?"
"Killed himself as soon as the controls were taken off."
Zatanna's hands leap to cover her mouth. "Oh God."
"Zatanna, there was no way you could have known that he'd react like that."
"You mean it wasn't a robot?" Lex looks down at the remains with new interest. "I rather assumed-."
"Mister Luthor, now is a good time to keep quiet." Now that I've got a moment I do a more detailed scan of the other hostages. Miss Teschmacher's got cracked ribs to go with the face and I begin the process of healing those.
Rob walks back in holding Arrowette in a bridal carry. I can hear her gasping in pain. "M-. Orange Lantern, she's got broken ribs, a broken left arm and she hit her head pretty hard."
"If none of that's life threatening-" I give her a quick scan anyway. It isn't. "-I'm inclined to leave it in place for now. Put her down next to the other two where we can keep an eye on her."
He doesn't look too happy about that, but as his eyes move to avoid mine he catches sight of the fallen OMAC again. "Right."
Miss Teschmacher more or less fixed I move my attention on to Wallace. He's much less hurt than I thought he'd be, bruises and a risk of concussion later. Fixed.
Raquel floats in through the entry hole in the ceiling. "Guess I don't need to stay in reserve any more, huh?"
12:02 GMT -5
Lex's eyes widen slightly. "I had wondered-"
Lamprey drops to one knee to drive his right fist into Tula's diaphragm, passing through her water armour like it isn't there.
"-why he was-"
Kon and Donna dive at him from opposite directions as he rips the Dolmen Gate off Tula's armour.
His scars glow brighter as torrents of water blast out in all directions. He overrode the user authentication!
"-my staff."
Water pouring freely from the depths of the ocean slams into Kon's face, obscuring his vision as Lamprey turns to meet Donna's charge. Rob looses a bolt of lightning at Lamprey's undefended back. It strikes true but doesn't appear to affect him.
Water sprays upwards and he somehow swims into the air. Donna's trajectory is slightly off as a result. Her right fist hits him on the shoulder as she twists in the air to prevent him biting into her face! He snaps his jaw again, struggling to reach her as she interposes her bracers.
The OMAC next to me rises shakily to its feet and re-establishes the pink barrier. Then it takes a firmer grip on its head and starts to pull. "No! We can get-" Its fingers tear furrows through the armoured surface of the faceplate. "-the machines out-" It moves its arms away from its face and generates two glowing pink blades from its forearms. Wait, what is-? No! It jams one through the eye on its chest and the other into the one on its face as I frantically try and pierce the pink barrier between us! What the hell is this made of?! Shit, no! The barrier drops as grey nanogoo and liquefied brain matter ooze out of the incision. "-of… You."
Kaldur slams the end of his trident into the water pooling on the floor and the glow of his magic ripples outwards in all directions, water turning to ice in its wake. Kon grabs Lamprey from behind as he wrestles with Donna. Lamprey responds by twisting his head and trying to bite through Kon's armour while simultaneously shoving the Dolmen Gate into Donna's face. Kon's armour holds out against Lamprey's teeth as the ice wave passes up to them. All three of them are caught up in the ice, Donna losing coordination as her face is completely covered. Kon strains against his own covering for a moment before it shatters.
"Blood for Dakuwaqa."
Lamprey disappears.
He just… Shark ninja. Was that a teleportation? One moment he was there, then-.
Kaldur runs across the ice and touches his trident to the ice covering Tula and Garth, turning it back into water. I gently lift them both out with flight auras and do quick scan. Tula's basically fine -Atlanteans are designed to be fine with temperatures around zero- so she just gets a quick de-bruise. Garth -"U-uuhhh."- is barely conscious. Oh, yikes. Okay, deaden the nerves, pinch the blood vessels closed-
There's a shattering noise as Donna throws her ice mask to the ground, shattering it. "Where did he go?"
"He is a Blood Mage." Kaldur points his trident up at the still active Dolmen Gate and it stops glowing. "He has fed on the life force of everyone whose blood has passed between his lips."
"Great." Robin checks his arm, brushing dried blood from his already mended arm. "Will he be coming back or is it-?"
Kon orientates on the floor below us and lunges down at full speed, ice and flooring shattering under the force of his movement. "M'gann!"
"Everyone else, stay here." Kaldur runs to the hole and jumps down after him.
-push the bones back into place, then muscles and blood vessels. A small amount of new material for the torn edges aaaaand… We're done. If not for his pale skin colour you wouldn't know that Garth had been injured.
"Ha-?" Tula pushes herself up into a sitting position but she's still winded. A quick orange flare and her diaphragm is relaxed back to normal. "Is he alright?"
"Mrh! Mruuh! Mruh moo frg-gh brh-bruh."
"I've removed his injuries. Cornwall! Check on Kid Flash and Arrowette. They went that-"
He gets a good look at the OMAC. "Oh God."
"-way, worry about him later. Zatanna, please accompany him."
"Ah-. Yeah. Yeah, I…" He heads in the direction Kid Flash flew in, sword in hand and Zatanna just behind.
"Tula, anything you can tell me about shark type Blood Magic would be very helpful."
"I don't know much. I didn't even know that people who weren't Sharks could use it. He'll get temporarily stronger every time he tastes someone's blood and he can use that strength to fuel his own magic."
"Any idea how long it lasts?"
"Long enough." Ultraboy manages to stop scowling for just long enough to look smug. "And it's permanent if he eats someone whole. Might wanna check on your team mates." Artemis sprays knock out gas in his face. "I'm not-" He coughs. "-Human. That stuff's not going to work on-" He coughs again. "-me."
Artemis pulls out a flare and holds it threateningly. "No, but it's flammable. Keep talking, smart guy."
"Someone get the number of that tr-" Wallace staggers back onto the stage, leaning on Zatanna. "-uck…" He sees the OMAC. "Oh. What happened?"
"Killed himself as soon as the controls were taken off."
Zatanna's hands leap to cover her mouth. "Oh God."
"Zatanna, there was no way you could have known that he'd react like that."
"You mean it wasn't a robot?" Lex looks down at the remains with new interest. "I rather assumed-."
"Mister Luthor, now is a good time to keep quiet." Now that I've got a moment I do a more detailed scan of the other hostages. Miss Teschmacher's got cracked ribs to go with the face and I begin the process of healing those.
Rob walks back in holding Arrowette in a bridal carry. I can hear her gasping in pain. "M-. Orange Lantern, she's got broken ribs, a broken left arm and she hit her head pretty hard."
"If none of that's life threatening-" I give her a quick scan anyway. It isn't. "-I'm inclined to leave it in place for now. Put her down next to the other two where we can keep an eye on her."
He doesn't look too happy about that, but as his eyes move to avoid mine he catches sight of the fallen OMAC again. "Right."
Miss Teschmacher more or less fixed I move my attention on to Wallace. He's much less hurt than I thought he'd be, bruises and a risk of concussion later. Fixed.
Raquel floats in through the entry hole in the ceiling. "Guess I don't need to stay in reserve any more, huh?"