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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Of course it should works on male as well! that way there would be a drawback!
Perhaps with +1 wp surcharge, Issei can selectively apply the X-ray vision to targets that he can perceive by sight? While the no wp variant causes Issei to see through everyone's clothes. Including his. And his mother's
when did issei gain that ability? My knowledge of the later volumes is a little hazy. was it after the senpais left the sacred gear or before?
I'm fairly sure when the news about the whole Penetrate move came out Alexander Noped that so hard it wasn't even funny, so I very much doubt that it going to be a thing, same with Albions move, or the Anti-Sacred Gear ability of Ass-Hats
Like I said, Penetrate is basically a charm to make any attack Perfect. Specifically, Unblockable, and possibly ignoring Armor soak.

Since Unblockable attacks are already a thing in Exalted, as are attacks to get past Armor, I don't see it as being a problem for an N/A artifact like Boosted Gear to be able to do it.

Only thing is that it can do so, no matter what ability it is.
Grant for Awareness, X-ray vision.
Grant for Melee, MA, Throw, or Archery/Firearms, it's an unblockable attack.
...and Alexander has said Perfects are an Exalted only thing, which is why Penetrate is Not a thing
Rough Idea of when the next part will be coming out Please Alexander?

My Apologies Alexander.
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Rough Idea of when the next part will be coming out Please Alexander?
Don't ask for update, do something else while you wait for it (like reading manga, watching anime, playing games etc) because once you run a quest or write a story you will understand why sometimes update is slow.
noahgab1133's omake
well after seeing the latest and probably best episode of season 3 i got inspired.

Elsha flew as fast as her power could take her. The words of the White Dragon Emperor repeating in her ear. 'I'll have my revenge Red Dragon Empress! You may be the strongest, but I know something that will hurt you! I will drive you to the depths of despair!" With those parting words and a cruel laugh he summoned countless devils to attack her.


[Elsha it seems the White one's host has finally snapped...] the dragon's voice chimed in her head, sounding smug, she ignored him and focused on annihilating any devil that stood in her way.

Ddraig, the Red Dragon of Domination, the welsh dragon. The one who brought blessing and misfortune to her. The one that gave her the power to reclaim her homeland and protect those dear to her. The one that made the white dragon emperor hound her without end. Time and time again she proved her strength but still he wouldn't give up.

"Less talking more power! No telling what that bastard has planned" She said and promptly entered balance breaker, wind whistling past her as her speed kept increasing.


That's when the smell hit her. An Acrid burning smoke filled the air the closer she got to where the white bastard flew. Fear started to creep into her mind when she realized how close she was getting to her home. He wouldn't go that low would he?


As she cleared the mountains she she saw her home and the surrounding village burning. The orphanage she worked so hard to build, a smoking crater. The homes of her friends and family, gone, nothing but ashes. She saw people fleeing only to be cut down by a pure white blast.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I who was called the weakest White Dragon Emperor did what no one else could! The destruction of the the Red one's kingdom! HAHAHAHA!" A maniacal laughter filled the air as the bastard floated down to gloat!


She let out a piercing scream, filled with sorrow and hate. A boiling anger filled her entire mind, as memories of her home went up in smoke. She would tear him piece by piece. Everything of his would become just like the ashes of her homeland. Soon, the only thing that filled her mind was the desire to destroy.


I, who is about to awaken,
It starts
The scale mail she wore, soon warped, twisting to something monstrous as a surge of red tinted power blew out all the flames around her

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God
it has always been this
A thousand different voices started to whisper and chant

I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"
Earthly Desires, Regrets...
The cacophony of voices lessened as the they all started to speak as one

I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination

And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!

Juggernaut Drive!

The thousand voices soon gave way to a terrible roar. Of the Red Dragon Empress, nothing human remained, only a beast.

"W-what? eehh iii! I-I-Impossible! Nothing should be this powerful!" The white dragon emperor recoiled in utter fear as the both the aura and hate filled gaze hit him full force.

[To soil thyself in fear, How pathetic! Isn't this what you wanted White Dragon Emperor? To drive the empress to the depths of despair? Did you think my host would just lay there and cry like some street whore? Weakling, how you came to be the white one's host is beyond me. But with this, bitter victory is mine...]

A vicious roar shook the surroundings, as emerald light gathered around the monstrous figure.

"N-no I will win! I WILL WIN! ME, I SHALL BEAT THE RED DRAGON EMPRESS! I AM NOT WEAK! DIE DIE DIE!" He gathered white light onto his wings and charged the warped form of the Red Dragon Empress.

[It's over! Maybe next time i'll get a decent host...] the white dragon spoke as the light from the wings dimmed.

As he charged, the emerald light reached a blinding intensity and a canon burst out from the chest of the red dragon.

[Longinus Smasher]

The beam met the the white one mid charge and he found himself lacking in the face of the power the surpassed both gods and demons. A second later there was nothing remaining as the beam continued, finally denoting on a mountain range and wiping it off the face of the earth. The dragon let out a triumphant roar and soon went on to rampage across lands until it burned up its life like a wildfire.


Elsha woke up panting as the dream and memory faded from her mind. She looked around and felt relieved to see the strange but beautiful city within the sacred gear.

"Bad dreams Elsha?" Belzard asked as he offered a hand.

"Yes...a bad memory." She shook her head slightly. "I still can't believe we can sleep, dream, even eat here. Its amazing."

"Yes, to think the boy not only inherited Ddraig, but a foreign gods power as well. Its as if lady luck herself is smitten with the boy! Or perhaps seething! " Belzard let out a boisterous laugh at the insane circumstances the current Red Dragon Emperor faced.

"Well he is cute enough for that to be possible." Elsha giggled, "But I do hope he won't end up like us. Even with the curse gone, he may lose himself to his power."

{Impossible, a heavenly prince will remain just in the face of all things.}

"Ah Empress, do you need something?" Elsha bowed before the foreign goddess, the one that made this shining city possible.

"Yes, I have need of a volunteer to try something." At the winged figure's words, a chill ran down her spine and Belzard slowly backed away.

"This place rocks! Entertainment, delicious food and superb eye candy." Another past possessor of boosted gear said as he walked by.

"Yes you'll do." With that Bright grabbed the young man who screamed and struggled in her grip before going still as cruel wisdom crushed his head.

"I'm so glad some of the other possessors were idiots." Belzard whispered and Elsha couldn't agree more.

well hopefully this omake ties us over until the next update. I really do want to see Solar!Issei's juggernaut drive in this quest. hopefully we'll get to it soon.
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Could be anything, but i'm sure it's going to be painful :D

just let your imagination run wild on what bright may be testing:eek:
Something to help with gender equality?

The thing for Mil-tan?

"Oh god I lost my junk! What did you do you crazy bitc-"

"It seems the subject is clearly insane after waking, gracious amounts of pain help to stabilize them." Bright wrote down on some data pad.

"Oh god it hurts so much, why!?!"
The thing for Mil-tan?

"Oh god I lost my junk! What did you do you crazy bitc-"

"It seems the subject is clearly insane after waking, gracious amounts of pain help to stabilize them." Bright wrote down on some data pad.

"Oh god it hurts so much, why!?!"
...Now I'm imagining bored Solar's fucking with Gender Roles.
So, will the passed possessor's spirits be Second Circles to Ddraig's Third Circle equivalent?
...Now I'm imagining bored Solar's fucking with Gender Roles.
Gender was a opt in program in the First Age, some Solar Tech during it made Gender anything so obsolete Only mountains and Sol remembered the good ol days when people weren't fucking everything and their pattern spiders.
The first solar ruler was the woman who choked out a desert. Traditional gender roles did not exist in the First Age.
If anything women were more respected than men, if only by a very small amount. Most of the best (read: most dangerous) scholars and inventors of the First Age were women.

Including but not limited to: Brigid the Mother of All Spells who invented the art of Sorcery, Salina the Teacher who single-handedly created and preformed the greatest act of magic seen since Creation was forged from the Wyld and, yes, Bright Shattered Ice whose magics and knowledge did more to bind the Yozi than any other being in existence.

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