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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

changing your form from human baseline, shape shifting that sort of stuff, basicly turning your body into sillyputty and doing whatever the fuck you like with it to get what results you want is what Lunars do, Solars are all about being Super Awesome Humans, not Eldrich Abominations
I'm of the opinion of getting it over with, like pulling of a Band-Aid.
it won't though, because we can't do a damn thing until the project is finished, all this would be is arguing over nothing we can change

once it's finished we can work it out then and get it all over with and not a moment sooner
it won't though, because we can't do a damn thing until the project is finished, all this would be is arguing over nothing we can change
It'll at least get the arguments to lose some edge, imo. Cause can you imagine the potential walls of text that's bound to come in when we do finish the project?
Alrighty, I still reserve the right to laugh maniacally when it does become fully relevant.
Indeed, having a Harem is difficult and tiring cause they don't let you research ways to make them happy in your free time.

Issei has Stamina 4 + Resistance 5 which means he can perform a any strenuous activity continually for nine hours before fatigue begins to set in (a -1 internal penalty for each hour past his limit until it reaches -9 and he passes out).

Of course he still needs to sleep...

But that's what Tireless Sentinel Technique is for! Up to 9 days without sleep!
Issei has Stamina 4 + Resistance 5 which means he can perform a any strenuous activity continually for nine hours before fatigue begins to set in (a -1 internal penalty for each hour past his limit until it reaches -9 and he passes out).

Of course he still needs to sleep...

But that's what Tireless Sentinel Technique is for! Up to 9 days without sleep!
The girls take turns.
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 17)
Shuriya was an Indian dancer making ends meet with her skills before she met Raiser Phenex. Used to men (and sometimes women) being captivated by her beauty she didn't fall for his pretty boy looks and his (admittedly) passable wooing methods.

She did, however, jumped at the chance to become a Devil. Really: longer lifespan, almost eternal youth and working for guys so rich they own an area the size of a state? Who wouldn't?

Being worth only a single Pawn wasn't a problem too, less expectations on her. Even then she felt proud when she finally managed to keep up the Promotion to Queen for a reasonable amount of time. Coupled with the Fire and Wind Magic that came from being part of a Phenex Peerage, and Shuriya was confident in her worth as a very capable Piece.

All of that means jack shit as she frantically runs from her opponent.

"Why are you running?!" Yang yells, sounding honestly confusing. "Come on! Let's have some fun!"

"Stay away from me you maniac!" Shuriya screams. She yelps as she ducks to avoid a fireball aimed to her head.

Now why is she, a member of a Phenex Peerage, running from a fire-using enemy?

Because HOLY fire, that's why. All the flames generated from Yang are Holy. Even if Shuriya has a resistance to fire she is still a Devil, and thus Light and Holy element are poison for her.

Now, if it were only that she could use Promotion to Queen or Knight to quickly dodge all attacks, step closer to her opponent and swiftly defeat her. She is only human after all. So why isn't she doing that?

Because the blonde is on FIRE. Literally: Yang's entire frame is covered by a canvas of continuous explosions that burn and destroy everything that comes closer. And since it's still Holy Fire, it means that of Shuriya would remain only the ashes if she were to being caught into range.

She can't block her opponent's attacks. She can't touch her. Fireballs just splash against the explosions. Wind just makes them stronger.

For Shuriya it's a well and truly horrible day.

Yang gained the Sacred Gear "Bumblebee (War's Horse)".
Yang learned "Stubborn Monkey Hesitation".
The active and passive bonus of Ember Celica increased.


"You can't stay mad at me forever."

"Umphf!" Ravel keeps looking away and pouting.

"Children." Revache sighs. "The more they grow, the more they become rebellious."

Rias finds the resemblance between Lord Phenex and her father uncanny. Then again she also feels like a third wheel and doesn't like it one bit. But complaining would be too self-centered, so she endures.

"The hour is almost up." The Phenex patriarch decides to change argument. "I'm curious to see what Hyodo managed to do."

When they arrive they find the door open and nobody in sight. Hearing rumors coming from inside they step into the room, and behold...

"Damn yakitori! Stop spewing fire and fight like a man!"

"Bwahaha! Feel the pain of the flames of hell you pathetic lizard!"

Hyodo Issei and Raiser Phenex, sitting side by side in front of a giant plasma TV and playing a fighting game.

"Mortal Kombat?" Rias whispers. Being a huge japanophile she knows of the series, but never played it because it's too violent for her tastes.

This is proven further when one of the two characters on screen shoot a fireball through the chest of the other, the victim's still-beating heart dangling from the hole, before cutting off the face.

"Ah! Told you Liu Kang sucks!" Raiser boasts, gloating like he was nominated king of the universe.

"You damn cheater!" Issei throws his arms in the air. "How come you can use Scorpion so well?! You have to cheat!"

"I have no need to cheat! I spent the last few weeks shut inside this room doing nothing but playing this and other games. Don't underestimated the determination of a shut-in with nothing to do!"

"...Are you praising or insulting yourself?"

"Well, I'll be damned." Revache steps behind the two and looks down. "Feeling better son?"

"Dad!" Raiser stands up and puts his hand on his father's shoulder in a friendly gesture. "Never been better!"

"And about your depression?"

"What depression? The proud members of the Phenex family don't get depressed. Ravel!" He walks towards his sister with arms open. "Give me a hug!"

"Who are you and what did you do with my brother?!" Ravel quickly steps back, arms crossed in front of her.

"Che." He tsk's. "Your big brother wants to show his affection and that's how you repay him? Ungrateful brat." He turns to Rias. "Rias! My lovely-"

"No." She says with a deadpan.


"What did you do?" Revache whispers to Issei, impressed. "And can I learn it?"

"You wouldn't believe me and no, but don't worry." Issei tells him. "I made sure he doesn't become like that ever again." 'As long as he and Ravel keeps going along.' He mentally adds.

"Nngh." Raiser stretches. "Man, I'm out of shape. Gonna do something about it. So...lizard." He looks at Issei with a serious expression.

"Yakitori." The Solar replies with an identical expression.

"..." After a few seconds of staring at each other Raiser shrugs. "This doesn't make us friends. I still hate your ass."

Issei just nods slightly.

"And, as far as I am concerned, with this we're even." He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away. "The next time we see each other again I'll kick your ass in real life too."

"Live and hope Raiser, live and hope." Issei mockingly waves his hand before turning to the other three persons in the room and shrugging. "Things work surprisingly well this way."

"...Boys are dumb." Ravel flatly says. Rias silently agrees.

"Ahaha! Looking at you two brings me back to the old, good heydays." The Phenex patriarch slaps Issei's back. "I am a man of my word. Issei Hyodo, from now on the Phenex clan owe you. You just have to ask."

"Considering how my life usually goes, I believe it will be sooner than you think."

"All good!" He slaps Issei's back again and leads him out of the room. "Come, we must celebrate with a drink of the good stuff."



Leaving Rias and Ravel alone. The two young high-class Devil ladies look at each others and shift awkwardly.



Veeeery awkwardly.

"You don't hold a grudge against me?"

Ravel shrugs. "Big Brother is okay now, so I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. On the contrary I am happy: I never liked you much, and calling you Big Sister would have been troubling."

Rias opens her mouth, only to close it. She does the same two more times. "The engagement was a horrible idea."

"I concur."

At that moment a servant bursts into the room. "Lady Ravel! Oh! Lady Rias." He hastily bows. "Forgive my rudeness, but I need to speak to you!"

"What is going on?" The sole daughter of the Phenex Household demands with a commanding aptitude.

"It's..." The servant gulps. "An hour ago our guests and the Peerage of Lord Raiser requested the use of the training camp. They wished to spar, to pass the time they said."

Rias and Ravel stares at each other. "Uh..well it's unexpected, and they should have told us, but beside that I hardly see the problem."

The servant gathers all of his courage. "The training camp is currently on fire."

"...On fire." Ravel repeats.

"Yes My Lady."

"Everyone in this family use fire!" The blonde shouts in disbelief. "That's why everything is warded against it and heat! The training camp most of all! How it's possible that it is burning?!"

"I have no idea My Lady."

She facepalms. "Alright, alright: I will do something about it. Anything else?"


"Speak up!"

"...The majority of the servants set up a betting pool. The chef already lost everything but the briefs he's wearing."

Something snaps inside Ravel's head.



Revache blinks in the middle of pouring scotch inside a glass. "Is my darling daughter's voice I just heard?"


"Uhm, probably nothing." He pushes the full glass aside and picks up a new one. "How much?"

"Only a little please." Issei nods. "I have someone who is constantly drunk living in my house, and it made me a bit averse to alcohol."

"Bwahaha!" The blond man laughs. "Who is it, an Oni?"


"Ouch." Revache instantly winches. "Met one once. Who knew you can punch a person through a mountain...Anyway!" He fills the glass by one quarter and gives it to Issei. "A toast! To-"

"Excuse My Lord." A servant walks inside the room. "Lady Leviathan just arrived through magic circle and is requesting a meeting with you."

"The hell?" Revache looks surprised. "What does Lady Serafall want?"

"Not Lady Serafall. The other one."

The glass is slammed down on the desk with enough force to almost shatter it, the liquor splashing outside.


Revache's suddenly intense expression is enough to tell Issei that whatever is going on...is not good. That, and the bold swearing.

"Tell her to give me a minute!" With that the Phenex Patriarch grabs Issei's arm and pulls him to a corner of the room. There he traces a rune on the wall, causing a hidden door, made of a large one-way mirror, to open, revealing a hidden passage.

He pushes the Solar inside. "Run to the other side and don't move from there! Unless there is enough distance she will be able to sense you!"


"Questions later!" He slams the door shut. Through the mirror Issei sees the Devil fixing his clothes and calmly walks away as if nothing is wrong.

Deciding that Revache has good reasons for his actions Issei begins walking further inside. Just before taking a turn he looks behind, and for an instant he caught the sight of the Devil welcoming someone into the study.



The rest after dinner. Everything will be revealed in due time. Don't start a flamewar.

This is my first quest ever! Your story is great, Alex! It even made me try an anime I didn't care about, but yours is better IMO, especially Issei.:)
Welcome to QQ and my quest! ;)
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This is my first quest ever! Your story is great, Alex! It even made me try an anime I didn't care about, but yours is better IMO, especially Issei.:)
Welcome to the Quest!

Really, Highschool DxD is one of those shows that could use less focus on the fanservice and spend more time on the actual story and characters. Apparently, the manga and LNs aren't as fanservice heavy.
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. Please take care of me.

Welcome to the Quest!

Really, Highschool DxD is one of those shows that could use less focus on the fanservice and spend more time on the actual story and characters. Apparently, the manga and LNs aren't as fanservice heavy.

Yeah, I thought the fanservice distracting. I guess the result of compressing one book in 6 episodes.

Also, I have one question about canon DxD: if Boosted Gear boosts every 10 seconds, how can Issei boosts so many times as he did against Diodora?
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"Only a little please." Issei nods. "I have someone who is constantly drunk living in my house, and it made me a bit averse to alcohol."
So I take it he hasn't realized that between passive Solar magic, a constitution that would make most Zeniths think he's compensating for something and the boosted metabolism from Infinite Factory of Life it's nearly impossible for him to get beyond pleasantly tipsy?
So I take it he hasn't realized that between passive Solar magic, a constitution that would make most Zeniths think he's compensating for something and the boosted metabolism from Infinite Factory of Life it's nearly impossible for him to get beyond pleasantly tipsy?
And thus Issei shows he is still an idiot.
So I take it he hasn't realized that between passive Solar magic, a constitution that would make most Zeniths think he's compensating for something and the boosted metabolism from Infinite Factory of Life it's nearly impossible for him to get beyond pleasantly tipsy?

Not really. Sure Issei can take 9 drinks without any effect but once he takes his tenth drink:
Core pp130 said:
The last statistic is the poison's Penalty, which indicates the internal penalty imposed as a result of pain, hallucination or some other effect as long as the character has more does of the drug in his system then the substance's Tolerance rating allows. (The penalty equals the number of does taken, if greater then the usual penalty.)
Bam! -10 internal penalty.

Infinite Factory of Life will deal with the damage caused by failing the resistance roll for drinking but not the internal penalty.

For those wondering a single drink for Exalted is defined as:
A large beer, a glass of grape wine, several glasses of rice wine, or a shot of harder liquor.

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