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Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

Well, the first thing I would do is probably just look in the mirror for a while and admire my new musculature.

After that I probably 'GRIN'
Hack down my victim, take something from their body as a trophy, find new prey to hunt. Hopefully the new ones will be a challenge...
Step 1: Pray that PA units aren't to scale with earth.
Step 2: Build a metal extractor.
Step 3: E X P A N D
Step 4: Realize that Earth is way too hostile, build a seafaring orbital launcher, and go to mars to set up my economy instead.
Step 5: Take over the internet and ban anyone who makes amogus jokes from the entire thing.
I would start reincarnating people through CYOAs I didn't even make myself for shits and giggles.
If my avatar doesn't scream R.O.B. I don't know what does.
I would at first freak out, then freak out some more, calm down and see if I have any powers.
Based on the few pictures I could find of him, (I couldn't find his name so Imma call him Hou) and seems connected to deep sea life.
Go semi-eldritch and have fun with my powers.
Appreciate my new look and if Hou had a prior life before I became him.
Live it.
Make friends.
Get Girlfriend(s).
I would make all the food in the world appear to eat it without worrying about getting fat, travel around universe and surely eat and sleep.... To be honest I want nothing more than to sleep and eat and live without worrying about anything, laziness would consume me.
I've definitely posted here before, and with the same avatar but, to reiterate: use my omniscience and teleportation powers to A: keep Andrew Hussie satisfied with life and as far away from me as feasible and B: teleport/invite all the Questionables to a well catered meeting hall to hash things out because way too many of them are simultaneously certain of their invincibility and planning to take over the world. I'm confident enough in my conditional mortality (and think most of you would rather a hospitable, omniscient teleporter with emotional ties to humanity than an immortal time demon that hates everyone) that I think I could survive long enough to make peaceful contact with some of the more omnipotent factors to keep each other (as well as any bad actors) in line.

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