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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Say, what do the Magnus consist of again? The Steed, The Weapon, The Armor, and what?
"What Ise told us." Yang replies. "That they were created during the last war between the Three Factions and gifted to four half angel guys. And that there are sixteen of them."
"Correct: four for each Horseman. Each Gear possessed by them form a set, and they share the same typology." He holds up four fingers. "Each Horseman had a Weapon, a Wide Area Attack, a Passive Effect and, finally, a Ride."
I found other pictures from sakamotoseiyaku, I don't know if CptTagon already pu them in the NSFW RWBY thread.

But here is Weiss, Blake, and Yang.




It must be cool knowing how the draw very well, sorry if you tought this was an update from Alexander.
I just read a few dxd fanfics and I can't wait for the moment when diodora astaroth will try to take asia. Seeing how he get pwnd by canon Issei I want to see how bullshit solar Issei will break him if he even get to Asia with the group Issei is building.

I just had to rant a little because Diodora is one of the worse character , morally speaking, of dxd behind Rizevim Lucifer(asshole tortured his own son in addition to being the big bad of the story)
I wonder what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah in this universe.

I wonder how Islamic people act in this universe when they know of the super natural (or moonlight) world.
I wonder what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah in this universe.

I wonder how Islamic people act in this universe when they know of the super natural (or moonlight) world.

It's better not to talk about Islam. There are several conflicting views on several big religious abrahamic figure with Christianity and Jew's.

Especially if we consider Christianity as the main one here. So there will be some aspect of Islam that needs to be viewed in christianity glasses, and thats going to be bad.

I'll write it in spoiler if anyone wants to know.

Islam views Jesus only as just another prophet, albeit a powerful ones. They claim Muhammad as the last nabi instead. Now, Christianity counter this by saying that Muhammad is a false prophet.

They said that he take Christianity as it was back then and corrupted it for his purpose, as he does use Islam as underlying religion on his conquest of Arab peninsula.

You can see why there are tension between Christianity and Islam, when each other claim the other most prominent figure is false.

And that's only the tip of iceberg.

Source : Being a Protestant in Muslim majority country.
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Funny thing is...
The only gripe with Christianity in Islam is just the Jesus = God, or Jesus is the Son of God bit.
Well, the main gripe. There are others, but nothing that gets as heated as that.

Islam does not condone forced conversion, nor fighting over someone's choice of religion.

Muslims are supposed to get along with both Jews and Christians. Actually, they're supposed to get along with people in general.
Unfortunately, much like everything else involved in religion, no one seems to remember that.

But anyway, prolly shouldn't talk about this.
I wonder what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah in this universe.

I wonder how Islamic people act in this universe when they know of the super natural (or moonlight) world.
My headcanon is that they operate as a sort of sister organization to the Church, like they also report to Micheal and occasionally have agents ascend to angelhood, but never show up because they are more insular than the Church as well as being organized on a smaller scale.
My headcanon is that they operate as a sort of sister organization to the Church, like they also report to Micheal and occasionally have agents ascend to angelhood, but never show up because they are more insular than the Church as well as being organized on a smaller scale.

I think that they may be insular, but considering that they are the second largest religion next to Christianity, I doubt their organization is small. Perhaps they are small compared to the Christian Churches, but not a small organization in general.
I think that they may be insular, but considering that they are the second largest religion next to Christianity, I doubt their organization is small. Perhaps they are small compared to the Christian Churches, but not a small organization in general.
I wasn't meaning the whole organization is smaller, but that it is more spread out. That it's more like a network of semi-independant groups than a strict imperial hierarchy.
Good night, I have been following this quest for a couple of months, mostly as a lurker and I've found myself laughin quite often, so I offer my thanks for that.

That being said if the voting phase has yet to end, then I'd like to throw my vote to what Keleneas(?) proposed.
Good night, I have been following this quest for a couple of months, mostly as a lurker and I've found myself laughin quite often, so I offer my thanks for that.

That being said if the voting phase has yet to end, then I'd like to throw my vote to what Keleneas(?) proposed.
Oh hi Duncan. Glad to see you joining.

For everyone else: This guy isn't the same guy who is a Mod over at SB. They just share near identical usernames.
Oh hi Duncan. Glad to see you joining.

For everyone else: This guy isn't the same guy who is a Mod over at SB. They just share near identical usernames.
How do you know? What if he clones himself over the internet? How about double personalities through self-hypnotizing?
Welcome to QQ Duncan.
Oh hi Duncan. Glad to see you joining.

For everyone else: This guy isn't the same guy who is a Mod over at SB. They just share near identical usernames.
Should I add "That guy who is not a mod in SB. If you want the SB seek for Duncan_Idaho" to my sig?

How do you know? What if he clones himself over the internet? How about double personalities through self-hypnotizing?

Technically I have this screen name for over a dozen of different accounts all on different forums, but I only post regulary in about three, SB included.

Welcome to QQ Duncan.

Hey there Tohou.
Good night, I have been following this quest for a couple of months, mostly as a lurker and I've found myself laughin quite often, so I offer my thanks for that.

That being said if the voting phase has yet to end, then I'd like to throw my vote to what Keleneas(?) proposed.
I am sorry, but I must turn my face from you. Your name is that of that one guy who has basically one scene in the original novel and somehow becomes the ultimate Gary Stu by the last book, despite dying in Dune. It's nothing against you, but that one guy represents everything wrong with the sequels.
I am sorry, but I must turn my face from you. Your name is that of that one guy who has basically one scene in the original novel and somehow becomes the ultimate Gary Stu by the last book, despite dying in Dune. It's nothing against you, but that one guy represents everything wrong with the sequels.

lol. Pro Tip: Ignore Brian herbert, God Emperor of Dune deconstructs quite brutally DI's character and chapterhouse really demonstrates some of his defects,

(If you want to talk more about it feel free to send me a PM, always glad to find another Dune fan on the internet)

In the interest of keeping this from going off topic, can anyone give me a link to where the excalibur Arc started?
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Good night, I have been following this quest for a couple of months, mostly as a lurker and I've found myself laughin quite often, so I offer my thanks for that.

That being said if the voting phase has yet to end, then I'd like to throw my vote to what Keleneas(?) proposed.
Welcome to my quest!! :D

So, I wanted to say-
Wow, Alex is popping so many cherries.

Just for this, I am going to add homoerotic subtext in the rest post.
Senjin-san doesn't get it what you guys are saying.

Can you guys explain Senjin-san please?

-Senjin-San ;)

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