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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

[X] Practice
[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions

We are a Solar Prince, it's natural for others to worship the ground which we walk upon.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
An update! Yay! :D

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

No real idea about the mechanics of magic at the moment, but improving our general proficiency with it probably can't hurt. As for the girls; while I don't doubt Hyodo enjoys the attention to some degree, I think it'd be nice to know what, exactly, is going on.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!
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[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions

Might as well enjoy this while it lasts.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

It seems like just letting it happen might have some kind of consequence. We shouldn't fall completely into debauchery after all, that way lies the First Age.

Also, concerning the recently released volume, we might actually need to be a Solar in order to stop what's coming.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Only decide about a set of fundamental effects beside higher Essence and CMA, and leave the rest to me

[X] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[X] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.
--[X] Send out our Ninjas, too, just in case they see or hear something interesting.

[X] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[X] Check Manse construction.
[X] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[X] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[X] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.

Why didn't you include my idea about Azazel's device? Do we not have that anymore?

"Yeah, I signed up with a new god. He's big on forgiveness as long as you're really apologetic. I was on my knees for hours."

That causes you to reel back as if physically struck. Homura and Rias snorts in amusement, Haruka covers with one hand a smile and Mirai makes a disgusted face.


"Now then Issei-kun, what kind of spell do you want to learn first? Or maybe you want to practice with those you already have?

[] Learn new spell.
-[] Write-in.
[] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)

[X]Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
You receive a hint to the answer when someone lifts up over the school gates a banner with a heavily prettified portrait of your face followed by 'HYODO 4EVER'.

It is almost immediately covered by another banner, this one showing you hanging from a tree, pierced by numerous spears and on fire, with 'DIE HYODO' written many times in dripping red letters all around it.

Then the two banners begin to move up and down erratically, almost like those manning them are fighting each other.

How do you react?

[] Freak out
[] Run away
[] Declare loudly you have an herpes
[] Calmly ask what's going on
[] Relax and enjoy the attentions
[] Write-in.

Well, nothing good can come from this.

[] Calmly ask what's going on

Reconsidering my decision
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[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on.

Edit: We are a fledgling God-king. We should act like it and show how awesome we are by taking command of the situation.
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[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

Can we learn daystar spell that kinglugia made it seemed nice
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
Can we learn daystar spell that kinglugia made it seemed nice
You mean this?
kinglugia said:
Sacred Gear-based:
[Infallible Daystar] - Area: 1 (Single Target), Duration: 5 (10 minutes, trigger condition - An opponent the user is aware of attacks him, but works for a single action that particular opponent uses, whether normal attack or flurry), Range - 8 (Medium range, originates from caster), Damage - 90 (30 LHL damage), Energy - 1 (SOLAR), Metaspell: 22? (Silent, Still, Reflexive, Target Consumed, Perfect Defence/Counter-attack/Flurry-Breaker?*). [Total Components: 127++, Rank 4, possibly Rank 5 spell.
- Fluff: The caster's stance subtly shifts, allowing him to perfectly parry and counter-attack a single opponent's offensive action taken upon him that he is aware of, heavily damaging said opponent from the full power of SOLAR ENERGY. The spell dissipates either after 10 minutes or after an attack is parried/countered.

* Requires ST to calculate the components involved, and then add them to the List of Spell components.
Magician's notes: It is built to be quite the OP spell, though I was taking as much from the eroge as possible, due to it being a skill that attracts my attention for its dangerous counterattack speciality and its capability to act as both a Perfect Defence and a Flurry-Breaker, though it would have higher mote cost than other spells of its rank. *shrugs*
And I really love it when we eventually return to Creation and use it to kick asshole Dawn/Dusks which makes them cry bullshit due to it being not a combo, but a single attack.
yes that so much that

we must


even more!
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

No Issei, you are the Handsome(sincelastholyshitwhathowlonghasitbeen)
And then Issei was a Damned Handsome Sempai.

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