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XF2 transition feedback

Bit of a long comment here because tons of quotes on stuff I mostly agree with.

Edit: on, one more thing: Email Alerts are now practically useless for anything but saying there was a response in a thread. Used to be you could at least get a freaking message preview? Not sure if that is possible to change.
+1. But yes, not sure if the new setup supports this.
How do you see people's signatures now?
Only divided from the post proper from a nearly invisible pixel-wide line. If it's text it's at least in a different font, but if there are spoilers...
Definitely like having a Mark Unread feature for notifications now, though. We definitely went way too long without it before now.
If I ever manage to feel sufficiently unannoyed about the new style to start actually reading QQ again, I'll check that out - accidentally setting alerts as read was a big problem to me before!
Also, a test example:


Holy shit, yeah, any of those colours are better, jesus. Anything other than GREY ON GREY. Because shockingly a colour on the same colour is a terrible idea for readability.
Please do not set your stories to any of those four colors, which are absurdly low contrast in light mode.
Holy shit, the update got even worse - now emailed updates don't include the fucking chapter in it, just a link to it, so you HAVE to come and read it on the site now.

Seriously, everything about this change has basically ruined the usability of this forum for me on my phone. This fucking sucks.
I don't read QQ on phone, but definitely agree about the emails.
Tbh I really liked the old look. I think it was closer to my platonic ideal of a web forum.
very mood
Honestly, people may be better served just waiting a few days for the most egregious kinks to be worked out, because while we're not supposed to kinkshame, these kinks are absolutely awful. :V
A few days might be optimistic... by the looks of it more like a few months.
This transition was a long time coming, though I only found out it was happening today about 12 hours before it began because an author helpfully announced it in their chapter.
I didn't find out until after it had already finished.
I still don't like the little banners on every post that make them take up more room than they need to, the locked top bar, and a few other annoyances, but they seem relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.
Pretty much... there's a bunch of annoyances but the top bar isn't really among them (except for how it messes up direct post links).
Bigger text, wider margins, text box issues, and the weirdness that is having the post time added above the post and the profile picture spacing issues are the primary things that I have stylistic issues with.
I hadn't really been looking at the margin issues (I've seen worse...) but yeah it's not very convenient to have the posting time be in a separate block above the post.
Gonna be honest, yeah. As it is things aren't great. I get that XF1's no longer updated or supported but I think everyone was expecting it to be more of a 'backend' thing with the only real changes being additional features rather than everything getting jumbled such that no one knows shit about fuck, 80% of the bbcode's borked, and none of the actually good themes exist anymore.

I understand that it'll probably be fixed with time, but uh... maybe you guys should've left this bun in the oven for a bit longer?
98% this, 2% "I guess they had to do this really quickly because the risk of ending up like the xkcd fora was too big but still ugh".
4. Before, I could post a link to (for instance) Twitter and just have it stay like that. Now it detects and expands to an embedded twitter post automatically, even if I just want the URL. Is there a way to prevent that?
...wait is that actually a thing? Ugh.
I liked the QQ default theme! I want it back as an option!
Finally! I felt like everyone was just using the dark mode.
- Date/time of post shifted to top from bottom. A minor added layer of annoyance when you need to check the last post's date to see if you're about to necro a thread with your reply.
Yeah, it used to be tiny and low-contrast but at least you didn't have to scroll all the way up to see how old the most recent post was.
I'm not reading 25 pages to check, but I would appreciate a clearer line between the text of the post and the signature. Very confusing right now, even for posters who I've seen often enough to know what they have in their footer.
AFAICT you're the first one to point that out. Possibly it works differently on the dark themes.
And I'd rather get the emails at all over not getting them, but them containing the entire update.
If alert emails not containing the entire update is unavoidable (I'd be surprised if it is, but just in case), my preference would be something similar to the alerts themselves: just a short text saying "X posted a N word long post [link] in Y thread on [date]" or something to that effect. Nothing extra.
The current email style does a good job of pretending the update would be there, surely, like in a spoiler or something, maybe just a bit? ...and then there's absolutely nothing at all (not even a word count which I'm pretty sure used to be included).
I'm wondering what exactly is causing the reports of blurry text, because while the current styles aren't ideal, they don't contain any sort of blur element
+1, I see absolutely no blur. I'm using Firefox though so maybe it's different in Chrome.

Other stuff that I didn't quote and now don't feel like finding:

- the autoscroll to new messages announcement while writing the reply is indeed really annoying
- it was even more annoying when I accidentally pressed 1 after clicking outside the reply box (and not noticing I had it deselected) and got redirected to the home page
- I hope someone saved the old default avatars because the new ones are ugly as ch*rp
- I really, really, really miss the post preview button oh, it's still there, just not in the corner I expected
- having strikethrough under the (barely visible) three-dots button is also annoying
I just noticed that right-clicking the mouse in the Reply field only brings up an option to make a Link, which sucks because I use it to copy/paste stuff all the time, to the point I had to go look up the Paste keyboard shortcut because I've never needed it before. It's always the little things...
@Mods (@alethiophile)?

Post# 382, page 13, I made a large number of updates to my post about my experiences thus far with the new Xenforo2 for you to peruse when you have the time. I'm trying to be as positive and constructive as I can be here, as obviously no one likes big changes when it comes to things like these, lol.

Also, there is a very strange formatting bug going on when copy/pasting from a document to QQ, where Xenforo2 double-spaces everything. Meaning I will either have to copy/paste into the BB editor and lose all of my formatting (Italics, Bold, Underlines, etc) or manually remove all of the additional spaces... which for a 10k chapter means a metric ton of buttpain.

Just for clarification: whether I copy/paste using the mouse or copy/paste using the Crtl+C & Crtl+V the result is still the same. Double-space everything.

Now, 'Paste as Plain Text' pastes it without the double spacing, but it also removes all of the formatting. Meaning I have to choose between manually removing double-spaces or manually fixing all of the formatting that was removed.
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I just noticed that right-clicking the mouse in the Reply field only brings up an option to make a Link, which sucks because I use it to copy/paste stuff all the time, to the point I had to go look up the Paste keyboard shortcut because I've never needed it before. It's always the little things...
Pointed this one out before yeah.

It's hell on mobile. I cant copy or paste at all on tinymce.
+1, I see absolutely no blur. I'm using Firefox though so maybe it's different in Chrome.
I'm betting on this being eyeball issues, despite @TRN discounting that. I know that for myself, high contrast makes edges much clearer, and low contrast makes things "blurry", unless I'm really close to the screen.
People don't know the keyboard shortcuts for copy, cut, and paste?
Not sure if I'm just blind or something but I can't seem to find the option for making lists (numbered and unnumbered) in the text box bb code.
People don't know the keyboard shortcuts for copy, cut, and paste?
If this is in reference to my post, whether I copy/paste using the mouse or copy/paste using the Crtl+C & Crtl+V the result is still the same. Double-space everything.

Now, 'Paste as Plain Text' pastes it without the double spacing, but it also removes all of the formatting. Meaning I have to choose between manually removing double-spaces or manually fixing all of the formatting that was removed.
I just noticed that right-clicking the mouse in the Reply field only brings up an option to make a Link, which sucks because I use it to copy/paste stuff all the time, to the point I had to go look up the Paste keyboard shortcut because I've never needed it before. It's always the little things...
Which editor and which browser? Works just fine for me (the normal browser dropdown, including Paste) but that might be a Firefox thing and/or a default-editor thing.
I cant copy or paste at all on tinymce.
Is it only on this one? Because the layout for the others is throwing me off, so I don't use them.
People don't know the keyboard shortcuts for copy, cut, and paste?
I have literally never needed them, becuase they were only a mouse click away, rather than needing me to contort my hand on the keyboard, especially after getting a new computer with a slightly different spacing so I'm always one key off while typing. *seething hatred*
I'm betting on this being eyeball issues, despite @TRN discounting that. I know that for myself, high contrast makes edges much clearer, and low contrast makes things "blurry", unless I'm really close to the screen.
I didn't want to exactly come out and say peoples eyes are shit, see a doctor or clean your monitor. So I raised all the possible other options that could cause it.
@alethiophile Don't know if this works a complaint, everything has improved in the time I went to bed last night

But bits of thread are broken all throughout, seems to be to hosting type sites/there definately seems to be corruption of fancylinks- seems to be to Yoyoado or similar

These are a small sample

Jèzebel's eyes widened as she re...2#post-28464382']RECOVERY TEAM DISPATCHED[/B]

"Morning, Ehren! Sleep well?" ...iginal/AX87_001-00003.jpg']Liberty Island[/B]

Samuel Krabbe looked around curi...tation-159496745.jpg']Hiroshima train station
I didn't want to exactly come out and say peoples eyes are shit, see a doctor or clean your monitor. So I raised all the possible other options that could cause it.
As someone who just did an eye exam and got a new laptop, I can confirm low contrast makes things blurry. The Dark style as well as all the Blackened styles make the text quite blurry, save for High Contrast style. It can be eliminated by increasing screen brightness but of course it would be preferable to not have to do that.
Not a fan of the grey on grey to be honest, but I'm sure new themes will be added. I have terrible eyesight and am colorblind and its still legible to me, I just hate the colors themselves...on a more positive note, ever since the update I'm no longer being auto logged off every 3 hours so that's a plus in my books!

Edit: im and idiot and there are new themes now!
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So email alerts for a thread update are literally just an email that the thread updated with no information like, say, the post in question. Which I honestly thought was default. it is posible to see the information about the tread, like last time.
My main issue beyond all the lost qol visuals (rip) is that the alerts suck now, I can't tell what's new because the text is no longer highlighted and the little star dissappear after clicking into one "new" notification and if your like me you usually have 5 or more new notifications every few hours. Why did this change even happen. Nothing but downsides as far as I can see or know :c
Just move most of things in dropdowns to show outright, not like there isn't plenty of space and dropdowns are just an annoying hoop to jump though especially when entirely unnecessarily.

At the very least move watched threads, which is more useful than everything around there, back out. And ideally for the text editor also move most things currently in dropdowns to just show outright, plus make it less bright.

Outside of that, move timestamp of post back to bottom of post.

A bunch of other issues has since been fixed, thanks for the quick turnaround.
Is it going to be a thing that moderators replying to threads will send an email notification to everyone watching the thread? Because if it's so, that's the reason why I stopped using Spacebattles.
Just move most of things in dropdowns to show outright, not like there isn't plenty of space and dropdowns are just an annoying hoop to jump though especially when entirely unnecessarily.
Edit and delete should be immediately visible on a post.
And new posts should be available at the top too.

And the tinymce textbox is cluttered with those extra tabs above who already have functionality on the immediately visible icons.
What happened to the tab to view the threads we've personally posted? I kinda liked that one. It was under the Forum tab at the top of the page...

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