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General chat thread

New light theme so bright I genuinely couldn't find where to change it for a couple of minutes... The Xenofro(?) default's pretty good though.
New light theme so bright I genuinely couldn't find where to change it for a couple of minutes... The Xenofro(?) default's pretty good though.
Where did you find it because i'm legit geting a headache from this and i cant figure out how to change anything besides text size and that fucks up things as well for me please help lol
Where did you find it because i'm legit geting a headache from this and i cant figure out how to change anything besides text size and that fucks up things as well for me please help lol

It's the bell on the top bar ->bottom right corner of the drop down "preferences".
Your Name -> Preferences -> Top drop-down menu ("Theme:") -> Dark
See my point about organizations above. Also, the way you phrase this aligns very well with your current-to-this-message profile image of a cat in a tinfoil hat. It does sound like a crackpot theory.

Some of it could still be true, though. And probably is to varying degrees. I would just have to research and reply later as to which parts that is the case for.
Fluoride is toxic. That's why you're not supposed to swallow your toothpaste. Yet the government adds it to our water supply. Supposedly to improve our teeth. So our water is drugged.

Aspartame has numerous negative side effects, but is used as a sugar substitute in basically all diet foods. High fructose corn syrup, which is way worse for your health than regular sugar, gets added to just about everything they can get away with. Food dyes that are illegal in other countries due to being linked with cancer are used regularly in the US (red dye 40, yellow no. 5, yellow no. 6, etc.). Our food is being poisoned.

The news stations are owned by like, 5 or 6 corporations, who control what we see and hear. I'll let this video speak for itself.

They're banning Tiktok because it's one of the social media platforms they can't control. Once it's down, they'll move onto the next one.

Our economy has been sabotaged. The national deficit is higher than it's ever been, yet the government keeps spending on foreign wars while doing nothing to improve the USA. The top 1% pay less in taxes than the middle class. Inflation won't stop going up because the government won't stop printing money. Every time they release a jobs report, they lie the numbers up, then correct them a month or so later.

Meanwhile, in addition to taking bribes all the freaking time, numerous politicians consistently beat the market by trading on insider information, which is apparently not illegal for them. They've been called out on this multiple times, and it's so well known that someone made an ETF that mirrors Congress's trades! (Ticker is NANC, in reference to Nancy Pelosi, who is known for being particularly blatant about it.)


Rampant corruption is permitted in the markets so long as the politicians are allowed to keep lining their pockets, and when it inevitably blows up, the banks who did it get a bailout on the tax payer's dollar.
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This Lighting button thing in the top right is disgusting. It's clearly made to make people more addicted to the site.
There should be an option in Preferences to remove it.
Is this a joke? Americans are weak as shit. And of course we are. Our water is drugged, our food is poisoned, the media lies to us, we are encouraged not to go out, our economy has been sabotaged, and all our politicians are in the pockets of the WEF and the WHO.

Edit: Ah, missed who I was replying to. Hello, FBI guy. You on gaslighting duty this week?
It's a little late, but please don't start up political conspiracy stuff in the thread, it goes against rule 8.
So, considering previous comments, the new completly not awful (saying with sarcasm) design thingy is permanent and can't be changed? The only good out of this whole fiasco is text sizing... T_T
TLDR is that the site was running super outdated software with a lot of security flaws and other backend issues that users don't see, and the radical changes are because the new version of the software has a lot of design changes on the user-facing side of things.

It's like going from Windows Vista to Windows 10.

They have a thread where they're taking feedback though, to find out what flaws remain so they can work on modding things. Right now everything looks pretty similar to the software's defaults.
I've been flipping through Max and sampling things to try and distract myself from my heart condition and the scary seeming treatment I'm getting for it soon and I landed on Midsommar.

Not all the way through it yet, but holy shit did the writer make the American characters unsympathetic as fuck. The Swedish cultists manage to look like saints just by acting with a baseline level of tact and empathy. It's not even an unusual amount. They just act reasonably friendly to each other and strangers and it makes them look like the fucking Care Bears.

I mean, I feel bad for Dani because her whole life is a shit platter piled five servings high, but I'm eagerly awaiting the cultist inflicted deaths of the rest.

Especially Mark. That fucker can't open his mouth without saying something both stupid and aggravating.
I didnt knew where else to post this question without doing the contact us thing.
Wich of the options in preferences do i need to Untick so i dont get spammed with alerts where random people respond to threads i watch?
I just want it to alert me when the OP put something or someone responds to a thing i put
I didnt knew where else to post this question without doing the contact us thing.
Wich of the options in preferences do i need to Untick so i dont get spammed with alerts where random people respond to threads i watch?
I just want it to alert me when the OP put something or someone responds to a thing i put

"Generate new alerts without reading threads" should do it
I met a curious guy at the local bar, drank him with him for a bit and we had this odd conversation about prehistoric marine life. The guy was absolutely sure of how marine life in the jurassic/cretaceous would dominate in today's oceans.

...My guy, have you even heard of orcas?
I met a curious guy at the local bar, drank him with him for a bit and we had this odd conversation about prehistoric marine life. The guy was absolutely sure of how marine life in the jurassic/cretaceous would dominate in today's oceans.
Random conversations with strangers can be fun.
I met a curious guy at the local bar, drank him with him for a bit and we had this odd conversation about prehistoric marine life. The guy was absolutely sure of how marine life in the jurassic/cretaceous would dominate in today's oceans.

...My guy, have you even heard of orcas?

Oh do not bring that memory back...

I used to work security at a large, fancy, expensive downtown hotel. Not 5* but not cheap either. We had an open, free bar for guests from 5:30 to 7:30, I got there at seven, so I had to hang around the bar at closing time to help closing the line- not going to go into all the bullshit I had to deal with there.

But one day I overheard a conversation - some religious old guy was trying to convince someone that evolution was bunk... Because the fossil record didn't have any fish with teeth.

... Even aside from the fossil record being a relatively small sample size, WOW. Just... Wow.
Had one guy who was convinced that the UAE didn't have any oil, and their wealth came from Singapore style economic management.
I met a curious guy at the local bar, drank him with him for a bit and we had this odd conversation about prehistoric marine life. The guy was absolutely sure of how marine life in the jurassic/cretaceous would dominate in today's oceans.

...My guy, have you even heard of orcas?

Being fair there is at least one group of cretaceus species still around today, that being the crocodile.

I was gonna say sharks too but sharks actually predate the dinosaurs. And trees.
...My guy, have you even heard of orcas?
Honestly? We have no evidence against, and a lot of evidence in favor, of the possibility that higher order prehistoric life used many of the same pack tactics as modern ones do. Meaning that in terms of skill and intelligence, they would at rival what we have today.

The real killer is oxygen levels. See, back then, evolution hadn't yet created bacteria that could eat dead trees- meaning carbon dioxide was lower and oxygen significantly higher in the atmosphere back then (also the reason fossil fuels exist), and that's what allowed these creatures to sustain their massive size.

In the modern world? All these animals would asphyxiate and die in a matter of hours.
Honestly? We have no evidence against, and a lot of evidence in favor, of the possibility that higher order prehistoric life used many of the same pack tactics as modern ones do. Meaning that in terms of skill and intelligence, they would at rival what we have today.

The real killer is oxygen levels. See, back then, evolution hadn't yet created bacteria that could eat dead trees- meaning carbon dioxide was lower and oxygen significantly higher in the atmosphere back then (also the reason fossil fuels exist), and that's what allowed these creatures to sustain their massive size.

In the modern world? All these animals would asphyxiate and die in a matter of hours.

This is also why dragonflies eat mosquitos and are neat to look at instead of being golden eagle sized horrors stealing children and pets from public parks.
Honestly? We have no evidence against, and a lot of evidence in favor, of the possibility that higher order prehistoric life used many of the same pack tactics as modern ones do. Meaning that in terms of skill and intelligence, they would at rival what we have today.

The real killer is oxygen levels. See, back then, evolution hadn't yet created bacteria that could eat dead trees- meaning carbon dioxide was lower and oxygen significantly higher in the atmosphere back then (also the reason fossil fuels exist), and that's what allowed these creatures to sustain their massive size.

In the modern world? All these animals would asphyxiate and die in a matter of hours.
Huh, I thought eating trees was mostly a job for fungi? Was that pre-fungi?
Huh, I thought eating trees was mostly a job for fungi? Was that pre-fungi?
I... might be misremembering and it was tree-eating fungi rather than bacteria. It's been a while and I don't exactly have eidetic memory.

Either way, such organisms didn't yet exist.

Though both fungi and bacteria evolved long before trees.

Random aside: my spellchecker thinks I should change 'eidetic' to either 'deistic' or 'idiotic'... damn this thing's dumb...

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