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Recent content by Barret

  1. Barret


  2. Barret

    League of Legends General Thread

    I believe the writer for her lore said outright on their twitter that she's a lesbian.
  3. Barret

    League of Legends General Thread

    Barret9559 NA
  4. Barret

    League of Legends General Thread

    Just got back into playing it over the last month.
  5. Barret

    League of Legends General Thread

    Lol. Thanks.
  6. Barret

    League of Legends General Thread

    Ok, must have just missed me since I just got off. Logging back in now.
  7. Barret

    League of Legends General Thread

    Barret9559 (NA) I've been sorta kidnapped by Warframe the last few months but I get on League to play every now and then so if I'm on I'd be glad to play a match or two.
  8. Barret

    I will become God-Harem King of the World! [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

    -hakase is something like professor and Issei doesn't know that Azazel experiments with Sacred Gears out of scientific curiosity. -sama is the go to honorific for anyone of importance including Lords and political leaders.
  9. Barret

    I will become God-Harem King of the World! [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

    [X] Lightning, Final Fantasy 13 (Night Caste) [X] Shi-Woon Yi, The Breaker (Zenith Caste) [X] Matoi Ryuuko, Kill la Kill (Dawn Caste) [X] Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass (Eclipse Caste)
  10. Barret

    I will become God-Harem King of the World! [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

    Showing Kiba Fate/Stay Night has given him ideas. Unlimited Blade Works ho! [X] Issei Beam Changing vote to: [X] Dragon Wave
  11. Barret

    The Red Rose of Konoha (Yu Yu Hakusho/Naruto)

    [X] Since it appears we're not going to get any studying done, how bout some sparring. Two-on-one, you two against me."