• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

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  • Hi. It's not letting me follow people cuz I can't verify my account. Can u plz fix
    Hi just came here from a posting you made. When I made this account my phone auto filled with out me noticing so I would like to have my name changed to Rhein99 please.
    Hello, I came here from reading your answer on a similar question.

    Can you please change my name into Tangocharlie777 thanks
    Good morning. Or whatever it happens to be in your time zone. New member here. Joined thanks to Dogbertcarroll posting on this site, but I can't read his posts or even edit my profile?

    Can you help me?
    Hello, can you help me take down my thread "After All, Why Not?" I accidentally posted on Creative Writing when it should be on NSFW CW. Thank you.
    Hello, can I get my name changed to Respite, or Respite8, or Respite88, or Respite888. Preferably with the fewest amount of numbers. Thanks!
    Excuse me, I wanted to follow an creator and read their stories but it's saying I don't have permission and I need my account confirmed?
    Hello there, and sorry for the inconvenience but i would like to change my age so that i can see the nsfw sections. Is this where i should request it?
    Hello. I am new to this site, and I have not made my first post yet. Can I ask for your help on how to make my first post? Because in every forum, I always see 'you have insufficient privileges to post here'. And I cannot find any way to solve this. Thank you

    Oh, and also a question, does this count as a first post or not?
    Hello i registered in February and I could post and read anything, today it's saying I don't have sufficient privileges. Can you tell me what's wrong?
    Hello, I am newly reqistered and unable to post anywhere. I haven't received any kind of confirmation mail either.
    Hi, I have the same issue as Peachstar, I don't get any confirmation mail and therefore cannot confirm my account. I've tried with multiple emails. Can you please help me? It would be great if the confirmation mail can be resent.
    Hello can someone help me confirm my account? I've been trying to read certain post and it tells I don't have permission.
    Hello, requesting name change to "readerMan" so as to match myself on other sites and services. Thank you in advance.
    Hello is it possible that you can confirm my account because the conformation mail just doesn't arrive.
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