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  • It's like, my aesthetics seem to have changed, from thinking Megumin's little sister is best girl to thinking Darkness is best girl... well, not completely changed, I still think Aqua is a good pet.
    Like if you give a servant an evil piece can you make them into a heroic spirit or is it just a servant with a physical body like goldpika?
    • Like
    Reactions: Biigoh
    Physical body like goldpika
    "Sure enough my decision was correct, I planted a loli Tohsaka Sakura and harvested a bishojo Tohsaka Sakura."
    In the english version, they use "Satan level -> Super Devil level"/"Ultimate class -> Special class", while in the chinese version the direct translation is "Demon King level -> Transcendent level", which honestly, initial reaction is what the hell are the english translators doing here, but thinking about it, it's more that the setting is robust, but terribly structured, but what did we expect
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Big tits and fanservice
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    Reactions: d.fish
    It says something that shitty harem fanfics do a better job at the world building

    but this seems to happen a lot with harem shonens
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Lol, yes
    Naruto only mastered one of the two techniques of protagonist brainwashing, that is the Mouth Release, a pity that he has never mastered the Face Release side of that school, because he is too ugly.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    What about the sexy jutsu and the reverse harem jutsu, the last one helped with the final villian?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    That's just Face Release (False), if he had Face Release (True), Sarada would have been his daughter, and Sakura only nominally married to Sasuke.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    While 100 GFs who really love you is peak trash harem, Creampie 100 is like the trash parody of trashy trash, and the art is god awful too
    Rich young masters in Chinese fiction seem to always be born with the Innate Simp Dog Physique, leading to the downfall of themselves and their family. Something to do with the concentration of power, wealth, and a lack of luck... probably.
    Chinese has a lot of interesting puns. For example, the pronunciation of "chi jing" and mean "to be surprised" and also can mean "to swallow semen".
    it's hard to believe that they made an anime out of that goblin sex harem manga
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    you know that one goblin manga that had all the goblins have names like gobshit gobass gobji gobpp or whatever?

    now it's just a shitty "I'm leveling up in another world as a goblin" kind of anime
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    I know... Re:monster
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    Reactions: d.fish
    yeah that
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    You know Biigoh, did you ever put a story only place for that Robin Quest you made years ago? Its a bit of a mess to read, mostly just tried to find the point where (clone) Louise got whammied by charm stuff.
    if you think about it, maybe the main reason why there's so many Chinese urban fan but none about American settings it's probably because Chinese urban movies and television shows use the hottest possible actresses, but I feel like a lot of actresses these days in English speaking shows are... kind of mid, if you know what I mean
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Actresses and models aren't really that pretty in general. You can easily see girls way more beautiful than them just by walking a few seconds on the street
    Lol... Yeah
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    Reactions: d.fish
    我反派他爹,开局女主认我当干爹 is the story of a gentleman who likes feet too much.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Okay, the story actually gets really good after it sheds the "I'm a basic villain" type, and there's other isekaiers there, and the MC starts a "Isekai Union" that he uses to harvest isekaiers and this part is kinda clever and fun
    Found this one story where the guy has a system that lets him "make real" his acting roles, like he's acting as a gangster, and he "becomes the black hand behind macao and hongkong", he's acting as a hired killer, and he "becomes chinese electric john wick", and as he plays more roles in shows and movies, he can play higher levels of fantasy/scifi characters and gain their skills and shit
    The thing is, I can't fucking find the name of the actual book, I can only find like 35 hours of audio reading of the book on douyin, but it's not using the real book's name but a code name because it's from an audio book app that's trying to charge membership fees, so I can't actually go read it, I have to listen to someone tell it, what the fucking fuck
    Oh I found it 戏假成真:演瘾君子这么像?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Why couldn't Tsunade use chakra scalpel to cut the curse seal of the tongue from the root members?
    In the 38th year of Konoha, Uchiha Fugaku is 18 years old and ready to marry...

    ... Uchiha Mikoto is 12-13.

    "urban" / "in the city" is a big shitty web novel genre because there's a lot of shitty korean shows and shitty chinese movies with that genre
    "drawing circles on the ground", which happens in anime and other novels, is a way of cursing people hehe
    Saying how many words was in the lewd scene that you skipped is like the web novel writers' version of saying how big their penis is.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Bork and skipped 10,000 words while lewding the fish fish!
    You know of the martial arts skill "Monkey Steals The Peach", but do you know the skill "Hungry Dog Snatching Shit"?
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