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Search results for query: *

  1. Heaven Canceler

    History Exporting from Firefox

    So, I just discovered that Kissmanga and Anime are dead and while that in itself isn't too much of a problem, it is somewhat annoying that my bookmarks are all gone... mostly because I had stuff from ages ago in there.. I tried some tricks from the reddit to get the bookmarks from cache.. but...
  2. Heaven Canceler

    Some help With Imgur?

    Wanted to reorganize some pictures I had uploaded to Imgur etc.. in albums. Noticed that they had apparently modified how the thing works. They removed the "edit" button in the album view and now I cannot just change things easily.. in the past you could just look for images that aren't yet in...
  3. Heaven Canceler

    Lets Play - Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Edition
    Threadmarks: Opening

    Hello everyone, dear readers and fans of Pokemon and Touhou to this game of Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version! Maybe some of you have seen my attempt at a Pokemon Let’s Play in the form of that one Pokemon Zeta round over on Sufficient Velocity. Or maybe you have seen me otherwise somewhere. Or...
  4. Heaven Canceler

    Underrates Stories

    This is a thread for people to share these fanfics, books, comics, mangas, television series etc.... that they discovered at some point and found out were really good. Then found out that either no one seems to know of it, there is nothing in the form of fanfiction of it, or the thing is older...
  5. Heaven Canceler

    Cannot Log Into Gelbooru?

    Anyone else having that problem? I first noticed that I couldn't add new pictures to my favorite list, then I saw that there was no Log-Out button to be found anywhere, and half the buttons did nothing. I logged out by deleting some cookies etc.. then tried to Log-In, hoping the problem would...
  6. Heaven Canceler


    I have been playing around with the tab feature. I just cannot find out how to get back to a higher layer though. MC Thing 1 Thing 2 Thing 3 And now... I just cannot seem to get another highest layer tab. Basically, I want a Tab for Main Character, one Tab for Group 1...
  7. Heaven Canceler

    Houzeki no Kuni

    Anyone else reading this manga? I just discovered it randomly sometime ago and damned it is so good. I basically just read everything that I could find of the thing in a single night. It starts a bit weak and almost boring, but I don't know, the characters are so unusual and the premise is so...
  8. Heaven Canceler

    PC Dead

    Just in case anyone is interested, my computer has stopped working. Can start it just fine, but it shows no reaction to any input. So I am now without one for the next few days since today is almost over then follow sunday and a holiday. Only hope I have is to find my windows 8 cd and maybe...
  9. Heaven Canceler

    Kings and Rainbows (KHR/K-Project)

    Rainbow and King The first day that he met that girl, it was raining. The sky seemed to be crying in sadness as the water poured from the heavens above. In the same vein as the sky was covered in dark clouds, with the few free spots having turned a dim washed out colour, the streets were...
  10. Heaven Canceler

    Creativerse [Game]

    Is anyone else playing this game? I have started the day before yesterday and it is pretty intereting as a Minecraft that I can actually Play on my Computer. (Minecraft kept crashing every few minutes whenever I installed it....) Anyone know if there is a QQ/SB/SV Server where People Play...
  11. Heaven Canceler

    What Series is That Again? (Question Thread)

    So, I am not sure if there is already a thread like this where you can ask if someone knows a specific book/Anime/manga etc.... that you have been searching for, but I thought I could make it since I have been searching for a specific oneshot manga for a bit now and cannot find it anymore even...
  12. Heaven Canceler

    Crafting Systems in Stories and Quests

    Has anyone seen any good or interesting ways in which crafting was used in quests, games or stories? The only Story I have seen where it has Major importance was "Putting the Craft into Warcraft" by Lost Star and to a degree, Titan Quest by Fancy Face. Both of them use rather Freestyle Systems...
  13. Heaven Canceler

    Aquarion Logos Surprise

    So I wonder, am I the only Person who went and saw that there is a new Aquarion Anime, then checked it out and thought, "hey cool, they are making that Girl and her reincarnation and her dead boyfriend's reincarnation the main character". It just seemed so awesomely interesting in difference to...
  14. Heaven Canceler


    So, I started playing this game a week or so ago, it is pretty amusing and easy and simple enough that I don't feel I Need to put too much thought into playing it, which is great because I am a filthy casual. Anyone else playing the game currently? http://sf.my.com/en For These interested...
  15. Heaven Canceler

    Magic Duels Origins

    So, anyone else playing this game? I downloaded it yesterday, and I have found it to be somewhat fun, even if the start Cards are Kind of not that impressive and I cannot make the Kind of Green Ramp deck that gets me big creatures. I have had a few annoying losses against the AI and I think...
  16. Heaven Canceler

    What are you Reading?

    Basically a General Thread to mention things you are reading currently, can be either stories or Mangas. Things you find interesting, or which you would recomment to others. I have just read the Oneshot Rengoku No Ashe which is quite the beautiful short one with a interesting premise and...
  17. Heaven Canceler

    Exaltations, Plot and Crossovers

    So, I noticed the interesting trend that people tend to use Exaltations and giving them to Main or other characters in a series as a plot device. Give a character an Exaltation, possibly one that was cursed to failure or some horrible fate, and it adds instant awesome to the story. I am not...
  18. Heaven Canceler

    Terry Pratchett Has Passed Away

    And he was one of my favourite authors. No one had that wonderful and lovely humour as him. While I haven't read the later books he wrote, the Colours of Magic, Pyramids, Mort and many more will always remain in my heart. Wherever you may be, I wish you nothing but the best Sir Pratchett. May...
  19. Heaven Canceler

    Digital World [Digimon Worldbuilding]

    This thread is for creating a sort of working setting which holds all or most of the elements from the Digimon Franchise in the form of the various Major organizations and Groups, like the Royal Knights, Olympus XII etc... It is open for anyone who wants to get involved and is something of a way...
  20. Heaven Canceler

    Born of Fog (Quest)

    So, since I haven't written much of anything for way too long, and I don't seem capable of keeping my plot bunnies ordered and working them into anything usable, I thought I would try to use this random thought as a start for a Quest. I have no clue where this is going to go so go mad. This is...