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Search results for query: *

  1. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I guessing Jaune got knocked into the Grimm pools and powered through it or something to that effect?
  2. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    And with that, Yang decides to throw her hat into the ring and unlike the others she will not wait, I can see her kicking in the door and slinging Jaune over her shoulders like a sack of potato's before running off with him like the dragon she is, once she gets over the shock from Jaune's...
  3. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    If Ruby can see Aura and Jaune is a walking mountain of Aura, does that mean Jaune is blinding to look at or does he come off as more brother gods look? and if it's the later and Ruby lets it slip to Ozpin he might just be paranoid enough to send Qrow to shadow Jaune, the sisters misinterpret it...
  4. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    -I can see either Neptune or Mercury (his dad is that much of a dick) being this. -You've nailed it on the head, Jaune is a good boy and will do nothing with this info, Pyrrha is upset that he won't use this to have his way with her. -Could be a fun AU, they fail the initiation test and become...
  5. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I was half expecting Jaune to accidentally point out that Humanity is at the top due to the fact that every other animal exists because we allow it and that we can domesticate the vast majority of them if we really wanted to.
  6. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    -Nick just gives Jaune a book called the karma sutra and tell him best of luck. -Grandma Xiao-Long is disappointed in Yang, Yang has a tall, handsome and virial male in arms reach and she has not claimed him and added to the family!? the youth of today! Grandma decides to help Yang continue the...
  7. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    -That Raven one looks like the most fun, mama Arc ain't having any of it, Yang fears that if Raven succeeds then she loses her own blonde himbo, time is running out! -Blake catches on and keeps trying to use her new power for her own smut fics. -Pyrrha's disguise was only a pair of cheap...
  8. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    An easy win for Yang, she has experience at it, the others might need a biohazard warning though. Lion Arutria also shows that the onesie wearing is not just a Jaune thing but the entire clan likes wearing them, also that Gil one made me crack up.
  9. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    -Jaune's family helping the group recover, may also try to HALP Jaune hook up with one of the girls, they each have their favourite. -Nick Arc should act like Remnants version of Clarkson, He keeps trying to add more POWER and SPEED to everything, Jaune suffers since it was his job to clean up...
  10. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    And the only thing she'll want in exchange for all this aid is grandkitties to spoil rotten, lots and lots of grandkittens.
  11. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jaune and Ren decide to hang out and end up going to a karaoke bar, both end up drunk and belt out some songs, turns out they were really good at the singing part and someone took notice, now Jaune and Ren are a new boy band with Sun and his crew (they found Jaune and Ren being talked into...
  12. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I like the idea that Jaune and Yang subconsciously flirt with each other without even realising it, like they say some of the most kinkiest and raunchiest things to each other and everyone else has to put up with it, they do it not with just words but with actions as well like Yang may drape...
  13. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    -Jaune likes to sing funny cowboy/country songs, hilarity ensues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XIqY82Qbe0 I don't know how to spoiler sorry -Jaune keeps rolling nat 20's against Adam, fate itself seems to bend over backwards just to fuck with Adam, so every time Adam and Jaune clash Jaune...
  14. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    While digging through the attic at his family home, kid Jaune finds Great Grandma Mommy Salami's Spell Book and decides to be a Mage-Knight, he cast terrifying forbidden magic like Testicular Torsion, Instant Brazilian Wax, Mend Buttcrack and Power Word: Scrunch among many others, Oz is no help...
  15. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    What's better than 1 heater? 2 heaters of course! the teams force Jaune and Yang to sit together so they can get double the heat. 1/ An idea I got from listening to 1 hour of Dagothwave on repeat, After Dagoth dies he uses one final spell to escape death, his soul ended up in remnant and it...
  16. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    A MLP crossover, haven't seen one for a while. But maybe she wants to be your consort, you ever think of that? I can see each of his aunts and mom having their preferred ship and doing crazy stuff to tip the scales in their favour as it were, grandbabies must be had.
  17. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    My bad, I honestly got the threads mixed up, total brain fart on my end.
  18. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Idea: Team RWBY and JPNR get sent on a mission to patrol and clear any Grimm on a vacation resort island, thing is it's a nudist resort and clothes are not allowed (weapons are fine but clothes are not), so now both teams get to enjoy the scenery and what the island has to offer.
  19. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jaune, Yang and Ren flex their cooking skills and become a main attraction, Weiss and Blake makes it about race/wealth and fail as is tradition, Nora and Pyrrha try to help but instead HALP and Glynda makes sweet love with a bottle of whisky. EDIT: And Ruby sits on the side nomming on a bag of...
  20. Psychic_Duck

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    KEK, I'm looking forward to seeing Jaune rizzing and/or gaslighting Salem into believing she on his side to get back at Ozzy or some such nonsense.