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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

I don't know why but I just had the idea that the Arcs have a massive "secret" (as in, people know it exists, but woe to anyone who tries to get in) Vault, capital V. It's full of various things that are better locked up, expies of some media artefacts and all.

Oz may or may not have lost a few lives trying to get in...

Now, question is, what can we cram into it? Things like the Ark (heh) of the Covenant, the One Ring, etc... If I wasn't falling asleep and wasn't just on the tablet I'd give a shot at an inventory list...

I know it goes against the point of the your idea but I can't help but remember that one scene from the Richie Rich movie when the bad guy breaks into the family vault expecting all kinds of treasure only to find it full of family photos and souvenirs because that's what they considered the most valuable thing to them.

So I could see the same happening with the Arc Family Vault.

They do keep weapons in their Mausoleum. Though that's more because the Mausoleum is in the center of Arcadia, a fortress manor that fell into disrepair after a fire gutted it. Still, the honored dead of the Arc Clan are interred here with weapons because, in the event Radian falls... It is where the Arcs will make their last stand to allow anyone else to escape.
Prompt for Pyrrha and Ruby... Pyrrha starts training with Ruby after Ruby helps her learn how to better maintiain her weapons

soon they are doing all sorts of stuff together... Ruby even calls her sis
Wow I can't even imagine what kind of Complex this would awaken in Yang. It'd be right up there with her abandonment complex and her Mommy and Daddy issues.
Wow I can't even imagine what kind of Complex this would awaken in Yang. It'd be right up there with her abandonment complex and her Mommy and Daddy issues.

It would be a chance for Jaune and Yang to actually bond. Not necessarily romantically but as a fellow siblings.

Jaune: "Yang, it's not that you're doing a bad job as a big sister. She's growing up and she's bonding with new people. But that doesn't mean she'll need you any less. I promise, she still loves you and will never abandon you."

Yang: "I... Y-Yeah. I knew that. I wasn't worried..."

Jaune nods.

Yang: "... Maybe... A little... I want her to grow up and I want her to not depend on me... But I also want her to... To still be my sister... Is that weird?"

Jaune: "No. Not at all."
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For once I have a idea that's not terribly dark or silly.

He had the dream again. Still a chaotic mess of sights and sounds but it's a bit more clear.

There's trees with red leaves and he's on something moving fast. There's a flash of something he can't remember clearly, beautifully dark with haunting yellow eyes.

Then there's a feeling of sadness mixed with anger followed by some kind of explosion and suddenly he's flying through the air before he wakes up like always.

The dream always bothers him but he can't dwell on it, there's work to do.

His room is a comfortable thing with it's own bathroom where he quickly showers and throws on his work clothes. A old pair of burgundy pants and a white sleeveless shirt.

A far cry from the (ruined) formal looking suit he was found in.

But it's comfortable and durable, something essential for farm work.

He steps outside and the cool air ghosts across the scar covering the left side of his face from temple to the bridge of his nose.

"Morning Red, you ready for work?"

Lost in his head Red didn't notice his boss approaching him.

The man who pulled him from a burning wreck and gave him a home. Nick Arc.

"I'm ready, shouldn't be a hard day today, besides the quicker we get done the quicker you can get back to preparing for your son and his friends visit."

Nick brightens at that.

"You're gonna love Jaune, his friends are a bit weird but they're good people, Even the racist one."

Something about that word twists his guts and makes him want to reach for a weapon that isn't there. But the bull faunus squashes the feeling.

"A racist? Doesn't seem like someone you'd be ok with your kids associating with."

"Well she isn't really hurting anyone she's just jumpy and snappy. I think Izzy said she has a prosecution complex? Dunno what that is. Tangy just said she's a soap opera bitch."

Something about that description makes part of him want to burst out laughing. Again he kills the strange urges.

"I'm sure it will be a interesting meeting."

Red has no idea how right he is.

So the idea here being when Blake cut the train in this timeline Adam was on the part with the bombs and got blasted in his shock of her leaving him.

His SDC scar got burned away by him getting a bigger scar on his face.

He was saved by Nick who took him to Radian and gave him a job and helped him find a place to stay after they realized he didn't have most of his memories.

Edit: Also figured I'd share what inspired this little idea. A song I really like.

View: https://youtu.be/G5-KJgVsoUM?si=8Zu9LU3uhHQk40Mj
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Phew...here's some Ideas~ that I've been pondering over this weekend:

Prompt #1 - Weiss suddenly passes out from exhaustion during a duel in combat class while Goodwitch is distracted by some students causing trouble in the stands, and gets badly hurt as a result (not dead or permanently maimed, but otherwise could have been fatal) when her opponent failed to divert an attack in time as her fragile Aura petered out. An investigation turns out that she's been taking great lengths to hide from her team how she's been working through the nights, forgoing meals and even abusing the time dilation aspect of her Semblance to take multiple college-level courses on everything remotely related to what she'll need to know to take over the SDC from Jacques (business, economics, engineering, geology, social studies, etc) alongside her already strenuous workload as a Beacon attendee. How do R_BYJNPR, her fellow students, the teachers, Weiss' family (including Klein) and Cinder's group react?

Prompt #2 - Yang punches Blake in the face with her flesh arm when she tries to reunite with the team after the Haven attack. Proceeds to haul up a quickly blushing Weiss into a princess carry and take her, RNJR and Oscar out into town for an 'oh thank god, we didn't die' therapy dinner.

Prompt #3 - Summer's parents, tentative surname Hrósa (the Old Nordic word for 'Rose' courtesy of a quick Google search, so take that for what it's worth), arrive at Beacon during the Vytal Festival to watch their granddaughters compete in person (who is this Raven woman of which you speak? Mr. & Mrs. Hrósa have never met nor heard of a Raven in their lives, no siree! Their daughter was pregnant twice, after all, and they have the photographic and documentary evidence to prove it provided by the youngest member of the family. "Sir, ma'am, these are stick figure drawings and indecipherable squiggles, and they are all written in crayon." Indisputable evidence, yes, glad to see you agree!). Questions are raised when they meet the oddly familiar-seeming Nora, who blood tests reveal to be a long-lost cousin. Ruby proves that Lilo & Stitch are an easy life goal to reach for, and Nora is absolutely shellshocked by the immediate acceptance as a member of her newly-discovered family. Nora's canon backstory of being abandoned by her birth mother when they were attacked by Grimm is canon here, so there might be some pruning of the extended family tree on the way...

In this prompt, Summer used the name 'Rose' to evade the paparazzi when she came south to study at Beacon. Her parents are both retired Hunters, former two-time Vytal Festival champions in the double's bracket, wealthy aristocratic descendants of the defunct old Mantlese nobility, have fully awakened Silver Eyes and are among the most formidable Grimm-killers on the planet even after ticking over into their 70's, so if you want to imagine Summer's background resembling that of Pyrrha's if the latter had a healthy home life and had the doormat trained out of her from a young age, you wouldn't be far off the mark. Weiss is probably their biggest fan as they are the textbook definition of noblese oblige that she aspires to, and they adore their grandchildren whole-heartedly, openly and freely. They also make it no secret in their sly highborn way that they think Ozpin had something to do with their daughter's disappearance, even though Ozpin himself has been the one leading the investigation with honestly no clue of where the bloody hell that crazy woman disappeared to and will you please stop making things harder for me, I am bloody trying, okay?!?!

....ehem. Suffice to say that they won't take the existence of Salem's Hounds very well at all. And as for Cinder?



Pfft hahahahahahahahaha.

She's so beyond screwed if she ever forces them to acknowledge her existence.

Prompt #4 - Emerald stops dead in her tracks in Beacon's halls when she runs into the mirror image of a woman she met long ago. Either Summer Rose saved her life on a mission prior to her disappearance, or she's the survivor of a village Raven Branwen destroyed. Emerald reacts accordingly, either feeling divided between her loyalty to Cinder and her debt to Ruby's mother, or seeking vengeance on Raven by adding some spice to Yang's part as a dupe in their plot for the Fall by putting a target on Yang's head for all of the Branwen Tribe's surviving victims during Cinder's speech to the world.

Prompt #5 - Weiss has a bit of a breakdown back at the house after the Battle of Haven while examining herself in the mirror. While Jaune was able to staunch the bleeding and fully repair the damage to her organs with his newly discovered Semblance, he couldn't heal all of the wound due to his inexperience, and so the front and back of her right-side abdomen is now marked by burn scars. May be a follow-up to Prompt #2, and a possible door-opener to romances with Jaune, Yang and/or Ruby depending on who finds and comforts her first.

Prompt #6 - Weiss catches Blake attempting to ditch while Yang is in surgery, and tells Blake that if she leaves now, then Weiss will report 'the daughter of High Chief Belladonna, founder and former leader of the White Fang' as a deserter and suspected accomplice to a Threat Level 9 crisis which will see her blacklisted and declared an outlaw, wanted dead or alive, by Vale's surviving government. There's a chance that Yang & Ruby might never forgive Weiss for doing it, but Weiss will certainly never forgive Blake if she takes one step out that door and abandons the team at its lowest, and she'll respond in a way that she knows will hit Blake where it *hurts*.

"You - you can't do that Weiss! If you do that, then Menagerie and Faunus everywhere could be targeted for reprisal for something they didn't have any part in!"

"Ah, but you don't know who is or isn't involved in something of this scale, Blake, and even if they didn't, so many innocent people everywhere are going to be unfairly blamed for this travesty anyway. All I would be doing is throwing a few logs onto an already existing fire that your former compatriots lit when they unleashed monsters into a populated city by airship during a worldwide broadcast."

"I thought we were friends, Weiss..."

"I thought so as well, Belladonna. I went against everything I had been taught and believed in my whole life to give you a chance. But you blew that and lost my friendship forever when you stepped up to that door and made to flee like a thief in the night while your partner, one of my best friends, is half-dead of blood loss from an injury inflicted by a White Fang agent searching for you. I told you months ago that I have already lost friends and family to their zealous predations and cruel savageries, Belladonna, did you really think that I would take another such attempt from their organization to rob me of someone I care for lightly?"


"If you set one toe out into that night air, if you dare to break Yang and Ruby's hearts when they will already be at their lowest after everything that has happened, then I promise you that I will do everything in my considerable power to ruin you and everything you have ever cared for. I do not care what it will cost others, I will accept risking the loss of Ruby and Yang's friendship due to my acts of reprisal on their behalf if that is what it costs me to keep them safe, and I certainly no longer care what it will cost you. Through the pair of them, through those two sisters, through that ignorant but lovable dolt and that obnoxiously fierce oaf, I have regained something I have not had since my grandfather died - acceptance, all for being nothing less than who I am - and I will protect them both by any and every means necessary. If that means I have to break a few eggs, or skin a few cats..." *cold smile* "Well, I think you get the idea by now."

"....." *Blake drops her gear in defeat, and steps back from the doorway*

"For once, you have made an intelligent decision. Now get back to your room post-haste, your own injuries still need to be properly attended to, and I managed to get your name bumped back up to its rightful place on the list of priority after some prejudiced idiot improperly filed you. You're welcome. You were stabbed all the way through your gut, for Monty's sake, and this hasty stitchwork of yours is both atrocious and does nothing for your internals. Did you honestly think you'd last more than half a day with this injury? In a dirty, Grimm-infested city, no less?? Foolish feline."

Now, on that last prompt, Weiss just might be a bit of an unreliable narrator in the regard that some of the people she's lost might have been more aligned with Jacques' heinous practices than she knows even as they treated her far better than Jacques ever did, but we all tend to remember the dead more fondly than the living, and many of these people died when she was fairly young and then later served as her inspiration to become a Huntress. It's also safe to say that this Weiss is going absolutely nowhere with Jacques when he comes for her, and if he tries to force the matter with his 'security guards' then he's going to find out just how unwelcome a force of armed Atlesians and their droids are in Vale right now.

That very last bit at the end is because I sometimes come back to wonder just how on Earth Blake survived going on the run with a hastily treated through-and-through blade wound to the gut after having her Aura broken. I mean, I'm no doctor, so it took a bit of research to realize the cross-shape of Blake's scar is likely evidence of someone (possibly even herself) cutting her open further to stitch up her insides, but how long did she go before she got that attention? Did it not get infected? How did she, a fighter reliant on acrobatics and speed and possessing the defensive bulk of a wet newspaper, make it through the Grimm-infested Vale alive period with not just her injury, but her internal turmoil constantly drawing in every nearby Grimm straight to her location?

I'm just posting this here for now as I'm aware that the SB version of this thread has stricter rules. I have only just recently created an account there, and I admit to being anxious.
1/ After saving a village from a Grimm attack a smol child has attached themselves to Jaune and Yang to be their new parents, neither of them have the heart to say no to the recent orphan, before they know it they have fallen into being parents, shenanigans ensue.

2/ The two teams decide to have a break and do a karaoke night, Turns out when Jaune is not nervous he's a top tier singer and ends up serenading Yang much to the jelly of the others, Nora trolls Weiss by giving her all the death metal scream music to sing (She rocks it hard), Blake is racist (nothing new there) Ren sings Baka Mitai and steals the show, etc etc etc (not sure about the others), all in all a great and fun time was had by all (Nora live streamed the entire thing and they are now world famous).

3/ Jaune's mom decides to visit, Yang for a joke introduces herself as Jaune's girlfriend, Jaune panics and nods along, Jaunes's mom is not fooled in the slightest but see's this as an opportunity to get a daughter in-law and grandkids and she entraps both of them into keeping up the lie until it becomes real, Tai finds out and teams up with her, Jaune will be good for Yang and stop her getting into trouble (can't smash up bars or fight grimm if you pregnant all year round and every following year).
Karaoke Night
2/ The two teams decide to have a break and do a karaoke night, Turns out when Jaune is not nervous he's a top tier singer and ends up serenading Yang much to the jelly of the others, Nora trolls Weiss by giving her all the death metal scream music to sing (She rocks it hard), Blake is racist (nothing new there) Ren sings Baka Mitai and steals the show, etc etc etc (not sure about the others), all in all a great and fun time was had by all (Nora live streamed the entire thing and they are now world famous).

Jaune: *singing* "…Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be.~"

Yang: *mouthing the words along with Jaune, slowly being emotional*

Jaune: *Still singing* "Take my hand. Take my whole life, too. For I can't help falling in love with you…"

*Jaune then looks at the group, leveling his eyes at Yang on instinct.*

Jaune: *Singing one more time* "For I can't help… falling in love… with youuuuu~"

Yang: *Breaks down crying before Jaune places the microphone down and hugs her*

Pyrrha: *Also slightly emotional* "Th-that was… that was beautiful, Jaune."

Jaune: *Holding Yang and turns his head to Pyrrha* "Thanks, it just felt right."

Weiss: "No fair, Tall, Blonde, and Scraggly had to get Pelvis Everly and I got Barrels and Flowers."

Nora: "Like you're not rocking it, Weisscream!"


Yes, I used Elvis Presley's 'Can't help falling in love with you'. Might be cheesy, but hey. It is a serenade.
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The New Teacher: Jaune
Now, after a short hiatus and brawl with my muses, i present: The New Teacher: Jaune

A polite knock.

"ENTER!" Carol said loudly, not turning from her coffee pouring

Slowly, the door to the weapons lab opened, revealing Jaune in his brand new Beacon uniform

"..Ms Frees?" Jaune asked, peeking around the door

"Jaune? What're you doing here? My class isn't until Thursday?" Carol asked, now holding a steaming cup of her coffee

Fully entering the room, the shy knight approached the taller teacher awkwardly "I just wanted to thank you for the pep talk two days ago"

Carol raised her her eyebrow she sat down on a stool while drinking her brew, then fixed a look at Jaune " I didn't give no pep talk." She said mater-of-factually "Flame, I didn't think you'd even pass the test" she finished with a grin

"W-what?" Jaune said, taken aback

"Yup, didn't think ya had it in you to pick up the blade and fight." She sipped from her mug "But you deserve a chance, like everyone else, so I kept quiet to not torpedo your chances and what'd you know? I was wrong!" Carol laughed boisterously

"I-I do try my b-best" Jaune said, cheeks rosy from the compliment

Carol slapped his shoulder softly "Chin up! It's not everyone who can lead a group of strangers after their first meeting to kill an enemy with such bullshit advantage as flying, and an Elder even.

Way I see it? You'll make to the big leagues before anyone else, just work on that swinging arm or if you want some of the best Steel on the planet, you know where to find me."

"Sorry teacher, I um... The Breaker Church frowns upon body mods..."Jaune's awkwardly deflected

"Ah, right, anyway what'd come in for?" Carol said turning the stool around to pour a mug for Jaune and passing the hot beverage to him

Jaune looked into the dark liquid in his hands and took a deep breath "I... I have never been trained in combat..."

At a lack of response, he looked up to a complete lack of reaction from Carol

"Could've fooled me, but if you think you need practice, why not ask the Nikos gal? She's on your team right?" At Jaune's hesitant nod, she continued "From what've seen from the classes I sat in, the Nikos gal is trying her damnest to stay close to ya"

"What?" Jaune was confused, wasn't Pyrrha way out of his league?

"Probability says she's just worried about her team lead not being quite up to snuff, but from what I know of hormonal teenagers she's also looking at a possible boyfriend" Carol's matter-of-fact and monotone explanation sounded more like a cannon shot to Jaune's ears, had he really a chance with the Invicinble Girl? That couldn't be it.

"You think she'd help me?" Jaune pleaded, the very idea that Pyrrha might like him discarded like an used napkin

Carol snorted "Bet you five Does she will be glad you asked"

Jaune beamed "Really?"

"Yup" Carol said while drinking from her mug

Jaune downed the whole (now only mildly hot) mug of coffee, before making a face from the bitterness (much to Carol's amusement) and leaving with a new spring to his steps.

An quick explanation on money in this version of Remnant:
After the Great War, as can be expected, a lot of Kingdoms and smaller countries were either devastated or so deep into a War Economy that as soon as peace arrived they couldn't sustain themselves any longer.
Many ancient kingdoms ceased to exist at this time, like Artoria Pendragon-Arc's Avalon, or were so destabilized they soon were surpassed by their former vassals, like how Atlas broke off from Mantle and took its place.
This caused a situation where trade became extremely difficult, confusing, outright impossible or any combination of the three.
As such, the now Four Great Kingdoms came together and formed a new unified currency, backed by Atlesian firepower, Valean agriculture and Mistrali and Vacuan Dust: The Lien.
However they never agreed on who would print that money, so each prints and mints their own version of the Lien.
In Vale, the paper note denominations are nicknamed by what is printed on them. They are as follows:
1 Lien = The Doe
5 Lien = The Sparrow
10 Lien = The Arrowana
20 Lien = The Buffalo
50 Lien = The Lion
100 Lien = The Stag / Buck (The stag used to be in the Vale Royal coat of arms before the abolition of the royalty)
So something I would like to see applied to Blake.

Gonna need a bit of backstory.

My friend got this cat. Really judgmental and mean little bastard.

Hated everything and everyone. My buddy wasn't having it. He broke that cat with The Burrito.

He would take a thick blanket, bundle that kitten up and sit him right in the arms of whoever he was beefing with.

That cat is now the most chill, friendly cat I know.

I want this done to Blake. Preferably with a blanket that's banana yellow.
For once I have a idea that's not terribly dark or silly.

He had the dream again. Still a chaotic mess of sights and sounds but it's a bit more clear.

There's trees with red leaves and he's on something moving fast. There's a flash of something he can't remember clearly, beautifully dark with haunting yellow eyes.

Then there's a feeling of sadness mixed with anger followed by some kind of explosion and suddenly he's flying through the air before he wakes up like always.

The dream always bothers him but he can't dwell on it, there's work to do.

His room is a comfortable thing with it's own bathroom where he quickly showers and throws on his work clothes. A old pair of burgundy pants and a white sleeveless shirt.

A far cry from the (ruined) formal looking suit he was found in.

But it's comfortable and durable, something essential for farm work.

He steps outside and the cool air ghosts across the scar covering the left side of his face from temple to the bridge of his nose.

"Morning Red, you ready for work?"

Lost in his head Red didn't notice his boss approaching him.

The man who pulled him from a burning wreck and gave him a home. Nick Arc.

"I'm ready, shouldn't be a hard day today, besides the quicker we get done the quicker you can get back to preparing for your son and his friends visit."

Nick brightens at that.

"You're gonna love Jaune, his friends are a bit weird but they're good people, Even the racist one."

Something about that word twists his guts and makes him want to reach for a weapon that isn't there. But the bull faunus squashes the feeling.

"A racist? Doesn't seem like someone you'd be ok with your kids associating with."

"Well she isn't really hurting anyone she's just jumpy and snappy. I think Izzy said she has a prosecution complex? Dunno what that is. Tangy just said she's a soap opera bitch."

Something about that description makes part of him want to burst out laughing. Again he kills the strange urges.

"I'm sure it will be a interesting meeting."

Red has no idea how right he is.

So the idea here being when Blake cut the train in this timeline Adam was on the part with the bombs and got blasted in his shock of her leaving him.

His SDC scar got burned away by him getting a bigger scar on his face.

He was saved by Nick who took him to Radian and gave him a job and helped him find a place to stay after they realized he didn't have most of his memories.

I crossposted this on Spacebattles with full credit given to you. I can remove it if you don't want me to keep it there.
Karaoke 2: Elvis-ish Boogaloo
Karaoke 2: Elvis-ish boogaloo. A little longer response from the 20 minute scene Imposted earlier. Still using the same song


"Oh come on, Jaune-Jaune. Why don't you sing?" Nora said, as the combined teams RWBYJNPR were gathered in the booth.

"I-I just don't want to sing." Jaune replied. He was nervous, but his nerve was slightly fraying under the pressure.

"Please, Jaune. For me?" Pyrrha asked.

Jaune looked at Pyrrha before closing his eyes and sighing softly. "All right. But I need to pick the song!"

Yang shook her head. "Not tonight, VB. We picked everyone else's songs. Yours will be no exception."

Jaune sighed in defeat and shook his head. "Fine, I'll sing what you choose."

Weiss instantly had an idea. "You all keep having me sing these harsh songs on my voice. Let's see how Arc handles them."

Ruby, however, was faster. "Sorry, bestie. But we already had a song picked out for Jaune."

Nora nodded, a giant grin on her face. "Yeah, we scoured out the list ahead of time and had the perfect song figured out."

Jaune wore a worried look, but closed his eyes to calm himself. Ren then handed Jaune the microphone.

"Hey, can't be much worse than Blake." Ren stated with a small grin.

"HEY!" Blake yelled in reply. Laughter burst from the group at the not-so-decent job Blake did a few songs ago.

"Oh please, like he's any better." Weiss said, defending her teammate with an ultimate backhanded compliment.

"I think you'll be surprised, Weisscream." Nora replied.

Jaune looked at the song that was selected. "Huh, I know this one. My dad sang it to my mom on my sister Saphron's wedding day."

"Then you should be able to knock this out of the park." Ruby said with a hopeful tone.

Jaune took a deep breath and hit 'Start' on the machine.

A piano began, softly playing up and down the notes of the song. Pyrrha gasped, as she recognized the song. Yang was also taken aback.

Jaune took a deep breath and began. "Wise men say, only fools rush in. For I can't help falling in love with you~"

He closed his eyes, letting his emotion out and his voice to guide him. Yang and Pyrrha leaned closer, while Ren held Nora. The latter of which was sending a live feed over the internet through her scroll.

Jaune opened his eyes, letting him look around the group as he continued. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you~"

Weiss' eyes widened at how well Jaune was doing. He was hitting every note, nailing the pitch changes in the lyrics. From a mild falsetto to the low tenor. It may not have been perfect, but it was far better than she imagined.

Jaune just continued. "Like the river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be~"

Ruby wore a smile as Jaune looked around, keeping his eyes on Yang and Pyrrha longer than the others. Instinct seemed to guide him, and it just felt right.

Jaune just kept looking at his friends. Though the next line began with him looking at Yang. "Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you~"

Yang was entrapped, slowly becoming emotional as she was mouthing the words along with Jaune. Pyrrha was also getting emotional, feeling a better connection to Jaune.

Again, Jaune kept going. "Like the river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be~"

The rest of the group joined in softly, as Jaune took lead. He looked at Yang, and then Pyrrha. "Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you~"

Jaune continued solo, as soft sniffles came from the group. Even Blake was feeling emotional at how well this song was going. "For I can't help… falling in love…"

Jaune too one last look at Yang. "With youuuu~"

The combined group burst out in applause at Jaune's performance. And Nora had a ton of messages coming in about that performance. More than a few were asking if Jaune was single, but Nora wouldn't see them until the next morning.

Yang began softly sobbing, at the song and the performance. Jaune placed the microphone down softly and scooted over to give her a hug. "Are you ok, Yang?"

Yang sniffled. "That was beautiful, Jaune."

Pyrrha scooted to the other side of Jaune. "It really was. That was really good."

Weiss wore an impressed look. "Who knew Mister Tall, Blonde, and Lanky would be that good singing?"

Nora and Ren just wore knowing smiles as they got a little closer.

Blake and Ruby wore amused grins. "So are you regretting not going with Jaune to the Beacon dance?" Blake asked.

"Absolutely not, Blake. I bet Neptune could sing just as well, if not better." Weiss said.

Unknowingly, Neptune was butchering 'Over the Rainbow' at another karaoke bar across vale. Neon was not impressed in the least and had left halfway through the song.

Yang kept trying to hold herself together as Jaune held her. "Yang?"

Yang just turned to Jaune and gave him a crushing hug. "I loved it, Jaune."

Pyrrha wore a knowing smile as she embraced Jaune and Yang softly. "Go ahead, Yang."

Jaune's right eyebrow went up. "What do you mean?"

Yang pulled herself away from Jaune to gaze into his eyes. As if on instinct, she leaned closer and locked her lips to his.

Surprised at the kiss, Jaune's eyes widened. But, he reciprocated the affectionate gesture.

They broke the kiss and Yang took a deep breath. "Would you…?"

Jaune just pulled her close, and gave her another kiss. Pyrrha looked on with a pleased smile, while Blake, Ruby, and Weiss were all surprised at how this came about.
They do keep weapons in their Mausoleum. Though that's more because the Mausoleum is in the center of Arcadia, a fortress manor that fell into disrepair after a fire gutted it. Still, the honored dead of the Arc Clan are interred here with weapons because, in the event Radian falls... It is where the Arcs will make their last stand to allow anyone else to escape.

Given that you've written up some Full Metal Alchemist expies, are there any suits of armor in there with a soul bonded to it, waiting to wake up to defend Radian as a last resort, like a Warhammer 40k dreadnought?
"Red": Prologue
Pain... Fire... Darkness... And always yellow eyes. Eyes staring at him in fear, in worry... What did it mean...?

Steel, flames, smoke... Someone was screaming... Who was screaming? Why were they screaming?

He had to find her. He had to see her. Why was she screaming why-

He felt Aura, and sprung up. He threw a punch out of sheer instinct, only for it to be caught by a strong fist.

He opened his eyes. The world resolved itself. He saw his fist was buried in the fist of a tall, blond man with a beard and scar across his right cheek. The man sat in a chair next to the bed he was lying in.

And despite the fist he had caught, the blond man was smiling.

"Good to see you moving around," he said in a kindly baritone, "For a while we thought you'd never wake up."

He... His head hurt. The world seemed to spin. He felt strong arms lower him back into the bed, and felt a straw pressed against his lips.

"Here, drink, it will help," the man said. He sipped it, cool water going down his very dry throat.

His heart slowed. The pain in his head dulled, though he still felt achy all over. He blinked his eyes, and again the room came into focus: A hospital room of some sort, he guessed. It was comfortably lit, and there were machines beeping softly as they monitored his vitals.

A shorter blonde woman with her hair in a tight bun, square glasses, and wearing a white labcoat entered briskly. She scowled at the tall blond man.

"Nick, how many times do I have to tell you not to play nurse?"

"You trained me as a nurse, so it's kind of your fault, Izzy," he chuckled. "Izzy" sighed, before turning a warm smile onto him.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"... Where am I?" He asked. "What happened?"

"You're in Arc-En-Ciel Hospital, Radian," Izzy answered. She sat down next to him and began examining his vitals with a Scroll. "My husband found you in the wreck of a train crash."

"You were in pretty bad shape, son," Nick said with a wince, "Had to call in a Bullhead to evacuate you. You're lucky your Aura is as strong as it is! You almost died."

A pale girl with yellow eyes and black hair...

"Was... Was there anyone else... On the train?" He managed. Nick shook his head.

"No. It was an Atlasian supply train. Just robots... Though apparently there were people aboard." He snorted. "Faunus for the SDC."

"That would explain it," Izzy sighed, touching his face. He stared at her uncomprehendingly.

"Explain what?"

Izzy blinked then frowned. She looked to Nick. He was concerned, but dutifully picked up a mirror and held it up to him.

A face stared back. A burn scar was over his... Left eye. It was healing, but it would always be there. Horns stuck out of his forehead, one broken. A fuzz of red hair covered his head, where several surgical scars were fading away.

He blinked a few times.

"I'm... A Faunus?" He managed.

The blond humans looked at each other in concern. Izzy looked back at him first.

"... Can you tell us your name?" Izzy asked.

He tried. He really tried. The face in the mirror looked lost and scared. He reached up to the face and touched it with his hand, still not fully convinced it was real.

"... N-No... I can't remember..."

He tried. He tried so hard. But it was like looking a broken pieces of a mirror in a fog. He had flashes, but...

"... Anything," he whispered.

- - -

His options had been few after he healed. He hadn't been carrying any identification. If he'd had a Scroll, it had been destroyed in the crash. And thanks to the injuries to his face, facial recognition wasn't much help either.

He'd been lost... Until Nick Arc, the man who brought him in, made a suggestion:

"We need a hand on our farm. Why not work for us until you remember something? Or until you decide what you want to do?"

He'd agreed. Isabel Arc (Izzy) had seconded the motion.

"It's possible you were just going to end up labor for the SDC anyway," Isabel said, "So finding any friends or relatives is going to be hard. But we'll keep trying, I promise."

He'd thanked her very kindly. She'd given him a hug, which... Felt nice and yet made him sad.

Not something he could really explain.

He took the name "Red", seeing as it was the color of his hair. It was better than 'hey you' or 'No-Name', and it was... Well... It was his. He had nothing, having a name at least let him have something.

The Arcs took him in and were very kind. Orchid Arc was a computer expert and helped him search for anything that might give him a clue as to his identity. Unfortunately, there were a LOT of redheaded Bull Faunus out there, and genetic record keeping was still new. Still, she kept searching and played video games with him.

He wasn't very good, but she just appreciated having someone to play with. That made him feel better.

Lilac Arc didn't stop mothering him from the moment he arrived. She cooked many different meals to help him figure out what he liked, she made up a room for him and changed anything he didn't like, and did his laundry. She also played piano for him, which was very comforting, and listened to him when he complained. He didn't like to complain, but his frustration over not being able to remember anything was difficult.

Isabel listened too, when Lilac wasn't around. She was no less mothering than Lilac, if more scientific about it: Asking questions about how he felt, how he reacted, and many other things. It was no less out of concern though: She was trying to help him too, and he appreciated it very much.

Coral and Verdy, the twins, had wicked senses of humor but were careful around him. He was easily startled, and he actually punched Coral when she woke him up in the morning. He apologized endlessly, feeling absolutely horrible, but Coral just waved it off: She shouldn't have forgotten a basic rule of waking people suffering from trauma, to wake them gently.

Verdy was rather protective of Coral after that, though she did admit that her twin hadn't done things right. They resolved things when they asked Red to test out the balance on some swords they had made for the militia.

For some reason, holding a blade felt... Right.

Nick had been overjoyed, and offered to spar with Red. The Arc man was a Huntsman, and an incredible swordsman. Red had taken to it with enthusiasm, some old feelings of delight rising up as he clashed steel against steel.

Isabel had been very unhappy about that, so they'd switched to wooden swords. Which felt no less positive to the amnesiac.

Much of his time though, he worked. He helped with maintaining the farm fences, he helped feed and water the animals, he helped Nick when he dug a new irrigation line or picked something called 'wasabi' he was growing in a shady area of the farm-He worked.

It was the least he could do for such kind people.

The neighbors were just as kind. Mercer Sith Senior was an old tawny cat Faunus, with a big bushy beard dressed in blue and greens. He welcomed him grandly, and introduced Red to his family. Katy Sith was a very pretty blond cat Faunus girl who blushed a lot around him (which also felt familiar, but in a strange way that made him uneasy) while Mercer Sith Junior was boisterous, loud, and enthusiastic. Especially about fast cars, an interest that Lilac's boyfriend Primo also shared.

Primo was a mechanic and racer, and taught Adam how to do maintenance on the farm vehicles. It was almost familiar, and while Isabel forbade him from doing any racing (as he was still recovering), he still enjoyed working with Primo and Nick on the vehicles.

Nick though had a tendency to wing it when it came to maintenance, which could be amusing (and terrifying).

The days turned to weeks, and then to months. Red became familiar to the people of Radian, and they all treated him kindly. Papa Shirou, the Arc family patriarch, invited him into his restaurant in the town center and told him stories of the Great War. His wife, Nana Arturia, worked at the restaurant and as a swordsmanship trainer, and she also regaled him with tales of her own fights in the past.

She also did some light sparring with him. He could safely say that the old lady was much more formidable than she appeared, and a strange urge to train harder to one day match her appeared in his heart.

Father Percival was the old Pastor of the local church. He was a pigeon Faunus, and very kind as well. Red wasn't sure what he believed, gods or whatever, but the father always had time to sit with him and talk. The interior of the church itself was beautiful, filled with statues and stained glass that showed many stories. The battle of Jeanne D'Arc against the Witch Queen of Argus, the ressurection of the Table Breaker, and many more beside.

It was all incredible. He had no past, nothing at all, so everything he learned became precious.

Yet his memory did not return. Only brief flashes every now and again. Isabel did her best, but as she explained, the brain was the most complex instrument in the human or Faunus body. Severe trauma could do strange things to it. His memories might be gone forever.

Red wondered deeply about that. He wondered who he was. What he was, before all of this.

And what did the pale girl with the yellow eyes have to do with him...?

- - -

Open and free for continuation!

- The Arc's have a very peculiar kind of luck, where any good luck comes hidden in/out of something that seems like its bad luck or a disaster, while any bad luck comes hidden in/out of something that seems to be good luck or a big blessing.
Outsiders have observed that seemingly every misfortune that happens to is countered by some fortune, and seemingly making them lucky on the moments where it really counts, while unlucky the rest of the time in more everyday situations.
This has given the Arc's a very strange outlook on luck and life in general, reacting in ways that seem very weird to others who don't know about it.
However, this is only the luck of the Arc's themselves, as they seem to give people around them (particularly friends and loved ones, sometimes regardless of distance) good luck, and enemies bad luck without any real explanation, like they're some kind of good luck charm.
Some theorize that this works because the Arc's "absorb" the misfortune of others around them, allowing them to be lucky, and their hidden good fortune is karma balancing things out.

  • Jaune trips and falls on his face, but it causes a deadly sniper shot to miss.
  • He finds a winning lottery ticket, he's accused of theft and spends almost a full night in jail before being proven innocent.
  • A Bully pantses Jaune in front of the whole school, a lot of girls including all his female friends become very interested in him.
  • Jaune buys a new Scroll, which is destroyed when someone tries to stab him, but it's blocked by the phone, which was also being hacked to track him and his friends.
  • Tyrian stabs Saphron with his poisonous tail, but Saphron had already been bitten by a poisonous snake with similar venom an hour earlier, so she had already had a dose of anti-venom in her system.
  • The Arc's get into a massive accident like a train or Bullhead crashes whenever their vehicle/motion sickness doesn't affect them for once, but miraculously everyone survives with minimal injuries.
  • Isabel wins a free holiday, but the location becomes overrun by Grimm (Isabel being here does save everyone in the process).
  • Jaune is framed for some kind of prank and has to go to detention, but he becomes very close and intimate with Glynda in the process.
  • Jaune's female friends get drunk/drugged and he's forced to drag them all safely home in an exhausting and embarrassing manner, but they all end up sleeping with him when that's over and want to share him in a relationship.
Very stupid idea from an old meme.
Jaune's name isn't Jaune is Juan. To hide from his projective family he changed his name, shaved his mustache, and put on an accent.
In reality he is comically Mexican.

Based off the old Juan Arc meme from old typos.
Megaman NT warrior and super robot monkey team hyper force go.
So I had a idea inspired by two very different sources.

Megaman NT warrior and super robot monkey team hyper force go.

Sun was pretty sure he and all his friends were about to die.

After years of jumping into adventures and fighting terrorist with RWBY and JNPR they had finally bitten off more than they could chew.

Out of bullets, dust spent, aura depleted and half of them were bleeding.

And there were still a good 30 or 40 mooks surrounding them.

They'd need a miracle to get out of this.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault but I swear you're going to be ok. All of you."

That's not good. Blake was going to do something dumb (well dumber than getting them into a fight with 100 terrorist.) he could tell. He could also tell he wasn't the only one who noticed she didn't include herself in the Going to be Ok group.

He could see her aura starting to move collecting in her chest and head.

There's no way she's that stupid.

But she is. There's a almost sickening cracking sound and her aura shifts. Getting denser and thicker until it's almost solid and moving like syrup. A thick purple tar covering her from head to toe with feline features.

Some of the mooks notice, the faunus ones, and try to run.

It doesn't help.

She moves like lightning. claws of aura dicing through bodies like a blender.

It's barely the work of five minutes and she's turned every single one of the people surrounding them into chunky salsa.


He's almost not fast enough to yank Yang back and save her life, he's definitely not fast enough to keep her from getting slashed but at least she kept her arm. And head.

Twin glowing pools of yellow shine on them like spotlights. There's no recognition there anymore, just threat assessment. Eventually she comes to a decision and disappears with that terrifying speed.

"What the hell was that?!"

"What happened!?"

"Where's Blake?"

There's plenty of hysteric questions but even with the yelling Yangs question comes through. He's going to have to answer...

"That's not Blake. Not anymore, probably never again."

Even though she's gushing blood from those gashes on her arm Yang is fully focused on him.

"What do you mean sun? What'd she do?"

Well looks like he's giving a philosophy lesson knee deep in corpse soup. He should have become a monk.

"Faunus aren't like humans, and it's not just a extra pair of ears or a tail. There's a part of our souls that's wild. It's something primal and dangerous. A beast held back by Human reason. What Blake did is a technique called Beast Out."

Judging by the looks of horror Weiss and Ren and sending him they at least get it.

"How long does this thing last? It's gotta wear off when she runs out of aura right?"

"This isn't something like channeling aura to your pants to keep them from ripping, or making a sword sharper. She willingly shook her mind and soul to let out the most savage part of herself. If she's lucky? Maybe she'll piece herself back together. In a year."

Luckily for sun this is the part where the cops arrive. Unluckily he's probably going to have to explain this all to Ozpin and goodwitch....and more than likely Blake's parents.

Yeah he definitely should have become a monk.
Some more prompts and ideas:

-Weiss reluctantly joins her teammates in watching some Mistralian anime... And becomes hooked on it.

-Blake attempts to show she's not a racist by dating Jaune. She is genuinely trying to show she's moved past the White Fang and its ideology, so Jaune takes it in stride.

-Ruby is taught by Granny Xiao-Long how to get herself a man. It will involve rope and her sniper scythe-Which Ruby is all for!

-Ren gets a part-time job at a diner cooking pancakes... Which has Nora fretting that she's not good enough for him anymore!

-Yang helps Jaune out in Atlas with his kid guarding duties... And notices how all these lonely housewives keep eyeing him. Well, she's not about to stand for it!

-Cardin and Velvet are the only survivors (that they know of) of their teams after Beacon Falls. How do they press on after and relate to one another?

-Blake realizes she has... Well... No real leadership skills. Which she could probably use. So she decides to learn some.

-Scarlett's dad, Captain Silverhand, arrives at Beacon with his pirate battleship Jolly Roger. Pirating antics ensue, along with many sea shanties! But at the heart of this is a father and a son working out their differences.
Some more prompts and ideas:

-Ruby is taught by Granny Xiao-Long how to get herself a man. It will involve rope and her sniper scythe-Which Ruby is all for!
I feel that for this one Ruby should be hunting several guys and going maybe 60% of full Pepe Le Pue. Also it gives Nora IDEAS to go on the offensive on Ren.

Edit: it could be fun bonding experience for Ruby and Nora. Hunting buddies!
Last edited:
I feel that for this one Ruby should be hunting several guys and going maybe 60% of full Pepe Le Pue. Also it gives Nora IDEAS to go on the offensive on Ren.
And that's how Ruby saved the male half of Vale from the Fall.

Because now all the males instinctively dodge attacks like they're in a dark souls game.
And that's how Ruby saved the male half of Vale from the Fall.

Because now all the males instinctively dodge attacks like they're in a dark souls game.
White fang grunt: Why cant i hit you!? Your a civilian!
Civilian: This is nothing compared to the last six months of hell ive went through cause of a red hooded gremlin!
-Blake realizes she has... Well... No real leadership skills. Which she could probably use. So she decides to learn some.

So, could she ask Jaune and Ruby to tutor her? With them actually bonding over their relationship lessons - sharing hobbies: Ruby, for example, is convinced to give Ninjas of Love a try, read not just smut, but plot as well, Jaune making a ranged option for himself (personally, I'd recommend a Qualta Blade-like shooting sword), Blake learning to appreciate less serious literature (like comics), et cetera, et cetera. End eventually their bond making all three grow as people - Ruby and Jaune becoming more mature, Blake - less cynical.

Three-way romance may or may not be an option (though Jaune/Ruby/Blake threesomes are very rare so it's a point for writing one).
[Insert jealous Pyrrha joke here:]
Worldbuilding Idea: The Problem with Atlas
You know, I've been trying to figure out how Atlas is supposed to be the America expy, but they were apparently the Nazis in the Great War. I mean I could chalk it up to Rooster Teeth being a bunch of anti-American losers who tried to insert unwanted and terrible political commentary into a series where it made no sense and just ruined characters for no reason...

But! There's a better way.

And as always, our savior is Japan.

Before the Great War and after, Atlas was basically like America. A large democratic republic that started out as a rebellious colony of a few other Kingdoms, but gained its independence. It went from a quiet nation that mostly kept to itself to a great power over time. But this power was soon infiltrated by a radical political ideology: Utopianism.

It offered salvation by promoting more intelligent management of all human endeavors, all human passions, and all aspects of human life. On one hand, improving the quality of life for your people is something any nation should strive for and in Remnant, it would certainly help alleviate Grimm issues.

On the other, giving people more and more control over people's lives usually leads to corruption. To make matters worse, Radical Utopianism wanted to suppress all individuality to end the Grimm problem forever. This is what it promised, but the people leading the charge became even more decadent, depraved, and twisted behind doors. But the technocratic mindset made it simple: As long as the experts were in charge, the people would fall in line-Or be made to.

Gradually, a soft coup was engineered through rigged elections and other means, culminating in a full on military coup when the non-Utopian candidate was elected... But his vice president was a secret Utopian agent. He took control of Atlas, driving the rightful government leaders underground or into jail, before declaring himself King and pushing for outright war on the rest of Remnant to bring the rest of humanity and Faunuskind into line.

So the former President of Atlas fought against this tyranny as an ally with the other Free States of Remnant including the Vytal Empire, Vale, Vacuo, and much of Mistral. It wasn't easy, but the President of Atlas slew his traitorous Vice-President and the Allies defeated their armies.

Thus restored, the President of Atlas reformed the government. However, the technocracy mindset still remained in the surviving government not tried for war crimes. You can't slaughter everyone on the other side of a civil war, after all. And that mindset still persists, leading to the much repressed Atlas of today. It also led to Atlas' intense drive for technological innovation.

This helps the entire situation of Atlas losing the Great War and then becoming the sole military power on Remnant. It would make a lot more sense if the war was engineered by a coup and the rightful government was restored after.

Yes, there was a Metal Gear Solid type situation where a powerful cabal of people (and maybe an AI, let's not rule that out) took over Atlas and directed world events towards its utopian ideals.

But there's also a bit of a deeply underappreciated video game in there: Metal Wolf Chaos:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG1HahKYZzc

A video game SO AMERICAN, it could not be released outside of Japan. Where the President of the United States fights his treacherous dictator Vice-President in a giant robot to SAVE THE WORLD!

It would be kind of like that, but more dieselpunk.
Eh personally I don't think Atlas is meant to be America. I mean schnee and Weiss are both German words.
They are only America in that the modern Atlas has super high tech and a big military.
Besides, modern Atlas is never really connected to the Great War Atlas, modern Atlas's problems are racism and classism. With a hint of fascism added in the last couple seasons when they decided to make Ironwood an insane villain.
Eh personally I don't think Atlas is meant to be America. I mean schnee and Weiss are both German words.
They are only America in that the modern Atlas has super high tech and a big military.
Besides, modern Atlas is never really connected to the Great War Atlas, modern Atlas's problems are racism and classism. With a hint of fascism added in the last couple seasons when they decided to make Ironwood an insane villain.

Awww... But I want Metal Wolf Chaos!

I guess I'll have to think up something else then. After I have some sleep.
So a (maybe) dark idea.

Salem wants to get rid of the silver eyes but can't easily get to Ruby at beacon.

Her solution? Make a poison using the Grimm goo. It won't be potent enough to turn her into a Hound or turn her into salems slave but hopefully it'll be enough to kill her.

Instead everyone ends up unhappy.

The silver eyes are gone, but Ruby is still alive. Kinda....well she's undead.

Ruby Rose is a Vampire.

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